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Holidays Homework

Grade V

Beat the heat by staying cool,

It’s the season to drool…

...over mangoes, melons and berries!

Stay hydrated and eat cherries.

Homework is there to keep you busy,

Once done, the holidays become easy!


Make a booklet that should include:

 10 proverbs and idioms each.
 Compose a poem using idioms or proverbs of your choice,
giving a suitable title to your poem.
 Design your booklet, adding a blurb to it.

Note: Presentation of the booklet to be done in the class,

giving all the details regarding the same that should
motivate your peers to read it.

Task II

Takeout the printout of the English grammar worksheets

attached below and compile the same in a folder.
Name : Roll No : Class : V

Date : Subject : ENGLISH

2024-25 Topic : Holiday Homework Summer Break
I. Pick out the Nouns in the following sentences and say whether they are
Proper, Common, Material, Collective or Abstract.
i. Raman is an ebullient boy.
ii. One should believe in truth. Nouns
iii. A soldier is respected for his bravery.
iv. Ornaments are made of gold and silver.
v. Mumbai is a populous city.
vi. Our team won the match.
vii. Blindness is the greatest curse.
viii. Wisdom is better than strength.

II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate nouns:

i. ________________is the seventh planet from the Sun. (proper noun)
ii. The hinges of the ___________________ are broken. (common noun)
iii. A of kittens were hiding behind the bushes. (collective noun)
iv. The ________________ of the baby frightened everybody. (abstract noun)
v. Radha purchased a _______ bangle for herself. (material
vi. All companies have a _______ of directors.(collective noun)
III. Underline the pronoun and mention its kind:
i. He was accused of robbery in the society.
ii. I myself wrote a poem, yesterday night.
iii. Who was shouting in the corridor?
iv. I met the singer who won the first prize in the
v. These kittens were found under the tree.
vi. They are not my rivals.

IV. Write two sentences of each pronoun mentioned below and colour the
pronouns used in the sentences:
i. Relative pronouns

1. _________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________

ii. Personal pronouns


iii. Possessive pronouns

1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________

iv. Interrogative pronouns

1. ___________________________________________________________________
Verbs are called action verbs. For example, go, sit, run, stand, talk etc. The words
am, is, are, were, being and been are different forms of the verb- be. They are used as
helping verbs in a sentence.

V. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate verbs:

i. Owls in the daylight. Verbs

ii. Mr. Roy a new car.

iii. Children mangoes.
iv. I a coin on the road yesterday.
v. The teacher us about rotation and revolution.
vi. The diamonds were in the sunshine.
vii. The train on rails.
viii. I newspaper every day.

VI. Fill in the blanks with the antonyms of the underlined verbs:
i. Priya gave Nidhi a bouquet of flowers and Nidhi it.
ii. We inhale oxygen when we breathe in and carbon dioxide when
we breathe out.
iii. As the sun appeared in the sky, the moon gradually .
iv. Asif will throw the ball and Atul will it.
v. I dishonest people but I like those who are honest.
vi. The road is very narrow here but if you move little further it becomes
vii. The trekkers the hill slowly but descended it quickly.
viii. Metals expand on heating and on cooling.
VII. Fill in the blanks with the types of adjectives as indicated in the brackets:
i. There are years in a century.
(numeral adjective) Adjectives

ii. There is water in the reservoir. (adjective of quantity)

iii. The mountains are full of flowers. (adjective of quality)
iv. My friend got place in the relay race. (adjective of number)
v. Sikkim experienced a rain yesterday. (adjective of quality)
vi. The most butterflies and moths are found in forest. (adjective
of quality)

VIII. Fill in the blanks with the correct articles:

i. Gaurav likes grey T-shirt kept there, better than the red one.
ii. This is interesting book for you to read in the holidays.
iii. Romi has terrible headache so he took some medicine.
iv. Sheena has whole evening free to explore the city, after this tour.
v. Somya is honest girl as she never lies.
vi. It’s raining outside so I will need umbrella. Articles

vii. It takes me long time to get to work every day.

viii. I will be staying at Taj Hotel when I go for holiday to Goa.

IX. Read the following passages and fill in the blanks with the most appropriate

I have two brothers. Sunny, who is still in college in New York, and
other, Ronny, has already graduated. Ronny is serious kind
of man. He has been working for IT firm, ever since he completed his
graduation. Sunny being youngest is a pampered child. I still
remember last time I saw Sunny in California. He was wearing red
pullover. pullover was gift from me on his
birthday. He threw grand party for his friends and returned home at 2 a.m. I
advised him not to attend late-night parties. He agreed that he would never repeat it.
X. Read the letter Rohan wrote to his friend Kartik. He wants to make it more
effective by adding adverbs. Help him to write the correct adverbs in the space given,
as indicated in the help box:
finally too always loudly encouragingly
yesterday nervously proudly happily never

Sector 36 A
Chandigarh 160020
22 May 2022

Dear Kartik,

How are you? Today I am (degree) happy. (time).

I was awarded the ‘Best Student Scholarship’ at the Annual Function. I heard my name
being announced (manner). As I walked _________(manner) towards
the stage, my heart was beating _______________(manner). My parents waved
(manner) at me and my teacher, who has (frequency) motivated me smiled
(manner) at me. I had ____________ (frequency) been so happy in my
life._____________. (time) I have made everyone proud of me. I thank God for his
blessings and my family for their support.

Your friend
XI. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions: Prepositions

i. There is a parcel of books you the table.

ii. The helicopter hovered the mountains.
iii. Mala depends her father everything.
iv. A hundred rupee note was kept the book.
v. When Mr. Yadav gets back his office, he expects his
housekeeper to have a hot meal waiting him __________
the dining room.
vi. Mona threw the waste paper _____________
the dustbin
vii. Maya was sitting her mother
in the park.
viii. Don’t spend your money that bag; it’s way too
ix. The children were playing the house.
x. Ritesh is playing in the park 7 o’clock.
xi. Divide this apple two boys.
xii. Teena is working in the school _______________ the past 10 years.
XII. Fill in the blanks with the coordinating conjunctions:

i. Felling of trees, cattle grazing forest fires are

destroying habitats.

ii. I make films on nature wild life is close to my heart.

iii. Mohan is sick he is working hard for his exams.

iv. I wanted to bake a cake my mother refused.

v. My two favourite sports are cricket baseball.

ह िं दी

अनुसिंधान प्रस्तुहि कार्य

(Research and presentation work)

जब भी हम अनमोल वचन बोलते हैं तो उसका प्रभाव चमत्कारिक होता है । इससे सुनने

वाले की आत्मा तृप्त होती है औि मन प्रसन्न होता है । वाणी की मधुिता हृदय द्वाि खोलने
की कुुँजी है । पाठ 'अनमोल वचन' में संत िहीमदास औि कबीिदास द्वािा िचचत दोहे पच़िए

एवं दो अन्य संत कचवयों का जीवन परिचय दे ते हुए उन्ीं के द्वािा िचचत कोई दो-दो दोहे
A4 साइज शीट पि चलखखए एवं कंठस्थ किके कक्षा में प्रस्तुत कीचजए। इस कायय की समय

अवचध १:३० से २:०० चमनट होगी।

रचनात्मक लेखन

चदए गए चवषयों के अचतरिक्त सभी चवद्याथी कोई भी दो अन्य अनुच्छेद अपनी इच्छानुसाि

िचनात्मक लेखन की काययपुखस्तका में ८० से १२० शब्ों में चलखेंगे।

 भाितीय नौसेना
 अभ्यास का महत्त्व

 स्वास्थ्य औि योग

Mental Math: Ex. 1 to 15

Tables: Write and learn tables from 2 to 20 (to be written in

the practice notebook)

Word Problems: To be done in the practice notebook

(i) Word problems will be provided in the form of worksheet
(ii) Create your own five word problem using minimum two
different computation in each and solve them.

Research: Choose five of your favourite mathematicians ,

create a small collage with their pictures and write few
lines about each of them mentioning about the

Presentation: ‘Bring math to life in your class!’

Choose an exciting topic like fraction or Number and
Numeration and create an enganing activity or game to
introduce this topic in class. Make learning fun and
memorable for eveyone.

Note: Revise all the topics done in the class.

Name : Roll No : Class : V

Date : Subject : MATHEMATICS

2024-25 Topic : Holiday Homework Sheet

Mixed bag statement sums:

Q1) 135 Rosogullas, 90 laddoos and 75 pieces of burfees have been made in a sweet shop.
The shopkeeper packs each variety separately in boxes. If he wants to pack all he above
sweets in boxes such that each box contains equal number of sweets, what is the greatest
number of sweets he can put in each box?

Q2) Find the smallest number which is exactly divisible by 4, 5 and 6.

Q3) Lalit want to buy equal number of oranges and apples. The oranges are packed in
packets of 6 and the apples are packed in packets of 10. What is the least number of apples
she can buy? How many packets of each fruit she would buy?

Q4) A room is 5 m 60 cm long and 2m 40 cm broad. What is the dimension of the largest
square tile that can be fixed on the floor so that the tiles need not to be cut to fit the floor?
(Hint convert the numbers into cm)

Q5) If 11 meters of cloth is used to make one dress, then find the length of the cloth used

to make 31 such dresses.

Q6) Four bells ring at intervals of 3,7,12 and 14 minutes, respectively. All four rang
together at 12 noon. When will they ring together again?

Q7) Mala reads three-fifth of 75 pages of his lesson. How many more pages he need to
complete the lesson? How many books she needs to read if she wants to complete three
hundred pages.
Q8) A bag of rice weights 11 kg, what will be the total weight of 53 such bags?

Q9) Ms Neelam bought a car new car for ₹8,68,417 and Ms Manju bought a car for
₹5,74,398. What is the difference in the prices of the two cars?

In summer’s warmth, our minds take

flight, to explore the circulatory
system’s might.
From heart’s rhythmic beat to vessel’s
wide, let’s delve into the body’s inner

1. Reading Assignment:
Students are required to read the topic 1.1 ‘Circulatory
System’ and 1.4 ‘Diseases’ thoroughly.
2. Presentation (to be assessed):
The students need to prepare a presentation that explores
the functions, components and journey of blood through
the body in the circulatory system.
3. Model Demonstration(to be assessed):
Construct a model of the circulatory system using
materials such as clay, paper, cardboard or any other
craft supplies to represent heart, blood vessels and organs
involved in circulation.
4. Design a concept map on the topic diseases depicting all
the important points given in the textbook on a A4 sized
sheet beautifully.
5. Create a visually appealing collage of five scientists along
with their contribution in the field of science on a A4
sized sheet.
6. Revise all the topics done till now.

Task I:
i. Find out 5 states or cities in India which have the best
waste management system.

ii. Research and explain the methods used for disposing off

Your research may include the following:

1. How is the waste collected from homes?
2. Is the waste segregated at home level or at a later stage?
3. What is the average based generator per family per day?
4. How is the waste disposed off?
5. Do they have landfills?
6. Do they have waste treatment plants?

Write a report based on your research work do include any

new methods you may have come across for waste disposal

Task II:

Presentation: Compare and contrast the culture of Punjab

and Orissa in a booklet form using different keywords and
phrases. Use your own creativity to design the booklet.
ਪੰ ਜਾਬੀ
ਖੋਜ ਅਤੇ ਪੇਸ਼ਕਾਰੀ (Research and presentation)
Task I:
A~j dy smyout
N iv~c bwhrI Kyf W (outdoor games)which
dI QW mo bweIlthe
Pon, best
vIfIE gym
ii. Find 5 states or cities in India have
tYlIivzn ny lY leI hY[ b~cy
management lMby smyN q~k ie~k jgHw qy bYTy rihMdy hn qy auhnW
dI srIrk pRiqikirAw bhuq G~t huMdI hY[ ijs dy nwl b~icAW ƒ hI keI qrHW dIAW
ii. Research
srIrk muSklW and explain
dw swhmxw krnwthe methods
pY irhw usedmwqw-ipqw
hY[ Awpxy for disposing offauh
qoN pu~Co ik
bcpn iv~c ikhVIAW KyfW Kyfdy sn[ pMjwb dIAW ikhVIAW KyfW Alop ho rhIAW
hn, ies bwry jwxkwrI iek~TI kro[ iksy ie~k Kyf dw mwfl iqAwr kridAw hoieAw
aus bwryresearch
120 SbdW may include
iv`c ilKo theiv~c
Aqy jmwq following:
crcw kro [ pwT pusqk iv~coN pwT
'kotlw isCpwkI'
the waste
pVo[ collected from homes?
2. Is the waste segregated at home level or at later stage?
3. What is the average based generator per family per day?
4. How is the waste disposed off?
5. Do they have landfills?
6. Do they have waste treatment plants?

Write a report based on your research work do include any

new methods you may have come across for waste disposal

Task II:

Presentation: Compare and Contrast the culture of Punjab

 aup
and rokq qsvIr
Orissa in a dybooklet
K ky Awpxy SbdWusing
form iv`c khwxI ilKo [ keywords and
phrases. Use your own creativity to design the booklet.

Your school is organizing a summer camp in the summer

vacations. Design an attractive poster in MS Word, keeping
in mind the following points:
 include all the sports and co-curricular activities like
basketball, football, cricket, art & craft, music and dance
 use appropriate page margin, orientation etc
 use page formatting options like page border, page colour
and different font formatting options like text colour, size
and style of the text available in MS Word

Note: Take a coloured printout on an A-4 size sheet.

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