11th kc Sinha math lesson 10

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aay deat (COMPLEX NUMBERS) 10-1., fret (Introduction) = anes Hens F YR B wes Ts HEAT fara om Pe wwe 2x +4 = 0 Br AE wo aE E) Barr aU Hea & agers & ae where 2x + 4 = OT eS ae A ea alte Hem HI ToT gat (as Y2) = (1X2 = Yio. 12 + X2)1) sea: afi genet a ahres ot ques Mt arafte densi art j in gm toe safe ao ete eB a a 2 abhi Seait a area eat Pest ese afte ret ora 8 val AE 2 = (sh) 881 2p = (ay) aay: 22.4 ah wh ait oe * {x aiGomplex, Numbers poe. _ gg HTT afiftrer (Justification of this definition) atin ee iy OM —M=1O2-M) =x)? =i? (ya-ys)? 9 (1 =m)? == (2 — yy)? OY? + O2-P =O 2 (x) =)? = 0 TM (2-1)? =O Cray ee afer SETS BT AT (Sum of wo Complex Numbers) ate xy + yy @ tr Fee setter Fre tet e— . (xy + yn) + Ger + yn) =O +2) + LOYD E 4. afte Heat at Tere (Subtraction of ewo Complex Numbers): air HeTaH xy + Hy) TAM x2 yy HTT pret enre aftentret Pera sara B— | (xy + iy) — Gat yn) = 1-9) +101 YD) 2.2% ana qari +1 4, @ ates ders Sr (Multiplication of two Complex Numbers) : afr cena x + iy aT xy tiyy a pt Pree afer feeaT ret &— +i Cayr+ yD (ay + iy) Or + 2) = Gir = WY ex Number by 5. We SPT TAT BT BA F ATM (Division ‘of a Comp! other Complex Number) = faa det x + iy at xy iy er Pt ee AR et TT xytiy ( pao ") 1 le a) xtin \ xt? xe tye . ge ofterar or ofiftret (Justification of this definition) : atin _ Git (xp —iyy) Ht y2+ ECan = x2) = (ep + in) iD) xPt ye x2 + iy2 eee2 +2) 7 (xo = V2 ( xP + yr ) ( xy aye) 10-4, BAR aeencat er ttoraferat (Algebra of Complex Numbers) = ‘of Addition of ‘Complex 1. aba dearat @ att S qm (Properties “¢ {yepliopiiaerye cay PHL Numbers) : (i) Fave Prat (Closure Law) : @ aH i ae gra eer xa) + 1+ Ya) ae 26 +41) +1024) a t = (xg + ya) + Gi + In) : f ; antt oi 5 Git) ore fra (Associative Law): afar Hem TAR CH ay (yy { gare reer Pr er ett ~ ees ) ay ore 2 = + 2 =* 4 (a + Zao 210229 23 & c Aq ty)te =4 d ; ahs a = (+) i + yD) + Os + Ys) q = exp tag) +101 t92 499 (x, + iy) + [2429 t iQ2+ yD) a) tte) tiOut yet yD sill amt 2, + 2 +23) = +a) +2 a ; in ears a aftart (Existence of Identity) : serie a dey es = 040. sate O erat & Fife Peet x + ECS fy SR (+) +O+0)=6+0) +70 +0) =x4y (vada at aifeaet (Existence of Inverse) + was z=xtiye CH -z=-x-iy e Ce set = z+) =(4-2) +i 0-y) ; 3 ag =0+0.i, a at ar aeTAH (identity) ® | 4 (x iy) atx + iy aw a wey (Additive Inverse) wea B 1 e 2. afta denst & yr & | (Properties of Multiplication of C Numbers) : us (i) Wave Fram (Closure Law) : i fl ome eles Cee ee ie ae vires yore & efter & a ___ Complex Numbers 10-5 — emer Gi) ere fram (Associative Law) : afar eer waft C& aot (.) % for aread Fror (associative law) Wet Brat wy)ey SEE22I)» ZL TVE C a os 1 + iy) (G2 + in) Oy + iy) 1 + v1) (Craxs = yaya) + i Cys +432) = xy (X23 — Y2Va) — Ya Cerys + Kaya) + (Crys + Xa) + yy (xaxa = yaya) = (xp Xa¥y = A1Y2V3 — Aaa — Aa) +E CHAD + xyxaya + 2% — Yiy2Va) edt ae FF THAT ST ama & PR (cyzo)es = Ge2¥a — Ay aVs — X23 —AaYya) +E Oeays + x2 + x2xay1 — Y12V3) oa: Z (223) = (Z122)23 (iy) PR S TRANS H afer (Existence of Multiplicative Identity) : aoe @ aes BPs TET 1 + 0. ett 1 eran &, aeiifas Peeeit x + iy C SRC a+D) OU+Oi)=x+iy (after sr afer (Existence of Inverse) : 1% afer eT x iy 404108 for ces ter afta aem a+ ib ere & aml (x + iy) (a+ ib)= 141.0 « ax-by=1 attra (Justification) : (x+iy) (a+) =1440 Top yoo waxtiye0alxtiyl40, oer ty 0. ay bx+ay=0 ee Dee -ay” a(e+y?) : ax-by=1 Se L=> Say ee? } ipo atis 3—baYhit HH Tak a=, gf OH bere 5 wa: ae Hear x + iy, #0 A TCT HATTA praris 72.4. ~ 2 SGD agit a oe 106 “Mathematics Class XI 4 (xy + yn) = Ceaxa = yaya) FF Cay t Yar) 1a (4 + Oo iya) = Gees — yiys) + EOYs + Yn) [xy Gea +49) = 2+ ya) + ily Ora + Yad) +91 On + x5)) wa 2 (en +23) 22122 + 2173- 10-5, afra vert wate As Te ‘gftrt (Some Important Results Related to Complex Numbers) : Li er gota et (Positive I az 2 +) az n 2422 + 2128= integral Power of i) : 2 VaaxV-b=- Sam \rae Va x Na et Va b= V1 x %b a Woax Vo b= Wa? x vax Vb 1xVab=—Vab Note :af a, b> 0a Voax V= be VE a) x Cb) was a Rear Vea x @b) = Vab tren & | mL. V-a=\ai, wet a>0 gam : Va ix Vai= Va Vai? = ai? Waize-a « Vea=Vai ‘fea TeTET (Solved Examples) Type L. at dear & StoraPre 1 arent HT: ardent Prat (Working Rule) : Fries gai F raat arava et see Tart Bt : a+b=ct+id@az=camb=d a (a+ ib) +(c+id)=atc+i (b+d) 3. (a+ib)—(c+id)=a-c +i(b— 4. am a ae =0=0+ 10 i(b-d) 5. a+ iba aries after =—a—ib (a + ib) (c + id) = (ac ~ bd) +i (be + ad) a+ ib _ (a+ ib) (c~id) +d I OT TI = 1 = 1 + OF 4+ tem are afte = 1. ab (ae) ieee ib a+b? la+ibP VeNb Gb oh te ot heb & he so #1 Complex Numbers 10-7 x. 1 PeaeR St erm dor Swe HART [Write the following as complex numbers] @5- W-21 ii) Vx, (> 0) wee (iv) —6 + V—4ae, (a, ¢ > 0) go 5-7NH21 = 5-721) =5-7V21V-1 =5-7V21i te Va=a Gi Vr= Ve +08 [. x20 Vx areas #1) G28 G2 Gi)? aa eee Gy -b + V—4ac=—b + Vac) «1) =-b+V4acV-1 [e ac>0] = 2b +i2Nac pVa=a sox 2 Pfft oP stone & arenes ote steers rt FFE plex numbers] [Write the real and imaginary parts of the following com| ot (iy V37+N=19 7 Re (@) =i? stem @) = Gy wa = V37 +19 a, 22 V374 V9 XD =¥37+V19 V1 N37 419i . =¥37+iV19 Ex. 3.a 3h bat a Bet BI tics : Class X! Mathematics EE ee aE , 344i [Find the multiplicative inverse of 4s; - J 344i eae eee i_ (4-5) G—4i poy Mee Me =3 gi 344i ~3- 41 B+4) B= 4i (12-20) +i(- 15-16) 8 31 é © 255,257 9+16 Ex. 6. ahs deat V3 + V-2 aa ING = i. or aT Oa ES oy afar | [Find the sum and product of the complex numbers — 13 + V2 and 23 -i] we: art Pz =-V34 V-2=-V34iN2 ait = 2N3-i. S at2=CV3+iV2)+QV3-i) V3 +2V3 +i (2-1) ¥3+i~2-1) war 22 =CV3+ iN2) v3 =i) Type Il. Ra ey aime at aon ni Cana Fort 1 STENT eH: aréertt fa (Working Rule) : (+, - x, power, L. C. M.) © aT a i i er Be at, et A are imag nary numbr@ conjugate & yu sft | aT at a Power gt L. o.M.@ a Pree Br sree BO A ay MA im ginary xem & conjugate 8 i] 501% oh 0 ee: oe Complex Numbers a aad ax HoT imaginary He # con wa aig, 7 yor, power aft L. C. sa atl Prafefert # set BEI [Evalute the following] ugate & aia cen we ay TM we afte 1M, & a Perera Porerahy sragerett Ex. 8. 1 om ai); Git) @V=1" we: QMHOMaIP=1 1+Cl+Cd) Ex. 9, ace BiG (Simplify) 7 +100 4 7H +504 ata m2 we: Parra ae = [+100 +504 ed 4 HHS (i800 4 1504 148 + 149) = in (504 (PS + P+ OI =i (Iso + IPS + UP + CV =i {i-1+1-=".0=0 23] 1 \25 |2 Ex. 10, ar Pranfeq (Evaluate) :| 7 +| 7 1 1 we: fra ar aie -[w fat li; wi +(-) sh agi rey reley oey =i te i- (Pa = CE-CDPD pre caipra4i2=—4. =i 4)? A 4i Bet tl Ex. 11.45 3) BA+iBS Teeth [ @+)t eee calica Lyn 1839 Mathematics ClassXI ih — 7 ae ae i 2+ — ax + ive wa ¥ fof) Ex. 12, afr wen 2= G4) (1-12) fore 224i weet fi [Write the complex number z= (7 iy (1 12)" * * 9 form] anu poet Wie GyNd-i2) a)(Ea)* A+i BS 67 A fofeay | z Gea) in the form A+B. | Tei Neat [Roorkee 79) 3. \(3+4i) _ 1+i+3 0-21) ara) 2i ia) Ga a ieenaaan 2=4i S)G+4i) _ 12+i-202 ___32+7 2i?) (2-4) G-i) (2-41) 6 141+ 42 ) 2+14i\ _ 64+ 450i + 147 _ 50+ 450i _ 2 a _ (324i *\2=14i, Ex. 14, COP a tib tat aaa Bre) 1+iP (Express “4-3; (+i) _1343.12143.1.248 1431-3-7 443i 443i 443i == 242i _ (242i) 4-31) 4437 (443i) (4-31) == 8+8i+6i-6? -2+141 2 14 | PS OP SO 705,155 ot 25 ee Ex. 15. a3 aifirg (Simplify aye =i, » (+A _pa +i + i200 (+i? 7200 d-)0+p) = ea (+i +2000 7) _ yg *(Faey o(Gagts) = (0792 © = (P00 = 1100-1 4.9; =1=1+0i : Bx 16. x ote y Prenfoy af& (Find x and y if) i Gx-2y) (241? = 10041 (Bihar) (C.E.E. ) 83) we: Gx 29) 249 = 10041 ! _ i > Gx-2iy) (4441 +2) = 104 10; 4 ; 1 2+ 141) — 224142, ~— "200 4 in the form a + i b.] we we => (Bx=2iy) (3+ 4i) = 10+ 10% => (Ox 6yi + 12xi = 8i2y) = 10 + 10% => Ox 8y +1 (12x 6y) = 10-4 410 real 74 imaginary parts @ aay Ber a, ox+8y=10 (i) oof 12k -6y=10 (ii) (i) at Gi) B88 BAT, veh yas Hh os , ; Ex. 17. 7 cos0 + ising 4 + ib & wa A orem ATE 1 1 —cos® + 2i sind lv —cos@ + 2i sind eke ss! _ (1 = cos — 2 sind) = (1 —cos® + 27 sin®) (1 - cos® - 2s nd gee +4 sin?® [Expres in the form a+ ib] we: aig, f eC 2 sin?= Boa. 2 sin cos 2sin’> 1 + 3(1 + cos) 8 2 cot 2 5 +3 .cos0 2: Ex. 18, af 1-4-2 + 41 mae: x de Gta sas i 21 [If z, and z are 1 eh + j respectively, | fin Norge Mathematics - Preafe fer sort x Te noca we 9 & Ro ee TaT @ ae y?i + 208-12 rae EI [For what real values of ¥ a" 32— 7x4 9yi and y2 + 20/12 71 pe xt Tx + Syi= yi 20-12 «oy = (12) + 60? + 20) eee eee 1 = eoIr=-12 Ea nf we one 4. are te following numbers equal => 2 7x4 12 = 07m y?- Sy + 20=0 Ss a (4) (x3) 00-5) 9-4) =0 => x=4,3 7. 4 ora: we AER ((4, 5), (4.4) 3, 5), BH). 1 Ex. 20. 88 Bt [(Solve)z+2= 4_ 357 : complex number.)] wear fez=x+ iy wr’, 2+22—5 4-31 — 443i __ 443i 4-3) (443i) 25 arate var starter ari at aa |e oy, oF fear & at re 3 X42 = 558 y= 55 = xtiyt2= =_46 3 Seis zartiy=-Be id Ex. 21. arate 6 sq Feqe erate 81 Lis purely real] twits Complex Numbers prafeted at aa wea & wr FT feftra | [write the following as complex numbers} 7 (ii) V-16 (iii) 4-V-5 wv-2 (ivy -1-V-5 praifed ahaa Test & area car srareth [Write the real and imaginary parts of the following complex numbers} (yb +V-1 rae art ay Fee | >i V2 ie «iy VS @22ny4 (i)-5+5 ii) >t (iv) V37 + V-19 wy 304 ei + 70 frafeftad ar abmere afters feted | [Find the additive inverse of the following] ()-5+7i (ii) 4-37 (NCERT] (iii) 10 fafefed denai a arrms sia siferg [Find the sum of the following Shaye sa? 5 numbers] 2+ $4, Fi aM (and) -3— i. Prafefard afer aera ar stat sit awfsr | [Find the difference of the following complex numbers} (i) —3 + 2/7713 -7 (ii) | — daar 1+ 6i [NCERT] ahaa wert Lai aa 34 iar es Ua ATES ae wT [Find the product and quotient of the complex number 1 + and 3.+ i.) farafefeaer oar omen ferry set SAAT) [Find multiplicative inverse of the following] (i) -3 +47 (iii) -i [NCERT] (iv) 4-i3 {NCERT] (vy) (V5 +13) INCERTI (vi)2-3i INCERT) (i) area wife ff [Prove that] Re (z)2)) = Re z Re 2 ~ Imz, Imzp. (ii) rat P& [Let] zy =2- 2 =- 2 + 1 AT aiifsg (find) 2 (b) Im (2) [NCERT] (2+ V3i (a) Re (4 qu 21 22 Type Th. Red ae aioe Bt WES OCH aT SURT a ib S eT A oH arent 3eF frafofan at a+ 1b& TA Ba HET (Express the following in the form age bigiaoe (i) 3+ 2) B-2) Gi) G-2P tics: Class XI 10-14 Mather ve 7 142143? diy = Gv) 284+ 38 443i 14202 o(4y Di es 54V2i viii) INCERT} vin St wii) i 10. Prafeftaa at ae Bt! [Simplify the following] . i’ }000 (i) 27 + 613 + 31° - 6i94+ 425 (i) 1+ 00+ panes (ily ra tle tee w {"-@ } (vy) Cats, ae a TH yuitas & [where n is a positive integer] wi) iG = " set nearer quits & [where 1 is a positive integer] i os 7 a (vii) 203 (viii) (8) (-#) a ix) (6(-3#) — INCERT] (x) 59) G4) [NCERT] 3 (ai) 2) (-g/) INCERT] (il) 8 [NCERT] (xiii) 7° 3 (xiv) 2 + 19 (NCERT] ox [8+ (F)"] cern Covi) B+ 8 (xvii) +2434 i all aotel ait Oh (xix) i# + 8+ (12416 i : ( f i. oa wat p % ey # fofar [Write the following in the form a+ib : Q+m Q-p7) 12. frafefa at a+ ibd wa Xf 1+ ib@ wa 4 aaa aE [Express the following in the form a + ib] a (pray ae i) (5412) (4442) INERT (i) 7~12)-(441) +3 415) Gi [5+ 09) + (4 i) ea GW) B +(6+13)— (20415) Ge + ?. oa # oe 5) (7-15) i) 38 asi vi 4 bode) bs ()-G-12) (wip 98 “h3 (1) 307475 4; ® C2-t8) (CERT (7+ Ti) INCERT) (xii ss (18 as T] (xii) (3 i (xii) +3)’ rNcERny au ai +6i) x INCERT] (xy) (I~ (NCERT] 13. — Complex Numbers. aoa a eae eae FI rem 19 eA [Find the following as a single complex number x + iy: @cleri9 WE ix) Gi) (S419) 4 E3414) Gi 2 _j5)+G-i6) ww [C543 5 in] + (6+i5) (NCERT} pol2 + iN3) + 12 = NB) ©) fa + Nay +3 -i V2 +i V5) G-iV5)_ vi) CF WO 3 +iV2)-(13 -i V2) ae 12.) (347 wi G Li) A) 1 w eon = a mar aera ere tas AIT AI aE [then find the least positive integral value of m.] INCERT] 15. aary om Mfr af& [Find x and y if] @ (+H) +7-SD=944i_ GE +H)A-3)=44i Gi (Geo 8) +i2V5y= 2 (iv) 4x +i Gx-y) = 3-16 (v) Gy-2) +1 7-2) = 0. 16. ae BT simi); Ciba ess B- ee wa 23-V-2 sr erates te a or bare wee ar sig at wh T= a! xd qe waite a & fou age wot | | numbers a and b which satisfy the ib [Find a relation between real ee ib for some real value of x.} i + ix [Hint : cross fe atx Prd ot x at A + iB S wr FY oat imaginary part B @ [4 we |] 18, arate oars aig en 2 ge as tl (Find real @ such that a 21s is purely imaginary] (1.7.76) equation ~~~ ANSWERS Lo a oe ‘5 (iv)-1 Mit : aa Ly : sor Mathematics: Class XI 2 (2 Giy-454 Giiy 0; 3 [a7 ) 137, (iv) V47, ¥29 we 3. -7i (ii) +4 +34 (iii) — 10 i ve Oe 1643) (ii) 2-7i 6. 7% Gy-3-4i dit ivnAsid 2434 W153 +13 8. (ii) (a) -2(b)0 9 (13 (i) 3-41 : (yout G2 WZrHi Oise es (viii) 142.V2i 10. (1+4i G0 (ii) 0 Gos (Oy (wii (vii) 0-87 (viii) 1 + 07 (x3 oe wi 5 Bis tee chy @w)y-1-i vi) 040 xvii) 0-+0F (xviii)0+07 (xix) 4 +07 § . 0-8; @- 8-87 Giyo+2i iy 245i Sc (v)7440i (vi) 0445: id OS 3yN01 i i eee (viii) - 4 + 07 ()-2-8; qy-B; (xi) 14+ 287 ii) 244287 (xiii 42267 (xiv) - 10-1987 (xv) -4 +08 7 V6 fag g2le | oat ane (7+ he (ii) 35 — 35 Gi) 4-31 eas 340i yey 307, 599. ae T2 (V)V3+0i wy i (vii) 24 @x=2,y=9 (iii) x = V5 4V2) 3 =O W)xe2 ya2 x zy=3 0 17.@+4 R25 ) s 1 18.0=nne¥ ae n=0,+1,42,... Q Complex Numbers 10-17 as aftnay densi & 7% ‘omplex Number) (Roots o caneorein) Pr Ps ar i se a Ho tren plex number.) b#0 wa wy root of a complex number is a Com) (An of arate a+ ib ain at yo xb, wet | 1 sre (atib) =x atib=x" [et ger at ne art & Gert (ra sere x ares BF ay x 1 BNE quits ae ora x” aft aveateres er | tet oe aba GeT a + ib, WH areafres ear xB aerate, TET a) arate we 8 aa &, stata x es afta dem EI ZTE B WAYS (Cube Roots of Unity) 10-6. garg & TTIS FHBTEA (To find the cube roots of unity) [1 C.93, 99, 2001] aise) BA Te ca Viex axre=l 3 8-20 («-N @+x+1)=0 rat fe we x-1=0> x=1%a Be Wark ee eee 2 2 3 w+ V3i -1 = Ni a N=) pe a 143i -1=13i 10-7, eat & Trp S TH AT fRAAT (Discussion of the properties of the cube roots of unity) : [1. C. 1993, 99, 2001) -1 + V¥3i got edn omg i wat Sarg ST: ven & dt eal Hw areas ote rot ig ae Cee al and the other two are (One of the three cube roots of unity is re NBig, conjugate complex numbers.) Gi gang & afta eorpsT Hs GE aH wT BB (Each of the complex cube roots of unity is the square of the other.) sa: (=H en Mathematics 10-18 sx 7. 2 1 + V3? +2N3i_ 1 3+ 2N3i 1 vat) Sean qt : : ( . 2 + 2V3i _ 2¢ 1 +3i _ -1+3i ye 4 2 are: aPrr eTS HGR arf Brat BI alae = + N3i 2 | (atte, omega) @ 5 2 eae 3 a| ae iy gag & ahr vy at ar aT Cte FI (The sum of the three cube roots of unity is zero.) aft -o'| J 2-14 v3i N3i ST : 2 re 1 (iv yor 8 aT aha aryl aT WES aE S aTar ier %, aaiq eae 32 ata arp FS yee eat ot ayer Hie FI (The product of two complex cube roots of unity is one, i. ¢., either of the two complex cube roots of unity is the reciprocal of the other.) . (rl #NBI) (-1- N37 2=(V3i)? 1-312 143 4 a: (OS YGS 4 4.> 4 47 ot: w. o = 1; staf [w= 1 1 1 Note : w= —> = lote: w=" > Ta oF a 10-8. -1 & ways Peet (To find the cube roots of -1): x wr V1 -298 2159+ P0564 Nox <0 Wi x+1=0>x=-] wax x41 = 09 x1 AVS. Lt 2 a1 eo a 1, LVS, La vbig, pine TAA SETEM (Solved Examples) pel. a east & wis oe arent wea : arent Fram (Working Rule) : 1 aft ate ten gy; y 2 ar at ak a OTS Prono & at ara fs a+ib=x+iy Teal 4a imagi : 2. 2 ginary parts oY aay 38 x2 —y2 geq atl __Gomprex numbers 1019 3, gam ae x? + y? Prams | ge FHT Gt (x? + 2)? = (a? + 2)? 4 gry? seat joey? at 24+ 92 BY rg Be aT TT POT gy Be sre TT A x HT ATT CRT Ty aT AT ST BE the ar gate atge Va + b= x4 iy Pal gett Patt af imaginary part 2 & Parer eat shes & orev 2.8 UT atte aT we aa imaginary part ¥ (gaat fire wlear) 28 srr & oft ga ate 4 ora den pS wt a wa Pras fod aff real part GaTes et at we qrevs & ara i ca aie afe real part soem St at as AES S aa Ta Ae real part Ya Bt at aT TASS Tar S oer feet } aa ical aa <4 FSR 8 eT (CH real aM Gat imaginary) Fens a Th az SiS | frat storm real part & avat e wa, ga sar ah at Gt at ae wa aigg fea 21 Ex. 1. -7 - 24i a1 fgg Prenfeg [Find the square root of -7 — 24i.] | [M. U. 70, 78, 80; B. U. 71; Rorrkee 79] we: oar V7-24i=x + iy, we x ait yaa wert &) af ot HY, -7-24i= (x t iy) =x? + iy? + 2xyi M -7-24i=xe-y +i dy Real oft Imaginary part #1 aUat BT, ays-7 ~(l) xy =-24 aI xy = -12 --@) (+ yO = Gay tAatyn CDF 4A IBY? = 494 57H = 8S 10-20 Mathematics: ClassXI0 Second Method : Rough ae Wo j2=3x4m2x6amT 1x12 7-241 3,49 3, 4i > 32 + 161? =-7 = 354 (41)? — 23-4 i : 2,6 9 2, 64 care! ee 1, 1291, 121 » V-7- 24 = + 3-41) real part = —7 (-ve) ae yorravs & a 1S Ex. 2.8 — 151 9 whyp PranfSy [Find the square root of 8 ~ 15i.] | [R. U. 78; Bhag. U. 72; M. U. 86] we: 8-157 Rough: : 30_ oH [16 - 30%] 2 =15 3, 5 3i, 5325 + 91? = 16 * =} (5? + Gi?-2. 5. 31] mils & 55 1, 15 i, 15 2 real part = 16 (+ve) 2 V8=15i=+ (5-31) © #82 qorrars & ara S | Ex. 3.7-30V-2 a ays Prafey | [Find the square root of 7 - 30V-2.] [Mith. U. 75} ws: 7-30V-2=7-30V2i | Rough : 2%2- «5y2 = 5? + (3V2i)?~2, 5.3 Vai 3, 5V2 31, 5V29 92 + 50 = 41 = (5-3V2%)? 5, 3V2 3V2i, 5—> 25 + 182 =7 2730 (2 =+ (5-~3y2) 1, 15V2— 1, 152i Ex.4, ind) Vi Frenfgg (Find) vi + IP. U. 67; B. U. 65] Ws i=0+i=4 Zande += 30+ Rough: 5=1=1x 1;i2+1=0 a , jee aaa “TUR YT aA LF) ..i) FI TH conjugates 33 ay, fascie bi oa Vie + Vistbdsia cj tpt eet; t Oi Ott a cE Complex Numbers 10-21 _ Ex. 5. wq@ Prefey [Find the square root of} 2,8,1 G vy, 3t peta ta tx) * 16 IP. U. 61; M. U. 64; R.U. 691 2 e 1 (2s 2), 31 17Pey wi ate tats "16 165+) 1 t t =i i(x,y 4 1. sve vies =3(F+ 5 ‘) Type H. word B VAIS Te HTENALT ET = wrdertt Pram (Working Rule) : _ oe N3i Fete -1+%3i wae) Gi) = 1 (@) 1+0+07=0 2. o8=@).0=0 94 1 te AR oo IRE A (eT nH ATT THE af ret ara rt ato" = OF BT r ae Reh Hom a Oe TAS AT A ore STAG cw) ST Fre xen (aT) TG WY a Fra wre ary cube root of unity, then show that} facts) [L. C. 83, 85, 89] Hani 3zaurzl [If @ is an imagin: (@) (@-@) @- 0?) A of) (1-0%): Mathematics : Class XI 1 =a) (1-0)? = (1-0)? (1-0? = =(1-(@+@) +0? =(1-CD+I1P bo 140+ 0? =0 FO+@=-1] =(3)?=9=RHS, (ii) LHS. = (1-@ + 0) + (1+ @- 0?) 1 +0? —@)5 + (1 + wa?) =-@-0) + @- of. 1+0=-0 dt 1+ a= = (20)5 + (207) = - 32@5 — 32@!9 = ~32.? — 32(@3)3. = ~32? — 32 = -32 (w? + w) = (-32) x (-1)=32=R.HS, ” ca} n @] j-1 — HEENS3t nn Ex. 7. af n otf corer gate a, Rt at -f = BR n, 3 o7 omart et oft =—-1 a n oft BE que el Uf n is a positive integer, prove that] n n 2) +458) =2or-1 according as mis a multiple of 3 or not a multiple of 3.] IR. U.74; Mith. U. 74; M.U. 755 P. U. 63, 68; 1. C. 85) =) 3m (0 (S2Y) &. n=3m, oF 3m+1 oF 3m an Oorlor2 Py BA = 07 + 070 = inn, en b Case I, a n se = Tite2 oO” am Bo sisal =O", a+ cmt gp =10+1 aaa ygl f-1+o+0%=9) Case II. 44 2 = 3m +2 or +o" = @IM +24 mEM+4 3m, oy? + 9", art =@+04= 074+ 03.0 =o +@=-1 bo 14+0+07 <0) Ex. 8 af n Cares Yo BF tar co wore ar cranes ers By it enfire mii fe [If n is a positive integer and @ be an imaginary cube root of unity, prove that] () 14+ .0% +0" =3, WIn, 3a TIA & (when n is a multiple of 3.) (ii) 1407 +07" =0,94n, 3 ar arTAe TE % (whennisnotamultiple of 3.) S: (i) Case L. 44 n= 3m (a multiple of 3) L.H.S.=14+ 07+ 02%" =14+03"+@"=141+1=3 Case Il. 44 n= 3m + | (nota multiple of 3) L.H.S.=1+ 07+ 0%=14@3"41 4.94? =1+@+@=0 Case III. When n = 3m + 2 (not a multiple of 3) LHS. =14+0"%+ @2=1+403"+24 gom+4 =1+@?+@4=1+@+0=0 Ex. 9. af co Reng ar reat ory wa anf afore [If wis an imaginary cube root of unity, show that} (1+@) (1+ @?) (1+ 4) (1 + 08)... to n factors = 1 or - 0? ara n meas: a afte Par & [according as n is even or odd.} | we: LHS. =(1+@)(1 + @2) (1 + @4) (1 + 08) ... ton factors =(F+aj(1 +e) +0) (140) ... to n factors =(-@”) (-@) (-@) (-@) ... ton factors ay Case I. When n = 2m (even) a 5 LHS. =- 0) CoC) Co) =[E@) Col l-e) = @'. 3, 03... to m fac Set nt ; to 2m factors 10:24 ae ae Ex. 10, a crate (are # al "i {6c and Bare the imaginary cube roots of unity, show that] t+ Bl4 ce“ h Bt 0 [West Bengal 87; 1. 1. 1.77) wT aso a P=o 4 se cts ptea-1.B-!s0t4 Bing amt +08 +e op so+o? +150 Ex. 11. erfira #forg fF [Show that] 21 -V-1-Y-1-... to. 08 = wor wo? {B.U.70) egies \ 12 -I-Y-I-... to2 -l-x TP 4+x4+1=0 221 AVS 1B ort Ex 12, a8 (If) += 1, #1220 + yg TH PTE me gra xttet x or x-x+1=0 «. ale w, —o 1 1 Ty, litt) ae 80 3 Caer eal po 4000 L 1 : wy +m =O += O +0? =I Ex, 13. a 2 = peg Ove? eons a oH AS Eat IP eS OR, [If 1, ©, oF are three cube roots of wet unity then find the roots of (n-1P + FB: 997%, (x-1)}+8=0 Ogee eer? nao. Lae § 2, 21g = Ja? 4 2 Rot 120, 1-20? te ate Pett aan ay om (0.-}f wwatam Heatoe Ty ko = THY, a0. ey, BXERCISE72 “lho -}< 2 be 1a) 609 ek Complex Numbers 1045 [P. U. 74; M. U. 73; R. U. 75,1.€. 911 iy -11-60V-1 (iii) - 8-61 [Roorkee 79} (iv) -5 + 121 (1. €.96,98) (4-6N-5 [B. U. 67, 65} (wi 6V (vii) 4ab 2(a? - b*)i x y x Y\ 9 wit) 5+ 33-7 ly a4 [Bhag. U. 63) (per hei («x 1) -6 # x (x) 9 + 20i {L C. 2007] ara Sire (Find) V2 +3 V 3+ V2-3V5 [P.U. 751 Type I. as at ap a= fare Afr fe (prove that) 28,120 a a 1a a AR 1, , oF A at Reoreg [If 1, @, @? be three cube roots of 1, show that] = [P. U. 80; B. U. 72) () (+@-o2)(1-@+ @)=4 . (ii) G@+@+30) = 64 {P. U. 87] art Fretfeg (Evaluate) +2 $6 3+ijo (i-%3)6 feaeree fe (Show that) ‘ ai) (SJ =-2 ae or ar ATR 1, 0, oF A PTET PF [IF 1, 0, 0? be the three cube roots of 1 then show that] : @ dro +02 (1408) (1+ 0°)=1 Gi) a soy eo7 to d+o=1 ti) Cx over RUMORED aC saree {P. U. 59] Cot er adored ane mad law pl) 16 [B. U, 69; P. U, 70) aie (i) x =a +b, y= aw + bo, zea? + bo, Pre STE f& (prove that) 8 + 34+ 3 =3(@ + BD) {Roorkee 771 oy =0 mFS + (a+ ba? +o) + (aa? + be af df (a+ bo + cor ec waa (or) a+ c= 20% at f& (then prove that) 4 (1. C. 2003] class XI atresia; cine8 1 _____ f028 7 pate z= ap + bome R BE rai a = ax=atbyaartPBey z Page aTenfae hag eB ah Reeenes FFE 4 ber, where cand Bare comp, ae ip and z= af + ee HS bw nw hae = Ol at fe eine cae rots of unity, ha OT aa + iS fe ian 1, aR AHA ++ OTA an (anen prove tha ay # 9+ et G (Hine, : x 8 977 1, , 0? CIE planation ‘ANSWERS z iy 2 = 3i) (ivy £2 L@tG-4) Gi) t6-6) (iii) + (1 - 34) (2439 ex tC / (vi) £02431) (vii) £ (@ +b) —i(a~py er ysi) 2 02e 10-10. afa ; Wasi +9 481-9 Sengee a pefetys t) Paya +428) wal a ee dont int Se F = STEM : z: air sem a age, ais we wT Note : (Conjugate, Modulus and Arguments of a Complex Number) &i a gar Vie i “LL. ae 9. BP oT (Conjugate of a Complex Number) : 10 10-9, ae FTA (Conjug: ee aia Hem x + iy ooh at x + iy @ afer en omen & gar ge A we Stent Pear one &— xFI=x-iy SIM: (i)2=-3- 44 HT=-3 4.4; @i)z=-3 e=-340) 7 -3-0i=-3 (i) =~ 47 z= 0-4; Note: (i) z=x+iy tz i 4 2=084i= 47 pe wt argument : tH ta2e gaits att Re (2) = 242 Note : 0 IT fay =F om Ime = . wa cd = i (O° are ashe tas af Za 2 ais Explanation ‘Purely real ifang only if =z) Lage xbiy + Complex Numbers ue age arene Br ak tes oH purely imaginary if and only if 2 = Explanation ¢ Letz=xtiy mene TAS & > x= 0 yextiy [or=0) exti =(x-iy) extiy et raz 10-10. afer FET ‘wet arate (Modulus ‘of a Comple ne sombe sient Sat eR EIS TY TS rat &— lxeiyleVe +e :2=3-4i aleleVeae Ca 9+ 25 =5 é : 16= waa @ fe af 20 at Va,a amare wigs a afaT FT x Number) : 8°41 Note : penser VI6=4 ama fet4aa-4 10-11. SPA dat a ie (Argument of Amplitude of @ Complex Number) : #4 SEM ¥ + iy a Bre (argument) 0 3 FFT tat Gi Bt Age eB! ae oa cos8 = a wat sind = Fa Ga hos SARTT sees wae () 8 OH TANT MT AEN ST ar fra" 1 OF aa ar Ht ai sierra & 7 at x+ iy & aie (argument) wa: wm APH eT aaron ee cmtrare (i) ate (i) Stat Ot orn Oe ont ome 6 TG ke ‘at argument 7 general value 2nn + rt at n € T Note : 0+ 1.01 argument aqaftentira ®! jae x=-by=ol At | £1 afer 0° #360" @ Aa age Bee tre Pret PT art a Bt Matnen 9028 NT ar re a A RT = Note : 0° afc 360° # ta 8 rr oe oO % 4a aS AT g, 7" cos i a TE TT quant #8 6 sy r=lz Z are FH cos TH NS char ae (quadrant) # EFT & SETATE rag, ate Mas sarge oS ne oae 2n— 0 I ’ Note ieee 10-15. # Persea est Method 12214 Ul BE Oe st 2 ze an aera Bre "F “) tand = | > are “O58 a d (0° sft 90° & ara ater a sum oF ¢ ce th x X app x=-1< 0am y=-1<0 on om: carat ore F Rea BI i a eae are a 10-12. stale @ HATt ATA (Principal value of Argument) : arg z principal aps (og 2) Le a -h) a | Oe + y12) xp? + 92"), lal 3 (x2? + Yr! z= 17 (cos®; +isin®,), TI 2 = (iv) art F% atighndalal=n aa: 1a +22! =¥7r; (cos0; +# $in®,) + 72 (cos®2 + sin®>) 080, + 72c0S02) +! (rjsin®, + rsin®2) cosO9)* + (7, sind, + r)sin®)* " (ne (r,cos® + To 11 (cos?8) + sin?@,) + Pp (cos’® + sin?@>) 4+ 2ryrz (cos cos8) + sin®sin®2) airy? + 12? + 272008 (8 - %) ) glen, wat lel =r c ae Ir, (cos) + ésin®,) ~ 72 (cos®, + i sin®,) | | (7, c080) — 72.0802) + i (rjsin®y ~ rasin®,)| 150) — 7, C080)? + (r) Sin®, — r2sin®,)? 424 2r rz (cosO,cos®, + sin®, sin9,) soa7/ ste a ™ (Properties of Argument) : (ii) arg (2") =n (arg z) com (“poesia San : (i) AAT R& z; = 7; (cos®, +f sin®,) aX zp = rp (cos®, + i sin@,) H lal= ral =r, arg g = 0), 747 arg z) = @ 8 212) = r1r2 [(cosO, cos, ~ sin; sin®,) + i [(sin®, cos®, + cos8; sin®,)] =rirz [cos (6; + ) +i sin(8, + 0,)] =1(cos0 + i sin8), Ft r= rr WAT O=0, + 6 WE zz) Hr Pia wy eI arg (222) = @ = 0, + 6) = arg 2) + arg z Gi) ar (2!) =arg (zzz... nyUTETS) “ae 2+ arg z+... n Vet aH =n (arg z) (iii) 2 _ 71(€08®, + i sin@,) % — 12(C0S® +isin@,) - = 11 (C088) + i sin®,) (cos®y ~i sin@,) "2 (©0862 + i sinO:) (C030, ~isin@,) ~ 11 [(Cos®\cos6, + sind. 0y>0 a n-0, H4x<0, 970 =) 9+0, 9a x<0,) 2n-0,58 dy a4. Mathematics : Class XI OA meee 0 orate, 0 + i. 0 #7 argument arated t 0, aft x>0 Ani x41, 08m argument =) 0 af. <0 % aft y>0 0, a O Prin aft arg ¢=0 at arg 2&1 Principal value =) 9~ 2%, ee 042m, a O<—n a 5. agnt, aris oft Btrias & Preafeftrer gait # free aaa Bt See Fi wert att (a) dat B ye (Properties of conjugate) ® aes fa) 2 = 2. (2) =# aA @) is =~ ee ; 3. = Gy 4. 7Em Ut 5. 6. zis real if and only if Z =z. j 7. zis purely imaginary if and only if Z=—z | (b) Araie & gm (Properties of modulus) j Pes All nur i te laglelallal bal ory: 3.4etlelch 2) Vz 4. 1a #2:!slal+lalS.1g-zl2tel lel ! 6.2z=l22 ala = [eel (c) hie @ Ir (Properties of argument) 1. arg (zzp) = arg 2 + arg 22 2y a(2 arg 2; —arg z) 3. arg (2") =n (arg z) Sa wea can Pramtinie (gata) eq =r (cosO + i sin@) | wy! wet r=lz1,0=argz, 1 V2~ 2am gr, Tries Aer wories Frente | ' the conjugate, modulus and argument of V2 - 2i. Ae \ {C. E, E. (Bihar) 83] aT A 2 = V2 — 2; eet a Gompren 9 7 =12 <0 HH z 2 3 x =| eletands® +. 0=5,050<5 Argument of z : tan@ = x=V2>0 a y= cagel ore # eet arg 2=2R-O= 20 4> 4 Note : arg 2% principal value f feat AT AAT * I” fia Principal value of arg Z="4 — Qn=- 4 px. 2, Prefers afte sonst ot dat gate and modulus of the ek areas ret AFT: [Find the conju: following complex number.) G-2) G+2i) +d. we: wrt Pz = (3-21) GB + 21) (1 +8. 461-6142) 0+) = O44 149-134 19% 3+ 13i =13-13i ama fi z)=113-+ 1381 = V3) + 03P — Vi69 + 169 = V338 = 13N2. rafaftee after ost et ies er gO es we SHE Ex. 3. following complex [Find the modulus and principal argument of the number : (ii) cos 70° + icos 20° (i) $(¢0s 300° + isin 30°) 30°) =§ (cos 360" 60") +f 2 gs: (i) = 3 (cos 300° + isin 25 (cos 60° +/.2) i Ba eee 234 D=55 (ata) “3 (cost isin’) IN2 5. gay arg 2 HI oe ot 2 ae 10:36 2+i mA ary +? B; eta ths [Find the conjugate and argument of 7 (1 4 pe ahs Coase wen = Gasp = poe ee i i x={>0 amy arg m0 = 2n —tan-!2 Note : Principal value of arg z= (2m — tan~!2) ~ 2m = — tan-!2 Eyes, it# a gta (Batata) wa # fof | Q-iP 1+7i : | Pu Gaps inthe polar oa [Roorkee 81] ~G+7i)B+4i) -254+25i G-4)G4+4)~ 32442 —1*# rolzleVe1e+ 2? a z=-lti “xsH| rl-lalen 043 a and =| =(a) eh iy OZ x=-1s0FM y=1>0 om 2aRt qe F emt 3n a: argg=m-O=n—f= 2 oF: ¢ T ate a = 2 (cos H+ isin) | Fx-6.sin 30° + cos 30° wie wa # ara aifire [Express sin 30° + icos 30° in polar form,} 5: sin 30° = cos 60° and cos 30° = sin 66°, 2 = sin 30° + {0s 0 cae ee eee At EG cm eect = 1 cos 60° +789 60") ® w (cos 588) pelame= 5 car ger at 1(cos+ 1805) gafeg atte wr # FORE sou 7, Prefer Pe dea nthe following comp! ex number in polar form] 1 90°) Bt THF [Write dow @ 2 (cos 30° + isin 30°) TH 3 (COS 90° + isi product of 2 (cos 30° + isin 30°) and 3 (cos 90° + isin 90") 1 60°) Bt TES 12 (cos 150° +isin 150°) aar 3 (cos 60° + #S! Gi Quotient of 12 (cos 150° +4 sin 150°) and 3 (Cos 60° + isin 60°). ww: @T fe 2 = 2.(cos 30° + i sin 30°) 7 zy =3 (cos 90° + isin 90°). oa 21 2=2%3 [cos 0" + 90°) + isin Go" +90") =6 [cos 120° +isin 120°) 6 (cos + isin) zy%2 #I WE gia =6(cos + isin?) = 12 (cos 150° + isin 150°) Gi) aT war z= 3 (cos 60° + isin 60"). a 17 (cos 150° + isin 150°) cos 60° — i sin 60° w, 2 — on OOD sg 3. x— mL sin 60° “ay 3 bee (cos 60 + isin 60 ) cos 60. — isin 60 n (150° - 60°)] 7 = 4 [cos (150° — 60°) + isi = 4 (cos 90° + isin 90°) had =4 (cos + ising atneniauee «=a 2a-)d iN3) _ ~ 14 iN3) 0-13) _ 2p -V3-+ V3) og aes ea a ae elope oa iz?=a?+b= relzl=V2 aa wi a>0,b>0..a+ib aan ae # er 2a ig ey = V2 cosy + isin 32) Ex. 9 Regt at afr don’, ganz. & fou afta SE Re (For any two complex numbers 2) and z), prove that] Mla+zl+hz— 22)? =2 01 gl? +1212] Ola +alola M4118 Rey aI (alts ance LAS, =ly+el+1z—2[2 7A aa eae a “G+ 2) +22) + 2) G -%) = id) + 23,4 212yt 2%) + (Zi- 2% ~ 21+ 42) = erg + 29%) = leh? + | 22) Gi) Lay +22 17=@% + 22) G+ Za (Zi + 22) Erk 22) = nit eatat tert 20 (Ht tie) lel? +1 21242 "1 = lel? + lepl? + 2Re (zi orl AP +lal +2Re G2) [roto =*53] Ex. 10. a (i Lar l=lal=t at enfirer Aforg P (then prove that) 1 Igtal=|>+ mas a BG eg wivlyletolgl?=l = azel= 7 1 ata! gl=lolal@=1>amalo 7 =2 2 184. _- | wot wr +e elq+gl=latal be ate=utal =la+zl telzl=tzi Ex. 11. a& [2-21 =21z-11, aetz uw ofan dem tat fea aie firlz-21=2|z—11, where z is a complex number, show that} Izl?=$Re@ wes art z=x+iy, ata @lz-21=21z-M alx+iy-2l=2lx+- NS I@-2) +1=21G-D+Hl a VacPayte NG Drapes BP yale DE > Pane 44 y2a4 (2x41 +y7) 2 Ax 4=4x2- 8x44 49? Sxer+ry retecolelt=gRe@ [-x=Relal S3(2tyQadxaw ty 1, anftrer fare Pe (prove thay =} (#1) Ex. 12. aff [If] 1z!= umber. What will you faqe oars deat & (is a pure imaginary m conclude if) 2=1? wart fe cax+ly Given, Izl= 1plzP2=1 et. i _xtiy-1_ xo =r +iyel sel © SS Be.(1), Sipe Oz - ai z-1 el nee Mathematics : Uiass 01 cers « a ___ 1+ Grom) Sel tit -iy) a to Leyes iy (xt Leet DV), tr [ “@+lP+y? xerey=d Ba ey =aaipey Ot le ry se aon be + yay @+ P+? ss = fag orareaias Te Second part : = 0, ot ge areaters aan Page srarettere eri By Zy+224+1 ™-%2+ (NCERT] Ex. 13. a [If] z) =2-i,.3= 1 +i, 1a afer (find) we: m9 A, = 2-1 D=1 ti 4(1 +i) d-)0+ 444i Seo4 =12+21=V22 +22 =2V2 Ex. 14. Prafetan wate et asa yo eet at dear sia aire [Find the number of non-zero integral solution following of the equations.] [NCERT] [1-iP = 24, Bei ae 411-7 = 2% el) «(V+ Cp)*22x i pt (Vayt= 2 a = = 2x2 = 9x ae ove iy pects s a _ : (d)+@ a (xitlyi +e aixitlyl yr<2izP aa Teas 2S af cee ret ae det € ve BU = BS ne APE {If & and Bare different complex numbers with 1B 1 = 1, then find } B=2|. INCERT} 1-@8! we: et a, 18! 1 _1B-aP 11-aBP _-@-0B=a)__ 6-9) B-® (1 -&B) 0-48) (- ap) 0-48) __ BB+ ad -@B+8H 1-@B+ap)+ (ea GB) _ 1pP+laP-@B+B0) 1-G@P+ap+lar BP L+loP=@B+ BO -iilet-* fo 1BIen 1-(@P+ap)+ia? =1 su, taf co +e fe x 191 V2 TZ aire=x+iy,provethatx1+ly1sV2121) we at a caxt wa (x1 Hip Petree ieee ae ext+yt2iallyl (fe x ae y areata ® + IxP=xlyteyl (axlelyPeleP +2ixlyl m4), zai yan, dxlalyp2alzP=21 ally (2) [ty lp e2t2P te Cxl-ly 220] /Sigi+tylsn2ieb Second method : |x1+ly!$ exlely Ps! elzPalyhe2! Yate iz ij a thed 4 xilyls2@ryt- zax+ a mathematics! ClR8E X05 a 10-42 wo tg ena etl yt S22 #29" == evry aixity!20 elxPalyP-2ixity!20 edxt jy p22, ot oer & : istetyts¥atz) « ype Th. rg sree Prat 1 eet EF aerdett Prat: (Working Rule) Sn GHA a Bre seen BSN TE 1. Izy +291 lel + Iza! glelzgl-lzl lal-la! 2 site cy ASH TT AA Te ACS TF (modulus) #1 705 aft ao ong arr 2 atc 3. ern & Prorat mt mat € Ter aR ae MSD el OTT ATT ST EI | and the greatest values of |zI.] [Iflz-4+ 3il $2 find the least we: Rare, 2212-44 3il = 221z-(4-31 x Izl-14-3il_ Pe. ly -zqh21q1—lzah *|14-3il-lzl er ey lal-5 = 22 5-12! feat > (2123 = 3sizis7 Se: Nz) aT ATA A = 3: AT lz) HT Aw APT Ex. 18, af 2 06 Se 1S OUR ee ents 02 NOE {If z is a com plex number: be less than 1.] ‘: fink that z4 + z+ 2 = Oshow that | z/ cannot fart, a+z+2=0 pam ce, y < = I-2U=lz+ 24] - ‘ sae ss Slzl+tzl Ce lates Izy +lzgl => 2Sizi+lzH => icl+izt22 an aft izl< 1 wich fe) Va - ib =x-iy Ex. 20. af (1) Nas ib =x + iy, tt RE afiforg PB (then prove that) ab ogeayaeee {NCERT] xd, 2 int A v we: wet a Vat baxtiy 4 aclebpee paula + nb & eee aa 3 24321 - 3 i te iGry 10-44 _Mathematics : Class XI parts # Trae BET TT, a_2_3y? Real aa imagin: a=x- 3x en 5 b 2 aan b= 3xy-y am Y= 3x?-y 4 bogus 4e-y) rty a le es aiferg % (then prove thaty Ex. 21. a (IN.x + iy = sald © aie e he 7 @t+y yee ath [M. U. 875 LL. T. 79, NCERT, ¢ b fae ireear es = &+i =i we: yaa xtiy= Pier atib art ae aris 84 7, I(x + 1 etn apy fi syiegl gan le+idl a [- Iletzl car bal “a Va +e Na +b 24 y2)2= —— => (Vx? + y2) ‘faba y Ne+d? a+b +d? Type IV. af x ote aPrm dea et at x # Pet ARIE (polynomial) st ait Frere? ot omen: et: arent Frat (Working Rule) : Bx = a+ ib i wt Cw ATS Om aT a ae lee we | Gh aR ES my mt oi Wem od dt wR ee aw am wef wT wer E | ER MTT Uw AER (polynomial) Pre ferret art O er | 2. 94 #4 polynomial & 34 polynomial ¥ srr freer am Rare = | 3: 27 34 8¢ ara a # Rm polynomial ar sree a Bm | aPe aed et om Gx ar Reon ar ar eer wer é | => (7 + y?)? = 1 ie ALOR =a Soa ne eee a a Ufx = 5 (5 ~ V3i), then find the value of x4—33~ 1252493x + 12:] [R. U. 75; M. U. 71; P. U. 82] WB, x= 3 (5 V3 e525 3; => Or> SPs CVs ones = 332-4 > 4220x428 <9 > 5r47=0 (1) Lay _ Complex Numbers _ wa 2 5x¥7)x*=* 12x24 23x + 122 + 4x41 yt Sy TO 2 rn ae Geo 1982 + 2324 12 4x3 — 20x? + 28% x2 Sx +12 xt 5x47 a 5 Gia Sx4 DOr + dee D+5 4 y8— 122 + 23x + 12= OCt + 4x4 4545 = arientt fraa (Working Rule): mag ara Tes FA HTS ST aeat & 1 at ae, x-He BT rei imaginary axis Ht & | 12. ae eet x + PS 67) HE ENE ee pd ta yah ras om Fes mT SO 3, |xtil oat! sanftta of & 38 fag ah Prot TE Vat SH feat aT Fa Pox, ya Fret aa ah al axis TAT Y* 4, arg (x + fy) OT eae ah He fag vat Ay TET carers Fea & ah ® | ae as 5, 5. aes Heo x+y HH GREAT OP a farce Fava ot aera & | =, zextiy= OP [zl=OP argc = ZPOX = 8 o> ee eo — z= OP-0Q =QP () I-2l= (on = QP =21 amt 22 locas egtaaea st | = ) wes 2) 8 “A error Ran AT 6 (@) 4 10-46 Mathematics : Class X!__ AP_m + eh PB on 1 zn + NZ) | man Ga aft P, AB at min Rroafer a afehenfirt eT zy = nz Zur 229 23 _ x a Fi =, be the vertices of an equilateral triangle in argand py, {Fi show tha a how thall da qgt tay? eaite + 420s +2381 7 11g we saat f ABC UH Tag PIT Te ee a & Pred sihf A, B, C oP TEM 21, Za zy a Prefta weet BI Aa BC & oa AO ciat | ie AABC arag & ata: O, BC #1 TET ey ae * cca ea (-k,0) «&.9) aa Oat Hp fry, OC at x-ste TAT OA By-SA ATT | rat fis AB = BC = AC = 2k a 0C=0B =kaet AO = VAC? - OC? = Val? — P = 13k wa = A=(0,V3k), B=(-k, 0) aa C =(k, 0) 2 = 0+ V3ki = V3ki, 2 =—k + 0i=—k, =k +0i=k LHS. =z2+22 42 =3 2+ 242 1. 3k? + 2 + k=? 122 + 2223 + 2321 = V3Ki (-K) + CK + KNBKE N3 Ri - 2+ V3 = — 12 * LHS. =RHS, Ex. 24, Rear ft omtos ae & afm Gems, iz aM 2 + ize wa @ trestle) 3 [Show that the area of the triangle on the argand plane formed by tht complex numbers z, iz and 2+ izis* | 212] LET | R.H.S. Wet aT =x + iy at 12 = i(x + iy) Fix-y=-ysix WH2+ iz=x4 iy —y4 age Sra: Bra & set aoer: AG, y), ytiVex) By, x) war C(x-y, x+y) 8! 3 ora AABC @1 85S »l 3 wa+yyt [ezextiy wlzPext+y) vex, 25, ortes re HE fear eet zt Fargee Prefer, of {Find the locus of the complex number 2 in the argand ane if} we: mT Rzextiy Toke 1 i(x+ ae 8 i» zi x+iy-i ity-é |_| Ja+yyr+2 =» | |=! 3 SS! xtiy ty Vit + = 1)? => (tyht tatty lt lt y+ 2ytee. +y—2y+t % => 4y=0 => y=0 at xara an etter 1 ora: 2a Pgaa xara & ota z, xe FC ETT | EXERCISE 103 Type I. doi (conjugate), Tae (modulus) tat 6 (argument) aR arent WET: prmiftea an Arate art #iftre (Find the modulus of the sowing) = 1-%3 eA Dt wo lti Lei at; Waa Omir INGERZ 2 reife a ata art afore (Find the argument of the owing) : : ‘ exe alistol, (i) -¥3-i (i) Ta N3i % mate ar arate ote BIeTIs € affine | [Find 3, Prafetterd af eeTatt the modulus and arguments of the 1, Buen Bh ew @NV3+i [NCERT] following compl anbers) } gy 1-3 : if = Th +i : : : . ; spied : 3+ i [NCERT] 4. (i (iv) 1-i (vil) LE

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