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Manu National Park Tour 4days-3nights

Day 01: Cusco – Safari Cloud Forest – Full Short Walk – Pillcopata – Night Walk.
Our Jungle Trip start at 6.00am from the highland city of Cusco in a private mini van, with
Rainforest Destination. first break to visit the preInca burial towers of Ninamarca. then we will
cross through the typical and folkloric town of Paucartambo with a short stop, before the
entrance of Manu National Park, which is maximum altitude of 3,900m/12,790ft. F. From there we
will go into the Mysterious Cloud Forest full of beautiful orchids, heliconias and primitive ferns.
and at Fog Forest. After lunch we will spot the National Bird of Peru, the cock of the rock
(Rupicola Peruvian), quetzals, Amazonian Umbrella bird, Trogons (Trogon sp.) the Biggest
Monkey in Peru (woolly monkeys), some Brown Capuchin And with luck the only South American
Spectacled Bear. In the afternoon, we arrive to Pilcopata Village. After dinner we have a night
walk around the lodge to see some alligators , frogs or tarantulas.

Day 02: Pillcopata – Rainforest Lodge – Wildlife Exploration - Boat Ride -

Machuwasi Oxbow Lake – Night walk.
After breakfast We continue by van to Atalaya port, on the way we will stop to Visit Coca
Plantations. Also there are a nice view to see the Lowland Rainforest. From Atalaya we
continue by boat through the Alto Madre de Dios River to second lodge after to show your rooms
and break you will have botanical information around the lodge, later we will walk and Discover
the Rainforest the great Machuhuasi Oxbow Lake, where we will take a balsa raft and see the
pre-historic Hoatzin bird and the Largest Rodent in the World (Capybaras). walking several hours
around the lake watching caimans, herons, oropendolas, toucans and, monkeys until sunset. After
dark Jungle Night Walks.

Day 03: Parrots Clay Lick – Hiking Primary Forest – Clay Therapy – Fishing Sport.
We will leave early by boat through the Manu River almost 30 minutes, with lucky may see the
Largest Rodent in the World - Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) or Brazilian Tapir(Tapirus
terrestris). Then we will Visit the great Parrots Clay Lick to see hundreds of parakeets and
small Macaws eating Salts Minerals. After break we have 03 hours to Explore into the Primary
Forest, together a Huge CeibaTrees the Mother of the Jungle. Always watching macaws, toucans,
snakes, maybe a Jaguar (Panthera Onca) resting on a log. After lunch we will Enjoy Jungle Clay
Therapy Healing and swimming in the Manu National Park River. In the afternoon we will go for
fishing and We will be there until dark waiting to spot some animals . Then way back to the
Lodge. Optional night walk.

Day 04: Manu Rainforest Lodge – Atalaya Port – Cloud Forest - Cusco.
Enjoy a tasty breakfast early and get ready to pack, we leave from our lodge to Atalaya by boat
Then by private van to Cusco. Guided day exploring along the forest to look for the macaws and
monkeys. drop off in your hotel. Approx. 5pm.
What’s Included:
 Private tourism bus Round Trip.
 Bilingual native tour guide with
Telescope and Binocular.
 Private boat with Efficient team of
motorists and security.
 First aid kit including anti venom of
snake bite.
 DuFour Bag for personal belongings
 03 meals per day semi buffet,
vegetarian, vegan optional and snacks.
 Comfortable Eco lodge with private
rooms, towels, mosquito net, showers
and toilets.
 Excellent chef service.
 Free tea, coffee and popcorn auto
 Radio communication service during
the whole Trip.
 Mineral Water
 Rubber boots
 Entrance fee to Manu National Park.

Not Include:
 First day Breakfast and Mineral
 Insurance.
 Beverages (cola, beer, soda)
 Tips

What Should You Bring:

 Long sleeved T-shirt and long pants.
 Camera with extra batteries with
telephoto lens of 400mm.
 warm cloths (for misty mornings on
the river)
 Water bottle or Canteen.
 Sandals, bath suit clothes, towel day
 Rain gear, Hat or cap.
 Mosquito Repellent minimum of 30-
50% DEET
 Sun block, After bite.
 Flash light or torch with extra
 Extra money.

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