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1. What do you mean by group process?
 Group process generally refers to happens in a group particularly in terms
of the development and evolution of patterns of relation between and
among group participants.

2. Describe self-esteem.
 Refers to the degree to which we evaluate ourselves positively. It
represents how much we like or value ourselves and is often based on
comparison with others. Self-esteem is actually about how we value
ourselves, and our perceptions about who we are and what we are
capable of.

3. What are the resources for growth?

 Encourage yourself
 Be assertive
 Challenge negative thinking
 Forgive yourself
 Keep expectation realistic
 Explore yourself
 Speak well to yourself
 Celebrate your success

4. How would you demonstrate group process?

 Forming a group. This is the initial stage where a group is formed. The
member get to know each other, understand the task at hand, and identify
the groups goal
 Setting roles and responsibilities. Each member of the group is
assigned a specific role and responsibilities based on their skills and
 Developing a plan. The group needs to develop a plan of action to
achieve their goals.
 Executing the plan. The group members start working on their
respective tasks as per the plan.
 Monitoring and adjusting. the group process involves continuous
monitoring and adjusting. if something is not working, changes are made
to ensure the group stays on track towards achieving their goals.

5. Explain the meaning of group dynamics

 Group dynamics is described as the interplay of personalities in a group
of people. Leadership is basically an expression of group dynamics.
Group dynamics is the interpersonal influential process.
6. Describe a healthy group organization
A healthy group organization is characterized by several key elements.
 Clear goals and objectives. Everyone in the organization understand the
common goals and is committed to achieving them
 Open communication. A healthy group organization promotes a culture
of transparency and open communication
 Respect and trust. Members respect each other’s abilities and
contributions. They trust each other to fulfill their roles and
 Diversity and Inclusion. A healthy organization values diversity and
 Effective Leadership. Good leadership is crucial in a healthy group
organization. Leaders should be supportive, fair and able to inspire and
motivate their team.

A. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. C

B. True or False
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. False
6. True
7. True
8. False
9. True

C. Match column A to column B

1. B
2. E
3. A
4. C
5. D

D. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. Joining group
2. Group dynamics
3. Group members
4. Elucidation
5. Leadership
6. Self-esteem
7. Group
8. Confidence
9. Potentials


1. What are the different types of group involvement?
 Primary group are clusters like families or close friend’s circles where
there is close, face to face and intimate interaction
 Secondary groups are those in which members are rarely, if ever, all in
direct contact. They are often large and usually formally organized.
 Planned groups. Planned groups are specifically formed for some
purpose either by their members, or by some external individual, group
 Emergent groups. Planned group come into being relatively
spontaneously where people find themselves together and interaction
over a period.

2. What is the purpose of group formation? Explain?

 Accidental Voluntary. Accidental formation is beyond control not all
deliberated. Voluntary formation is result of mutual attraction or goals.
 Task oriented or social function. Task oriented- formed to accomplish a
job. Social function- developed in order to enhance human interaction or
improve interpersonal relationship.
 On whatever purpose, the form operation could be in the kinds of motive,
whether through competitions or cooperation of members. Once a group
has been formed, it tends to take a certain structure whereby members
have positions that stands in relationship to one another.

3. What are the factors that affect group activity? How does this factor
affect group activity?
 Group size. A group should neither be too large nor too small.
 Group goals. Even if the purpose of the group is predetermined, it is
important that group members be a part of the organization goalsetting
process and help establish the group direction.
 Competencies of members. Members should also be provided with the
proper resources and information to those tasks.
 Leadership. A leader should know his/her leadership style and let her/his
group members know it also.
 Meeting time and length. The meeting and length should be conductive
to the group members attendance.

4. How does each psychological method used in group activity session?

 Psychoanalytic method. Freud held that all behavior is determined or
caused by some factor which an individual is totally unaware of. The
psychoanalytic theory states that at some point, the organism experiences
a trauma which is not available to the consciousness is through the
concept of catharsis, a process of relieving repressed memories “crying it
out or blowing it off”
 Behavioristic and learning theories- the group method believed that
people of conditioning principles to the individual and society. The role
is to educate the person and change the behavior itself.
 Existentialism- emphasize of man’s freedom of choice or from the
standpoint of the free will and on his responsibility for his judgement and
 Humanistic approach- emphasized that individuals have much potential
within them and it is society’s responsibility to encourage its
development while interfering as little as possible with its expression.

5. How do you explain the self-awareness model?

 Self-awareness is your ability to perceive and understand the things that
make you who you are as an individual, including your personality,
actions, values, beliefs, emotions, and thoughts. Essentially, it is a
phycological state in which the self becomes the focus of attention.

6. Discuss the factors affecting groups activity.

 Group size. A group should neither be too large nor too small.
 Group goals. Even if the purpose of the group is predetermined, it is
important that group members be a part of the organization goalsetting
process and help establish the group direction.
 Competencies of members. Members should also be provided with the
proper resources and information to those tasks.
 Leadership. A leader should know his/her leadership style and let her/his
group members know it also.
 Meeting time and length. The meeting and length should be conductive
to the group members attendance.

7. What is the purpose of group formulation?

 the purpose of group formulation is multifaceted and can be understood
from various perspectives. In professional setting group formulation is
often seen as a key to effective task performance. Groups can enhance
the effectiveness of task completion, as different members bring unique
skills, knowledge and perspectives to the table.

A. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. B

B. Fill in the blank with the correct answer.

19.Carl Rogers

C. Match column A and column B



1. How do you explain a facilitator’s guide?
 A facilitator guide is a valuable resource designed to help trainers
understand the goals of a training session and provide guidance on how
to teach the material effectively. It is a document that serves as a
roadmap for delivering a course or training session.

2. What is the role of the group facilitators?

 Planning and guiding- a facilitator plans, guides, and manages a group
event to meet its objectives
 Fostering open communication- they encourage active participation
from all group members, ensuring that every voice is heard.
 Maintaining objectivity- they focus on the group process
 Task management- responsible for managing the tasks that need to be
completed during a session.
 Motivating participants- encouraging them to actively participate and
contribute the group’s goals.

3. How do you assess an ideal group participant?

 Ability to collaborate
 Communication skills
 Commitment and reliability
 Open mindedness
 Respect for others

4. How do you explain the similarities and differences between trainer/

facilitator versus teacher/mentor?
 All three roles involve working with others and facilitating learning or
development. It aims to support individuals in acquiring knowledge,
skills, or personal growth
 Trainers focus on delivering structured learning experiences and
transferring knowledge, while facilitators concentrate on guiding group
processes and interactions. Mentors engage in one-on-one relationship,
providing ongoing support and guidance.

5. What is the role of an ideal facilitator?

 Clarify ideas and willing to compromise to be creative in resolving
differences and conflicts
 Express the groups feeling and allow consensus of the group
 Explore vital issues and data as habit or decision making
 Listen carefully and accept criticism.

A. Fill in the blank with the correct answer.
1. Facilitator
2. Facilitating
3. Relationship
4. Leader
5. Make easy
6. Problematic
7. Primary
8. Communicator
9. Consensus

B. Write True if the statement is true and False if the statement is false.
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. True
6. False
7. False
8. True
9. True

C. Identify who possess the following characteristics. Trainor/facilitator or

1. Trainor/facilitator
2. trainor/facilitator
3. teacher/mentor
4. teacher/mentor
5. trainor/facilitator
6. teacher/mentor
7. trainor/facilitator
8. teacher/mentor
9. trainor/facilitator


1. How do you gain positive support?
 Gaining positive support involves building a network of individuals who
provide encouragement, guidance, and assistance in various aspects of
your life. Some strategies to gain positive support are, identify your
needs, seek like-minded individuals, build genuine relationships,
communicate your needs, be a positive support to others, set boundaries,
and express gratitude.

2. What are social pressure or group pressure?

 Refers to the influence exerted by individuals or groups on the behavior,
attitudes, and beliefs of others. It is the effect that the presence or action
of others can have on an individuals decision-making and actions.

3. What are determinant of group pressure?

 Determinant of group pressure can vary depending on the specific
context, here are some key determinants, group size, group cohesion,
group norms, leadership and authority, social identity, perceived
expertise, desire for acceptance, and situational factors.

4. How do you explain the Milgram’s experiment?

 Milgram’s experiment, conducted by social psychologist Stanley
Milgram in the 1960s, was a series of psychological experiments
designed to study obedience to authority figures. The experiment aimed
to understand why individuals would comply with orders that went
against their own moral beliefs or caused harm to others. Milgram’s
experiment highlighted the importance of understanding the influence of
situational factors and authority figures on human behavior.

5. What are the factors that affects obedience?

 Prestige
 Proximity
 Presence of other who disobey

A. True or False
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. False
6. False
7. True
8. True
9. False

B. Fill the blank with the correct answer

1. Conformity
2. Unique
3. Compliance
4. Laboratory
5. Social
6. Peer
7. Society
8. Pressure
9. People

C. Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. b
2. a
3. c
4. b
5. a
6. c
7. b
8. c
9. a


A. Comprehensive analysis and evaluation
1. What are the factors that influence communication?
 Development- language and communication skills develop through
 Infant/toddlers- rely in verbal language
 Adolescent/adults- rely on verbal language
 Older adults- may use visual communication methods for hearing
impaired, or aural communication for visually impaired.

2. What are the factors to be considered in non-verbal communication?

 Facial expression
 Gestures
 Paralinguistic
 Body language and posture
 Proxemics
 Eye gaze
 Haptic
 Appearance

3. What are the ways in which information is exchanged through non-

verbal communication?
 General appearance and dress
 Body movement
 Posture
 Gesture
 Facial expression
 Eye contact and gaze
 Touch
 Paralanguage
 Physical communication

4. How do you describe the level of communication?

Level 1. Pre-intentional behavior
Level II. Intentional behavior
Level III. Unconventional behavior
Level IV. Conventional behavior
Level V. Concrete symbols
Level VI. Language
5. What are the types of communication and types of messages covered?
Types of communication;
Verbal communication
 Oral communication
 Written communication

Informal communication- is done using channels that are in contrast with

formal communication channels. Its just casual talk. In informal
communication use to slang words. Usually, informal communication is
done orally and using gestures.

Types of messages:
 Request message
 Reply message
 Report message

I. 1. A 6. B
2. C 7. C
3. B 8. A
4. D 9. D
5. B 10. B

II. Write the answers

11.Verbal communication
12.Informal communication
14.Request message
15.Reply message
16.Report message
17.Facial expression
19.Body language and postures
21.Eye gaze
24.Level I. Pre-intentional behavior
25.Level II Intentional behavior
26.Level III Unconventional behavior
27.Level IV Conventional behavior
28.Level V Concrete symbols
29.Level VI Language

A. Answer
1. How do you define group cohesiveness?
 Cohesiveness refers to the bonding of group members and their desire to
remain part of the group.
2. What are the factors affecting group attraction?
 Group Cohesion
The total field of forces which act on members to remain the group
 Task cohesion
The degree to which members of a group work together to achieve
common goals.
 Social Cohesion
Reflects the degree to which member of a team like each other and enjoy
each other company.

3. What are the sources of group attractiveness?

 Resources
 Acceptance
 Propinquity
 Active Recruitment
 Similarly
 Liking
 Admiration
 Reciprocation

4. How do you explain the three basics of cohesiveness?

 Sense of belongingness, many theorists believe that group cohesiveness
results from a deep sense of weakness or belonging to a group as a
 Teamwork, other theorists stress that cohesion comes from the group
members commitment to work to together to complete their shared tasks
and accomplish their collective goals.
 Attraction, cohesiveness is affected by attractiveness of the group as a
whole and attractiveness of a group members as individuals.

B. Choose the correct answer

I. Choose the letter of the correct answer
1. B 3. A
2. C 4. C
5. A 8. A
6. A 9. C
7. C 10.B

II. Fill in the blank with the correct answer

11. Prestige
13.Task cohesiveness
14.Mean control
15.Social cohesion
16.Effective attraction
20.Personal attraction

III. Enumeration
21.Personal attraction
22.Effective attraction

24.Group cohesion
25.Task cohesion
26.Social cohesion

Module 7


A. 1. How do you define value?
 Value (Hollander) core component of a clustering of attitudes which
direct behavior on a long range basic toward some goals in preference to
others. Values has more central quality, less subjected to the effects of
situational change.

2. what are the essential criteria of value?

 Choosing aspect
 Overly expressed
 Prizing and acceptance

3. What is team effectiveness?

 refers to the ability of a team to achieve its goals and produce desired
outcomes. It is a measure of how will a team performs and how
effectively it collaborates and communicates.

4.How do you improve values of everyone?

 to improve the values of everyone here are some strategies that can be
helpful. First, lead by example. Second communicate values clearly.
Third, provide education and training, foster open dialogue, recognize
and reward positive behavior, provide opportunities for personal
growth, encourage reflection and self-awareness, and foster a
supportive environment.

B. Practice Exercises
I. Choose the correct answer
1. B
2. B
3. C
4. C
5. A

II. Fill the blanks with the correct answer

6. Expert
7. Three
8. Terminal
9. Instrumental

True or False
11.True 15.True 19.False
12.False 16.True 20.False
13.False 17.False
14.True 18.False
Module 8


1. How do you define morale?
 Morale loosely refers to “group spirit” the term that has been commonly
used by the military in time of war. However, it has also been used in the
athletics and in the industry, where it has been long thought of as vital in
meeting the organizations goal.

2. What are the concepts of morale values and discipline?

 The concept of moral values and disciplines are foundational to
understanding individual behavior and social interactions. Moral values
refers to the principles and standard that guide individuals in
distinguishing right from wrong and in making ethical decisions.
Discipline, on the other hand relate to the practice of training oneself or
others to follow a set of rules or a code of behavior. It involves self-
control, dedication, and ability to adhere to established guideline and

3. How do you explain the types of group discussion?

 Group discussion can be categorized into several types based on their
purpose, structure, and dynamics. Understanding these types can help
participants prepare effectively and contribute meaningfully. Each types
of group discussion serves a different purpose and requires participants to
engage in various ways. Understanding the context and objectives of the
discussion can help individuals prepare appropriately and contribute

4. How do you explain steps in problem solving and decision making?

 Problem solving and decision making are critical skills in both personal
and professional contexts. These processes often overlap and can be
broken down into a series of structured steps to help tackle challenges
more effectively.

 The first step is to clearly define the problem your facing, once the
problem is identified, analyze it to understand its root causes. Define
objectives, determine what you want to achieve by solving the problem.
Generates potential solutions, brainstorm a list of possible solutions.
Evaluate and select solutions, assess each potential solution based on its
feasibility, benefits and drawbacks. Plan and implement the chosen
solution, once a solution is selected, develop a plan for its
implementation. Evaluate the outcome, evaluate the results against the
objectives you define earlier. Reflect and learn, regardless of the
outcome, reflect on the process and learn from it.

B. Fill in the blank with the correct answer

1. Moral
2. Organization
3. Group moral
4. Morality or moral
5. Moral values
6. Group discussion
7. Idea
8. Leaders
9. Evaluation
10. Brainstorming

C. Choose the letter of the correct answers

11. A 16. B
12. C 17. A
13. B 18. A
14. A 19. A
15. C 20. A

21-27 List the seven steps in problem solving and decision making
21.Identify the problem
22.Gather information
23.Develop courses of action
24.Analyze and compare courses of action
25.Make a decision
26.Make a plan
27.Implement the plan

Write at least four factors that affect group discussion

28.Size of group
29.Cliques within a group
30.Physical environment
Module 9


A. Answer
1. What is leadership?
 Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to
accomplish an objectives and directs the organization in a way that
makes it more cohesive and coherent.

2. How do you conceptualize nature of leadership?

 the effective functioning of the group organization is dependent upon the
vital influence of the group. Basically, a leader is someone who must
successfully influence the direction of the group by directing its attitude
and behavior. In addition, an effective leader must always work for the
interest of the group.

3. What are the different leadership styles? Explain each.

 Autocratic Leadership (Authoritarian)- is a leadership style
characterized by individual control over all decisions and little input from
group members. This leadership style is marked by clear, central control
where the leader dictates policies and procedures, direct activities, and
determines what goals are to be achieved without much participation
from the team.
 Democratic leadership (Participative)- decentralized authority, consult
followers, decision is not one sided or unilateral. Leader asks members to
express their ideas and to give suggestions. People oriented.

4. What is the difference between leaders and managers?

 The difference between leaders and managers lies in their core functions,
approaches to people, and overall objectives within an organization.
While there is some overlap in the roles, and individuals can embody
qualities of both, the distinction are significant in understanding how they
contribute to an organization’s success.

5. What are the sources of leadership power? Explain each.

 Reward power- based on a persons access to reward, other person
complies because of desire to receive reward. For example, promotion
 Coercive power- based on a person ability to punish; other person
complies of fear of punishment. For example, negative performance
 Information power- the ability to influence based on the higher power
person having information that the lower person does not possess. For
example, “here is data that prove it”
 Rational persuasion- the ability to convince others, to lead others your
own conclusion, to use logic and facts to make people believe you are
 Expert power- based on the personal expertise in a certain area; other
person complies because of belief in power holder acknowledge. For
example, “I know what is best”
 Referent power (Likability)- based on a person attractiveness to others;
the person complies because of respect and ling for power. For example,
“the company you” also referred to as charisma or popularity.

B. Choose the letter of the correct answer

1. B 9. C
2. A 10.A
3. B 11.B
4. C 12.C
5. B 13.B
6. C 14.C
7. C 15.C
8. B

C. Fill in the blank with the correct answer


D. Match the difference between leaders and managers

Module 10


A. 1. What is time management?
 Time management refers to managing time effectively so that the right
time is allocated to the right activity.

2. How do you apply time management in classroom situation?

 Plan ahead – lesson planning and materials preparation
 Set clear objectives and expectations
 Use a timer
 Prioritize activities
 ncorporate time management activities
 Allow for flexibility
 Review and reflect
 Minimize distractions
 Delegate tasks

3. How do you apply creativity in your group work?

 encourage open communication
 promote diverse thinking
 create a safe space for idea generation
 implement brainstorming session
 provide resources and time for creativity
 encourage risk-taking
 recognize and reward creative efforts
 facilitate collaboration
 offer constructive feedback
 lead by example
 set challenges and goals

B. Practice Exercises
I. Write the letter of the correct answer
1. C 5. A
2. B 6. C
3. C 7. D
4. B 8. C
9. D 10.C

II. True or False

11.False 16.False
12.False 17.True
13.True 18.True
14.True 19.True
15.True 20.False

III.Fill in the blanks

23.Time management

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