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o At the 8th week of pregnancy, the 1st medical exma, screened for helath problems
 Full physical exam w/ blood and urine samples
o Checkups once a month for weeks 4 through 28 (first 7 months), twice a month from weeks 28
through 36 (7-9 months), and once a week from week, 36 to birth
o Eat an additional 300 calories daily beginning in the 4th month
o Women who are healthy weight b4 pregnancy should gain 25-35 lbs while pregnant, those over
or under weight may have to eat differently
 Weight gain is from:
o 7-8 pounds baby
o 2 pounds uterus
o 1.5 lbs placenta
o 2 lbs amniotic fluid
o 3-4 lbs increased blood volume
o 2 lbs increased breast mass
o 6-8 lbs stored fat and nutrients
o 4 lbs fluid retention
o Prenatal vitamins (just for pregnancy) include folic acid, Ca, and Fe
 Fe to reduce chance of low birthweight (less than 5.8 lbs)
 Prior to pregnancy consume 400 micrograms folate weekly
 During, consume 600 micrograms/week
 Prior consume more foods w/ heme iron, which is more easily absorbed
 During, an iron supllement may be recommended
 Prior, increase to 8 ounces of seafood weekly
 During, consume 8-12 ounces of seafood
 Heart and kidney problems can be detected prior ot birth and treatment can be implemented
even b4 birth
o Contracting rubella (German measles) during 1st 3 months causes infant blindness, STIs can be
passed to baby
 Some, like chlamydia, often go undetected and lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) which
can cause infertility in women
 Facial abnormalities more common in babies w/ moms w/ AIDS
o Chylamydia
 Can be passed to baby in delivry and give eye infection and pneumonia
o Gonorrhea
 Passed to baby in delivery and casues blindness and blood infection
o PID is severe infection, led to from gonorrhea and chlamydia
 Eye infection and blindness in child
o Syphilis
 In late stages, rash, fever, hair and weight loss, headache, sore muscles, may cause
internal damage and death, transmitted to fetus, stillborn, delayed deveopment,
postpartum death
 Can be transmitted in pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, developmental delays and death
in child
o Genital herpes
 Can be passed during birth, repsiratory issues, bleeding, and seizuires in baby,
medications used
o HPV,
 Premature delivery and low birthweight
Overall symptms review!

Miscarriage is before, Stillbirth is after 5 months

At the end of the 7th week after fertilization (9 weeks of pregnancy) embryo-> fetus
Pregnancy starts 2 weeks b4 fertlization bc last period
o Germinal period goes from conception (zygote forms and within hours begins deviding to form a
blastocyst after 5 days w/ 128 cells) to 2 weeks later, implantation in uterus
o mesoderm (bones, muscles, circulatory and reproductive system), and endoderm (digestive and
respiratory system)
o Germinal period goes from conception (zygote forms and within hours begins deviding to form a
blastocyst after 5 days w/ 128 cells) to 2 weeks later, implantation in uterus
o mesoderm (bones, muscles, circulatory and reproductive system), and endoderm (digestive and
respiratory system)
 2nd trimester
o Body parts like arms/legs, fingers/toes, eyes, ears more distinct and facial features
become clear
o Ultrasound shows bones of baby
o Movements can be felt, sex of baby can be determined
o Fetus weighs 1-1.5 lbs and is 12-14 in long
o Best part is this trimester bc morning sickness is over
 3rd trimester
o Fatty tissue devleops and baby grows
o By the end of 7th month, baby is 3 pounds and 16 in
o By end of 3rd trimester, 8 lbs and 20 in
 Fetus begins to develop hearing by the 4th month, and msuic can be amplified by amniotic fluid,
responds by movement and heartbeat
o Mild cramps, called Braxton-Hicks contractions, nauseous
 Cervix size increase to about 4 in diameter
 One monittor strapped around top of mom's stomach and 2nd inserted through cervix and on
top of babys head
o Lamaze method: partner helps mother keep track of and time contractions while
providing emotional support
 Episiotomy procedure is done if baby cannot pass through easily, surgical cut w/ a few stitches,
less routine lately due to infection and healing concerns
 Those obrn after 7 months have best survival among premature babies, bc all organs are
developed and functioning
 Doctors may break amniotic sac to signal to the mom's body that labor will begin
 A drawback is intense contractions that are harder for the mom and create more stress for the
o Breech birth when baby does not turn in last few weeks
 Sometimes try to get baby to turn by massage and prodding
Dilation /labor- 12-24 vs 8-10

Expulsion – 1.5+ hr

Afterbith – min to hour

 Louis Pasteur, Robert Koch, and Joseph Lister contributed to it

 For 3 decades, the US Department of Health and Human Services has published a 10 year
agenda for improving national health, called Healthy People
o The 1st volume was Healthy People 2000, aiming to reduce health disparities amongst
o Healthy People 2010 continued to use a systematic approach, w/ goals:
 1st goal is to increase quality and years of a health life
 Increased from 47.3 in start of 1900s to nealry 79 today

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