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1. Do you think organizations should have policies governing workplace romances?

What would
such policies stipulate?

I think it is okay for organizations to have rules and policies governing workplace romances. Why
people combine love and work could be due to a combination of personal motivations and an
external factor. It is possible because of the corporate culture. People look for love at work for a
variety of reasons such as; they genuinely want to be with someone for the rest of their lives,
they are looking for thrills, ego boosts, and excitement, they want to be rewarded for their
work. The benefits and drawbacks of Romance in the workplace is the benefits mentioned that
couples are more capable of handling the situation. They are subjected to demands and
pressures that are typically specific to their profession. On the plus side, if the relationship
works as a couple or as a parent-child relationship, it is a win-win situation. Whether it is
through romance or tighter friendship, the subordinate gains more intimacy with no negative
consequences, while the superior gains more power. The subordinate receives a lover and/or
friend, as well as a protector and mentor.

Family members, domestic partners, significant others, and/or similar personal and consensual
connections in the workplace should be covered by the policy. Employees' qualified family
members, domestic partners, significant others, and/or similar personal relationships should be
allowed to work as long as it does not cause a conflict of interest. Appropriate qualities in terms
of education, experience, training, and performance, compatible with the company's needs,
shall be the basic factors for employee selection or promotion. Family, marriage, domestic
partnership, and/or other similar personal relationships shall not be considered an advantage or
disadvantage in terms of selection, promotion, compensation, or other terms of employment.
employment. Favoritism and nepotism are prohibited under the policy.

2. Do you think romantic relationships would distract two employees from performing their jobs?
Why or why not?

It is no wonder that office romances interfere with work productivity, given all the gossip and
stress that comes with it. Relationships can be a source of distraction and time away from wo,
they can influence decision-making, and they can effect the workplace climate. Wilson does
acknowledge, though, that love can sometimes improve the situation workplace. It appears that
the reason people enter a relationship can influence whether or not their work performance
suffers or improves, and that office romances can occasionally boost workplace motivation,
morale, and innovation. Coworkers are also affected. Workplace romances can lower office
morale and make coworkers uncomfortable when they see public shows of affection. This is
especially true when things go wrong in a relationship. Bitterness might develop, leading to a
dispute between the couple and forcing coworkers to choose sides. In some situations, the
breakup could result in charges of sexual harassment. This is especially true in situations where
a supervisor and a subordinate work together. There are subordinates engaged.

3. Is it ever appropriate for a supervisor to romantically pursue a subordinate under his or her
supervision? Why or why not?
Supervisors are not allowed to date subordinates in some companies' fraternization regulations.
Some companies have created regulations that allow employees to enjoy a mutually beneficial
working relationship. While the policies permit consensual relationships, they also set limits and
provide avenues for coworkers to protest or express concerns. It is critical to create a
professional environment in which company goals can be met, which involves building a
workplace where individuals are productive and comfortable with one another. It is fine if
workplace romances develop, but employees should be aware of the boundaries and the
implications of crossing them.

4. Some companies like Nike and Southwest Airlines openly try to recruit couples. Do you think this
is a good idea? How would you feel working in a department with a "couple"?

In my opinion, I think it is a good idea to have couples as employee because a power couple is an
indestructible force. When two independent, intelligent, and hard-working people come
together, nothing can stop them from achieving their dreams and building an amazing life for
themselves. In this case, I think they will work more effectively and unity and teamwork will be
very much implemented.

5. Is there a law in the Philippines on workplace romance? Is it allowed for a company to cause for
dismissal, demotion, transfer, or diminution of wages and benefits because of workplace
romance? Explain.

According to Alan Tanjusay, a spokesman for the Associated Labor Unions-Trade Union Congress
of the Philippines, no government regulation prohibits employees from having romantic
relationships with their superiors or vice versa. Because there is no federal policy governing
workplace romance between coworkers or between a rank-and-file employees falling in love
with his or her boss, or vice versa, the subject of office romance is left to the discretion of the
company's management. Moreover, some bosses utilize or establish this power to fire, demote,
or transfer their workers. However, the ALU-TUCP emphasizes that business policy should allow,
not prevent, workplace romance, emphasizing that "workplace romance should not be a
grounds for dismissal, demotion, transfer, or loss of salary and benefits," in its policy
engagement with the DOLE.


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