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Reproductive System

DR Saroj Bhattarai
Male Reproductive System
HPG axis
Primary sex organ of male
Temperature of testis 3 degree Celsius less than Normal.
Left testis lower than right.
• Testis lies in scrotum
• Dartous muscle present
one or both of the testes fail to
descend from the abdomen
into the scrotum.
Abdominal testis in Whale and
Layers of Testis
• Tunica vaginalis ( Outer )
• Tunica albuginea
• Tunica vasculosa ( inner )
Hydrocele and Hematocele
• Each testis 200-300
• Testicular lobules
• Contains 2-3
Seminiferous tubules
• consist of two types of
Seminiferous tubules
• Two types of cells
• Spermatogonia develops into sperm
• Sertoli cell/Nursing cell/ supporting cell/Somatic cell Sustentacular cell
• Function phagocytosis
• Nutrition
• Blood-testis barrier
Leydig/ Interstitial cell
• Present between seminiferous
• Testosterone by stimulation of
• Secondary sexual Character
• Head
• neck
• Middle
• Tail
• Capacitation
• Spermiation
• Ejaculation
• Insemination
Vasa efferentia/ efferent ductules
• 12- 20 fine tubules
connects rete testis to
caput epididymis
• Lined by ciliated
Highly coiled tubules 6 to 7 meter

• Head, body and tail

• Sperm gain motility and
• Pseudostratified ciliated
columnar epithelium
Vas Deferens
• 40-45 cm
• Pseudostratified ciliated
• Continuation of cauda
• Near end dilated
• Joins seminal vesicles form
ejaculatory duct .
Seminal Vesicle
( seminal gland )
• 60 % of Semen
• Fructose, citrate, Inositol,
protein and prostaglandin
Prostate gland
• 15 to 30% of semen
• Acidic nature
• Sperm motility
• Homologous to Paraurethral
gland of female
Bulbourethral ( Cowper’s )Gland
provide mucus protein that lubricate the urethra and
counteract the acidity of urine
• Seminal Vesicle
• Prostate
• Spermatozoa
• Cowper gland
• Volume: 2-5ml
• PH: Alkaline
• more than 20 millions/ml and less than 250 millions/ml
• Sperm motility: 50% or more of the spermatozoa show active forward
progression after 2 hours of ejaculation
• Sperm morphology: abnormal forms is less than 35%
• Aspermia is absence of semen
• Azoospermia is absence of sperm in semen
• Asthenospermia is reduced sperm motility
• Primary sex organ
• Homologous to testis
• Covered by Tunica albuginea
• Lined by cuboidal epithelium
Outer cortex inner medulla

attached to uterus by ovarian ligament

Pelvic wall by suspensory ligament

Peritoneal covering mesovarium

• Process of oogenesis starts before birth
• Primodial follicle change into primary follicle
• Primary change into secondary follicle
• Under control of FSH and LH hormone
Ovarian cycle
• Each month primodial follicles start to develop
• Primary oocyte is arrested at prophase-1 in diplotene stage
• Just before ovulation meosis -1 is completed
• Ovulation occurs at secondary oocyte stage arrested at metaphase-2
• At 14 days from mature
graffian follicle
• Under effect called LH
Corpus Luteum
• Remaning part after
• Secretes mainly
• Progesterone ( Hormone of
Pregnancy )
Fate of corpus luteum
• If sperm enters meosis-2 completed
• Zygote is formed , implanted at blastocyst stage
• Placenta will secrete HCG
• Corpus luteum is maintained
If no fertilization
• Corpus luteum change into corpus albicans
• Drop in level of progesterone
• Menstruation occurs
• Q . Menstruation is due to :
• Decrease in level of progesterone & estrogen
• If we have to choose between them choose progesterone
• Human chorionic
gonadotropin hormone
• Human placental
lactogen (hPL).
• Estrogen
• Progesterone
Pregnancy test
Uterus/ Womb

Inverted pear shaped

supplied by uterine
a. Fundus
( implantation occurs
most commonly)
b. Body
c. Cervix
• Endometrium lined by Simple
Columnar epithelium
• Myometrium
• Perimetrium
• Stratum basalis
• Stratum functionalis
• Cyclic shedding
• Of stratum functionalis
Fallopian tube
( Oviduct or
Uterine tube or
Salpinx )

a. Infundibulum
b. Ampulla
c. Isthmus
d. intramural/ Interstitial
Fallopian tube
• Widest part is ampulla
• Fertilization occurs in ampulla
• Narrowest part isthmus
• Ciliated columnar epithelium is +nt
• Peg cells are found
21 to 35 days.
1st to 4th day
5th to 14th day
15th to 28 days
• Total cycle normally 28 days
• Secretory phase is considered to be constant 14 days
Make it clear
• Proliferative phase /estrogenic phase /preovulatory phase /follicular
• Luteal phase /postovulatory phase/ secretory phase
Menarche and Menopause
• Non keratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
• Lactobacilli produce lactic acid
• PH – 3.8 to 4.5
Bartholin Gland
secrete lubricating fluid
especially during sexual arousal
Skene’s Gland
secretes a substance to
lubricate the urethral opening
• Secondary sexual character in female is due to
a. Presence of estrogen b. absence of estrogen
c. Presence of androgen d. absence of androgen

Bartholin gland present in

a. On either side of vagina b. on either side of penile urethra
c. On either side of fallopian tube d. just below ejaculatory duct

Ovary is connected to pelvic wall by

a. Adipose tissue b. Peritoneum c. Suspensory ligament
d. areolar tissue
• Cowper’s gland is homologous to ……. ...………………Of female.
a. Fallopian tube b. Bartholin gland c. Paraurethral gland d. Clitoris

Lining of Epididymis is
a. Squamous epi b. cuboidal epi c. Transitional epi d. ciliated columnar

Spermatogenesis occur in …………. Days

a. 14 b. 44 c. 54 d. 64 days

Acrosome derived from

a. Nucleus b. Mitochondria c. Endoplasmic reticulum d. Golgi bodies

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