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H.M Construction Pvt.

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Time : 1.5 Hour
Question Set [A]
Group A: Objective Question: (20*1= 20 Marks)
1) `The final setting time of ordinary Portland cement should not be more than:
a) 5 hour c) 7.5 hour
b) 10 hour d) 12.5 hour

2) The minimum compressive strength of first class bricks should be:

a) 5 N/mm2 c) 7.5 N/mm2
b) 9 N/mm2 d) 10 N/mm2

3) Distemper paint means:

a) Water Paint c) Oil Paint
b) Filtration d) All of these

4) In RCC structure, the most appropriate overlapping length for reinforcement bar is :
a) 10-20 times dia. of rebar c) 50-60 times dia. of rebar
b) 30-40 times dia. of rebar d) 70-80 times dia. of rebar

5) Cast Iron Pipes are generally preferred to , because:

a) Of moderate cost c) of longer life
b) Of ease to join d) All of above

6) In pressure supply mains, water hammer pressure is reduced by providing:

a) Sluice valves c) Air Valves
b) Pressure relief Valves d) None of these.

7) In distribution pipes drain valves are provided at :

a) Higher point c) Lower point
b) Junction Points d) Any where

8) Water Supply includes:

a) Collection ,transportation and treatment of water
b) Distribution of water to consumers
c) Provision of hydrants for fire fighting
d) All of above
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9) Aeration of water is done to remove:

a) Odour c) Bacterias
b) Colour d)Turbidity

10) Which of the following is used to block the pipe at one end?
a) Reducer c) Union
b) Plug d)Couplings

11) What is the design discharge for intake structures?

a) Maximum hourly demand c) Maximum Weekly demand
b) Maximum daily demand d)Maximum Monthly demand

12) The design period of storage reservoir can be given as:

a) 50 years c) 60 years
b) 80 years d) 10 years

13) Which type of water is generally used in the treatment of water?

a) Chlorinated Water c) Raw Water
b) Sulphated Water d) Treated Water

14) Which among the following is shut-off and change over valve?
a) Seat Valve c) both a and b
b) Butterfly Valve d) Bend

15) Which of the following valves is used to maintain pressure in the system?
a) Pressure relief Valve d) Check Valve
b) Manual control valve with variable flow plug
c) Pneumatic control valve with variable flow plug

16) What is the total loss developed in a series of pipes?

a) Sum of losses in each pipes only c) Sum of a) and b)
b) Sum of local losses only d) Zero

17) Pick up the item of work not included in the plinth area:
a) Wall thickness c) Room Area
b) W.C. area d) Court yard

18) The item of steel work which is measured in Sq.m. is

a) Collapsible gates c) Rolling Shutters
b) Ventilators and glazing. d) All of Above
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19) Batching error means inaccuracy in the Quantity of :
a) Aggregates c) Cement
b) Water d) All of above
20) Slump test is done for:
a) clay c) Concrete
b) aggregates d) sand

Group B: Short Subjective Question: (20 Marks)

1) List out the parameters considered for water supply design. [ 5]

2) List out the types of pipes used in water supply system? [5]
3) Calculate the required no. of bricks (size 9” x 4.5” x 2.25” ) for 1 cubic meter of brick masonry
work. [10]

Group C: Compulsive Estimation: ( 60 marks)

Estimate the civil quantity in following figure: (Excavation, soling, PCC, RCC(M15 & M20),Rebar
(8mm,12mm,16mm and 20mm) and form Works) .
Note : All Concrete Cover =75mm

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