syllabus-Technology for Teaching an Learning 1

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Republic of the Philippines


Lasang, Davao City

Technology for Teaching and Learning 1

(Second Semester)




Lasang, Davao City

S.Y. 2023-2024

Course Title Technology for Teaching and Learning 1

Course Code EDMS 4
Credit Units 3 units
Course Description This is an introductory course that explores basic knowledge and skills and values in the use of technology for
teaching and learning. This course include ICT Policies and safety issues, media and technology in various
content areas, learning theories and principles in the use and design of learning lessons, teaching-learning
experiences and assessment tasks utilize appropriate traditional and innovative technologies considering social,
ethical and legal responsibilty.

Vision: Gabriel Taborin College of Davao Foundation, Inc., a Catholic Educational Institution, anchored on the Spirituality of the Holy Family, envisions a society
that promotes the evangelical values of peace, solidarity, fraternal relationships, and respect of the environment.

Mission: Gabriel Taborin College of Davao Foundation, Inc. commits to form graduates who are academically competent, technologically skillful, socially
committed and spiritually mature.

Institutional Graduate Attributes (IGA):

1.) Innovative
2.) Effective Communicator
3.) IT Proficient
4.) Committed
5.) God-centered
Institutional Graduate Outcomes (IGO):

1.) Utilizes critical thinking and creative skills by providing solutions in consideration of ethical, socio-cultural, and environmental concerns;
2.) Uses English language effectively in both oral and writing in the workplace and the community;
3.) Incorporates advancement of information technology to perform tasks effectively and efficiently;
4.) Performs work beyond the demands of duties and responsibilities with passion and commitment; and
5.) Lives-out the spirituality of the Holy Family in the family, the workplace, and the community.

Program Educational Objectives (PEO):

Three years after graduation, GTCD Education alumni shall:

1.) have advanced their practice or achievement in the field of Elementary/Secondary Education and/or other endeavors supported by their acquired
2.) strive to be globally competitive through:

a.) living by the GTCD mission values, pursuing continuing education, and practicing continuous quality improvement in their personal lives;
b.) continuously scanning, adopting, and building on the best practices in their fields

3.) uphold dignified personality and manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in teaching as a noble calling.

Program Outcomes (POs):

By the time of graduation, the Elementary and Secondary Education students must have:

1.) Articulated and discussed the latest developments in the specific field of practice;
2.) Effectively communicated orally and in writing using both English and Filipino;
3.) Worked effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams;
4.) Acted in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility;
5.) Preserved and promoted “Filipino historical and cultural heritage”;
6.) Articulated the relationship of education to larger historical, social, cultural and political processes;
7.) Facilitated learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies in various types of environments;
8.) Developed alternative teaching approaches for diverse learners;
9.) Applied skills in curriculum development, lesson planning, materials development, instructional delivery and educational assessment;
10.) Demonstrated basic and higher levels of thinking skills in planning, assessing and reporting;
11.) Practiced professional and ethical teaching standards to respond to the demands of the community;
12.) Pursued lifelong learning for personal and professional growth;
13.) Demonstrated in-depth understanding of the development of elementary/adolescent learners;
14.) Exhibited comprehensive knowledge of various learning areas in the elementary/secondary curriculum;
15.) Created and utilized materials appropriate to the elementary/secondary level to enhance teaching and learning;
16.) Designed and implemented assessment tools and procedures to measure elementary/secondary learning outcomes; and
17.) Demonstrated a service orientation in one’s profession.

Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs):

At the end of the course, the pre-service teachers should be able to:

1. Explained the ICT Competency Standards for Teachers and Roles of Technology for Teaching and Learning
2. Explained ICT policies and safety issues as they impact on the teaching-learning process
3. Described a flexible learning environment and the different platforms used for flexible learning
4. Developed and used the non-digital and digital tools in delivering technology-enhanced lessons
5. Identified learning theories and principles related to media and technologies as these apply to the design and development of lessons.
6. Formulated teaching-learning experiences and assessment tasks using appropriate and innovative technologies
7. Demonstrated socio-civic , ethical, and legal responsibilities in the use of technology tools and resources


I. Instructional Matrix:

Teaching and
Course Content/ Subject
WEEK Student Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Assessment Tasks (ATs) Resources

At the end of the unit, the Unit 0: Course Overview Lecturrette Essay Institutional Video ID
students must have:
Week 1 1. Institutional Visions, Teacher led-class Pencil and Prayer Test Handouts
1. identified, explained, and Missions and goals. discussion Overview of
2. Teacher Education
internalized and vision, mission, Program Outcomes, Degree the program References Materials
core values of the institutions. Outcomes (I.e. BEED, BSED) (CMOs)
2. discussed the teacher and Course Outcomes (TTL Small group discussion
education programoutcomes , the 1)
degree outcomes and course
At the end of the unit, the UNIT 1- Introduction to Lecture-Discussion on Pen and paper test LCD projector
students must have: Technology for Teaching ICT competency
1. identified the and Learning standards for pre- Use a rating scale for the CMOs for 74,75,76,
competency standards of 1. ICT Competency service teachers and concept map developed etc.
Week 2 ICT for teachunf and Standards for ISTE standards
learning in pre-service Philippine Pre-service Use a rating scale to rate Computer/laptop
teacher education Teacher Education Making of the glossary the paragraph
2. unpacked the basic 2. Understanding the of Graphic organizers
concepts of ICT to provide Basic Concepts of ICT terms
common understanding for 3. Roles of ICT in
teachers and learners teaching for Learning Creating a wordle
3. Valued the use of ICT in
the teaching and learning Small group
processes discussion:
Give graphic
organizers of the
Different concepts to
Defined through the
use of
Concept mapping

Whole group
Present to the whole
the group’s concept

Paragraph writing on
technology has

one’s life as a learner

Howone is going to
technology as a techer
At the end of the unit, the Unit 2. ICT Policies and Group research on Group report on articles and LCD projector
students must have: Safety Issues: articles /cases regarding cases regarding freedom of
freedom of expression, expression, privacy, data Computer/Laptop
1. discussed some ICT policies Implications to Teachingand privacy, data retention retention and e-pollutants
Week 3 and explained their implications to Learning and e-pollutants Reflection template
teachng and learning Reflections on the issues
2. explained some isssues that 1. Policies and Issues on the Panel discussion on the discussed in the panel
relate to ICT policies Internet and Implications to topics researched and discussion
3. identified safety concerns on Teaching and Learning analyzed
the internet including digital 2. Safety Issues Including Survey report on e-safety
safety rules Digital Safety Rules School visit and interview rules in schools
with ICt
manager,students and Paper and Pencil test
teacher on their school
e-safety rules

Sharing of interview
findings through
powerpoint presentation

2nd Trinal

At the end of the unit, the Unit 3: Non-degital and Watching a video clip on Video produced on the Video clip
students must have: Digital Skills and Tools in low-cost and low-tech processes of constructing a
Delivering Technology- resources for the diorama Samples of non-
Enhanced Lessons classroom
Week 7-8 1. integrated media and Classroom observation digital instructional
technology in various content 1. Non-digital or Group discussion on the report materials
areas Conventional technology importance of non-digital
2. described technology tools that Tools for teaching and materials in the Paper and pencil test Video camera or any
are used in group activities learning teaching-learning video recording
3. used technology tools to process gadget
collaborate and share resources Examples:
among communities of practice Group research on other Computer/laptop
4. reflected on the use of a. Writing Board non-digital instructions
technology its relevance and b. Diorama
appropriateness c. Nature table Development of an
5. selected conventional materials d. Flip chart instructional material
designed to enhance teaching- e. Zigzag board
learning f. Board display/wall display Video production on the
6. Intriduced sample technology- g. Rope and Pole Display process of constructing a
enhanced lessons to supporting Board diorama
Guidelines in the Debate on whether non-
Construction and digital instructional
Development of materials are still
Conventional Instructions relevant in the 21st
Support Materials century

2. Digital tools or non- Class observation

conventional instructional identifying the non-
support for teaching and digital instructional
learning. materials used

Example: Group discussion on the

importance of the non-
a. Mobile phones and QR conventional or digital
codes materials on the
b. Infographics teaching-learning
c. e Portfolio as a tool process
d. Others
Group research on the
Guidelines in the other digital instructional
Development and Use of the materials
Tools for Teaching and Development of the non-
Learning conventional digital
instructional material

2: Selection and the Use of Dyadic work Outputs on selected apps Mobile phone
Tools and Apps in Teaching such as QR codes and
and Learning Think-Pair-Share infographics Laptop

Week 9 Creating digital materials Paper and pencil test

using selected apps for
teaching and learning
such as QR codes and

Discussion on how these

tools can be used in the

3. Creating ePortfolio as a Guidelines in the ePortfolio Laptop/personal

Technology Tool constructions of computer/tablet
ePortfolio Survey result
Internet connection
Constructing an Visual presentation of the
4. Collaborative Environment ePortfolio date gathered in the survey Video clip
in the Digital World
Viewing a video on 21st Paper and pencil tes Survey instrument
century learner
5. Digital Literacy Skills in Think-Pair-Share about tablet
the 21st Century the video
Individual research on
other collaborative tools

Survey on how millenials

At the end of the unit, the Unit 4: Flexible Learning Forum-Discussion: KWL Teacher-made class
students must have: Environment Conduct a forum on Site (e. g. google site,
Week 10- Distance Learning  What I Know weebly, etc.)
12 1. described a flexible learning 1. Online Distance Education  What I Want to know
environment and the different and Communities of Learning Discussion on how the  What I Learned Skype
platforms used for flexible social networking site
learning a. Different Platforms networking site can be Checklist KWL chart template
2. Recognized how innovative used as a tool for
teachers use of online resources 1) Moodle instruction Paper and Pencil Test Computer/ laptop/
and educational sites and portals 2) Google Classroom smartphones
for online distance learning 3) Schoology Appraising one’s views
3. Reflected on the use of 4) MOOCs on the characteristics,
technology on its relevance and behaviors or practices of
appropriateness b. Types of Blended Learning a modern teacher Internet connection

1) Synchronous Research on sites and

2) Asynchronous portals which can be
used for online distance
2. Types of blended learning education
3. Online Communities of
Learning/Social Networking Demonstartions and
hands-on exploration on
Examples of Platforms for the synchronous online
Social Networking distance learning using
the Class Site
a. Facebook
b. Twitter Brief Lecture on the
c. LinkIN different technology
d. Google+ tools in a collaborative
e. YouTube classroom environment
f. Pinterest
g. Instagram Small Group Discussion-
h. Tumblr Student Led
i. MySpace
j. Flickr
k. Bebo

4. Benefits and Dangers in

Using Social

Networking Sites

5. Safeguarding oneself in
the use of Social Networking

3rd Trinal

At the end of the unit, the Unit 5: Theories and Active Learning with Reflection Posted on the Online Class Blog or
students must have: Principles in the Use and Teacher-Led Discussion online Blog/’Classroom- Site /’Classroom-
Design of Technology- on Dale’s Cone of made Twitter Wall’ made Twitter Wall’
1. Identified learning principles Driven Lessons Experience and how its
Week 13 and theories that are applied in principles and utilized in Illustration of one’s TPACK VIdeo clip
technology driven teaching- A. Learning Theories and the technology-driven state
learning models Principles in: teaching and learning Multimedia Projector
2. Used the learning principles Essay
and theories are the basis in the 1. Dale’s Cone of Experience Computer
development of the teaching plans (with equal attention given Paper and pencil test
selection of instructional and to the both the Conventional Relate Dale’s Cone of TPACK frameworks
materials Technology and the Experience with Bruner’s Checklist on the elements
Innovative and Emerging Three-tiered Model of included in a lesson using Ipadagogy wheel
Technology for Teaching) Learning the ASSURE Model and the
rating scale Matecards
B. TPACK and other Image analysis: Students
Frameworks for Technology- analyze and explain the Lesson integrating the Fish Bowl Container
Driven teaching and Learning image/diagram. The ASSURE model Video recording
teacher synthesizes gadgets
1. TPACK (Technology, Rubrics in making a digital
pedalogy and content A brief lecture on TPACK’ story Ipadagogy wheel
Knowledge) Illustrating one’s TPACK
2. SAMR state Group sharing of Digital story posted in the
(Substitution, one’s TPACK state ePortfolio Reflection paper
Modefication, Redefinition) Analysis of a research
3. Bloom’s article Designing a task
Digital Taxonomy that can have a positive
4. ASSURE model (Analyze effect on learning
Learners, State Objectives, outcomes
Select Methods, Media &
Materials, Require Learner Analyzing the retention
Prticipation, Evaluate and of SAMR with Blooom’s
Revise) Revised Taxonomy

Discussion and selection

of technology that can
be integrated in a lesson

(Active Learning in a
Brief Lecture given by
the teacher) The
FishBowl Activity:
Learners are given
matecards and asked to
write a question of
clarification about the
topic (i.e. questions
concerning the
application of the topic
to practical concepts).
Teacher draws these
questions from the bowl
and answers the
questions or asks the
class to answer them.
(This could be done
during or after the point)

Think-Pair and Share: In

pairs, students will
discuss about the
ASSURE lesson
Production of a two-
minute digital story on
one’s understanding of
ASSURE model

Writing a reflection
At the end of the unit, the 5. Model of Technology- Creating an infographic Infographic produced Skype
students must have: Enhanced Instructional
Lessons Web conference Lesson plan integrating the Computer/ laptop
Applied the learned theories and use of a mobile phone
Week 14 principles in the lesson exemplars. Giving ways on how to Internet connection
use padlet in the lesson Personal philosophy on
technology use
Writing a lesson plan
integrating technology

Sharing of one’s
thoughts on the
significance of
technology integration in
the lesson

Writing one’s technology

At the end of the unit, the Unit 6. Innovative Viewing a video on Blog post Video clip
students must have: Technologies for formative and Video clip produced
Week 15- Assessment Tasks in summative assessment Reporting and Feedbacking Laptop
16 1. Explained the use of ICT in Teaching and Learning Reflactions, sample
assessment in learnig Interviewing teacchers alternative assessment and LCD projector
2. Explored various digital online 1. ICT and Assessment in on the use of ICT in sample rubrics posted in the Assessment tools
and offline assessment Learning assessment in the eportfolio
alternatives available student learning Video cording
3. Described the current trends in a. Type of Assessment Results of interview with the gadgets
technology-based assessment b. Role of ICT in Assessment Creating a video clip on teachers on their practices
practices in schools of Learning the role of assessment in on assessment Interview guide
4. Selected appropriate c. Current Trends in the student learning
assessment tools Assessment of Learning Paper and pencil test Recorded live lecture
c.1 Use of ePortfolio Writing reflections on
current trends in
assessment, sample
alternative assessment
and sample rubrics and
posting them in the

Recording a live lecture

Interviewing teachers on
their practices on
2. Criteria in Choosing Tools utilized by Reflection paper LCD projector
Appropriate Assessment teacchers and the
Tools advantages and Rubric formulated Laptop
disadvantages of these
Use of Rubrics, checklist, Group discussion on role Pots in the ePortfolio
rating scale of ICT in assessing
student learning Paper and pencil test

Students’ research on
examples of technology-
assissted tools in
assessment in learning
Commenting on the
different methods of
assessment and writing a
reflection about them

Discussion on the use of

HOTS in paper and
pencil test

Making a rubric on the

different asssessment
At the end of the unit, the Unit 7. Social, Ethical and Viewing of video clips Blog posts Video clip
students must have: Legal Responsibilities in
Week 17- the Use of Technology Dyadic discussion on Illustration of one’s digital Laptop
18 1. Described the community of Tools and Resources what digital citizenship tattoo
learners as critizens who share means Projector
and utilize digital materials 1. Digital Citizenship vs. Paper and pencil test
2. Practiced stadard netiquette in Global Citizenship Creating blog entry Video production
sharing and itilizing shared about digial citizenship 2-minute video on gadgets
materials among learning a. Nine Elements of digital netiquette
communities citizenship Illustrating one’s digital Video app such as
3. Identified examples of b. Five tenets global digital tattoo powtoon
intellectual Property Right in citizenship (https://www.powtoo
educational setting Case analysis Research outputs
4. Showed, given examples, and 2. Netizens and Netiquette
observed social, ethical, and legal for Online Communities Simulation of a vourt Plagiarism checked output Plagiarism checker
responsibility in the use of hearning involving a case app such as
technology tools and resources Netizenship vs. Netiquette on privacy issues Paper and pencil test https://www.plagiaris
Netiquette Guidelines Debate

3. Intelelctual Property Rights Formulating the internet

on the Development and Use etiquette Creating an
of Digital Materials advocacy
Copyright Video on Netiquette

Plagiarism Analysis of the different

cases involving social,
ethical and legal issues
on technology use

Research on copyright
infringement cases

Checking a classmate’s
output for plagiarism


Good manners and right conduct in the classroom.

1. Prayer. Each class begins and ends with a prayer.

2. Greeting. Students greet the teacher.
3. Attendance. Only for valid reasons can students be excused from class.
4. Promptness. Students are expected to come to class on time. More than 15 minutes is considered absent.
5. Participation. As much as possible, students are to participate in class discussions and activities.
6. Intellectual Integrity. Honesty is the best policy.
7. Use of cellphones. All cellphones are put in silent mode inside the classroom. Texting and answering calls are to be done at designated areas in
the campus.
8. Energy conservation. Lights and fans are put off by the one nearest the switch after every class.
9. Submission of requirements. Haste makes waste. Class requirements are to be submitted on time.
10. Courtesy. Respect for others is practiced at all times and in all places.


 Projects to be submitted on the following dates:


 Monday to Saturday
o 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm


Learning in this course will be evaluated with the use of the following measures:

Written Tasks - 20%

Performance Tasks - 40%

Examination - 40%

Total - 100%


Book: Bilbao, P., Dequilla, M.A., Rosano, D., Boholano, H. (2019). Technology for Teaching and Learning 1. LORIMAR PUBLISHING, INC.

Prepared by: Checked and Approved by:


Instructor Program Head

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