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The Woodson Foundation

The Woodson Foundation, a huge non-profit agency providing social service is teaming-

up with the public school coordination in Washington DC for the improvement of student results.

There is plenty room for development. The schools have troubles with crime, truancy and

stumpy student performance. Fresh staffs rapidly burn-out as their original passion for assisting

students may be dulled by the ruthless realities they run through in their respective classrooms.

Turnover amid flesh teachers may be very elevated, and lots of the brightest and best teachers are

the most prone to depart for schools that are not as distressed with inner problems.

Group development and the process of selecting appropriate members

The Initial Stage of changing the situation may be bringing the flesh plan in

improvement. This will be done by forming an executive improvement team or committee with

the assistance of HR (Human Resource) to select the right entrants for the posts. The Subsequent

Stage will be “Storming” which offers conflict to each individual group and builds doubts.

Moreover, each group has its individual interests and several cases,cases; they can unswervingly

oppose each other. For this Second Stage, teamwork is required and this stage leaves all the

doubtful and intensive behavior remote from the team, just then will this second stage will work
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well. Norming will be the Third Stage for the achieving the definite purpose. The objectives have

been set-up to begin improving thethe performance and the team has to find out how to set aside

distrusts and how to work together productively, determining. wWho will do a specific task and

how this task will be accomplished.

Performing is the Last Stage. This stage will provide the contentment when the real team

works jointly to achieve the objective set-up by the organization, and productivity have been

achieved and shown. The groups are wedged in the Storming and Forming stages and as they are

not able to endure their own ideas and do not have the ability to completely synchronize to

achieve their given objective. For the improvement team to be effective and successful, they

ought to be well-versed on how a group is characteristically expected to function. Cohesiveness

among the group members is extremely important. for the reason that, for Eeverybody should to

stay motivated in the group as , the group needs to progress well collectively. After the formation

of the group, the group members ought to set up a set of rules for in order that each person to

realizes what behavior is and is not allowed by his or her peer members. When the rules are

approved by to and agree to with the group, rules influence the behavior of member with a least

of controls external controlly. There ought not to be any “in-group” preferential treatment among

group members since this may result in disagreement. Everybody in the group must treat one

another as the same. Moreover, everybody should and appreciate each other,other; bearing in

mind thatmind that no one not one individual is superior to the other, in spite of any of their

credentials. Each and every group member ought to be given an explicit role regarding what is

expected of himthem when it comes to interacting with students in the classroom. Consequently,

this may lead to better role identity among the members; hence, there would be less conflict and

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Problem Identification and effective techniques for conflict resolution

If differences arise in the group, the group members must resolve the disagreements

through collaborating jointly and by using the correct communication. I would propose that the

group members make use of the communication process with the intention that each person

understands and listens what the other person in the group has to articulate prior to making

postulations. Each person ought to have an opening right to speak and offer histheir view onof

the argument, and subsequently, the group can have a debate and present feedback regarding the

stand-off. Having consideration for other group members would be extremely vital in this stand-

off. So as to resolve the disagreement, each person ought to have mutual trust and respect

towards each other. Given that there is no consideration for other group members, then it may be

very difficult for group members to respect one another; hence, leading to a conflicts may arise.

A “nominal group method” would be the most effectual means to communicate in such a

conflict. Meeting face-to-face tends to be more successful when resolving a conflict or an

argument as opposed to text messaging, video conferencing or even emails exchange. It is very

difficult to read emotions and body language of an individual unless you are really talking face-

to-face with himthem. It is sStipulated that the group may be haveing difficulty in managing a

disagreement; then, one or more group members are most likely to compromise to end the

conflict. If a person is prepared to give-up or compromise so as to assist the group, more often

than not, another individual in the group ought to respect that action and also compromise to end

the difference.

Integrative negotiation may be termed as an approach where the objective is an outcome

that is as excellent as possible for both group members and parties. In such a state, the group
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members work jointly to unearth the outcome that preeminently assists everybody involved. This

entails that everybody puts in extra effort than normal into understanding what the other sides

desires and requires. Integrative negotiation entails a substantial quantity of compromise from

everybody who is involved. If the members in a group are notever used to working jointly, this

approach may be intricate at first; however, the result is always positive for everybody involved

if to try it.

Retrospective evaluation and diversity

The culture among NCPIE and the Woodson Foundation may be termed as significantly

diverse. NCPIE normally matches the area’s demographic diversity of public schools, whereas

the Woodson Foundation does not. Washington DC school district may be exceptionally diverse,

generally consisting of African-Americans with huge populations of Hispanics and Caucasian.

On the other hand, the Woodson Foundation may not be very diverse in any way as itnd

principally consists of Caucasian professionals. This may cause an argument, with the thought

that their group does not appreciate the concerns of the area, demographically. NCPIE may be

comparable to the traditions of the school district for the reason that, they commonly correspond

to the diversity of the regions served by the public schools, demographically. This gives them an

advantage with the school district’s students since they will probably pay attention to people with

a comparable environment similar to theirs. In spite of all the cultural diversity among the

groups, they have one key aimfactor since they all desire to augment student education in their

areas. All groups are concerned with meeting the requirements of the students.

So that leaders of the fresh program who want to increase the confidence of employees

and parents, they ought to come up with a vision for their program. By allowing the employees
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and parents get acquainted with their mission or vision of the organization, they ought to be more

comfortable and understand what the group may be trying to achieve at the end. Having a

genuine leader would definitely gain the confidence of parents and employees. A leader, who has

values, is trustworthy and ethical and would absolutely have a constructive effect on gaining

confidence from the people. A transformational leader would also be beneficial for gaining the

trust of employees and parents. In addition, having a transformational leader would allow the

employees and parents to recognize that their personal self-interests are considered.

Diversity may augment conflict in a group, so it may be crucial for the important that

group leaders to getare acquainted with how to handle their groups efficiently. A group leader

may trim down this conflict through promoting group learning and getting the group to center on

the undertaking at hand. An effectual leader will make the group members to put aside their

cultural diversity and focus on the general objective. Most people presume only from their

surface echelon diversity that they might differ in beliefs and opinions; however, that is not at all

times accurate. If the leader of a group can get the students or the employees to look beyond their

diversity, they are likely to discover that, they have much in common than they had

contemplated. A leader may achieve this mutialmutual understanding within his group do this

through treating everybody in the group equallythe same and creating a comfortable friendly

environment within a group.

Reflection on the program.

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For an effective program to run without hitches for these students and in order to

improveboost their learning, members of the group ought to realize that students are the

“number one” main concern in these circumstances. In spite of the diversity, ethical issues and

demographic that members in the development group may have, they need to learn to look

beyond those issues for the welfare of the organization. Consequently, tThe development group

leader ought to have the largest liability in ensuring that employees do not permit any of these

issues to have an effect on the group and students’ learning.

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