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Adventist Youth Ministries

Copyright © 2024 by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist®

Youth Ministries Department

Published by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist®

Youth Ministries Department
12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring
Maryland 20904, United States of America.

Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are taken from the

New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Permission to copy Public Campus Ministry Devotional 2024 granted.

Special permission is not necessary. However, the contents of this book may not be
reproduced in any other form without written permission from the publisher.
All rights reserved.

Project Manager: Pako E. Mokgwane

Production Manager: Maria Manderson
Editorial Assistant: Maria Manderson
Graphic Designer: Nosipho Ngqula (@nosiphongqula)

Director: Busi Khumalo
Associate Director: Pako E. Mokgwane
Associate Director: Andrès J. Peralta
Media Coordinator: Mwenya Mpundu
Editorial Assistant: Maria Manderson
Editorial Assistant: Ivonne Omaña

GCYouthMinistries gcyouth @GCYouthMinistries General Conference Youth Ministries

Pako Mokgwane, Editor
Associate Youth Director
Codrin Panainte - EUD
Dental School student in
General Conference (GC) Lasi, Romania


6 Ted Wilson
President 22 OF YOUR LIFE
Pedro Loureiro - EUD
General Conference (GC) He studies Musicology at
NOVA University Lisbon
7 Current and past
PCM leaders
Noemí Fernández - IAD


Edmond Ombati - ECD
Attends the Jomo Kenyata Univer-

sity of Agriculture and Technology Stefani Piedrahita - IAD
(JKUAT) Microbiologist, professor at the
University of Antioquia,
Medellín, Colombia
Dianah Mayioro - ECD
Student at the Kenyatta University
in Nairobi, Kenya THE UNKNOWN
Cyril - MENAU
Ashery Shery Lwimbo - ECD
Pursuing a Bachelor of Accounting
and Finance at the Moshi THE MISSION
Co-operative University (MoCU). Daniela Moguel - IAD
Student of international
commerce in Villahermosa,
Ndongo Elias Mjema - ECD Tabasco, Mexico, at the
Medical Doctor and a student Autonomous University of
pursuing Master of Medicine in Guadalajara,Campus Tabasco
Urology, at Kilimanjaro Christian
Medical University College, WEEK 14 - MISSIONARY
Kilimanjaro, Tanzania 28 ON CAMPUS
Karen Gisela Callejas Zambrano
Matia T.W. Maganda - ECD Public Campus Ministry
Student at Datamine Technical member of the National
Business Institute, Kampala, Autonomous University of
Uganda – pursuing a Diploma in Honduras, where she is
Journalism pursuing a bachelor’s degree
in business administration
19 Leona Jiráňová - EUD
French Philology major at
Xie Zhi Yi - NSD
Palacký University in Olomouc, Attends the Taichung
Czech Republic University of Science and

Technology, where she is

studying International Business
Brigitte Mancuso - EUD
She is currently completing the
master “translator-editor” 31 WEEK 16 - RADICAL CALLING
Hayoung An - NSD
with German and Italian.

Adventist Youth Ministries

East-Central Africa




North American

Northern Asia-Pacific

South American

Southern Africa-Indian Ocean

South Pacific

Southern Asia-Pacific

Southern Asia


West-Central Africa

Chinese Union Mission
Israel Field
Middle East North Africa Union (MENAU)

Ukrainian Union Conference

GCYouthMinistries gcyouth @GCYouthMinistries General Conference Youth Ministries



Associate Youth Director
General Conference

I want to personally thank you for and spirituality to diverse populations

taking the time to read this 52-week in urban areas. Cities often serve as
devotional. The idea behind it is to hubs of cultural diversity, making it
encourage and challenge student, crucial to reach people from various
staff, and faculty on public campuses backgrounds and lifestyles. Addition-
to discover various ways of communi- ally, impacting city communities can
cating the gospel of Jesus in their cit- lead to broader social and positive
ies and on their campuses. The 2024 transformations.
General Conference Youth Ministries
theme is I Will Go To My City! This devotional is special because it
is written by public campus students
I Will Go To My City! In the book, Tes- from various parts of the world in
timonies for the Church, Vol. 7, p. 40, commemoration of PCM’s tenth anni-
Ellen White comments, We all need versary. Through these weekly devo-
to be wide awake, that, as the way tionals you will be exposed to creative
opens, we may advance the work in ways of reaching the diverse popula-
the large cities. We are far behind in tion of the cities.
following the light given to enter these
cities and erect memorials for God. FOLLOW JESUS | EMBRACE HIS
Step by step we are to lead souls into MISSION | CHANGE THE WORLD.
the full light of truth. City evangelism

allows spreading the message of faith #IWillGo



Seventh-day Adventist Church

I am happy to celebrate ten years of allows the Holy Spirit to work in your
Public Campus Ministry with you. I am life.
excited about what Youth Ministries is
doing to transform Adventist students Ellen G. White, in the book, Counsels
on Public Campuses into Seveth-day to Parents, Teachers, and Students,
Adventist ambassadors for Christ. said “Your voice, your influence, your
time—all these are gifts from God
Let no one despise your youth, but be and are to be used in winning souls
an example to the believers in word, to Christ” (p. 529). Whether it be
in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in outreach through your local church
purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12, NKJV or youth group, social media minis-
Throughout biblical history, God has try, book distribution, Global Youth
called young people to accomplish His Day, Voice of Youth, Caleb Mission,
purposes and plans. The youth have or spending One Year in Mission, the
energy and creativity that the older Lord is calling you to share the won-
generation simply does not have. We derful news of His soon return.
read of Daniel and his three friends,
sent into Babylon to witness to a pa- Will you say, “Yes, Lord, I will go! I will
gan king; David, who used his musi- do everything I can to share with my
cal talent to soothe Saul’s possessed neighbours, with my friends, with fel-
mind; Esther, who saved her people low students, with staff members,
through at the risk of her own safety; with my loved ones, this precious,
and Isaiah, who, when called to serve wonderful message.” You see, God
God, answered: “I WILL GO!” wants you to be involved. We are
told in the Spirit of Prophecy that He

Dear students and young adults, to- could’ve tasked the angels with this
day God is looking for young people responsibility, but what a privilege
to play a vital part in His last day and blessing it is to be involved in the
proclamation. He wants you to be work of salvation!
an example—one who is completely I have confidence in you. I am praying
committed to Jesus Christ and wholly for you.

Attends the Jomo
Kenyata University of
Agriculture and
Technology (JKUAT)

Pursuing a Bachelor of
Accounting and Finance at
the Moshi Co-operatives
University (MoCU). He lives in
Moshi Town, Kilimanjaro, MEET OUR
Tanzania and is currently
serving as the General
Secretary of TUCASA
(Tanzania Universities and
Colleges Adventist Students
Association) for the Northeast
Tanzania Conference (NETC).

A 25-year old student at
Datamine Technical
Business Institute,
Kampala, Uganda –
pursuing a Diploma in
Journalism. Matia is
passionate about
mentoring young
people for mission.

Ndongo Elias Mjema is
a Medical Doctor and a
DIANAH student pursuing Master of
MAYIORO Medicine in Urology, at

RISING ABOVE! Kilimanjaro Christian

Student at the Medical University College,
Kenyatta University in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. He is
Nairobi, Kenya. She is a passionate about the Medi-
member of the cal Missionary Work.
Seventh-day Adventist

Brigitte Mancuso is a 22 year
old, half Bulgarian, half
Italian student who enjoy
learning new languages and
exploring new cultures. She is
currently completing the LEONA
master “translatoreditor”
with German and Italian. JIRÁŇOVÁ
In addition, for the last 6 PREPARED TO GO?
years she has been serving Leona Jiráňová, is a
as a youth leader in her local French Philology major at
church. Palacký University in
Olomouc, Czech Republic.
She is also a member of a
worship band and is
active in youth events.

Pedro Loureiro is 24 years
old college senior from
Portugal. He studies
CODRIN Musicology at Universidade
PANAINTE NOVA de Lisboa, a public
university in Lisbon,
Codrin Panainte is a Portugal

Dental School student in

Lasi, Romania. He is an
active volunteer in the
Seventh-Day Adventist
Students Association

Worthy of the Mission Dan-
iela Moguel is a student of
international commerce
in Villahermosa, Tabasco,
Mexico, at the Autonomous STEFANI
University of Guadalajara,
Campus Tabasco. She enjoys
reading, writing, sports, CALLS FOR YOU
writing sermons on different Stefani Piedrahita is a
topics, and currently serves Microbiologist, professor
as the youth director of at the University of
her local church and as the Antioquia, Medellín,
president of the youth fed- Colombia. She
eration in the Southeastern represents to young
Mexican Union Adventists who meet as
a church on University of
Antioquia campus.

Karen Gisela Callejas
Zambrano is a public
campus ministry member
of the National Autonomous
University of Honduras,
NOEMÍ where she is pursuing a

FERNÁNDEZ bachelor’s degree in

business administration.
Division: Inter-American
Division (IAD)

Xie Zhi Yi is a PCM missionary
for the Beitun Church. She
attends the Taichung
University of Science and
Technology, where she is
studying International
Business. She became a PCM HAYOUNG AN
Missionary after serving in a RADICAL CALLING
supporting role and
seeing the difference PCM
made in the lives of some of
her friends, some of whom
were baptized through the
efforts of the missionaries.
She was deeply moved and
inspired by this, and it
motivated her to become a
PCM missionary.




Kenyata University
a nd do this, knowing
the time, that now it
is high time to awake
out of sleep; for now
our salvation is nearer
than when we first be-
lieved. The night is far
spent, the day is at hand. Therefore, let
to His Father found in John 17:15, Je-
sus said, “I do not pray that You should
take them out of the world, but that You
should keep them from the evil one.”
The promise of JESUS being with them
rebuilt hope and confident in their lives.
For the Christian, an important purpose
of being in this world is living for mis-
us cast off the works of darkness, and sion. Living to be His witnesses to the
let us put on the armor of light. Let us cities—starting from those within our
walk properly, as in the day, not in rev- reach and to the furthest point, preach-
elry and drunkenness, not in lewdness ing and sharing the Good News of the
and lust, not in strife and envy. But put saving grace. A life that is committed to
on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no proclaiming His mission reflects Christ’s
provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.” desire to save mankind. We cannot
Romans 13:11-14 achieve this in our life unless we permit
Christ, through the Holy Spirit, to work
For some of us, life in its cruelest form a transformation on our heart. We can-
has always served us with the things not change ourselves, but the Holy Spirit
we least expected. Loss of parents be- can. Just like David did, we need to ask
fore finishing college, accidents that can God to create in us a clean heart and to
cause serious body injury, or suddenly renew a right spirit within us. We should
losing your job for refusing to work on lay aside every sin that easily trips us up,
the Sabbath. and instead, ask God to clothe us with
When such tragic intrusions occur, His righteousness. Then, and only then,
we are oftentimes left feeling devastated, can we become His committed witness-
and then, when we try to climb out of es. Today just say to God, “Lord here I
the chokehold, all our efforts are met am. Take me and use me for your glory.”
with rebellion, criticism, prejudice and
even rejection! Hopelessness sets in and CHALLENGE
you feel like resigning in life because • What are some of the situations that
nothing is worth living for anymore. Sit- have challenged you and deterred
uations like these demoralize our hearts you from doing mission? What les-
and eventually causes us to lose focus on sons have those challenges taught
our mission, which is an important pur- you in life?
pose for existing. • Do you feel a burden for people
coming to Christ? If yes, what is
For this reason, our Master after com- your plan of action for outreach
pleting His mission on earth—but be- now?
fore His departure—gave assurance to
His disciples that while it was not going APPLICATION
to be easy for them (because the world Pray and develop a plan of action to
will hate them as they hated Him) He share your testimony with someone this

will always be with them. In His prayer week.


Kenyatta University
in Nairobi
t herefore, my beloved
brethren, be steadfast,
immovable, always
abounding in the work
of the Lord, knowing
that your labor is not
in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58
As youths, embrace the challenges
that come your way. See them as oppor-
tunities to grow in faith and deepen your
relationship with God. The Apostle Paul,
gives us good counsel in Galatians 6:9:
“And let us not grow weary while doing
good, for in due season we shall reap if
we do not lose heart.
In a world filled with complexities, dis- This is why Paul in his letter to the
tractions, and challenges, it is very easy saints in Galatia, emphasized the im-
for us to question if our efforts in serving portance of not growing weary in doing
God is making a difference. As Christian good. Instead, he encouraged them (and
young adults, we have to be intentional us) to be steadfast and immovable in the
in not letting life’s challenges or com- work of the Lord. This perseverance will
plexities define the outcome of our walk ultimately lead to a harvest of blessings
and work with God. Instead, see them as if we do not give up. Let us ask God to
opportunities for growth, perseverance, grant us the strength to remain stead-
and faith. Remember, as we serve God fast, immovable, and always abounding
wholeheartedly, we are called to be firm, in His work, despite the challenges we
steadfast, immovable, and unwavering face. Amen.
no matter what obstacles we encounter.
Regardless of the difficulties we face CHALLENGE
in life as we witness for Him, there is a • How many times have you wanted to
higher purpose of our calling in Christ. stop witnessing due to some frustrations
Every effort, no matter how small, con- as you go for mission?
tributes to a greater plan that we may not • What advise can you give to someone
always see. The lives we touch, the love who feels his/her efforts for witnessing
we share, and the faith we inspire in oth- are proving to be fruitless?
ers creates a profound impact. Our work
for God goes beyond the visible results; APPLICATION
it is an act of faith and obedience. Your Pray and ask God to help you remove
devotion to kind-heartedness, mercy, any limits you have placed on doing mis-
and faithfulness in serving God, even sion. Ask Him to help you realize that
in the face of adversity, is a testament to nothing is too much or too little to do
your commitment and love for Him. for God and building up His Kingdom.


Moshi Co-operatives
University (MoCU)
h is lord said to him, ‘well
done, good and faithful
servant; you were faith-
ful over a few things, I
will make you a ruler
over many things. Enter
into the joy of your lord” (Matthew 25:21)
behavior is a proof of the truth that we
are placed on earth to use, not waste the
talents God has given to us.
Remember, a talent is only useful if
it is used. Our talents are given to be
used for building up the Kingdom of
God, and we must use everything we
have been given Youth, we must share
God has given us all something to use the love of God like an explosion. Take
in His vineyard. In the Bible the parable the risk….give Him back everything….
of the talents reveals that all Christians let your talent work for God. Let’s use
are blessed with talents, and the diver- all we have and fill the towns and cities
sity in the talents reveals the difference and the world with the overflowing love
in their use and ability to reach out to of Christ expressed by the Three Angels’
the people we live with. Messages of Revelation 14:6-11.
The Spirit of Prophecy clearly states
that, “The Lord has a great work to be CHALLENGE
done, and He will bequeath the most in • Have you ever thought of the bless-
the future life to those who do the most ings that God has given you?
faithful, willing service in the present • How many times do we ignore the
life. The Lord chooses His own agents, abilities and gifts that have been
He chooses His agents not because they given to us? Now understanding
are perfect but because, through a con- their value, what can you do to
nection with Him, they may gain per- change that?
fection.” (Ellen G. White, Christ Objects • Jesus is coming soon why not get-
Lessons, pg. 330.1, 1900). ting involved in His work, with all
As youths we are to use all the blessings the strength and talents given to us?
that God Has endowed us with, spiritual
gifts, talents, and economic blessings are APPLICATION
all to be used for service to bring fruits How do you plan to use them for the
of the gospel. The parable of the talent ministry?
clearly teaches us that success can only Visit our website and do the Spiritual
happen if we do something. Nothing Gifts Assessment. This should give you
from nothing leaves nothing. We can- an idea of what your spiritual gifts are.
not be fearful and bury the talent that we Pray for guidance in applying your spir-
have been given. It is our job to make use itual gifts in helping to lead others to
of every opportunity that we are given to Christ. Do the Spiritual Gifts Assess-
evangelize the world. The example of the ment here:
lazy servant and the consequences of his sources/spiritual-gifts-assessment


or there is no distinction during our worship sessions. Sometimes
between Jew and Greek, we were invited to sing in other religious
NDONGO ELIAS for the same Lord over congregations like Catholics. Years later
MJEMA all is rich to all who call after leaving our high school, I was wor-
Kilimanjaro Christian upon Him. For “whoever shipping at one of the local churches
Medical University calls on the name of the in Dar es Salaam and I met a guy who
College, Kilimanjaro, Lord shall be saved. How approached me gladly and greeted me.
Tanzania then shall they call on His face looked familiar, but I could not
ECD Him in whom they have not believed? easily remember him. Then he told me
And how shall they believe in Him of that, even though he was from a Catho-
whom they have not heard? And how lic background, the songs that we used
shall they hear without a preacher? And to sing planted a seed in him. One day,
how shall they preach unless they are he attended a crusade conducted by the
sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are SDA church and got baptized.
the feet of those who preach the gospel In today’s Bible text (Romans 10:12-15)
of peace, who bring glad tidings of good we see Paul reminding us that everyone,
things!” (Romans 10:12-15) both Jew and Gentiles are Zion. We need
to bring this good news of freedom to
The entire chapter of Isaiah 52 is about the many who are perishing without
good tidings to the Israelites and their knowing of THIS better life. This better
release out of captivity from Babylon. life which we can share with Jesus be-
Verses 1-2, encourages them to arise and cause He shed His blood for us and for
get ready for their deliverance. The re- them.
moval of the Jews from Babylon to their So, what is your excuse? Arise, Go!
own land, again is here spoken of both and use whatever talent God has be-
as a mercy and as a duty; and the appli- stowed you with. No more excuses. Get
cation of verse seven to the preaching involved. Let us go and share this Good
of the gospel plainly indicates that this News with others.
deliverance was a type and figure of the I will Go!
redemption of mankind by Jesus Christ.
It is also about our salvation. CHALLENGE
The imagery of a city in this chapter is • In your Christian journey, have you
wonderful. We are the city of God. And ever identified what your talent is?
so, as occupants of that City of God and If yes, do you feel you have fully uti-
believers in Jesus Christ, we must take the lized it for outreach?
good tidings of the gospel to the people of • Read Revelation 3:21: “To him who
this world. We should introduce Christ as overcomes I will grant to sit with
our Commander who is to take us home, Me on My throne, as I also over-
for he paid the price of our Salvation. Our came and sat down with My Father
cities are under siege. Our schools, col- on His throne.” Don’t you want your
leges, and universities are all under siege friends and family members to all
and many are longing for the Good News, share in this joy with you?
filled with promises of a better life with

Jesus. As youths in big cities, colleges, and APPLICATION

all university settings we are that “City of Start a journal and each day for this week,
Zion”, we need to be involved in the gos- write the name of a classmate or someone
pel outreach. No one is excused. you know who does not know Jesus. Pray
While in high school, we had a singing for them every day and ask God to show
group called “Sound in Harmony” and you ways you can present the Gospel to
we had the opportunity to minister a lot them. Think of creative ways.


Datamine Technical
Business Institute,
b ut, speaking the truth
in love, may grow up in
all things into Him who
is the head—Christ—
from whom the whole
body, joined and knit
together by what every joint supplies, ac-
cording to the effective working by which
off evil surroundings from our lives and
become witnesses for Him. The impor-
tant question then would be, Is your life
a light to the world?
The battle to save souls is intense, and
we only have a short time left because we
are living in the final hours of our days.
Make every opportunity count towards
every part does its share, causes growth of growing God’s kingdom. Miss no oppor-
the body for the edifying of itself in love. tunity to witness for Him. Without fear
This I say, therefore, and testify in the or favor, move forward while trusting in
Lord, that you should no longer walk as the power of His grace.
the rest of the Gentiles walk, in the futility Finally, Paul warns of the spiritual
of their mind, having their understanding drunkenness that benumbs our senses,
darkened, being alienated from the life weakens our zeal, and diverts us away
of God, because of the ignorance that is from our potential and purpose. It
in them, because of the blindness of their makes the flesh rule over us and will
heart. Ephesians 4:15-18 finally leads us to perdition. However,
being Spirit-filled awakens your abilities
In chapter 4 of his letter to the Ephe- to use every chance to serve God be-
sians, the Apostle Paul talked about yond all limitations and borders. Being
the works of the flesh and warned the Spirit-filled will help you step into your
Ephesians that living a wasted life will potential and purpose. If, or when the
exclude them from any inheritance in challenges in mission come along, being
the kingdom of God (vs 5). This kind filled with the Spirit will help you walk
of lifestyle causes a lot of hindrances to through them in victory.
many Christians who would have been It is imperative that we be filled with
zealous witnesses for Christ. the Spirit. Is your life a reflection of a
Nevertheless, we are told to live as Spirit filled life?
people of the light and reflect God’s
character. We are to do what pleases CHALLENGE
our God and glorifies His name. To Are you using the best of the opportuni-
act wisely either in eating, drinking, ties that God provides?
or speaking, because as witnesses of
the gospel our lives should shine like a APPLICATION
star in the dark night sky. Our evange- View your education and career path
lism field—the cities, are clouded with as a mission field. Do your work to the
all sorts of evil, and so if we are to be best of your ability, with excellence and
witnesses in this kind of environment, integrity. Share God’s love with everyone
then we ought to be changed first, shed you meet.


Palacký University in
Olomouc, Czech
n or do they light a lamp
and put it under a
basket, but on a lamp-
stand, and it gives
light to all who are in
the house. 16 Let your
light so shine before men, that they may
see your good works and glorify your Fa-
sion is something big in the city squares
and we become frustrated when it does
not work. But what if you rethink mis-
sion. What if it’s not what you think…
”something out there is a faraway land”?
What if you begin to see mission as
happening right now, and right here….
where you are?
ther in heaven. (Matthew 5:15-16) I challenge you to try the recommen-
dations above, if not all, at least some of
Every time we do mission work in the them during your personal devotions. I
Czech Republic, I ask myself if I’m ready believe, that if you follow them, they will
to tell people about God even when I do help you in your walk with God. You
not feel like doing it. How can I tell oth- will feel His presence and realize that
ers about Him when I don’t have Him the Holy Spirit is working in your life.
fully in my heart? Will they believe me if Be intentional in getting to know God
they do not see me living like I believe in better. Examine the things you do daily
Him? I really want to be the light of God and the influence they have in your life,
in this world, but I know I need to live in if you see that these things you are doing
accordance with the Bible and I must ac- are not helping you to glorify God and to
cept Jesus’ sacrifice and the Holy Spirit. feel His presence, try to cut them out of
Without accepting this sacrifice and the your life. You’ll see the difference.
indwelling Holy Spirit, I will not be able Use your influence for the glory of
to serve Him. We need endurance. God and to lead others to Him. People
• You may ask, “But how can we receive are observing you, so if you fully live in,
the Holy Spirit?” Here are a few steps: and for God, they will see and appreci-
• Study the Bible and pray. Let God ate it even more than empty words—that
speak to you through His Word and even you yourself don’t believe. So, start
prayer. with yourself, dedicate your life to God.
• Confess your sins sincerely and com- Protect your relationship with God. Pray
pletely and turn away from them. Re- and ask Him to help you, through your
pent. words and actions, lead others to Him.
• Declare your unworthiness before
God; humble yourself before Him. CHALLENGE:
• Stop making excuses to sin. Put sin • We read in Luke 9:23 that Jesus said,
aside, even the sins that you like. “If anyone desires to come after Me,
• Listen to God’s call, even if it seems let him deny himself, and take up
strange to you. his cross daily, and follow Me.”
• Stay connected with other Christians • Write five things you can do to incor-
around you and share your testimony porate this into your daily routine.
and experiences with them.

Control your thoughts and make them Every day ask God for discernment
pure and clean (Read Philippians 4:8). and the Holy Spirit. Try to incorporate
You might say, “I’ve heard this a mil- something from your challenge list into
lion times already.” But have you tried your life each day and then graciously
it? We usually think that the only mis- witness to the work of Jesus in your life.


Master “translatoredi-
tor” student with
German and Italian
t hen their eyes were
opened, and they knew
Him. (Luke 24:31a)

One day, my father

told me he hated me.
I mean, he proposed
that I try parasailing, but it was the
ognized Him. From that night on, they
saw the world with fresh eyes; their per-
sonal experience with Jesus had changed


They walked all the way back, to share
this experience with the other eleven
same to me—he must hate me. I’m not disciples. “So they rose up that very hour
an amusement park lover, I hate swings. and returned to Jerusalem, and found
But of all his ideas this one seemed the the eleven and those who were with them
least dangerous, so I said yes. They put gathered together…” (Luke 24:33, NKJV)
our safety vests on, we got on the boat Christianity is like parasailing was to
and headed to the deep blue. After a me. We have to step beyond our bor-
while, the boat stopped, and we were ders, and accept Jesus’ journey proposal
lifted in the air. I was so scared that I with Him. Be honest and tell Him about
only stared at the rope and didn’t notice your ideas and the things that disap-
anything around. Then I lifted my eyes, points you, even if they are from Him.
and I was amazed—the color shades of He is waiting on you to reason it out
the sea, the rocks, the sun rays danc- with Him. In Isaiah 1:18 we are invited
ing on the water surface, the schools of to reason with Him, to talk it through.
fish... It couldn’t have been more beauti- “Come now, and let us reason together,
ful. Oh no, it could! A few minutes later saith the Lord…”). He will listen to you,
we were about 150 meters above water, and then He will challenge you. He will
and it was even more beautiful, believe invite you “to do parasailing” with Him.
me! Now I had a story to tell. If you say yes, He will show you a beauty
Jesus proposes us to try “parasail- you can never imagine. Your percep-
ing”—to step beyond our fears and trust tions will be transformed, and you will
Him. In the Bible we can read about see that God is bigger than your wildest
many personal inspirational “parasail- dreams!
ing” experiences. But what about us? I’m in! Are you?
Sometimes, we are disappointed and
scared like the disciples walking to Em- CHALLENGE:
maus (Luke 24:21). We wish things had • What do you do when you cannot see or
happened another way—our way, on understand Jesus?
our terms, in our time. While our dis- • Do you wish God was different? In
appointment in some of life’s outcomes what ways?
is understandable, we must realize that • How does your idea of God influence
it’s a result of our wrong ideas, but Jesus your attitude toward yourself and others?
doesn’t condemn us. Instead, He loves
to listen to us and encourage us, just as APPLICATION:
He listen to the disciples and comfort- Re-read today’s lesson and write down

ed them as they walked and talked. He as many things as you can that will help
didn’t interrupt them, He didn’t argue you when you look for God but cannot
with them, He was just there explain- sense His presence. Keep this list and use
ing the scriptures and teaching them. it in your daily journey, especially when
As our Bible text at the beginning says, you are seeking God but cannot seem to
their eyes were opened, and they rec- sense Him near.


Dental School student
in Lasi
l et nothing be done through
selfish ambition or conceit,
but in lowliness of mind let
each esteem others better
than himself. Let each of
you look out not only for
his own interests, but also for the inter-
ests of others. (Philippians 2:3-4)
is different about us. When people no-
tice the difference in us they will want
to talk about the way they observe that
God works within us and through us.
After all, during His life on the Earth,
Jesus Himself made helping others a
central focus of His mission. He was all
about the mission.
The theory of this is somewhat easy,
I noticed a trend on my university cam- but there is a certain “thing” something,
pus, where I study and live. People are in- that while not tangible, it can still be felt
terested in some form of spirituality, but in the air, that emanates from someone
not in God, and the idea of attending a when they are helping others out of love,
church does not interest them. While I compared to when we are helping others
couldn’t put my finger on the root of this out of duty or to “look good”. You see,
situation, I do know that, because of this, people can feel whenever we do some-
it is harder to talk about our Savior. So, in thing that is not genuine, something
this case, what can you do when you get that comes with ulterior motives. The
stonewalled every time you try to have way we behave, the way we talk, the way
a discussion about the love of God? It’s we answer the challenges, every action
very easy: you don’t talk about it. and reaction must reflect the love of our
And the times when I still try to talk Savior. Everything we do should be done
about God’s love, I face skepticism. As without expecting anything in return,
soon as you talk about religion, you are just enjoying the fact that maybe we can
labeled a fanatic, whose main purpose— make a difference in someone’s life.
they think, is to indoctrinate others. But, Maybe we can’t perform miracles in
by not explicitly talking about it, you the same manner Jesus did, but a small
only avoid the surface issue of labeling, act of kindness can be a miracle for your
but you still must face the hardest part— classmate or friend.
the need to proclaim God through your
behavior and lifestyle. For that, you CHALLENGE:
must live out the principles you claim Without a doubt you know someone
to adhere to as Seventh Day Adventist. who needs help, be it carrying a couch
As Adventists we cannot just talk about up the stairs or understanding some
how Jesus gave His life on the cross be- tougher subjects that were taught in
cause He loved us, while at the same class. My challenge to you is to offer your
time we are getting angry and shouting help without waiting on someone to ask
at a classmate. you for help, to be the light that shines
We need to empty ourselves in order around them so that they would praise
to become the perfect receiver of God’s the Name of God. And whatever you do,
love and to let it flow outwards to others. do it with a smile on your face and enjoy

We need to ask God to give us the spirit the opportunity you have to be of help!
of discernment so that we can identify
where help is needed and help people APPLICATION
before being asked to do so, and to show Ask God to help you demonstrate that
them that we care without saying it out each person brings value to the world
loud. They need to notice that something and to God’s kingdom.


NOVA University
y our ears shall hear a
word behind you, say-
ing, “This is the way,
walk in it,” Whenever
you turn to the right
hand Or whenever you
turn to the left. (Isaiah
30:21) Be kindly affectionate to one an-
into families attending the church are of-
ten pressured by the imminence of bap-
tism. This is a major risk; baptism should
be talked about prudently and with wis-
dom; so many times we are often pushed
to live a “borrowed” faith rather than
making our own choice. The freedom
to choose is something that God gave
other with brotherly love, in honor giving from the beginning of time….it was in
preference to one another. (Romans 12:10) heaven, and it was in the garden of Eden.
When difficulties and tribulations come,
For many, the years spent at college/ that’s when our faith is tested and tried.
university are generally seen as “the best When we are on our own and have the
years of your life”. However, they can freedom to choose without our families
also be synonymous with stress, anxiety, or church there to see, that’s when we are
and loneliness, not just for a young Ad- tested. Student socializing that involves
ventist, but for all the young people who alcohol or other substances, exams on
pass through the institution. the Sabbath, colleagues who run over us
It can be a real challenge to be able to to get to certain places of prominence,
apply yourself to your studies, to start etc. How do we react? Let us keep close
an “adult life” on your own (like stu- to our hearts the words of Paul to the
dents who are away from home) and to Romans, So then, those who are in the
manage it all in your head. This is also flesh cannot please God (Romans 8:8).
the time when external pressures arise, So how can we testify to our colleagues
sometimes from the academic world and teachers when we are empty and
and other times friends. Away from aimless?
our family and church support, we are First, we need to take care of our rela-
now forced to “review” our principles as tionship with God, have a connection so
Seventh-day Adventists, and make deci- that we can help others. We have to love
sions to live out our faith and develop ourselves and we have to love others….
our own journey with God. because how can I love my neighbour if
And so, I ask you: “How is your relation- I don’t love myself?
ship with God?” Seriously, think about it... Then you might ask: How can we love
“How much time do you take out of your ourselves? Like any thirsty person, we
day to simply talk to Him?” Perhaps only must go to the source. He who does not
when you pray before a meal? Maybe be- love does not know God, for God is love
fore you go to sleep? Maybe not even that... (1 John 4:8). Love is the perfect cure for
I’ve been there. My Christianity becomes everything that seems hopeless because
mechanical, and I find myself doing things love is God and God is love.
out of habit, living aimlessly, living without
God. But I want to remind everyone read- CHALLENGE
ing this, “Be strong and of good courage, Think of someone you know who is
do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the going through a difficult time in their

LORD your God, He is the One who goes personal life. Find an encouraging Bi-
with you. He will not leave you nor forsake ble verse and share it with them. Don’t
you.” He will not leave you nor forsake forget to tell them that they’re not alone
you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6). And “them” in- and that you are there to help or just lis-
cludes the stress and anxiety, etc. ten. Be an agent of love.
I was blessed to be born into an Advent-
ist home and to grow up according to APPLICATION
God’s principles. Those who are born Genuinely love and honor each other.


IAD f or the Lord will be your
confidence and will keep
your foot from being
caught. (Proverbs 3:26)

I am happy to share
that there are victories in professional
life that are won by placing our trust in
with responsibility for a line of products
co-manufactured in Saltillo, Coahuila.
At that moment I understood that God
always has a better plan than mine. A
better plan than ours.

If today you find yourself feeling un-

certain and fearful, I want to invite you
God. to reflect on God’s goodness. I invite you
Today, my job responsibility is to sus- to put your trust in God. He did it for
tain the performance and service of an me. He has done it for others. And He
important company in the food indus- will do it for you. Just trust and believe
try. This was not easy to achieve, in fact, that He will do it.
I would not have achieved it without the Just as Joseph ministered to the small
help and guidance of God. Eight years details and God exalted him and placed
ago, I was about to leave the company him as governor of Egypt, that same
and my position as a quality technician God will fulfill His plan in your life and
because they could no longer accommo- your dreams will be fulfilled according
date my request to have Saturdays off. to His Word. The plans that God has for
However, God had other plans. our lives will always be better.
I remember the day, it was a Friday,
around 2 in the afternoon and the entire In a world filled with unfilled prom-
management team was no longer in the ises, misplaced trusts, and broken lives,
offices. God showed His favor towards only Jesus is unchangeable and worthy
me. As I was leaving for home an engi- of all our trust. Commit every day to
neer approached me and asked if I could pray for God to give you a spirit of dis-
meet with him and the operational di- cernment to know and seek His will for
rector of the company. I felt fearful and your life. Trust completely in the Lord.
surprised by what was happening at that
moment, but I trusted that God is just, CHALLENGE:
and God’s timing is perfect. Make a list of ways you can trust the
God’s timing is never before, it is Lord…date them and write beside them
never after. It is never early. It is never the dates that God answered your re-
late. It is always in God’s moment, so I quests. Being able to revisit them, will
hurriedly went and entered the room in help you grow your faith.
the company of the Engineer. The direc-
tor mentioned something, referring to APPLICATION:
a previous conversation we had, I will Challenge yourself to never fear or
never forget these words he emphasized: doubt, but instead to walk in obedience
“I don’t have a magic wand to move you and faith, and acknowledge Him in eve-
to the position you want, but if you trust rything you do. To trust in God is to ac-

in your God, plans can change”. And so, knowledge God in every aspect of your
it was at the last moment God made a life. Read Proverbs 3:6 “In all your ways
complete turnaround to my life, the di- acknowledge him, and he will make
rector asked me to stay as a supervisor, straight your paths”.



University of
Antioquia, Medellín
a nd when she had said
these things, she went
her way and secretly
called Mary her sister,
saying, ‘The Teacher
has come and is calling
for you.’” (John 11: 28, 29).
and He called me. I continue to pray for
her as she cannot imagine. In each expe-
rience I reminded her of how much God
does and can continue to do for her, be-
cause just like Mary when she heard that
Jesus was there, she ran to meet Him.
I no longer have any doubt that God’s
presence is with me and that this was the
Have you seen the thirst for the Word on place He chose for me. And that He is
your campus? also calling me.
Do you long for your friend’s salvation? Are you sure that God is here? Do you
Do you allow the voice of Jesus to be hear him calling?
heard through you?
Some time ago, during my early pro- CHALLENGE:
fessional years, I had many doubts about What do you do when, like Mary, life takes
where God wanted me to be. I thought your breath away? Do you run to meet
the only place to be surrounded by spir- Him or do you walk away disappointed?
ituality was at an Adventist institution. When faced with unexpected circum-
That’s when I started a 40-day fast and stances, challenge yourself to read Mat-
prayer. It wasn’t many days into the fast thew 11:28-30: “Come to Me, all you
when a co-worker noticed what I was who labor and are heavy laden, and I
doing and asked me, “Are you challeng- will give you rest. Take My yoke upon
ing someone to do something? you and learn from Me, for I am gentle
“Yes, I responded. I am challenging my- and lowly in heart, and you will find rest
self to do things that I wouldn’t do by my for your souls. For My yoke is easy and
own free will. So, every day I do a fast”. My burden is light.”
“What is tomorrow’s challenge?” she
asked me. “It’s a vanity fast”, I replied. APPLICATION:
The next day she came to work without Prayer—personal contact with Jesus—
makeup. I can’t forget that scene! And changes everything. However, Jesus said
from that day on we decided to continue there are some things that only happen
the next 30 days of fasting. by fasting. Commit to praying and fast-
I watched her struggle to fulfill each ing until you hear God’s voice. Click
challenge on our Fast Days with an emo- here to read an article on fasting.
tion that was contagious. The experience (
made me realize that God calls us in fasting-for-what-is-it-and-how-should-
countless different ways. He called her it-be-done)



h ow then shall they call on

Him in whom they have
not believed? And how
shall they believe in Him
of whom they have not
heard? And how shall they
hear without a preacher? (Romans 10:14).
cult to fathom that today, in this day and
age, there are persons who have never
heard of Jesus. After all, Isn’t it a fact that
anyone with internet access can swiftly
obtain information on any subject?
Nevertheless, popular yet mislead-
ing beliefs about Christianity, miscon-
ceptions taught about Jesus, negative
Calling on Jesus is one of the many encounters with nominal Christians,
blessed privileges of being a Christian. misinterpretations of the Christian
I encourage you to pause for a minute faith, inaccurate perspectives ascribed
and reflect on the diverse circumstances to Christians, and erroneous doctrines
in which you have called on God—times attributed to Christianity, along with
of happiness, thankfulness, love, devo- many other reasons, have kept the real
tion, fear, uncertainty, decision-making, Jesus and His true character hidden.
sadness, remorse, challenges, sickness, and Truly, the billions of this world need
so on. What an opportunity to call on someone to tell them about the Jesus
the King of this Universe, knowing He they have never heard of.
responds with unconditional, incompre- I invite you, first and foremost, to ex-
hensible love!! Innumerable are the high perience Jesus more personally. Call on
honors that we enjoy because of our re- Him now! Embrace the unconditional
lationship with God. and incredible love He offers. Addition-
Unfortunately, billions in this world go ally, partner with God to boldly embody
through life unacquainted with this divine, the Jesus portrayed in the Bible for those
transcendent love. Why is that? who haven’t heard of Him. Finally, in
Why would someone carry their guilt prayer, surrender your time, resources,
and sorrows? Why would someone and energy to God’s disposal.
share their greatest joys with the jeal-
ous and uncaring? Why would someone CHALLENGE
labor arduously for achievements that • How have you shared the story of
never truly satisfy? Why would someone Jesus with those who have never en-
strive for a better life and never experi- countered Him?
ence real transformation? • How can your life be a beacon of a
We might blame secularism, the world love for those around you?
with its allurements of power and wealth,
broken philosophies and perspectives, APPLICATION:
and existing world religions, etc. But Read Joel 2:32, “And it shall come to
while these influences—with their false pass that whoever calls on the name of
assurances of hope and peace—do play the Lord shall be saved.” You are the an-
significant roles in keeping multitudes swer. You are the one they are waiting on
away from Jesus, a vast majority of peo- to tell them. What are you waiting on?

ple do not call on God simply because Pray and ask God to show you someone
they have never heard of Him. to share the gospel with. Some family
How could someone remain unaware member, friend, classmate, or colleague
of God in this age of information? We who need to hear about the path to sal-
find ourselves in an unprecedented era vation. Someone who need to hear about
of accessibility and knowledge. It’s diffi- Jesus and how much He loves them.


or I am not ashamed heaven nor the preaching of the Gospel
of the gospel of Christ, will be the same without you. ‘Just as
for it is the power of God surely as there is a place prepared for us
to salvation for every- in the heavenly mansions, there is a des-
one who believes, for the ignated place on earth where we are to
DANIELA Jew first and also for the work for God.’ (PVGM 262.3).
MOGUEL Greek. (Romans 1:16) Today, lift your eyes to the sky; Je-
sus misses your voice in prayer. He
Autonomous University Have you ever felt undeserving of some- knows the torment you are surely going
of Guadalajara thing? Or perhaps your thoughts have led through, and that’s why the Lord tells
Mexico you to believe that due to bad decisions or you today that your negative thoughts
IAD poor choices that you made, you can no about being an instrument to fulfill the
longer represent the vision of the gospel. mission don’t matter; Satan and his tor-
You can no longer be bold in sharing your ments have no more power over you.
testimony with others. This feeling has Today, by the grace of God, you are wor-
caused many young people to give up on thy in Christ Jesus; you are worthy of the
participating in the mission that God has divine commission through the same
destined for them and to feel they are no gospel we preach: “The power of God
longer worthy because of sin. for salvation to everyone who believes.”
Have you ever felt small when living in a Today, I challenge you that when the en-
big city or when arriving at a large and di- emy tries to ask you, “Are you worthy?”
verse campus? When I entered university, “Do you still believe you are worthy?”
this thought came to my mind and heart. Confidently respond: Yes! By the grace
I felt incapable and unworthy of sharing of Christ, I am worthy of being an in-
the gospel in such an imposing place, filled strument in the hands of God to fulfill
with people holding diverse ideologies the mission.
and challenging thoughts to counter my For the glory of God, in my university,
belief. The enemy reminded me of each we managed to conduct a campaign do-
and every one of my sins, along with the nating Adventist books to the university
feeling of incapacity, and the power to be a library. We made an impact for a week
light at the University. So, what could I do with students and teachers by distribut-
to receive an explosion of divine strength ing the book “The Great Controversy,”
within me and allow myself to be guided held a reading club where we reviewed
by the Holy Spirit? a chapter of the Book of Ecclesiastes
once a week, created a prayer garden
Then I remembered that Jonah felt this and burned petitions at the end of each
way when he tried to flee from the divine month, and held consecration services
commission. He expresses his feelings in at the beginning of each semester. God
Jonah 2:4 ‘Then I said, ‘I have been cast has blessed the mission at my university
out of Your sight; Yet I will look again to- and with my peers of my generation.
ward Your holy temple.’’ Going through
moments like these does not make you CHALLENGE
less valuable in God’s eyes, quite the op- Remember, we cannot save ourselves.
posite! It’s the perfect opportunity for Today, write down the names of class-
God to remind you of the wonderful mates, faculty, or staff members who you
meaning of the gospel: ‘it is the power would like to pray for and with. Each day

of God for salvation to everyone who pray and ask God to open up a way to
believes’ Romans 1:16. Even in that vul- reach the persons on your list. Keep a
nerable moment where the enemy tries record of how God is working it out and
to remind you of everything that has how He is answering the prayers.
distanced you from the Divine presence,
may God himself remind you that His APPLICATION
immense power is perfected in weak- Pray that you will boldly proclaim the
ness! (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). Neither gospel of Christ to everyone you meet.


s o shall My word be that
goes forth from My
mouth; it shall not re-
turn to Me void, but it
shall accomplish what
I please, and it shall
prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
(Isaiah 55:11)
to start working, and it became difficult
for him to accept my virtual invitations.
One Saturday, returning from church, a
mutual friend messaged me, and with
sadness, I learned he had been in a car
accident and lost his life. Can you imag-
ine all that went through my mind?
There have been many opportunities
National Autonomous for witnessing. We have conducted mis-
University of Honduras Large schools provide a stage for wit- sionary activities on the campus, giving
IAD nessing and an opportunity to see how away books and magazines, providing
God can use you. This is my case. Bible studies, and praying for the fidel-
Have you ever wondered... “Why me, ity of every young Adventist, holding
Lord”? Surely, we’ve all asked this ques- on to our beliefs, and guiding them to
tion at some point. I realized I was no seek alternatives with their professors to
exception when I received an invitation avoid academic activities on Saturdays,
from the PCM director of the Central and above all, showing God’s love to eve-
Association of Honduras, Professor Nils ryone by addressing basic human needs.
Andrade, for a meeting of Adventist uni- And you know what? I am no longer
versity students on my university cam- ashamed to be a Seventh-day Adventist
pus. Have you ever found yourself in a on my campus.
new situation that could make you feel That day, I thanked God for crossing
ashamed, especially when you are part of paths with my friend and knowing that
the minority? That day, only three young his purpose in my life was to be that first
people gathered, and being exposed to person to whom I spoke about the Bible
so many unknown faces, I felt a bit of and the love of Christ with at my uni-
shame. However, I didn’t stop attending versity.
the weekly meetings. Every Wednesday, Large cities offer a stage for witnessing
we gathered to meet Jesus under the and opportunities for God to use you.
shade of a large, leafy mango tree that Today, I invite you to talk to your class-
shielded us from rain and sun. mates, professors, cleaning staff, or any-
Have you thought that Jesus often im- one else you encounter. Do they know
pacted great cities through a dialogue that true love can only be found in Jesus
with just one person? Do you believe Christ? Touch one heart at a time, and
that can also happen in our times? you’ll touch the whole world!
On one occasion, a non-believing God bless your ministry as a Missionary
friend and classmate saw me at our on the Public Campus!
“meeting place” and without hesitation,
he approached and asked what we were CHALLENGE
doing there. My friend was an athlete, Do your best to share the truth in love.
and the idea of changing his lifestyle in- Many new believers will have many ques-
trigued him greatly. So, I immediately tions about salvation, so study the Word
told him it was meetings to know the of God and read as many material as you
love of Christ through songs, biblical can find that our church has provided on
activities, and reflections, and I quickly topics that they are asking about.
presented a brief summary of the “eight

natural remedies.” APPLICATION

On many occasions I share a meal with Remember, grow your relationship with
my friend, as he was not from the city and Jesus as you try to tell others about Him.
sometimes couldn’t afford to eat due to Pray daily that God will open opportu-
his tight budget. During those moments, nities for you to share the gospel of truth
I had the chance to listen to him and in- with persons on your campus. Remem-
vite him to our growing group meetings. ber, the only difference between you and
However, due to the pandemic, he had them is the grace of God.


Taichung University of
Science and Technology
NSD b ut you are a chosen
generation, a royal
priesthood, a holy na-
tion, His own special
people, that you may
proclaim the praises of
Him who called you out of darkness into
His marvelous light… (1 Peter 2:9)
ten find answers through pastors, fellow
believers, and other youth sharing in-
sights from the Bible. This is why I hold
this verse dear because the Bible, God’s
Word, has all the answers.
My journey as a PCM missionary
drew me closer to God. This was a time
when I felt closest to God, especially
when I was tired and facing challenges.
While serving as a PCMer, I often felt God always used my friends to encour-
shy because I did not grow up in a re- age me. Sometimes, even when I did
ligious environment, and so I did not not tell them anything, they could sense
have the confidence I thought I needed. that something was wrong, and they
My friends, on the other hand had a dif- took me to the places I wanted to go and
ferent experience—they grew up in re- treated me to the food I craved. It felt
ligious environments. Every Tuesday we like God knew exactly what I needed
gathered together to sing hymns, pray, and granted my desires in a special way.
study, and share God’s Word—we called Although my term as a PCM mission-
this special time “Love Lunch.” Initially, ary will end next year, I will continue
I worried that my friends only attended to work diligently in God’s ministry to
these meetings for the food or because of spread the gospel. Thank you for read-
me, but I prayed to God about this. Over ing my story.
time, I realized that my friends were
genuinely engaged, they would ask ques- CHALLENGE:
tions about the Bible and listened keenly Do you want to become a PCM mis-
to the stories I shared. This to me, was a sionary? How has God responded to
testament of God answering my prayers. your prayers in a special way?
We would sing Korean hymns in our Ask God to use you to share the Good
gatherings, even though some friends News about Jesus, the Christ with oth-
could not understand Korean. Gradu- ers. Pray that God will raise up PCMers
ally, they became familiar with the songs across the nations and the world to help
and bravely sang the lyrics. This, I be- and bring many souls to a knowledge of
lieve, was God’s grace, helping us over- Jesus and be saved.
come language barriers.
I believe the Bible holds the answers. APPLICATION
One Bible verse I particularly love and He gives you the strength to walk boldly
often use when praying is Psalm 119:5: in His will. Sharing the gospel is an op-
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light portunity to learn that Jesus is trustwor-
on my path.” Even as a missionary, I thy, wise, and always with us. Pray for
sometimes still have doubts about faith God to open your eyes to the opportu-
and life, but amazingly, my questions of- nities around you to share every day.


Moshi Co-operatives
University (MoCU)
n ow the Lord had said
to Abram: “Get out
of your country, from
your family and
from your father’s
house to a land that
I will show you. I will make you a great
nation; I will bless you and make your
and Abram says, “Where to?” and God
says, “I’ll show you later, just go”. And at
another time God says, “I’ll give you a
son.” and Abram says, “How?” and God
says, “I’ll show you later, just trust Me”.
That is God’s calling and Christianity.
God is telling Abraham to get out and
be radically changed. God does not want
name great; and you shall be a blessing. I us asking Him whether or not what He
will bless those who bless you, and I will is going to do will fit into our agenda. So,
curse him who curses you; and in you all every day—the first thing in the morn-
the families of the earth shall be blessed.” ing or as soon as we wake up—need to
(Gen. 12:1-3) pray “Lord whatever I discern as your
will, I will do unconditionally.” Pray for
Abraham is a very important person in discernment.
the Christian and religious communities. Lastly, God’s calling is missionally
Abraham is also a good example of who radical. God says to Abram, “I will bless
and what a missionary is. Like us, Abraham you, and you will be a blessing”. To be-
did not live a perfect life; however, we can come a real Christian (Missionary) is
learn the nature of God’s calling on his life to be changed, so that now you are not
from biblical history. making your decisions based on where
What radical nature does God’s calling have? you live, what’s the best job for you, or
First, God’s calling is personally radical. what is the most comfortable. Instead,
God’s first demand for Abraham was as Christ’s Ambassadors, His missionar-
‘Get out’. The New King James Version ies, we do believe that if we seek to be
(NKJV) suggests that God told Abraham blessed, we will be empty; but if we seek
to leave his country, but the King James to bless others, God will bless us.
version is a little stronger, it translates What does it mean to “Get out” of
it to be “Get thee out”, it means “Get your country and family, it means to get
yourself out”. God’s calling is direct. It out of your security zone, get out of your
is not good enough just to be part of a comfort zone so that you can be used by
Christian community or group or to say, God to bring the Good News of Salva-
“Well, I’m in a Christian family and I’ve tion, and spiritual comfort and security
always been part of a church”. God calls to others.
us into a real and personal encounter For the past two years I have been liv-
with Him. We must make the personal ing as a missionary in Taiwan. I used
commitment for the mission. to be a person who preferred stability
Second, God’s calling is radical. When and found it challenging to step out of
God called Abram, he told Abram what the well-trodden path that others take.
he had to ‘get out’ of, such as country, However, one night I made the decision
who and what he had to leave behind to take a leave of absence and embark on
—family, land, etc., but he did not tell missionary work. I extended it for an-

Abram where to go. God’s call involves other year, and now I am in my second
giving up things like our own judg- year of missionary service. The fact that
ments, predictions, and expectations. I had such a change of heart can only be
God actually says to Abram ‘Get out” explained as God’s work in me.


During this missionary period, I can CHALLENGE

say I have learned a lot more about life. With great privilege comes great responsibil-
Of course, there have been difficulties, ity. God has called you to share His love with
but the greatest lesson I have gained is the world, and that is a privilege. Are curious
the understanding of God’s amazing love. about the world that God will reveal to you?
Understanding God’s amazing love is in- Are you ready to respond to God’s call?
credibly valuable on its own. I continue
to discover myself and God in this mis- APPLICATION
sion field, and I am very grateful that God Pray that God will give you discernment to
has called me and provided me with this hear His calling and strength to do what you
learning opportunity. are called to do.

Ashery Shery Lwimbo Karen Gisela Callejas Zambrano
Brigitte Mancuso Leona Jiráňová
Codrin Panainte Matia T.W Maganda
Cyril Ndongo Elias Mjema
Daniela Moguel Noemí Fernández
Dianah Mayioro Pedro Loureiro
Edmond Ombati Stefani Piedrahita
Hayoung An Xie Zhi Yi




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