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Kinematics – Test Review Questions

Practice Problems:

1. Ryan walks 750m the bus stop in 8.30 min. Calculate his average speed in:
a) m/s b) km/h.

2. How long does it take K-Swizzle to ride his bicycle 5.86 km to his friend’s house if he is travelling
at an average speed of 16.5 km/h?

3. Alex kayaks 13.2 km [E] from his camping site, stops for lunch, then paddles 20.0 km [E24.0oS]
back to the beach where his car is parked. The trip took a total of 6.35 hours.
a) What was the total distance of Alex’s trip?
b) What was the total displacement his trip?
c) What was his average speed?
d) What was his average velocity?

4. Complete the following questions according to the graph of “A Snowboarder’s Journey”.

a) How far did the snowboarder travel over 8.0

b) What was the snowboarder’s average speed?
c) What was the snowboarder’s average acceleration?
d) Sketch two different position-time graphs that could
both represent the same motion as this distance-
time graph.

5. Complete the following questions using the velocity-time graph for an ant.

a) For how much time did the ant travel in the east

b) What was the ant’s only constant velocity?

c) Determine 2 times when the ant stopped moving.

d) Between 30-40 minutes, did the ant speed up or

slow down?

6. Becky visits Vietnam and rents a scooter (like every other tourist!). When she accidentally gets
onto the highway, she accelerates at a rate of 5.00 m/s2 [E] and reaches a velocity of 35.0 m/s
[E] in exactly 2.50 s. What was her initial velocity?

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7. During a soccer game, Pavle headed the ball. The ball went straight upwards, so he was able to
head it again from the same height (exactly 6.0 feet) 0.75 seconds later.
a) What maximum height did the ball reach? (hint: 1.00 foot = 0.3048m)
b) With what velocity did Pavle head the ball?

8. While on vacation, Oishee decides to go scuba diving. Listening to her dive master very
carefully, she begins from rest and speeds up as she gets deeper, all with uniform acceleration
of course (she may be a bit of a perfectionist). If she descends to 14.75m underwater in 4.24
minutes, what is her average acceleration in m/s2 ?

9. The angry physics class dropped Mrs. McColeman out the window at 8.35m above the ground.
a) How long would it take Mrs. McColeman to reach the ground below?
b) With what speed would she hit the ground?


1a) 1.5 m/s b) 5.4 km/h 2. 0.355 h (or 21.3 min) 3. a) 33.2 km b) 32.5 km [E14.5oS]
c) 5.23 km/h d) 5.12 km/h [E14.5oS]

4. a) 8m b) 1 m/s c) 0 5. a) 30 min b) 60 m/min c) 30 & 55 min. d) speed up

6. 22.5 m/s [E] 7. a) 2.5 m b) 3.7 m/s [up]

8. 0.00046 m/s2 [down] 9. a) 1.3 s b) 13 m/s [down]

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