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Ratih Miftahul Jannah



First of all, for my deepest heart I express my gratitude to God Allah SWT for
blessing and giving me chance to finish this thesis entittle “The Effect of Assessment Using
Kahoot Game Website in Reading Skill at SMP 42 Muara Ketalo”

This thesis finished because of the helping of many persons. Therefore, the researcher
would like to send her great honor and deepest gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. Asad Isma, M,Pd as the rector of Islamic University State Sulthan Thaha
Saifudding Jambi.
2. Dr. Hj. Fadillah, M.Pd as the Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of
Islamic University State Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.
3. Edi Rozal, M.Pd as the Head of English Education Departement of Islamic University
State Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.
4. Reni Andriani, S.S, M.Pd as Secretary of English Education Departement of Islamic
University State Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.
5. My First advisor Uyun Nafiah MS., M.Pd for the support advices and patience on
guiding me to finish this thesis.
6. My Second advisor Khotimah Mahmudah, M.Pd for the support advices and patience
on guiding me to finish this thesis.
7. All lecturers and staff in Islamic University State Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

The writer expects that this thesis will assist good contribution in the teaching of
English. The writer recognizes this thesis is still far from being perfect, for that reason,
the writer hopes for constructive critism and suggestion from all readers in order to make
this thesis excellent. May Allah SWT always give guidence and blessing us. Aamiin Yaa

Jambi, July 2024

The Reseacher

Ratih Miftahul Jannah

Nim. 205200051

LIST OF CONTENT………………………………………………………………..ii

A. Research Background………………………………………………..………..1
B. Problem statement……………………………………………………….……3
C. Significance of the Study……………………………………….……………..4
D. Scope of the Study………………………………………………….…………4
E. Term of study………………………………………………………………….5

A. The Concept of Interactive Kahoot Games……………….…………….……..6
1. Definition of Kahoot Games Assessment…………………………….……6
2. Definition of Assessment…………………………………………………..7
3. Purposes of Kahoot games………………………………………..………..7
4. Strategies of Kahoot! Game………………………………………………..9
5. Steps learning Kahoot! game……………………………………………....10
6. Step to use Kahoot on reading………………………………………..…....11
B. The concept of Reading …………………………………………………….....11
1. Definition of Reading……………………………………………………..11
C. Reading skill in English foreign language...……………...
D. Conceptual Framework……………………………………………...………....12

A. Research Setting……………………………………………………………….13
B. Research Design……………………………………………………………….13
C. Location and Time of the Research …………………………………………...13
D. Population……………………………………………………………………...14
E. Sample………………………………………………………………………….14
F. Validity and Reliability…………………………………………………………15
G. Technique of Data Collection…… …………………………………………….15
H. Technique of Data Analysis.……… …………………………………………...17


A. Research Background

Kahoot is a popular game-based learning platform that has been widely

used in the field of education, including teaching English (Altawalbeh and
Irwanto, 2023). Kahoot allows teachers to create interactive quizzes, surveys,
and discussions that engage students in a fun and competitive way (Sabandar,
Supit and Suryana, 2018). The platform also provides real-time feedback and
analytics, allowing teachers to track student progress and adjust their teaching
strategies accordingly. Additionally, Kahoot promotes collaboration and
teamwork among students, as they can work together to answer questions and
solve problems. Teaching English through the integration of Kahoot games for
reading skill assessment involves utilizing interactive digital quizzes to engage
students in reading activities while providing real-time feedback on their
comprehension. This approach enhances student motivation and participation,
fosters a dynamic learning environment, and promotes the development of
critical reading skills. Research emphasizes the effectiveness of gamified
assessments in language learning, highlighting their ability to enhance
engagement and knowledge retention among students. By incorporating Kahoot
games into English language instruction, educators can create stimulating
learning experiences that effectively support reading skill development while
catering to diverse learning preferences (Thurairasu, 2022).
Kahoot can be one of the media options to be developed in learning
because of its interactive and attractive format for students, providing instant
feedback for understanding evaluation, encouraging collaborative learning
among students, flexibility for various learning contexts, and ease of use by both
educators and students with diverse levels of technological expertise. With these
advantages, Kahoot can increase student engagement, learning motivation, and
learning outcomes effectively (Benhadj, Messaoudi and Nfissi, 2019).


In teaching using Kahoot, educators can start by compiling questions

relevant to the learning material and organizing Kahoot game sessions for
students. Furthermore, educators can share game codes with students so they
can access them through their devices. During game sessions, educators can
provide a brief explanation before each question arises, and students can answer
questions quickly using their devices. After each question, educators can
provide direct feedback to students and explain the correct answer. Thus,
students will be actively involved in learning, increase learning motivation, and
gain a better understanding of the material being taught. In addition, teachers
can also provide direct feedback to students so they can see how well they
understand the material being taught. Thus, Kahoot can be an effective tool to
give a chance for student engagement and their learning outcomes (Neureiter et
al., 2020).
Previous research in a study by Johnson (2017), it was found that
using Kahoot quizzes in reading comprehension activities significantly
improved students’ reading fluency and comprehension. Similarly, a study by
Lee and Kim (2019) demonstrated that incorporating Kahoot quizzes into
reading lessons increased students’ engagement and motivation, leading to
improved reading skills. Furthermore, Prasodjo and Ponto (2023) conducted
research showing that the gamified nature of Kahoot assessments positively
impacted students’ reading proficiency and vocabulary acquisition. These
studies collectively highlight the effectiveness of using Kahoot games as an
engaging and interactive tool to enhance reading skills among students. By
shifting the focus to a different subject area, your research contributes to the
existing literature by exploring the potential benefits of Kahoot in improving
reading comprehension and literacy skills. This unique perspective adds
valuable insights to the field of educational technology and highlights the
versatility of Kahoot as a tool for enhancing various academic skills beyond
traditional subjects like math and science.
Researcher interested in researching Kahoot as a medium in writing
my thesis because believe that the use of this gaming platform has great
potential to increase the effectiveness of classroom learning. By understanding
how Kahoot can influence student engagement, learning motivation, and
concept understanding, Researcher hope the research can provide valuable

insights for educators and policymakers in optimizing the use of technology in

the learning process. In addition, with a focus on Kahoot as a learning tool, also
hope to contribute to the development of innovative and student-oriented
learning strategies in this digital era.
My research on kahoot expands previous study by focusing on the
impact of using kahoot in creasing student engagement in virtual classroom
(Alharthi, 2020). Through an approach that focuseson the interaction between
kahoot features and students’ intrinsic motivation, this research reveals deeper
patterns in educational technology acceptance. Compared to previous research
that was more descriptive in nature, my research explores the causal relationship
between kahoot use and student learning outcomes in more detail, providing
clearer insights for educators ang pilicymakers in utilizing this platform
Furthermore, the use of Kahoot games in reading skill assessment
can provide immediate feedback to both students and teachers (Helmy Nadeem
and Abdulaziz Al Falig, 2020). With real-time feedback on their performance,
students can quickly identify areas where they need improvement and take steps
to address them. Teachers can also use this feedback to tailor their instruction to
better meet the needs of individual students, leading to more personalized and
effective learning experiences (Igbokwe, 2023).
Overall, the use of Kahoot games as an assessment tool in reading
skills can have a positive impact on student learning outcomes. By promoting
active learning, providing immediate feedback, increasing student motivation,
and fostering a positive learning environment, Kahoot games can help to
enhance reading skills and improve overall academic performance (Helmy
Nadeem and Abdulaziz Al Falig, 2020).
B. Problem Statement
Based on the background of the study, this study will discuss three factors
those are;
1. Are there any differences in reading skill enhance between students who
participate in kahoot game assessment regularly and those who do not?
2. What the impact of integrating kahoot game assessment on students’ reading
skill development compared to traditional assessment methods?

3. Does the use of kahoot games assessment lead to a significant change in

reading skills among elementary school students when comparing pre-test
and post-test scores?

C. Significance of the Study

1. For the students:
Students can apply teaching strategies using games in their learning to
improve their reading skills. This helps them become better learners and helps
to attract their interest in learning to read English.
2. For the teachers:
This research can contribute to other teachers carrying out learning
innovations, especially using teaching games, so that it can improve both the
quality of teaching and learning and student learning achievement.
3. For the institution of education:
The institutions can conduct this research for other subject matter in
particular by teaching using games. This means to develop and improve
students’ abilities learning achievement and learning achievement. Finally, a
fixed Learning achievement can have a good influence on improving learning.
4. For the researcher:
The research results can be used as a reference to start carrying out further
studies on English language teaching and learning, especially with application
teaching strategies using games in every class activity. The reason could be
seen from several studies that apply game techniques Shows increased student
achievement and motivation in learning English.
D. Scope of the Study
The scope of this research is focus on the game’s method to affect
students’ reading skills in eighth-grade students at SMPN 42 Muara Ketalo
Tebo, which is limited to literal understanding and includes the main ideas and
supporting details.

E. Term of study

Kahoot refers to the designated period during which researchers or

educators examine and assess the effectiveness of Kahoot as an educational
tool. This period typically involves conducting experiments, gathering data,
and analyzing results over a specific timeframe, such as a semester, academic
year, or a predetermined number of weeks or months. The duration of the term
of study can vary depending on the research objectives and the extent of the
investigation. Researchers may seek to evaluate the impact of Kahoot on
student engagement, learning outcomes, or classroom dynamics. By studying
Kahoot over a defined period, researchers can gain insights into its potential
benefits and limitations as an instructional resource (Deslauriers,L, 2011).

Educational games, such as Kahoot, involves a designated period during

which researchers or educators examine and assess the effectiveness of these
games as instructional tools. This period typically includes conducting
experiments, gathering data, and analyzing results over a specific timeframe,
such as a semester, academic year, or a predetermined number of weeks or
months. The duration of the term of study can vary depending on the research
objectives and the extent of the investigation. Researchers may seek to
evaluate the impact of educational games like Kahoot on student engagement,
learning outcomes, or classroom dynamics. By studying these games over a
defined period, researchers can gain insights into their potential benefits and
limitations as resources for enhancing education (Roediger III, H. L, 2012).

Assessment is a critical component in the education process, serving as a

tool to measure student learning, evaluate instructional effectiveness, and
guide future teaching strategies. There are various forms of assessment,
including formative, summative, diagnostic, and benchmark assessments, each
serving a unique purpose in the educational landscape. Formative assessments
are ongoing and provide Immediate feedback to students and teachers,
facilitating adjustments in teaching methods and learning activities.
Summative assessments, on the other hand, are typically administered at the
end of a learning period to evaluate overall student achievement. Diagnostic
assessments identify students’ prior knowledge and skills before instruction

begins, while benchmark assessments measure students’ progress at regular

intervals. Effective assessment practices are essential for identifying learning
gaps, informing instruction, and ensuring that all students have the opportunity
to succeed (Brookhart, S. M, 2013).

Reading skills are fundamental to academic success and lifelong learning.

The development of reading skills involves a combination of decoding,
fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Decoding is the ability to translate
written words into their spoken equivalents, while fluency refers to the ability
to read with speed, accuracy, and proper expression. Vocabulary knowledge is
essential for understanding the meaning of words within a text, and
comprehension is the ability to understand and interpret what is being read
(Shanahan, T, 2008).
A. The Concept of Interactive Kahoot Games
1. Definition of Kahoot Games

Kahoot is an online platform that allows educators to create and play

learning games, quizzes, and surveys. Kahoot games assessment refers to the use
of these interactive games and quizzes to assess students’ knowledge and
understanding of a particular subject or topic (Md Sahak et al., 2021). Teachers
can use Kahoot to create assessments that engage students and provide immediate
feedback on their performance. This can help to make the learning process more
interactive and enjoyable for students while providing valuable data for educators
to gauge students’ understanding and progress. Kahoot games can have a positive
impact on reading skills assessment. By using Kahoot to assess reading skills,
educators can create engaging and interactive quizzes that test students’
comprehension, vocabulary, and critical thinking. The competitive nature of
Kahoot games can also motivate students to actively participate and pay attention
to the reading material, leading to improved retention and understanding of the
content (Hasanah Lutfi, 2022)

Additionally, Kahoot allows for immediate feedback, which can help

students identify areas of weakness and guide them towards giving a chance. The
visual and interactive nature of Kahoot games can also cater to different learning
styles, making it an effective tool for assessing reading skills in a diverse
Overall, using Kahoot games for reading skills assessment can make the
process more enjoyable and effective for both educators and students, ultimately
leading to improved reading comprehension and overall literacy skills.
Games-based learning or gamification is about using games as learning
tools (Chiang, 2020). As developments appeared so fast, teachers’ smartphones
controlling wireless projectors, students’ smartphones enabling them to respond
instantly in the classes, and teachers’ tablets helping them to arrange different
classroom activities are just some parts of this super-fast development in
gamification techniques. Meanwhile, (Marsa, Kuspiyah and Agustina, 2021) said


that game-based systems are a development of game-based learning

However, Game-based student response systems are defined as Game-
based systems in which some interactive quizzes projects are designed by the
teacher as learning material that students can respond to the questions by using
their own digital devices like a game show (Hasanah Lutfi, 2022). Despite that,
the game-based student response system is different from the student response
system. It focuses more on how to engage, to give motivation to the students, and
to make a fun class during the process of learning.

2. Definition of Assessment Using Kahoot

Assessment, as defined by the American Educational Research
Association, American Psychological Association, and National Council on
Measurement in Education (2014), is a systematic process of collecting and
interpreting evidence on student learning. This process involves evaluating an
individual’s or a group’s knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics to
make informed decisions about teaching and learning. There are various types of
assessments that can be used to measure different aspects of learning, such as
formative assessments, summative assessments, and performance assessments.
Formative assessments are used to monitor student progress and provide ongoing
feedback to improve learning, while summative assessments evaluate student
achievement at the end of a learning period. Performance assessments require
students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills through tasks or projects.
Indicators of assessment effectiveness include validity, reliability, fairness, and
practicality. Validity ensures that the assessment measures what it intends to
measure, while reliability ensures consistent results. Fairness ensures that the
assessment is unbiased and free from discrimination, and practicality assesses the
feasibility and cost-effectiveness of the assessment process (Suskie, 2018). These
indicators help ensure that assessments accurately measure student learning
outcomes and provide valuable feedback for educational improvement.
Pre-test and post-test assessment indicators for reading skills include text
comprehension, vocabulary, reading strategies, and the ability to make inferences.
The pre-test is used to assess students' initial understanding before intervention or
learning, while the post-test is used to measure the increase in their abilities after

following a particular program (McNamara et al., 2011). An emphasis on changes

from pre-test to post-test helps evaluate the effectiveness of learning and
interventions in improving students' reading abilities.

3. Purposes of Kahoot games

Defined Kahoot is known as a game-based student response system that
changes the classroom atmosphere to become more fun and engaging like a game
show temporarily (Wang, 2015). Meanwhile, the concept of Kahoot is combining
an SRS, the infrastructure had by the school, the students’ digital devices, social
networking, and Gaming to become one platform of learning (Wang & Tahir,
2020, p. 2). By using Kahoot! It is hoped that the teaching and learning process
will have an impact on student learning achievement, motivation, attitudes, and
In this respect, Kahoot! Games can be used for creating interesting
quizzes, discussions, and surveys in teaching reading comprehension
achievement. So, teachers can use this game for learning enjoyable and easy to
Kahoot offers four main types of activities that educators can create and
use to engage students in learning, as follows:

A. Quiz
This type of activity is a game-based assessment that allows educators to
create multiple-choice questions to test students’ knowledge and understanding of
a topic.

2. Survey
Educators can use this type of activity to g
ather feedback from students or to gauge their opinions on a particular subject.
Surveys can include open-ended questions, polls, and rating scales.

3. Jumble
In this activity, educators can create questions with multiple answers
that students need to arrange in the correct order. It’s a fun way to test students’
understanding of sequences or processes.

4. Discussion
This feature allows educators to facilitate open-ended discussions with
students. They can pose questions or prompts for students to respond to, and
the class can discuss and vote on the most relevant or interesting responses.
These different activity types provide educators with versatile options
for creating interactive and engaging learning experiences for their students.
However, Gunduz & Akkoyunlu (2020, p. 481) stated that in the
learning environment, Kahoot! The game has many advantages:
1. Creating a game that makes the players feel enjoyable and has a specified
2. Offering to anyone to create easy tests by using types of Kahoot! Game.
3. Being able to access easily by using digital devices.
4. Having rich audio and visual as a facility in learning appropriate with
gamified substructure.
5. Providing an output in which participants’ performances which can be
4. Strategies of Kahoot! Game

Whereas, Games (2020) Here are some strategies for using Kahoot

1. Engage Students: Kahoot is a fun and interactive way to engage students in

learning. Use colorful and engaging images, videos, and music to make the game
more exciting.

2. Create Engaging Questions: Make sure to create questions that are challenging
but not too difficult for students. Include a mix of multiple-choice, true/false, and
open-ended questions to keep students engaged.

3. Use Timer Wisely: Kahoot has a timer for each question, so make sure to give
students enough time to answer but keep the pace of the game moving. This can
add an element of excitement and competition to the game.

4. Provide Feedback: After each question, provide feedback on the correct answer
and explain why it is correct. This helps reinforce learning and provides valuable
information to students.

5. Encourage Collaboration: Consider using team mode in Kahoot to promote

collaboration among students. This can help build teamwork skills and create a
sense of community in the classroom.

6. Review Results: After the game, review the results with students to identify
areas of strength and weakness. Use this information to guide future instruction
and provide targeted support to students who may need additional help.

7. Gamify Learning: Use Kahoot as a tool to gamify learning and make it more
engaging for students. Incorporate rewards, badges, and leaderboards to motivate
students and create a sense of competition.

By incorporating these strategies into your use of Kahoot, you can create an
engaging and effective learning experience for your students.

5. Steps learning Kahoot! game

Whereas, Oktaria, Rohmayadevi and Murwantono (2021) Here are the steps
for using Kahoot games in a learning setting:

1. Sign Up: Create a Kahoot account by visiting the Kahoot website and signing
up with your email address. You can also sign in using your Google or
Microsoft account.

2. Create a Quiz: Once logged in, you can create your quiz by clicking on the
“Create” button and selecting “Quiz” from the options. Enter the quiz title,
questions, and answer options. You can also add images or videos to make
the quiz more engaging.

3. Add Questions: Create multiple-choice questions, true/false statements, or

open-ended questions to assess students’ understanding of the material.

4. Customize Settings: Adjust the settings for your quiz, such as time limits for
answering questions, point values, and whether or not students can see the
correct answers after each question.

5. Launch the Game: Once your quiz is ready, you can launch it for your students
to play. Share the game PIN with your students, and they can join the game
using their own devices, such as smartphones, tablets, or computers.

6. Play the Game: Start the game and display the questions and answer choices on
a screen. Students will select their answers on their devices, and points will be
awarded based on correct and timely responses.

7. Review Results: After the game is completed, you can review the results to see
how each student performed. This can help you identify areas where students
may need additional support.

8. Discuss and Reflect: Use the Kahoot game results as a basis for discussion and
reflection with your students. This can help reinforce key concepts and address
any misconceptions.

By following these steps, educators can effectively use Kahoot games to

engage students, assess learning, and create interactive and fun learning

6. Step to use Kahoot on reading

To use Kahoot for reading activities by Marsa, Kuspiyah and Agustina (2021) ,
follow these steps:
1. Create a Kahoot account or log in to your existing account.
2. Click on the “Create” button to start creating a new Kahoot quiz.
3. Choose the type of quiz you want to create (quiz, survey, or discussion).
4. Enter a title and description for your Kahoot quiz related to reading.
5. Add questions related to reading comprehension, vocabulary, or literary analysis.
6. Include images or videos to make the quiz more engaging.
7. Set the time limit for each question and the overall quiz duration.
8. Customize the game options such as points, answer streak bonuses, and
randomizing questions.
9. Save and publish your Kahoot quiz.
10. Share the Kahoot game PIN with your students so they can join and participate
in the reading activity.
The researcher will use these steps for designing assessment.
B. Reading for junior high school
1. Definition of Reading
Reading is the process of interpreting and comprehending written or printed
language. It involves the ability to decode and understand the meaning of words,

sentences, and texts. Reading can encompass a wide range of materials, including
books, articles, websites, and other written media. It is a fundamental skill that is
essential for acquiring knowledge, learning new information, and participating in
various forms of communication.
Reading is a process of understanding meaning that involves our senses. So
readers have interactions with the text they read and get messages and methods used
to communicate with others.
Briefly, the writer would like to say that reading is an activity to understand
the printed language and interpret the information to the reader’s understanding
C. Reading skill in English foreign language
Reading is a fundamental skill in English as a Foreign Language (EFL)
education, providing learners with the ability to comprehend and interact with written
texts in English. Developing strong reading skills is crucial as it enhances vocabulary,
improves grammar understanding, and fosters overall language proficiency. Effective
reading strategies, such as skimming for the main idea, scanning for specific
information, and inferring meaning from context, are essential for navigating various
types of texts, from academic articles to everyday reading materials. Additionally,
reading extensively exposes learners to different linguistic structures and cultural
contexts, enriching their learning experience and broadening their perspectives. By
cultivating robust reading skills, EFL learners can achieve greater academic success
and gain confidence in their language abilities (Grabe, W., & Stoller, F. L, 2011).

D. Conceptual Framework
Reading is a critical skill for each individual. By reading, someone can figure
out a lot of information from anywhere in the world. Good readers are readers who do
not just read it, but understand and capture the information submitted by the author in
reading faces. Thus, reading in this sense will relate to reading comprehension.
Reading comprehension of students is less noticed by the teacher. Problems the
students in learning to read because of the lack of student mastery of the vocabulary,
lack of students ability to capture the main idea in a paragraph, the main idea, the
explanatory idea, even the strategies, techniques, and learning media reading
comprehension implemented by the teachers. To overcome these problems is a

necessary need for efforts to give a change students’ reading comprehension ability
(Snow, C. E., & Sweet, A. P, 2003).

A. Research setting

This research uses a type of quantitative research that emphasizes

implementation of Kahoot as a digital assessment. The focus of this research is on
class VIII students at SMPN 42 Muara Ketalo Tebo. The primary data source for this
research was the Structure class. The subjects of this research were taken based on
cluster sampling. The primary goal of this study was to test the research question that
relates to how Kahoot! as an assessment students’ reading skill on recount text of
second grade at SMPN 42 Muara ketalo as stated in chapter one.
B. Research design

This research will be conducted quantitative research. The design is Quasi-

experimental where the researcher will give pre-test and post-test for two group
classes, but only one group got a treatment.

Table 3.1 Experiment design

Class Pre-test Treatment Post-test

Experimental O1 X O2
Control O3 - O4


O1 = Pre-test of experimental class

O2 = post-test of experimental class

O3 = Pre-test of control class

O4 = Post-test of control class

X = Treatment of experimental class

C. Location and Time of the Research

Due to distance limitation, the researcher decision to use the help of this
party’s Goggle Form application where this application is useful for distributing


questionnaire quickly and widely via a link distributed to the research subject VIII
SMPN 42 Muara ketalo. This research begins in july-august 2024.

D. Population and Sample

Junior High School 42 has a total of 152 students, and the researcher chose
class VIII, which was divided into two classes totaling 56 people. This research will
go to the class VIII students, the population was taken from children aged 14-15 years
at SMPN 42 Muara ketalo, Tebo ilir sub-district, Tebo district..

The researcher decided the experimental and control class based on the
researchers’ discussion with English teacher for the sample class in SMPN 42 Muara
Ketalo. The researcher used Cluster sampling as sampling technique. Cluster
sampling specified object to be researched. Researcher choose cluster sampling
because of the efficiency it offers in collecting data from large or difficult-to-reach
populations directly. By selecting several random groups as samples rather than
individuals directly, cluster sampling reduces the costs and time required for surveys
or field research.

Table 3.3 Table of sample

Class Population Group

VIII A 28 Experiment
VIII B 28 Control
Total 56
E. Validity and Reliability
1. Content Validity
Comparing the contents of the instrument with the material that has been
taught is one way to determine the validity of an instrument in a test (Creswell,
2014). To assess the validity of the test, researchers use content validity, which is a
type of validity that relies on careful analysis of a particular test and the language
tested. One way to describe a test is that it has validity if it can measure things like
grammatical accuracy, structural accuracy, and other things. Ideally, every test
should be validated.
In this research, researchers will use the opinions of several experts to express
their opinions to test the content validity of the pre-test and post-test instruments.
The experts the researchers consulted were people who knew more about the field

of research, namely 7th-grade junior high school teachers and course lecturers in
the Tadris English study program at UIN Jambi. They provided several
suggestions, opinions, and revisions to the researchers regarding the tests that
were built.
2. Reability

Reliability refers to the stability and consistency of the measuring

instrument. According to Sugiyono (Sugiyono, 2013), reliability is an instrument
that would generate the same data if used multiple times to measure the same
object. It means that scores from an instrument are stable and consistent. In this
study, the researcher utilized Cronbach Alpha to gauge the instrument’s reliability.
A Cronbach Alpha value higher than 0.60 is considered reliable, while a value
below 0.60 is considered unreliable. In this research, the researcher used the
software SPSS to calculate the reliability of the test.

F. Technique of Data Collection

One effective technique for collecting data on Kahoot games assessment in
reading skills is to utilize pre- and post-assessments to measure students’
comprehension and vocabulary knowledge before and after engaging with the
quizzes. By analyzing quiz analytics, such as individual student scores and question-
level data, educators can identify areas of improvement in reading skills. Additionally,
gathering feedback through surveys, observing students during quizzes, integrating
data with a learning management system, analyzing student work samples, and
monitoring time-on-task metrics can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness
of using Kahoot games for assessing reading skills. This approach aligns with
research on gamification in education and underscores the importance of leveraging
technology to enhance student learning outcomes in reading (Yilridim, 2017).

1. Pre-test

Researcher used a pre-test to measure the results of students’ abilities in

reading skills at the first meeting before being given treatment. The pre-test
requires students to answer the questions given. The pretest consists of a test of 20
items, and the test format is a multiple choice test on how to use recount text.
Researchers distribute instruments to students, and researchers ask students to

answer questions based on the text provide. This was done to see the results of
students’ ability tests before researcher used the Kahoot game in class.

2. Treatment
After giving the pre-test to students, the next step is to provide treatment. The
treatment is to teach reading skills using the kahoot game for 6 (six) meetings
after the pre-test and before the post-test. In this teaching, there are three materials
that will be use, including my future, Celebrating Independence Day, and
Kindness Begins with me. The experimental group was only given treatment,
while the control group was taught using a different method.

Meeting 1 Pre-test
Meeting 2-3 My future
Meeting 4-5 Celebrating Independence Day
Meeting 6-7 Kindness Begins with Me
Meeting 8 Post-test

3. Post-test
The post-test is given at the last meeting. This test was carried out to evaluate
students’ reading skills in English after being manipulated with the kahoot game
after the researher carried out teaching activities. The form quastions in the post-
test is th same as the pre-test, which also consists of questions. The difference is
that the pre-test is given before treatment and the post-test given after treatment.
Researcher aim to find the effectiveness of using the kahoot game in reading skill.
The results of the post-test are then compared with the pre-test. In this case,
Researcher know the extend to which the use of the kahoot game has increased to
teach reading skill.
G. Technique of Data Analysis
Technique of data analysis the researcher use is:
a. Normality test

A normality test was conducted to determine whether or not the data

from experimental group and the control group were normally distributed. If

the data from the experimental class and control class were regularly
distributed, the researcher would measure the data using the independent
sample t-test. Besides, if the data from the experimental class and control class
were not normally distrbuted, the researcher would perform a nonparametric

b. Homogeneity Test
The Homogeneity Test is a variance test and is used to find out whether
the two sample groups have the same variance or not. The Homogeneity Test
is used to find out whether the variants and several populations are the same or
not. This test is usually carried out as a prerequisite in independent analysis.
The Homogeneity Test is used as a reference material to determine statistical
test decisions (Hamdi, et al., 2014). In this research, researchers used
statistical calculation tests using SPSS. The homogeneity test calculation using
SPSS software is the Levene statistical test. The way to interpret the Levene
test is that if the Levene statistical value is > 0.05 then the data is normally
distributed and it can be said that the data variations are homogeneous.
Conversely, if the value is <0.05 then the data is not normally distributed.
c. T-test
Once the reading skill scores are collected, a t-test could be used to
compare the mean scores of the two groups. Specifically, an independent
samples t-test would be appropriate for comparing the mean reading skill
scores of two independent groups.
1. Independent sample t test

According to Nuryadi et al., (2017) this test is used to determine the

difference in the average of two independent populations/groups of data.
Researchers use the independent t test because the data to be processed meets
the requirements, namely:

1) The data is normally distributed

2) The two groups of data are independent
3) The variables that are connected are numerical and categorical.

2. Paired sample t test


Paired t-test is a hypothesis testing method where the data used is not
independent (paired). The characteristic most often found in paired cases is
that one individual (research object) receives 2 different treatments. Even
though they used the same individuals, the researchers still obtained 2 types
of sample data, namely first treatment data and second treatment data.


Alharthi, S. (2020) ‘Assessing Kahoot’s Impact on EFL Students’ Learning Outcomes’,

TESOL International Journal, 15(5), pp. 31–57.
Altawalbeh, K. and Irwanto, I. (2023) ‘Game-Based Learning: The Impact of Kahoot on a
Higher Education Online Classroom’, Journal of Educational Technology and
Instruction, 2(1), pp. 30–49.
Benhadj, Y., Messaoudi, M. El and Nfissi, A. (2019) ‘Investigating the Impact of Kahoot! on
Students’ Engagement, Motivation, and Learning Outcomes: Ifrane Directorate as a
case study’, International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work, 2(6), pp.
2581–5997. Available at:
Chiang, H.H. (2020) ‘Kahoot! in an efl reading class’, Journal of Language Teaching and
Research, 11(1), pp. 33–44. Available at:
Games, K. et al. (2020) ‘Strategy’, 34(3), p. 53704.
Hasanah Lutfi, N. (2022) ‘The Effect of Kahoot! Software on Students’ Vocabulary Mastery
for Elementary Students: A Literature Study’, Journal of Excellence in English
Language Education, 1(3).
Helmy Nadeem, N. and Abdulaziz Al Falig, H. (2020) ‘Kahoot! Quizzes: A Formative
Assessment Tool to Promote Students’ Self-Regulated Learning Skills’, Journal of
Applied Linguistics and Language Research, 7(4), pp. 1–20. Available at:
Igbokwe, I.C. (2023) ‘Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Educational
Management’, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 13(3).
Available at:
Marsa, S.S., Kuspiyah, H.R. and Agustina, E. (2021) ‘The Effect of Kahoot! Game in
Teaching Reading Comprehension Achievement’, JET (Journal of English Teaching),
7(2), pp. 133–149. Available at:
Md Sahak, A.A. et al. (2021) ‘Students’ Acceptance towards Kahoot Application in
Mastering Culinary Terminology’, Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan, 27(1),
pp. 1–6. Available at:
Neureiter, D. et al. (2020) ‘Feasibility of kahoot! as a real-time assessment tool in
(Histo-)pathology classroom teaching’, Advances in Medical Education and Practice,
11, pp. 695–705. Available at:
Oktaria, A.A., Rohmayadevi, L. and Murwantono, D. (2021) ‘Online Game Quiz “Kahoot” in
Teaching English for Students of Smp Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta’, PROJECT
(Professional Journal of English Education), 4(2), p. 290. Available at:
Prasodjo, P. and Ponto, G. (2023) ‘Kahoot! and EFL Learners’ Confidence in A Vocabulary
Classroom: A Correlative Study’, The Journal Of English Teaching For Young And
Adult Learners, 2(1), pp. 1–11. Available at:

Sabandar, G.N.C., Supit, N.R. and Suryana, E. (2018) ‘Kahoot!: Bring the Fun Into the
Classroom!’, IJIE (Indonesian Journal of Informatics Education), 2(2), p. 127.
Available at:
Alharthi, S. (2020) ‘Assessing Kahoot’s Impact on EFL Students’ Learning Outcomes’,
TESOL International Journal, 15(5), pp. 31–57.
Altawalbeh, K. and Irwanto, I. (2023) ‘Game-Based Learning: The Impact of Kahoot on a
Higher Education Online Classroom’, Journal of Educational Technology and
Instruction, 2(1), pp. 30–49.
Benhadj, Y., Messaoudi, M. El and Nfissi, A. (2019) ‘Investigating the Impact of Kahoot! on
Students’ Engagement, Motivation, and Learning Outcomes: Ifrane Directorate as a
case study’, International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work, 2(6), pp.
2581–5997. Available at:
Chiang, H.H. (2020) ‘Kahoot! in an efl reading class’, Journal of Language Teaching and
Research, 11(1), pp. 33–44. Available at:
Games, K. et al. (2020) ‘Strategy’, 34(3), p. 53704.
Hasanah Lutfi, N. (2022) ‘The Effect of Kahoot! Software on Students’ Vocabulary Mastery
for Elementary Students: A Literature Study’, Journal of Excellence in English
Language Education, 1(3).
Helmy Nadeem, N. and Abdulaziz Al Falig, H. (2020) ‘Kahoot! Quizzes: A Formative
Assessment Tool to Promote Students’ Self-Regulated Learning Skills’, Journal of
Applied Linguistics and Language Research, 7(4), pp. 1–20. Available at:
Igbokwe, I.C. (2023) ‘Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Educational
Management’, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 13(3).
Available at:
Marsa, S.S., Kuspiyah, H.R. and Agustina, E. (2021) ‘The Effect of Kahoot! Game in
Teaching Reading Comprehension Achievement’, JET (Journal of English Teaching),
7(2), pp. 133–149. Available at:
Md Sahak, A.A. et al. (2021) ‘Students’ Acceptance towards Kahoot Application in
Mastering Culinary Terminology’, Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan, 27(1),
pp. 1–6. Available at:
Neureiter, D. et al. (2020) ‘Feasibility of kahoot! as a real-time assessment tool in
(Histo-)pathology classroom teaching’, Advances in Medical Education and Practice,
11, pp. 695–705. Available at:
Oktaria, A.A., Rohmayadevi, L. and Murwantono, D. (2021) ‘Online Game Quiz “Kahoot” in
Teaching English for Students of Smp Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta’, PROJECT
(Professional Journal of English Education), 4(2), p. 290. Available at:
Prasodjo, P. and Ponto, G. (2023) ‘Kahoot! and EFL Learners’ Confidence in A Vocabulary
Classroom: A Correlative Study’, The Journal Of English Teaching For Young And
Adult Learners, 2(1), pp. 1–11. Available at:
Sabandar, G.N.C., Supit, N.R. and Suryana, E. (2018) ‘Kahoot!: Bring the Fun Into the

Classroom!’, IJIE (Indonesian Journal of Informatics Education), 2(2), p. 127.

Available at:


Instructions: Read each passage carefully and choose the best answer for
each question.

Passage 1:

“Pollution is a serious issue affecting our planet. It can harm ecosystems,
endanger wildlife, and even affect human health. Efforts to reduce pollution
include recycling, using renewable energy sources, and implementing stricter
environmental regulations.”

1. What is the main topic of the passage?

A. Wildlife conservation
B. Pollution
C. Renewable energy
D. Environmental regulations
2. According to the passage, how does pollution affect ecosystems?
A. It increases biodiversity
B. It harms ecosystems
C. It has no effect on ecosystems
D. It improves water quality

Passage 2:

“The solar system consists of the sun and the planets that orbit around it.
There are eight planets in our solar system, including Earth. Each planet has
unique characteristics and orbits the sun in an elliptical path.”

3. How many planets are there in our solar system?

A. 6
B. 7


C. 8
D. 9
4. What does the passage say about the orbits of planets?

A.They are circular

B. They are straight lines
C. They are elliptical
D. They are unpredictable

Passage 3:

“Rosa Parks was an African-American civil rights activist who became
famous for refusing to give up her bus seat to a white man in Montgomery,
Alabama, in 1955. Her act of defiance sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott,
a pivotal event in the civil rights movement.”

5. Who was Rosa Parks?

A. A politician
B. A civil rights activist
C. A scientist
D. A teacher

6. What was the significance of Rosa Parks’ action in 1955?

A. It led to the election of a president
B. It sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott
C. It resulted in a scientific discovery
D. It improved transportation systems

Passage 4:

“The Amazon Rainforest, located in South America, is known for its rich
biodiversity. It is home to millions of species of plants and animals.

Deforestation poses a threat to the Amazon Rainforest, leading to habitat loss

and impacting global climate.”

7. Where is the Amazon Rainforest located?

A. Africa
B. North America
C. South America
D. Asia
8. What is the main threat to the Amazon Rainforest mentioned in the
A. Pollution
B. Deforestation
C. Climate change
D. Hunting

Passage 5:

“William Shakespeare was a famous playwright and poet from England. He
wrote many plays and sonnets that are still studied and performed today. His
works include ‘Romeo and Juliet,’ ‘Hamlet,’ and ‘Macbeth.’”

9. What was William Shakespeare famous for?

A. Painting
B. Playwriting and poetry
C. Music composition
D. Architecture
10. Name one of William Shakespeare’s famous plays mentioned in the
A. Othello
B. Pride and Prejudice
C. The Great Gatsby
D. Moby Dick

Passage 6:

“The Industrial Revolution marked a period of significant technological
advancements in Europe and North America during the late 18th and early
19th centuries. It led to the mechanization of production processes and

11. When did the Industrial Revolution take place?

A. 15th century
B. 17th century
C. 18th and 19th centuries
D. 20th century
12. What were two outcomes of the Industrial Revolution mentioned in the

A. Increased agriculture and reduced pollution

B. Urbanization and mechanization
C. Political revolutions and cultural stagnation
D. Migration and deforestation

Passage 7:

“The human digestive system consists of several organs that work together
to break down food into nutrients. These nutrients are then absorbed into
the bloodstream and transported to cells throughout the body.”

13. What is the main function of the human digestive system?

A. Breathing
B. Circulating blood
C. Digesting food
D. Pumping oxygen

14. Where are nutrients absorbed into during the digestive process?
A. Liver
B. Kidneys

C. Bloodstream
D. Lungs

Passage 8:

“The Great Wall of China is a historic landmark built over centuries to
protect China from invasions by nomadic tribes. It stretches over 13,000
miles and is one of the most impressive architectural feats in history.”

15. What is the Great Wall of China primarily designed to protect against?
A. Floods
B. Earthquakes
C. Invasions
D. Wild animals
16. How long is the Great Wall of China?
A. 5,000 miles
B. 8,000 miles
C. 10,000 miles
D. 13,000 miles

Passage 9:

“Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight to convert carbon
dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. It is essential for plant growth
and the production of oxygen in the atmosphere.”

17. What is photosynthesis?

A. A cooking process
B. A process for making clothes
C. A biological process in plants
D. A method of cleaning water
18. What are the products of photosynthesis?

A. Carbon dioxide and oxygen

B. Glucose and oxygen
C. Water and glucose
D. Nitrogen and carbon

Passage 10:

“The Renaissance was a period of cultural and intellectual flourishing in
Europe during the 14th to 17th centuries. It saw advancements in art, literature,
and science, with figures like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo making
significant contributions.”

19. When did the Renaissance take place?

A. 10th to 13th centuries
B. 12th to 15th centuries
C. 14th to 17th centuries
D. 16th to 19th centuries
20. Who were two famous figures mentioned in the passage who
contributed to the Renaissance?
A. Galileo and Copernicus
B. Darwin and Newton
C. Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo
D. Gutenberg and Luther

Scoring: Each correct answer earns 1 point. Total points for the pre-test are
__ out of 20.


Instructions: Read each passage carefully and choose the best answer for
each question.

Passage 1: My Future

“As I think about my future, I envision pursuing a career that aligns with my
passions and strengths. Whether it’s in science, arts, or business, I aim to
make a positive impact in my community and beyond.”

1. What is the main theme of the passage?

A. Planning for retirement
B. Setting career goals
C. Traveling the world
D. Studying history
2. According to the passage, what is the goal of the author’s future career?
A. To make a lot of money
B. To become famous
C. To have fun
D. To make a positive impact

Passage 2: Celebrating Independence Day

“Independence Day is celebrated on July 4th in the United States to
commemorate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. It is a time
for fireworks, parades, and gatherings with family and friends.”

3. When is Independence Day celebrated in the United States?

A. July 1st
B. July 2nd
C. July 3rd
D. July 4th
4. What event does Independence Day commemorate?

A. The signing of the Constitution

B. The end of the Civil War
C. The adoption of the Declaration of Independence
D. The inauguration of the President

Passage 3: Kindness Begins with Me

“Kindness begins with me. Whether it’s helping a friend in need or
volunteering in my community, small acts of kindness can make a big
difference in someone’s day.”

5. What is the main message of the passage?

A. Kindness is not important
B. Kindness starts with the author
C. Kindness is only for adults
D. Kindness is difficult
6. According to the passage, how can small acts of kindness impact others?
A. They have no impact
B. They can make a big difference
C. They make people angry
D. They are not appreciated

Passage 4: My Future

“In the future, I hope to become a veterinarian and care for animals. I love
animals and want to ensure they are healthy and happy.”

7. What career does the author want to pursue in the future?

A. Doctor
B. Teacher
C. Veterinarian
D. Engineer
8. Why does the author want to become a veterinarian?

A. To make a lot of money

B. To help animals
C. To travel the world
D. To become famous

Passage 5: Celebrating Independence Day

“Independence Day is a time to reflect on the freedoms we enjoy as
Americans and to celebrate the courage and sacrifice of our founding

9. Why is Independence Day celebrated in the United States?

A. To remember a battle
B. To honor veterans
C. To commemorate the adoption of the Constitution
D. To commemorate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence
10. What activities are commonly associated with Independence Day
A. Swimming and hiking
B. Fireworks and parades
C. Cooking and cleaning
D. Reading and writing

Passage 6: Kindness Begins with Me

“Kindness begins with me. It’s about treating others with respect and
empathy, and making a positive difference in their lives.”

11. What does the author believe kindness begins with?

A. Family
B. Friends
C. Me
D. Teachers

12. According to the passage, what is kindness about?

A. Ignoring others
B. Treating others well
C. Being mean
D. Hurting others

Passage 7: My Future

“Thinking about my future, I dream of becoming an astronaut and exploring
outer space. I am fascinated by the stars and planets.”

13. What is the author’s dream career?

A. Chef
B. Astronaut
C. Pilot
D. Athlete
14. Why does the author want to become an astronaut?
A. To make a lot of money
B. To travel to outer space
C. To study stars and planets
D. To become famous

Passage 8: Celebrating Independence Day

“Independence Day marks the anniversary of the Declaration of
Independence, which was signed on July 4, 1776. It is a national holiday in
the United States.”

15. What document does Independence Day commemorate the signing of?
A. The Constitution
B. The Bill of Rights
C. The Declaration of Independence
D. The Emancipation Proclamation

16. When was the Declaration of Independence signed?

A. July 1, 1776
B. July 2, 1776
C. July 3, 1776
D. July 4, 1776

Passage 9: Kindness Begins with Me

“Kindness begins with me. It’s about helping others, being considerate, and
spreading positivity wherever I go.”

17. What does kindness begin with?

A. Books
B. Me
C. Computers
D. Teachers
18. According to the passage, what is kindness about?
A. Hurting others
B. Ignoring others
C. Being mean
D. Helping others

Passage 10: My Future

“In the future, I aspire to become a teacher and educate young minds. I
believe in the power of education to shape a better future.”

19. What career does the author want to pursue in the future?
A. Doctor
B. Teacher
C. Scientist
D. Artist
20. Why does the author want to become a teacher?

A. To make a lot of money

B. To help educate young minds
C. To travel the world
D. To become famous

Scoring: Each correct answer earns 1 point. Total points for the post-test are
__ out of 20.

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