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1)Find the limit or showthat it doesn't exist:limit(x,y)-.>(0,0) xy/2x2+5y2


as we know that x and y are approaching 0 so if we will put the value of x= 0 and y =0 in this equation we
will get 0 as a denomenator so its unacceptable.

now according to l'opital rule we will diffrenciate the numerator and denomenator with respect to x
where y is constant .

1 x0 y /4 x1 +5y2

all y terms are considered as 0


as we know that x and y are approaching 0 so if we will put the value of x= 0 and y =0 in this equation we
will get 0 as a denomenator so its unacceptable.

now we have to diffrenciate again


all y terms are considered as 0

1/4 answer

2)for the function g(x)=x2+sinx-ex,find g'(x),g''(x),and g'''(x).

for problems 3,4,5,use the function f(x,y)=x2y+2x+xsiny.


we have to diffrenciate this sum one times (g)',two times (g)'' and three times (g)'''

as g(x)=x2+sinx-ex

2x1 +cosx-xe

2x1 +cosx-xex

(g)' =2x1 +cosx-xex


we have to diffrenciate again

cosx = -sinx

we will solve -xex using product rule in which uv = vu' + uv'

u = -x , v=ex

so when we differentiate each of them separately we get

u' = -1 , v' = xex

now we will solve it using this formula :

uv = vu' + uv'

= ex(-1) + -x(xex)

uv = -ex - x2ex


= 2 -sinx -ex - x2ex

we have to diffrenciate again

(g)'''= ?


we will differentiate -x2ex using uv rule

uv =uv'+vu'

u = -x2 , v=ex

u' = -2x , v' = xex

uv = -x2 (xex)+ ex(-2x )

= -x3ex + -2xex

2 -sinx -ex - x2ex

(g)'''= -cosx- xex -x3ex + -2xex


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