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Therefore, I am content with of God, born of the Father your loving kindness through

weaknesses, insults, hardships, before all ages. God from God, the people around them, that
persecutions, and constraints, Light from Light, true God they may find the justice they
for the sake of Christ; for when from true God, begotten, not seek. We pray: (R)
I am weak, then I am strong. made, consubstantial with
C—May all who have gone
—The word of the Lord. the Father; through him all
before us, especially our loved
All—Thanks be to God. things were made. For us men
ones who have recently died,
and for our salvation he came
Alleluia (Cf. Lk 4:18) (Stand) be welcome into your promised
down from heaven, (at the words
paradise. We pray: (R)
that follow, up to and including and
All—Alleluia, alleluia. The became man, all bow) and by the C—Let us pray for the urgent
Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Holy Spirit was incarnate of the concerns of our community
for he sent me to bring glad Virgin Mary, and became man. and our personal intentions
tidings to the poor. Alleluia, For our sake he was crucified (pause). We pray: (R)
alleluia. under Pontius Pilate, he suffered
P—Heavenly Father, in times of
Gospel (Mk 6:1–6) death and was buried, and
weakness, we find strength in
rose again on the third day in
P—A reading from the holy you. Hear our humble petitions
accordance with the Scriptures.
Gospel according to Mark and help us become one
He ascended into heaven and
All—Glory to you, O Lord. another’s strength as we journey
is seated at the right hand of
back to you, our beginning and
JESUS departed from there the Father. He will come again
our end.
a n d c a m e t o h i s n a t ive in glory to judge the living and
Through Christ our Lord.
place, accompanied by his the dead and his kingdom will All—Amen.
disciples. When the sabbath have no end.
came he began to teach in I believe in the Holy Spirit, Liturgy of
the synagogue, and many who the Lord, the giver of life, who the eucharist
heard him were astonished. proceeds from the Father and
the Son, who with the Father Presentation of the Gifts
They said, “Where did this (Stand)
man get all this? What kind and the Son is adored and
of wisdom has been given glorified, who has spoken P—Pray, brethren…
him? What mighty deeds are through the prophets. All—May the Lord accept the
wrought by his hands! Is he not I believe in one, holy, sacrifice at your hands for the
the carpenter, the son of Mary, catholic, and apostolic Church. praise and glory of his name,
and the brother of James and I confess one Baptism for the for our good and the good of
Joses and Judas and Simon? forgiveness of sins and I look all his holy Church.
And are not his sisters here forward to the resurrection
with us?” And they took offense of the dead and the life of the Prayer over the Offerings
at him. Jesus said to them, “A world to come. Amen. P—May this oblation dedi­
prophet is not without honor Prayer of the Faithful cated to your name purify us,
except in his native place and O Lord, and day by day bring
among his own kin and in his P—Let us pray to the heavenly our conduct closer to the life
own house.” So he was not Father that we may be open to of heaven.
able to perform any mighty his desire to commune with Through Christ our Lord.
deed there, apart from curing us every day of our lives as All—Amen.
a few sick people by laying we say:
his hands on them. He was Preface (Ordinary Time I)
R—Lord of life, be our strength.
amazed at their lack of faith. P—The Lord be with you.
C—May the Church become a
—The Gospel of the Lord. All—And with your spirit.
All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus channel of grace and strength
in times of weakness and P—Lift up your hearts.
Christ. All—We lift them up to the Lord.
tribulation. We pray: (R)
Homily (Sit) P—Let us give thanks to the
C—May all public servants in Lord our God.
Profession of Faith (Stand) government promote human All—It is right and just.
dignity in the policies they
All—I believe in one God, P—It is truly right and just, our
implement and the services
the Father almighty, maker duty and our salvation, always
they render. We pray: (R)
of heaven and earth, of all and everywhere to give you
things visible and invisible. C—May all who experience thanks, Lord, holy Father,
I believe in one Lord Jesus all sorts of oppression and almighty and eternal God,
Christ, the Only Begotten Son discrimination be consoled by through Christ our Lord.

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