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What is your team role? Briefly discuss your suggested role.

I have (9) nine team roles which are the Executive, Explorer, Innovator, Analyst, Driver, Chairperson,
Completer, Team player and Expert.

Executive - On occasion, the executive is referred to as the organizer. The executive is usually well-
behaved and eager to get things done. He or she is methodical, organized, and realistic. Executives are
well-organized and committed, and they can quickly translate a group's ideas into actions and

Explorer - The explorer is an outspoken person by nature. He or she is a happy, outgoing person. The
explorer is also curious, inquisitive, and fascinated by things. Because they enjoy improvising and
communicating with others, explorers will have no trouble presenting ideas to the team and forming
new relationships.

Innovator - The innovator is typically the team's creative generator. He or she has a vibrant imagination
and a strong desire to stand out from the crowd. The inventor prefers to be self-sufficient and takes a
scientific approach to challenges. As a creative individual, the innovator may play a vital role in how a
team handles work and solves problems.

Analyst - The analyst's demeanor is reserved and critical. Furthermore, the analyst will respond to plans
and ideas in a sensible and realistic manner. He or she will approach challenges with caution and
accuracy in mind before taking action.

Driver - The driver is generally ambitious and active. He or she may appear irritated and impatient. The
driver is a strong motivator who will push individuals to their boundaries when necessary. Although the
driver's actions can appear emotional at times, they are crucial to the team's performance.

Chairperson - The chairperson is in charge of the meeting's coordination. By emphasizing protocols, the
chairperson will attempt to bring and keep the team together. He or she is outgoing and talks openly
and courteously with team members.

Completer - The completer is exceedingly conscientious and proud of the team's successes. When
mistakes are committed, completers are concerned, and their controlling nature prompts them to be
concerned. The completer is also known as the finisher because they are most successful at the end of a
task, polishing and analyzing the work for errors and submitting it to the highest levels of quality control.

Team player - The team player cares for others, avoids conflict, and fosters harmony. Because they like
supporting others, the team player is frequently believed to be agreeable and nice.

Expert - For the task at hand, the expert possesses the requisite skills and knowledge. He or she is laser-
focused on the task at hand, and anyone interfering with his or her job may irritate him or her. The
specialist prefers to work alone, and the rest of the crew has a lot of faith in him.

1. Do you agree on the team role suggested to you by the test? If yes, briefly explain why. If not,
among the other team roles, which do you, think best suits you? Briefly explain.

I believe. I agree with the executive team role that has been suggested to me because I am very
organized and eager to complete my schoolwork. In addition, I want to be productive every day, and in
order to do so, I need to be diligent in my homework.
2. What are the advantages of working in a team? What are the disadvantages?

Every person also has the experience of working in a group at some point in their lives, whether it was at
college or at work. Many situations in life may have necessitated the use of a team. At the same time, in
other instances, it is the individual's choice whether to work in a team or on their own. The following are
the advantage and disadvantage of working in a team:

● Teamwork promotes unity and allows you to gather thoughts and ideas on how task can be

● A team performs better than in every activity for 2 heads are better than 1

● Working in a team can help you enhance your skills and improve your ideas.

● Working in a group can help you develop your communication abilities.

● Conflicts can arise when one individual works less than the other while working in a team.

● Many meetings must be organized when operating as a team. However, if not handled
appropriately, it might result in a loss of time and reduce the team's efficiency.

● The decision-making process will take longer for there could be violent reactions towards other

3. Based on your analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of working in a team, do you agree
with the statement: "It is always best if we work as a team"? Explain briefly.

I believe my response will be depending on the situation. If the assignment requires a lot of help, you'll
need to work in a group, and if the task is so difficult that only one person can complete it, you'll need to
work in a group. Teamwork will aid in personal development and increased productivity. While if the
task is not particularly difficult, you can complete it alone, there may be moments when dispute arises

4. How does working in teams affect decision making? Briefly discuss.

Participating in the decision-making process with your team can help your firm as a whole. The quality of
the decisions you make will increase because you will have the right mix of talents and knowledge at the
table. You will also have people in place that are ready to implement and are on the same page. When
others are involved in the decision-making process, colleagues can exchange ideas, learn from one
another, and work toward a common goal, allowing collaboration and communication to flourish. As a
result, you promote collaboration while also assisting in the demolition of the system. organizational
silos. You might even find overlapping efforts within the company, which could save the company time
and money by avoiding duplication of effort.

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