Internal Customer Support (B2E) in CSM - Implementation Guide - Vancouver

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Internal Customer Support (B2E)

in CSM
Implementation Guide

Vancouver Release

February 2024

Asset Number: 0003845

Table of Contents
Overview....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Summary flow of tasks for configuration................................................................................................... 4
1 – Install Required Plugins .......................................................................................................................... 5
2 – Setup the Service Organization properties......................................................................................... 6
3 – Create the Business Location Hierarchy ............................................................................................. 8
4 – Assign staff members and their roles ................................................................................................... 9
5 – Define or relate the install base ......................................................................................................... 14
6 – Setup the Available Services (Optional - IBL only)........................................................................... 17
7 – Define Service Organization Criteria (Optional) .............................................................................. 19
8 – Configure the Case form views and Case Types ............................................................................ 23
Service Organizations and Service Management ............................................................................. 26
Extending access limitation to service requests (REQ): ..................................................................... 26
Relating assignment groups to service organizations (Optional) .................................................... 28
9 – Configure the Business Location Service Portal (BLSP) .................................................................... 35
Features for internal customers ............................................................................................................. 35
10 – Test your configuration ...................................................................................................................... 40
Appendix I – Definitions ............................................................................................................................. 48
Appendix II – Related links ........................................................................................................................ 50

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respective companies with which they are associated.
In the traditional sense, we often think of customers as the external people or organizations that
receive service and support from a company. In addition to that traditional approach, there is
the concept of internal customer support (or business-to-employee, B2E), where a company can
provide products and/or services to their employees and/or their respective business entities
within the same reference framework as their external customers. Each business entity
constitutes a vital part of the overall customer experience journey since they are service
providers to different audiences (internal or external to the company). These can be physical
front offices (a campus, agency, store, branch, franchise) or digital middle and back offices
(department, business group, local support center, fulfiller group) that may have direct or
indirect external customer touchpoints.
Historically, external customer support in the Customer Service Management (CSM) application
works great for direct front-office support after modeling their organizations as we do with the
customer data models (B2B and B2C). The same robust methodology can be used by mapping
the complexity of your organization as a series of service providers through internal (your
employees), external (your partners), and outsourced business entities (your contractors).
These digitized entities help each other complete the customer experience journey to support
external customers, their teams/employees (or internal customers), and the hierarchies in
This can be achieved through two out-of-the-box (OOB) capabilities: Service Model Foundation
(SMF) and Contributor users.
This document aims to showcase how to configure them without high customization needs.
Important: Before you continue, you must be familiar with core definitions and functionality that
represent the building blocks of this solution. Please refer to the Definitions section in the
These will provide guidance on their intended design as used across CSM and its vertical
counterparts (FSO, HCLS-SM, PSDS, and others).
Please review the Implementation Insights white paper first if you have not already.

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and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the
respective companies with which they are associated.
Summary flow of tasks for configuration
This is a summary of the tasks needed to configure Internal Customer Support successfully:

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respective companies with which they are associated.
1 – Install Required Plugins
1. Navigate to All > System Definition > Plugins (type: “plugins” to quickly locate)

2. Verify the following plugins are installed by clicking the “Installed” sub menu. If the
Customer Service plugin is not visible, click the “Available for you” sub menu
3. Click the plugin below, accept the defaults, and click Install until the installation process
a. Customer Service | Id: com.sn_customerservice
Note: If the Customer Service plugin needs to be installed, first install it, and wait for
the process to complete. Log out and log back in. Then install the plugin directly
b. Business Location
Activate the Business Location plugin (com.snc.business_location) to enable support
for businesses that interact with customers through business channels such as
departments, group stores, branches, franchises, and dealerships. This plugin
automatically activates the Service Organization plugin
(com.snc.service_organization). Starting with the Vancouver release, activating the
Business Location (com.snc.business_location) plugin automatically activates the
Case types (com.snc.csm_case_types) plugin.
4. Verify Query Rules is activated by setting the property sn_cs_queryrules.use_query_rules
to true. Query rules controls ‘Read’ access to cases based on roles and conditions
defined in the query rule tables
Note: If this is not activated and you have customized business rules and/or script included,
you may have unintended consequences; plan your migration accordingly.
5. Verify rules activation by navigating to those tables here: Customer Service >
Administration > Query rules

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and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the
respective companies with which they are associated.
2 – Setup the Service Organization properties
1. Navigate to Customer Service > Service Organizations > Internal Business Location (type:
“Service Org” to quickly locate)

2. Click on New at the top right corner

3. The baseline form with basic attributes will appear, fill out at a minimum
4. Note that the number is auto-generated, and since this is a parent location, as is the first
one we are configuring, this will be left empty
5. Hit on Submit
6. Now that you’ve successfully created your first location evaluate if any of the other fields
make sense for your use case:
a. Manager: select internal user who will be granted the role of location contributor
manager and will be able to see and manage the staff and install base of this
b. Street, City, State / Province, and Zip / Postal code are to be filled out if this is a
physical location. Consider making these mandatory if this is the case
Note: If this is not a physical location, remove the fields using the form layout or
create a new default view.
Note: this will create a new location in the common locations (cmn_location)
platform table. As of this release, updates can only be done from the SO to that
table, not vice versa, and you cannot relate existing locations to it.
c. Under the Details section, define if the location has a unique:
i. Customers served: optional. See section 7; it can be configured later

ii. Web URL, click on the lock to modify:

iii. Email address generally is recommended to be a shared mailbox or
distribution list, so the group is equally reachable
iv. Phone, useful for contacting if this is a physical location
1. Once the information is filled out, evaluate if there are any other unique attributes
required for internal fulfillers, so they resolve cases on behalf of business locations
a. Note: As a leading practice, before adding new fields, use form layout and form
designer to see common data tables that can be leveraged and added to this

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and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the
respective companies with which they are associated.
form. This is accessed by clicking the three lines next to the name, then configure,
and then the relevant option:

For instance, there is already a baseline choice menu for subtype business

2. If no baseline attributes suffice the need, you can create new ones. Examples are
specific fields for building number, floor, zone (if physical), Teams channel URL, or
Knowledge Base
Note: when adding fields, consider the data maintenance, security, and impact on
system performance.
Perform one last check to see which fields should always be mandatory when creating a new
business location from now on, and document them for your internal processes. You will need
this data for the next step, especially when doing a data import.

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and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the
respective companies with which they are associated.
3 – Create the Business Location Hierarchy
Now that the Parent Business Location has been modeled, it’s time to create the organizational
hierarchy as applicable. Use hierarchy to represent the business locations structure. Hierarchies
can be based on regions, reporting structures, or business structures. The leading practice is to
draft it offline in a diagramming application (Visio, Miro, Lucidchart, etc.) and then start
importing these. Refer to the industry examples section for guidance.
Keep in mind that:
• When creating a parent/child relationship, the manager will be able to manage all
children (at all levels) of the hierarchy as you locate them within the structure
• A business location without a parent is the initial location; the rest should have a
relationship. Avoid creating orphan locations
• There is no limit on levels within the hierarchy, but as leading UX practice, try to limit the
options to less than ten
• Even though it might not be an immediate business need, think about the organization's
future and how you can scale locations that might have growth later down the road. For
instance, creating a management entity with one or two members that might later be a
regional department can help reduce the need to re-engineer the structure
• Once the location has been added or related, you will find it under the Business
Locations tab on the related list of the parent record
When you are done defining the hierarchy, depending on the number of records, you can
either start creating these manually or bulk import them through a transform map and import set
table from the diagram you have completed. These tables must match 1:1 the mandatory
attributes discussed in step 2. Read more here.
Note: Identify the field name to define the parent location:

Technical details:
Name: sn_csm_business_location_internal.service_organization_parent
Table: sn_customer_service_organization
Field: service_organization_parent
Type: reference
Reference: sn_customer_service_organization
Reference Qual: ys_class_name=sn_csm_business_location_internal
Max Length: 32

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respective companies with which they are associated.
4 – Assign staff members and their roles
Once the business locations are created, it’s time to assign members to each location and their
roles, responsibilities, and relationships so staff can either:
• Create cases for any customer coming into their locations
• Access customer cases where the service organization matches the business locations to
which they have access
• Create cases for their service organization
• Be a listed member
Make sure the member is already loaded into the Users table. To check, go to System Security>
Users and Groups> Users and check they are listed.
The steps to add the member are:
1. Open the business location, go to the related list at the bottom, and click on Edit:

2. Select the team members from the Collection selector on the left and move to the Right
list (Members List)

3. Click Save and check the user was added

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and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the
respective companies with which they are associated.
Note: any previous relationships with customers will be automatically added to the business
location; see the Account Staff Relationship tab in this example. Remember that the
responsibility assigned to a relationship can give access to all the information for the customer
and manage cases on their behalf. For more on customer relationships, see Create an account
staff relationship, and Create a consumer staff relationship.
Now, it’s time to define the level of access and responsibility this member should have for this
particular location. As a reminder:
• A user who has a relationship with a customer/consumer/household and is assigned the
relationship agent role can create and manage cases on behalf of that unique
• A user who works at a business location and is assigned the location agent / manager
role can create and manage cases created for customers working with that location
(i.e., where the Service Organization field on the case lists their business location)
• A user who works at a business location and is assigned the location consumer agent
role can create and manage cases created for consumers working with that location
(i.e., where the Service Organization field on the case lists their business location)
For comparison, see below the differences between a manager and a staff member:


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Persona Security Entity Access rights
Business Role Business View information (staff, relationships, cases) for all business
location Locations locations under her Business Location Hierarchy
Staff Add staff to any business location in her hierarchy

Cases Access cases where the service organization on the case

matches their service organization hierarchy

Accounts, Create cases for any customer

View cases within their service organization hierarchy

Business Role Business Access to view information (staff, relationships, cases) on all
location Locations business locations they are associated to
Staff Can only see staff for locations they are associated to

Cases Can only access cases where the Service organization on the
case match their service organization

Accounts, Access to create cases for any customer, but can only see
Contacts, cases within their service organization hierarchy

a. To determine the responsibility (s) click on the name of the member

i. Then click on New under Service Organization Member Responsibilities:

b. Select the appropriate Type (read more under the roles section for SMF):


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respective companies with which they are associated.
c. Alternatively, go to Customer Service > Administration > Related Party
Configuration to rename an existing one or create a new one:

d. Once added, hit on Submit:

e. Check the responsibility is saved and add any others as needed

f. Tip: If you ever need to access the user record to verify it has the appropriate
roles needed, you can add the column to the Members table or when the
Service Organization Member is open, click on the information icon next to the


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and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the
respective companies with which they are associated.
g. Repeat for every team member until complete. Important: if you are adding
members in bulk, allocate all the data above within your transform map;
membership responsibilities are required to be indicated
h. If any of the members are required to be fulfillers for another location or a
customer, make sure you have added them also to a group with the location
agent or location consumer agent role at least. Find more details here


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respective companies with which they are associated.
5 – Define or relate the install base
Associate install base items or sold products with this location. For internal customer support
purposes, these products might not be actually “Sold” since this is an internal organization, think
of them as deployed, installed, or acquired. By doing this step you will be able to:
• Track and manage products and services installed at a business location
• Enable contributors at a business location to submit cases and request help
• Create and resolve cases for sold products and install base items deployed at a business
It is important to define these data elements given they will define the “what” when members
create cases against other locations.
Note: These are unrelated to customer-owned products or install base items as found on the
Consumer or Account-related tables. What we are defining here is the internal service
organization’s products deployed for its operational purposes.
See examples here:

Industry Service organization Staff Install base

• Store manager / Operator / • Refrigerators

Supervisor • HVAC
• Company store
Retail • Checkout Clerk • Self-checkout kiosks
• Pop-up store
• Maintenance Staff • POS System
• Franchise store
• Janitor • Markdown machines
• Warehouse Staff • Warehouse

• Hospital • Physicians • Medical devices

Healthcare • Clinic • Administrators • Beds
• Lab • Billing department • TVs
• Pharmacy • Academic Staff • Billing software
• General manager
• Dealerships
• Sales staff • Diagnostic machines
Automotive • Showrooms • Service floor machines
• Receptionists
• Authorized service centers • Car ordering systems
• Service department staff
• ATM machines
Financial • Tellers • Bank vaults
• Branches
Services • Loan officers • Conference phone
• Brokerages
• Financial advisors • Monitors
• Money counters

There are two options for this relationship to be created:


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respective companies with which they are associated.
1. If it doesn’t exist yet: Create a new install base item or sold product by going into the
location’s related list and clicking New:

2. If it already exists but is mistakenly related to an external customer:

a. Go into the respective module (Customer> Products)

b. Remove the current customer information and click on the form (otherwise the
Service Organization field will not show up)
c. Select the Service Organization:


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and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the
respective companies with which they are associated.
d. Save the form and confirm changes are done with the modified field:


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and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the
respective companies with which they are associated.
6 – Setup the Available Services (Optional - IBL only)
To contextualize the customer experience the business location will provide, you can relate a set
of products and services within the location. The staff can then address external and internal
customer queries about the unique products and services at a business location and optionally
raise a case on behalf of their customers.
In other words, you are defining what is available where. This is especially useful when there is a
unique complex process or workflow that we want to assign to one specific location (not
available in others) which we can later expose as a catalog item or Playbook in the Business
Location Service Portal (if requesting), or Configurable Workspace (if fulfilling) optionally
attached to a case type.
• Example: car wash service is offered only at dealerships with the required wash-up
facility. Whereas car loans are offered at all dealerships. For more examples, refer to the
industry examples section where a shared service was defined
• Agents then will see a filtered list of services offered when a service organization is
selected during the case opening
• Business Location Service Portal will show only available services at a service organization
• Service organization criteria will help set a filter condition to specify which service
organization offers the service. Example: Type = facility
• When new service organizations get added, the criteria set up will automatically allow or
disallow service availability at the new service organization
Other industry examples:
• Public Services – As a government agency, it offers specialized services like Licenses &
Permits, DMV, and Disaster Recovery to Constituents/Businesses
• Consumer Banking - As a Bank branch, one can specialize in home loans could offer
services like applying for a new home loan, change in interest rates, etc. Vs a bank
branch specializing in investment banking products
• Insurance – As a broker, I only offer personal health insurance vs other brokers who offer
auto insurance
• Retail Service Centers – There’s a service center that offers Mobile, tablet, and laptop
services vs. others that offer Refrigerator, Television, and A/Cs
• Higher Ed – As a department of a University, I want to track the list of products and
services offered by my department. For example, the Mental health department offers
individual and group counseling vs. student admission support department, assists
students with the application process


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1. Go to Customer Service > Administration > Service Definition:

2. See the following steps for details on how to Create a service definition
3. See the following steps for details on how to Associate a product with a service definition
4. Once created, define a subset of Internal Business Locations to which the service should
apply. This is done through Service Organization Criteria. See the next section for details
on how to configure this


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respective companies with which they are associated.
7 – Define Service Organization Criteria (Optional)
To define the subset of internal customers that will have an available service related to them do
the following:
1. Go to Customer Service > Service Organizations > Administration > Service Organization
Criteria and click on New
2. Define the criteria through the builder to query the specific locations. If this is for external
customer support, then you must select Account, Consumer, or Household from the
drop-down list in the Table field. For internal customer support purposes, only Internal
Business Locations are supported as of this release:

For more details and options, see Create the criterial for a service organization.

3. Click on Preview to verify the criteria is working as expected, and a new window will
display the results:

Note: Support can be extended to other tables by configuring them in the

SOCriteriaTableScript script include.


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respective companies with which they are associated.
4. Go back to the Service Definition (defined in section 6) and under the related list at the
bottom go to Service Organizations offering Service and click on New
5. Select the criteria created:

6. Click on Submit
7. Go back to the Service Definition and open the Service Organizations offering Service
dropdown. Select “Criteria-based” and check the following fields (signaled with a red
arrow) have the expected values:

8. Click on Update and test in Workspace by attempting to create a case for this set of
business locations. The modular selector will show this (Car Wash in the example) as an
9. If you require specific catalog items to be tied to this service so agents can filter
specifically what the business location is entitled to, go to the Catalog Service


© 2024 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, Now Platform, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks
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respective companies with which they are associated.
Relationships tab, and click on New to relate the catalog item. Read more here:
Configure catalog items for a service definition
10. Finally, verify the configuration has been completed by going into the Available Services
tab within the Business Location that was part of the criteria (Location 1 and LA City
Center East per the screenshot on step 3) and verify it is part of the list

Side-to-side comparison of locations (left has the Available Service, right does not since
it’s not part of the criteria)
Additionally, you can leverage criteria configuration to limit the external customers (Accounts,
Consumers, and Households) that are serviced by a business location, inclusive of the customer’s
data. Your organization can associate your customers, accounts, and households with business
locations and even create or resolve cases on behalf of customers.
Skip this section if the business location was created only for internal customer support (from the
front office to the middle office or between middle offices) as there is no need to associate
Example: 5 consumers are serviced by the LA dealership, whereas 70 are serviced by the San
Diego dealership.
• When an agent opens a case and selects a service organization, they will get a filtered
list of customers serviced by the service organization. They cannot open a case for all
customers, independently of role association. Service Organization Criteria will help set
filter condition to specify which consumers are served by the service org
Example: Consumers whose zip code starts with LA.
• When new consumers are added, the criteria will automatically allow or disallow the
opening of cases for the new consumers at a service org
The steps to associate with external customers are similar:
1. Go back and create a Service Organization Criteria by click new and selecting the type
of external customer instead of business location:


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respective companies with which they are associated.
2. Build out the specific criteria conditions or query filter that matches the list of records in a
3. Verify by clicking on Preview
4. Go to the specific Internal Business Location, verify the Customer Criteria exist on the
Service Organization Customer Criteria tab at the bottom of the screen
5. Finally, change the Customers served by selecting Criteria-based instead of All
Customers (default) in the Details section (usually found in the middle of the interface):


© 2024 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL. ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, Now Platform, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks
and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the
respective companies with which they are associated.
8 – Configure the Case form views and Case Types
As part of our last steps, we need to enable the Case form record to show the fields that are
now part of the internal customer support architecture. This is done in the classic UI.
Note: As of the Vancouver release, Interactions are not supported with the SMF data model.
1. Navigate to All > Customer Service > Cases > Create New
2. Click on the hamburger menu and select Configure and then Form Layout:

3. Move the Requesting Service Organization, Service Organization, and Internal User fields
from the Available column to the Selected column under the Customer Details section
(left bottom of the screen) for both the Workspace view and the Case/Default views:

Note: The field Service Organization defines the receiving or supporting business location
(the “to”) when creating the case while the Requesting Service Organization defines the
requestor or “from” business location. Internal User is the internal employee asking for
help for an account, consumer, or service organization, or for themselves.
4. Optionally you can add related lists (such as business locations) on classic view. For more
information about adding a related list to a form, see Configuring the form layout
5. Click on Save


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and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the
respective companies with which they are associated.
6. Test by opening a new case in the Configurable Workspace and interacting with the
form fields:

Note: For internal customer support only these three fields need to be added. If the other
external customer fields are populated on top of these (Account, Contact, Consumer,
Household), then this means the requestor is asking on behalf of a customer and the case is no
longer internal customer support (B2E) only.
See our documentation for specific steps: Create and manage cases for a business location.
As a reminder, please see which permissions the internal agent user can manage per role:

User Required role Can access

Can manage the cases in their

Location manager Location manager
location hierarchy.

Location agent and

Can manage the cases in their
Location staff member Location consumer

Account manager Relationship agent Can manage cases for their accounts.

Can manage cases for their

Consumer relationship manager Relationship agent

Can manage cases for their

Household relationship manager Relationship agent


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and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the
respective companies with which they are associated.
As a leading practice, additional case types might need to be created that align with the
business process-specific cases for each of the business locations and their services offered.
These will be related later to the Service Definitions found in step 6 so agents can follow a
specific flow instead of the generic, more external-facing base case flow.
Proper use of case types gives a particular receiving Service Organization the ability to configure
distinct forms, workflows, and processes that may be different from another business location
within the overarching internal organization while sharing the same customer database
(citizens/consumers/students). Case types can also be used in combination with location roles to
ensure that certain cases are only visible to the proper business location.
See some examples of internal customer support case types and descriptions:

Case type Description Specific attributes on process

Service definition for specific

Form to request a consultant at product or service
a specific time to do an expert Different KPIs
Consulting services
connect service to another
business group Appointment functionality
Due date

Service definition for specific

product or service
Different KPIs
Form to gather information to fix
Maintenance case Possible integration to leverage
physical items on location
FSM so a work order gets
triggered after location agent
has gather enough information
for dispatching

How many people is attending

the event?
Are any specific licenses
Form to gather information so required?
the logistics team can help
Logistics case Any materials needed? If yes,
coordinate usage of
amphitheater how many?
By when is this needed? Deny all
cases if they don’t have at least
24-hour notice

Type of supply item

If choosing blanket, are these for
baths, babies, flat sheets, fitted
Used within Healthcare industry, sheets, other?
transfer of specific supplies such
Supplies transfer Quantity
as blankets from one clinic to
another Location specifics (building, floor,
By when? Urgent? Change KPIs
and dashboard based on this


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respective companies with which they are associated.
Don’t forget to leverage Playbooks functionality for long-running processes that require several
teams working together. For more details, see Playbooks for Customer Service Management.
Refer to the Case Types Best Practices and then the Case Types Guided Setup to properly
configure case types based on your requirements.

Service Organizations and Service Management

Integrating CSM with Service Management records will be necessary at some level to effectively
implement this model. For additional guidance on this process, review the following resource:
CSM with ITSM Implementation Guide.
Note: As of the Vancouver release, there is no baseline integration of the SMF model into Service
Management records and it needs to be configured manually following the leading practices
found on the linked white paper. For Service Request see below;

Extending access limitation to service requests (REQ):

The service organization security model restricts agents to view only cases belonging to their
service organization(s) but does not restrict/control the visibility of submitted Request/Request
Items. To do this:
1. Relate the Service Organization field in the "Request/Request Item" table to capture this
information (modeled after the baseline contributor users record producer
2. Define custom access control rules/query business rules to implement additional access
control for the Request/Request Items
3. Refer to the OOB ACL defined for the "sn_customerservice.svc_location_agent" role and
Case table
4. Use function "global.ServiceOrganizationUtil().isUserInOrg(gs.getUserID(),
current.service_organization)" to determine whether a user is a member of a given
service organization


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respective companies with which they are associated.
To make requests belonging to the service organization visible to location staff, follow the steps
1. To tag requests to the service organization, make sure the “Service Organization” field is
available on the Request table
2. Create ACL to expose “Request” to location agents, location manager, relationship
agent, and location contributor

3. Create Before query business rule to use query rules:

4. Create a query rule to display the requests belonging to the service organization to the
location members by navigating to Customer Service > Administration > Query rules:


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respective companies with which they are associated.
Relating assignment groups to service organizations (Optional)
If you already have platform assignment groups for some of these location agents that are part
of a service organization (and contain the proper case data visibility) or would like to relate
them so you can manage them from a single place, this must be configured manually as it is not
supported OOB.
You can establish a “many to many” (M2M) relationship between the Service Organizations
table and the Assignment Groups table so when users are added to associated assignment
groups, group types change, groups are deleted, or business location associations change,
users are automatically assigned or removed from the correct locations responsibility and/or
1. Create relevant group types, that correspond to the service organization responsibilities
a. These responsibilities can be found in the Related Party Configuration table
b. To see the SO-related relationship types, the filer on the Related Party
Configuration table should be “Applies to = Service Organization”
c. The name of the created group types should be exactly the same as the names
found in the Related Party Configuration

As a reminder, the OOB group types are:

• Location Agent
• Location Consumer Agent
• Location Contributor
• Location Manager Contributor
• Location Manager Fulfiller
• Location Relationship Manager
2. Create the M2M to associate the service organization to the group:


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respective companies with which they are associated.
Note: The group should contain the correct role (e.g.
sn_customerservice.svc_location_consumer_agent) too.
3. Create a Script Include to help with subsequent business rules
You can add functions to the baseline ServiceOrganizationUtil script include,
which extends the baseline read-only ServiceOrganizationUtilSNC:
var ServiceOrganizationUtil = Class.create();
ServiceOrganizationUtil.prototype = Object.extendsObject(ServiceOrganizationUtilSNC, {

// = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// A users group membership has changed and needs to be added or removed from a SO
groupMembershipChanged: function (user, group, addOrRemove) {…},
// = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// A group's type has changed and it's users might need to be added or removed from a SO
groupTypeChanged: function (groupCurrent, groupPrevious) {…},
// = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// A group has been deleted and it's users might need to be added or removed from a SO
deletedGroup: function (group) {…},
// = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// A group has been removed or associated with a Service Organization
groupSOassociationChanged: function (group, so, operation) {…},
// = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// Get the list of this group's types that are associated to SO Related Party Configurations (SO responsibilities)
getSoTypesToGroup: function (groupTypes) {…},
// = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// Get the list of Service Orgs related to this Group
getSOsAssociatedToGroup: function (group_sys_id) {…},
// = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// Get the list of Groups related to the Service Org
getGroupsAssociatedToSO: function (so_sys_id) {…},
// = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// Check if the user already has membership to the SO. If not, will add that user as a member
addUserToSO: function (user, so_list) {…},
// = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// Add the required member responsibilities to the user
addResponsibilitiesToSO: function (user, so_list, so_type_list) {…},
// = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


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respective companies with which they are associated.
// (Used in the reference qualifier in the case table dictionary override for the assignmnet group field)
// Get all assignment groups related to the service organization
getAssignmentGroupsbySO: function (so_sys_id) {…},
// = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// Remove a user's responsibilites from the Service Org
// If the user don't have any responsibilites left at the Service Org at in the end, remove the user from the Service Org as well.
removeResponsibilitiesAndSOifRequired: function (user, group_sys_id, so_list, so_type_list) {…},
// = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// Get a list of Service Org responsibility types that should be removed from the user
// The group_sys_id is the sys_id of the group that initiated this removal
// The so_type_list is a list of SO types that is associated with this above group
// The function below checks if the user should still have some responsibility, based on other group memberships. If so, it reduces the original removal list to only those SO types
that should be removed.
getSoTypesToRemove: function (user, group_sys_id, so, so_type_list) {…},
// = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// Removes specified responsibility types from the user (in the given Service Org)
removeUserResponsibilites: function (user, so, so_type_list_to_remove) {…},
// = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// Checks if the user has any responsibilities left in the Service Org. If none, remove that user from the Service Org
checkSOandRemoveIfRequired: function (user, so) {…},
// = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// Check if the group is a legitimate assignment group type for SOs
checkSoGroupLegitimate: function (currentGroup, previousGroup) {…},
type: 'ServiceOrganizationUtil'


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respective companies with which they are associated.
a. Create the business rule on sys_user_grmember [to add/remove members from
service org when adding them to the associated assignment groups]:

b. Create the business rule on sys_user_group [to add/remove members from

Service Org when updating group type OR deleting a group linked to a service


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and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the
respective companies with which they are associated.
c. Create the business rule on m2m table (group → Service Org) [to add/remove
members from service org when linking/unlinking assignment groups and service


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and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the
respective companies with which they are associated.
4. Update the Dictionary Entry Override for case assignment group using the function
getAssignmentGroupsbySO (added to ServiceOrganizationUtil in step 3)

Final considerations:
• As the ServiceOrganizationUtil script include is in the global scope, allow deletion
from global scope on some Service Org tables and the M2M table
- sn_csm_svc_org_member_responsibility
- sn_csm_service_organization_member
- sn_service_org_m2m_sys_user_group (created M2M table)
• Ensure that the assignment groups have the correct roles assigned
- Example, if the group is of type “Location Consumer Agent & Location
Agent”, make sure the sn_customerservice.svc_location_consumer_agent
& sn_customerservice.svc_location_agent is assigned to that group


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9 – Configure the Business Location Service Portal (BLSP)

The BLSP is enabled baseline once you activate the SMF data model. Access it by navigating to
This is a dedicated web portal designed for requestors of service organizations to be able to
manage their locations (if they are managers), see cases opened on behalf of their location
and have a specific catalog of services, knowledge bases, communities (if installed) and more
available in an easy-to-use interface.

Features for internal customers

Members of the service organization, depending on access granted:
• Do not need to access multiple systems or interfaces to manage a location or group
• Staff can have an easy self-service way to run the day-to-day operations, such as
adding and moving staff, tracking the status of products installed at the business
location, and submitting cases for their maintenance
• View business location details:


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respective companies with which they are associated.
• View list of cases by the staff at the business location
• View list of sold products for the business location
• View the install base for the business location:


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respective companies with which they are associated.
• Create and track cases on behalf of self, location, consumer, or account:

• Create external new staff members for the business location:

• Assign existing staff members to the business location

• Assign location responsibilities to staff members at the business location
• Access knowledge base articles
• Leverage communities to enable collaboration, discussions, or gamification on
content creation across their service organizations


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respective companies with which they are associated.
Refer to the below leading practices for configuration on the BLSP:
1. Before testing, ensure you are impersonating the correct members with the correct roles.
Do so with each persona in scope. Even when you are an admin, if you don’t have
relationships to a business location you won’t be able to test or access the appropriate
data− your screen would look this instead:

2. Depending on the use case, modify the name of the widget “My Business Locations” to
“My Business Groups” (if logical or non-physical locations) or “Service Organizations” (if
supporting both types of locations). Make sure to be consistent and maintain the same
naming convention across all the menus and documentation across the process and
3. The Business Location details widget is a great way of communicating certain general
information to the audience as you have configured in step #2 of this guide (examples: a
team logo, a code, a slogan, among others)
4. As discussed in steps 6 and 7, create detailed catalog items for specific services as
appropriate and leverage case types as necessary
Note: OOB you will only find the Contributor users record producer called Create a
customer case. You might want to either change the name (since most people will relate
the word customer with external support only) or create a separate one with just this
basic functionality.
5. Implement Knowledge Base Entitlements so the knowledge base is more relevant to the
internal audiences. For details, see Knowledge product entitlements
Note: Also consider the products they will be supporting for customers if they are doing
more than internal customer support. If you don’t have the configuration for this, at least
relate a Knowledge Base to this user criteria.
6. Follow the same steps (Branding, Menus, Homepage, Widgets, Roles, Search) as you
would for external customer support. For detailed steps, see: Customize the Customer
and Consumer portals


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respective companies with which they are associated.
7. Monitor usage of the portal for performance and issue prevention. For details, see Port
usage calculation
8. Use UX Analytics to determine high-traffic areas of the portal, to improve portal usability.
For more details, see User Experience Analytics


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respective companies with which they are associated.
10 – Test your configuration
After completing all the above steps, follow these steps:
As requestor:
1. Impersonate a member of an internal business location with at least the role of service
organization contributor (sn_customerservice.service_organization_contributor) and/or
self contributor (sn_customerservice.self_contributor)
2. Navigate to the BLSP portal and access your related business entity by clicking on its

Verify you can see the details of the SO, cases requested, products and install base items
deployed at this SO, available services and any related external customers (if any):


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respective companies with which they are associated.
Note: The Service Organization column denotes the SO that will resolve the case. For this
example, we have created several cases in advance. You can verify this after the next
step too. This same screen is where a business location manager can add or remove
members as needed. Due to the role logged in, this part of the functionality is not shown
in the above screenshot.


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respective companies with which they are associated.
3. Click on Create or go to Support and create a case out of the baseline catalog item
(Create a Customer Case) on behalf of the business location or themselves (depending
on role) it should look like this:


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4. Click on Submit and verify you can see the progress of the case:

5. Return to the main screen and access the relevant related Knowledge Base and
Knowledge article:


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As admin:
Go to the tested Internal Service Location and make sure you can see the submitted case in the
Case Assigned to Location tab (in the related list at the bottom of the form):

As fulfiller:
1. Impersonate a member of an internal business location with the responsibility of location
agent and making sure they have the role of location agent
2. Navigate to Customer Service > Cases > Assigned to My Locations:

3. Make sure you can see the specific case submitted from the previous steps:


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respective companies with which they are associated.
4. Go to the CSM Configurable Workspace and try to access the same case as well as any
business location details for both service organizations:


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Note: This particular role doesn’t grant the user visibility to the rest of the cases from
external customers or other service organizations.
5. Add note and assigned case to yourself and your resolver group:

Note: There are no Work notes UI action, just Comments. This is because this is all for
internal customers so there is no separation between these two.


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respective companies with which they are associated.
6. Resolve the case and verify resolution through the BLSP with the other role:

7. You have successfully completed the workflow for internal customer support!

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Appendix I – Definitions
• Customer: An individual or a person representing a business that has acquired a product
or service from your company
• External customer: An individual or a person representing a business that has purchased
a product or service from your company, it is external to your company and has
generated revenue
• Internal customer: Employees, resellers, or contractors that represent your company and
can request services and products from other organizations within your company and
only optionally generate revenue. These services and products can be the same as your
external customers (e.g. a credit card for a bank teller) or unique to their organization
(e.g. finance support to their business unit) or unique to themselves (password reset for
their tablet)
• B2E: Business to employee, business entities (locations or groups) and/or their employees
creating cases for each other in a shared services model or to fulfill individual operational
queries from internal employees
• Central Support: Usually representing the corporate side of a company, this is the
centralized support team an external or internal customer may request help from. This
may be a contact center, a center of excellence (CoE) or a business unit that is part of a
shared service
• Customer value chain: To provide full value to a customer experience, we must
recognize there are many players involved in receiving and providing products and
services offered by a company. The value chain for a customer starts on the receiving
side where we define who they are by mapping their structure and what products or
services they have acquired from the company offerings. Once these are purchased
and/or consumed, those who provide service on behalf of the company need to be
defined. This is where we find central support and business entities (physical or digital)
that serve customer segments. They don’t have to be owned by your company or
exclusively serve an external customer. They ultimately shape the overall customer
experience since they are interconnected at different points of the customer journey
with the goal of providing optimal service
• Install base: Each business entity can have a unique relationship to products and services
installed that allow the day-to-day operations of internal customers. These can be
internal (such as a TV monitor, A/C repair, or office supplies) and/or can in the service of
external customers (self-service kiosks or products sold at a store)
• Service Model Foundation (SMF): The core framework and guidance for building and
modeling the entities that are involved in the provider side of the customer value chain.
This framework introduces new entities, such as service organizations, and internal and
external business locations. It also introduces roles and relationships that provide both
flexibility and control in granting access to customer cases and information
• Service organizations (SO): The grouping of internal and external entities that are
involved in providing a service to internal and external customers and can be extended,
related, and evolved as needed


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and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the
respective companies with which they are associated.
• Internal Business Location/group (IBL): Also called internal service organization. The
internal entities that belong to a service organization and are involved in providing
products and services to internal and external customers. Examples: Stores, branches,
and centers. Doesn’t have to be a physical location
• External Business Location/group (EBL): Also called external service organization. The
external entities that belong to a service organization and are involved in providing
products and services to internal and external customers. Examples: Franchises,
dealerships, resellers. Doesn’t have to be a physical location
• Members: The individuals who work at internal and external service organizations and
could assist customers. They can be fulfillers, approvers, or only requestors (internal
• Roles: Job functions that are performed by various users in the service organization
• Responsibility definition: definitions of the responsibilities or duties a user can have for a
customer within a specific service organization. They may vary depending on the
business entity
• Relationships: Relations that are created between agents and customers. These relations
are based on specific responsibilities. Use these relationships to provide additional access
to data. A user may have multiple relationships with different business entities and
• Outsourced Service Provider: Fully contracted external companies that provide customer
service to customers, for reasons such as regional, language, or seasonal support
• Business Location Service Portal (BLSP): Dedicated web portal for business entities and
their members to request service on behalf of customers, their location/group, or
themselves. It includes the service portal general functionalities (such as catalog
management, knowledge base, profile management, among others) as well as specific
data model functionality such as membership self-service or for certain roles, managing
properties of the business location/group
• Product: Specific product or service versions offered by the company that could be
purchased, there is no specific relationship with a customer, so these are considered
• Sold Product: Sold products are products that have been sold or owned by a customer
and defined from a commercial perspective
• Install Base Item: Install base items contain the detailed technical specs of the customer-
purchased/in-use product and can be used to track versions that have been provisioned
digitally or installed at a location


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respective companies with which they are associated.
Appendix II – Related links
• Internal Customer Support (B2E) Implementation Insights
Internal Customer Support Implementation Insights
• SMF for Customer Service Management Product Documentation
• Service Model Foundation Data Sheet
Data Sheet
• Overview of Service Model Foundation – Webinar
Getting Started with Service Organizations for CSM - YouTube
• Now Create - Process Workshop
Data Management for CSM - Process Workshop Presentation


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respective companies with which they are associated.

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