ETC imp_c82d1475-70ae-4d65-a61a-d2552137aab7

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Define „communication‟ and Explain communication cycle with

2. Explain the term „paralinguistic features‟ with reference to a
presentation and exemplify various paralinguistic features.
3. Describe in detail different components of proxemics.
4. Discuss non- verbal communication with special reference to kinesics
5. What is the importance of interpersonal and intercultural
communication in today‟s Organizations?
6. Write a note on the importance of preparing Agenda of meeting.
7. Discuss the guidelines for writing a good technical description?
8. Give a brief introduction of the standard and additional elements of
Letter Writing.
9. Explain the importance of writing resume in job application. Discuss
standard parts of a resume
10. What are the salient features of report writing?
11. What is a Technical Proposal? Discuss in detail the elements of its
12. Discuss the strategies that one should generally employ while
planning his/her presentation.
13. What do you mean by initiation and summarizing technique in group
14. “Speeches are not just meant to be spoken, they also are required to
be made interesting to the audience” – what are the strategies that
can make public speech effective?
15. Which personality traits are judged during group Discussion?
16. What is a job Interview? Discuss the interview process and various
stages that a candidate has to face for getting a job?
17. What is negotiation skill? Explain basic negotiation strategies.
18. How critical and creative thinking does help for successful
19. What do you mean by ethics in engineering? What is its scope?
20. “Ethics is not same as the law” explain the statement.

YouTube, Instagram, telegram, twitter, Facebook: Priyeshsir Vidhyapeeth

21. How can you identify ethical corporations and responsible
professional? Substantiate your answer with real life example.
22. What should one do to resolve ethical dilemma? Express your
23. What are the basic manners required to attend telephone calls?
24. What helps us conduct effective small talks with known or unknown
25. Pen down the etiquettes, a person should posses for foreign business
26. What are the soft skills needed to expand professional relationships
27. Give a brief note on major themes arising from the literature on time
28. Write a short note on the following: 1. Respecting privacy 2. Learning
to say NO
29. What are the techniques of effective time management? Explain
advantages of time management.
30. Explain various approaches for making moral choices

YouTube, Instagram, telegram, twitter, Facebook: Priyeshsir Vidhyapeeth

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