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Chapter 07 Traditional Training Methods

Student: ___________________________________________________________________________

1. ________ is the most frequently used method of delivering formal training.

A. Instructor-led classroom
B. Online self-study
C. Virtual classroom
D. Blended training

2. Which of the following is not a presentation training method?

A. Lecture.
B. Apprenticeships.
C. Manuals.
D. Games.

3. The lecture method

A. emphasizes trainee involvement and feedback.
B. has the advantage of being highly conducive to the transfer of learning via identical elements theory.
C. can be supplemented with other techniques to make it more sensory appealing and to address different
learning styles more.
D. is best for team training that calls for small group learning.

4. Which of the following training methods is a major component of behavior modeling and gives trainers
flexibility in customizing training sessions?
A. O-J-T
B. Self-directed learning
C. Simulations
D. Videos

5. Which training method does not belong with the other three?
A. Experiential learning
B. Apprenticeships
C. Behavior modeling
D. Case studies
6. The use of video in training
A. allow trainer to review, slow down, or speed up the lesson, which allows flexibility.
B. is expensive and relatively inflexible.
C. often does not achieve the intended objectives.
D. suffers from the problems of inconsistency and lack of appeal to the trainees.

7. On-the-job training
A. is best when it occurs naturally and is not structured.
B. is an expensive, time-consuming method of training.
C. has the advantage of utilizing expertise that exists among managers and peers.
D. requires no preparation on the part of managers or peers who will conduct the training.

8. Successful O-J-T programs are based on the principles of _____________.

A. behavior modeling
B. social learning theory
C. reinforcement theory
D. information processing theory

9. An apprenticeship
A. is an approach to learning a trade or craft that allows learners a work-study opportunity for pay.
B. typically includes a guaranteed job at the completion of the apprenticeship.
C. are used more in the United States than any other country.
D. results in individuals learning a wide range of skills that can be applied to a number of jobs.

10. To qualify as a registered apprenticeship program under state and federal guidelines the number of hours of
classroom instruction required is at least
A. 44
B. 100
C. 144
D. 2000

11. All of the following except __________ are disadvantages of apprenticeships.

A. limited access for minorities and women
B. no guarantee jobs will be available when the program is completed
C. employers may feel apprenticeship training is too narrow
D. apprentices are usually working full-time during the program
12. Which one of the following is not true of simulations as a training technique?
A. Simulations need to have identical elements to those found in the work environment.
B. Simulations are used to teach production and process skills as well as management and interpersonal skills.
C. Simulations allow trainees to see the impact of their decisions in an artificial, risk -free environment.
D. Simulations are inexpensive to develop and maintain due to virtual reality technologies.

13. A case study is a scenario describing a work situation

A. requiring trainees to analyze the actions described and to recommend alternatives.
B. for the purpose of developing manual skills.
C. from which individual trainees select the best action.
D. that, as a training method, is costly and relatively passive.

14. Which of the following is not true of business games? They ______
A. primarily focus on strategic management and marketing.
B. are primarily used for management skill development.
C. include board games.
D. require debriefing to be effective.

15. All of the following are true regarding role play except ________
A. outcomes depend upon the emotional reactions of other trainees.
B. role play provide trainees with detailed situational information.
C. debriefing is a critical part of role play.
D. interpersonal responses are the major focus.

16. Behavior modeling is based on the principles of _____________

A. behavior modeling.
B. social learning theory.
C. reinforcement theory.
D. information processing theory.

17. Which of the following are components found in a typical behavior modeling session?
A. Presentation of the key behaviors, videotape of a model, practice opportunities, and a planning session
B. Videotape of a model, planning session, one-on-one coaching, and practice opportunities
C. Presentation of key behaviors, videotape of a model, participation in a case study group, and planning
D. Lecture, videotape of a model, on-the-job coaching, and practice opportunities
18. Vicarious reinforcement is most relevant for _____________
A. simulations.
B. behavior modeling.
C. case studies.
D. business games.

19. In behavior modeling, at what stage are key behaviors introduced?

A. Application planning
B. Skill preparation
C. Introduction
D. Performance feedback

20. All of the following except ___________ are characteristics of effective modeling.
A. key behaviors are clearly presented
B. each key behavior is repeated
C. a review of key behaviors is presented
D. models are similar in age to trainees

21. The predominant method of present modeling displays is __________

A. videotape.
B. computerized modeling.
C. role playing performed by the trainer.
D. description in a training manual.

22. Which of the component of behavior modeling focuses on transfer?

A. Modeling display
B. Key behavior demonstration
C. Role play participation and practice
D. Application planning

23. The components of team learning are

A. knowledge, attitude, and behavior.
B. skills, abilities, and beliefs.
C. summative, formative, evaluative.
D. proactive, reactive, reflective.
24. All of the following are strategies of team training except ____________
A. team leader.
B. orientation.
C. cross.
D. coordination.

25. The type of training that instructs the team in how to share information and decision making responsibilities
to maximize team performance is called
A. team leader training
B. cross training
C. team training
D. coordination training

26. Six Sigma involves principles of _________.

A. action learning
B. team training
C. adventure learning
D. business games

27. For motor skills, behavior modeling has better transfer than __________.
A. simulations
B. video
C. O-J-T
D. apprenticeships

28. Which of the following training methods is best for transfer of learning?
A. Self-directed learning
B. Behavior modeling
C. Role playing
D. Business games

29. La Quinta hotels found on-line training better than face-to-face instructor led because guest satisfaction and
intent-to-return scores were higher.
True False

30. The growing use of technology-based training is due to learning effectiveness and training cost reductions.
True False
31. Many companies' training programs have found one best method of delivering training and focus on that
True False

32. Team teaching takes requires less time for trainers since they are only presenting only part of a training
True False

33. Video is a popular and effective training method that is often used as a stand-alone method.
True False

34. An important disadvantage of O-J-T is managers and peers may use and teach different methods to perform
True False

35. A statement of the basic components of O-J-T is: Tell, Show, Do, Review.
True False

36. An advantage of self-directed learning is development costs are lower than for other types of training
True False

37. Use of apprenticeship training is limited to trades and craft occupations and are often associated with a
True False

38. Looking Glass is a simulation used to develop managerial skills.

True False

39. In case studies trainees work in face-to-face teams.

True False
40. The case study method assumes trainees are most likely to recall and use knowledge learned through the
process of discovery.
True False

41. Business games are basically case studies played in teams.

True False

42. The primary goal of business games is to present decision and analysis knowledge to trainees.
True False

43. Role plays are similar to simulations in that both focus on physical responses.
True False

44. Vicarious reinforcement occurs when a trainee sees a model receiving reinforcement for doing certain
True False

45. In effective modeling displays, models engage in both positive and negative use of key behaviors.
True False

46. A component experiential learning training programs is trainees take part in a behavioral simulation.
True False

47. Research on the effectiveness of adventure learning shows that it increases the productivity of teams.
True False

48. One key to the success of adventure learning is that whole groups participate together.
True False

49. Coordination training involves teaching various teams how to coordinate their functions.
True False
50. Action learning gives teams or work groups an actual problem, and then have them work on solving it, and
committing to an action plan.
True False

51. Six Sigma and black belt training involves apprenticeship training.
True False

52. Presentation training methods, compared to hands on and group building, are lowest cost.
True False

53. What are the most important factors to consider when selecting training methods?

54. Your boss says she wants to start utilizing on-the-job training and she asks you what needs to be
incorporated and/or considered. How would you respond?

55. Your company is considering using a self-directed learning. Your boss has asked, "What are the steps that
are involved in putting self-directed learning in place?" What are the advantages and disadvantages of self-
directed learning?
56. Five different steps were listed for the process of case development. List them.

57. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the lecture method and self-directed learning.
Chapter 07 Traditional Training Methods Key

1. (p. 259) ________ is the most frequently used method of delivering formal training.
A. Instructor-led classroom
B. Online self-study
C. Virtual classroom
D. Blended training

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #1

2. (p. 261) Which of the following is not a presentation training method?

A. Lecture.
B. Apprenticeships.
C. Manuals.
D. Games.

Difficulty: Easy
Noe - Chapter 07 #2

3. (p. 261-62) The lecture method

A. emphasizes trainee involvement and feedback.
B. has the advantage of being highly conducive to the transfer of learning via identical elements theory.
C. can be supplemented with other techniques to make it more sensory appealing and to address different
learning styles more.
D. is best for team training that calls for small group learning.

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #3

4. (p. 263) Which of the following training methods is a major component of behavior modeling and gives trainers
flexibility in customizing training sessions?
A. O-J-T
B. Self-directed learning
C. Simulations
D. Videos

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #4
5. (p. 263, 267) Which training method does not belong with the other three?
A. Experiential learning
B. Apprenticeships
C. Behavior modeling
D. Case studies

Difficulty: Difficult
Noe - Chapter 07 #5

6. (p. 263) The use of video in training

A. allow trainer to review, slow down, or speed up the lesson, which allows flexibility.
B. is expensive and relatively inflexible.
C. often does not achieve the intended objectives.
D. suffers from the problems of inconsistency and lack of appeal to the trainees.

Difficulty: Easy
Noe - Chapter 07 #6

7. (p. 264) On-the-job training

A. is best when it occurs naturally and is not structured.
B. is an expensive, time-consuming method of training.
C. has the advantage of utilizing expertise that exists among managers and peers.
D. requires no preparation on the part of managers or peers who will conduct the training.

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #7

8. (p. 264) Successful O-J-T programs are based on the principles of _____________.
A. behavior modeling
B. social learning theory
C. reinforcement theory
D. information processing theory

Difficulty: Difficult
Noe - Chapter 07 #8
9. (p. 267) An apprenticeship
A. is an approach to learning a trade or craft that allows learners a work-study opportunity for pay.
B. typically includes a guaranteed job at the completion of the apprenticeship.
C. are used more in the United States than any other country.
D. results in individuals learning a wide range of skills that can be applied to a number of jobs.

Difficulty: Easy
Noe - Chapter 07 #9

10. (p. 267) To qualify as a registered apprenticeship program under state and federal guidelines the number of
hours of classroom instruction required is at least
A. 44
B. 100
C. 144
D. 2000

Difficulty: Easy
Noe - Chapter 07 #10

11. (p. 270) All of the following except __________ are disadvantages of apprenticeships.
A. limited access for minorities and women
B. no guarantee jobs will be available when the program is completed
C. employers may feel apprenticeship training is too narrow
D. apprentices are usually working full-time during the program

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #11

12. (p. 271) Which one of the following is not true of simulations as a training technique?
A. Simulations need to have identical elements to those found in the work environment.
B. Simulations are used to teach production and process skills as well as management and interpersonal skills.
C. Simulations allow trainees to see the impact of their decisions in an artificial, risk-free environment.
D. Simulations are inexpensive to develop and maintain due to virtual reality technologies.

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #12
13. (p. 271) A case study is a scenario describing a work situation
A. requiring trainees to analyze the actions described and to recommend alternatives.
B. for the purpose of developing manual skills.
C. from which individual trainees select the best action.
D. that, as a training method, is costly and relatively passive.

Difficulty: Easy
Noe - Chapter 07 #13

14. (p. 272-73) Which of the following is not true of business games? They ______
A. primarily focus on strategic management and marketing.
B. are primarily used for management skill development.
C. include board games.
D. require debriefing to be effective.

Difficulty: Easy
Noe - Chapter 07 #14

15. (p. 274) All of the following are true regarding role play except ________
A. outcomes depend upon the emotional reactions of other trainees.
B. role play provide trainees with detailed situational information.
C. debriefing is a critical part of role play.
D. interpersonal responses are the major focus.

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #15

16. (p. 274) Behavior modeling is based on the principles of _____________

A. behavior modeling.
B. social learning theory.
C. reinforcement theory.
D. information processing theory.

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #16
17. (p. 275) Which of the following are components found in a typical behavior modeling session?
A. Presentation of the key behaviors, videotape of a model, practice opportunities, and a planning session
B. Videotape of a model, planning session, one-on-one coaching, and practice opportunities
C. Presentation of key behaviors, videotape of a model, participation in a case study group, and planning
D. Lecture, videotape of a model, on-the-job coaching, and practice opportunities

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #17

18. (p. 275) Vicarious reinforcement is most relevant for _____________

A. simulations.
B. behavior modeling.
C. case studies.
D. business games.

Difficulty: Difficult
Noe - Chapter 07 #18

19. (p. 275) In behavior modeling, at what stage are key behaviors introduced?
A. Application planning
B. Skill preparation
C. Introduction
D. Performance feedback

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #19

20. (p. 276) All of the following except ___________ are characteristics of effective modeling.
A. key behaviors are clearly presented
B. each key behavior is repeated
C. a review of key behaviors is presented
D. models are similar in age to trainees

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #20
21. (p. 276) The predominant method of present modeling displays is __________
A. videotape.
B. computerized modeling.
C. role playing performed by the trainer.
D. description in a training manual.

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #21

22. (p. 277) Which of the component of behavior modeling focuses on transfer?
A. Modeling display
B. Key behavior demonstration
C. Role play participation and practice
D. Application planning

Difficulty: Easy
Noe - Chapter 07 #22

23. (p. 279-80) The components of team learning are

A. knowledge, attitude, and behavior.
B. skills, abilities, and beliefs.
C. summative, formative, evaluative.
D. proactive, reactive, reflective.

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #23

24. (p. 280) All of the following are strategies of team training except ____________
A. team leader.
B. orientation.
C. cross.
D. coordination.

Difficulty: Difficult
Noe - Chapter 07 #24
25. (p. 281) The type of training that instructs the team in how to share information and decision making
responsibilities to maximize team performance is called
A. team leader training
B. cross training
C. team training
D. coordination training

Difficulty: Easy
Noe - Chapter 07 #25

26. (p. 283) Six Sigma involves principles of _________.

A. action learning
B. team training
C. adventure learning
D. business games

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #26

27. (p. 285) For motor skills, behavior modeling has better transfer than __________.
A. simulations
B. video
C. O-J-T
D. apprenticeships

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #27

28. (p. 285) Which of the following training methods is best for transfer of learning?
A. Self-directed learning
B. Behavior modeling
C. Role playing
D. Business games

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #28

29. (p. 258) La Quinta hotels found on-line training better than face-to-face instructor led because guest
satisfaction and intent-to-return scores were higher.

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #29
30. (p. 260) The growing use of technology-based training is due to learning effectiveness and training cost

Difficulty: Easy
Noe - Chapter 07 #30

31. (p. 260) Many companies' training programs have found one best method of delivering training and focus on
that method.

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #31

32. (p. 261) Team teaching takes requires less time for trainers since they are only presenting only part of a
training program.

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #32

33. (p. 262) Video is a popular and effective training method that is often used as a stand-alone method.

Difficulty: Easy
Noe - Chapter 07 #33

34. (p. 264) An important disadvantage of O-J-T is managers and peers may use and teach different methods to
perform tasks.

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #34

35. (p. 265) A statement of the basic components of O-J-T is: Tell, Show, Do, Review.

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #35
36. (p. 267) An advantage of self-directed learning is development costs are lower than for other types of training

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #36

37. (p. 269) Use of apprenticeship training is limited to trades and craft occupations and are often associated with a

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #37

38. (p. 271) Looking Glass is a simulation used to develop managerial skills.

Difficulty: Easy
Noe - Chapter 07 #38

39. (p. 271) In case studies trainees work in face-to-face teams.


Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #39

40. (p. 271) The case study method assumes trainees are most likely to recall and use knowledge learned through
the process of discovery.

Difficulty: Easy
Noe - Chapter 07 #40

41. (p. 272-73.) Business games are basically case studies played in teams.

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #41
42. (p. 272) The primary goal of business games is to present decision and analysis knowledge to trainees.

Difficulty: Difficult
Noe - Chapter 07 #42

43. (p. 274) Role plays are similar to simulations in that both focus on physical responses.

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #43

44. (p. 275) Vicarious reinforcement occurs when a trainee sees a model receiving reinforcement for doing certain

Difficulty: Easy
Noe - Chapter 07 #44

45. (p. 276) In effective modeling displays, models engage in both positive and negative use of key behaviors.

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #45

46. (p. 277) A component experiential learning training programs is trainees take part in a behavioral simulation.

Difficulty: Easy
Noe - Chapter 07 #46

47. (p. 279) Research on the effectiveness of adventure learning shows that it increases the productivity of teams.

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #47
48. (p. 279) One key to the success of adventure learning is that whole groups participate together.

Difficulty: Easy
Noe - Chapter 07 #48

49. (p. 281) Coordination training involves teaching various teams how to coordinate their functions.

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #49

50. (p. 282) Action learning gives teams or work groups an actual problem, and then have them work on solving it,
and committing to an action plan.

Difficulty: Easy
Noe - Chapter 07 #50

51. (p. 283) Six Sigma and black belt training involves apprenticeship training.

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #51

52. (p. 285) Presentation training methods, compared to hands on and group building, are lowest cost.

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #52
53. (p. the entire chapter, particularly Table 7.10) What are the most important factors to consider when selecting training

1. From the needs analysis, jobs and the KSAO's from those jobs will have been identified. Therefore, the
primary factor is select training methods appropriate for the desired learning outcomes.
2. Effectiveness of relevant methods should be considered next. For example, action learning is more effective
than team training and team training is more effective than adventure learning (Table 7.10).
3. Is the content of the training likely to be relatively stable over time or change frequently? For example,
interpersonal skills and decision making training content is likely to be stable while tax codes, regulations and
related material is likely to change frequently. Therefore, larger investment in high development cost methods
such as business games may be justified for recurring decision making skills while lower cost case studies may
be a better choice for less frequent issues.
4. How many people need to be trained and is such training likely to be needed often or rarely? Similar to the
above point, when the development costs can be amortized across more trainees, more effective methods with
higher development costs are rational choices.
5. Training methods providing a superior learning environment—opportunities for practice, meaningful content
and feedback should be chosen over methods not as strong in this area.
6. Finally, methods offering superior transfer are preferred.

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #53

54. (p. 265) Your boss says she wants to start utilizing on-the-job training and she asks you what needs to be
incorporated and/or considered. How would you respond?

Effective OJT programs include:

1. A policy statement that describes the purpose of OJT and emphasizes the company's support for it.
2. A clear specification of who is accountable for conducting OJT. If managers conduct OJT,this is mentioned
in their job descriptions and is part of their performance evaluations.
3. A thorough review of OJT practices (program content, types of jobs, length of program,cost savings) at other
companies in similar industries.
4. Training of managers and peers in the principles of structured OJT (see Table 7.2).
5. Availability of lesson plans, checklists, procedure manuals, training manuals, learning contracts, and progress
report forms for use by employees who conduct OJT.
6. Evaluation of employees' levels of basic skills (reading, computation, writing) before OJT.
Additionally, see Table 7.2 specifying Principles of O-J-T.

Difficulty: Easy
Noe - Chapter 07 #54
55. (p. 266-67.) Your company is considering using a self-directed learning. Your boss has asked, "What are the
steps that are involved in putting self-directed learning in place?" What are the advantages and disadvantages of
self-directed learning?

The chapter suggests the following steps:

1. Conduct a job analysis to identify the tasks that must be covered.
2. Write trainee-centered learning objectives directly related to the tasks. Because the objectives take the place
of the instructor, they must indicate what information is important, what actions the trainee should take, and
what the trainee should master.
3. Develop the content for the learning package. This involves developing scripts (for video) or text screens (for
computer-based training). The content should be based on the trainee centered learning objectives. Another
consideration in developing the content is the media (e.g., paper, video, computer, Web site) that will be used to
communicate the content.
4. Break the content into smaller pieces ("chunks"). The chunks should always begin with the objectives that
will be covered and include a method for trainees to evaluate their learning. Practice exercises should also
appear in each chunk.
5. Develop an evaluation package that includes evaluation of the trainee and evaluation of the self-directed
learning package. Trainee evaluation should be based on the objectives (a process known as criterion
referencing). That is, questions should be developed that are written directly from the objectives and can be
answered directly from the materials.
Evaluation of the self-directed learning package should involve determining ease of use, how up-to-date the
material is, whether the package is being used as intended, and whether trainees are mastering the objecti ves.
Self-directed learning has several advantages and disadvantages. It allows trainees to learn at their own pace
and receive feedback about the learning performance. For the company, self-directed learning requires fewer
trainers, reduces costs associated with travel and meeting rooms, and makes multiple-site training more
realistic. Self-directed learning provides consistent training content that captures the knowledge of experts. Self-
directed learning also makes it easier for shift employees to gain access to training materials.
A major disadvantage of self-directed learning is that trainees must be willing to learn on their own and feel
comfortable doing so. That is, trainees must be motivated to learn From the company perspective, self-directed
learning results in higher development costs, and development time is longer than with other types of training

Difficulty: Medium
Noe - Chapter 07 #55

56. (p. 271-72 Table 7-5) Five different steps were listed for the process of case development. List them.

1. Identify a story.
2. Gather information.
3. Prepare a story outline.
4. Decide on administrative issues.
5. Prepare case materials.

Difficulty: Easy
Noe - Chapter 07 #56
57. (p. 261, 266-67, p. 285 Table 7-10) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the lecture method and self-directed

The lecture method of training is a passive "presentation" approach to learning. It involves the trainer relating
information verbally to the trainees. Self-directed learning, on the other hand, is a hands-on training method that
requires the trainee to be actively involved and, in fact, to take responsibility for his/her own learning. The
trainer's role in self-directed learning is much less visible and facilitative. Self-directed learning tends to be
more expensive than lecture but offers much more opportunity for practice, feedback and interaction with other
trainees. Transfer of learning tends to be higher with self-directed learning, although some types of learners may
respond better to lecture if they prefer the passive mode. Both are most effective for verbal information,
intellectual skills, and cognitive outcomes and least effective for motor skills. Lecture's advantage is that a large
amount of information can be delivered to a large group rather quickly and inexpensively. Its major
disadvantage is the low level of trainee involvement. Self-directed learning tends to be more expensive and
requires more development, on the down side, but its advantages include the opportunity for practice that it
allows, the self-paced nature, and the fairly high likelihood for transfer of learning back to the job.

Difficulty: Easy
Noe - Chapter 07 #57
Chapter 07 Traditional Training Methods Summary

Category # of Questions
Difficulty: Difficult 5
Difficulty: Easy 19
Difficulty: Medium 33
Noe - Chapter 07 57
Chapter Seven
Traditional Training
O Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of
presentational, hands-on, and group
building training methods

O Provide recommendations for effective on-

the-job training (OJT)

O Develop a case study

O Develop a self-directed learning module

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
O Discuss the key components of behavior
modeling training

O Explain the conditions necessary for

adventure learning to be effective

O Discuss what team training should focus on

to improve team performance

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
70-20-10 Model
O 70 percent of learning derives from job-
related experiences

O 20 percent of learning derives from

interactions with others

O 10 percent of learning derives from formal

educational events

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A Learning System

Insert Figure 7.1

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
A Learning System
O Guided Competency Learning
o well defined competencies trained via
lecture and online methods
O Social Competency Learning
o well defined competencies learned via
mentoring, job experiences, and

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
A Learning System
O Guided Contextual Learning
o context dependent competencies trained
via simulation, on-the-job training,
behavior modeling, and experiential
O Social Contextual Learning
o context dependent competencies learned
via social media and informal
interactions through others

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
Traditional Training Methods
On-the-job Self-Directed
Lecture Audiovisual
Training Learning

Apprenticeship Simulations Case Studies

Behavior Adventure
Role Plays Team Training
Modeling Learning

Action Learning

Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
O Standard lecture: trainer speaks and
trainees listen
O Team teaching: two or more trainers present

O Guest speakers: speakers visit

O Panel: multiple speakers present and ask

O Student presentations: groups of trainees
Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.
O Advantages
o relatively inexpensive and efficient for
large groups
o useful when the instructor is the main
knowledge holder
O Disadvantages
o passive
o potentially weak connection to the work
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O Includes overheads, slides, and video

O Video is highly popular, but rarely used


O Video can be effective for illustrating

communication skills, interviewing skills,
customer-service skills, and step-by-step

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O Advantages
o can demonstrate content that cannot be
easily demonstrated live
o provides consistency
o useful complement to other methods
O Disadvantages
o creative approach may be weak
o may become obsolete
o passive

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On-the-Job Training (OJT)
O Involves learning by observing others and
emulating their behavior
O Considered informal because it does not
occur in a classroom and because managers
or coworkers are trainers
O Useful for training new employees,
upgrading experienced employees’ skills,
and cross-training

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On-the-Job Training (OJT)
O Advantages
o requires less time and cost than formal
o customized and offered at any time
o focuses on actual job content
O Disadvantages
o may be inconsistent
o bad habits may be passed on

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Enhancing OJT
O Break tasks down into important steps
O Prepare resources and support
O Show trainees how to perform the task and
explain key points
O Have the trainee practice small parts and
then entire tasks
O Provide feedback
O Have the trainee practice until accurate
reproduction is achieved
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Self-Directed Learning
O Places complete responsibility for learning
on the learner, including when learning will
take place and with whom

O Content is pre-determined, but trainees can

learn the content at their own pace and in
their own way

O Trainers should be available to answer

questions and facilitate learning
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Self-Directed Learning
O Advantages
o flexibility for trainees
o fewer trainers, facilities, and resources
o consistent training content
O Disadvantages
o may place too much responsibility on
o may be costly

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Developing Self-Directed
O Conduct a job analysis to identify the tasks
O Write trainee-centered learning objectives
O Develop the content for a learning packet
O Break content into small chunks
O Develop an evaluation package

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O Work-study type training involving on-the-
job and classroom training

O Typically sponsored by a company or trade


O Common in skilled trades, such as for an

electrician, carpenter, and plumber

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O Trainee advantages
o earn pay while they learn
o wages increase as skills improve
o competitive job offers

O Trainee disadvantages
o historically restricted access to women
and minorities

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O Employer advantages
o meet specific business needs
o attract talented employees
o trainees are skilled and motivated

O Employer disadvantages
o costly
o potentially narrow skill set

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O Training method that represents a real-life
situation where trainees’ decisions result in
outcomes that mirror what would happen
on the job

O The best simulations have a high degree of

identical elements

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O Advantages
o highly realistic hands-on practice
o allow trainees to make mistakes

O Disadvantages
o potentially expensive to develop
o may be difficult to incorporate identical

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Case Study
O In-depth scenario how employees or an
organization dealt with a difficult situation

O Trainees are required to analyze and critique

the actions taken, indicate appropriate
actions, and suggest what should have been
done differently

O Individuals learn through a process of

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Case Study
O Advantages
o useful for developing intellectual skills
o engage learners
O Disadvantages
o trainees must be highly motivated and
have a degree of expertise
o recommendations are merely

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Business Games
O Primarily used for management skill

O Require trainees to actively gather

information, analyze, and make decisions

O Stimulate learning because participants are

actively involved and because games mimic
the competitive nature of business

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Business Games
O Common characteristics of games:
o involve a contest or competition
o designed to demonstrate an application
of a knowledge or skill
o alternative courses of action are available
o trainees do not know for certain the
consequences of their actions
o rules limit participant behavior

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Business Games
O Advantages
o can be used for training that would
otherwise involve risk of accident or high
o active involvement
O Disadvantages
o difficult to develop
o not always realistic
o trainees must be motivated
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Role Plays
O Require trainees take on a role, such as a
manager or disgruntled employee, and
explore what is involved in the role

O Often included in programs focused on the

development of interpersonal skills

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Role Plays
O Advantages
o allow trainees to practice skills
o trainees are engaged
O Disadvantages
o trainees may not always take role playing
o scenarios may not be realistic

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Enhancing Role Plays
O Explain the background and context
O Provide a script with sufficient detail
O Arrange the room so other trainees can see
O Provide observation sheets and checklists
that highlight key issues
O Provide sufficient time to debrief and
provide feedback

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Behavior Modeling
O Hands-on method that involves presenting
to trainees a model, highlighting the key
aspects of the model, practice, and

O Based on social learning theory

O Highly effective for interpersonal skills

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Effective Modeling Displays
O Clear presentation of the key behaviors
O A model that is credible to trainees
O An overview of the behaviors
O Repetition of each behavior
O A review of the behaviors
O Models using the behaviors correctly and

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Behavior Modeling
O Advantages
o hands-on practice
o highly effective in promoting transfer

O Disadvantages
o potentially time-consuming to

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Adventure Learning
O Method aimed at developing teamwork,
leadership skills, and self-awareness
O Activities range from highly strenuous and
challenging ones, such as mountain
climbing, to less challenging ones, such as
rope courses
O Exercises must be related to a specific
learning objective

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Adventure Learning
O Advantages
o trainees interact and build relationships
o can be self-enlightening and
O Disadvantages
o potential physical harm
o costly
o not all trainees may be motivated

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Team Training
O Three key aspects of team performance
o Behavior—teams must communicate,
coordinate, adapt, and complete
complex tasks
o Knowledge—teams must have “mental
models” that allow them to function
o Attitudes—members must have favorable
attitudes toward each other
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Elements of Team Training

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Team Training
O Advantages
o when properly designed, team training
generally results in more effective teams
O Disadvantages
o potentially costly
o time consuming

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Action Learning
O Involves assigning teams an actual problem,
committing to an action plan, and holding
them accountable
O Used to solve important problems, develop
leaders, build teams, and transform
organizational cultures
O Typically involves teams of 6 to 30

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Action Learning
O Advantages
o highly interactive and engaging
o highly effective in developing the target
skills and promoting transfer
O Disadvantages
o requires trainees with a high level of

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Choosing a Method
O A variety of considerations should be taken
into account
o The learning outcome, which the most
o The learning environment
o Transfer of training considerations
o Cost
o Overall effectiveness

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General Trends
O There is considerable overlap in learning
outcomes across methods

O Hands-on methods are more effective than

presentation methods

O Presentation methods are less expensive

O Where possible, use multiple methods to

capitalize on the strengths of each

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