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Speech of the Representative of Brazil to the State of Palestine,

Ambassador Paulo Roberto Caminha de Castilhos França, to the

AdCom – Dead Sea – 19/11/20013

Mr. Chairman,

Brazil received once more with great honor and pleasure the invitation to
attend, as a special guest, the UNRWA Advisory Commission meeting in
Jordan. On behalf of the Brazilian Government I want to thank you for this
kind invitation.

Let me also take this opportunity to thank the Commissioner-General,

Filippo Grandi, for his recent visit to Brazil. I was pleased to learn he met
with important members of the Brazilian Government, Congressmen and the
civil society, including our Vice-President, Mr. Michel Temer. They were all
captivated by Filippo’s determination and commitment to fulfill UNRWA’s
role and responsibilities.

I was particularly happy to hear about the fund raising initiative aimed at the
Brazilian Arab Community and coordinated by the Arab-Brazilian Chamber
of Commerce. I believe that engaging the civil society and the Arab diaspora
living in our country is a very important and constructive step to help raising
awareness in Brazil about the Palestinian cause, and particularly on the
question of Palestinian refugees.

We were very pleased with the results of the visit and I would like to
highlight that Brazil remains committed with the work of UNRWA.

I take this opportunity also to congratulate the Commissioner-General for his

work at UNRWA and wish Filippo all the best in his future life.

Mr. Chairman,

20 years after the establishment of the Oslo Accords the situation in

Palestine remains a source of grave concern for the world. The Israeli
blockade of Gaza poses tragic humanitarian consequences to the Palestinian
people in the strip. The continued occupation of Palestinian territory by
Israel prolongs the uncertainty, instability and insecurity so detrimental to
both Palestinian and Israeli peoples. The illegal construction and expansion
of Israeli settlements in Palestine, including East Jerusalem, continues to
pose the most significant and immediate threat to the two-State solution.

In this regard, Brazil supports the efforts led by the US Secretary of State
John Kerry and we hope that they can represent a breakthrough in this too
long lasting conflict and peace and justice be finally accomplished.

Brazil’s position regarding the conflict is well known. We defend the right
of the Palestinian people to reach their goal of having an independent,
democratic and viable State, within the 1967 borders and with East
Jerusalem as its capital, living side by side and in peace with all of its

Furthermore we reiterate that the answer to the refugee plight, based on the
relevant UN resolutions, is part of any just and durable solution to the

Brazil also expresses deep concern with the deterioration of the situation in
Syria and its impact on the Palestinian refugees living in that country. Let
me express our dismay at the continuation of the unabated violence against
civilians and at the destruction of a brotherly country in a conflict that has
simply lasted far too long and taken too high a toll. It must come to an end.

Mr. Chairman,

The question of the Palestinian refugees is very dear to Brazil. As a country

with huge social challenges, we understand the importance of UNRWA’s
work in providing support and relief to more than 5 million people. Brazil
has important and successful experience in poverty mitigation and social
development actions that might be helpful for UNRWA’s Midterm Strategy.

Brazil has contributed with USD 8.5 million since 2011 for UNRWA. The
amount was credited to the General Fund to support Agency’s programs in
the fields of education, health, food security and social services. Very
recently, Brazil donated 11,500 metric tons of rice to UNRWA. This
amounts to approximately US $ 5 million and corresponds to one year
consumption of rice in all refugee camps run by UNRWA.

We are still in the process of giving due consideration to further contributing

to the Agency in order to be able to join permanently this distinguished
Commission. As you know, unfortunately, the economic crisis hit Brazil
deeply and has raised difficulties for the plans we had. Nevertheless, I
remain confident that we are going to find a way and keep supporting
UNRWA to deliver its important work.

In concluding, Mr. Chairman, allow me to commend once again UNWRA

for the essential role it has played over the past 64 years. May I also express
the appreciation of my country to Jordan for hosting this meeting and to all
of the donor countries for their valuable help to the Palestinian refugees.

Thank you very much.

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