23 Pressure Groups - UPSC

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Pressure Groups
by LotusAriseNovember 27, 20220 Comments

A pressure group can be described as an organised group that does not put up candidates for
election, but seeks to influence government policy or legislation. They can also be described
as ‘interest groups” or “vested groups“.
It includes churches and charities, businesses and trade associations, trade unions and
professional associations, think tanks of various complexions etc.

Characteristics of Pressure Groups

1. Pressure groups may operate at local, regional, national or even international level,
depending upon the cause and notice.
2. All interest groups share a desire to affect government policy to benefit themselves or their
3. They are usually non-profit and volunteer organization
4. They seek to influence political or corporate decision makers to achieve a declared
5. Pressure groups are collections of individuals who hold a similar set of values and
beliefs on the basis of ethnicity, religion, political philosophy, or a common goal.
6. Pressure groups often represent viewpoints of people who are dissatisfied with the current
conditions in society.
7. These are a natural outgrowth of the communities of interest that exist in all societies.
8. They never form government of contest election but influence the decision of Government or
public policy. They seek to create change by being elected to public office, while pressure
groups attempt to influence political parties. Pressure groups may be better able to focus on
specialized issues, whereas political parties tend to address a wide range of issues.
9. Pressure groups are widely recognized as an important part of the democratic process.

Types of Pressure Groups in India

A large number of pressure group exists in India but unfortunately they are not developed as
compare to the Western Countries like England, France and USA. It can be classified into
following categories.
Business Groups
The Business group is one of the most important, influential and organised pressure groups in
India. Examples of business groups- Confederation of Indian Industry (CM), Federation of
Indian Chambers of Commerce and industry (FICCI), Associated Chamber of Commerce
(ASSOCHAM) – major constituents are the Bengal Chamber of Commerce Calcutta and Central
commercial organisation of Delhi.

Trade Unions
Trade unions cater to the demand of workers and labours of the industries. Alternatively, they are
also known as labour groups. In India, different trade unions represent different political parties.
Examples- The All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC), All India Trade Union Congress
(Communist Party of India).

Agrarian Groups
These groups represent the farmer community of India and works for their well-being.
Example- Bhartiya Kisan Sangh, Hind Kisan Panchayat (control of socialist).

Professional Association
Such association, raise the concern of working professional in India ranging from lawyers and
doctors, journalists and teachers. Examples include Association of Engineers, Bar Council of
India (BCI), and Dental Council of India.

Tribal Organisation
Tribal in India are prominent in Central India and North East India, and are also active in Central
Indian Tribal belt and in north east India. These organisations include National Socialist Council
of Nagaland, All-India Jharkhand, and Tribal Sangh of Assam.

Linguistic Groups
There are 22 scheduled languages in India. However, there have been many groups and
movements working for the welfare of languages in India. For example- Hindi Sahitya Sammelan
and Tamil Sangh etc.

Ideology Based Group

Ideology based groups have been recently formed. Some examples of these groups
include Environment Protection Groups like Narmada Bachao Andolan and Chipko
movement, Democratic rights organisation, Gandhi Peace Foundation, Woman rights
organisation, Civil liberties associations.

Anomic Groups
Anomic pressure groups refer to those spontaneous groups which are formed with a collective
response through riots, demonstrations , etc.

Major Pressure Groups in India

Business Groups – FICCI, CM, ASSOCHAM, AIMO, FAIFDA etc. (institutional groups).
Trade Unions – AITUC, INTUC, HMS, CITU, BMS etc.
Agrarian Groups– All India Kisan Sabha, Bharatiya Kisan Union etc.
Student’s Organisations – ABVP, AISF, NSUI etc.
VHP, Bajrang Dal, Jamaat-e-lslami etc.
Caste Groups – Harijan Sevak Sangh, Nadar Caste Association etc.
Linguistic Groups – Tamil Sangh, Andhra Maha Sabha etc .
Tribal Groups – NSCN, TNU, United Mizo federal org, Tribal League of Assam etc.
Professional Groups – IMA, BCI, IFWJ, AIFUCT etc.
The capacity of a pressure group is determined by:
(a) Leadership
(b) Organisational abilities
(c) Mass media
(d) Economic power base
(e) Mobilisational techniques

Functions of Pressure groups

Representation: Pressure groups provide a mouthpiece for groups and interests that are not
adequately represented through the electoral process or by political parties.
Political participation: Pressure groups have become an increasingly important agent of
political participation. Of UK citizens, 40-50 per cent belong to at least one voluntary
association. Interest groups may attempt to influence elections in order to get people who
support their issues elected. Techniques include giving money to candidates, endorsing
candidates, etc., are performed.
Lobbying government: It include contacting members of parliament, ministers and
bureaucrats to disseminate information about the positive or adverse effects of proposed
legislation. Ex: FICCI lobby Government to bring tax reforms which suit industry.
Educating public: Interest groups work hard to educate the public at large, government
officials, their own members, and potential interest group members. They use sources like
communication medium which include TV advertisements, sponsored newspaper articles,
social media, etc.
Mobilising public: The interest groups not only create public opinion but sometimes draw the
general masses into agitational and protest politics. If they want to set an industry in a
particular area, they create the necessary climate and make the people of the area demand
for the industry.
Policy formulation and implementation: In particular, pressure groups are a vital source of
information and advice to governments. Many groups are therefore regularly consulted in the
process of policy formulation, with government policy increasingly being developed through
policy networks. An example of such group is Observor Research Foundation, which
works on policy issues primarily related to foreign affairs.

Methods of Exerting Influence

Lobbying with Ministers and civil servants,
Influencing public opinion through propaganda,
Petition to authorities
Using judicial platforms
Direct action i.e. protest, rallies, demonstration etc.
Unlike the pressure groups in the developed countries of the West, where these are invariably
organised to safeguard economic, social, cultural interests, etc., in India these groups are
organised around religious, regional and ethnic issues.
Many a time factors of caste and religion eclipse the socioeconomic interests. The
result is .they are reduced to work for narrow selfish interests. Moreover, many of the groups
have a very short life because of the lack of resources. This explains the reason for the
mushroom growth of pressure groups as well as their withering away as it becomes difficult to
sustain the interest of the persons, initially attracted to form these pressure groups.
In a country like India the tendency to politicise every issue, whether it has social,
economic, cultural import, restricts the scope, working, and effectiveness of pressure
groups. Instead of the pressure groups exerting influence on political process, they become
tools and implements to subserve political interests. As a matter of fact, the factors which
inhibit development of sound civic consciousness, also hinder emergence of healthy and
functional pressure groups as a legitimate means of projecting legitimate socio-economic-
ethnic and cultural interests of the citizen.

Concerns related to Pressure groups in India:

Narrow selfish interests: Unlike the pressure groups in the developed countries of the West,
where these are invariably organised to safeguard economic, social, cultural interests, etc. in
India these groups are organised around religious, regional and ethnic issues.
Misuse of power: Instead of the pressure groups exerting influence on political process, they
become tools and implements to subserve political interests.
Instability: Most pressure groups do not have autonomous existence; they are unstable and
lack commitment, their loyalties shift with political situations which threatens general
welfare. Ex: Naxalite movement started in 1967 in West Bengal.
Propagating extremism: Pressure groups can allow too much influence over the
government from unelected extremist minority groups, which in turn could lead to unpopular
Political interest: Instead of the pressure groups exerting influence on political process, they
become tools and implements to serve political interest.
Lack of accountability: Regardless of which groups are most powerful, pressure group
influence is exerted in a way that is not subject to scrutiny and public accountability. Pressure
groups usually exert influence behind closed doors.
The leadership of these groups tends to lack democratic organisation. Therefore, they may
not actually present a true of picture of public opinion, but instead may demonstrate the
desires of the leader who articulate the groups policy interests to government.

Pressure Group vs Political Party

Basis for
Pressure Group Political Party

Pressure Group, refers to the interest group that Political Party alludes to an organizatio
Meaning attempts to influence the government policy, for that focuses on the acquisition and ret
a definite objective. power through collective efforts.

Aims at Exerting influence Acquiring power

Entity It is informal, conceited and unrecognized entity. It is formal, open and a recognized en

Only persons of similar set of values, beliefs and People with similar political ideology c
status can join pressure group. members.

They do not contest elections; they only support They contest elections and participate
political parties. campaign.

Accountability They are not accountable to people. They are accountable to people.

In a democratic nation like India, Pressure groups provide an informal means to meet and
serve needs of different classes and sections of society. However, pursuit of illogical and
unnecessary demands should not override affirmative action to ensure a vibrant and
inclusive polity.

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