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In The Name Of Allah,

the most Gracious, the most Merciful

Presentation Skills

Resource Person
Zeshan Ali
Road Map
1- Introduction
2- Remembering What to Say
3- Designing a Visual Aid
4- Involving your Audience
5- Effective Techniques of Presentation
6- Presenting Visual Aid
7- Handling Question and Answer Session
Remembering What to Say
• Memorizing
• Using notes

• Using visual aids as notes

Computer Presentation
Advantages Disadvantages
• Movement • Added equipment
• Images • More attractive
• Sound • Reliability
• More professional
Designing Visual Aids
 Use a title Slide
 Words near the top
 Less words for each idea
 Single idea on single Slide

 Upper and Lower case

 Large letters
 Use a suitable font
Involving Your Audience
• Ask questions
• Use the names of the participants
• Set up task
• Ask for volunteers
• Use humour
Effective Techniques of Presentation
 Start fast
 Project energy
 Move around the room
 Make eye contact
 Speak with good loudness and pace
 Avoid distractions
Presenting Visual Aids
❖ Don’t block audiences view

❖ Directing audiences attention

• Show and remove the visual aid at the right time

• Use a pointer
• Read most visual aids aloud
Handling Questions & Answers

• How to start the session

• Where to stand and where to look
• How to handle difficult questioners
• How to end the session
“No one can put you down
without your permission”
(Eleanor Roosevelt)

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