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Direction: Read and understand the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Determine the relative humidity if the air temperature is 90°F and the wet bulb temperature is 81°F
A. 66%
B. 69%
C. 67%
D. 68%

2. What would be the nature of the bottom if you see fine dots on some of the coastal areas of a chart?
A. Sandy beach
B. Magnetite beach
C. Glauconite beach
D. Pebbled beach

3. In weather forecasting, what is the meaning of the expression NSW?

A. No significant wind changes are expected during the next two hours
B. The forecast indicates the end of the significant weather
C. Low layers of clouds are not expected during the next hour
D. High layers of clouds are not expected during the next hour

4. What is the line drawn on a chart through places of NO variation?

A. Agonic
B. Isoclinal
C. Aclinic

5. What meteorological conditions are likely to produce sub-refraction?

A. Anticyclonic conditions
B. A very light wind may be associated with an intense duct and affect radar performance
C. Warm air blowing off dry land over a colder sea area
D. Very cold air blowing over a relatively warm sea

6. What is the term used to describe the earth’s magnetic anomaly?

A. Magnetic dip
B. Magnetic declination
C. Magnetic coercivity
D. Magnetic field

7. If there were no salt or other hygroscopic particles in the air, would there be any clouds and rain?
A. There will be always formation of clouds and rain as it is formed by variation of saturation mixing ration of
air temperatures.
B. The air of the world contains myriads of hygroscopic particles without it there will be neither clouds nor
C. The hygroscopic particle in the air has nothing to do with the formation of clouds and rain.
D. There will be always formation of clouds and rain as it is formed in relation with this two meteorological
elements humidity and temperature.

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8. How could you determine that mixed (time and clear) icing is most likely to be encountered?
A. In towering cumulus cloud at a temperature of 10°C
B. In a weather cumulus cloud at a temperature of 15°C
C. In nimbostratus cloud at a temperature of 10°C
D. In stratocumulus cloud at a temperature of 20°C
9. You on course 330° pgc and 345° psc with a 2°E gyro error. If there is a variation of 10 °W, what is the
deviation on this heading?
A. 3°W
B. 4°E
C. 4°W
D. 7°W

10. What is the use of a wet bulb thermometer?

A. It measures the temperature of the atmosphere if the atmosphere is 100 percent saturated
B. It measures the temperature of the atmosphere
C. It measures the difference in temperature as a basis in ventilation requirement
D. It measures the relative humidity

11. What is the color of the Starboard hand lateral marks in IALA Region A?
A. Red and white vertical stripes
B. Red
C. Black with one more broad horizontal red bands
D. Green

12. At 1500H, you fix your position and change course to 315°T. At 1525H, you again fix your position, and it is 0.9
mile southwest of your DR position. Find the drift?
A. 1.7 knots
B. 2.1 knots
C. 1.9 knots
D. 2.3 knots

13. Out of the 57 navigational start tabulated in the Nautical Almanac, how many are of the first magnitude?
A. 21
B. 23
C. 19
D. 17

14. If you take a bearing of 264° to a lighthouse, what other bearing of another object would give the best fix?
A. An object with a bearing of about 120°
B. An object with a bearing of about 270°
C. An object with a bearing of about 080°
D. An object with a bearing of about 350°

15. Which of the following statements should NOT be included in the reasons why you need knowledge of
A. The knowledge of Meteorology will ensure a fast and quick turn around trade route while navigating at
B. The knowledge of Meteorology will guide you in selecting the most economical route in relation to
weather condition
C. The knowledge of Meteorology ensure safety if the ship in relation to tropical storms and severe weather
D. The knowledge of Meteorology will be able you to observe intelligently record and code weather

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16. What is the main idea of correcting the compass bearings of landmarks used for navigation?
A. If corrected, you can get a more accurate location with three landmarks where intersections should form
a small triangle
B. If corrected, you can get a more accurate location with three landmarks the bearing lines do not intersect
at a single point but their intersections should form a small triangle
C. If the compass deviation is determined, find the two landmarks on the chart that they are easily
identifiable and that will give a good fix
D. If corrected, these two bearing lines should intersect and you are more or less at the point where they

17. A hurricane has recurved to the northeast with a forward speed of 20 knots. Your ship is located 600 miles
northeast of the hurricane’s center. How long will it take for the hurricane’s center to reach your position if it
holds its present course and speed?
A. 40 hours
B. 10 hours
C. 30 hours
D. 20 hours

18. How is the isobar drawn in a weather map when an isobar crosses a front?
A. Parallel to the from
B. Kinked and pointing towards the low
C. Perpendicular to the front
D. Kinked and pointing away from the low

19. On a chart, a cardinal mark of the compass indicates the position of a danger and the direction of the safe
side. How would you determine a NORTH cardinal mark?
A. It is painted black over yellow
B. It is painted black with yellow bands
C. It is painted yellow with black bands
D. It is painted yellow over black

20. How can it help you to avoid the center of the storm using your radar?
A. The Radar can display on the screen areas moderate or heavy rain continuously for at least 50 nautical
miles in broad sector
B. The Radar can display on the screen showers at a long range an indication of great disturbances
C. The Radar width is intersecting precipitating clouds a definite indication that storm is intensifying
D. The Radar can display on the screen areas where moderate and heavy rain is falling

21. What is the light color (when fitted) of the Port hand lateral marks used in IALA Region B?
A. Red
B. Green
C. Yellow
D. White

22. What is the deviation of a compass if the Compass heading is 312° and the Magnetic heading is 298°?
A. 14°E
B. 28°W
C. 28°E
D. 14°W

23. How are air masses and ocean currents connected to each other?
A. Warm ocean currents cool the air masses
B. Warm ocean current warm air masses

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C. Warm air masses warm ocean currents
D. Cold air masses cool the ocean

24. Which of the following term refers to the direction of the flow of the current?
A. Stream
B. Drift
C. Flow
D. Set

25. Which if the following statements described on how does the corona of the sun and moon is from?
A. When the beam of light of the sun or moon passing through opening in the clouds a visible illumination of
dust in the atmosphere along the path phenomenon is formed
B. When the sun or moon is seen through altostratus clouds its outline is indistinct, and it appears
surrounded by a glow of light
C. When the light of the sun or moon passes through the atmosphere it is refracted forming different color
of the images of the sun and moon
D. When the temperature inversion during sunrise/sunsets or moonrise/moonset the phenomenon is

26. What is the ability of a substance to retain magnetic properties after the magnetizing force has been
A. Magnetic susceptibility
B. Magnetic shielding
C. Magnetic remanence
D. Magnetic flux

27. In Great Britain, the Nautical Almanac has been published annually and each page contains data that are
tabulated for how many days?
A. 3 days
B. 4 days
C. 2 days
D. 5 days

28. Your ship is on course 150° at a speed of 17 knots, if the apparent wind is from 040° if the starboards bow at a
speed of 15 knots. What would be the direction of true wind and speed?
A. True wind from 090° and speed about 11 knots
B. True wind from 039° and speed about 11 knots
C. True wind from 270° and speed about 11 knots
D. True wind from 150° and speed about 11 knots

29. Atmospheric pressure indicated by a barometer or a barograph may be subjected to several errors. Which of
the following is NOT an error affecting barometer reading?
A. Gravity error
B. Height error
C. Speed error
D. Instrument error

30. Base on what you know, how would you explain your understanding of humidity?
A. It is the amount of water vapor in the air
B. It is the temperature to which unsaturated air must be cooled at constant water vapor
C. It is the ratio of the existing absolute humidity to its saturation value at the same temperature
D. It is the water vapor of the air expressed in mass per unit volume

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31. What is the function of radar that is used to determine the relative distance of any target on the screen to
accurately determine position?
A. Variable Range Marker
B. Electric Range Marker
C. Variable Distance Marker
D. Electronic Bearing Line

32. What celestial body may sometimes be observed in daylight?

A. Sirius
B. New moon
C. Saturn
D. Venus

33. What is the light rhythm (when fitted) of the North Cardinal marks used in IALA Region A and Region B?
A. Group Quick Flashing
B. Interrupted Quick Flashing
C. Very Quick or Quick flashing
D. Interrupted Ultra-Quick Flashing

34. How could you determinate the existence of the conditions that allow thunderstorms to be developed?
A. A trigger action; a plentiful supply of moisture and a very stable atmosphere
B. A plentiful supply of moisture and steep lapse rate through a large vertical extent and a trigger action.
C. A steep lapse rate through a large vertical extent; a low relative humidity and trigger action.
D. A steep lapse rate through a large vertical extent; a low relative humidity and plentiful supply of moisture.

35. What is the variation of compass if the True heading is 321° and the magnetic heading is 298°?
A. 14°E
B. 14°W
C. 28°W
D. 28°E

36. You are running parallel to the coasts and plotting running fixes using bearings of the same landmark. For the
running fix, you are making more speed than you have assumed. What would be your position in relation to
the coast?
A. You are farther from the coast.
B. You are on the trackline behind the fix.
C. You are closer to the coast.

37. In navigation, what is meant by a buoy?

A. A floating object which is anchored at a given position with a sound signal producing bell tones by means
of hammer actuited by electricity and by sea motion.
B. A floating object which is anchored at a given position of defined shape and color and serves as an aid to
C. A floating object which is anchored with a sound signal producing bell tones on fixed aid and by sea
motion on buoys.
D. A floating object which is anchored at a given position and serves as an aid to navigation.

38. What idea justify that wet bulb temperature would normally be lower than the dry bulb temperature
A. Evaporation causes cooling.
B. Condensation causes a release of latent heat.
C. Latent heat is absorbed by the wet bulb thermometer.
D. Because of condensation on the muslin wick of the bulb.

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39. If you are in the Northern Hemisphere as a general rule (Buy’s Ballot Law), how would you determine the
center of high pressure?
A. Faces the surface of the wind the center of high is in your back.
B. Faces the surfaces of the wind the center of high pressure is in your left.
C. Faces the surface of the wind the center of high is directly ahead.
D. Faces the surface of the wind the center of high is toward your right.

40. What is the topmark (if any) of the starboard hand lateral marks used in IALA Region A??
A. Single green cone, point upward.
B. Single red sphere.
C. Single green sphere.
D. Single red cylinder (can)

41. If you are in the Southern Hemisphere as a general rule (Buy’s Ballot Law), how would you determine the
center of high pressure??
A. Faces the surface of the wind the center of high is toward your left.
B. Faces the surface of the wind the center of high is directly ahead.
C. Faces the surfaces of the wind the center of high pressure is in your right.
D. Faces the surfaces of the wind the center of high is in your back.

42. What is the light color (when fitted) of the NORTH cardinal marks used in IALA Region A and Region B??
A. White
B. Green
C. Yellow

43. What approach would you use in keeping up-to-date Sailing Direction??
A. I will ascertain if one or several supplements or summaries have been issued for the book.
B. I will have to know the numbers of all notice to Mariners correcting the book since the publication of the
C. I will have to know the date of the last supplement issued and if it is recapulative.
D. I will ascertain if the book under consideration is the last one issued for the area covered

44. Which of the following occurring phenomena can change the polarity of the magnetic properties of a vessel?
A. Being struct by lightning.
B. Steaming from the north magnetic hemisphere to the south magnetic hemisphere.
C. Being moored for a long time on one heading.
D. Loading a homogenious cargo such as steel plate and iron bars.

45. There are two separate carrier frequencies that carry the signal transmitted by the GPS satellite what is the
first carrier frequency?
A. 1755.42MHz
B. 1574.75MHz
C. 1572.75MHz
D. 1575.42MHz

46. What would be the approximate geographical visibility of an object with a height of 10.7 meters above sea
level for an observer at a height of 21.7 meters??
A. 16.7 nautical miles
B. 15.5 nautical miles
C. 18.1 nautical miles
D. 17.3 nautical miles

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47. How could you determine the circumstances where there is a clear sky, calm wind and a high relative humidity
in Autumn?
A. A Advection fog will form.
B. Hill fog can be expected.
C. Radiation fog is likely at sunrise after previous mist.
D. Radiation fog is likely overnight.

49. Which routeing measure is described that constitutes a boundary of opposing streams of traffic by appropriate
A. Traffic separation scheme.
B. Separation zone.
C. Inshore traffic zone.
D. Traffic lane.

50. How would you define alternating light?

A. A rhythmic light showing light of alternating colors.
B. A rhythmic light showing light of different colors.
C. A light showing different colors alternately.
D. A light showing alternating colors as observed in rhythm.

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