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Table of Contents

Table of Contents...........................................................................2


Word of advice –.............................................................................7

For teachers and students..........................................................7

An Anonymous Letter..................................................................9

A Case of Cutlery..........................................................................12

A Letter Bomb...............................................................................14

Altercation on Alteration.........................................................16

Army, the Ground Forces.........................................................18


Bee Stinger.....................................................................................22

Chaos on a Rainy Day.................................................................24

Chef- A Professional Cook........................................................27

Chop-Chop With Chopsticks...................................................30

City of Attractions – 1................................................................32

City of Attractions – 2................................................................34

City of Attractions - 3.................................................................36

Cub in the Tub (Part - 1)...........................................................39

Cub in the Tub (Part - 2)...........................................................41


Expiry (Part – 1)...........................................................................45

Expiry (Part – 2)...........................................................................47

Expiry (Part – 3)...........................................................................49

Gate Crashers................................................................................50

Ghosts Do Not Exist....................................................................53

Grandpa walks my dog..............................................................55

Grub and drink..............................................................................57



Holi – Festival of Colors............................................................63


I do not talk when I drive.........................................................67

Let us Celebrate Lohri...............................................................69

Let Us Protect Our Planet.........................................................70

Magic Means Illusion..................................................................73

Modish On Diwali (Part – 1)...................................................75

Modish On Diwali (Part – 2)...................................................78

Personal Hygiene.........................................................................80

Precautions (Part – 1)...............................................................82

Precautions (Part – 2)...............................................................84

Precautions (Part – 3)...............................................................86

Report Card....................................................................................88

Reporting As a Monitor.............................................................90


Spic and Span-I.............................................................................94

Spic and Span - II.........................................................................96

Sports Bring Supremacy...........................................................98

Sunday’s Woes...........................................................................100

Superstition (Part – 1)............................................................104

Superstition (Part – 2)............................................................107

The Evening Play.......................................................................109

The Keys.......................................................................................111

The Keys -2..................................................................................114

The wig..........................................................................................116

Trouble on a rainy day...........................................................118

English has been accepted and recognised as the language of
modern era to enable better and lucid communication at
national and international platform. It is taught as a
compulsory subject from class 1 to graduate level.

Speaking is the most common and effective skill in today’s

fast and forgettable times. It requires a lot of practice,
pronunciation expertise and variation to get supremacy in no
time. The spontaneity and charisma of a wonderful speaker
leaves an un-erasable and spellbinding effect on the audience.

On the other hand, writing is the most glorious and graceful

skill that one can possess. I, for one, feel that it is a never-
ending challenging process in one’s lifetime. Contrary to the
popular belief, writing skills are utmost mandatory in
becoming a radiant and refined speaker.

In my endeavour to bring both these skills at the forefront,

this book has been written to put the spotlight on the
significance of Role-plays in English language learning. As
an English language enthusiast and trainer, I always wanted to
teach in a fun-filled fashion. In my quest for a light-weighted
alternative program, I stumbled across the idea of Role-plays.

I was delighted to see my students’ response to the scripts that

were written on various topics. We realised that Role-plays
provide an equal and balanced participation to all the students.
Not only did they learn about grammatical and pronunciation
rules weaved within all the role-plays, but also the art of
execution through appropriate gestures and expressions.

Without further ado, I am excited to present my first book on

Role-plays. I do believe that these set of scripts would equip
all the language learners with a different and distinctive
perspective of Speaking and Writing skills.

This book is dedicated to my father, Late Dr TN Sharma, who

has been a guiding light for me all the way. In all fairness, I
thank my wife and son who gave me an expanded window to
write this in solitude.

Enjoy reading this edition of Role-plays and

recommendations from readers of this book are truly welcome
and greatly appreciated.

Word of advice –

For teachers and students

This book is an introductory edition to enhance Speaking and
Writing skills of English language aspirants. When we speak
any language, the first thing that our brain does is to look for
words. Words make the production easier and help us in
making meaningful statements. This is known as productive
skills of English language.

The English language or any language for that matter has four
segments. Alphabetically, they are - Listening, Reading,
Speaking and Writing. Interestingly, from birth to any stage in
our lives, we have ample opportunities to listen to everyone
around us in a language which is being spoken in that part of
the world.

In the same manner, we read and follow a lot of rules and

regulations at airports, bus-stations, railroads and other public
places all the way when we step out of our homes. At homes
and offices, we read newspapers as a daily ritual as well.
Furthermore, this Listening and Reading practice makes our
mind to restore and retain certain words for a short time or
maybe in some cases, for life-long.

Ironically, both of Listening and Reading skills do not

contribute in making a person good at Speaking or Writing,
up to a large extent. Role-plays or scripts bring a feel of fresh
air amidst insipid and run-of-the-mill English language
learning methodology.

For teachers and students, the scripts in this book are

supposed to bring life and charm back to Speaking and
Writing skills. These Role-plays will ignite their imagination
to kick start any conversation. Grammar and diction has been
nicely incorporated into well-grooved and eye-opening

One can easily take these ideas to classrooms and expect a

lively and invigorating conversation in the most righteous
manner. Every script has been written with elaborative
grammatical and vocabulary related references. Surely, the
significance of all this will pave way for future ready English
speakers and writers.
An Anonymous Letter

Roy Joy, I did receive an anonymous letter yesterday. In

that letter, someone did ask me to discover a
mysterious island.

Joy Anonymous! What do you mean by this?

Roy It means something that is nameless and without


Joy I see! You know both anonymous and nameless are


Roy You are right. What should I do now? I am curious

to explore this island.

Joy Hold your horses! That letter is fake. Someone

must be pulling your leg.

Roy Well, It will be adventurous to find out fabulous

caves. What do you say?

Joy I think it is dangerous to embark on such a trip. Are

you not feeling nervous?
Roy I do know that my parents will be furious to know
about this. Besides, it will be a hazardous one.

Joy Roy, get up. We are getting late for the English

Roy Let me go to the island. Oh, no! Was I dreaming?

Joy Yes, my friend. You were murmuring about a

letter. Hurry up and get ready now.

Roy Joy, in my dream, I did learn about all the

adjectives. I will score above all and the whole
class will be jealous of me.

Joy I was also in the dream. So, let us see who wins
this time. Let us go now.
Word Meaning

Mysterious Full of secrets

Curious Strong desire to know

Hold your horses Have patience

Pulling your leg Joking

Adventurous Full of thrills

Fabulous Full of goodness

Embark on To go or start

Hazardous Full of risks

Furious Full of anger

Murmur To speak unclearly in a low tone

Jealous Full of envy/grudge

Island Land surrounded by water

A Case of Cutlery

Alisha Roy, I am much tensed today. I do not know

what to do!

Roy Is there something that I can help you with?

Alisha Sure. I am invited to a grand dinner party

tonight. I am scared as I do not know how to
use the cutlery.

Roy You mean to say that you have never used fork
and knife for cutting and eating the food.

Alisha Precisely. Will you teach me the way to use


Roy Sure. Let us begin with this sandwich. Hold the

knife in your right hand and this fork in your
left. Now place your fork firmly on the
sandwich and cut a small portion with the knife.
Alisha Great. Let me do this way. Here I go. I have
done it, Roy.

Roy Hold on, my dear. It is not over yet. Always cut

small pieces and never eat quickly. Take it easy
and keep a smile on your face. You should not
look nervous at any point of time.

Alisha What a relief! Now I am ready to relish my

dinner tonight. Thanks a lot for helping me out.

Roy My pleasure! Next time, I will teach you how to

use chopsticks. Bye.

Word Meaning

Tensed worried

Scared frightened

Precisely exactly

Firmly nicely held

Portion part

Nervous panicky
A Letter Bomb

Andy Have you read about a letter bomb in today’s

newspaper, my dear?

Victor A letter bomb!!! I reckon it is a thin-wired bomb

in an envelope.

Andy On the dot! Few days back, a terrorist sent a

letter to a minister. As soon as he opened the
envelope, the bomb went off and he got killed on
the spot.

Victor This looks like a well-planned but an ugly act of

sabotage. Terrorism has become a global threat.
Let us hope for peace, my friend.

Andy You are right. Next time, I will discuss carpet-

bombing with you.
Word Meaning

Reckon guess

Thin-wired soft wired

On the dot exactly

Went off exploded

Sabotage intentional damage

Carpet-bombing a series of bomb blasts

Altercation on Alteration

Aaron Hello Nick! Are you free to accompany me to the

main market? My shirt needs alteration.

Nick You mean to say that the tailor will make

changes in length and width of it.

Aaron Yes, that is what I mean. You know, last time I

had a nasty altercation with my tailor. He
shortened my pants and turned them into shorts. I
was enraged and admonished him on the spot.

Nick He deserved that treatment for the folly. I hope

we are not visiting the same person once again.
Aaron Not at all. I have other alternatives as well. Let us
move now.

Nick I hope this man will carry out a decent job.

Word Meaning

Accompany go with/go together

Alteration change/modification

Nasty bad/ugly

Altercation quarrel/argument

Enraged fuming/angry

Admonish warning/scolding

Folly mistake/error

Alternative option/choice
Army, the Ground Forces

Amrik Excuse me, Sam. Can you hear this noise

coming from army headquarters?

Sam Yes, I can. What does army headquarters stand


Amrik An army does mean the forces on the ground.

Amrik I mean the soldiers of a country, good at land


Sam The HQ is the main station for all the army

officers. Am I right?

Amrik Righto! The soldiers are stomping (hitting the

ground noisily) as they are marching now.

Sam I do wish to join army someday. It is an

honourable service to the nation.
Amrik What a great thought! You need to pass the
physical test to join any of the three forces.

Amrik I mean there are 3 forces namely army, navy

and air force.

Sam If I am correct, then the navy means the forces

for sea warfare (war, battle).

Amrik Bravo! You know it all now.

Amrik By the way, I wish to join air-force as I love to

kill enemies by dropping bombs on them from

Sam Ha, ha, ha. Let us stand up and salute our

Armed forces.

Tom Where are we going, bro/sis?

Bob I have to withdraw some money.

Tom It means that we are going to the bank.

Bob No. The banks are closed today. It is a bank


Bob So, we are going to an atm. ATM stands for

“Automated Teller Machine”.

Tom If I am correct, then it is a money dispenser that

gives money.

Bob Yes, right. Just put your card in the slot and key-in
your pin number. Enter the amount that you wish
and collect it.
Tom What an easy way to get the money! Let us find
an ATM.

Bob Here is our ATM and there goes my card. It is

done. Let us go and buy grocery for home.

Word Meaning

Dispenser An article that gives some

amount/quantity of the things

Grocer A shopkeeper who has kitchen related


Withdraw take out

Bee Stinger

Amy What did happen to your face, Rony ?

Rony A bee did sting me on my face. The stinger did

make my cheeks swell.

Amy Oh you poor thing! Did you throw something at

its beehive?

Rony No. I think my brother hit a stone.

Amy Yeah. They attack you when you disturb them.

That is why your cheeks are red and swollen.

Rony Why are my cheeks red, Amy?

Amy You see, the bees have venom in their stinger.

The chemical mixes with the blood and causes
swelling. What did you apply on it?
Rony Nothing. The bee stung me at night and now I am
here in the school.

Amy Don’t worry. I will apply an ice-cube. Here I go.

Rony Thanks for helping me. I will buy a painkiller

from the pharmacy as well.

Amy My pleasure. Please stay away from bees and

wasps. See you.

Word Meaning

Sting bite pain of a flying insect

Stinger a needle-like sharp weapon of


Swell puffed up skin

Oh you poor thing unlucky one

Venom poison

Pharmacy medicine shop

Wasp a yellow-coloured flying insect

Chaos on a Rainy Day

You Yesterday, it was a terrible day, indeed.

I Yeah. It was chaos all around because of the

heavy rain.

You Please do not remind me about the rain. I was

caught in a traffic jam on every intersection of the

I True. I was in my balcony when all of a sudden it

started raining cats and dogs.

You You see, lots of people were honking and howling

for no reason. The waterlogged roads did not
allow vehicles to move at all.

I To make the matters worse, there was a seepage in

my room’s ceiling. It needs repair now.
You Finally, the rain got stopped but there was a long
power cut.

I Thankfully, the cool breeze kept all of us sweat-


Word Meaning

Terrible Bad/Horrible/painful

Indeed Really/Surely/so well

Chaos Confusion/Disorder/Panic

Intersection Crossing / Crossroads / Roundabout

Raining Cats and Heavy rain / raining buckets / downpour


Honking blow horn

Howling shouting/yelling/crying

Waterlogged filled with standing water

At all at least/very less

Seepage leakage/oozing/dripping
Ceiling internal roof/covering/overhead wall

Sweat-free without sweat

Chef- A Professional Cook

Student Oh! What an aroma! Is someone cooking a


Chef Yes, my dear. I am cooking something


Student Are you a cook, sir?

Chef Well, I am a chef, means a professional cook.

Student It is my pleasure to meet you, sir.

Chef Thanks. We do get special training to make
tasty food and beverages.

Student Wow! What are you baking now?

Chef It is an oven fresh cake.

Student Do you always make lip-smacking, finger-

licking and mouth-watering dishes, sir?

Chef Yes, of course. Our recipes are great and


Student Can you make fruit and cream salad for me?

Chef Yes, please give me ten minutes.

Student Thanks. Go ahead, sir.

Chef Here is your salad, my dear, enjoy.

Student What a superb dish, sir!

Chef Thanks. The roadside eateries can never serve

you this taste.

Student I know sir. A chef is a chef. Take care.

Chef You too, my dear, bye.

Word Meaning

Aroma strong and nice smell

Dish any food item

Beverages any liquid good for drinking

Baking hot oven making

Oven a baking device

Lip smacking very tasty

Finger licking a dish so yummy that you lick the


Mouth-watering taste that fills your mouth with water

Of course natural and as expected

Superb out of the world

Eateries small shops for eating

Chop-Chop With Chopsticks

Andrew Rony, You did help me out on that day with

cutlery. Can you teach me the way to use

Rony Sure, my friend. Let me teach you via this

diagram. There are four steps to follow. Can
you look there and read it out?

Andrew Yep. Here I go. Done. It does look easy now. It

says that we have to use our fingers and thumb
smartly. Am I right?

Rony Absolutely. Just keep one chopstick between

your thumb and the index finger.

Andrew Another chopstick should be between the

forefinger and the middle finger. Keep moving
this stick all the time.

Rony Great. Let us order some noodles now. I am

Word Meaning

Help out to help

Via through, with the help of

Read out to read aloud

Absolutely totally correct

Starving very hungry

Chop-chop quickly

City of Attractions – 1

Anant Hi Kriday, how are you?

Kriday I am good. Thanks.

Anant What is your plan for summer vacations?

Kriday No plans as of now. Do you have one for us?

Anant Yes. Have you heard about Hyderabad?

Kriday No. Please elaborate.

Anant Very well. It is a city of attractions.

Kriday What do you mean by attractions?

Anant It means good places that arrest our attention.

Anant For instance, it has an amusement park, a big

zoo, a fort, a museum, Charminar and famous

Kriday Wow! I cannot hold my excitement. Let us make

a plan now.

Anant Alright. Pack your bags. I will come for you in

summer vacations. Bye.

Word Meaning

Elaborate to explain in detail

Attractions things that pull us

Instance example

City of Attractions – 2

Amar I am ready with my bags, Mahi.

Mahi Me too. Let us leave for Hyderabad.

Amar Hyderabad, here we come!

Amar We have reached. Let us check in Falaknuma


Mahi A palace, you mean to say a king’s royal house.

Amar Yes. Now it is a Taj hotel, ancient and palatial.

Mahi Wow! What a feeling, let us check in there.

Amar Fine. What is the first place that you wish to


Mahi Charminar. Char means four and Minar means


Amar Do you know it is a mosque, attached with four

lofty and thin towers?

Mahi I see. That is why it is called a Charminar.

Amar Now let us take some rest first. I am jet-lagged.

Word Meaning

Ancient old and valuable

Palatial grand and beautiful

Check in sign and enter to stay

Minarets long towers

Mosque place to pray for muslims

Lofty high in sky

City of Attractions - 3

Amar Happy Republic day Mahi, today is 26th of


Mahi What do you mean by Republic?

Amar Republic means a county where citizens elect

people to rule over the country.

Mahi Is this the other name of democratic?

Amar Yes. India is democratic where people vote and

allow selected ones to rule.

Mahi That is why a King or Queen never rules over


Mahi Thanks. Let us visit the museum today. I wish

to see old and valuable things.

Amar Good. A Museum keeps works of art, historical

items and other interesting things for public.

Mahi Salar Jung museum is famous for its 38

galleries. Am I right?

Amar Yes. Let us explore this huge building today.

Mahi My Goodness! What a place that we visited! I

am exhausted.

Amar Yes, after seeing so many statues, paintings and

things from past, rest is needed.

Mahi Come on now, we need a sound sleep.

Word Meaning

Republic where people select ruling members

Citizens people living in a country

Democratic where people make government

Museum building that keeps old and valuable


Gallery a place for showing things to visitors

My goodness surprise of pleasure

Exhausted completely tired

Cub in the Tub (Part - 1)

Alex Bro, come here quickly.

Brenda I am coming. Tell me, what is the matter?

Alex Something is there in our bathtub. Just check it

for me.

Brenda Let me see. Wow! It is a cub. I mean it is a baby


Alex Let us take it out first. Here we go. Come on

my dear.

Brenda It is hungry, I suppose. Let us feed it milk and


Alex Yes, you are right. It has finished everything.

Alex Should we keep it with us? It is so cute.

Brenda No. It should be in the jungle. That is its home.

Alex Yes. It should be with the family.

Cub in the Tub (Part - 2)

Alex I have an idea. Let us give it to the city zoo.

Brenda Yes. First, let us name this cub.

Alex We will call it Hunter.

Brenda Nice name. Let me call the Zoo manager.

Brenda The Zoo is open now. Let us go in my car.

Alex Here comes the Zoo. Come on hunter.

Manager Thanks for giving us this cub. I will give you

2 free tickets to visit our Zoo.

Alex & Wow! We will enjoy today in the Zoo, but we

Brenda are hungry, sir.

Manager No problem. Rajma with rice is on the way

with ice-cream.

Manager Once you finish the food, please get into our
toy-train to explore the Zoo. It will be a lot of

Alex I enjoyed a lot. What a Zoo! I am so tired


Brenda Me too. Let us say goodbye to Hunter and go


Alex & Bye-bye Hunter. Be safe and happy always.


Somansh What are you doing, my friend?

Devansh Hi! I am watching TV for entertainment.

Somansh What do you mean by entertainment?

Devansh Entertainment means feeling happy and

excited while doing an activity.

Somansh What else do you do for entertainment?

Devansh I do play outdoor games with my friends.

Somansh I do play board games like Chess and


Devansh Good. I hope that now you know the meaning

of entertainment.

Somansh Yes, thanks. Shall we play Hide and Seek


Devansh Why not? After all, it is an old and the best

game for entertainment.

Somansh Go and hide yourself quickly. On the count

of 10, I will look for you.

Word Meaning

Entertainment being happy and unboring

Excited ready to do happily

Activity actions to do anything

Look for search

Expiry (Part – 1)

Vir Hello Jai. What is in your hand?

Jai It is an imported toothpaste from USA.

Jai It will make my teeth shining white.

Vir What do you mean by imported?

Jai It does mean to get anything from other country in

your country.

Vir Let me check. Oh No! It is of expiry date or it got


Jai What does expiry mean, Vir?

Vir It does mean that it is out of time to use. It is not


Vir It will harm your teeth if you do use it now.

Jai OMG (Oh my God)! My maternal uncle did not

check it before sending.

Vir Do not worry. Pack and parcel it back to the

company with a note.
Vir They will surely exchange it with the fresh one.

Jai Thanks Buddy, you have saved my teeth.

Expiry (Part – 2)

Vir Did you get a fresh toothpaste from USA?

Jai Yes. The company did apologize (to say sorry) for
the mistake. Anyways, thanks for telling me about
expiry date.

Vir You are welcome. Where are you heading for

(going) now?

Jai I am going to meet my veterinary (doctor for pets)


Vir What did happen? Is everything alright with

Bruno, your dog?

Jai No, it did not eat its dog-food yesterday. Let us

check the pack.

Vir Same result. This pack did expire last month. It is

stinking (bad smell) now.

Jai I did not check it before buying. Let us contact the

doctor now.

Vir Let us go in my car. Let me keep my driving

license with me first.

Jai Let me see your DL. Vir, your DL also did expire
last month.

Vir It is my turn to say thanks to you. I will not drive

without valid DL.

Jai Let us ride our bicycle to the clinic. You do not

need any DL for it.

Vir Right. Let us save fuel and reduce (to bring down)
the pollution.
Expiry (Part – 3)

Jai Do you know that expiry does mean death as


Vir No. You do mean to say that expiry has more

than one meaning.

Jai Yes. When somebody does pass away (death),

then we do say he/she is dead or expired.

Vir If I am not wrong then we can say that someone

did kick the bucket (death).

Jai Absolutely correct. It is an idiom.

Vir What do you mean by an idiom?

Jai An idiom does mean different from the words

that make it up.

Vir In the same way, if someone does pop off

(death), it means he is No more (death).
Gate Crashers

David Have you ever gone to a party without getting an

invitation, Bob.

Bob Come on Daisy! You must be joking. Who goes

to a party without an invite? Are you nuts?

David Bob, this world is full of weird people. They are

called gate crashers.

Bob This means they barge into a party or function

without an invite or paying-up.

David Yes. The same happened in my Uncle’s party at

a Five-star hotel. We nabbed two girls having
gala-time red-handed. However, we let them go
as they were first time offenders.
Bob I have come to know a new term today.
Certainly, I will keep an eye on Gate crashers
next time. Thanks and see you.

Word Meaning

Come on expression of disbelief

Invite invitation

Nuts crazy or insane

Weird strange

Barge into to enter uninvited

Paying-up to pay

Nab to catch or grab someone

Gala-time fun time

Red-handed catching wrongdoer on the spot

Offender wrong doer

Ghosts Do Not Exist

Kitty Ponty, get up and come out without making any

noise. I am here at your window that opens in

Ponty I am feeling drowsy but stirred-up to explore

that haunted and ruined temple. Let us dash to
the temple, Kitty.

Kitty Here we are. There is an eerie silence in this

temple. I hope you are not cursing the decision
to come with me.

Ponty Come on, Kitty. I do not believe in ghosts.

Besides, how a bodiless entity can harm anyone!

Kitty Husha bye!! I think I just saw a moving shadow

behind that hanging bell. Let us walk tip-toed
and catch it.

Ponty There is nothing to catch here. I think people

have made a mountain of a molehill.

Word Meaning

Drowsy sleepy

Stirred-up excited

Haunted home of spirits

Ruined damaged or in a bad shape

Dash a quick run or sprint

Eerie scary and supernatural

Entity thing

Bodiless without a body

Hushabye to be still and silent

Tip-toed to move on toes

Mountain out of a to turn a small issue into a big one


Grandpa walks my dog

Andy Bob, I see every day that your grandpa gets up
early in the morning. Where does he go so early?
Bob I want to ask you a question as well. How do you
know all this?
Andy Well, I meet him near my school bus stop.
Bob Yeah, you are right. He goes to the park and does
jogging and exercises.
Andy He looks fit and smiles all the time. He inspires
me that way. You are a lucky grandson. Am I
Bob Thanks Andy. My dog also remains excited all
the time with him. He walks my dog as well.
Andy I wish to join him in the morning. I can come at
Bob That sounds interesting. I will tell him about you.

Word Meaning
Inspire push to do
Weekend Saturday & Sunday
Sounds looks
As well also/too

Grub and drink

Sam Hi Arjun, I did get a pamphlet (leaflet) about a

new restaurant that did come up in our city,
yesterday I do wish to go there for grub and

Arjun Sure. What does grub and drink stand for?

Sam It does stand for solid food and beverages (all

liquid drinks).

Arjun Wow! Let us go and check out mouth-watering

(very tasty) stuff.

Sam Alright! Here we go and there is our eatery

(eating place).

Arjun What do you want to order, Sam. I will eat

double cheese wrap and drink pineapple crush.

Sam I do want to try sweet samosas and cranberry

lime juice. Please place this order.

Arjun Here comes our tray. I am starving (very

hungry). Let me finish all this in a jiffy
(quickly, instantly).

Sam Please do not gobble (eat without chewing)

your food. Chew nicely and relish (enjoy the
taste) your food.

Arjun Sam, you do always gulp (drinking without

sipping) down your drinks. Be slow, my friend.

Sam Ok. Let us try this finger-licking, lip-smacking

(tasty and yummy) stuff now. Cheers.

Naaz Yesterday, it was a thrilling day.

Mansi Really. What did happen?

Naaz A thief did enter my house when I was away (not

at home).

Mansi Oh my God! How did you handle the situation?

Naaz It was a cakewalk. I did use my brains. I did not


Mansi Please explain it for me in detail.

Naaz When I did come back from market, I did see that
my main door was open.

Naaz I did walk tiptoed. The thief was washing hands

in my washroom.

Mansi Let me take a guess. You did lock the washroom

and did call-up the police.

Mansi Did police officer arrest him?

Naaz Yes. He did handcuff the thief. His game was


Word Meaning

Cakewalk easy work

Panic worry

Thrilling exciting and new activity

Tiptoe walking on toes

Arrest pick up and put in jail

Handcuffs metal loop to tie the wrists


Rohan Good morning! What are you doing?

Sakshi I am reading the newspaper.

Rohan Who gives the newspaper, everyday?

Sakshi The hawker delivers the paper in the morning,

every day.

Rohan Why do we read the newspaper?

Sakshi It contains the news.

Sakshi News means North, East, West and South.

Rohan So we do get information from all the directions.

Sakshi Yes! It does tell us about local and global


Rohan I will also read the newspaper.

Sakshi Good, now let me read it.

Word Meaning

Hawker a person who sells/gives things

Local city or town where you live

Global the whole world

Happenings things that happen

Deliver to throw and hurl

Holi – Festival of Colors

Kartik Knock, knock, knock.

Drishti Who is at the door?

Kartik Please open the door.

Drishti But why?

Kartik Today is Holi, the festival of colors.

Kartik I want to play Holi with you. I will smear your

face with colors.

Drishti No, no. I hate colors. This makes my skin itchy

and red.
Kartik Do not worry. I have non-acid colors. It is safe.

Drishti All right. Let me open the door.

Drishti I hope you will not hit me with water balloons.

Kartik Come on, I am empty-handed. Let me apply

colors on your cheeks now.

Drishti It is my turn to cover your face with colors.

Happy Holi.

Kartik Happy Holi. It was fun. Thanks.

Word Meaning

Smear cover by applying

Itchy feeling of irritation

Non-acid without harmful chemicals

Empty-handed nothing in hands


Bobby Hi Sandy, do you wish to come to my house?

Sandy So nice of you! When do you want me to come?

Bobby Please come at 6 in the evening. I will wait for


Sandy Sure. I will be there at sharp 6.

Bobby Welcome Sandy! Please come in and take seat.

Sandy Thanks! What a well-built house! I am


Bobby Yeah. A mason does complete this job.

Bobby I mean he does dress stones and bricks with
cement and sand.

Sandy Great. Who does design the house?

Bobby An architect does this work. He does all the

planning for the homes and offices.

Sandy A Plumber does fix taps and pipes in the house.

Am I right?

Bobby Yes. In the same way, an electrician does install

lamps and wires in the house.

Sandy I wish to become an architect. It is a nice job.

Bobby Same here. Let us go and take admission in an

architecture college.
Word Meaning

Well-built nicely made

Mason the person who makes walls

Plumber the person who fixes taps

I do not talk when I drive

Andy Kevin, Why do accidents happen on highways? I

do not understand the reason behind it. Do you
know something about it?

Kevin Look Andy, people do not take precaution while

driving. They do use mobile phones
quite frequently. This causes a lot of trouble.

Andy Yep, you are right. I see that most of them keep
talking on the phone. This is very scary.

Kevin Mostly, they get lost in conversation or songs

and ram into other vehicles.

Andy I promise that I will never talk while driving. I

will pull over my vehicle and talk.

Kevin That makes a lot of sense. Let us tell others also

about it.

Word Meaning

Precaution care, safeguard

Frequently often
Scary horrific
Ram into crash
Pull over to park a vehicle at roadside

Let us Celebrate Lohri

Sia Hello Dia, how do you do?

Dia Hi Sia, I am good, thanks.

Sia Let me tell you about Lohri.

Dia Please go ahead. I am all ears.

Sia You see it is a festival of fire and Sun. We worship


Dia If I am not wrong, then we make bonfire, sing and

dance around it.

Sia Bingo! Children gather firewood from neighbours

in daytime.

Sia At night, the firewood crackles and burns and the

fire blazes high.

Dia The people make a circle around bonfire as well.

Dia They eat peanuts, popcorn and sugar-coated stuff.

Sia Yep, now let us go and hunt for good logs for the
Let Us Protect Our Planet

Saina Come on Mac! We are getting late for Terry’s

birthday party.

Mac Take heart. Her home is just a few blocks away

from mine. Besides, we can easily spot her
home as it is a rooftop party tonight.

Saina Oh, no! Look around, my dear! The power has

gone. It is a complete black-out.

Mac Let me take out my flashlight. Here you go. Let

us take big strides now.

Saina Good heavens! The whole colony is in darkness

but her rooftop is gleaming.

Mac As far as I know, they do not keep a generator.

How come their home is all decked-up!

Terry It is because of solar-battery, my friends.

Saina Happy birthday Terry. Here are your gifts.

Terry Thanks a ton! Do you know that in one day, the
Sun provides so much energy that our whole
planet can use up to 27 years! It is free and does
not pollute.

Saina Really, I do applaud your effort in saving the

Earth, Terry. At the same time, I am not seeing
balloons anywhere in your party.

Mac If I may answer this, then balloons can end up

in a lake, river or an ocean, where a sea-animal
might choke on them.

Terry True. Let us cut the cake now.

Word Meaning

Take heart Keep courage

Besides in addition to, more

Black-out complete darkness

Flashlight torch/electric lamp

Strides footsteps

Good Heavens OMG

Gleaming shining

How come why/how

Applaud clap

Magic Means Illusion

Ivan Have you ever seen any magician in action? If

not, then I have few things to share with you.

Larry I am eager to know about it. I am all ears.

Ivan See, I got a chance to meet a magician in person.

He spell-bound me with his tricks and illusion.

Larry Was it a breath-taking experience for you? I

mean he must have hypnotized all of you. That
is what they do.

Ivan Exactly. You see, thousands of years ago, they

were known as Magi. They were the advisors to
Kings and Emperors.

Larry Crux of the matter is that they mesmerize all of

us with their art of creating false effects.

Ivan Yes. Next time, I will explain what he displayed

in the show because I am running late for my
English class at Converse Correct.

Word Meaning

Spell-bound caught in magic

Illusion to see unreal and fake things

Breath-taking jaw-dropping

Hypnotized to control the mind and senses

Mesmerize awe-inspiring

I am all ears to listen attentively

Crux of the matter the most important part

Modish On Diwali (Part – 1)

Arush Maya, something hilarious did happen

yesterday. I could not stop laughing for hours
after that incident.

Maya Please share that thing with me. I do wish to

laugh as well.

Arush You see, Mrs. Pinto, my mom’s friend tripped

and rolled head over heels down the staircase in
my home. It was a very funny view.

Maya Jesus Christ! How bad of you! You should not

laugh at someone’s misery.

Arush Come on Maya! That lady is very modish. That

is why, I burst into laughter.

Maya Modish! What does that mean?

Arush Modish means someone who is stylish and


Maya No big deal! Everyone does wish to look good.

Arush I do agree but she was wearing high-heels and

could not carry it properly.

Maya If I do recall correctly, then she is a celebrity.

Arush Right. As a matter of fact, she is a


Maya Let us pay her a visit. Diwali is round the

corner. We will take few tips and look stunning
on that day.

Arush That is called killing two birds with one stone.

Let us move.

Word Meaning

Hilarious Funny

Tripped To miss a step and fall

Head over heels Somersault

Misery Helplessness, trouble

Modish Fashionable, trendy

Burst Explode

No big deal not a big issue

As a matter of fact in real

Fashionmonger knowing fashion

Round the corner about to come

Celebrity famous and well-known

Stunning Good-looking

Killing two birds with doing two different things in one

one stone move
Modish On Diwali (Part – 2)

Arush Thank God, she is fine though she has cuts and
bruises all over the body.

Maya Yeah. No doubt, she is a charismatic person. I

mean to say that she pulls you like a magnet.

Arush True. I did never realize that she is a head-

turner, indeed.

Maya What does head-turner stand for?

Arush It does mean someone or something that catches

the eye of the most. The looks of whom/which
makes people to pay more attention.

Maya If I am not wrong, stunner is another word for it.

Arush Fantastic. She did also give us helpful tips to
look in vogue on Diwali.

Maya I must say that she was very humble and

humane. Hats off to her!

Arush I will return the favor and make her home

decked up on this Diwali.

Maya That is like a good girl! You were mocking at

her on that day and now you wish to decorate
her home. So kind of you! Let us buy our stuff
Personal Hygiene

Shubh Good morning Tofu! How are you doing?

(How are you?)

Tofu I am not feeling well. I should meet up with the


Shubh Tofu, you should avoid bad hygiene.

Tofu Would you please explain in detail?

Shubh Hygiene means to practice the things to keep

oneself healthy and free of diseases. One should
keep hands, skin and mouth as much clean as

Tofu If I am correct, then it is called good hygiene.

Shubh Yes, my dear. Clean your hands before and after
the meals.

Tofu We should also rinse our mouth and throat with

mouthwash daily.

Shubh Correct. In the same manner, we should take

bath daily to keep our skin germ-free.

Tofu Thanks for telling me about good hygiene, my


Word Meaning

Meet up with to meet someone by appointment

Avoid stay away

Rinse gargle

As much as to do up to maximum possibility


Germ-free free of bacteria

Precautions (Part – 1)

Ola Why do you keep earphones plugged to your

ears, Harry?

Harry I do listen to music on the go. I mean I do listen

even when I am working or walking.

Ola Well, you were preaching (telling & teaching) me

other day and now you are doing something
terrible (bad).

Harry What is so bad about this?

Ola You may get lost too much in your music at a

time when you need to be alert. I mean you can
meet with an accident while crossing the road or
railway track. It may put your life in danger.

Harry Oh my Gosh (surprised expression)! How can I

be so ignorant (not knowing)? How stupid of me!
Ola It is good that you have accepted your folly (silly
mistake). As a precaution, you should never use
earphones outdoors. Moreover, it may hurt
(harm) your eardrums as it was with me.

Harry Thanks a ton. You have saved my life and ears as

well (also).

Precautions (Part – 2)

Ravi Sumit, What is the matter? Why are you looking

so down and out?

Sumit Someone did steal my bicycle from school


Ravi Where did you park it?

Sumit I did park it at my usual place, behind the


Ravi Did you lock it nicely?

Sumit No. I did not lock it because I did think that it was
safe there.

Ravi You did not take precaution to safeguard your


Ravi One should always keep their belongings under

lock and key.

Ravi Don’t worry. Somebody must be playing a prank.

I am sure you will find it.

Sumit I hope so and I promise that I will keep my things


Word Meaning

Down and out worried, upset

Playing a prank practical joke

Usual common or general place

Safeguard make safe

Belongings property, things one keeps

lock and key locked and bolted

Precautions (Part – 3)

Bob Excuse me! I have to meet Mr Dev, the optician

(lens maker).

Front Please take the seat. Did you take prior (earlier)
Desk appointment?

Bob I am afraid (I am sorry), I did not take it.

Front Never mind (It does not matter). Do you wish to

Desk get your eye-sight (ability to see) checked?

Bob Yes. I have blurred (unclear) vision. I think I

need glasses (spectacles/specs).
Front You do look pretty (very) young. How old are
Desk you?

Bob I am just 8 years old and study in 4th standard.

My name is Bob.

Front Very bad, my dear young boy. Let me ask you

Desk few questions? Are you ready?

Bob Yes, go ahead.

Front Do you watch television by sitting too close to

Desk it?

Bob If I am not wrong, then you mean to say that I do

watch it from short distance.

Front Yes. If you do it, then sit at-least 10 feet away

Desk from TV.

Front Next, never watch it continuously (endlessly) for

Desk more than half an hour. Take a break in between
to save your vision (ability to see).

Bob Sure sir. I will take these precautions to avoid


Bob Thanks for the safety tips. Do I need to see

(meet) the optician now?
Front No. Go home and take care of your eyes. You
Desk will see the progress.

Report Card

You Hi Mom, Take a look at my report card!

Mom Wow! Let me see your performance.

Mom Bravo! You have got “A” grade in all subjects.

Mom I am proud of you, my son.

You Mom, the school has transferred our class to a

new building.

You Besides (in addition to), we got a new Translator

as well.

Mom What do you mean by a translator?

You It means a person who changes French language
into English language.

Mom He will change the English language into French

as well.

You True. I think he will transform me into a better


Mom Sure, now let me sign your report card.

Word Meaning

Laurels name and fame

Transfer to move from one place to another

Translate to change from one language to another

Transform to change the shape, looks or style of a

Reporting As a Monitor

Teacher Ravi, I am going out for a few minutes. Please

control and report.

Ravi Alright Miss. I will do as you say.

Ravi Students, please maintain decorum and stay at

your seats.

Teacher I am back now, Ravi. Who was making noise?

Ravi Miss, when you were not around, then most of

the students were out of their seats.

Ravi Roll numbers 20 to 25 were spitting, pushing

and mocking at each other.

Teacher Roll numbers 20 to 25, raise your hands.

Ravi Most of the girls in the front row were
gossiping at a high pitch.

Teacher No lunchtime for girls. I do expect girls to


Ravi Roll numbers 2, 5 and 6 were silently doing

their work.

Teacher Good, I will make them monitors next time.

Ravi Few were taking a bite or two from the Tiffin


Teacher Seize their boxes. Bravo, Ravi, you did a good

job. Thanks.

Ravi You are always welcome, Madam.

Word Meaning

Seize Grab to take the control

Bravo well done, good job

Gossip chit-chat, nonsense talk

High pitch louder voice, loud tone

Decorum discipline, mannerism

Mocking laughing and making fun

Not around not present, absent


Kimmy Maria, my eyes are burning due to this Smog.

Are you not feeling the same? It is so

Maria What can we do as kids? I am also having

difficulty in breathing. I am an asthmatic,

Kimmy This smog is a result of uncontrolled vehicular

traffic and industrial expansion. They emit a lot
of smoke and that makes a blackish cloud cover
all around us.

Maria On top of it, the farmers burn their stubble and

that too mixes with it. It is a dangerous
concoction of gases.

Kimmy Maria, It is high time that all of us do

something about it before it gets too late.

Word Meaning

Disgusting Horrible

Asthmatic person with breathing issue

Emit to throw out

Stubble waste from crops

Concoction mixture

It is high time right time

Spic and Span-I

Sabina Hello Marina! Do you know the meaning of

Spic and Span?

Marina It means to keep everything clean and shiny.

Sabina Oh! Then we should not spill (to drop and spoil)
anything on floor.

Marina We should also not spit on roads and in parks.

Sabina We should not chew and throw bubble gum


Marina It is good to keep our things at their place.

Marina I think now you know the meaning of spic and


Sabina Yes! I will keep everything clean and in order.

Spic and Span - II

Rob Hi, Mac. What is up? (What are you doing?)

Mac It is good that you did call me up. I was going to

call you up.

Rob Tell me. Why were you going to call me up?

Mac I am going for scuba diving and my servant is
coming to clean the house.

Mac Will you please take care of my home in my


Rob Absolutely. You go ahead and enjoy the


Mac I am back, Rob. Did my servant clean the house


Rob Yes. He was cleaning the fan blades when I was

watching television.

Rob He was arranging your books when I was playing

with your dog.

Rob He was mopping the floor when I was reading a

story book.

Mac So nice of you, Rob. Did he do the dishes as well?

Rob Surely. He was doing the dishes when I was eating

your cake.

Mac Thanks a ton, Rob. You are the best, buddy.

Sports Bring Supremacy

Bob Hi Andy! Let us go and watch animation movie at

the nearest multiplex. (many auditoriums in a
cinema hall)

Andy Nope. It is better to spend some-time on football

field. We do never engage (get involved) in
physical exertion. (bodily hard-work)

Bob I do not want to soak (to get wet) myself in

perspiration (sweat). It is logical to spend time in
air-cooled cinema, Andy.

Andy Let me open your eyes. Physical power does bring

supremacy in our lives. We must be physically fit
to lead a successful life.

Bob Sure. Here we go. The sun is beating down

(shining hot & bright) Let me quench (satisfy)
my thirst, first.
Andy Please put your flask under this faucet. I am going
to turn it on. Yuck! (sick feeling) The turncock
(device that controls the water flow) is jammed.

Bob I can see a home near stadium gate. Let me sprint

(a quick run) there and fill my bottle.

Andy The ground is also uneven and rough. I cannot see

even a blade of grass (no grass at all). We will
certainly hurt ourselves badly if we do play here.

Bob I have drank to my heart’s content (up to your

full satisfaction). You can finish water from flask
in a single gulp (a large intake).

Andy Thanks. Let us go back as this ground is not

worthy (suitable) of playing.
Sunday’s Woes

Mira It is pretty humid today. Let me turn on the air-

conditioner. My Goodness! It is not functioning.
Let me call the electrician.

Freddy It is Sunday today. No one will turn up to repair


Mira I am sweating a lot. I do wish to turn away from

my home.

Freddy Chin up, my dear. Let us go to my home. There

is never a power-cut in my colony.

Mira Give me a hug, sugar. You are the best chum.

Freddy Let me take this call, my mom is calling. Oh,

no! I have a bad news for you. My mom has just
told me that an overloaded truck has turned
turtle on the expressway. There is a long queue
of vehicles and everything is on a standstill.

Mira It does mean that we cannot go to your home. I

do believe that you live near expressway.

Freddy Yep. She has told me to stay with you till the
situation improves.

Mira Eureka! The lady that does live next door, has a
generator. She has called me up a number of
times to visit her. If we are lucky, then she will
welcome us with open arms. Let me call her up.

Mira Yippee! She has not turned down my request.

She has invited us gleefully in her centrally air-
conditioned house on lunch.

Freddy She has truly turned a woeful Sunday into a

majestic one.

Word Meaning

Turn on Switch on

Turn up to come/show up

Turn away to get away from someone or

Chin up to make someone happy and

Sugar dear, lovely

Chum buddy, friend, pal

Turn turtle upside down in any accident

Standstill not moving, stationary

Turn down refuse, reject or not accept

Gleefully smilingly

Woeful full of sadness

Majestic superb and splendid

Eureka joyful to get solution

Open arms happily

Yippee Hurrah
Superstition (Part – 1)

Asin Hello Michel! I have something very interesting

to tell you. Can you spare few minutes?

Michal Yep, sure. I have finished all the jobs and I am

free to listen to you.

Asin Have you ever heard the word “superstition” ? I

mean do you know its meaning.

Michal If I am correct then it means an illogical and

stupid trust coming from ignorance or fear. Is
that correct, my friend?

Asin Splendid answer. You see, I was going to market

and suddenly a black cat crossed my path.
Afterwards, I purchased milk and vegetables and
came home.

Michal What is the issue here? Everything does look

fine till now.

Asin Hold on. Here comes the surprising factor.

When I tried to open my main gate, the latch got
jammed, I lost my balance and the milk and
vegetables went into the nearby gutter.

Michal What is so interesting in it? It can happen with


Asin You know, my mom told me that the cat brought

us the bad luck. She is a superstitious lady and
she does not listen to anyone.

Michal Never mind. I have seen a number of people like

your mom in my life. I will certainly pay a visit
to your home because there is an ancient fact
behind it.

Asin Good. I will wait for you as I do not believe in

all this as well.

Word Meaning

Splendid wonderful/excellent
Superstition unreasonable trust

Illogical without practical reason

Ignorance lack of knowledge

Afterwards after this

Latch lock or handle

Jammed stuck or unmoved

Gutter Sewer/Drain

Ancient old

Never mind does not matter

Spare extra

Fact true thing

Superstition (Part – 2)

Cindy Hello Aunt! How are you? I am here to clear your

mind from superstition and mindless belief.

Aunt Please go ahead, my son. I also wish to hear the

fact behind it.

Cindy Listen carefully. In ancient times, people used to

travel by bullock carts with food and other
essential items. During night-time in the jungle,
leopards and other cats used to cross their way.
As you know, the cats’ eyes glow in dark and this
used to scare the bulls and horses.

Aunt That is why they stopped travelling at nights

because they suffered losses.

Cindy Absolutely correct, Aunt. From that time

onwards, it is not advisable to travel when cats
cross the jungle.

Aunt In earlier times, it was a practical and logical

thing, but in modern times, it is baseless and
idiotic trust. Thanks for this eye-opener, my dear.

Cindy You are welcome. At least, I have educated one

more person today. Bye and take care.

Word Meaning

Baseless without base or support

Mindless foolish

Essential much needed

Idiotic stupid

Eye-opener path showing

The Evening Play

Ana Hi Kris! Welcome to our colony! How was your

first day?

Kris Thanks Ana! It was a memorable day as I did not

face any problem.

Ana I am pleased to know that. What does your father


Kris He does work in an IT company. Mostly, he

comes late from office.

Ana In my case, my father comes by 7 in the evening.

He deals in jewellery.

Kris You are a lucky boy and you must be playing with
uncle every day.

Ana Yeah. (Yes/Yep) He does spend a lot of time with

me. In fact, he loves all the kids of our colony.
You are also welcome to join us in the evening.

Kris Thanks a ton, Ana! I will surely come and play

with you in the evening. Bye and take care.

Ana You too. I will wait for you.

Word Meaning

Memorable Unforgettable

Pleased Happy or thrilled

In fact In reality

Thanks a ton Many thanks

Take care All the best

AS Since / because (It is a connector /


IT Information technology
Deal Nature of the work/job

The Keys

Frida Let us call it a day (to stop the work) and sleep
now. Tomorrow, we are going to my boss’s
housewarming (new house inauguration/opening)

Max Is it early in the morning? I mean it is Sunday,


Frida Yes. Have you locked the main gate?

Max No. Do me a favour. Please take these keys and

lock it for me. I am dog-tired. (very tired)

Frida Alright. Here I go and do the same. I have locked


Max Thanks, honey. Let us hit the hay ( to go to bed)

now. Good night. Sweet dreams.

Frida Hurry up, Guys! We have to go to the party.

Frida In the meantime, let me open the gate. Where are

the keys?

Max You did lock it yesterday night after gift-wrapping

( to wrap the gift) for the boss.

Frida Oh no! I cannot recall (think and remember)

anything. Our car is also in the driveway. (the
passage for vehicles)

Max We can try to jump over the fence (boundary) but

what about the car! We are stuck (fixed/jammed)
badly in this mess.

Frida I have searched in every nook and corner

(everywhere) of the house. The keys are
untraceable. (not seen/found)

Max I must bring gift pack on this table first. Then, we

will plan our next move. Here you go.

Frida What is this rattling (irritating sound) noise

coming from gift-wrapping? Let me check.

Frida Here are the keys inside this pack. How forgetful I

Max Let us open the gate and join the party. What a

The Keys -2

Greg Bro, I am getting late for office. Please open that

wardrobe and pass on my wallet and the blue

Luke It is locked, my dear. Where are the keys?

Yesterday, you locked it at night.

Greg Yeah. I was playing with Tiger, our dog, then

went to bed. Let me check my bedroom

Luke I have already checked the bedroom twice. Surely,

the keys are not there.

Greg Hold on! Let me call Tiger. Here I go. Why is he

barking endlessly?

Greg I think Tiger wants us to lead to somewhere. It is

pointing to its serving bowl.

Luke Let me check its kennel. There you are. The keys
are here under the food tray.

Greg Thanks a ton, Tiger. You are a smart dog, really.

Word Meaning

Wardrobe closet to store or hang clothes

Thoroughly completely and soundly

Surely definitely

Endlessly no ending or stopping

Kennel doghouse
The wig

Jason Yuri, I want your attention, please.

Yuri You have my attention now. Go ahead.

Jason Take a close look at that person with long beard,

moustache and a wig.

Yuri I think I have seen this person before.

Jason Certainly. The only difference is that he was baldy

around that time.

Yuri Oh yes, Jason. You have a sharp memory. We did

see him in a Cafe last Sunday.

Yuri How come he has grown long hair and beard in

just seven days.
Jason On top of that, he is wearing a wig. I mean a fake
hair-cap. Something is fishy here.

Yuri Jason, the weather is changing. I am expecting a

dust-storm, anytime. It is going to be windy.

Jason Yuri, finish your coffee quickly as I am allergic to

dust and smoke.

Yuri Jason, look there. Our long-haired guy has become

baldy one again. The strong wind has blown away
his wig and beard.
Trouble on a rainy day

Veronica Wow! It is getting dark as a thick cover of

clouds is in the sky. I think it will rain
heavily today.

Hagar No, I don’t think so. It may rain or it may not.

Veronica It is going to rain cats and dogs today. I am

very sure.

Hagar Please do not say this. It does get dirty all

over. It is good to have light showers in

Veronica Yep. One can see muddles and puddles on

the water-logged roads.

Hagar Let me tell you about an incident that did

happen with me on a rainy day last summer.

Hagar It was raining buckets and I was riding my

bike. All of a sudden, it did stop in the middle
of the road.

Veronica My Goodness!

It must be embarrassing for you.

Hagar Yes, it was. A lot of people did pass-by but

nobody did help me.
Hagar Most of the vehicles did get into potholes and
they did splash muddy water all over me. It
was like playing mud-Holi.

Hagar Then I did roll-up my pants and did try

to kick-start my bike, but the engine did
not roar.

Veronica What an ugly start of the day! Did you get

some help, finally?

Hagar Thankfully, a bystander called up a mech-

anic. He did repair my bike. I did go back to
my home and did take a nice bath.

Veronica In that case, let it be light rains today.

Word Meaning

Raining cats Pretty heavy rain

and dogs

Muddles Muddy water holes

Splash Water sprinkled with force

Embarrassing Something that makes you feel guilty in

a helpless situation
Bystander A non-helping person who stands and
looks on/ Onlooker

At snail’s pace Very slowly


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