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Rotor Circuit Model Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Power and Torque in Induction Motors

Induction Motors

Instructor: Dr. S. Sashidhar

EE228 Electrical Machines

Lecture - 7

School of Electrical Sciences

Indian Institute of Technology Goa

Instructor: Dr. S. Sashidhar EE228 Electrical Machines Lecture - 7

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Rotor Circuit Model Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Power and Torque in Induction Motors

1 Rotor Circuit Model

2 Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor

3 Power and Torque in Induction Motors

Instructor: Dr. S. Sashidhar EE228 Electrical Machines Lecture - 7

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Rotor Circuit Model Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Power and Torque in Induction Motors

1 Rotor Circuit Model

2 Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor

3 Power and Torque in Induction Motors

Instructor: Dr. S. Sashidhar EE228 Electrical Machines Lecture - 7

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Rotor Circuit Model Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Power and Torque in Induction Motors

• Voltage applied to the stator windings leads to the induced

voltage in the rotor windings of the machine.

• Greater the relative motion between the rotor and the stator
magnetic fields, greater the resulting rotor voltage and rotor

• Magnitude and f of the in the rotor at any speed ∝ slip (s) of

the rotor.

Instructor: Dr. S. Sashidhar EE228 Electrical Machines Lecture - 7

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Rotor Circuit Model Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Power and Torque in Induction Motors

• Magnitude of the induced voltage at any slip is

ER = s ER0 . (1)

• Frequency of the induced voltage at any slip is

fr = s f e . (2)

• The reactance of an inductance motor rotor depends on the

inductance of the rotor and the f of the voltage and current
in the rotor.

Instructor: Dr. S. Sashidhar EE228 Electrical Machines Lecture - 7

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Rotor Circuit Model Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Power and Torque in Induction Motors

The rotor reactance is given by IR jXR = jsXR0

XR = ωr LR (3)

= 2 π fr LR . (4) ER = sER0 RR

Substitute Eq. (2) in (4)

XR = 2 π s fe LR (5)
图 1: The rotor circuit model of an
= s XR0 . (6) induction motor.

Where, XR0 is blocked-rotor rotor reactance.

Instructor: Dr. S. Sashidhar EE228 Electrical Machines Lecture - 7

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Rotor Circuit Model Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Power and Torque in Induction Motors

The rotor current flow can be
derived as
IR = . (7) RR/s
RR + j X R ER0

IR = . (8)
RR + j s XR0
ER0 图 2: The rotor circuit model with
IR = . (9)
RR /s + j XR0 all the frequency (slip) effects
concentrated in resistor RR .

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Rotor Circuit Model Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Power and Torque in Induction Motors

• Rotor current approaches a steady-state value as the slip

becomes very large.

Rotor current

0 25 50 75 100 125
nm, percentage of synchronous speed

图 3: Rotor current as a function of rotor speed.

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Rotor Circuit Model Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Power and Torque in Induction Motors

1 Rotor Circuit Model

2 Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor

Final Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor

3 Power and Torque in Induction Motors

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Rotor Circuit Model Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Power and Torque in Induction Motors

Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor

I1 jX1 I2 jXR


图 4: Transformer model of an induction motor with rotor and stator

connected by an ideal transformer of turns ratio aeff .

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Rotor Circuit Model Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Power and Torque in Induction Motors

Final Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor

1 Rotor Circuit Model

2 Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor

Final Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor

3 Power and Torque in Induction Motors

Instructor: Dr. S. Sashidhar EE228 Electrical Machines Lecture - 7

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Rotor Circuit Model Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Power and Torque in Induction Motors

Final Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor

Final Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor

Rotor part of the model is referred over to the stator side to get
final equivalent circuit
I1 jX1 I2 jX2


VΦ R2/s

图 5: The per-phase final equivalent circuit of an induction motor.

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Rotor Circuit Model Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Power and Torque in Induction Motors

Final Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor

aeff - Effective turns ratio.

The transformed rotor voltage is

E1 = ER = aeff ER0 . (10)

The transformed rotor current is

I2 = (11)

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Rotor Circuit Model Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Power and Torque in Induction Motors

Final Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor

and the corresponding transformed rotor impedance is

2 RR
Z2 = aeff ( + j XR0 ) (12)
Now make the following definitions:

R2 = aeff RR . (13)

X2 = aeff XR0 . (14)

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Rotor Circuit Model Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Power and Torque in Induction Motors

1 Rotor Circuit Model

2 Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor

3 Power and Torque in Induction Motors

Seperating the Rotor Copper Losses and the Power Converted
in an Induction Motor’s Equivalent Circuit

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Rotor Circuit Model Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Power and Torque in Induction Motors

Losses and Power-Flow Diagram

PAG Pconv

Air-gap Power Pout = τload ωm

τind ωm
Pin = √3VTILcos θ

Pf & w (Stray
(Friction and losses)
Pcore (Rotor
PSCL windage
(Core copper
(Stator losses) loss)

图 6: The power-flow diagram of an induction motor.

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Rotor Circuit Model Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Power and Torque in Induction Motors

Losses and Power-Flow Diagram

The input current to a phase of the motor shown in Fig.6. is found

by dividing the input voltage by the total equivalent impedance

I1 = . (15)
Zeq = R1 + j X1 + . (16)
GC − j BM + 1
V2 /s + j X2

The stator copper losses in the three phases are given by

PSCL = 3 I12 R1 . (17)

Instructor: Dr. S. Sashidhar EE228 Electrical Machines Lecture - 7

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Rotor Circuit Model Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Power and Torque in Induction Motors

The core losses are given by

Pcore = 3 E12 GC . (18)

so the air-gap power can be found as

PAG = Pin − PSCL − Pcore . (19)

Note: The only element in the equivalent circuit where the air-gap
power can be consumed is the resistor R2 /s.

PAG = 3 I22 . (20)

Instructor: Dr. S. Sashidhar EE228 Electrical Machines Lecture - 7

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Rotor Circuit Model Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Power and Torque in Induction Motors

The actual resistive losses in the rotor circuit are

PRCL = 3 IR2 RR . (21)

∵ power is unchanged when referred across an ideal transformer,

the rotor copper losses can be expressed as

PRCL = 3 I22 R2 . (22)

Remaining power converted from electrical to mechanical form is

Pconv = PAG − PRCL . (23)

Pconv = 3 I22 − 3 I22 R2 . (24)
Pconv = I22 R2 ( ). (25)
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Rotor Circuit Model Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Power and Torque in Induction Motors

Note1: Rotor copper losses are equal to the air-gap power times
the slip.
PRCL = s PAG . (26)
Note2: Lower the slip of the motor, the lower the rotor losses in
the machine.

Pconv = PAG − PRCL = PAG − s PAG . (27)

Pconv = (1 − s) PAG . (28)

Finally, if the friction and windage losses and the stray losses are
known, the output power can be found as

Pout = Pconv − PFW − Pmisc . (29)

Instructor: Dr. S. Sashidhar EE228 Electrical Machines Lecture - 7

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Rotor Circuit Model Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Power and Torque in Induction Motors

The induced torque/ (developed torque) in the machine is given by

the equation
τind = . (30)
Rotor angular speed is expressed as

ωm = (1 − s) ωsync (31)

Substitute Eq. (28) in (31).

(1 − s) PAG
τind = (32)
(1 − s) ωsync

τind = . (33)

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Rotor Circuit Model Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Power and Torque in Induction Motors

Seperating the Rotor Copper Losses and the Power Converted in an Induction Motor’s Equivalent Circuit

1 Rotor Circuit Model

2 Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor

3 Power and Torque in Induction Motors

Seperating the Rotor Copper Losses and the Power Converted
in an Induction Motor’s Equivalent Circuit

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Rotor Circuit Model Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Power and Torque in Induction Motors

Seperating the Rotor Copper Losses and the Power Converted in an Induction Motor’s Equivalent Circuit

I1 jX1 I2
R1 jX2 R2


VΦ RC jXM E1 R2 (1-s)/s
(Core loss) (Pconv)

图 7: The per-phase equivalent circuit with rotor losses and Pcore


The power is consumed in the resistor is given as

Rconv = − R2 . (34)
(1 − s)
Rconv = R2 . (35)
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Rotor Circuit Model Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Power and Torque in Induction Motors

Seperating the Rotor Copper Losses and the Power Converted in an Induction Motor’s Equivalent Circuit


1 A. E. Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley. Jr, Stephen D. Umans

“Electric Machinery," McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 6th
edition, 2003.

2 Stephen J. Chapman, “Electric Machinery Fundamentals,"

McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 4th edition, 2005.

Instructor: Dr. S. Sashidhar EE228 Electrical Machines Lecture - 7

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Rotor Circuit Model Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Power and Torque in Induction Motors

Seperating the Rotor Copper Losses and the Power Converted in an Induction Motor’s Equivalent Circuit


Instructor: Dr. S. Sashidhar EE228 Electrical Machines Lecture - 7

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Thevenin Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics of an Induction Motor

Induction Motors

Instructor: Dr. S. Sashidhar

EE228 Electrical Machines

Lecture - 8

School of Electrical Sciences

Indian Institute of Technology Goa

Instructor: Dr. S. Sashidhar EE228 Electrical Machines Lecture - 8

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Thevenin Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics of an Induction Motor

1 Thevenin Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor

2 Torque-Speed Characteristics of an Induction Motor

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Thevenin Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics of an Induction Motor

1 Thevenin Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor

2 Torque-Speed Characteristics of an Induction Motor

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Thevenin Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics of an Induction Motor


jX1 R1
Thevenin’s voltage by the voltage
divider rule for circuit in Fig.1.

VTH = Vϕ . (1)
ZM + Z1

j XM
VTH = Vϕ .
R1 + j X1 + j XM1 图 1: The Thevenin equivalent
(2) voltage of an induction motor input

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Thevenin Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics of an Induction Motor

Simplified Thevenin Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor

jX1 R1

jXM VTH VTH E1 R2 /s

图 2: The Thevenin equivalent 图 3: The resulting simplified equivalent

impedance of the input circuit. circuit of an induction motor.

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Thevenin Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics of an Induction Motor

Thevenin’s Impedance

∵ the magnetization reactance XM >> Xl and XM >> R1 , the

magnitude of the Thevenin’s voltage is approximately,
VTH = Vϕ . (3)
X1 + XM
Thevenin’s impedance for circuit in Fig.2. is
ZTH = . (4)
Z1 + ZM
This impedance reduces to

j XM (R1 + j X1 )
ZTH = RTH + j XTH = . (5)
R1 + j X1 + j XM

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Thevenin Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics of an Induction Motor

Thevenin’s Current

Because XM >> X1 and XM + X1 >> R1 , the Thevenin’s

resistance and reactance are approximately,
RTH = R1 ( )2 . (6)
X1 + XM
XTH = X1 . (7)
From the resulting equivalent circuit,
I2 = . (8)
ZTH + Z2
I2 = R2
. (9)
RTH + s + j XTH + j X2

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Thevenin Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics of an Induction Motor

Air-gap Power

The magnitude of the current is

|I2 | = R2 2
. (10)
(RTH + s ) + (XTH + X2 )2

The airgap power is

PAG = 3 I22 . (11)
2 R2
3 VTH s
= R2 2
. (12)
(RTH + s ) + (XTH + X2 )2

Instructor: Dr. S. Sashidhar EE228 Electrical Machines Lecture - 8

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Thevenin Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics of an Induction Motor

Induced Torque in the Rotor

The rotor induced torque is

τind = . (13)
2 R2
3 VTH s
τind = R2 2
. (14)
ωsync [(RTH + s ) + (XTH + X2 )2 ]

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Thevenin Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics of an Induction Motor

1 Thevenin Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor

2 Torque-Speed Characteristics of an Induction Motor

Instructor: Dr. S. Sashidhar EE228 Electrical Machines Lecture - 8

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Thevenin Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics of an Induction Motor

Typical Torque-Speed Characteristics of an Induction Motor

Induced torque % of full load

500 % Pull-out

• Induced torque of the 400 %

motor is zero at
300 % Starting torque
synchronous speed.
200 %
• Torque- speed curve torque

is nearly linear 100 %

between no load and

full load. 0 nsync
Mechanical speed

图 4: A typical induction motor

torque-speed characteristic curve.
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Thevenin Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics of an Induction Motor


• In this range, RR >> XR , so IR , the rotor magnetic field and

the τind ↑ linearly with increasing slip (s).

• There is a maximum possible torque that cannot be exceeded.

This torque is called the pull-out torque or brakedown torque,
which is 2 to 3 times τfl of the motor.

• τst on the motor is slightly larger than its τfl so this motor will
start carrying any load that it can supply at full power.

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Thevenin Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics of an Induction Motor


• Torque on the motor for a given slip varies as the square of

Vapplied .

• If the rotor of the induction motor is driven faster than nsync

→ the direction of τind in the machine reverses and the
machine becomes a generator, converting Pmech to Pelec .

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Thevenin Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics of an Induction Motor

Extended Operating Ranges of Torque-Speed Characteristic of an

Induction Motor


Ts (Starting Torque) Speed

-ns 0 ns 2ns

(S > 1)
S=1 S=0 S<0
Braking Motoring Generating
Region Region Region

图 5: Induction motor torque-speed characteristic curve showing the

extended operating ranges (braking region and generator region).
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Thevenin Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics of an Induction Motor


800 120
700 Torque 105
600 90

Induced torque (N-m)

Power, kW
• Maximum possible torque 500 75

occurs when the air-gap 400 60

power is maximum. 300 45

200 30

100 15

• ∵ PAG = power consumed 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000

Mechanical speed, r/min

in the resistor R2 /s.
图 6: Induced torque and power
converted vs motor speed in rpm of
an induction motor.

Instructor: Dr. S. Sashidhar EE228 Electrical Machines Lecture - 8

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Thevenin Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics of an Induction Motor

• The maximum τind will occur when the power consumed by

that resistor is maximum.
• The equivalent source impedance in the circuit is

Zsource = RTH + j XTH + j X2 . (15)

• The maximum power transfer occurs when,

= (RTH )2 + (XTH + X2 )2 . (16)

Instructor: Dr. S. Sashidhar EE228 Electrical Machines Lecture - 8

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Thevenin Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics of an Induction Motor

Slip at pull-out torque is

smax = √ . (17)
RTH + (XTH + X2 )2

The resulting maximum or pull-out torque is

τmax = √ . (18)
2 ωsync [RTH + 2
RTH + (XTH + X2 )2 ]

Note: slip of the rotor at which τmax occurs ∝ RR , but the value
of τmax is independent of the value of RR .

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Thevenin Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics of an Induction Motor

R4 R3 R2 R1

• It is possible to ↑ the R by

Induced Torque, N-m


inserting resistance into the 500

rotor circuit of a wound 400

rotor because the rotor 300 R1 = 2R0

R2 = 3R0
circuit is brought out to the 200 R3 = 4R0
R4 = gR0
stator through slip rings. 100

• As the RR is increased, the
0 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Mechanical Speed, rpm

pull-out speed of the motor

↓s, but τmax remains 图 7: The effect of varying rotor
resistance on the torque-speed
characteristic of a wound-rotor
induction motor.

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Thevenin Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics of an Induction Motor


1 A. E. Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley. Jr, Stephen D. Umans

“Electric Machinery," McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 6th
edition, 2003.

2 Stephen J. Chapman, “Electric Machinery Fundamentals,"

McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 4th edition, 2005.

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Thevenin Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics of an Induction Motor


Instructor: Dr. S. Sashidhar EE228 Electrical Machines Lecture - 8

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Control of Motor Characteristics by Rotor Cage Design Induction Motor Design Classes

Induction Motors

Instructor: Dr. S. Sashidhar

EE228 Electrical Machines

Lecture - 9

School of Electrical Sciences

Indian Institute of Technology Goa

Instructor: Dr. S. Sashidhar EE228 Electrical Machines Lecture - 9

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Control of Motor Characteristics by Rotor Cage Design Induction Motor Design Classes

1 Control of Motor Characteristics by Rotor Cage Design

2 Induction Motor Design Classes

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Control of Motor Characteristics by Rotor Cage Design Induction Motor Design Classes

1 Control of Motor Characteristics by Rotor Cage Design

2 Induction Motor Design Classes

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Control of Motor Characteristics by Rotor Cage Design Induction Motor Design Classes


• X2 in an induction motor equivalent circuit represents the

referred form of rotor’s Xleakage .

• Recall that Xleakage is the reactance due to the rotor flux lines
that do not couple with the stator windings.

• In general, the farther away from the stator a rotor bar or part
of a bar > Xleakage , since a smaller percentage of the bar’s
flux will reach the stator.

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Control of Motor Characteristics by Rotor Cage Design Induction Motor Design Classes

• ∴ if the bars of a rotor cage is placed near the surface of the

rotor → ϕleak ↓ and X2 ↓.

• On the other hand, if the rotor bars are placed deeper into the
rotor surface → ϕleak ↑ and X2 ↑.

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Control of Motor Characteristics by Rotor Cage Design Induction Motor Design Classes

Deep-Bar and Double-Cage Rotor

How a variable rotor resistance can be produced?


图 1: Flux linkage in a deep-bar rotor [2].

• Left side figure, I flowing in the upper part of a deep rotor bar
which is tightly coupled to the stator → Lleakage ↓.
• Right side figure, I flowing deeper in the bar → Lleakage ↑.

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Control of Motor Characteristics by Rotor Cage Design Induction Motor Design Classes

Design of Double-Cage Rotor

• It consists of a large Rlow set

of bars buried deeply in the
rotor and a small Rhigh set
of bars at the rotor surface.

• It is similar to the deep-bar

rotor except that the
difference between slow and
shigh operation is even more
图 2: Double-cage Rotor design [2].

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Control of Motor Characteristics by Rotor Cage Design Induction Motor Design Classes

• During starting conditions, only the small bar is effective and

R2 quite ↑ → large τst .

• Double-cage rotors are cheaper than wound-rotor designs with

best features:

1 τst ↑ and Ist ↓.

2 Good η at normal operating conditions at a lower cost.
3 No need of maintaining slip rings and brushes.

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Control of Motor Characteristics by Rotor Cage Design Induction Motor Design Classes

Top of bar

• Rotor bars are ∥ electrically R


→ the upper ones having L Slip Slip

ring R L2
↓ and the lower ones having ring

L↑. R L3

Bottom of bar
• At ↓ s, fr ↓ → X ll R.
图 3: Equivalent circuit of the rotor
bar as a function of depth.

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Control of Motor Characteristics by Rotor Cage Design Induction Motor Design Classes

• Resulting large Across−sectional makes R2 quite small → good η

at ↓ s.

• At ↑ s (starting conditions), X ’s ≫ R’s.

• So Aeffective is ↓er and R2 is ↑er.

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Control of Motor Characteristics by Rotor Cage Design Induction Motor Design Classes

1 Control of Motor Characteristics by Rotor Cage Design

2 Induction Motor Design Classes

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Control of Motor Characteristics by Rotor Cage Design Induction Motor Design Classes

Induction Motor Design Classes


• It is possible to produce a 300 Class D

Percentage of full-load torque

Class A

large variety of τ − ω curves 250

by varying the rotor Class C

characteristics of induction Class B

motor. 150

• NEMA and IEC in Europe
have defined a series of
standard designs with 0 20 40 60 80 100

different τ − ω curves. Percentage of synchronous speed

图 4: Typical torque-speed curves for

different rotor designs.
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Control of Motor Characteristics by Rotor Cage Design Induction Motor Design Classes

Design Class A

• Normal τst , Ist and ↓ s.

• sfl of design A motors < 5 % (and < design B motor of

equivalent rating).
• τmax is 200 to 300 % of τfl and occurs at ↓ s.

• τst is at least τrated for larger motors and is 200 % or more of

τrated for smaller motors.

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Control of Motor Characteristics by Rotor Cage Design Induction Motor Design Classes

Design Class A

• Extremely high in-rush current on starting, which is typically

500 to 800 % of Irated .

• Typical applications for these motors are driving fans, blowers,

pumps, lathes and other machine tools.

• For sizes above 7.5 hp, voltage dip problem comes at starting,
(design class A applications are in the range of < 7.5 hp and
> 200 hp) which are replaced by design class B motors.

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Control of Motor Characteristics by Rotor Cage Design Induction Motor Design Classes

Design Class B

• Normal τst , ↓er Ist , and ↓ s.

• τst of class A motor = τst of class B motor with about 25 %

less I.
• τmax ≤ 200 % of τrated , but < class A design due to the
increased XR .
• srotor is still relatively low (< 5 %) at full load.

• Applications are similar to design A, but design B is preferred

because ↓er Ist .

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Control of Motor Characteristics by Rotor Cage Design Induction Motor Design Classes

Design Class C

• τst , ↓ Ist and ↓ s ( < 5 % at full load).

• τmax is slightly ↓ than class A motors, while τst up to 250 %

of τfl .

• More expensive than the previous design classes.

• High τst applications such as loaded pumps, compressors, and


Instructor: Dr. S. Sashidhar EE228 Electrical Machines Lecture - 9

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Control of Motor Characteristics by Rotor Cage Design Induction Motor Design Classes

Design Class D

• τst ↑ (> 275 % of τrated ) and Ist ↓ with ↑ sfl .

• Essentially ordinary class A induction motors with small rotor

bars and ↑er RR which shifts τpeak to a very ↓ speed.
• τmax can occur at zero speed (100 % s) and sfl is quite ↑.

• Used in applications requiring the acceleration of extremely

high-inertia type loads.
• In addition to these four, classes E and F which are called
soft-start induction motors.

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Control of Motor Characteristics by Rotor Cage Design Induction Motor Design Classes


1 A. E. Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley. Jr, Stephen D. Umans

“Electric Machinery” McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 6th
edition, 2003.

2 Stephen J. Chapman, “Electric Machinery Fundamentals”

McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 4th edition, 2005.

Instructor: Dr. S. Sashidhar EE228 Electrical Machines Lecture - 9

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Control of Motor Characteristics by Rotor Cage Design Induction Motor Design Classes


Instructor: Dr. S. Sashidhar EE228 Electrical Machines Lecture - 9

Induction Motors 19 / 19

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