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Conference Paper · November 2007


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2 authors, including:

Wahyudi Hasbi
National Research & Innovation Agency (BRIN)


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W. Hasbi, R. Widyastuti

Indonesian-National Institute For Aeronautics & Space (LAPAN), whasbi@yahoo.com, rinawidy_astuti@yahoo.com

KEY WORDS: Lapan-Tubsat, Video Surveillance, Video Data Processing


This Paper describes the use of LAPAN-TUBSAT video surveillance data for earth observation. Since LAPAN-TUBSAT is a
surveillance satellite, it has an ability to capture area on or off nadir mode. The data also is very useful to make an observation faster
than common remote sensing satellite. Since the LAPAN-TUBSAT data is in video format, cost for the data is very cheap compare
with the common remote sensing data.
The video data could be processed, analyzed and used for earth observation, such as vegetation, urban and coastal area, etc., in which
transformed into images using image grabber, before further processing. The images captured from LAPAN TUBSAT video
surveillance at nadir pointing or even in off nadir are stitched with other images from the adjacent tracks, in order to minimize the
geometric error and obtain wider area.


1.1 Mission Characteristic

LAPAN-TUBSAT micro satellite is a first Indonesian satellite Indian cartographic satellite. As a secondary payload the
which jointly developed by LAPAN engineers and Technische launching cost will be reduced significantly.
University Berlin engineers. LAPAN-TUBSAT micro satellite
has unique mission strategy. The agility of the micro satellite With this launcher LAPAN-TUBSAT reach an altitude of 630
made it possible for surveillance of object in which the location km with a 97.9 inclination degree and a period of 99.039
is not pre-defined because its attitude and camera pointing can minutes. For monitoring the health of the satellite during its
be manipulated off-nadir and controlled interactively (fig.1). operation, LAPAN has developed one SCC and ground station
Based on experience with DLR-TUBSAT, in which an which is called Rumpin Spacecraft Control Center (SCC), near
interactive video surveillance has been proven, LAPAN- Jakarta and Rancabungur Ground Station. There is a planning
TUBSAT designed chose to fly CCD color video camera as also to develop one more ground station in Biak Island (eastern
main payload. Beside surveillance mission, this satellite also side) in which ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) also
has short message store and forward as second mission. locating their ground station. As a satellite mission control,
SCC Rumpin are connected to Spitzbergen (North Pole) and
SATELLITE also with TU-Berlin ground station. With connection with
spitzbergen station, SCC Rumpin has ability to see all satellite
ACS Camera
The power generator in the satellite is 4 Silicium solar panels,
Angular Video with the dimension of 432x243 mm. Each panel has 34 cells in
Velocity Image series, which will provide maximum power of 14 W. The power
storage system in the satellite consists of 5 NiH2 batteries,
configured in series. The batteries would provide nominal
GROUND STATION voltage of 12.5 V and have 8 Ah capacities.

Operator There are two identical TTC systems in the satellite for
redundancy purposes. The system used the frequency of
437.325 MHz, with FFSK modulation for up-link and down-
PC Control Video Images link (half duplex). The communication data rate is 1200 bps and
the hardware RF output is 3.5 W. The half dipole antennas of
Fig. 1. Interactive Earth Observation the system are placed orthogonally to guarantee link budget at
any attitude.
The uniqueness of LAPAN-TUBSAT lays in its ability to
manipulate and control its attitude and camera pointing off-
nadir interactively. Therefore, LAPAN-TUBSAT could monitor
events such as forest fire, flood, landslide, volcano eruption,
and ship or aircraft accidents.

LAPAN-TUBSAT micro satellite was launched by Indian

PSVL-C7 as piggy back on 10th of January 2007 after several
delays since October 2005. The rockets main payload was the
day and 3 times during the night as described in Error!
Reference source not found..

There are two mission strategies of LAPAN-TUBSAT in taking

images, the first is the scanning mode and the second is
hovering mode. In the scanning mode, the attitude of the
satellite is controlled so that the camera side will face the Earth
with particular angle with respect to Earth surface. In the
hovering mode, the satellite attitude is controlled interactively
(real time) by means of feedback from video streaming sent by
the satellite. Therefore, the camera can be pointed to particular
object that the operator would like to see.

3 1



Region to be

Figure 3 Target locking scenario


2.1 Data Reception System

Figure 2. LAPAN-TUBSAT lower and upper shelves The data reception system for LAPAN-TUBSAT is conducted
in Rumpin Ground Station-Indonesia. The video data could be
The attitude control strategy of LAPAN-TUBSAT is based on received by send the command to the satellite to start
the angular momentum management concept. Therefore, the transmitting its real-time video over the ground track. During
attitude control system consist of 3 fiber optic laser rate-gyros video reception, the operator could interactively control the
(with <6 o/hr bias at stabilized temperature) to sense the rotation satellite to get interesting object on the ground. The operation
rate, 4 solar panel and 2 single cell sun sensor to obtain satellite mode for data reception could be nadir pointing, off nadir and
attitude, 3 air coil magneto-torquers (maximum of 1.2x10-4 Nm also target locking pointing. The data received from satellite is
torque) to generate/deplete angular momentum, and 3 reaction then stored in storage system for further processing.
wheels (max wheel speed 5000 rpm and the inertia of 0.00088
kg.m2) to transfer angular momentum inside the satellite. 2.2 Video Framing
1.2 Payload Characteristic Actually users could directly use the video data for surveillance
application, but to have geo reference of the data, the video data
The payload video transmission system is used to transfer the received from satellite should be generated as frame image.
video in PAL standard format (CCIR standard) to the ground These images generated from video frame, could be stitch to get
station. The system used the frequency of 2220 MHz and FM wider area.
video modulation. The transmitter has 5 W RF output, and the
helix antenna has the beam-width of 70o. Figure 4, below is Merapi volcano mountain image which
stitched from LAPAN-TUBSAT video in target locking mode
The dimensions of the satellite, excluding its antennas, are 450 in that areas on 25 May 2007.
x 450 x 275 mm and its weight is 54.7 kg. Therefore, LAPAN-
TUBSAT envelope is compatible for piggyback ride constraint.
The mission of the satellite is environmental monitoring.
Therefore, the satellite carry high-resolution video camera and
active attitude control system to ensure its camera pointing. The
satellite is placed by PSLV-C7 on January 10th, 2007, in sun-
synchronous orbit of 635 km height. Such orbit will make the
satellite pass Indonesian territory maximum 3 times during the

Another example which was processed from LAPAN-TUBSAT

video is area of Jepara in middle of Java. The video was taken
on 11 Juni 2007 and with nadir pointing mode acquisition. This
data is interesting since the image combine of coastal, urban
area, forest and agriculture. Figure 6 below shows the Jepara
image generated from its video

Figure 4. Originally Stitched Merapi Image

2.3 Image Processing

The stitched images could be used after geometric correction is

done. The geometric correction is done using ground control
point which is got from another reference image. Figure 5,
below shows Merapi image after correction and contras
stretching. Geometric correction for this Merapi image using 26
GCP and the average RMS error is 0.624 which acceptable.

Figure 5. Corrected Stitched Merapi Image

Figure 6 below shows an overlay between Merapi image

generated from LAPAN-TUBSAT video and Landsat Data at
the same area.

Figure 6. Overlay Merapi Image & Landsat Image

Figure 6. Corrected Stitched Jepara Image
After stitching, geometric correction and image enhancement Symposium of the International Academy of Astronautics
process, this image could be interpreted. Interpretation is done (IAA), Berlin, April 4 – 8, 2005.
using landscape ecology approach and landuse identification.
Since LAPAN-TUBSAT image resolution is 5 meters, its not so Lillesand, T.M, R.M. Kiefer, “Penginderaan Jauh dan
difficult to make visual identification based on logical Interpretasi Citra (Indonesian)”, Gadjah Mada University Press,
connection between landform & landcover and also consider the Yogyakarta, 1997
colors, shapes, pattern, size and association in the image.
Figure 7 shows the result of Jepara City Landuse using image Robinson, A. J., et al,. “High-Definition Television (HDTV)
generated from LAPAN-TUBSAT video. Images for Earth Observations & Earth Science Applications”,
NASA, 2000

Schulz, S. & Renner, U., DLR-TUBSAT, “a Microsatellite for

Interactive Earth Observation”, Proceeding of the Small
Satellites Systems and Services Symposium, 2000

Sitanggang, Gokmaria, “Kajian Beberapa Sistem Penginderaan

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Rochelle, 2004.

Figure 7. Landuse Spatial Information of Jepara Area


LAPAN-TUBSAT as a video surveillance satellite has

advantage of rapid repetition time and also interactive control.
The video image could be further process for feasible
application such as volcano monitoring, hazard assessment,
coastal monitoring. The high resolution image generated from
its video could be used for object identification and landcover
or landuse updating.



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