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 Introduction

 What is iot?
 Components
 Working of circuit
 Circuit diagram
 Conclusion
 Technical specification
 Introduction:

Domestic animal like cows and buffalos are use for milk. For better milk and for better
health good atmosphere is must be needed animals need good temperature and cold
atmosphere must be needed so animal feels good and healthy while milk feeding
For that we made smart temperature control system we made this project with help
of IOT I will explain later temperature and humidity showing in the mobile through IOT we will
on and off water sprinklers through IOT we can on and off when temperature will increase
then we can on the sprinklers and temperature will decrease then we can off the sprinklers

 What Is IOT:
The Internet of Things, or IoT, is a network of physical devices. These
devices can transfer data to one another without human intervention. IoT
devices are not limited to computers or machinery. The Internet of Things
can include anything with a sensor that is assigned a unique identifier
(UID). The primary goal of the IoT is to create self-reporting devices that
can communicate with each other (and users) in real time.

Internet of Things examples

You likely use IoT devices every day. The list below outlines a few IoT devices
that you may be familiar with:
 Smart home devices. Smart devices are interactive electronics that use
wireless connections to understand user instructions. To an extent,
smart home devices like thermostats and home security systems can
work autonomously to assist with daily tasks. For example, you may
program your smart thermostat to adjust automatically to a cooler
setting before you arrive home from work. Or, you may receive a security
camera notification to inform you that someone is at the door when you
are not home.
 Wearable technologies. One of the most common Internet of Things
examples is smartwatches. Wearable IoT technology like Fitbits and
Apple Watches connect to other devices (like your smartphone) to share
data. They typically also connect to the internet to track GPS locations.
 Personal medical devices. Personal medical devices like pacemakers are
also IoT devices. Remote medical devices can help monitor and share a
patient's vital signs or detect early signs of health issues for fast
 Autonomous vehicles. Self-driving cars and other connected vehicles rely
on the internet to share real-time information. Sensors throughout the
vehicle help map its surroundings, transmit camera footage, and respond
to traffic signals.

You can learn more about connected devices and build your own IoT device
with the University of Colorado Boulder’s online specialization, Hands-On
Internet of Things.

Commercial IoT
Commercial IoT refers to the tools and systems used outside of the home. For
example, businesses and health care organizations leverage commercial IoT for
auditable data trails and consumer management.
How does IoT work?
The next few sections break down the components that make the Internet of
Things work.

Internet of Things platform

An IoT platform manages device connectivity. It can be a software suite or a
cloud service. The purpose of an IoT platform is to manage and monitor
hardware, software, processing abilities, and application layers.

Sensor technologies
IoT sensors, sometimes called smart sensors, convert real-world variables into
data that devices can interpret and share. Many different types of sensors exist.
For example, temperature sensors detect heat and convert temperature
changes into data. Motion sensors detect movement by monitoring ultrasonic
waves and triggering a desired action when those waves are interrupted.

Unique identifiers
The core concept of the IoT is communication among devices and users. Unique
identifiers (UIDs) establish the context of a device within the larger network to
enable this communication. Identifiers are patterns, like numeric or
alphanumeric strings. One example of a UID that you might be familiar with is
an internet protocol (IP) address. They can identify a single device (instance
identifier) or the class to which that device belongs (type identifier).
Internet connectivity
Sensors can connect to cloud platforms and other devices through a host of
network protocols for the internet. This enables communication between

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning

Natural language processing (NLP) in IoT devices makes it easier for users to
input information and interact with devices. One common example of an IoT
device that utilizes NLP technology is the Amazon Alexa. Machine learning also
enhances the analytical capabilities of IoT devices.

Edge computing
Edge computing is a computing framework. It aims to conserve resources and
speed up response time by moving computational resources like data storage
closer to the data source. The IoT accomplishes this by utilizing edge devices
like IoT gateways.
Benefits of the Internet of Things
Before the introduction of the IoT, devices could only collect and share
information with human interaction. Today, the IoT enables lower operational
costs, increased safety and productivity, and overall improved customer
experience. Here are a few notable pros of the Internet of Things:
 Automation. Removing the need to perform mundane tasks like turning
the thermostat on and off or locking doors increases efficiency and
quality of life.
 Conservation. Automation makes it easier to manage energy
consumption and water usage without human oversight or error.
 Big data analytics. Information that was previously difficult to collect and
analyze can be tracked effortlessly with the Internet of Things.

You can learn more about how the IoT benefits certain industries in the
sections below.

The Internet of Things in health care

The IoT helps decrease the need for traditional record-keeping and protects
patients with real-time alerts. For example, glucose monitors can alert the
patient or caretaker when glucose levels become problematic and prompt the
appropriate action.

The Internet of Things in business

The IoT is essential to business. It makes it possible to collect and analyze
massive amounts of data in real time. IoT devices also enable automation. They
allow people to gain more control over their environments, health, and even
safety. For example, smart home security systems can automatically assess
threats like burglary or carbon monoxide poisoning and call for help.
Potential drawbacks of IoT
Managing large amounts of data poses certain risks and disadvantages. For
example, more IoT devices mean more human intervention through network
and device monitoring. Some security researchers believe that cybersecurity
professionals may face an increased workload as the IoT grows. Here are a few
more potential drawbacks of the Internet of Things:
 Privacy concerns. It can be challenging to protect the data mined by IoT
devices. Increased tracking threatens the confidentiality of the
information we share over the internet.
 Security issues. Individual device security is left up to the manufacturers.
Wireless network security could become compromised if manufacturers
do not prioritize security measures.
 Bandwidth. Too many connected devices on a shared network results in
slow internet speeds.

 Components:
1. Node MCU
2. Capacitors
3. LM 7805
4. 12Vdc motor
5. Sprinklers
6. Transistors

1.Node MCU

The Node MCU ESP8266 development board comes with the ESP-12E module
containing the ESP8266 chip having Tensilica Xtensa 32-bit LX106 RISC
microprocessor. This microprocessor supports RTOS and operates at 80MHz to 160
MHz adjustable clock frequency. NodeMCU has 128 KB RAM and 4MB of Flash
memory to store data and programs. Its high processing power with in-built Wi-Fi /
Bluetooth and Deep Sleep Operating features make it ideal for IoT projects.

NodeMCU can be powered using a Micro USB jack and VIN pin (External Supply Pin).
It supports UART, SPI, and I2C interface.

Programming Node MCU ESP8266 with Arduino IDE

The NodeMCU Development Board can be easily programmed with Arduino IDE since
it is easy to use.

Programming NodeMCU with the Arduino IDE will hardly take 5-10 minutes. All you
need is the Arduino IDE, a USB cable and the NodeMCU board itself. You can check
this Getting Started Tutorial for NodeMCU to prepare your Arduino IDE for NodeMCU.
Uploading your first program

Once Arduino IDE is installed on the computer, connect the board with the computer
using the USB cable. Now open the Arduino IDE and choose the correct board by
selecting Tools>Boards>NodeMCU1.0 (ESP-12E Module), and choose the correct Port
by selecting Tools>Port. To get it started with the Node MCU board and blink the
built-in LED, load the example code by selecting Files>Examples>Basics>Blink. Once
the example code is loaded into your IDE, click on the ‘upload’ button given on the
top bar. Once the upload is finished, you should see the built-in LED of the board


 Prototyping of IoT devices

 Low power battery operated applications
 Network projects
 Projects requiring multiple I/O interfaces with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

 A capacitor is defined as a passive component which is used for storing electrical energy. A
capacitor is made of two conductors that are separated by the dielectric material. These dielectric
materials are in the form of plates which can accumulate charges.
 One plate is for a positive charge while the other is for a negative charge.
 Capacitance is the effect of the capacitor. Capacitance is defined as the ratio of electric charge Q
to the voltage V and it is expressed as

C = Q/V

 Where,
 Q is the electric charge measured in coulombs
 C is the capacitance measured in farad
 V is the voltage across the plates measured in volts

How Are Capacitors Classified?

According to structure, capacitors are classified as:

 Fixed Capacitors
 Variable Capacitors
 Trimmer Capacitors

The capacitors are classified into two types according to polarization:

 Polarized
 Unpolarized
 A polarized capacitor is an important electronic circuit component and is often termed an
electrolytic capacitor. These capacitors are used to achieve high capacitive density.
 Unpolarized capacitors are preferred over polarized capacitors because it doesn’t get
destroyed by reverse voltage and can be used in pure AC circuits. They also find
applications in DC circuits as they don’t have positive and negative ends. The frequency
of the unpolarized capacitor is high, and the leakage current is low. After understanding
the classification of capacitors, let us learn about capacitor types.

Types of Capacitors
Let us now know various types of capacitors. Capacitors are categorized into 2 mechanical
groups. Fixed Capacitors consist of fixed capacitance value and variable capacitance with
variable capacitance value. Beneath are a brief description of various capacitor types and
their properties.

 Ceramic Capacitors
 Film Capacitors
 Power Film Capacitors
 Electrolytic Capacitors
 Ceramic capacitors
 Film capacitors
 Paper Capacitors
 Electrolytic capacitors

Ceramic Capacitors
A ceramic capacitor is considered to be one of the most commonly used capacitors. The
material used in this capacitor type is dielectric. Also, ceramic capacitors are non-polar
devices which means that they can be used in any direction in the circuit.

Ceramic Capacitor Symbol

Depending on the availability of the capacitor, ceramic capacitors are classified into three

 Leaded disc ceramic capacitors

 Surface mount multi-layered ceramic capacitors
 Microwave bare lead-less disc ceramic capacitors

Depending on the temperature range, temperature drift, and tolerance, ceramic capacitors are
classified into the following classes:

 Class 1 ceramic capacitors: These capacitors are considered to be the most stable capacitors with
linear characteristics.
 Class 2 ceramic capacitors: These capacitors perform better for volumetric efficiency but their
accuracy and stability are at stake. They find applications in coupling and decoupling.
 Class 3 ceramic capacitors: These capacitors have high volumetric efficiency with low accuracy
and low dissipation factor. They are used in decoupling.

Applications of Ceramic Capacitors

 Ceramic capacitors are used in printed circuit boards that are used in high-density applications.
 Their non-polarity makes them suitable for general usage.
 They find applications in DC motors as they are used for reducing the RF noise.
 Ceramic capacitors are used in transmitter stations where resonant circuits are used.

Film Capacitors
Film capacitors are also known as a polymer film, plastic film, or film dielectric. The
advantage of film capacitors is that they are inexpensive and come with limitless shelf life.
The film capacitor uses a thin dielectric material with the other side of the capacitor
metalized. Depending on the application, the film capacitor is rolled into thin films. The
general voltage range of these capacitors is from 50 V to 2 kV.

Film Capacitor Symbol

Types of Film Capacitors

Depending on the dielectric material used and applications, the following is the classification
of the film capacitor:

 Heavy-duty snubber capacitors

 SMD style capacitors
 Axial style capacitors
 Radial style capacitors

Applications of Film Capacitors

 These capacitors are used as safety capacitors and in electromagnetic interference.
 Power film capacitors find applications in power electronics.
 These capacitors are used for safeguarding the devices from sudden voltage spikes.
 Film capacitors are used for improving the power factor of the device.

Related Articles:

 Capacitor And Capacitance

 Parallel Plate Capacitor

Power Film Capacitors

Construction techniques and materials that are used in power film capacitors are similar to
that of ordinary film capacitors. Polypropylene film is used as a dielectric in a capacitor.

Electrolytic Capacitors
In an electrolytic capacitor metallic anode coated with an oxidized layer used as a dielectric.
These capacitors are polarized. Electrolytic capacitors are categorized based on their

 Aluminum electrolytic capacitors – aluminum oxide (dielectric).

 Tantalum electrolytic capacitors – tantalum pentoxide (dielectric).
 Niobium electrolytic capacitors – niobium pentoxide (dielectric).

Electrolytic Capacitor Symbol

Applications of Electrolytic Capacitors

 Electrolytic capacitors are used when there is a requirement for large capacitance.
 They are used as filtering devices that lower the ripple voltage.
 They are used in audio amplifiers to reduce the electrical noise that is induced by the main supply.
 Electrolytic capacitors are used in smoothing the input and output signals in a DC signal that has a
weak AC component.

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Watching this Video about Magnetism and Force on Dielectric in Charged Capacitor

Paper Capacitor
Paper capacitor is also known as a fixed capacitor in which paper is used as the dielectric
material. The amount of electric charge stored by the paper capacitor is fixed. It consists of
two metallic plates, and paper, which is used as a dielectric material, is placed between these

Paper Capacitor Symbol

Applications of Paper Capacitor

 These capacitors are used in noise filtering, coupling, and decoupling systems.
 They are also used for blocking the DC signals so that AC signals are passed through.
 Sensors such as humidity sensors, fuel level sensors, etc used paper capacitors.
 Paper capacitors are used in audio systems of cars as they provide extra power to the amplifiers.

What Are Common Capacitors?

Capacitors are mainly divided into two mechanical groups:
 Fixed capacitors
 Variable capacitors

Some common capacitors and their names are mentioned in the table below.

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