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JesehGQleh Khas For downloading our free resource. We pray that its of benefit to you, your farnily and aur community, We welcome all feedback, please feel free to reach out to us via our website wooo TERMS OF USE om resource, you are agreeing that the contents ar property of allamah. ‘and licensed for personal use only, You are not permitted to sell this resource in whole or part. Nor can it be distributed for free along with a paid product Please ensure that if you wish to share this resource, provide a link to the original source on our website or social media pages. All contents of this document are under copyright protection including all text, grophics, photagrophs, centent and fonts contained therein. Lahe (335 5 ida lo Guale 5 stale tay _ 28 Qall Allah, benefit me with what You have taught me, and teach me that In knowledge WasSalam, C stot, Abu Ubaydah allamah Resources avaiable at wwwllamahedvcaton Copyright ©2020 by Alamah Alright reseed. This boo or any portion thereat imaynot be reproduced oratere. Thisbook intended for personal se only within hemes, schools and madiassa's We asthat pes are nat forwarded, but rather, the website link is provided to direct people to this resource. ae $ AS 9] [Al-Ahad] THE UNIQUE tobe worshipped. This Name includes the mecning of all of The only One who possesses and shares His Attributes The Greatest Name of all. The True God who alone deserves = = % ° (led | 384 | [Al-A'loa] fs [Al-Akram] THE MOST HIGH THE MOST GENEROUS ©The One whe Is Most High above His Throne and to whom He Is the Most Generous and Kind to His creation and nothing belong oll highest of Attributes. compares to His Generosity dha ay [Al-liah] THE TRUE GOD 13, He alone de [Adh-Dhachir] THE UPPERMOST ONE | : ob sul [Al-Baatin] [Al-Boari] THE INNERMOST ONE THE ORIGINATOR he One who creates all from nothing with distinct features, Nothing is nearer to us than He is He knows everything cond characteristics ints perfect form, Including that which is hidden or secret a a A | - » F + % eo 6 ~ [Al-Barr] - [Al-Baseer] THE MOST KIND” THE ALL SEEING st kindness. He He isthe One s everything and nothing can be hidden from Him from Him He Is the One who treats His creation with ut Is the source of all good and all good iin 30 w * a. I tes ee o + [At-Tawwoab] [Al-Jabbaar] THE ONE WHO GUIDES TO, ~ THE COMPELLER oe ACCEPTS REPENTANCE oF creation subm nd vent and He Is the Jao LJ | ‘ x, Ru Se | , - 5 oa om [Al-Haafidh] ‘ [Al-Haseeb] THE PROTECTOR J THE RECKONER WHO SUFFICES | a ¢ - oom me [Al-Hafeedh] ¢ [Al-Hafiyy] ie PRESERVER THE BENEVOLENT He is the One kind to His servants and ever to supplications, w oe | [Al-Haga] ‘ 1 ne, S poe 3 we : THE TRUE ONE [a.been THE CLEAR AND MANIFEST ONE the Clear and Manif The One trus He is true in His manifest. woe ; OSS! | oom [Al-Hakeern] THE ALL-WISE he One whose Wisdom [Al-Hameed] THE PRAISEWORTHY He is proised and His Sel, His Perfes ing of the highe: 1es and Attributes, and His actions, sayings uthing, There is no says or does asl oor [Al-Haleem] THE FOREBEARING He is One oh servants fo - w ee [Al-Hayy] THE EVER-LIVING ith no need for anyone or anything. bk = || ee ran we [Al-Qayyoom] | [Al-Khabeer] THE SELF-SUBSISTING ¥ THE FULLY AWARE een oo ({{ 7 | ( Ng i Khaaliq] [Al-Khallaaq] THE CREATOR OF EVERYTHING THE CREATOR WHO CREATES AGAIN AND AGAIN It fs He who continuously er whom Its not difficult Ths One ho broht eu h39h3 0 (las! ‘Ar-Ra [Ar-Rahmaan] THE COMPASSIONATE AND KIND THE MOST MERCIFUL 3 Immnense mercy, the Mercify Kind and Compassionate to His servants He is the One who f eel | © ali [Ar-Roheer] [Ar-Razzaaq] THE GIVER OF MERCY THE PROVIDER > His creation, & é SF pall . . [As-Salaam] ; [Ar-Rageeb] THE ALL-WATCHFUL THE FLAWLESS ONE The One who watches over His creation and misses nothing The One whois perfect ond free of allinpertections His He sees what s done openly and secretly an! hat sheen creation are safe from His oppression knowing that they wil inthe hearts and minds not be purished unjstiy 4 - m4 . 5 2 : w | | oe | | all aay oe = : a (As-Somee) Tash-Shook] THE ALL-HEARING THE GRATEFUL who hos perfect hearing and hears everything. He © He recognises the obedience and worship of His very sound, every whisper and every conversation sincere servants. He rewards all good deeds, even which Is said out joud or in secret. 7 the small ones, with @ great reward. goth ski Sug [Ash-Shakoor] [Ash-Shaheed) THE APPRECIATIVE 5 THE WITNESS He is the One who favours His s good and He is the One who rew: nts with the dblity to do He Is the One who witnesses al: that which is clear and js abundantly, multiplying visible ond that which is hidden. the rewards, pe yo es * 7 ¢ = @ | | ereny. Sls! [As-Samad] the -Aalim] THE SELF-SUFFICIENT MASTER THE ALL-KNOWER UPON WHOM ALL DEPEND He is Perfect in His N (One whom all of er all things, both the seen and the Is apparent and thot which is hidden, es, Attributes ond Deeds, He is the nds to provide for all thelr needs, S509 eabaall [Al-Azeez] [Al-Adheem] THE ALMIGHTY THE TREMENDOUS ONE, 4 Al-Powerfl One that cannot be overcome THE MAGNIFICENT In His punishment against His enemies. All He is the Greatest and the Mightiest in every sense ond the ight whilst He Is not in need of anyone conly One deservingly held n 5 J 2 Oe, | | | - | ; oom - TAF-Afuww] [Al-Aleem] THE ONE WHO PARDONS THE ALL-KNOWING AGAIN AND AGAIN ie. The One whcrcomiquouely pardrts Hie severe operand He isthe Knower of everything. ll that isin the heavens and ‘again saving hem from punishment the eorth. He knows what wos, what is ond what wil be y 4 . - e a ne 2 -” 2 FAl-Aliyy] [Al-Ghaffaar] THE EXALTED \ THE OFT-FORGIVING He is the One who hides the sins of His servants ond forgives ‘again and again those whe turn to Him in sincere repentance The One who is above all else. To Him belongs Highness in al cospects, in His Attributes, His Strength and His Power ~ 988! e [Al-Ghafoor] #(Al-Ghaniyy] THE ONE WHO FORGIVES > THE SELF-SUFFICIENT © EXTENSIVELY AS = He is the One who holds the treasures of the heavens He is the One who covers up the sins of His creation. He ‘and the earth, in this world and in the Hereafter. He is free occepts their repentance ond pardons their faults. of all needs and deficiencies. aR rea Pow [Al-Fattaah] et [Al-Qaadir] THE OPENER THE FULLY ABLE ONE judge who 1s never unjust Hi nd i ‘i fe is able to do whatever He wills with d withe getting tred yo BI ig sal [Al-Qoahir] [Al-Quddoos] THE INVINCIBLE SUBDUER THE PURE AND PERFECT The One whe and ony imperfectio P2331 g weayr] [Al-Qa * [Al-Qareeb] a ALL POWERFUL THE ONE WHO IS NEAR feated and controls ie and death to what Ind will either reward ‘ 4 oe . [Al-Qahhaar] * THE ALL-STRONG THE SUBJUGATOR THE INCOMPARABLY GREAT o THE SUBTLE AND KIND [Al-Kareem] THE BOUNTIFUL AND THE GENEROUS 99a 2 -_ [Al-Mu'min] THE TRUSTWORTHY, THE GIVER OF SECURITY One who is true in His words and His promise, The One y and tray ssa yXaall #¢ Al-Muto'aalee] TALMutokabbir] STHE SUPREME. EXALTED ONE THE SUPREME, THE MAJESTIC uthing in His Power = Al Al oom " + ee — [Al-Mateen] 5 [AL Mujeeb] THE STRONG 2 THE pene e pectically, to those of Hi and these in urgent nee we (Al THE ONE PERFECT IN GLORY THE ALL _ENCOMPASGING AND HONOUR reat in honour, exalted eal Ll The One who encome Knowledge, HI he Or oll the Magnificent One. He servants, submitting en —Al-Musowwir] ¥ [Al-Muqtadir] THE BESTOWER OF FORM, ¢ THE ONE WITH UNLIMITED THE SHAPER POWER, THE OMNIPOTENT He is the One who brings i saying "be ‘ A AaAll [Al-Mugeet] . [Al-Malik] THE ALL-POWERFUL THE KING MAINTAINER e a He is All-Powerful who protects His creation. He provides with no rival them all they ne dal ol sustenance power aver His [Al-Maleek] [Al-Mawlaa] THE SUPREME SOVEREIGN THE ae AND SUPPORTER creation. He is the One who created and decreed everything cand is abl ‘One who guides the b whatever He wills benefit them, 2pall Bo + “+ [Al-Muhaymin] oo THE EVER WATCHFUL, [An-Noseer] THE TRUSTWORTHY “oo. JHE HELPER aL oo ‘oar THEONEANDONLY ate ee no equals and no I create 'd of all creation. who inherits the e¢ , He will remain forever. the One isin it To Him, all things wil return. e awl so gil ¢ [Al-Wadood] THE VAST ONE THE LOVING & BELOVED ONE ; : praise Him to the extent due to Him. He encompasses the ne who loves id His whole of creation with Kis generosity, His blessings, His Messengers and is loved ing fs more mercy and the good which He grants them. belove 7 s ee " ig se a Zo G w oe — a [Al-Wakeel] oo [Al-Waliyy] THE DISPOSER OF AFFAIRS. THE GUARDIAN LORD The One who protects a to success, He Is the The One who Is trustee over His creation and the One who disposes the atfoirs of everything. Kis creation ore dependant (on Him and He guides ond protects the believers from harm. lis servants and ss them ‘and in control of everything, las ‘ [Al-Wahhab] eo THE BESTOWER He is the One who bestows His favours, bounties and mercy Lupen all of creation without expecting anything in return. He is the One who grants heath, strength ond guidance to His, believers, slgsdte [Al-Jawaad] ¥ THE MUNIFICENT He I the One who displays great generosity, even to those who dont believe in Him. His generosity covers everything in existence, 8 ks Soest [Al-Jameel] THE BEAUTIFUL ONE He is beoutful in His Essence, His Nomes, His Attributes and His Actions. all that is beautiful is os a result and on effect of His beauty, He is beautiful and He loves beauty THE JUDGE The One who judges between His servants in ths ife and in the Hereafter with truth, wisdom, faimess, justice ond mercy, He Is the One who will establish justice for those wha hove been wronged by others. e— SHI oo THE MODEST [Ar Rabe] ike ond s shyt eave the suppicaton o THE LORD ‘AND NURTERER egal [As-Subbooh] - THE GENTLE THE PERFECT, THE VENERATED fe is the Perfect One th the highest of respect ond is. nortcoming, ... @ Wess 5S) [As-Sayyid] ¢ [Ash-Shaafee] THE LORD AND MASTER THE ONE WHO CURES j B e Po chbll sla) te 7% 2 « [At-Tayyib] Dl ' [al Geahe) . L ‘ THE PURE ONE THE WITHHOLDER + 038A - a TAFEastt] ‘aj [Al-Mugaddim] THE EXPANDER, THE GRANTER OF AMPLE PROVISION AE ee ENGL by favour ding t0 | me. “gs a wl a SY = [Al-Mu'akhkhir] [Al-Muhsin] THE ONE WHO PUTS BACK THE ONE Oe PERFECT irom whornever He wis, ho knows the The One delay, One wi who does that which Is good with perfection, He Is th Js, kind, compassionate and bountfUl 2A] Gal O.- Mannaan] 2 THE BENEFICIAL BESTOWER . OF BOUNTIES The One who most generously bestows His favours ond blessings upon His creation, He is the One whom all favours nd blessings come fro -” 06 [Al-Mutee] THE GIVER The One who is generous ond gives to whomever He wil oo fe , ill - [Al-Wtir] “& - THE ONE He Is the One, the Only. He has no partners, rivals or equals ‘and He Is the only One worthy of being worshipped,

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