11th kc sinha math lesson 6

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(Compound Angles) ol. HET (Introduction) : wet er 2 a 2 8 sift seit B ar algebraic sum) & at Breit B Pretoiidr ser (Praftrd) a aaf at) 22 afte art & Qpita at at aga str ar fet stot (Compound a SF ee Bee ee SATB AS BLA YB + CATE + g, SBC, A+B ~C site aga aa Bt : cd ox 8 Ste & ar er sree & Prather Prac & foe aia pir a a eae att 62. at GH (Addition Formula) : fre wert 8 : (i) sin(A + B)= sinA.cosB + cosA.sinB (ii) cos(A + B) = cosA.cosB — sinA.sinB : fanA + tanB_ (iii) tan(A + B) = 7 — tanA.tanB (ii) 90° < A+ B< 180° : Xx 8 carers Raw ¥ (@A+B< 90" art far até wre Perewt (revolving ray) amie rat 0. wet ZKOY = Amr Bl Pre seh Re oth eroae ZYOZ=B wash Bl * ZXOZ=A+B fea <0" ae fn i) 490" x R (cos (~B), ain (By) x= wat Pr ZLOP = A ta, ZPOQ =B tar mon=-B tear (ae a Ta at HE ait Rear art war 8) ga ZLOQ=A+B aa ZROP=A-B fm ga at Boar garg (1) & one: am LPat wag =A any PQ at sag = B am LR at wag =!-Bi=B A (e@ o=ty 9.1 wer Friar Ary (numerical vaue) Prat arar Ft Gf oo at Boer 18, xafse P=(cosA, sinA), Qe cos(A + B), sin(A + B), R= (cos(~B), sin(— B)) wafg R = (cosB, — sinB) %® ALOQ= por aa LQ=PR > LQ? = pp2 > costa + By? + (0 sin(A + B)}? 2 = [cosA ~cos(—B)]? + [(sinA - sin(-B)]* FeOsH(A +B) —2cos(A +B) + sin%(A +B) = (CosA — cosB)* + (sinA + sinBY 1+co (A+B) See ‘A co! (cos?A =cos?A + cos?B — 2 2c 2-2cos (A +P) 2-2cos(A +B) =2 (COSA cost 2(COSA cosB ~ si cos(A + B)=cosA cosB ~ sind sink ed (a Bat oe -B tek x, sient cos(A = B) = cosA cos(—B) — sinA sin(— B) =cosA cosB + sinA sinB ; x sin@a-B)=cbs [E in »| = cos [G-4) -3] (™ =eos (5 ~ a) cosB + sin (§-4) sinB = sinA cosB + cosA sinB as sin(A +B) cos(A + B) _SinA cosB + cosA sinB cosA cosB = sinA sinB tanA + tanB as tanA tanB {sit aa ex 4 cosA cosB & 4M aT] Wa sin(A + B) = sinA cosB + cosA sinB ¥ Ba ae -B TAK sin(A — B) = sinA cosB —cosA sinB (5) tan(A +B) & @ 4 BH WE _B SAH tan(A — B) a Frisia qe wre eT! tan(A + B)= __tanA —tanB e fan(A-B)=7 4 tan A tanB cos(A +B. Cot (A+ B)= Sin +B) _ cosA. ‘cosB —sinA sinB = sinA cosB + cosA sinB _ cotA cotB = 1 4) ‘ ~cotB + cotA (3 war eH sinA cinB & Hea 2A T) | (NAB ae -B aA Te, CoA ~ By = — Sot cow = 1 = cotA cotB + if We Scran cot = cob aco (8) . Hater uctions) + 66 io 2p = cos?B — cos?A some a 6-4, go wer org C oe B) Fe esha sie? sin cos?A = sii 1. (i) sinc + BIST” By = B) (sinA.cosB — cosA.sinp) (ii) cost + BCC cosA.sin 2A, sin? B 2p ~ cos 2p) - (1 = sin?A) sin B 2B + sin?A.sin?B 5, = (sinc () LHS. = Ce cot ma (sit oa A ~sin?A.sin?B — sin sit i. in? = sin . " say EC ~cos*B) = cos”B — cos*A ‘ ee cosB - sinA.sinB) (cosA.cosB + sinA sing) en oath 2A.sin?B 2A.cos?B - sin = c0s?A.cos : : = cos?A (1 = sin?B) — (1 ~ cos?A) sin?B = cos?A - cos#A.sin2B — sin*B + cos*A.sin?B =cos?A —sin?B = 1—sin?A —(1 —cos?B) = cos?B - sin? cotA.cotB — 1 2 @ cot +B)= OR + cota cotA.cotB + 1 i) cova ~ B) = cotB = cotA cos(A +B) SOLS COAG B) Kee R) _ cOSA.cosB ~ sinA.sinB © sinA.cosB + cosA.sinB cosA.cosB _ I Fi _ sinA.sinB epeeccs'| saa © £08B | cosA B * sind _ cotA.cotB — 1 ~ COLB + cota i) LHS. =cot( — p) = £°(A=B) sin(A — B) COSA.cOsB = SINA.sinB CosB _cosA . sinB~ sind = SACO +1 [ COtB ~ cota Siar ae ET aT sinA.sinB [; art a 1% tet Function 7 qun(A+B+O)= 7A +t + tanc 3 = tan A tanB ~ tanb tan tanc $7 ys.ctan (A +B) +C} tan ~ tan lank _ tan (A + B) + tanC =] = tan (A +B) tanc tanA + tanB_ [-tanA, ae Cig tanA + in {-tanA ane tanA + tanB + tanC — tanA tanB tanc tanC = {= tanA tanB —tanA tanC - tanb t T=tanAtanB tanA + tanB + tanC ~tanA tanB tanC anA tanB — tanB tanC - tanC tan WAT TATEWT (Solved Examples) Type 115° 3 aoa ett } Pretwiita agqadt & ari Prot 7 STEM STF = ardent Pram (Working Rule): Frafeted gat + & Rractt oravaear et saat wart at : af Rat mat Zor 0, 15° ar orvaef A A OM a+ PAa-PS mF fa aa oe aite B, 30°, 45°, 60°, 90° 4 & ag ate Bul. ara Prats (Find the value of) : (1) cosi5" (ti) sin105". ¥:(i) cosl5° =cos(45° - 30°) = cos45". cos30° + sin45”. sin30” p31 1341 Sy 2 ty2> We in(45° + 60°) =sin45 * cos60" +cos45”. .sin60" (ii) sint05° i 3 Led V3+1 apstwrs mM Bx.2,tant0s® wat Prsr$ (Find the value of tan 105) = “tan60" + 1andS” tani05* = tan(60" + 45°) = 7 — tan60".tan45 Beles 1a) wn rer, = hh- bat) (A) 1-3 ‘ (2+ ¥3)- 1 an Sere ee MU. 77.745 Inter ot] rysind is positive integer.) ts singn+9)=—sind > sine + gat —— si yn in { nx + ¢ ne =(-1)" sin { crt} el x = (1) "sin 5 {o> Sin (0) = sg iat ae sin (170) = 1) sig hs =(-1)" sin = 2 4in(45°=30" (1)? sin 75 = sin Jp = Bin 15" = sin ) i _¥3=1 © 242 mitt Type 11. ages Sor S yw S Ma ett oe orrenfta wet werdart Fran (Working Rule): 3 Praisiter Gal AS Rreat erravrese er Seer sar we 1 sin(A + B) = sinA cosB + cosA sinB cos(A + B) = cosA cosB - sinA sinB tanA + tanB ee tanA tanB sin(A — B) = sinA cosB — cosA sinB cos(A - B) = cosA cosB + sinA sinB tanA —tanB 1 + tanA tanB sin(A + B) sin(A — B) = sin2A —sin?B cos(A + B) cos(A — B) = cos?A — sin?B Ex. 4. afta wt % (show that) sin (a + B) cos (a. - 8) + cos (a + B) sin (& - B) = sin2a BS: LHS. =sin {a + B) + (@-)] = sin2a= R.H.S. Ex. 5. aifaa at P5 (Prove that) cos18° — sin18° = V2 sin27". Wi: RWS. = Y2sin27" = V2sin (45° - 18°) = V2 (sin45° cos18° —cos45° sin18°) =V2 (Geosi8" -% sin18°) =cos18" ~sinl8° = LHS. Ex. 6, eifter &t Pe (Prove that) MMe +y) _ tam +tany — yceRTl sin(x—y) tanx —tany Sol. L.H.s, = Si +) _ sine. cosy + cose . siny ma) sin(x —y) _Sinx .cosy — cosx . sit (1) % 83 Fat Ee FH cosx cosy, F rie oe 2 fanx + tar Lug, = aut tany Rs, tan(A - B) = Bess a 7. eat f% (Show that) ne 7 ~ & ex eot2x C0128 - COLT — COL Ix. cote 2 Oe gxex tok 1 w Ween got 3x = cot (F + 2x) c cot 3x 2 |, cot 3x. cot 2X + COt 3x. cot x= cot x. cot 2x 1 Scot x-cot 2x—cot 2x. cot 3x—cot 3x. cot x= 1 gx. 8. OAT BE PH [Prove that] cos? 2x — cos? 6x = sindx sin & = sindx sin & yo: LHS. = cos? 2x — cos? 6x (NCERT} = 1 —sin? 2x—(1 —sin? 6x) = sin? 6x — sin? 2x = sin (6x + 2x) sin (6x~2x) [= sim(A +B) sin (A —B) = sin? A ~sin? B] = sin 8x sin 4x= sin 4x sin 8x Ex. 9. fat &t PF (Prove that) tan70" = 2tan50° + tan20". tan50° + tan2i : tan70° = tan (50° + 20°) mi, tan70° (1 — tan50° tan20°) = tan50° + tan20° my, tan70° —tan70° tan50° tan20° = tan50° + tan20" my, tan70° =tan70° tanSO” tan20° + tanS0° + tan20" = tan (90° — 20°) tan50" tan20° + tan50° + tan20" = cot20"-tan50°-tan20° + tan50° + tan20" = tan50" + tan5O° + tan20° = 2tan50° + tan20" Ex. 10, afta mt Fe (Prove that) sin(B—C) , sin(C—A) , sin(A-—B) _9 cosB cosC * cosC cosA cos cosB . ®: LHS. a Feet I inB cosC — cosB sinc _sin(B —C) _ sia ~ cosB cosC cosB cosC = SinB cosC _ cosB sinC . tanp — tanC cosB cosC cosB cosC wae 3 LS. at aaa %% = tanC —tanA Sh LE.S, a dram ve = tanA — tanB 3 LHS, = (anB — tanC) + (tanC — tan) + (aA —tanB)=9- Ex. 11, tad BT Ow" cor(% jae nl? at 2 % wnat 7 sioc(5 a 1 ' —sin’x costeesin’x gS" it sin’x , 4 jj nent 5 | Type IIL arf 71 wreret 1 + -Srisit fray (Working Rule): Fa wet & eR ATE igs Ex. 12. See pas what (show that a tanA) (1 + tanB) = 2. Tee 45°. «. tan(A +B) =tan4S° = 1 tan + 1a ar, tanA + tanB = | ~tanA tang 1-tanA.tanB ai, tanA +tanA tanB + tanB = | a, tanA(i + tanB) + tanB my, tanA(J + tanB) + 1 + tanB = 1 +1 . 4, (1+tanB)(tanA+1)=2 a, (1 + tanA) (1 + tanB)=2 Ex. 13. a (If sina sinB - coset cosB + 1 = 0. afar at PS (prove tha 1+ cota tanB = 0. %: 927%, sing sinB — cosa cosB +1=0 %, cos cosB-sinasinB=1 ay, cos (+B) =1 3, 1 + cota tan = 1 + S08, Sin sing. cos cosB + cosor SinB sin (+ B) 0, cosf3 since cos sina. cosp = © Ex. 14. a (11) tanB : -nsi \ en(C.=B) = (1 138 =tan (: + 5) tan 5 = tan (G-§) >! ype eign wher & GH & A wed sree HET # 3, faa at [Prove that] : (i) sin (n+ 1) x sin (n+ 2)x +cos (n+ 1) x cos(n + 2)x = cose {NCERT] (ii) -cos(m + n) 8. cos(m — 1) 8 —sin(m + n)@ sin@m —n) @ = cos2m0 (ii) cas (3-2) 0s (F- »)=sin (i 5) sin (G=») sinter» z = {NCERT} } © ¢(iy)tan 3x tan 2x - tan.x = tan 3x an 2x tanX [NCER™] A. jn oyt tan OO) an20 ‘ = tan (8 + 9) tan (8- @) = | 4 a a [Prove that] : SS (cos (3% a : UES & et x) ~os (8-2) =P sinx {NCERT] liideos (7 sie : ; s (Ese +00s (F- ) = ¥2 cosx _ INCERT Ui) sin? 6x ~ sin?ax = sin 2x sin 10x : 814 Mathematics : _ = oi 9" + + sin? after at f% (Prove tha 49 ee pain20" 17 % ae G 2 *) 1+ ne anfira at far (Prove that) ~ aa (5 ) = tanx INcp, F- iter at f (Prove that) a conn () Gaga stan A ~ cot3A = cotA 1 1 = cod : Gi) Gaga stan” coISA + cot = °° 20. sino, cos30 = 4cos2ot cass MD riaat case oe (CPE Aey wafre at P (Prove that) “ : ‘ mG ‘. =sin2A = tanSO” 2 anfara at Pi (Prove that) tan40° + 2 tan!G - ; aifaa at fe (Prove donee, B)= sta _ Sin@. + B) sin (a-) aifara tt f% (Prove that) tana — tan?B = + 25 cos?o cos? afer at fi (Prove that) @ tan{(QQn+ 1) m+ 0) + tan {(2n + 1) n-8} = . (ii) tan(F+0) tan (3+ 0) +1=0 Type IIL. anf a1 Teer 1 =e ae: ~ aft (If) tana = , aif Bt PB (Prove that) a an = ae = a+p ne 45°, after at fe (Show that) (cotA -1) (co!B- yf Af (Hf) tance ~ tan = x aft cot — cote. = y, wife Ft Pe (prove ih cot (a B) = 2+¥ are we a rem da sri a, Bate y & ase Fava are at aes ot if (la tight ang!s be divided into three parts ot, B and 1, prove that) cota, = 1208 + tany pu. 1 tanB tany’ ‘ 1.0) x,

cos20 = mtn 2(m= =n)" 25, af (if) o + B = 0 Ta (and) tan, : ‘wipe xy, a ata at P (prove : that) sin (o.~ B) =* Ey <2 sind, , [P. U. 75, B. U. 77} Type V.rehPrder es & eRE HTT TTC TENA ET: 26. afer wt f& sin100° - sin10° ears & | - = that sin100° — sin10° is positive.) ‘i ted 24sind ar Heat ait AAA AMA rar | (Find the maximum minimutn values of 7cos@ + 24sin®.) {11 T.72} ANSWERS -rransformation Formula) (Tre sduction) + stoma ewe eiges ator Ay 65, at CO eat 1 get em sin(A + B), sin(A —B) aire cosy 4 Prater srt mae fT AT TSS SRT ora hy hl co(A-B) # % prardit| : (transformation iT grat # Sftadt (Transformation of pr 6-6, TITHE OT ae ea +B) = sinA.cosB + cosA.sinB Sl A by cin(A - B) = sinA.cosB — cosA.sinB ( 2) a ast ve BE TE fi Q Sina cosB = sin(A + B) + sin(A ~ B)] ; (eaQaar wera e [2cosA sinB = sin(A + B) ~ sin(A — B) gt cos(A + B)= cosA. cosB ~ sinA.sinB cos(A - B) = cosA.cosB + sinA.sinB : (5) afte (6) at ist oe BH OTe & (6 2 cosA.cosB = cos(A + B) + cos(A — B) +-(]) (6) #4 (5) at aert 1 eT Ta E 2sinA.sinB = cos(A — B) — cos(A +B ] @) :. +48) 67. aT oT oe oT TUES F oruRtada (Transformation of Sums Oduers i, (1) atte ¢ a Differences into Products) ; ‘ (3) sin(A + B) + sin(A — B) = 2sinA.cosB 5 Wf A+B=CaitA-B=D, & s At HB = S59 or om at ©) rad om UE sinC + sinD = 2 sin ©*D. oo, so (10) 4, sinA+B)— sina a BY= 2cosA.sinB 4 i MUS ASB = Com an Sp eeeD, : TH) ttm ge (12) (13) p)- cos(A + B) = 2sinA.sinB +9) os(A~ ty wee cotta +B=Dt, A=Sf2 ate B = P55 -BS ‘ a fe A ty] a(is)® Xa oe (16) yt 08D = 2sin 5 y afta GeTETM (Solved Examples) “et see we TS Bis BT TS HTT CST TC oTETATT A ay maT © ™ wet: {sinc + sinD = 2sin +D.. C-D {i sinC-sinD = 2cos ~y_ sin “7 C+D C-D Gi) cosC + cosD = 2cos ~z~ COs] . = D=C Gy) cos - cosD = 2sin S$ sin 5 aie ar or TS BT sin & aa cos # at 90° + 8 at 180° + 8 are gar wets Bt aH aT sin cos (GH @) Hace 31 seem 1, wife a Fs (Prove that) cos5s° + cos65” +cos175° = 0. we: wat Ga = cos5S” + cos6S” + cst 1s° 2 2¢0s +55 cos 5°55 + cost 75° =2.c0s60° cos(- 5°) + cos175° =2 x }c0s5” + cos(180° - 5°) =cos5’ — cos" = 0. “Ex. Lift &t Pe (Prove that) cosi8" - sin18° = V2 sin27". WW: aA Ga=cosl8° — sin18° = cos18" - sin(90° ~ 72°) 18°+472° . 72°-18° Se) SI Ss =2sin45° sin27° =2 yy sin27° = 2 sin27’. | Ex. 2. anf et ffs (Prove that) | sinA + sin2A + sin4A + sinSA ) | CosA + cos2A + cos4A + cosSA | ®: ait gas sinA + sin2A + sin4A + sinSA cosA + cos2A + cos4A + cosSA = SinSA + sinA) + (sin¢A + sin2A) (cosSA + cosA) + (cas4A + cos2A) i) = =cos18° - cos72° = 2sin =tan3A, a8 — 4.2sin3A cosA a asin con CSSA cOsA a te os2A + COSA) _ tan3A, 2s A (cos2A + c0sA) i that) i (Prove F Bx. 3. mt n, (sind tsi B" = 0m (or) co Ax cosh +<08B)" (rere : ( ‘sind sin fae want BY (according as 7 is even or odd) srs nwo: ee FA = ml A-B A+B 0 = 2sin ~~ cos 581 cos “F £0! iF (esa -(—= Psin at Pein E a] we: wa & | dc08 3 2sin 5 A-Byn . = (cot Asm + (-cot“Z [+ sin(-0) =~, A-B se a n cot” = cot" =3_ + (-1)" cot! QO, sinx+ siny _ =) & a esp 28 (53°) 28 (5 * 8, afaa at [Prove that] : (i) sin 2x + 2 sin 4x + sin Gx = 4 cos? x sin 4x (ii) sine + sin 34 + sin 5x + sin 2x = 4 9. afar BE [Prove that] : (£0540 + 20530 + 0526 sin40 + sin3@ sin29 = 6038 UNCER] ij) 8in50 ~ 2 sin30 + sind (ii) ~ c0850—cosg = tan INCERT iy SM + SinS) + (Side + sind) _ al (COs7x + cosSx) + (Cos9x + cos3x) pice pea iv) S083A + 2cosSA + 7, iv) = cos7A sf 05+ 2c053A + cease = COS2A ~ sin2A tan3A (v) SWA+Sin3A + sins A 4 sin7A, COs x cos 2x sin 4x a 10.) gent SO83A + COSSA + cosTA = land. © © EAE) sing, Sin = 5 Far cosp — coso = 2 arf fs (show to! cor +B 2 - e e fl (ii) ate (If COSCCA + sec = cosecB + secB, arfara a fs (prove tha!) 5 ; iH] i a A mB co AE , aa | a 6 ©) + sec(® —~ &) = 2sec0, aft a (prove that) ( + cosa. _ _ a Trigonometric Functions ues Tree ey a eta Wh ery arere wi ws CAA ETE 12 et fe (Prove that) sin25° cost 15" = YRinao® — 1) a et XM (Prove that) sin20° sina” sin60" sin80" = x [P.U. 42; 8. 8. 64,75 15; 1. C. 85, 961 4 wet fie (Prove that) c0s20° cos40" 0860" cos8 Lt. c.921 arte et P&H (Prove that) tan20° tan40" tan60° tan80° = (7.74) 20° cos40 ¢0360" 0880" (Bint = sin20" sin40" sin60" sin80° oft cos’ wt fran afc wrt 2] aafart &t F% (Prove that) cosi0” cos30" cos50 safes fir (Prove that) 4e0s0 cos(§ " °) cos(§ a aifaa at fe (Prove that) tanO tan (60° +9) = tan36 Rat B=90, 8 rf at FB cose: cosB HET ar 58! = 90", show thatthe m-ximum value of cosa. cosB is3) Gat ap, ARAB cose ad, sinB=¥ afer at fF (show that) 2. nan 2 Beaty HS +N a, 5-26. agers ar She Te H eT sin =3a,-¥3 ° cos" = 76 UT 6) 9) = c0s30 ie ee ge. . pine = cos. = (VE): 1. nt ipcambayene(9e%) e000") cara at Po prove thal) 27 #94 2=0 eS : ae) 4m) _ } Hine: Let roo 9 c0s(8* 2) = .en(0+ iB) =k io ee ene yo | Type 1. area freafer (Componendo and dividendo) ® wart TT ar: ¥ ma. aft (If) sing = x sin(20 + 9), Tafa at RF (prove that) (x+y) coll + g=0- x) cord ) sincy-9), 23. ate Af) cos(or + B) singy + 8) = cos(— aafea @% fe (Prove that) cote cotf cory = cord. ea! (A-B) ee a ae ee ys ltt an tan tan ; at Ayan (+= an, mfr (orove _@sinQ8+9)=2singe = Pane eS 1.0.73) ek fig Se —_Maiamaes sea (Multiple Anales) & arora oveere aoy are 68, aftera (Introduction) *" At et ileal t wet oh gate Bi eee @ CA, 2A SA, TO : By 2A aa 3A BT F 4 eae TT A® Praknttcter ory Go, tr 2a & Preneer ST! HM a ia rms of Trigonometrical ratios of A) (Trigonometrical ratios of 2A in ter A+ A) = SinA, 0S! Lsin2A = sin ( A +cosA. sinA = 2sinA cosA, [ sindA = 8 fesin (A+ B)=sinA. cosB + cosA sinB] ora: sin2A = [2 sinA. cosA\ pe bathe ~sinA. sinA = [cos?A — I cos2A = 0s (A + A)=cosA. cosA~ sinA. sinA = |cos?A ~ sini] gat 5a F (i) cos2A = cos?A— sin? A = cos?A — (1 - cos?A) =cos?A — 1 + cos?A =|2cos? A - 1 ti cos2A= cos?A — sin2A. = 1 — sin?A —sin?A =|1- 2sin2a, am (A+B) % Bermidta agua oq Aa BS wt ani Siow #1 pafey 2A & Retmtice argue arr ga HAS wh andi & foq ae a oa 2A 3 Belts orga as a at aia wT a uA Frome | aet wa afer & fee 2A a ATT 90° aH TAA 6-10, seaPafer & 2A ator a PrestoPfter Freaker (aet 2A < 90°) : art PR ZKOY = 2A. OX BE MS R fear O @ a arar OR Poa © sve war | rar ay oveiget OY a PM OR ae XO at at QT Brel BPP PLL OX ear! QP, PR at Frere! P _____ Tigonometric Functions 6-25 Ny, ZOPQ = ZOOP 4 % a *» ZOQP = ZOPQ=A a Laratqer at ater | ofte ZPOR = A tm ) ZPRQ=90°~A " gat ZLPR=90" - ZPRL = 90° = 90" = A)= A 1 _ 2PL. _ 2Pl. [- OP ~QRI | . \ ara, APOL &, sin2A =p = 355 = OR wo = FQ _ 2 sin PQL. cos POR = 2sinA cos ti (QL- QO) + (OR=LR) : su) cos2A es OH a 20h = tO, (l= DOV L-LR QL_LR LR a = Na = Gee = FO XOR- PR = cos PQL x cos PQR ~ sinRPL x sin PQR = cos. cos —sinA. sinA = cos?A - sin?A WIS: Sea cos2A = cos?A ~ sin?A = 1 - sin?A—sin?A = 1 -2sin?A & = 1-2(1 —cos?A) = 2cos?A — 1 . 2 f dae Peewee 2PL. i cA) tan2A = Or = 20L = OL + OL s ra PL Zot os J Que ae is atanPOL = = af LR PL — paBRS ER. Be 1 —tanLPR tanPQL : 2tanA____2tanA ‘ 7 =tanA. tanA~ 1-tan2A 611, tanA & Tet F sin2A ak cos2A : Sores _2sinA.cosA pin? we Bh Sinz = 2sind Cosh = 34 coats > NR Noose ME wh 3 2sinA cos aie E ne punt aie wh [sia wen FC wT cos?A 8 NTT EY TT] 2A, : wy : cos’A ~ sin2A SOSZA = c0stA~ siMA= CODA + sin? cos?A ~ sin?A . = 082A CORA Tint A. [sia tat et at cos?A 8 Unt BA I] Se AGG = tanta) ae [taal tnematice : Class Xt Mat ) ofa: engne ean ret we TN fre age % weg prepa ngersnct Trieonometicl race of Ay Hoa tO x + A) | ain2A GOA + conte. bind BTA esha tcl BMAD Ha A Aca esinA = 2s A sea (1 sin ZA) + sin — 2sin’A a= 2sindA + sind — 2sin?A _ [asina — asin’ A} cos2A cosA — sin2A sinAe “SAA — 1) cosA — 2sinA. cosA sin 3A — cosA — 2cosA sintA = cos — 2c0sA (1 - cos?A) cos —2cosA + 2cos*A QA+A) TH tan3A = tan (QA+A) es 2tan, +tanA tan2A +tanA_ _ Feit tan2A tanA 2tanA i pare tela _ 2tanA + tanA( = tan?A) =" (i= tan?A) -2 tan? _ Dan + tanA— tan®A _ | 3tanA = tan’ = 1 = 3tan2A. 1 = 3tan2A safe gat A (A+B +O) 8 Brainiac argaa S aS A Fae aaa EI @ -- sin(A+B+C) =sinA cosB cosC + sinB cosA cosC + sinC cosA cosB —sinA sinB sinC B=AainC=ATHT, e | sin3A = sinA cos?A + sinA cos?A + sind cos?A — sin'A = 3sinA cos?A —sin’A = 3sinA (1 — sin?A) —sin3A i = 3sinA — 3sin3A —sin3A = 3sinA—4sin?A (ii) cos(A+B+C) =cosA. cosB.cosC — sinB sinC cosA - sinA sinC cosB —sinA.sinB cosC FPR B=AqaC=A tai 083A = costa — gi ‘ ©08'A ~ sin?A cosA —sin2A cosA - sin?A cosA = cost — 35in?, ‘A) cosA ‘A cosA = cos}, ee cos*A ~3 (1 — cos? OS'A — 3c0sA + 3cos3A = nn = aud S Trigonometric Functions ten (+ B+ C) = ant NB + tanc T= tan tanB ~ tan pane 82 tanc BoAuMC=ATEr x, ane = tan tana, 827 + | Gi) SrcraitA= tantA tail = Sana tanta 13. TT (Some Deductions) : ral jot costs 1 = 2sintA . |sin?A =}(1 -cos2)| 1 = costa = 2c0s?A-1 ' feos?A=3(1 + 60s2A) sin3A = 3sinA — 4sinA sin3A = 4 GsinA - sin3A) TV. cos3A = 4cos3A — 3cosA =, leostA = } (cos3A + 3c0sA) tz airt TeTEW (Solved Examples) ype 1 Se A. ner 24 8 Probe Pret tm # NEP arent WET ‘erdertt Pram (Working Rule) : . wart at: Fare Para erate et ST 1. sin2A = @sinA cosA 2. cos2A = cos?A -sin?A 3, cos2A = 2cos?A = 1 4. 1+cos2A=2c0%A . 5. cos2A= 1 -2sin?A 6. 1—cos2A = 2sin?A 2tanA. tee ee 8, sinQA= 74 tan?A V=1an?A cottA = 1 2cotA 10, cot2A= _ Ex daft (ip sinA Saft (and) 0° Omi 0< P<} tan2B ar art whee (i) F cert oe, 113 ota 25 ®: tan (a+ 28) a : ss tan (& + 2B) oa, 0 i x z 0<28-0 .0<2p<% 2 wt O <0.< nat afta wt, (prove that) ; J Ee 201+ 95 =- 1 col. 3 fea BB (Prove that) cot tanO'= 2co128 Mathematics : Class Xt aR 636 tan? (7A) : y aftr a Ps (Prove that) z ind 1‘ 4, afer wt PR ( qpilee (2-4) | ia * cos = sind fy oe 5, enfter at Ps (Prove tha”) cos@ + sind” * 8 = tan20 he Pp & an \ he 6. ener wt Fi (Prove that) tan e + ) t 6 1 : 7 1 1) anfara #t f% (show that) cos29 =1 % 7. af (If) cos0 => (+4) in aera) (« 1) 8, enfea at Ps (Prove that) cos?0 + sin? cos2P = cos%B + sin2B cosag ie 9, err at fr (Prove that) 1+ tan0 tan20 = sec20 1H.s. 6 t . Le sindA~costA _ | 10, writer wt FB (Prove thal) +5 sinA + cos2A~ ‘9 1 +tan6)\2 11. afer at fr (Prove thal) a 1 tand, 1 x3 12. aifact at Fe (Show that) 519" ~ cos 10) OL T.19 13, aifaa #f P (Prove that) cosec ~ 2co12A cosA = sina = 14, arfaa wt f& (Prove that) cot?A ~ tan2A = 4cot2A cosec2A — [P.U.44 2% L+sindA _cosA+sinA (x aifact at f& (Prove that) 194 = cosa —sinA =" ( + a) {P. U. 57] . faa @¥ Re (Prove that) cos®A ~ sinSA = cos2A (1 -3sin®2A) i bonccase(e coath = aifaa at f% (Prove that) cos*6 + cos’ (F+0) +00s G 8) 18, afec at fs (Show that) 3 (sinx ~ cosx)*+ 6 (sinx + cosx)? +4 (sin®x + cos*x) = 13 [LL [Hint : (sinx - cosx)* = {(sinx — cosx)?)? = (1 = sin2x)? at sin®x + cos®x = (cos®x + sin2x)* ~ 3cos?x sin?x (cos? + sina 9, eile BE fee (Show that) a a) 2 (sindx + cosSx) — 3 (sintx + costx) + 1 = ee afar at f% (Show that) uM Bi (is V4 €08°8 + cos? (a + 8) - 2coso: cos® cos (a + 0,0 6a pe 46,61), independent of 6.) Type HL. BT A wey sae arent see Pont tt a ahr at f% (Prove Mee oat 10° + sin2a in?20" 32. set BE A (Prove that) sind cost — eae sin’ =! 23, Arf SF FB (Prove that) cos%0.sin30 4 sin’, or a Tey 75) C0836 = 24. eifet at [% (Prove that) tand + tan (60° +6) + tan ae P54) +9) = 3tan39 3g, cafe 8 RF Prove that) dsind sin (0 +8) sin (0+2 F) : 2) « snag es wife &t f (Prove that) goto + cot (60° + 6) + Y= 3 conto , tea Cot (120° + 8) = cor36 Type Hi. St nA (et n om ts 8, ne 2 (PU. 44,45) 1 nt 2, n # 3)% Bretntete Eee Br sit AS Prstuicta Prete ¥ axe ar eames 27. wea at = fe that) (i) sinS@=Ssin6—20sin°@ + 16sin5@ . _[B,U. $4, Roorkee 85) (ii) cos 4x= 1-8 sintx costx 2 INCERT) 28. alfa at PF (Prove that) cos6O = 32cos60 — 48cos!6 + 18cos*8 - 1 29. aaa at & (Prove that) cos48—cos4a:=8 (cos6—cos@) (cos0+cosax) (cos6 — sina) (cosS+ sinat) . 0.78} ‘Type IV. af 3X aTenite: 374 (Conditional Problems) : 30. aR (UD) tanx = 2 et wt Fs (Prove that) acos2s + bsin2x = @ [C. U. 38; PU. 48) 31. aff (If) tan2@ = 1 + 2tan2q. eafat FB (Prove that) e029 = 1 + 2c0320 {H.S.63] 2, oe anep azine cosda= "Shag, aes tao Veianf. = emt ae per on to ope \ i = V2 tanB.) tanB = 3tana, — Re prove that) Pai ates Mathematics - Cla at f& (prove that x4 y Ve fs PE (POVE NNO 9e* Coseca =x 1B \ 34, af (If) x sina = i fa antalany ate 35, af (If) tanO = sec2ot, efae ast (prove that) sin20 = Se a {PL U, 4g) ANSWERS W a 6 reacts tet ‘ (Submultiple Angles) 4 eos A . é ” 614. agftera (Introduction) aft n quite # ae ae am = fs sq ewife a (sobmutinic Angie) ara ET care SOUS 4.3 N Sa es rece mF) Te were ne A etacts Fefet a yet A sre ao & Brett Prat & wet # are: wer 2a 3 : a ; Geass cm A ot Prk Prat at ir 3 Preto Fret 4 qe wa (To express the Trigonometrical ratios of angle A in terms of al rrigonometrical ratios of angle 3) = (@)_sin2A = 2sinA cosA a a Asem TS aT sinA =2sin ¥cos# (ii) cos2A = cos?A ~ sin?A A. Ad ean WA Tet 1 |cosA = cos? = sin? (iii) cos2A = 2cos?A — 1 A A& wa a A twit | cos = 2cos?4- 1 (iv) cos2A = | -2sin2A A AS EM TFTA |cosA=1—2sin?F| 5 gat seat A 2tany (v) tan2A = sl tanA = = aI 2 1 tan? ii | MS of 2tanA (vi) sin2A= tanta ‘5 1 =tan?A (vil) 652A = santa i _cotA=1 (vill) ot2A = “SO A) EA 6-16, cosA % Tet F sin 3 cos } afte tan A amt a A.A ~ (Values of cos 3, sin F-and tan wiienmd Oh eoAAy? 2A : () ~~ 200s? P= 1 +cosA cos B= 4 [Ee ea8A 2 = di) 2sin? 3 = 1 - cos Jas A l=cosA AL essa +cosA tan =*N 14 cos (ii) ~~ tar? sxc 8 4 His Ree Ber ax vair Pra Tar & a cosA a Art Feet GoM At cos, sin gata 3a 8 sade & G2) ar S| BPA ore A ar fasta ar Fea Go wt sreuan 38 A ates Bas CH GAH er Se 7 Ara ae % em car an Rae ot (+) ate () FIT 6-17. sin & Gl Hist are cos 8B ATF (Values of sin and cos? in terms of sinA) : (eres De = cos? . cos + sin = + 1+sinA sit war cos — sin4= + V1 -sinA 8:29 sin 4, cos > 4 who aT + sin? + 2c0s 9 sin Any +sinA (i) sit Gi) at ats a7, cos t=} V1 + sind +4 1—sinA (i) a) FF ae, sing} I-A FEN 504 alta aM a! OS Sa Fe fe sina a apt Pear ar @ a sind = Am aa a fet ga sin 3: Sait ce ‘Pm te er wearer set em -— ay to. fo ant Glass x! matics 640 Mather | A A. ay oe 6.18, sin 4 cos 7 FE , A sin $410 AL v2 (Hsin? ; sind + cos $= 12 (¥ ; iss a8 im (oes 81 2 : -v2¢ en ot V2sin (34+ 45°) 1 FO GIT Ya Ge eg an Fratent sin (3 + 45°) % Prte atm sin} + eos 38 tof ‘ erarara (araftia) eT vers a FCT (B+45") a am g 6) gt HT ’ sin(3+45 Ja pa -45" 8 135° @a em 180° afer rer ore 8 ‘a 0° #360" & tea & i H ACOH oT my wif 2 fag ate oT SAAT GPM) | GF: BF STG ore (gad fog A sift THT ai 0° 8 360°8 4 = ‘ AES am anoe 360° & ara orety + 45° ar oe Pifay g grat a att & | AV issinA af 0° < 4445" < 180° aaig ae +sinz = Ay sin cos 5 +802 A £m HTC COS waste $e 135" a ew Fert a EF sin cos ¢= V2sin(3- 45°) ss cos sin a: cos 8= sin =— V1 —sinA ato’ < 4-45" < 180" at, 45° < $< 225° safe Prenat at ft once ara oat & are var on wear & — A Yasin(F - 4s) sin f + A sin’ ¢cos% wane 2 2 A sin eos wena A cos... Aen wt + cos 2 A sin Cos sume e an ic Functions 84) Att Prater Preqitreat st 4 6:19. BOT ; . wher FO Pratt Provferet a sas eo (To express Trigonometrical ratios of A in terms of Trig melt @ 3tanA —tan3A Gi) tanSA= "| — Stan? A nN 3tan 3 — tan? 3 | abann frat e tanA = > 1-3tan?> iiss ty ical ratios of 3) in3A = 3sinA = 4sin’A AS ert 4 ae Te si (ii) cos3A = 4c0s'A - 3cosA. AS EMA TARGA T | cosA = 4cos?4 — 3c0s| < 620, tan 28 tanA B WTF AIM BEM (To express tan F in terms of tanA) = tanA = A 2tan> A tan? > . tanA ( ~ tan? za) 2tan A A mm, tanA -tanA. tan? 5 = 2tanZ A A ai, tanA. tan? 5 + 2tanz—tanA =0 ze tan So fear wetter & A_—22V()?=4. tanA CtanA)_—1 $V 1 + tan? Ae 2tanA "tana I. (a) sin15° er 5: @, sin215° = a, sints° = + ( aA @ &, 2sin? z= ara fe $= 15° wa (1) 4, 2sin?1 1S° gery are & 22 1-cosA “AS 30° 5° = 1-cos30° aay Va-1 Ste : 2. sin 15° a art eet BVT 4 (NCER.] rest) 4+ Wael)? 2 4 Bet mises VCH) ae es 15° ar Art rare BT | jsrmerere ES O08 (@) tantS UTE 13 pq eVieawAR) gis? tT see, tan Feat tanA tan30° WW 1 B ¢ 2s) xB. 2-13)= 2-13, -2=13 tanl5° I AM Sas erT | tanlS = iswar mc HE o. 3 aie: sin7S" = sin(90" — 15°) = cosi5* = “38! cos75° = cos(90° - 15°) = sin15° = ao «_sin75°_¥341 1341. tan 7S = 75° = 321 3 +1 2413 = cot75" = cot (90° = 15°) = tan15° = 2 - V3 tanI5 H, (a) sin22539 a: ~2A_ 1=cosA 2 SS _ ————— aw &, sin aD (© tan 22> HM: A_t L+tan2A-1 tang tanA a_i + tan?45" = 1 -1 fA 3 . : tan227= ands ie = 22 teix| oStletlayo-1 X | Ba int = | ae sing = sin e -ni): cos == } cos6 7S = ale _ntt) =sin2y= a e sin67 2 tan67" > = ae ee -\E% 2s 4 cos67 + z ‘, ie apse rear2el C0167" = cot (0° -2 } % HEG) sin 7a AIF : 1 =cosA 2 wif Se7> .A=15 5 , Va-V6=92 Tae is sin he tal? £ \ qt so a+ gore ore sin72 f p va-¥e-%3| |sin7 ea} (b) cos 7 BT ATT: ii 1° 14 e0si5" _ 1+ 212 Meee de en, Feet b+ e+ _ pas var1 v2, 4436 =A fase am cosTZ=tV 8 , gan ¥& cos? 7 >0 AUBIN SaNZA [-- 1=cos2A = 2sin? A aff sin2A = 2sinA.cosA] a V+! 1 cosi5" _ 1 —3y2 tT Fe snl 3 SS = 22=N3- 1 2V2-V3-1) 03.4) W3-1 GB=1) 03 +1) = 2N6-3- ete 3-1 = 2V6 - 2V3- 2 ee eens —2+ 2 ¥3 (V2 1) ~ V2. (V2 - 1) = (13-2) (2 (d) cot? > or A: 2 Arai Py A = Te aV2A = 15° ara cot = tA sindA . V3 + 1+cosis’ 1+ a + ayr+V3+1 sinks” ~ ea Fer seal AD = Bre wenosey 2er3+ Verse! 3-034 = aE oot \ Trigonometric Functions 2N6 + 2V3 +2244 z = V6 +V3 4242 V3. (02 + 1) +2. 02 +1) = 013 + V2) 2.4 4 fear dacs + voce 0) * = in (90° - 7 1 _ Way Vor vezsinta f =sin (90 78) eon}. gm ea) _ gt _ Vato cost2- = 00s (90° - 75) = sin? y= “Sy tan82- = tan (30° oe +) = cotT = (3 +2) 1241) cot824 = cot (s0° -75) stn7 p= (13 - V2) (2-1) WHA TAIET (Solved Examples) ype te oer 2 Prete Patt gw HR A acoA rs ws artertt Prom (Working Rule) : Safeters Sa AH Pee rae BY See IIT BE: 6 Dang in@ = 2 sin 5 - COS = =f. » Z A ene e 8 1- tan? ae 29 cos8 =c0s%9— sin? 5 = 1-2 sin? 9 = 2608" 1+ tant 8 tan, fi 299 - tan@ = 4. 1 =c0s0 = 2sin® 5 8 tan? = 1 tan’ > bos sind, 3 li ; $l ts casks, Ait . sin 3 il - a cos 2 . Sav ete 4 ix. 2. tan Fat ATT ATT BE (Find the value of tan 2) x z wes. art fH O=_; a 20=7 2tan6 tan?0 any tan5= q 1 -tan? 8 = 1225, ates tan? f2 -1+V2,-1-¥2 % Fetant= 2-1 | Ex. 3. ORT SE (Prove that) » 1 +sin8 + cos = nS 3: rat qq = (—cos6) + sind (1 + cos6) + sind g _ in? + 2sin asin cosy * geos? 2 Be ‘sin ond (ain 9+ on) es, 2, t 8 2 san “som (coo Se sine) px 4 RE 8% (Show that) : eee i-tany 8 +tan 5 i+tan 3 _ 1+ sind (+ » IP. U. 64, 67] t. Bs sing (cosgtsing) = Bw: w= one 0: sin 5 COS — sing cos’> sit chat ein? 2 + 2sin2cos? ass 2 2°82 _1+sind cos 28 or, = rae tang zy tan + ata ( ) 1 ~ tant tan’ Arg 8 wre 1x80 Stan n (G+ +S) 1 jane cost 4°2 2 Ex.S, entra et (Prove that) : (cos + 2 ane fe cosB)? + (sinA + sinB)* = 4cos?~3— {NCERT] + Wat ge = (cos?A + cos’B + 2cosA cosB) + (sin?A + sin?B + 2sinA sinB) = (cos*A + sin2A) + (cos*B + sin?B) * + 2(cosA cosB + sinA sinB) 2+ 2cos(A-B)=2[1 400s (A“B)} =2x 2eos2A=B _ dcost AG Ci themaues - ~ Ma zp 68 eas ¥ x. 6 efter at (Prove that) et 15s cost ge” Bugs 4% 4 cost 32+ c08"'8 . i cos! ss ae : y (ieee) ( Ey | ) ; a) ) , : ) any 1+ cos | an)? 4 | an (© 2 a > | st t= (cos 2 costs 8 ) 3 St gik 4 4 4 aa arat 9a = cos’ gt cos 3 10 8g + cos* 8 r 3n 3m t BE Wa AON a Toh ts cost = =c + cos’ + COS" + cos” 0S 8 8 8 ce 8 =2 (cost § Es cost =a) -2(¢+ 842 ) = 2x 3s gat fat : met ain AP. aan aes we sift ate aT ary ne B oie: HH Fett erat Fa en — arte an: af aor A. P&T ae ae tie sir sot at 5 a cers TO ae BY es eH mrt ato HF aes ae oT we w=! 1X ae va = (cost at cost) + (cost at, co! , eed) Functions 649 ost B+ cost ( cost +e an fortron Dt) \ * acos' + reos! 3" [cos (w - 0) = ~ cos] a [ (ooo 8) + (co BY] es.) (1+m) + +(- -) | = [e+ ate ieg]=j- ate " | gype II. 18°, 36", 78208, 78, o1'y oak & Prete I arene eT = edertt Fram (Working Rule) + Vi ae aH 8 Free aT ST AMT BE: @ ans =e i) costs = 3 Gi. int = iv) costs’ = 4 V10+2N5 (wv) sin36° =7¥ 10-215 (vi) cos36" =405+0 hn sr erizente or Prtars oa Mere & faq = 15°, 45°, 75", 135°. 6= = ook ark, fy 4 at a: 20 se se aE fee ga 48 Bt orn gem 1+ 00820 es cost 7 (ii) sino [ 5 ses Gin 2a ‘su o wy pe 3 ie cos26 (vi) cosec® = Vij —c0s28 0 hob eo, wet carers (+) Frm frat THT F | The = 14.0088 >< pe sin20 a "EX, 7, sin 23% gy rs Prd " 23" 7 [Find the value of sin 34) PU 54) CE, cay "hy, = sin 75 tk we: sin BT sin (F-3 we fi = 75, 8120 = 1 -cos20_ La costs") gasin®@=—> N34t a2 a 1 0-H) ) 2v2-V3=1 =n r sin@ =sin77>0 feat = t V8 — 26-22 sin 7 gig aan et #1 2N2 8 TST Ex. 8. af o = 112°30', a sina. SX cosa: 4H Frew ‘i (If a = 112°30' find the value of sina: and coset.) (he W: a@=112°30' v. 20=225" cos2a = cos225" = cos (180° + 45°) =~ cos45° =-J5 a, 2, = aed SU 1 fas sin | C2) ) bet sae z afeda me %&% 2. sina>0 at Wie cos2o. 1-@) ae ma € icosal = oa owe aaj Sn TT wa, Trigonometric Functions x 9. wt f% (Prove that) "Tap 224° — sin?6" sin? : (P.U.58; 5.5.79, go: wd T= sin24 sin (24° + 6°) sin (24° = sin30°, sint8" = $x 5212 Ls_ 1) px. 10. oat ‘at fe (Prove that) sinl2° sin48° sinS4° = LT. 834 gs: wat GS =} (2sind8" sin12) sins” =} (c0s36" - c0s60°) cos36° and: bea) +1 3) St NS+1 1 NS=1 oie Salar =307-) C2) =a Type IIL. art oe srrenfter et : | wedertt Prot (Working Rule Tet aifad Ser & ea aia St ear A Taar ot ae Bly qe otea gat a 8 Freeh oravaom 8 ower mitt wt 2 tan ® & arfarr Bt prove that), e . Ex. 11. af@ (If) tan = aH oe acosp tb [P. U. 32, 46, 49, 58, 625 B. U. 775 Roorkee 78] at bcosp o_ <[a=be fi) We: ae H, tan a+b"? , cos8 = 2 tan? 5 x a+b -b 1+ tan? 1+ Sta r sin? 4 a+b cos? 2 (a+b) cos'®— (ab) sin? Aa Fete Sa ee and sine (a+b) cost? + (a=) sin? 9 Pah cost f (cos? o a) +b We gy sim) = (congas) +> (oe font) | WW _ acosp +b =a + boos Pt me 12, af ox wer B erteoter a cos + b cost = eR RITE Than St: [If and Bb that) sin (a + B) = ap we: ae ashe ater a con +b sind= co 2 5s Fy a cosa +b sina =¢ war acosB +b sinB =¢ 4 @- GH, " a (cose - cosB) +b (sinc — sinB) = 0 ai, b(sino.— sin) = a (cosB — cosot) 2B iy SB a x sin $B sin SB ve two different roots of equation a cos0 + b cos8 = ¢ = 6, Drove IP. 0.595 8. a, bx 2cos a, Pees 2 C: a a-B [ a2B sin“ +0] peo ne P ht ee 2ab tetanett8 7, @ e+P 2 Be Ex. 13. af (If si inp rae (If) sina + sinB = a Fat cose + cosB = b, Ata Be (prove [P. U. 46; B. U.S all) 0) i FAT cose + cos = b 3, (cosa + cosB)? + (sino: + sinB)? = b? + 2 a C030. + cos®B + 2cosor cos + sin2oe + sin?B + since sinB = abe Ti (Costa +-sin?or) + (cos?B'+ sin?B) +2(cosa cosB'+ sina: sinB) = a? + a 3) > pk 7 +2c08 (8) =a? + b? 653 @+b?-2 a, cos (= B)= > a=8, af Esse EN 1+ cos (01 B) nl a PM p14. fA o0s0 = cose, cox ee Fe (rove tha O+a, O-a 8 OHO tan? wn an > = tan? [P.0.48; B.U. 55) gs: HR, cosO=coscecosB <. cos = £282 mn o . cos® 1- m Be 1 =cosB _ _~ cost _ cost — cos oa ta T+cosB™ , _ cos® ~ cose. + cos® cosa. O+a 2 cosa cosB Ex. 15. af (If) cos® = T= cose cos 8 HAH ST 2 8a wear e) tan Boob (then prove that one of the values of tan : istany Soot = 2 1 --£9s=cosB m See si cos@ ___ 1 = coscx cos 2 *1 +c0s0~ 1 _coso: — cos 1 — cosa cos _ 1 -coscr cos — cost + cos *'1 — cost cos + cosa ~ cosh _ (i ~cosa) + cos (1 = cose = (1 cose) — cospi (1 + cose) _ (i= cosa) (1+ cosB)_ ar zo 8 = (1+ cosa) (1~ cosB) “tan = + in Soot ge APT tan co Bt 654 i = aan a EXERCISE 6-4 + JA J ® oie: Pronfrdt a mas aa Type I. Bro oar & Petar WF ARC ae gy wet T afore, X cos aan tan ~ 1. Preafofteer ates # sin 9 + COS 7 z iin each of the following find the value of sin in cach of ; an nex<> (@) tanx= 1 y gira agaia ¥ &1 [x is in third quadrant (ii) cose = wird | 1 x facta agafat ¥ ® 1 (xis in second quadrant (ii) sinx=q eye. -2sinO =sin28) ag 1. (i) aif EPR (Prove that) 9 eg nog = tan? 2 er Pre Xi a Be (ii) sin 3x +sin 2x—sin x= dsin x cos 5 cos 8 2. afaat at P (Prove that) cot > 1 +sin0 3 3. aif Bt PR (Prove that) = G = tan? (- ) 4, afar at Pe (Prove that) secO + tand = tan « + 3) 5, faa at Pe (Prove that) S&+sinB ~ sin (a +B) _ : =ta Se sinc. + sinB + sin (a+ B) ~ ee = tan 5 = 2co18 6. safest P (Prove that) tan G-4) =secA - tana = 9) 7. aaa a P5 (Prove that) cosec GE = 5) cosec G 8. faa mt f& (Prove that) (cosA ~ ,A-B sB)? + (sinA — sinB)? = 4sin? [NCERT Y) 3 9. waft Ft F5 (Prove that) costs + cos? cos? . sx 10. waft at % (Prove that) sin4 at sin? ty sin? gts [Roorkee 8 11. Tara & F (Prove that) n 3: 5 3) (: + 0s) (1 +005 %) (1+ 00s $f) (140 8 col Nl a 36", 7, 224, 37%, 67 Renee rrennfter TTS TT a « sat fr (Prove that) cotl42 Von 4V3-2-6 i 1 $= cot (180° 37h) =-c0374} W541 8 aint: 604 142 nt . after 2 (Prove that) sin248° — cos? 12° = 3 ay | a [Hint = arat var = 4 (sin24° + sin84°) gi R (Prove that) 4 (sin24” + cos6”) = V3 + Ni5 sp, ate &i PR (Prove that) sin6” sin42° sin66 sn 78" = & sien (Prove that) sin F sin a sin 18 19, afta a Fh (Prove that) cos36" 0872" cosl08" cosl44” =4 Type HE af Te SEMA TEA = @_.fi= 2 mn, Raftan>=Vige aifart ax f% (prove that) Dane atl cos - € d oe C08 = 1 ocos8 PP. v. 62} a | ta af) sino. + sinB = a Fa cosa. + éosB = b mifra at f (prove that) : ea [p. U. 50} (i) sin(a+B) ae (ii) cos(a-B)= F(a +P -2) {P.U.4l] Y, aaa B atten acos® + bsin® = ce a Ra ae Ot atta ot (If cand B be the two different roots of equation Hee acos® + bsin® = c, prove that) ; 2 — pe Be | 0) m(orp=se 5 ai eee 2, i. coso. + cos = } aan (and) sina + sinB = 4 1 anf at fe (prove 4 cos@=B_ 4 5 Pate {Inter 85) 8 ye 12 4 : Mathematics 26. aft (ip 2tan 2 = tan Defra et PR (prove that) cosa a7, an sinc. <4 ae (and) cos =f: Pe BE RE (prove i = B_-8 2 Vos aft (If) sec( + 0) + sec(@ — 0) = 2secep, MMe aE P (prc ¢ PU. 60,5 3 g ANSWERS x tan a n> A 005

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