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Palabras Definición Traducción

Against next to and touching or being supported by (something) Contra

Allowed to give permission for someone to do something, or to Permitido
not prevent something from happening
Aloud in a voice loud enough to be heard En voz alta
Appeared to start to be seen or to be present Apareció
Approval the feeling of having a positive opinion of someone or Aprobación
Bandaging a long, narrow piece of cloth that is tied around an vendaje
injury or a part of someone's body that has been hurt
Bending to (cause to) curve Doblar
Bitter Someone who is bitter is angry and unhappy because Resentido
they cannot forget bad things that happened in the
Blankets a flat cover made of wool or similar warm material, Mantas
usually used on a bed
Blankly in a way that shows no understanding, interest, or sin comprender, sin
emotion expresión
Bluntly If you speak bluntly, you speak without trying to be Francamente
polite or considering other people's feelings.
Bun a small, sweet, usually round cake Bollo
Ceiling the inside surface of a room that you can see when you Techo
look above you
Clapped to make a short loud noise by hitting your hands Aplaudió
Clattering to make continuous loud noises by hitting hard objects
against each other, or to cause objects
Cluelessly Adjective-having no knowledge, understanding, or Sin idea
Countless very many, or too many to be counted Incontable
Crawled to move along on hands and knees or with your body Guiño
stretched out along a surface
Crinkled covered in many small lines and folds arrugado
Daze unable to think clearly Aturdimiento
Deny to say that something is not true Denegar
Disheveled (of people or their appearance) very untidy despeinado
Doorknob a round handle that you turn to open a door Perilla de la puerta
Doubt (a feeling of) not being certain about something, Duda
especially about how good or true it is
Drawer a box-shaped container, without a top, that is part of a cajón
piece of furniture. It slides in and out to open and close
and is used for keeping things in.
Entirely completely Enteramente
Fiber the indigestible parts of fruit, vegetables, etc. that help Fibra
the body to digest food
Flinched to make a sudden, small movement because of pain or estremecerse
Forehead the flat part of the face, above the eyes and below the frente
Frowning to bring your eyebrows together so that there are lines fruncir el ceño
on your face above your eyes, often while turning the
corners of your mouth downwards, showing that you
are annoyed, worried, sad, or thinking hard
Froze past simple of freeze- If a person or animal that is quedarse helado
moving freezes, it stops suddenly and becomes
completely still, especially because of fear.
Furthest superlative of far- at, to, or from a great distance in Más lejos
space or time
Gasped to take a short, quick breath through the mouth, dar un grito ahogado
especially because of surprise, pain, or shock
Gathered When people or animals gather, they come together in reunirse
a group.
Gauze a very thin, light cloth, used to make clothing, to cover Gasa
cuts and to separate solids from liquids, etc.
Giggle to laugh repeatedly in a quiet but uncontrolled way, reírse tontamente
often at something silly or rude or when you are
Giggled to laugh repeatedly in a quiet but uncontrolled way, Se rió tontamente
often at something silly or rude or when you are
Glad pleased and happy Contento
Glare a long, angry look mirada airada
Grabbing to take hold of something or someone suddenly and Agarrando
Groaned a deep, long sound showing great pain or unhappiness Gimio
gushed to flow or send out quickly and in large amounts brotó
Hating to dislike someone or something very much Odiar
Hesitantly in a way that is not immediate or quick because you are con vacilación, con
nervous or not certain indecisión, tímidamente
Hint something that you say or do that shows what you think Pista
or want, usually in a way that is not direct
Hissed to make a noise like a long s sound siseó
Huffed to say something in an annoyed or offended way Resoplado
Humming to make a continuous low sound Zumbador
Hurried done very or too quickly precipitado
Invested to put money, effort, time, etc. into something to make invertir
a profit or get an advantage
Itching the fact of having or producing an uncomfortable Picor
feeling on the skin that makes you want to rub it with
your nails
Jingled to make a sound like a small bell tintineó
Jogged to run at a slow, regular speed, especially as a form of trotó
Laughter the act or sound of laughing Risa
Major more important, bigger, or more serious than others of Importante
the same type
messy not neat or organized desordenada
Mumbled to speak quietly and in a way that is not clear so that hablar entre dientes
the words are difficult to understand
Muttered to speak quietly and in a low voice that is not easy to Murmurrar
hear, often when you are worried or complaining about
Nodded to move your head down and then up, sometimes Asintió
several times, especially to show agreement, approval,
or greeting, or to show something by doing this
Onto used to show movement into or on a particular place Sobre
Otherwise used after an order or suggestion to show what the De lo contrario
result will be if you do not follow that order or
Overtaken to go past something by being a greater amount or superar (en número o en
degree importancia)
Overwhelming to kill someone by covering their face so that they asfixiar
cannot breathe
Painstakingly in a way that shows you have taken a lot of care or laboriosamente, con
made a lot of effort esmero
Pantry a room for storing food Despensa
Peeling to remove the skin of fruit and vegetables pelar
pointed A pointed object has a thin, sharp end or becomes much puntiagudo
narrower at one end
Pouring to make a substance flow from a container, especially Verter
into another container, by raising just one side of the
container that the substance is in
Raindrops a single drop of rain Gota de agua
Reached to get to a particular level, especially a high one Alcanzó
Reared to care for young animals or children until they are able criado
to care for themselves
Repeated happening again and again repetido
Rub to press or be pressed against something with a circular Frotar
or up-and-down repeated movement
Rummaging to search for something by moving things around Hurgando
carelessly and looking into, under, and behind them
Rustling If things such as paper or leaves rustle, or if you rustle mover, haciendo un leve
them, they move about and make a soft, dry sound. sonido, moverse haciendo
un leve sonido
Schedule a list of planned activities or things to be done showing Cronograma
the times or dates when they are intended to happen or
be done
Scooting to go quickly patinar
Scratched to cut or damage a surface or your skin slightly with or Rasguñado
on something sharp or rough
Seemed to give the effect of being; to be judged to be Aparecio
Seemingly appearing to be something, especially when this is not Aparentemente
Shook past of shake- to move backwards and forwards or up Sacudio
and down in quick, short movements, or to make
something or someone do this
Shown to make it possible for something to be seen Mostrado
Sighing to breathe out slowly and noisily, expressing tiredness, suspiro
sadness, pleasure, etc.
Sight the ability to see vista
Slamming to (cause to) move against a hard surface with force and Portazos
usually a loud noise
Sleeve the part of a piece of clothing that covers some or all of Manga
the arm
Slippery If something is slippery, it is wet or smooth so that it Resbaladizo
slides easily or causes something to slide.
Smothering used to show movement into or on a particular place Sobre
Soaked extremely wet Mojada
Sophomore a student studying in the second year of a course at a Estudiante de segundo año
US college or high school (= a school for students aged
15 to 18)
Spread to open something that has been folded or make Desparramar
something flat, so it covers a larger area
Squeezing to press something firmly, especially from all sides in Apretando
order to change its shape, reduce its size, or remove
liquid from it
Stares to look for a long time with the eyes wide open, Miradas fijamente
especially when surprised, frightened, or thinking
Stoned experiencing the effects of a drug, such as cannabis Drogado
Stood past simple and past participle of stand estar de pie
Stumbling to step awkwardly while walking or running and fall or Tropiezo
begin to fall
surprisingly unexpectedly or in a way that is unusual Asombrosamente
Thoughtfulness the state of being absorbed in thought Consideración
Throat the front of the neck, or the space inside the neck cuello
down which food and air can go
Throw to send something through the air with force, especially Tirar
by a sudden movement of the arm
Tilted to (cause to) move into a sloping position inclinar, inclinarse
Towards in the direction of, or closer to someone or something Hacia

Tugged to pull something quickly and usually with a lot of force Tirado
Underneath under or below debajo (de)
Unsure not certain or having doubts Insegura
Wink to close one eye for a short time as a way of greeting Guiño
someone or showing friendliness, sexual interest, etc.,
or of showing that you are not serious about something
you have said
Wiping to slide something, especially a piece of cloth, over the limpiar, secar
surface of something else, in order to remove dirt, food,
or liquid
Yawning used to describe a difference or amount that is enorme
extremely large and difficult to reduce

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