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3 Term Examination


Grade 08
Model Paper
• Answer all the questions.
• Each question carries a maximum of 10 marks.

(01) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions.

through, of, along, at, in, by, into, from, at. between

The ancient city of Petra, located ________ the heart of the Jordanian desert, is a marvel
________ both natural and human ingenuity. Carved directly ________ the rose-red cliffs,
this archaeological site has stood the test of time. Visitors often marvel ________ the
intricate facades and the grandiose architecture, which were crafted ________ the
Nabataeans more than two thousand years ago.

Exploring Petra requires a full day of trekking ________ narrow canyons and open plains.
The journey begins ________ the Siq, a narrow gorge that winds ________ towering rock
walls. As you emerge ________ the Siq, the awe-inspiring Treasury appears, with its
elaborately carved facade greeting you. Further ________ the main trail, the Monastery
stands as another monumental achievement, showcasing the remarkable engineering skills
of its ancient builders.

(02) Convert the following sentences into questions.

1. She will visit her grandparents next week.

2. They are going to have a party tomorrow night.
3. He had finished his project before the deadline.

4. By next month, they will have completed the construction.

5. I will be attending the conference at this time tomorrow.

6. They cooked dinner for the whole family.
7. She has never seen a shooting star.
8. They are playing chess in the living room.
9. He had been working there for ten years before he retired.
10. They will have been living in this city for five years next month.

(03)Choose the correct tense form (Simple Present, Simple Past, Present
Continuous, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Simple Future, Future
Continuous, Past Perfect, Future Perfect) to complete the sentences.

1. She ________________________________ (study) for her exams right now.

2. They ________________________________ (visit) their grandparents last weekend.

3. By the end of this month, I ________________________________ (finish) my


4. He ________________________________ (write) his novel for the past two years.

5. We ________________________________ (eat) dinner when the phone rang.

6. The train ________________________________ (leave) at 6 PM every day.

7. You ________________________________ (see) this movie before?

8. By the time she arrives, they ________________________________ (complete) the


9. He ________________________________ (paint) the house next week.

10. When I got to the party, everyone ________________________________ (dance).

(04) Determine the tense of each sentence. (Simple Present, Simple Past,
Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Simple Future,
Future Continuous, Past Perfect, Future Perfect)

1. She has visited many countries.

2. They went to the museum yesterday.
3. He is reading a book right now.
4. They were watching a movie when I called.
5. She studies for two hours every day.
6. They will travel to Europe next summer.
7. I will be meeting my friends at the café tomorrow.
8. He had finished his homework before dinner.
9. By next year, she will have graduated from college.
10. They will have been working here for ten years by the end of this year.

(05)Convert the following sentences to Indirect speech.

1. She said, "I have already visited that museum."

2. "Are you coming to the party?" he asked.
3. "Please don't disturb me," she requested.
4. He said, "I will finish the project by Friday."
5. "Have you seen my keys?" she wondered.
6. "Let's go for a walk," he suggested.
7. She said, "I had never seen such a beautiful sunset before."
8. "Will they arrive on time?" he inquired.
9. "Please turn off the lights," she reminded.
10. He asked, "Can you pass me the salt?"

(06)Convert the following sentences to Passive Voice.

1. They built a new school in our neighborhood.

2. The chef is preparing a special dinner tonight.
3. The teacher will assign the homework tomorrow.
4. The team has won the championship trophy.
5. Someone stole my bike yesterday.
6. The company awarded him Employee of the Year.
7. They are renovating the old building next month.
8. The teacher gives homework every day.
9. They had finished the project before the deadline.
10. She will publish her first novel next year.

(07) Read the passage and answer the questions.

The Exploration of Mars

Humanity's fascination with Mars has persisted for centuries, but it wasn't until the 20th
century that we began to seriously contemplate sending missions to the Red Planet. Mars,
with its rusty surface and polar ice caps, has long been a subject of scientific inquiry and
speculation. In recent decades, advancements in technology have enabled robotic explorers
to traverse its rugged terrain, sending back invaluable data about its atmosphere, geology,
and potential for past or present life.

NASA's Mars rovers, including Curiosity and Perseverance, have played pivotal roles in
uncovering the mysteries of Mars. These rovers, equipped with sophisticated instruments,
have analyzed Martian soil and rocks, revealing clues about the planet's history and
evolution. Meanwhile, orbiters like MAVEN have studied Mars' atmosphere, providing
insights into its climate dynamics and the possibility of liquid water beneath its surface.

Looking ahead, international collaborations are poised to expand humanity's presence on

Mars. Plans for crewed missions and even establishing habitats on Mars are actively being
discussed. These endeavors not only push the boundaries of human exploration but also
hold promise for answering profound questions about the origins of our solar system and the
potential for life beyond Earth.

1. What historical developments led to humanity's interest in Mars exploration?



2. How have robotic explorers contributed to our understanding of Mars? Provide

examples from the passage.


3. Describe the roles of NASA's Mars rovers and orbiters in the exploration of Mars.


4. What are the scientific goals of studying Mars' atmosphere and geology?


5. What future plans are discussed regarding human exploration of Mars?


6. How do international collaborations contribute to Mars exploration efforts?



7. What are some of the potential benefits of establishing habitats on Mars?



8. Define the following terms based on their context in the passage:

I. Geology
II. Atmosphere
III. Evolution (as used in the context of planetary science)
IV. Clues
V. Dynamics

(08)Summarize the following passage into 30-50 words.

In recent years, climate change has emerged as a pressing global issue. Rising
temperatures, melting ice caps, and unpredictable weather patterns underscore the urgent
need for action. Governments and communities worldwide are grappling with strategies to
reduce carbon emissions, protect vulnerable ecosystems, and adapt to a changing climate.
The transition to renewable energy sources and international agreements like the Paris
Climate Accord are pivotal steps in addressing this multifaceted challenge.


(09) Write an email to your best friend inviting them to your birthday party next weekend.
Include details such as the time, venue, and any special activities planned. Also, ask them
to confirm their attendance. The email must contain 85 – 100 words.


(10)You are the President of the Student Council at your school. Write a formal
letter to the Principal requesting permission to organize a charity fundraiser
on behalf of a local community organization. Outline the purpose of the
fundraiser, proposed activities, and how it will benefit the community.
Request a meeting to discuss the details further. The letter body must
contain 100 – 120 words.





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