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Ratih Miftahul Jannah



Alhamdulillahi Robbil A’lamin, the writer expresses her sincere gratitude to the
almighty God, Allah S.W.T, who has given guidance, mercy and good health, so that I could
finish writing this thesis. Salam and Shalawat are addressed to the final, chosen, religious
messenger, the prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my parents, my father Mr.
Alardi, my mother Mrs. Minarni for their prayer, financial, motivation and
sacrifice for success.
The researcher realized that in carrying out the research and writing this thesis, many
people have contributed their valuable suggestion, guidance, assistance, and advice for the
completion of this thesis. Therefore I would like to acknowledgment them:


A. Research Background………………………………………………..………..1
B. Problem statement……………………………………………………….……3
C. Significance of the Study……………………………………….……………..3
D. Scope of the Study………………………………………………….…………4
E. Term of study………………………………………………………………….4

A. The concept of Kahoot Games Assessment…………………………….……..6
1. Definition of Kahoot Games Assessment…………………………….……7
2. Purposes of Kahoot games………………………………………..………..7
3. Strategies of Kahoot! Game………………………………………………..8
4. Steps learning Kahoot! game……………………………………………....9
B. The concept of Reading ……………………………………………………....10
1. Definition of Reading…………………………………………………….10
C. Reading Related to the junior high school English curriculum……………...
D. Conceptual Framework……………………………………………...………...12

A. Research Design……………………………………………………………….14
B. Location and Time of the Research …………………………………………...14
C. Population……………………………………………………………………...14
D. Technique of Data Collection………………………………………………….15
E. Data Analysis Techniques……………………………………………………...16
F. Data Validity Checking Techniques …………………………………………...17


A. Research Background

Kahoot has become one of the popular interactive learning platforms

among educators and students. In a study conducted by Tsertsidis et al.
(2018), research results show that the use of Kahoot in learning can increase
student engagement, learning motivation, and academic outcomes. In
addition, Kahoot has also proven to be effective in facilitating collaborative
learning and providing instant feedback to students. With its various
interactive features, Kahoot becomes an effective tool in supporting learning
in various contexts, including distance learning.
Kahoot can be one of the media options to be developed in learning
because of its interactive and attractive format for students, providing instant
feedback for understanding evaluation, encouraging collaborative learning
among students, flexible for various learning contexts, and easy to use by
both educators and students with diverse levels of technological expertise.
With these advantages, Kahoot can increase student engagement, learning
motivation, and learning outcomes effectively.
In teaching using Kahoot, educators can start by compiling questions
relevant to the learning material and organizing Kahoot game sessions for
students. Furthermore, educators can share game codes with students so they
can access them through their devices. During game sessions, educators can
provide a brief explanation before each question arises, and students can
answer questions quickly using their devices. After each question, educators
can provide direct feedback to students and explain the correct answer. Thus,
students will be actively involved in learning, increase learning motivation,
and gain a better understanding of the material being taught.
Previous research on the use of Kahoot in learning shows that this
game platform can increase student engagement, learning motivation, and
concept understanding. The studies show that the use of Kahoot in the


classroom can increase student participation, reduce boredom levels, and

provide an interactive and enjoyable learning experience. In addition, the
results of research also show that the use of Kahoot can increase information
retention and speed up the learning process. Thus, previous research has
provided strong evidence that Kahoot is an effective tool in improving
learning in the classroom.
Researcher interested in researching Kahoot as a medium in writing
my thesis because believe that the use of this gaming platform has great
potential in increasing the effectiveness of classroom learning. By
understanding how Kahoot can influence student engagement, learning
motivation, and concept understanding, Researcher hope the research can
provide valuable insights for educators and policymakers in optimizing the
use of technology in the learning process. In addition, with a focus on
Kahoot as a learning tool, also hope to contribute to the development of
innovative and student-oriented learning strategies in this digital era.
My research on Kahoot expands previous understanding by focusing
on the impact of using Kahoot in increasing student engagement in the
virtual classroom. Through an approach that focuses on the interaction
between Kahoot features and students' intrinsic motivation, this research
reveals deeper patterns in educational technology acceptance. Compared to
previous research that was more descriptive in nature, my research explores
the causal relationship between Kahoot use and student learning outcomes in
more detail, providing clearer insights for educators and policymakers in
utilizing this platform effectively.
Furthermore, the use of Kahoot games in reading skill assessment
can provide immediate feedback to both students and teachers. With real-
time feedback on their performance, students can quickly identify areas
where they need improvement and take steps to address them. Teachers can
also use this feedback to tailor their instruction to better meet the needs of
individual students, leading to more personalized and effective learning
experiences (Chen et al., 2018).
Overall, the use of Kahoot games as an assessment tool in reading
skill can have a positive impact on student learning outcomes. By promoting
active learning, providing immediate feedback, increasing student

motivation, and fostering a positive learning environment, Kahoot games

can help to enhance reading skills and improve overall academic
B. Problem Statement
The integration of technology in educational settings has gaine
popularity in recent years, with Kahoot games emerging as a widely utilize
tool for assessing students' reading skills. Despite the growing interest in
game-based assessments, there remains a gap in understanding the specific
impact of using Kahoot games on students' reading abilities. Therefore, this
study aims to investigate the effect of utilizing Kahoot games as an
assessment tool on students' reading skills, exploring factors such as student
engagement, motivation, learning outcomes, and overall performance. By
addressing this gap in the literature, this research seeks to provide valuable
insights into the effectiveness of incorporating Kahoot games in reading
instruction and inform educators about the potential benefits of utilizing
game-based assessments to enhance students' reading proficiency.
C. Significance of the Study
1. For the students:
Students can apply teaching strategies using games in their learning to
improve their reading skills. This helps them become better learners and
help to attract their interest in learning to read English.
2. For the teachers:
This research can contribute to other teachers to carry out learning
innovations especially using teaching using games, so that it can improve
both quality of teaching and learning and student learning achievement.
3. For the institution of education:
The institutions can conduct this research for other subject matter
in particular by teaching using games. This means to develop and
improve students' abilities learning achievement and learning
achievement. Finally, a fix Learning achievement can have a good
influence on improving learning.
4. For the researcher:
The research results can be used as a reference to start carry out
further studies on English language teaching and learning, especially with

application teaching strategies using games in every class activity. The

reason could be can be seen from several studies that apply game
techniques Shows increased student achievement and motivation in
learning English.
D. Scope of the Study
The scope of this research is focuss on the games method give a effect
to students' reading skills in eighth grade students at SMPN 42 Muara
Ketalo Tebo, which is limited to literal understanding includes the main
ideas and supporting details. Especially in recount text.
E. Term of study

The influence of the Kahoot game assessment on reading skills refers

to a study or research project that aims to investigate and analyze how the
use of the Kahoot game as an assessment tool impacts students' reading
skills. This type of research usually involves implementing the Kahoot game
in an educational setting to assess students' reading abilities and then
providing the results and impact of this assessment method.

Researcher who conduct research on the effect of Kahoot game

assessment on reading skills can examine various aspects, such as student
engagement, motivation, learning outcomes, retention of reading skills, and
overall performance. They may collect data on student participation, quiz
scores, feedback receive, and other relevant metrics to measure the impact
of using Kahoot games in assessing reading skills.

The research findings can provide valuable insight into the

effectiveness of implementing game-based assessments such as Kahoot in
teaching reading. Understanding how students respond to these interactive
and engaging assessment methods can help educators make informed
decisions about integrating technology into their teaching practices and
improving students' reading abilities.
A. The Concept of Kahoot Games Assessement
1. Definition of Kahoot Games Assessement
Kahoot is an online platform that allows educators to create and play
learning games, quizzes, and surveys. Kahoot games assessment refers to the
use of these interactive games and quizzes to assess students' knowledge and
understanding of a particular subject or topic (Md Sahak et al. 2021). Teachers
can use Kahoot to create assessments that engage students and provide
immediate feedback on their performance. This can help to make the learning
process more interactive and enjoyable for students while providing valuable
data for educators to gauge students' understanding and progress. Kahoot
games can have a positive impact on reading skills assessment. By using
Kahoot to assess reading skills, educators can create engaging and interactive
quizzes that test students' comprehension, vocabulary, and critical thinking.
The competitive nature of Kahoot games can also motivate students to actively
participate and pay attention to the reading material, leading to improved
retention and understanding of the content (Hasanah Lutfi 2022)
Additionally, Kahoot allows for immediate feedback, which can help
students identify areas of weakness and guide them towards give a chance.
The visual and interactive nature of Kahoot games can also cater to different
learning styles, making it an effective tool for assessing reading skills in a
diverse classroom.
Overall, using Kahoot games for reading skills assessment can make
the process more enjoyable and effective for both educators and students,
ultimately leading to improved reading comprehension and overall literacy
Games-based learning or gamification is about using games as learning
tools (Chiang 2020). As developments appeared so fast, teachers’ smartphones
controlling wireless projectors, students’ smartphones enabling them to
respond instantly in the classes, and teachers’ tablets helping them to arrange
different classroom activities are just some part of this super-fast development
in gemification techniques. Meanwhile, (Marsa, Kuspiyah, and Agustina 2021)


said that game-based systems is a development of game-based learning

However, Game-based students response system are defined as Game-
based systems which some interactive quizzes project are designed by the
teacher which as learning material that students can respond to the questions
by using their own digital devices like a game show (Hasanah Lutfi 2022).
Despite that, the game-based student response system is different from the
student response system. It focuses more on how to engage, to give motivation
to the students, and make a fun class during the process of learning.

2. Purposes of Kahoot games

Wang (2015, p. 218) defined that kahoot is known as a game-based
student response system that changes the classroom atmosphere to become
more fun and engagement like a game show temporarily. Meanwhile, the
concept of kahoot is combining an SRS, the infrastructure had by the school,
the students’ digital devices, social networking, and and Gaming become one
flatform of learning (Wang & Tahir, 2020, p. 2). By using Kahoot! It is hoped
that the teaching and learning process will have an impact on student learning
achievement, motivation, attitudes and perceptions.
In this respect, Kahoot! Game can be used for creating interesting
quizzes, discussions, and surveys in teaching reading comprehension
achievement. So, teachers can use this game for learning is enjoyable and easy
to understand.
Kahoot offers four main types of activities that educators can create
and use to engage students in learning:

This type of activity is a game-based assessment that allows educators to
create multiple-choice questions to test students' knowledge and understanding
of a topic.

2. Survey
Educators can use this type of activity to gather feedback from students
or to gauge their opinions on a particular subject. Surveys can include
open-ended questions, polls, and rating scales.

3. Jumble
In this activity, educators can create questions with multiple answers
that students need to arrange in the correct order. It's a fun way to test
students' understanding of sequences or processes.

4. Discussion
This feature allows educators to facilitate open-ended discussions with
students. They can pose questions or prompts for students to respond to,
and the class can discuss and vote on the most relevant or interesting

These different activity types provide educators with versatile options

for creating interactive and engaging learning experiences for their
However, Gunduz & Akkoyunlu (2020, p. 481) stated that in the
learning environment, Kahoot! Game has many advantages:
1. Creating a game that makes the players feel enjoyableand has a
specified topic.
2. Offering to anyone for creating easily tests by using types of
Kahoot! Game.
3. Being able to access easily by using digital devices.
4. Having rich audio and visual as a facility in learning appropriate
with gamified substructure.
5. Providing an output which participants’ performances which ia able
to be analyzed.
3. Strategies of Kahoot! Game

Kahoot games can be used in various ways to engage and motivate students.
Here are some strategies for using Kahoot effectively in an educational setting:

1. Formative Assessment: Use Kahoot as a formative assessment tool to gauge

students' understanding of a topic before, during, or after a lesson. The immediate
feedback provided by Kahoot can help identify areas where students may need
additional support.

2. Review: Create Kahoot quizzes to review material covered in class. This can be
especially effective before exams or to reinforce key concepts.

3. Pre- and Post-Lesson Engagement: Use Kahoot as a pre-lesson activity to

assess students' prior knowledge or as a post-lesson activity to reinforce learning

4. Gamification: Incorporate Kahoot games as a fun and interactive way to gamify

learning experiences. Students can compete individually or in teams, adding an
element of friendly competition to the classroom.

5. Differentiated Instruction: Create Kahoot quizzes with varying levels of

difficulty to cater to different learning abilities within the classroom.

6. Discussion Starter: Use Kahoot's discussion feature to spark conversations and

debates among students on specific topics, encouraging critical thinking and

7. Student-Created Content: Encourage students to create their own Kahoot

quizzes, which can be shared with their peers to review material and demonstrate

By implementing these strategies, educators can leverage Kahoot games to

promote active learning, student engagement, and a deeper understanding of the
subject matter.

4. Steps learning Kahoot! game

Here are the steps for using Kahoot games in a learning setting:

1. Sign Up: Create a Kahoot account by visiting the Kahoot website and signing up
with your email address. You can also sign in using your Google or Microsoft

2. Create a Quiz: Once logged in, you can create your own quiz by clicking on the
"Create" button and selecting "Quiz" from the options. Enter the quiz title, questions,
and answer options. You can also add images or videos to make the quiz more

3. Add Questions: Create multiple-choice questions, true/false statements, or open-

ended questions to assess students' understanding of the material.

4. Customize Settings: Adjust the settings for your quiz, such as time limits for
answering questions, point values, and whether or not students can see the correct
answers after each question.

5. Launch the Game: Once your quiz is ready, you can launch it for your students to
play. Share the game PIN with your students, and they can join the game using their
own devices, such as smartphones, tablets, or computers.

6. Play the Game: Start the game and display the questions and answer choices on a
screen. Students will select their answers on their devices, and points will be awarded
based on correct and timely responses.

7. Review Results: After the game is completed, you can review the results to see how
each student performed. This can help you identify areas where students may need
additional support.

8. Discuss and Reflect: Use the Kahoot game results as a basis for discussion and
reflection with your students. This can help reinforce key concepts and address any

By following these steps, educators can effectively use Kahoot games to

engage students, assess learning, and create interactive and fun learning experiences.

B. The Concept of Reading

1. Definition of Reading
Reading is the process of interpreting and comprehending written or printed
language. It involves the ability to decode and understand the meaning of words,
sentences, and texts. Reading can encompass a wide range of materials, including
books, articles, websites, and other written media. It is a fundamental skill that is

essential for acquiring knowledge, learning new information, and participating in

various forms of communication.
Reading is a process of understanding meaning that involves our senses. so
readers have interactions with the text they read and get messages and methods used
to communicate with others.
Briefly, the writer would like to say that reading is an activity to understand
the printed language and interpret the information into the reader’s understanding
C. Reading Related to the junior high school English curriculum
The purpose is to develop students’ competency to communicate in spoken
and written to solve the daily problems. There are three components of English that
are learnt in Junior High School, they are as follows:
1. The expression ability that is the ability in understanding and

producing spoken text and written text which are expressed in four

language skills. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing

to achieve fictional literacy.

2. The ability of understanding and producing short functional texts,

monologues, and essays in the form of procedure, descriptive,

recount, narrative, and report.

3. Support of competence that consists of linguistic competence

(vocabulary, pronunciation, and spelling), socio-cultural

competence (language which is acceptable in any kinds of

contexts), strategy competence (ability to solve the problem that is


faced when the communication is taken place), and building

expression competence (ability in using instruments of building


D. Conceptual Framework
Reading is a critical skill for each individual. By reading, someone will figure
out a lot of information from anywhere in the world. Good readers are readers who do
not just read it, but to understand and capture the information submitted by the author
in reading faces. Thus, reading in this sense will relate to reading comprehension.
Reading comprehension of students less notice by the teacher. Problem the students in
learning to read because of the lack of student mastery the vocabulary, lack of
students ability in capturing the main idea a paragraph, main idea, the explanatory
idea, even the strategies, techniques, and learning media reading comprehension
implemented by the teachers. To overcome these problems, is necessary need for
efforts to improve students reading comprehension ability.

The conceptual framework shows that the researcher was apply Kahoot! game
in teaching reading comprehension which is described as the following diagram:

Figure 2.1. Conceptual Framework

The figure above is the concept of the researcher where the researcher was
employed Kahoot! game assessment method in teaching reading comprehension.
Kahoot! game method is used in order to improve the students’ reading ability in
learning reading comprehension. In the end of each cycle, the researcher was conduct
evaluation to know the understanding of the students about the material.

In research, a method is needed to solve the problems that exist in research. Research
is an activity carried out systematically to process and conclude data using certain methods to
find answers to the problems encountered. With the implementation of research that can run
systematically, the method used must be in accordance with the object under study and in
accordance with the research objectives to be achieved. In this chapter, covers all matters
relating to research methods, namely Types of Research, Research Design, Location and
Time of the Research, Population and Sample of the Research, Research Variable and
Paradigm, Instrument of the Research, Data Analysis Technique, and Data Collection

A. Research Design

This research uses a type of quantitative research that emphasizes

implementation Kahoot as digital assessment. The focus of this research is on class
VIII students at SMPN 42 Muara Ketalo Tebo. The primary data source for this
research was taken from Structure class. The subjects of this research were taken
based on purposive sampling. The primary goal of this study was to test th research
question that relates to how kahoot! as assessment students’ reading skill on recount
text of second grade at SMPN 42 Muara ketalo as stated in chapter one.

B. Location and Time of the Research

Due to distance limitation, the researcher decision to use the help of this party
Goggle Form application where this application is useful for distributing
questionnaire quickly and widely via a link distributed to the research subject VIII
SMPN 42 Muara ketalo. This research begins in Mei-June 2024.

C. Population
Population will also be able to be interpreted as the entire number of subjects
that will be studied by a researcher. Then another opinion says that by definition the
population is all variables related to the research topic. According to researcher
Furchan, population is all members of a group of people, organizations, or groups that
are clearly defined. According to researcher Margono, population is the total data that
is the center of a person's attention within a predetermined scope and time. Population


is related to data, if a human provides data, then the size or population will be the
same as the number of humans (Syafnidawaty, 2020).
This research will go to the class VIII student, the population was taken from
children aged 14-15 years at SMPN 42 Muara ketalo, Tebo ilir sub-district, Tebo
district, totaling 20 people.
D. Technique of Data Collection
Techniques and Methods Data collection is one component important in
writing a written work and report, without methods and techniques, it will be difficult
to find actual and complete information in a written work. So the method use can
show where the purpose of the report that will be prepared, practically the data need is
already available easily and systematically. As for collection methods and techniques
The data that the author applies in this research are as follows:

1. Observation

Observation is focused on the researcher's efforts to collect data and

information from primary data sources by optimizing observations

researcher. This observation technique involves sensory activities. More

wider. The observation in question is in the form of observing human

behavior, nature, culture and beliefs that have an impact on life

man. In this research, researchers went directly to the research location.

Researchers directly visited the location at SMPN 42 Muara Ketalo Tebo

and saw the activities carried out there, and even find out

can conclude the matters that form the main problem formulation in

this thesis.

2. Interview
In this research, researcher use the interview method in-depth
interview, namely an activity carried out for Get information directly by
asking questions to sources (informants or key informants) to obtain in-
depth information. The communication that occurs is intensive and
details. The goal is to obtain detailed information and understand

background attitudes and views of the source. Therefore, inside In this

research, the author conduct interviews with sources:

1. A
2. B
3. C

By interviewing sources, researcher aim to collect the necessary

data and information through an approach directly with the resource
person face to face.

3. Literature Study and Documentation

Methods or techniques for collecting data through literature studies
and Documentation is defined as an effort to obtain data and information
in the form of written notes/images stored relating to the problem
researched. Documents are facts and data stored in various forms material
in the form of documentation. In this method, information is sought
through library sources such as books, journals, newspapers, institutional
documentation and browsing results from the internet in order to obtain
factual sources which of course prioritize their validation as sources
written this research.

E. Data Analysis Techniques

Data analysis is an important step in research, because it can provide meaning
to the data collected by the researcher. Data obtained and collected from sources
through observations, interviews, literature studies and documentation in the field is
then described in the form of a report. Data analysis in this research was carried out
through two activities, namely data collecion, and Inferential analysis. The
explanation is as follows:
1. Data collection
Collect data on student’ reading skills before and after the
intervention using pre and post-assessment measure. Gather data onstudent
engagement, motivation, comprehension, and overall performance during
the kahoot game asssessments. Ensure that data is collect consistently and
accurately to maintain the integrity of the study.

2. Inferential analysis

Perform inferential statistical tests to determine if there are significant

differences in student’ reading skills before and after using kahoot games.
Conduct correlation analysesto explore relationship between variable such
as student engagement, motivation, and reading comprehension.

F. Data Validity Checking Techniques

To determine the validity of the data, inspection techniques are needed. The
implementation of inspection techniques is based on a number of certain criteria,
namely the degree of trust, transferability, dependability and certainty. Researchers
carry out inspections or check the validity of the data so that the data obtaine is
accurate data. The data examination was carried out using careful double-checking
procedures, diligent observation, and data triangulation. When the data is obtain, the
researcher verifies the data and sees whether the existing data matches what is in the
field, then deepens the data continuously and examines it in detail. Increase
observational perseverance in exploring a phenomenon holistically, so that Collect
data and information in the actual context. Researcher also carry out triangulation to
compare data obtain from one data collection method/technique with other methods
so that the data received can be trusted. The method use by researcher to test or check
the validity of the data is through the following process:

1. Carry out the double-check procedure carefully

To determine the validity of the data, a double-checking procedure
is needed that can be carried out to verify whether the informant's
expressions are in accordance with the conditions in the field."Double-
checking is carried out by verifying the results of interviews and
observation results, by seeing whether the interview results expressed by
the informants are in accordance with the concrete conditions in the field.

2. Diligence in observation
Diligence in observation is the researcher's effort to deepen and detail
the findings after the data has been analyzed. Researchers using this technique
carry out careful and detailed observations on an ongoing basis on prominent
factors. Then examine it in detail to one point so that at the initial stage of

examination it appears that one of the factors being studied has been
understood in the usual way.

3. Triangulation
Triangulation plural inspection technique that uses something from
outside the data for checking purposes or as a comparison to that data. Data is
collected through various sources so that the results of interviews,
observations and documentation can be fully analyzed. Researcher do
examination by comparing one data collection method with another method.
Among other things, comparing interview data with observation or
documentation, or by comparing interview results of informants with different
informants, this is done so that the data receive can be trust.


Aisyah, Jullia. 2017. “Students’ Reading Anxiety in English Foreign Language Classroom.”
Journal of English and Education 5 (1): 56–63.
Chiang, Hui Hua. 2020. “Kahoot! In an Efl Reading Class.” Journal of Language Teaching
and Research 11 (1): 33–44.
Hasanah Lutfi, Nur. 2022. “The Effect of Kahoot! Software on Students’ Vocabulary Mastery
for Elementary Students: A Literature Study.” Journal of Excellence in English
Language Education 1 (3).
Lisniyanti, Khofifah, Dody Wahyudi Purnama, and Mimin Aminah. 2023. “Improving
Students’ Reading Comprehension by Using Kahoot!” Biormatika : Jurnal Ilmiah
Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan 9 (1): 68–72.
Marsa, Shella Septina, Hastuti Retno Kuspiyah, and Eka Agustina. 2021. “The Effect of
Kahoot! Game in Teaching Reading Comprehension Achievement.” JET (Journal of
English Teaching) 7 (2): 133–49.
Md Sahak, Adibah Aishah, Abdul Wafi Abdul Rahman, Mohd Raden Farhan Helmy Raden
Ismail, Mohd Akmal Rohiat, Nur Diyana Mohd Yazid, Siti Nurshafiqa Aminudin, and
Siti Hajar Zakariah. 2021. “Students’ Acceptance towards Kahoot Application in
Mastering Culinary Terminology.” Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Dan Kejuruan 27 (1):
Munawaroh. 2017. “The Influence of Teaching Methods and Learning Environment to the
Student’s Learning Achievement of Craft and Entrepreneurship Subjects at Vocational
High School.” International Journal of Environmental & Science Education 12 (4):

Aisyah, Jullia. 2017. “Students’ Reading Anxiety in English Foreign Language Classroom.”
Journal of English and Education 5 (1): 56–63.
Chiang, Hui Hua. 2020. “Kahoot! In an Efl Reading Class.” Journal of Language Teaching
and Research 11 (1): 33–44.
Hasanah Lutfi, Nur. 2022. “The Effect of Kahoot! Software on Students’ Vocabulary Mastery
for Elementary Students: A Literature Study.” Journal of Excellence in English
Language Education 1 (3).
Lisniyanti, Khofifah, Dody Wahyudi Purnama, and Mimin Aminah. 2023. “Improving
Students’ Reading Comprehension by Using Kahoot!” Biormatika : Jurnal Ilmiah
Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan 9 (1): 68–72.
Marsa, Shella Septina, Hastuti Retno Kuspiyah, and Eka Agustina. 2021. “The Effect of
Kahoot! Game in Teaching Reading Comprehension Achievement.” JET (Journal of
English Teaching) 7 (2): 133–49.

Md Sahak, Adibah Aishah, Abdul Wafi Abdul Rahman, Mohd Raden Farhan Helmy Raden
Ismail, Mohd Akmal Rohiat, Nur Diyana Mohd Yazid, Siti Nurshafiqa Aminudin, and
Siti Hajar Zakariah. 2021. “Students’ Acceptance towards Kahoot Application in
Mastering Culinary Terminology.” Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Dan Kejuruan 27 (1):
Munawaroh. 2017. “The Influence of Teaching Methods and Learning Environment to the
Student’s Learning Achievement of Craft and Entrepreneurship Subjects at Vocational
High School.” International Journal of Environmental & Science Education 12 (4):

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