Problem Statement-WPS Office(1)

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Title: Factors affecting cognitive decline among homeless older adults.

Problem Statement

Cognitive decline is a major health concern, especially for older adults. Homeless older adults are particularly at
risk due to harsh living conditions, poor access to healthcare, and higher chances of mental health problems.
Despite the urgency, there is limited research on what causes cognitive decline in this group. Understanding these
factors is crucial for creating interventions to reduce cognitive decline and enhance the quality of life for homeless
older adults.


1. Public Health Impact: Cognitive decline in homeless older adults can lead to higher healthcare costs, increased reliance on
social services, and higher rates of illness and death. Identifying the factors that lead to cognitive decline can help shape public
health strategies to lessen these negative outcomes.

2. Social Relevance: Homelessness among older adults is increasing due to economic instability and an aging population. This
research can shed light on the unique challenges faced by homeless older adults, helping to develop policies and programs to
support them.

3. Policy Development: The findings can inform evidence-based policies addressing the causes of cognitive decline in homeless
older adults, leading to better resource allocation and preventative measures.

4. Intervention Strategies: Understanding the contributing factors can help design targeted interventions, such as mental health
services, cognitive training, and support systems tailored to the needs of homeless older adults.


1. Identify Key Factors: Identify and analyze key factors contributing to cognitive decline in homeless older adults,
such as health status, substance use, nutritional deficiencies, social isolation, and mental health conditions.

2. Evaluate Health Services Access: Assess how accessible and utilized health and social services are by homeless
older adults and their impact on cognitive health.

3. Examine Environmental Influences: Investigate how living conditions, like exposure to violence, extreme
weather, and lack of stable housing, affect cognitive decline in homeless older adults.

4. Develop Predictive Models: Create models to predict which homeless older adults are at high risk for cognitive
decline, enabling early intervention and support.

5. Recommend Interventions: Suggest effective interventions and policy changes based on the research findings to
help reduce cognitive decline and improve the well-being of homeless older adults.

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