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[Source: “Calculus Early Transcendentals” by James Stewart, 8th ed., 2015]

The following questions are NOT to be handed in, but it is essential to try them
before tutorial!

 The questions with a red star are the “at least do these for now/start with these” absolute bare-
minimum questions during the occasional super-busy week.


Learning Objectives:

 Basic understanding of the meaning of a differential equation, and how to set up a

differential equation for a simple mathematical modelling scenario;
 How to verify if a given function is a solution to a differential equation.

1) (a) For what values of r does the function y = erx satisfy the differential equation
2y’’ + y’ – y = 0?
(b) If r1 and r2 are the values of r that you found in part (a), show that every

member of the family of function is also a solution.

2) (a) What can you say about a solution of the equation y’ = - y2 just by looking at
the differential equation?
(b) Verify that all members of the family y = 1/(x + C) are solutions of the
equation in part (a).
(c) Can you think of a solution of the differential equation y’ = - y2 that is not a
member of the family in part (b)?
(d) Find a solution of the initial-value problem
y’ = - y2 y(0) = 0.5

3) A population is modeled by the differential equation

(a) For what values of P is the population increasing?

(b) For what values of P is the population decreasing?
(c) What are the equilibrium solutions?

Need additional practice? Try the following ODD numbered questions in 4.1,
volume 2 of our free online textbook: #1-7, 9-17, 19-27, 29-35, 39, 43, 47.


Learning Objectives:

 The basic concept of how to generate a direction field for a differential equation,
and to then use this to find a solution curve for an initial-value problem;
 How to match direction fields to equations, by using information about the
function and its derivative;
 Use Euler’s Method to find an approximate solution to an initial-value problem.

1) A direction field for the differential equation y’ = xcos(πy) is shown.

(a) Sketch the graphs of the solutions that satisfy the given initial conditions.
(i) y(0) = 0 (ii) y(0) = 0.5
(iii) y(0) = 1 (iv) y(0) = 1.6
(b) Find all the equilibrium solutions.

2) Match the differential equation y’ = 2 - y with its direction field (labeled I-IV).
Give reasons for your answer.
3) Use Euler’s method with step size 0.1 to estimate y(0.5), where y(x) is the solution
of the initial-value problem y’ = y + xy, y(0) = 1.

Need additional practice? Try the following ODD numbered questions in 4.2,
volume 2 of our free online textbook: # 67, 71, 84–88, 89-93, 95-103.

4.3: SEPARABLE EQUATIONS (pg 383 volume 2)

Learning Objectives:

 The meaning of a separable equation, and how to identify a given equation as

separable or not;
 Solve a separable differential equation;
 How to set up (and solve) a differential equation (separable) for modelling a
scenario in a given application problem.

1) Solve the differential equation.

2) Find the solution of the differential equation that satisfies the given initial

3) An integral equation is an equation that contains an unknown function y(x) and

an integral that involves y(x). Solve the given integral equation. [Hint: Use an
initial condition obtained from the integral equation.]

4) A tank contains 1000 L of brine with 15kg of dissolved salt. Pure water enters the
tank at a rate of 10 L/min. The solution is kept thoroughly mixed and drains from
the tank at the same rate. How much salt is in the tank (a) after t minutes and (b)
after 20 minutes.

5) Experiments show that if the chemical reaction

N2O5 → 2NO2 + 0.5O2
take place at 45°, the rate of reaction of dinitrogen pentoxide is proportional to its
concentration as follows:

(a) Find an expression for the concentration [N2O5] after t seconds if the initial
concentration is C.
(b) How long will the reaction take to reduce the concentration of N2O5 to 90% of its
original value?

6) A roast turkey is taken from an oven when its temperature has reached 185°F and
is placed on a table in a room where the temperature is 75°F.
(a) If the temperature of the turkey is 150°F after half an hour, what is the
temperature after 45 minutes?
(b) When will the turkey have cooled to 100°F?

Hint: For #6, you’ll need to use the differential equation dT/dt = k(T-TS) where TS is the
temperature of the surroundings.

Need additional practice? Try the following ODD numbered questions in 4.3,
volume 2 of our free online textbook: # 119, 123-131, 133-135, 141, 151, 153, 159.

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