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Communication Engineering

ROLL NUMBER: 14201621038
REGISTRATION NO. – 211420101610025
Communications engineering is a field that focuses on supporting systems
that transfer information from one place to another. General job duties in this
field include troubleshooting system issues, inspecting and maintaining
communications systems and keeping detailed maintenance records.
Communications engineers that work specifically with computer systems
install software, maintain network security and improve network efficiency
and signal processing. These communication engineers may also work on
electrical components such as wiring and controls. Communications
engineering features subspecialties like internet technology, computer
systems, networking, broadband technology and radio communications.
Introduction to Another popular subfield is telecommunications, which involves systems that
support video, data and voice transmissions.
Draw the basic block diagram of
communication system
1.Information source :- The objective of any communication system is to convey information from one point to the other. The
information comes from the information source, which originates it
2.Transmitter :- The objective of the transmitter block is to collect the incoming message signal and modify it in a suitable fashion
(if needed), such that, it can be transmitted via the chosen channel to the receiving point.
3.Channel :- Channel is the physical medium which connects the transmitter with that of the receiver.
4.Receiver:- The receiver block receives the incoming modified version of the message signal from the channel and processes it to
recreate the original (non-electrical) form of the message signal.
5.Destination:- The destination is the final block in the communication system which receives the message signal and processes it
to comprehend the information present in it.
To convert an analog signal into a digital signal, several modifications are necessary in a
communication engineering block diagram. Here's a breakdown of the key changes:

What 1. Analog Input Stage: Pre-conditioning The analog signal may need amplification, filtering,
and impedance matching to prepare it for the subsequent stages. Sampling is crucial step
involves taking discrete snapshots of the continuous analog signal at a specific rate known as
modifications the sampling rate. The chosen sampling rate must be at least twice the highest frequency
component in the analog signal (Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem) to avoid aliasing
are required in 2. Quantization: The sampled values are then converted from continuous voltage levels to a
finite set of discrete values, resulting in a digital representation of the original signal. This
the block process introduces quantization noise, which affects the accuracy of the digital representation.
Different quantization techniques exist, like pulse amplitude modulation (PAM), pulse code
modulation (PCM), and delta modulation, each with its own advantages and limitations.
diagram to 3. Coding: The resulting digital sequence is often encoded for various purposes, including:
Channel coding is Adding redundancy to the data stream to improve noise immunity during

convert it into transmission. Source coding is Compression of the data to reduce its redundancy and
transmission bandwidth requirements. Synchronization Adding timing information to the data
stream to facilitate proper demodulation at the receiver.
digital 4. Modulation: Depending on the transmission channel and desired characteristics, the encoded
digital signal may be modulated onto a carrier signal for efficient transmission through various

system? mediums like air, fiber optic cable, or twisted-pair wires.

5. Digital Output Stage: The final stage typically involves filtering the modulated signal to
limit its bandwidth and prepare it for transmission.
Modulation is required for following purposes:
1. Efficient Spectrum Utilization: Modulation allows us to "piggyback" information onto
Why is a high-frequency carrier signal, which has a much wider bandwidth. This compressed
representation packs more information into a smaller frequency band, enabling efficient
utilization of the limited spectrum resources.
modulation 2. Increased Transmission Range: By modulating the information onto a carrier signal,
we leverage its superior propagation characteristics to achieve longer transmission
required? distances and reach wider audiences.
3. Interference Reduction: Modulation shifts the information signal spectrum to a
Name some different frequency band, away from potential sources of interference in the original
range. This separation helps mitigate the impact of noise and improve signal integrity at
the receiver.
analogue and 4. Multiple Access: Modulation enables multiplexing, a technique that allows the
simultaneous transmission of several information signals over a single channel.
digital 5. Signal Recovery and Demodulation: At the receiver end, the modulated signal is
demodulated, extracting the original information from the carrier signal. This process
modulation essentially undoes the modulation performed at the transmitter, decompressing the signal
back to its original bandwidth and recovering the encoded information.

technique. Modulation techniques are roughly divided into four types: Analog modulation, Digital
modulation, Pulse modulation , and Spread spectrum method. Analog modulation is
typically used for AM, FM radio, and short-wave broadcasting. Digital modulation
involves transmission of binary signals (0 and 1).
Baseband in the transmission of communications signals means only one path is available
to send and receive digital signals between devices. Baseband communication systems
have been in use for many years and is still used in technologies such as Ethernet and

What are wireless communications. Baseband technology is used in Information is carried in

digital form on a single signal channel that isn't multiplexed and uses a transmission
medium, such as copper twisted-pair wires. Baseband network technology is used in
various types of networks, including Ethernet and token ring local area networks. With
baseband multiplexing, a transmission channel derives additional paths over a baseband channel. A
baseband signal transmits data streams as analog signals using modulation technology.
A passband is the range of frequencies or wavelengths that can pass through a filter. For
and example, a radio receiver contains a bandpass filter to select the frequency of the desired
radio signal out of all the radio waves picked up by its antenna. The passband of a
receiver is the range of frequencies it can receive when it is tuned into the desired

passband frequency (channel). Passband signals have frequency spectra concentrated around a
carrier frequency fc. This is in contrast to baseband signals with spectrum centered at
zero frequency. We have seen that many signal sets include both sin(2pifct) and
cos(2pifct). Examples include PSK and QAM signal sets.Such signals are referred to as

signals? passband signals.

Draw the entire electromagnetic spectrum and
show the bands used for communication

• The transmission over the air (i.e. radio transmission) can take place
using many different frequency bands. Each band has its own
advantage as well as disadvantage.
• The above diagram shows the frequency spectrum used that can be
used for data transmission. It starts from 30 Hz and goes upto 300
• Along with the frequencies are show the wavelength of the signals
calculated by the formula: λ=c/f where c=speed of light in vacuum
i.e. 3.8*108 m/s.
A phase-locked loop (also phase lock loop or PLL) is a system that generates an output
signal whose phase is related to its input. The two signals will have the same frequency
and either no phase difference or a constant phase difference between them. A PLL
typically consists of a phase detector, a loop filter, and a voltage-controlled oscillator
(VCO). The phase detector compares the reference signal with the oscillator frequency

What is a and outputs an error signal. The loop filter (usually a low-pass filter) then generates an
error voltage from the error signal. The VCO then increases or decreases the oscillator
frequency to lock to the input frequency. This produces an output frequency that is equal
to the input frequency, and a constant phase shift (which could be zero) between the two

PLL and signals. A PLL may also have a frequency divider in its feedback loop in order to create
an output that is a multiple of the reference frequency instead of one that is exactly equal
to it. PLL is used in following areas stated bellow:-

where is • FM demodulation networks for FM operations

• It is used in motor speed controls and tracking filters.
• It is used in frequency shifting decodes for demodulation carrier frequencies.

it used? • It is used in time to digital converters.

• It is used for Jitter reduction, skew suppression, clock recovery.
In telecommunication, the term ringaround has the following meanings:
• The improper routing of a call back through a switching center already engaged in
attempting to complete the same call.
• In secondary surveillance radar, the presence of false targets declared as a result of

Explain transponder interrogation by side lobes of the interrogating antenna.

• Ringaround in Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR): In secondary surveillance radar,
ringaround refers to the presence of false targets displayed on the radar screen due to

ringaround the side lobes of the interrogating antenna.

• Ringaround in Telecommunications: In telecommunication systems, ringaround refers
to the situation where a call gets rerouted back to the originating caller in a loop due
to a malfunction in the switching network. This typically happens when a problem

in occurs during call routing, causing the call to be mistakenly sent back to the original
source instead of reaching its intended destination.
Distinguishing between the two- The context of the discussion usually clarifies which

antennas type of ringaround is being referred to. Secondary surveillance radar is typically
associated with aviation applications, while telecommunications involve voice and data
There are three several ways to interpret "communication modes" in communication engineering, depending
on the level of abstraction and specific context.
1. Transmission Modes: This refers to the physical way data is transmitted across a channel, considering the
direction of flow between devices. The three basic modes in this context are: Simplex Data flows in one
direction only, from one transmitter to one or multiple receivers (e.g., radio broadcasting). Half-duplex Data

Name the flows in both directions, but not simultaneously. Each device takes turns transmitting and receiving (e.g.,
walkie-talkie). Full-duplex Data flows in both directions simultaneously, enabling two-way communication
(e.g., telephone conversation, Wi-Fi connection).

3 basic 2. Modulation Modes: This focuses on how the information signal is encoded onto a carrier signal for
transmission. Three basic modes in this category are: Analog Modulation where The carrier signal
continuously varies in proportion to the information signal, like in AM radio where amplitude reflects sound

communication intensity. Digital Modulation where The information signal is represented by discrete symbols (e.g., 0s and
1s), which modulate the carrier's characteristics (e.g., frequency, phase) in distinct levels. Pulse Modulation
where The information signal is encoded into pulses of varying characteristics (width, amplitude,
presence/absence) used to modulate the carrier.
modes. 3. Communication Protocol Modes: This highlights the data transfer protocol and rules governing
communication between devices. Three common modes in this domain are: Master-Slave where One device
acts as the master, controlling the timing and data flow for multiple slave devices (e.g., Bluetooth Low
Energy). Peer-to-Peer where Devices communicate directly with each other without a central coordinator,
sharing data and responsibilities equally (e.g., some wireless mesh networks). Client-Server where A client
device initiates requests to a server device, which manages resources and provides responses (e.g., HTTP web
The sampling property of an impulse, also known as the sifting property, is a fundamental concept
in signal processing and analysis. It describes how an impulse function "samples" another signal,
extracting its value at the point where the impulse occurs.
Impulse Function: The impulse function, denoted by δ(t), is a mathematical idealization of a signal
with infinitely small width and infinitely large amplitude at t=0. It's often visualized as a spike at

Explain t=0, but mathematically, it's not a true function but a generalized function or distribution.
Sampling Property: The sifting property states that the integral of the product of any signal x(t) and
the shifted impulse δ(t-t₀) is equal to the value of x(t₀): ∫∞−∞x(t)δ(t−t₀)dt = x(t₀). This means that
when you multiply any signal with a shifted impulse and then integrate it over all time, you'll get the

sampling value of the original signal exactly at the point where the impulse is located (t₀). It's like taking a
tiny "snapshot" of the signal at that specific moment.
Applications: The sampling property is widely used in various signal processing applications:

property of •

Signal sampling: The basis of digital signal processing where continuous signals are sampled at
discrete intervals using impulses to convert them into a digital representation.
Filtering: Impulse responses of filters can be used to analyze filter behavior and design new

an impulse • Fourier analysis: Impulse functions are used to represent Dirac delta functions, which are
essential for deriving Fourier transforms and understanding frequency content of signals.
Find the FT of
any rectangular
Coherent systems need carrier phase information at the receiver and they use matched filters to
detect and decide what data was sent , while noncoherent systems do not need carrier phase
information and use methods like square law to recover the data. Coherent systems means that the
receiver need the phase information of the transmitter (the carrier phase) to recover the transmitted
data at receiver side. The phase information comes from either a reference from the transmitter or

Coherent could be from a local oscillator (at the receiver side). The oscillators used at both the transmitter and
receiver are not phase locked; therefore there is a phase difference between the reference signal
transmitted and the reference signal used in the demodulator. This phase difference must be
estimated and corrected. The receiver is more complicated and expensive. Better bit error rate of
detection. In non coherent systems, the receiver do not need the phase information of the transmitter

and Non carrier to recover the signal. Do not require expensive and complex carrier recovery circuit. Lower
bit error rate of detection.In coherent detection of symbol, the decision on which data bits has been
sent carried out by design of matched filter that consequently relates to requirements of transmitted
signal phase at Rx. side. The optimum design of matched filter leads to accurate detection of data
bits, further reduce BER. The difference between two systems is tabulated bellow:-

Conclusion of Communication Engineering

Communication is the process of transmitting information from one person to another. Effective
communication is the process of sending a message in such a way that the message received is as close in
meaning as possible to the message intended. The communication process consists of a sender encoding
meaning and transmitting it to receiver, then receiver decodes it into meaning. This two-way process
continues with the roles reversed. Noise is any part of overall process. Oral and written are recognized under
the interpersonal communication. Both of oral and written have advantages and disadvantages. Therefore
managers should be rational when choosing a medium for communication. There are two main
communication networks. They are horizontal and vertical. Electronic communication is more important
today because it has profound effect. The grapevine and management by wandering around are popular
informal methods of communication. Communication is an important part of managers’. Therefore managers
should recognize the barriers to effective communication and should make the decisions on how to overcome
them. Proper implementation of the communication process is essential for an effective communication.


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