Physics Unit MYP5

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Physics Unit MYP5

Unit 1 - Electricity [B&C]

- Static Electricity (Study of charges when they are at rest)
- Electric Charge
- Charging & Methods of Charging
- Coulomb’s Law
- Electric Field
- Potential Difference
- Electrical Shock
- Ohm’s Law (Resistance)
- Types of Circuits [Parallel & Series]
- Electrical Safety

Unit 2 - Electromagnetism [Relation between electricity & magnetism] [B,C & D]

- Magnetism
- AC & DC
- Electromagnetic Forces & Induction
- Power
- Generation & Transmission of Electricity
- How current flows in a conductor
- Faraday's Laws
- Transformers
Possible investigation: Battery in four wheelers get charged

Unit 3 - Atomic Physics [A & D]

- Structure of Atom & History (Dalton)
Thompson, Rutherford, Bohr (bn
- Absorption Spectrum & Emission spectrum
- Nuclear Fission & Fusion
- Binding Energy & Binding Energy Curve
- Radioactivity (Alpha, Beta & Gamma)

Unit 4 - Astrophysics [A & D]

- Solar System & its components
- Inner terrestrial & Outer terrestrial
- Goldilocks Zone
- Newton Law of Gravitation
- Sun & its properties
- Life Cycle of Star
- Black Holes
- Big Bang Theory

Extra points from MYP 4

- Parallelogram Law of Vector Addition
Unit - 1 MYP 5


- It is inherit property of material of matter which gives rise to force of attraction or

- There is a condition for this to occur there must be potential difference or a difference
in amounts of charge.
- There are three ways to uncharge or charge a object - friction, induction and
- The rate of flow of charge
Conventional current
- Current flowing due positive charges is called as conventional current
Conductors ( fewer electrons on the outer most shell)
- The materials which allows charge to pass through them
Insulators ( high number of electrons on the outer most shell)
- Does not allow charge to pass through them as they do not have free electrons
The root of electricity is charge

There are two types of charges

- Positive
- Negative
These names were given benjamin franklin. He took a glass rod he rubbed on silk material
and he took another glass rod with the same material and while the first glass rod was
rubbed on the silk he brought the other glass rod he brought it close to the first glass rod and
observed they repled each other, In the next step he took 2 plastic rods and he did the
same experiment and again they were repelling each other but here he used fur.

Now he exchanged them now the plastic rod was hanging and he took the glass rod and did
the same experiment and found out they attract each other, To verify this he brought the
glass rod and got it close to the fur and found out they were also attracting and he also did
this with the metal rod and brought it close to the silk and found out they were also attracting
ttteach other, and to simplify this he named them Positive and negative

- The bodies who are good conductors they always donate electrons
- When a body has excess charge or electrons they it is able to donate electrons
- Any body that has excess amount of charges they have higher potential


- At rest → Static electricity

- IN motion → Current electricity

Due to friction charge separation takes place

Coulombs law:

F = Electrostatic force
K = Coulombs constant ( 8.99 × 10 9 m 2 /C 2)
Q1 and Q2 = Charges
R = Distance of separation between charges 1 and 2

Criterion B based on this investigation

IV: DIstance between two charges

DV: Electrostatic force of attraction
CV: Dialect of charge,
Magnitude of charge and coulomb’s constant


IV: Electro metre

DV: Electrostatic field metre
CV: Coulombs constant

RQ: How does the change in distance between two charges (0.01m, 0.02m, 0.03m, 0.04m,
0.05m) affects the electrostatic force of attraction (N) while keeping magnitude of charge (5
µC each) and coulomb's constant

Example question:

Q1 : 3 µC → 3 x 10 -6 C
Q2 : 2µC → 2 * 10 -6 C
K : 9*10 9 N*m 2/c2
R : 40 cm → 0.4m

= 9*10 9 * 3*10 -6 * 2 * 10 -6/ (0.4)2

= 9 * 6/0.16 x 10 -3
= 337.5 * 10 -3

Electrostatic generators:

An electrostatic generator or electrostatic machine, is an electrical generator that produces

static electricity at high voltage and low continuous current

V = k * q/r

Electric field: A region around the charge where charge will experience force of attraction
and repulsion

Semiconductors are materials that have characteristics between conductors (allow easy flow
of electric current) and insulators (resist electric current). They are widely used in electronics
due to their ability to control and manipulate electric current. Silicon is the most common
semiconductor material, and by adding specific impurities (doping), their properties can be
tailored for various applications. Semiconductors form the basis of modern electronics,
enabling the creation of devices like transistors, diodes, and integrated circuits, which power
most of today's technology.

● In parallel combination the voltage remains and current changes

● In series combination the current is constant and voltage changes

Factors that affect flow of current (Controlled variables)

● Length of wire
● Thickness of wire
● Temperature
● Material

Ohm’s law statement: As long as the physical state of the conductor remains the same,
voltage applied across the conductor is directly proportional to the current flowing through
the conductor.

If the physical state changes they won't be directly proportional

V =I*R
Unit = (ohm*m) Resistivity: RA/l
l = length
A = area of cross section
R = resistance of material

Unit = (sigma σ) Conductivity: L/RA

Conductivity is reciprocal of resistivity

SuperConductivity: A material offers zero resistance when its temperature below a certain
lower temperature known as critical temperature

Critical temperature: It is a certain temperature of a material where the resistance of the

material is completely zero.

Applications of superconductors:

Ohms law table

Voltage(IV) Current(DV) Resistance (contant)

1.0 2.0 500

2.0 4.0 500

3.0 8.0 500

Criterion B Coulombs law

- RQ→How does the change between the distance (m) of the charges affect their electrostatic
repulsive force (N) from each other, while keeping magnitude of the charges (C), room temperature
(25 degrees Celsius), Humidity, and the charging method (electrostatic generator) is kept constant
throughout the investigation?

- Hypothesis→If the distance (m) between the charged objects is increased, the electrostatic
force/repulsion (N) between the charges will decrease, making them inversely proportional while
keeping magnitude of the charges (C), room temperature (25 degrees Celsius), Humidity, and
charging method (electrostatic generator) is kept constant throughout the investigation.

- Explanation to the hypothesis→The hypothesis states that the distance (m) and the electrostatic
repulsive force between the charges (N) are directly proportional while other factors like the
magnitude of the charges (C), room temperature (25 degrees Celsius), Humidity, and charging method
(electrostatic generator) is kept constant so that it does not effect electrostatic repulsive force (N)
between the charges are kept constant to avoid any tampering with the investigation. The scientific
reason behind this is because as we increase the distance (m), the interaction between the charged
objects will decrease and hence the electrostatic repulsive force (N) will decrease.

- IV→Distance between the charges (m)

- DV→electrostatic repulsive force (N)
- CV→Room Temperature (25 degree Celsius), Humidity, Coulomb's Constant (9 * 10^9), Charge
Method (electrostatic generator), charged objects (tin foil ball and a metal sphere)
- Manipulation of the Variables
- IV: - Distance (m) between the charges will be increased, in order to observe the effect it
has on the electrostatic repulsive force (N).
- DV: - By using the formula of Coulomb's Law (F = k q1 * q2/r^2) we can calculate the
electrostatic repulsive force (N) as we are aware of the values of Coulomb's Constant (k),
Charge 1 (q1), Charge 2 (q2), and the changing of Distance (r). Hence we will be able to
substitute the value of Electrostatic force (N).
- CV: - The controlled variables will be kept constant throughout the investigation. The
room temperature will be maintained on 25 degrees Celsius, the same electrostatic
generator will be used, and the objects that will be charged will
- Observation Table

- Method for Coulomb's Law

-Begin by setting up a series circuit on the breadboard.
-Connect the DC power supply to the breadboard, ensuring it is set to a constant voltage
(e.g., 5V).
-Place the ammeter in series with the circuit to measure current (I).
-Connect the voltmeter in parallel with the component (resistor) for which you want to
measure voltage (V).
-Use a ruler to measure the length (L) of the wire or resistor being tested.
-Choose a resistor with a known resistance value (start with the lowest resistance).
-Record the current (I) and voltage (V) readings.
-Repeat the process for different resistors, ensuring that the cross-sectional area, wire
length, and material remain consistent.
Data Collection and Analysis:
● Record the current (I) and voltage (V) readings for each resistor tested.
● Calculate the resistance (R) for each setup using
● Ohm's Law: R = V / I. Plot a graph with resistance (R) on the y-axis and the
reciprocal of current (1/I) on the x-axis. This should yield a linear relationship, as per
Ohm's Law.
● Calculate the slope of the graph, which represents the resistance (R) of the wire or

Safety Precautions:
● Always wear safety goggles to protect your eyes while working with electrical
● Handle all electrical equipment with care to avoid electrical shock or damage to the

Extensions: To extend this investigation, consider exploring the effects of temperature on

resistance by introducing a heating element into the circuit or investigating the behavior of
non-ohmic materials. These additional experiments can provide further insights into electrical
conductivity and resistance behavior.

Criterion B ohms law:

Investigation Plan: Ohm's Law

- Dependent Variable: Current (I)
- Independent Variable: Resistance (R)
-Controlled Variables: Cross-Sectional Area (A),Length of Wire (L), Material of Wire:
- We will manipulate the resistance in the circuit by using different resistors of varying
Research Question (RQ):
- How does changing the resistance in a circuit affect the current flow?

Justification of RQ:
- This research question is pertinent because it allows us to explore the fundamental
relationship described by Ohm's Law, which is crucial in understanding electrical circuits and
their behavior.

- I hypothesize that as resistance increases, the current in the circuit will decrease.

Justification of Hypothesis:
- This hypothesis is based on Ohm's Law, which states that the current in a circuit is directly
proportional to the voltage and inversely proportional to the resistance. Therefore, as
resistance increases (with voltage held constant), current should decrease.
- Safety precautions will include wearing protective goggles and handling electrical
components carefully to prevent accidents.

- To extend this investigation, you could explore the effects of temperature on resistance or
investigate non-ohmic conductors where Ohm's Law does not apply directly.

Experimental Setup:
● Begin by setting up a series circuit on the breadboard. Connect the DC power supply
to the breadboard, ensuring it is set to a constant voltage (e.g., 5V).
● Place the ammeter in series with the circuit to measure current (I).
● Connect the voltmeter in parallel with the component (resistor) for which you want to
measure voltage (V).
● Use a ruler to measure the length (L) of the wire or resistor being tested.
● Choose a resistor with a known resistance value (start with the lowest resistance).
Record the current (I) and voltage (V) readings.
● Repeat the process for different resistors, ensuring that the cross-sectional area, wire
length, and material remain consistent.

Data Collection and Analysis:

● Record the current (I) and voltage (V) readings for each resistor tested.
● Calculate the resistance (R) for each setup using Ohm's Law: R = V / I. Plot a graph
with resistance (R) on the y-axis and the reciprocal of current (1/I) on the x-axis.
● This should yield a linear relationship, as per Ohm's Law. Calculate the slope of the
graph, which represents the resistance (R) of the wire or resistor.

Safety Precautions:
● Always wear safety goggles to protect your eyes while working with electrical
● Handle all electrical equipment with care to avoid electrical shock or damage to the

Extensions: To extend this investigation, consider exploring the effects of temperature on

resistance by introducing a heating element into the circuit or investigating the behavior of
non-ohmic materials. These additional experiments can provide further insights into electrical
conductivity and resistance behavior.

Unit 2:
force : charge * velocity * magnetic force

Cross product occurs when the angle between the magnetic force around the wire is
perpendicular and dot product is occurred when the angle is not even or 90 deggers (W = w
f cos θ)

f= qv * b

Faradays first law: Whenever a conductor is placed in a varying magnetic diled,

electromagnetic fields are induced known as induced emf, If the conductor circuit is closed, a
current is also induced which are called induced current.

Faradays second law

Lenz Law: The direction of emf induced is such that it opposes its own cause

E = NBA sin omega

N = no. of turns in coil
B = magnetic field
A = Srea of vector
T = Time

P = I(sq)rt
P = Power loss
I = Current
R = Resistance
T = Time

● Power = current * voltage

● Large currents have an unfortunate side effect in even the best metal conductors:
they produce resistive heating, The means that electrical energy transmitted with
high currents will tend to produce a lot of wasted jear, an the system rapidly becomes
very insufficient, especially if we have to transmit over many hundreds of kilometres
● Big currents thick wires and that mean greater economic costs
● For these reason, eclectic power is transmitted whenever possible at a very high
voltage sometimes called high tension, by maximising the voltage, the electric current
flowing in the wire for a given power can be minimised
● The grid has to incorporate a system for stepping up and stepping down the voltage
to the optimal value, and to do this transformers are used

Es/Ep = Ns/Np

Es = Secondary Voltage
Ep = Primary Voltage
Ns = Number of secondary turns
Np = Number of Primary turns

For ideal transformer

P in = P out

Ep * Ip = Es * Is

Es/Ep * Ip/Is

Es/Ep = Ns/Np = Ip/Is

Transformer when we use higher voltages and lower currents, there is less energy wastage
electricity from power plants is sent down wires at extremely high voltages to save energy
primary and secondary currents through electromagnetic induction, the current passing
through the first coil induces current in the second coil coils are wrapped around a core for
efficiency made of soft iron bar must use AC current in order to “cut the magnetic field”
power remains the same: P = IV initial = IV final step down primary turns > secondary turns
voltage decreases - secondary voltage/primary voltage = secondary turns/primary turns
current increase - secondary current/primary current = primary turns/secondary turns step up
primary turns < secondary turns voltage increases current decreases shell type - two cores
the radius of the outer coil is larger, hence the length of the wire is greater even if you take
the same number of turns, it acts as a step up transformer more efficient 2 cores = greater
magnetic field; entire portion of the coil is in very close contact to the coils and hence there is
more utilization less magnetic leakage due to overlapping coils core type - one core easier to
repair in a shell type transformer, if the primary coil is damaged, the secondary coil also
needs to be dealt with core types are easier to repair all large transformers are core types
smaller appliances like microwaves and chargers are shell types used in laptop chargers
and induction chargers power loss magnetic field leakage heating effects in core and coil
can be reduced by placing coils closer together using a laminated core to reduce eddy
currents using a thick copper wire to reduce resistance: R = pL/A

Label the graph

Explain The nature of the line
Relationship between the two

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