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software:--> A software is collection of computer programs that helps to perform a


types; 3
system software --> os,servers..etc
application software-->web apps, mobile apps, desktop apps...etc
programming software--> debuggers, complilers....etc

Manual testing: Manual testing is a software testing process in which test cases
are executed manually without using any automated tool

Software testing :
it is process of identify correctness,completeness,quality of the

Software Quality: cost/budget

Bug free
meets requirement

"Project and Product"

project: a software application is developed for specific customer based on the
eg:- company websites,
Product: a software application is developed for multiple customers based on market

Why do we need testing ?

we have to deliver quality product to customer

ERROR : incorrect human action
BUG/Defect : Deviation from expected results to actual results
FAILURE: deviation identified by enduser

Why software has bugs?

mainly 5 reasons
1. miscommunication or no communnication b/w devolopers and testers Complexity
3.programming errors
4.frequently changing requirements
5.Lack of skilled testers

SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)

Business analys---> Requirement Collection ->BRS/CRS/URS

Req Analysis -> "

Design -> GUI Design

DB Design
app Design documents
->HLD(Root to leaf of modules)

LLD(each module functionality)


Testing --> WBT(Unit & Integration



Maintainance -> CR's (change


types ;


Req analysis, design , coding/Implimentation , testing , Deployement ,


Adv : changes req are not allowed SO no bugs

Qualty of product will be good
preferd for small projects

Disadv: change req not allowed

if any req changes in later phase allowed
cost more becoz time taking for re work on defect
testing will only start after coding

2.* ""v model"" or ""VV model""

Verification validation

(BA) BRS/URS/CRS ----------- UAT (testers along with users)

(PM) SRS ------------------- system testing (testers)(BBT)

LLD ----------------Integration testing (WBT)

(developers)coding---------------- unit testing(WBT)

Adv : testing is involved in each and every phase

Dis adv : documentation is more
cost is high
3.*""prototype model""
prototype means sample/ blue print
blue print of the software
intial req from the customer --> design,coding,testing.......

4.agile process


planning ( Req analysis) , Risk Analysis, dev & testing (engineering &
execution) , Evaluation ( customer evaluation)

preferd for proudct based companies

updates ,upgrades of applications
it overcome draw backs of water fall model
In every cycle new software will be realeased
software will be released in multiple versions so it is called version
controlled model

adv : testing is done in every cycle , before going to new cycle

customer will get to use the software for every module
Requirements changes are allowed after every cycle

Dis adv : req changes not allowed b/w the cycle

every cycle of spiral model lools like a water fall model
there is no testing in req & design phase


Static testing : Testing the project related documents

Dynamic testing : Testing the actual Software

-> Verification: whether we are building the right product

Focus on documention

review :- conducts on documents to ensure correctness and completeness

walk through:- informal review (no plan)

Inspection:- formal review ,meetings

-> Validation : whether we are buliding the product is right

Focus on software
unit testing :- testing of each unit or an individual component of the software
, it uses module for testing
integration testing :- unit testing modules are combined and tested. or testing
performed b/w 2 or more modules

system testing :- whether software is working customer requirements or not

* Functional testing : behaviour of application

how feature should work ->object property testing : eg.
drop down, list boxes , select male/female
->DB testing : back end testing
, table form
->Error Handling : tester
verify error messages while performing incorrect actions
-> caluclation/manipulation
testing : numbers caluclation
->links existence& links
execution : where links are placed, clink on link navigating proper next page
-> cookies : temporary files
created by browser while browsing the pages through internet
eg ; remember
password check box
-> session : session expired
time slot like payments doing time

* NON Functional Testing: functonality is stable then we do Non functional

focus on performance, load it can take and security

-> perfomance testing ; speed of the application

(response time)
Load : number of users
increased load on the application
Stress : suddenly
increased/decreased load on the application
Volume : (size) how much data
is able to handle

-> Security testing : how secure our application

Autherization /

-> Recovery testing : by mistake we loose data

application is able to recover data

-> Compatability testing : versions are able to


-> Installation testing : check screens are clear to


-> Sanitation/Grabage testing : If any application

provides extra features then we called it is bug
UAT testing :- testers along with the user and setup enviornment

** QA vs QC**
QA:- process related (people process product)
focus on buiding in quality
preventing the defects

QC:- actual testing software

focus on testing for quality
detects the defects

Regression Testing: Testing conducts on the modified build to make sure there will
not be impact on existing functionality because of changes like
adding/deleting/modifying features

* Unit Regresson Testing : Testing only on the changes done by the developer

* Regional Regression Testing :testing modified module along with the impacted
modules with QA & dev

* Full Regression : Testing the main feature & remaining part of the application

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