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India (CIN):
- LLLLLLLLLLL: First 11 characters are the Unique Identification Number (UIN) or the
Corporate Identity Number (CIN) of the company.
- C: Indicates the category of the company (like listed, unlisted, public, private, etc.).
- XXXXXXXX: Eight characters of the serial number.

Example: U72200KA2012PTC065542 (Where "U72200KA2012PTC065542" is the CIN).

2. United States (EIN):
- Format: XX-XXXXXXX
- Two digits, a hyphen, and then seven digits.
- Example: 12-3456789
3. United Kingdom (CRN):
- Format: 8 digits (or 6 digits for older registrations)
- Example: 01234567 or SC123456
4. Australia (ACN):
- Format: Nine-digit number
- Example: 123 456 789
5. Canada (BN or CRN):
- Format: Nine-digit number
- Example: 123456789
6. European Union (EUID):
- Format: Varies by country, but typically a combination of letters and digits.
- Example (Germany): HRB 123456
7. Singapore (UEN):
- Format: 10 characters (includes letters and numbers)
- Example: 201900123A
8. Hong Kong (CR Number):
- Format: Eight-digit number
- Example: 12345678
9. New Zealand (NZBN):
- Format: 13 digits
- Example: 1234567890123
10. Japan (Shikko Hojin Bangou):
- Format: 13 digits
- Example: 1234567890123

11. Israel:

 Format: Nine-digit number

 Example: 512345678

12. China:

 Format: 18-digit Unified Social Credit Code (USCC) or 15-digit Organization Code
 Example (USCC): 91330106552609798X

13. France:

 Format: RCS (Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés) number

 Example: 123 456 789 RCS Paris

14. Finland:

 Format: Seven-digit Business ID (Y-tunnus)

 Example: 1234567-8

15. Bangladesh:

1. Private Limited Company:

- Format: 11 digits

- Example: 12345678901

2. Public Limited Company:

- Format: 11 digits

- Example: 12345678901

3. Limited Liability Partnership (LLP):

- Format: 11 digits
- Example: 12345678901

4. Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Branch Office, Foreign Company (Branch


- Format: Varies, typically a registration number issued by the relevant authority.

5. Non-Governmental Organization (NGO):

- Format: Varies, typically a registration number issued by the NGO Affairs Bureau.

16. Indonesia:

Indonesia uses a 13-digit company registration number (Nomor Induk Berusaha or NIB):

 Format: 13 digits
o Example: 1234567890123

17. South Korea:

South Korea uses a unique registration number format for companies:

 Format: 10 digits
o Example: 123-45-67890

18. Malaysia:

Malaysia uses a company registration number (CRN) format:

 Format: 12 digits or a combination of numbers and letters

o Example: 1234567-T

19. Philippines:

The Philippines uses a unique SEC registration number for companies:

 Format: 8 digits
o Example: CS201912345

20. South Africa:

 Format:
 The Company Registration Number (CRN) in South Africa consists of a combination
of numbers and letters.
 It typically includes a prefix indicating the type of company followed by a unique
identification number.

 A typical CRN format might look like this: "YYYY/123456/07".
o YYYY: Year of incorporation.
o 123456: Sequential number assigned during registration.
o 07: This indicates the type of company or registration category

21. Vietnam:

Vietnam uses a Business Registration Certificate (BRC) number:

 Format: Varies, typically a combination of letters and numbers

 Example: 123456789

22. Germany:

 Format: The registration number (Handelsregisternummer) consists of a combination

of letters and digits.
 Example: HRB 123456 (where "HRB" stands for Handelsregister B, and "123456" is
the sequential number assigned).

23. Russia:

 Format: The OGRN consists of 13 digits.

 Example: 1234567890123

This number is issued by the Federal Tax Service of Russia (FTS) upon registration of the

24. Austria:

 Format: The Firmenbuchnummer (company registration number) in Austria typically consists

of a combination of numbers and letters.
 It starts with an eight-digit number followed by a suffix indicating the specific regional court
and the sequence number.
 Example: FN 123456a (where "FN" stands for "Firmenbuchnummer" and "123456" is the
eight-digit number, and "a" can be a letter indicating the specific regional court). Example:
FN 123456a

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