Dork Diaries 3

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This bo k is a w rk of fiction.

Any ref rences to hist rical ev nts, real people, r real locales are
used fictitiously. Other names, char cters, places, and incidents are the product of the auth r’s
imagination, and any res mblance to actual ev nts r locales r persons, living r dead, is entirely

ALADDIN * An imprint of Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Division * 1230 Avenue
of the Americas, New Y rk, NY 10020* First Alad in hardcover
edition June 2011 * Copyright © 2011 by Rachel Renée Rus el * Al rights res rved, including the
right of reproduction in whole r in part in any f rm. * ALADDIN is a trademark of Simon &
Schuster, Inc., and related log is a register d trademark of Simon & Schuster, Inc. * F r
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Designed by Lisa Vega * The text of this bo k was set in Skip y Sharp. * Manufactured in the
United States of America * 0411 FFG * 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 * Library of Congres
Cat loging-in-Publication Dat * Rus el , Rachel Renée. * D rk diaries 3: tales from a not-so-
talented pop star / by Rachel Renée Rus el . — 1st Alad in hardcover ed. * p. cm. — (D rk diaries;
3) * Su mary: When scholarship student Nikki Maxwel , whose father is the scho l exterminat r,
decides to enter the talent show at her expensive private scho l, her nem sis MacKenzie threatens
to rev al Nikki's status to the rest of the scho l. * ISBN 978-1-4424-1190-6 * (pob edition:
alk. paper) * [1. Talent shows—Fiction. 2. Friendship—Fiction. 3. Popularity—Fiction. 4. Mid le
scho ls—Fiction. 5. Scho ls— Fiction. 6. Diaries—Fiction.] I. Title. II. Series. * PZ7.R915935D r
2011 * [Fic]—dc22 * 2010048088 * ISBN 978-1-4424-1191-3 (eBo k)
To my grandma, Lil ie Gri met .
Hap y 90th birthday!
Thank you f r a childho d stocked
with a nev r-ending sup ly of
pencils, paper, hugs, and dreams.

Friday, November 1
Saturday, November 2
Sunday, November 3
Monday, November 4
Tuesday, November 5
Wednesday, November 6
Thursday, November 7
Friday, November 8
Saturday, November 9
Sunday, November 10
Monday, November 11
Tuesday, November 12
Wednesday, November 13
Thursday, November 14
Friday, November 15
Saturday, November 16
Sunday, November 17
Monday, November 18
Tuesday, November 19
Wednesday, November 20
Thursday, November 21
Friday, November 22
Saturday, November 23
Sunday, November 24
Monday, November 25
Tuesday, November 26
Wednesday, November 27
Thursday, November 28
Friday, November 29
Saturday, November 30

To al my D rk Diaries fans—thank you f r loving this bo k series as much as I do. Wow! Are we
actual y on Bo k 3 already?! Always rem mber to let your in er D rk shine through.

Liesa Abrams, my wonderful edit r, who mysteriously se ms to know Nikki Maxwel ev n bet er than
I do. Thank you f r making the countles hours we spend w rking on thes bo ks such a blast. And,
yes, al of this hap en d just like you said it would. Go, Batgirl!

Lisa Vega, my magical art direct r, who nev r ceases to am ze me when she takes a single yel ow
sticky note and two simple col rs and—ABRACADABRA!— turns it into a fabulous cover that
practical y flies of the shelves.

Mar Anastas, Bethany Buck, Paul Crichton, Carolyn Swerdlof , Mat Pantoliano, Katherine
Dev nd rf, and the rest of my awesome team at Alad in/Simon & Schuster, thank you f r al your
hard w rk on this series.

Daniel Laz r, my super agent at Writers House, thank you f r being ther f r me ev ry step of the
way. I could not have chosen a bet er “partner in crime”! And a special thanks to Stephen Barr f r
always making me smile.

Maja Nikolic, Cecilia de la Campa, and Anghar d Kowal, my f reign rights agents at Writers House,
thank you f r taking D rk Diaries around the w rld.

Nikki Rus el , my daughter and talented as istant artist, I can ot begin to thank you f r al that
you do. I am bles ed to be sharing this dream with you.

Sydney James, C ri James, Presley James, Arian a Robinson, and Mikayla Robinson, my niec s, f r
being brutal critique partners and wil ing to w rk f r a double che se, double sausage pizza.

I think yesterday was probably the BEST day of my entire life ☺!!

Not only did I have a FABTASTIC time at the Hal owe n dance with my crush, Brandon, but I think
he might actual y like me! SQUEEEEEEEEE!!!! ☺!!

By “like,” I mean as a REALLY go d friend.

Definitely NOT as a serious girlfriend r anything. I’m sure THAT would NEVER hap en in a mil ion

WHY? Mostly because I’m the big est DORK in the entire scho l.

And with thre zits, two le fe t, one crud y social life, and zero popularity, I’m not exactly the
type of girl who’l one day be crowned prom que n.

But thanks to my wicked case of CRUSH-ITIS, the slightly-go fy-blis ful y-lovesick-shabby-chic
style I’m currently rockin’ would definitely put me in the run ing f r …

It’s just that I’m NOT a tag hag (also known as a total y obses ed fashion SNOB).

And I’m NOT hopel s ly ad icted to spending twice the gros national product of a smal third-
w rld country on the latest designer clothes, shoes, jew lry, and handbags, only to REFUSE to wear
the stuf one month later because it’s “like, OMG! Practical y m re ANCIENT than YESTERDAY!!”

UNLIKE some people I know….

“People” being shal ow, self-center d girls like …


Cal ing MacKenzie a “mean girl” is an understatem nt. She’s a RATTLESNAKE in pink plumping lip
glos and ankle bo ts.
But I’m NOT intimidated by her r anything. Like, how juvenile would THAT be?!

I constantly wonder how girls like MacKenzie always man ge to be so … I don’t know …

I wish I had something that could magical y transf rm ME into my perfect self.

It would have the am zing power of Cinder l a’s fairy godmother, be easy to use, and be smal enough
to fit inside a purse r backpack.

Something like, I dun o, maybe …


My special lip glos would make each and ev ry girl lo k as beautiful on the OUTSIDE as she is on

How COOL would THAT be?!







A er spending hours studying the potential global impact of the Enchanted Lip Glos phenomenon, I
was shocked and am zed by my scientific findings:

Enchanted Lip Glos does NOT lo k CUTE on EVERYONE!

To bad, MacKenzie ☺!!

Anyway, I real y hope Brandon cal s me today.

I would total y FREAK if he actual y did. But I’m pret y sure he probably won’t. Which, BTW, brings
me to this VERY imp rtant question….


CRUSH IQ TEST: Careful y examine the fol owing two pictures f r sixty seconds. Can you spot the
DIFFERENCE betwe n them?



ANSWER: Ther is NO DIFFERENCE! Thes two dudes are IDENTICAL!

Which, unf rtunately, means your crush basical y IGNORES you whether he actual y LIKES YOU r

(That was me tearing my hair out in frustration!)
Lucky f r me, my BFF Chloe is an expert on guys and romance. She learned ev rything she knows
from reading al the latest te n mag zines and novels.

And my BFF Zoey is a human Wikipedia and a self-help guru. She’s basical y a fourte n-year-old
Dr. Phil in lip glos and ho p earrings.

The thre of us are going to me t at the mal tom rrow to shop f r jeans. I can’t wait to talk to
them about al this guy stuf because, seriously, I don’t have a CLUE!

Can someone PLEASE tel me WHY my life is so h rrifical y PATHETIC ☹?!

Even when something FINALLY goes RIGHT, something else ALWAYS goes terribly WRONG!!!

My mom was sup osed to be taking me to the mal today to hang out with Chloe and Zoey. So I was
TOTALLY BUMMED when she told me I had to watch my brat y lit le six-year-old sister,
Brian a, f r f rty-five minutes while she shop ed f r a new toaster ☹!

In spite of her cute lit le angelic face and pink sneakers, Brian a is actual y a baby Tyran osaurus

Ther was no way I was going to hang out with my BFFs with HER tag ing along.

So I told Chloe and Zoey I’d try to me t up with them as so n as my mom finished shop ing.

I found a quiet, comf rtable spot to chil ax with my diary. Then I rder d Brian a to park her
lit le but right beside me on the bench and not move.
I hadn’t taken my ey s of Brian a f r m re than a minute ( r two r five) when I discover d she’d
climbed into the mal fountain to hunt f r coins!

Thank go dnes that water was real y shal ow!

Then I made the mistake of asking Brian a what the heck she was doing in that fountain. She put
her hands on her hips and glared at me impatiently.

“Can’t you se it’s an em rgency?! A mean old witch has kidnap ed Princes Sugar Plum. And Mis
Pen lope ne ds to get this money out of the water so we can buy a real, live baby unic rn from the
grocery st re and fly to save the princes !”
Hey, you ask a SILLY question, you get a SILLY answer!

I drag ed her out of the fountain and made her tos back the big pile of coins she’d gather d.

Of course, Brian a was supermad at me f r ruining her lit le treasure hunt.

So to distract her, I sug ested we take a lit le strol through the fo d court to try to find some
FREE fo d samples to snack on. YUMMY!

That’s when Brian a started nag ing me to take her to her fav rite kid ie pizza joint, Queasy
Che sy.

I don’t have the slightest idea why lit le kids love that place so much. It has thes huge, stuf ed,
rob tic animals that dance and sing of -key.

Personal y, I think it’s supercre py the way their ey s rol around in their heads and their mouths
are always out of sync with their voices.

Maybe it’s just me, but WHO would actual y want to EAT in a restaurant that has a six-fo t-tal ,
mangy-lo king RAT scampering around? I don’t care that it sings “Hap y Birthday” and gives out
fre bal o ns!

To me, the ONLY thing SCARIER was that evil clown who used to live under my bed when I was
real y lit le.

My parents always insisted he was just a figment of my imagination. But he was VERY real to ME!
OMG! I was absolutely TERRIFIED he’d grab my ankles and pul me under my bed and I’d be STUCK
ther f r, like, ETERNITY.

Thank go dnes I’m older and m re mature and NOT scared of sil y, childish stuf like evil clowns.

Except maybe during thunderst rms on real y dark nights when I se thes strange shadows….

Anyway! I was like, “S rry, Brian a! I don’t have any money. We’l have to wait until Mom gets back.”

“But I can pay f r it!” Brian a whined. “With my baby unic rn money from that magical fountain.
I’m a RICH people practical y! I wan a go to QUEASY CHEESY! NOW!!”

That’s when I noticed that al of Brian a’s pockets wer stuf ed with coins from that fountain.
My lit le sister WASN’T “a rich people practical y.”

But she DID have enough lo se change to buy us a medium sausage pizza with drinks.

WOO-HOO!! ☺!!

The pizza was actual y pret y go d! F r Queasy Che sy, anyway.

Just as we wer finishing up our meal, a waitres pul ed a random number out of a bowl and excitedly
an ounced that the guests at table 7 wer the “lucky ducks” she’d sel cted to come up onstage and
sing the “I Luv Queasy Che sy” them song.

I was like, “Oh, CRUD!!” Brian a and I wer sit ing at table 7 ☹!!

Ther was just NO WAY I was going up on that stage in front of al those people to sing that stupid
song. And I made that fact VERY clear to the nice waitres lady.
Of course, that’s when Brian a got an at itude about the whole thing.

She actual y threw a his y fit right ther in the restaurant and—get this—REFUSED TO PAY

I had nev r be n SO embarras ed in my life!

I total y panicked because al I had in my pocket was thirty-nine cents and some lint.

But the superSCARY part was that Brian a’s sil y lit le prank was going to land us BOTH in JAIL!

And YES! I’m aw re that doing prison time is the latest fad f r al those spoiled young cel bs.
You know the type. The infamous party girl/ model/actres who man ges to become both an ICON
and an EX-CON bef re her twenty-first birthday.

She truly believ s she’s above the law, because in her lit le mind the only REAL CRIMES ag inst
humanity are …

1. Fake designer purses

3. People with visible ear and nose hairs

So out of she r desperation, I did what I had to do.

Namely, perf rm the “I Luv Queasy Che sy” song with Brian a so she would pay f r our meal.

Thank go dnes the people ther wer mostly parents and lit le kids. I didn’t se anyone I knew from
my scho l.

Once we to k the stage and I’d got en past my fe lings of extrem embarras ment and mild nausea
(which is probably why they cal the place QUEASY Che sy!), I had to admit the whole experience
was actual y kind of FUN!!
The crowd se med to love us, so Brian a and I real y

We wer get ing down with a few Beyoncé dance moves, and the audience was che ring us on.

Then the most AWFUL and SHOCKING thing hap en d….

Ap arently, she’d just arrived with HER lit le sister, Amanda, and her BFF, Jes ica.

Jes ica was pointing and laughing at me like I was the big est joke since the interrupting cow.

And I total y FREAKED when I realized MacKenzie had her cel phone out and se med to be taking
a picture r something.

I grabbed Brian a and practical y carried her of the stage.

“NOOO! Let go of me!” Brian a screamed. “The song isn’t ev n over yet! We have to throw kis es to
the crowd and—”

“Brian a! It’s time to go!” I huf ed, stil out of breath. “Mom is probably waiting f r us back at
the fountain!”

But bef re we made it to the do r, Amanda rushed over and shoved a pen and napkin into Brian a’s
hand. “I’ve NEVER met a real, live pop star bef re! Can I have your autograph?” she gushed.
Brian a beamed. “SURE! You can have it f r FREE! And I’l draw a picture of my real, live baby
unic rn to ! I can ride him if I want. He flies in the air!”

Amanda’s ey s widen d to the size of saucers. “YOU have a REAL baby unic rn?! Can I se it?!”

I could NOT believ Brian a was lying like that. I gave her a dirty lo k and she stuck her tongue out
at me.

“Wel , I don’t have one just YET. But I’m gon a buy it from the grocery st re as so n as my mom
comes back with our new toaster. ’Cause gues what?! Some idiot poured range juice in our old one
and it exploded and blew up our house. KABOOM!!”

“Brian a!” I scolded. “Move it! RIGHT NOW!!”

Actual y, I was just trying to get out of ther bef re MacKenzie came over. But no such luck.

“OMG!! Nikki! You wer hilarious!” MacKenzie shrieked. “You stank w rse than the boys’ locker
ro m!”
“Yeah, it to k a lot of guts to get up ther and humiliate yourself in front of the entire WORLD
like that!” Jes ica sn rted.

I just rol ed my ey s at both of them.

I knew I wasn’t a profes ional singer r dancer, but the crowd se med to like us. And since when had
MacKenzie and Jes ica become experts on talent?

“Oh, please! You two wouldn’t recognize talent if it came up wearing a name tag, introduced itself,
and slap ed your face!” I blurted out.

MacKenzie and Jes ica just glared at me. I think they wer probably a lit le surprised because I
usual y just ign re them r say stuf inside my head that no one else can hear but me.

But ther ’s only so much verbal abuse a person can take.

“And besides,” I continued, “ther aren’t m re than fi y people in her . I wouldn’t cal that the
ENTIRE w rld.”

“Wel , it WILL BE when I post this on YouTube,” MacKenzie said, sne ring as she waved her camera
right in my face. “Nikki Maxwel , LIVE at Queasy Che sy!! And you can thank ME f r launching
your care r as a NOT-so-talented pop star!”

Then MacKenzie and Jes ica both laughed hysterical y at her wit y lit le joke.

I just sto d ther , stun ed. Would MacKenzie actual y do that to me?!

Something so … SINISTER and so … VILE?!

Sud enly my stomach felt real y sick ag in and started making gurgling sounds like that angry
choc late fountain at MacKenzie’s party.
Only it felt like I had just eaten a dirty gym sock and then washed it down with a large glas of
ro m-temperature pickle juice.

If I didn’t get out of ther fast, MacKenzie and Jes ica wer going to have a SECOND video to
post on YouTube. One of me BARFING stale pizza and water d-down fruit punch al over their
$300 designer jeans!

When we final y met up with Mom, she was surprised I was so anxious to go home.

I just told her I didn’t fe l so wel and had decided not to go shop ing with Chloe and Zoey a er
al . So now I’m in my bedro m writing about al this and trying not to

Because if MacKenzie posts that Queasy Che sy video on YouTube …

Somebody please DIAL 911 because I’m going to have a mas ive heart at ack and DIE!!


I was so depres ed about what hap en d at Queasy Che sy yesterday, I could barely drag myself out
of bed this m rning.

So I figured … why bother?!

I decided to just lie ther STARING at the wal and SULKING.

F r some reason, wal owing in a truckload of self-pity always makes me fe l a lot bet er ☺!

I final y got up around no n and spent the rest of the day online checking YouTube. I was on ther
practical y ev ry ten minutes. I couldn’t help it. It was like I was obses ed r something.

I was hoping MacKenzie had just be n yanking my chain about posting that video.

She absolutely LOVES to t rture me like that.

By 8:30 p.m. I’d come to the conclusion that the whole thing was just a nasty prank to FREAK me
out. And it HAD!

MacKenzie is meaner than a junkyard dog and total y despises me. But thank go dnes she hadn’t
gone THAT far!

I decided to check one last time bef re I went to bed and then f rget about the whole thing….
It was of icial.
YouTube f r the w rld’s viewing pleasure!
And it had already got en sev n views ☹!


Ther was only one thing le f r me to do….

(That was me screaming into my pil ow!)

How am I going to face the kids at my scho l, knowing they’re al secretly laughing at me behind my

And what about Chloe, Zoey, and Brandon?

They’re the greatest friends ev r.

I cringed at the thought of put ing them through m re of the DRAMAFEST that is my life.

I kept rep ating one thing over and over in my head….


Ther was NO WAY I was going to go to scho l today to face my public ex cution by video.

So I got up extra early to make a batch of my infamous Stay-Home-from-Scho l Faux Vomit.

Unf rtunately, that was NOT an option, because we wer total y out of oatmeal. I was like, JUST

When I final y arrived at scho l, I was expecting to be merciles ly teased, pep er d with insults, and
bombarded with a nev r-ending sup ly of very lame Queasy Che sy jokes.

But to my surprise, no one ev n mentioned that stupid video. THANK GOODNESS ☺!! Instead, the
entire scho l was super xcited and buzzing about the upcoming an ual Westchester Country Day
talent show!

It’s scheduled f r Saturday, November 30, and the judge this year is Trev r Chase, the famous
producer of the new hit TV show 15 Minutes of Fame. Turns out he went to WCD!

The prizes wer sup osed to be pret y go d, to , with first place being the chance to audition f r
a spot on his tel vision show. How co l is THAT?!

So now Chloe, Zoey, and I are TOTALLY psyched about the talent show!

We’ve already agre d to perf rm together. We just have to figure out what we’re going to do. It’s
gon a be a BLAST f r sure ☺!

I’d give anything to be a rich and famous singing sensation!

Because when Nikki Maxwel the WCD STUDENT is WEIRD, RUDE, SLOPPY, and CRAZY,
ev ryone HATES her. She’s cal ed a LOSER ☹!


Howev r, when Nikki Maxwel the POP STAR is WEIRD, RUDE, SLOPPY, and CRAZY, she gets
mobbed by fans, paid mil ions of dol ars, and ev ryone LOVES her. She’s cal ed a LEGEND ☺!



Wel , actual y, I se Brandon in biol gy EVERY DAY. But today was superspecial because it was the
first time I’ve se n him since the DANCE!!

He told me (AGAIN) how much he enjoyed hanging out with me! SQUEEEEEEEEEEE ☺!!

And get this!! He said we should consider sit ing together at lunch to study f r our future biol gy
tests!!! I blushed profusely and sug ested that we start studying f r the next test ASAP.

Like … TOMORROW! ☺!!

Mostly because I’m VERY serious about my studies. Especial y my BIOLOGY tests!
But Brandon said he couldn’t sit with me at lunch f r the next couple we ks because his edit r has
as igned him to train a new phot grapher f r the scho l newspaper.

I smiled at him and was like, “Um … Okay! Sure.”

But de p down inside I was a lit le disap ointed.

I started w rrying that maybe he was just making up a lame excuse because he didn’t want to hang
out with me a er al .

So I decided to talk to Chloe and Zoey about it.

Chloe said f r me not to w rry because Brandon was the one who came up with the whole sit ing-
together-at-lunch thing. Which meant he was ready to take our relationship to the next lev l. And
Zoey total y agre d.

OMG! I almost f rgot! Now I have ONE m re thing to lie aw ke nights w rrying about. Ther wer
at least a dozen ants crawling around in biol gy today!

MacKenzie made a big fus about get ing ant germs until our teacher told her that if she didn’t
sit down and finish her lab rep rt, her grade was going to be A LOT nastier than any ant germs.

But what if the problem gets w rse?! This could turn into a maj r disaster! My teacher could
complain to the janit r, the janit r could complain to the secretary, the secretary could complain to
the principal, and the principal could complain to …


MUST. NOT. PANIC!! Breathe in, breathe out!

ANYWAY, bef re I so rudely interrupted myself, I was about to say that Chloe and Zoey think
Brandon might actual y like me!

And those lit le ants se m to think so TOO!


MacKenzie is ev n m re EVIL than I imagined!

I was wondering why she had gone through the trouble of rec rding that video of me at Queasy
Che sy and posting it on YouTube, only to ke p it a big SECRET!

It made no sense WHATSOEVER! But NOW I know why she did it.

I was at my locker jot ing down ideas f r the talent show when I was rudely interrupted.

“What’s up, Nikki! I’ve got some superEXCITING news to tel you, HON …!!”

I could NOT believ MacKenzie had the nerve to come up to me acting al friendly like she hadn’t
just tried to DESTROY MY LIFE a mer thre days ago!

“I’m put ing together a group f r the talent show, and I‘m lo king f r supertalented dancers with
real star power. Her ’s al the info.”

Then she smiled real y big, bat ed her superlong lashes, and shoved a piec of paper right in my
I squinted and tried to read it.

But I was having a real y hard time because she dangled it in front of my ey s and started swinging
it back and f rth.

And back and f rth.

And back and f rth.

Like she was trying to HYPNOTIZE me to do her

r something!

I knew right then and ther she was up to no go d.

It to k ev ry ounce of my strength NOT to be complet ly mesmerized by the bril iant radiance of

her awesome, yet sickening, perfection.

Final y I just snatched the paper from her and read it.

I had a REALLY bad fe ling about that girl and her lit le dance-group thing.

Why in the heck would she want ME?!

Especial y a er Chloe, Zoey, and I got that D on our Bal et of the Zombies dance routine in gym.

Then ther was that other smal is ue….


And a er her very public and humiliating def at at the art competition, I was sure she was hatching
a diabolical plan to win the talent show.

Unles , a er se ing me perf rm at Queasy Che sy, MacKenzie had sud enly realized I was
supertalented, with huge star power?

Maybe she wanted me ON her team so she wouldn’t have to compet AGAINST me.

The whole concept kind of blew my mind.

That’s when I started thinking that w rking with MacKenzie on her dance group might al ow us to
put aside our dif er nces and final y become friends.

It would be nice NOT having to put up with her verbal abuse r w rry about her blabbing my personal
busines .

I ev n tried to convince myself that hanging out with MacKenzie wouldn’t be so bad.

Once I got used to her abrasive personality.

And her overinflated ego.

And her ad iction to lip glos .

And the fact that she has the IQ of a plastic houseplant.

I ev n imagined myself doing the kind of stuf I’d overheard the CCP (Cute, Co l & Popular) clique
brag ing about.

Like lounging on the beach at MacKenzie’s su mer home in the Hamptons.

I’d definitely invite my friends to MY su mer home in the Hamptons! If I had one….

Final y I made up my mind to give her a chance.

Chloe, Zoey, and I wer going to have a blast dancing onstage together in MacKenzie’s group.

It would be just like our old Bal et of the Zombies days, only BETTER! I got a real y warm and
fuzzy fe ling inside just thinking about it ☺!!
MacKenzie pul ed out her new lip glos , Decadent Dancing Diva Delight, ap lied a fresh layer, and
stared at me with her icy blue ey s.

“So, Nikki … if you know any supertalented dancers with star power, like, um … CHLOE and ZOEY,
just give ’em this flyer, okay?”

My brain was like, “What the …?!! Did she just say ‘Chloe and Zoey’?!”

Ap arently, the lit le blond-haired weasel wanted ONLY Chloe and Zoey in her dance group and
not ME!

Hey, I’d be the FIRST to admit that Chloe and Zoey wer supertalented dancers, probably two of
the best in the scho l.

But what did MacKenzie think I was? CHOPPED LIVER?! REFRIED BEANS?!!

It felt like she had just slap ed me acros the face. With a ste l pipe r something.

“Um … sure,” I mut er d. “I’l tel Chloe and Zoey. But just so you know, the thre of us wer
already plan ing on doing something f r the talent show together.”

“Wel , you’re going to have to CHANGE your PLANS, then! I real y want that audition f r 15
Minutes of Fame. And if Chloe and Zoey perf rm with ME instead of a no-talent LOSER like
YOU, it’l be a slam dunk f r me to take first place.”

I could NOT believ MacKenzie was talking smack right to my face like that.

“GIRL, PUH-LEEZE!” I said, doing one of those Tyra Banks neck-rol thingies that I’d practiced
in the mirr r f r hours. “You must be delusional r something. Or maybe your barret es are so tight,
they’re cut ing of the oxygen to your brain. In spite of what those voices in your head are tel ing
you, we’re NOT your lit le monsters!

I sug est you go find some other people to be your pup ets!”
MacKenzie was so angry, I thought she was going to whack me upside my head with her new Kate
Spade hob purse.

“I’m warning you, Maxwel !” she his ed. “If you so much as lo k at me the wrong way, I’l make sure
ev ryone se s your lit le Queasy Che sy video. You’l get laughed right out of this scho l. Even your
pity-pals, Chloe, Zoey, and Brandon, wil be to embarras ed to be se n with you!”

“This is a talent show, MacKenzie. Did it ev r occur to you to try win ing by using your … um …
TALENT? Or is that a problem because you don’t have any?”

MacKenzie to k a step toward me and put her hands on her hips. “Bet er yet, maybe I’l just send
out a text about your big secret. That you don’t belong her , and your dad—”
“WHATEVER!” I shouted. “Like I real y care what people think about me at this scho l!”

But I do care. And just the thought of her threats made me break into a cold, cla my sweat. My
throat was so tight I could hardly breathe.

“Honestly, MacKenzie! The talent show is NOT that big of a deal to me and definitely isn’t w rth
dealing with al your dram .”

“Wel , it’s a big deal to ME! I DESERVE my fi e n minutes of fame, so stay out of my way.”

Then MacKenzie smirked and flip ed her hair in my face (like she was al that and a bag of chips)
and wrinkled her perfect lit le nose at me.

“OMG! WHAT is that HORRIBLE smel ?! I think the stench of your cheap perfume is starting to
overpower my expensive designer fragrance. What did you spray on this m rning, Mac roni and
Che se?!”

I just grit ed my te th and rol ed my ey s at her. Is it a crime to eat mac and che se f r
breakfast?! We wer out of cer al!! ☹!

Then MacKenzie turned and sashayed down the hal . I just HATE it when she sashays!!

I was about to open my locker when I was practical y trampled alive by a large group of CCP girls.

“OMG, MacKenzie! We just heard about your dance group!”

“Everyone knows you’re going to win!”

“Mac’s Maniacs ROCKS! Can I join?”

“Wait up, MacKenzie! Wait up!”

They scrambled a er MacKenzie like mindles … lip-glos -wearing … zombie … baby ducks r

I just sto d ther staring at the front of my locker like an IDIOT. I felt SO HUMILIATED!

Hot tears flo ded my ey s and I tried my best to blink them aw y.

Howev r, instead of crying, I decided to rip MacKenzie’s flyer into a mil ion lit le piec s.
At this point I want nothing WHATSOEVER to do with MacKenzie. Or that stupid talent show!

I’l be SO glad when this HORRIBLE day is over. ☹!!


I’m so sick and tired of MacKenzie manipulating me, I could SCREAM!

I can’t believ she’s trying to ke p me from competing in the talent show.

It’s like she’s OBSESSED with win ing it. Her ego is SO BIG it has stretch marks!

I think the best thing f r me to do is avoid her like the plague. Which is NOT going to be easy,
because my locker is right next to hers.

I’ve decided that mentioning the video to my parents would just make things w rse.

My mom would gush about how talented and ADORABLE Brian a and I wer and would probably e-
mail the darn thing to half a mil ion people.

And of course, if I told Chloe and Zoey, the FIRST thing they’d want to do is watch it.

Which would be SUPERembarras ing!!!

And if Brandon saw it … OMG!!

He’d realize what a hopel s LOSER I am ☹!

NOTE TO SELF: Continue to check the video daily to monit r how many times it’s be n view d.

As if things wer n’t already a hot mes , today was the second time this we k I’ve se n bugs inside
the scho l building.

I counted nine huge stinkbugs in the girls’ locker ro m just while I was get ing dres ed a er gym
clas .
One flew in my hair, and I total y


Of course, MacKenzie and the CCPs wer practical y rol ing on the flo r laughing at me.

Thank go dnes Chloe and Zoey wer ther to help me. They are the best friends EVER!

As crazy as this may sound, BUGS are the very reason I’l NEVER, EVER fit in at this scho l.
Mostly because I have a


I only at end this fancy prep scho l because my dad arranged a scholarship f r me as part of his
OMG!! I’m SO total y EMBARRASSED about it, I haven’t ev n told Chloe and Zoey. Yet!

As a mat er of fact, I’ve be n at WCD f r almost thre months now, and not a single student her
knows my secret.

Wel , no one except … MACKENZIE HOLLISTER ☹! And she found out purely by accident.

One m rning I was late f r scho l and the only way I could get ther was in my dad’s w rk van. I’ve
always be n a lit le w rried about riding with him because his van is old, ne ds a tune-up, and has a
lot of things wrong with it—the most serious being the GINORMOUS roach sit ing on top of it.

People stop right in their tracks and stare at it in awe.

Not only is it hideous-lo king, but it makes you fe l real y … ODD.

Anyway, when Dad drop ed me of at the front do r of the scho l, I was superhap y and reliev d
that no one else was around to se me.
But then MacKenzie just unexpectedly POPPED OUT of nowher . Like some kind of EVIL jack-

When I saw her standing ther , I almost had a heart at ack!

She was like this real y big, ugly, infected pimple that had sud enly erupted right on the tip of the
nose of … my LIFE!!

She stared at me with this shocked lo k on her face and said, “What is that hideous brown thing on
top of your van …?!”

I just rol ed my ey s at her because, personal y, I thought that was the STUPIDEST question ev r.

It was OBVIOUS to anyone with a BRAIN that it was a roach, and it was up ther on top of our
van mainly to … um … do real y imp rtant … stuf that was … um, actual y NONE of MacKenzie’s
busines !!
But the strange thing was that MacKenzie hadn’t mentioned my dad ag in until yesterday.

And she’s one of the big est gos ips in the entire scho l.

I’ve heard other kids gush that MacKenzie is so rich, she was b rn with a silver spo n in her mouth.

NOT!! MacKenzie’s mouth is so big, she was b rn with a silver SHOVEL in it!

That girl CANNOT be trusted! ☹!!


HELP!! It’s only 7:30 a.m. and my day is already a


I’m begin ing to think transferring to a new scho l might not be such a bad idea a er al .

Which, BTW, would probably make MacKenzie

I got up extra early this m rning to finish my geometry homew rk.

I was just chil ing out, eating a big bowl of delicious Fruity Pebbles cer al, and daydreaming about
… when sud enly the tel phone rang.

I had a real y bad fe ling about that cal , ev n bef re I answer d it.

Then, when I realized who it was, I just about had a heart at ack right ther on the spot!

WHAT I SAID: Hel o …

WHAT HE SAID: Hi, this is Principal Winston. I’m cal ing f r Maxwel ’s Bug Extermination. We’ve
rec ntly started having an insect problem at the scho l, and I’m a lit le concerned.

WHAT I SAID: (GASP!) Um … you’ve reached Maxwel ’s Bug Extermination. We’re currently aw y
from the phone. Please leave a mes age at the tone and we’l return your cal . Um … BEEEEEEP!

WHAT HE SAID: Yes, Principal Winston her , from Westchester Country Day Mid le Scho l. We ne d
your services f r a serious insect problem. Could you stop by my of ice tom rrow during scho l
hours? I’l give you al the details when we me t. Thanks!
Stil in a daze, I hung up the phone, grabbed my lucky pen, and fil ed out a mes age she t f r Dad:

That’s when the extrem AWFULNESS of the situation FINALLY started to sink in and



I was like, OMG! OMG! OMG!

My principal wants my DAD to come to my

to take care of the BUG PROBLEM?!!

My stomach got real y icky like I had just eaten at Queasy Che sy r something.

And I thought I was going to faint.

Howev r, rather than waiting to DIE of embarras ment at scho l, I decided to take the initiative
and end it al right then ☹!
By DROWNING myself ☹!

In my delicious bowl of Fruity Pebbles ☺!!!

I know it sounds like an INSANE idea. But I’d already tried it on Mis Pen lope, my sister’s hand
pup et, and it had actual y w rked. Kind of.



Howev r, in spite of my ef rts, I ended up STILL very much ALIVE.

I felt so frustrated with my situation I wanted to SCREAM! Again.

Mostly because I had a half cup of sog y Fruity Pebble thingies stuck up my nose.

OMG! I must have sne zed Fruity Pebbles f r, like, ten minutes straight.

They wer plaster d al over the wal s and ceiling like rainbow-col red bo gers r something.
I can’t believ Principal Winston is expecting my dad to show up at his of ice tom rrow f r a bug
extermination ap ointment!!!

I’l TRANSFER SCHOOLS bef re I let my dad HUMILIATE me by DANCING around in his red
jumpsuit (which, BTW, has MY last name plaster d acros the back), ZAPPING BUGS in front of
the ENTIRE student body ☹!!

Everyone wil think he f rgot to take his meds r something.

I’ve of icial y designated my scho l as a …


It just AIN’T gon a hap en!!

A er Dad mis es that ap ointment, hopeful y Principal Winston wil just hire someone else to take
care of the scho l’s bugs.
I already HAVE the scholarship.

So what is Winston going to do? Sud enly just kick me out?! In the mid le of the sem ster?! NOT!!

I think I’m going to wear my lucky socks tom rrow.

Hey, I’m gon a ne d al the help I can get.


Al day I’ve be n a NERVOUS WRECK!

I felt superguilty about not giving my dad that tel phone mes age.

But m re than anything, I was

I was going to se PRINCIPAL WINSTON in the hal s.

I don’t have anything ag inst him personal y. He’s a lit le weird, yes. But so are MOST principals and

I mean, who wouldn’t be TOTALLY INSANE a er ten r fi e n years at a mid le scho l?!!

Just hanging around this place as a STUDENT f r a couple of years can be psychol gical y dam ging

Anyway, I was afraid Winston was going to mention something to me about my dad’s ap ointment to
exterminate bugs f r the scho l.

That’s when I decided it was superimp rtant f r me to wear a very clev r and cun ing disguise so
Winston wouldn’t recognize me.

But unf rtunately, I didn’t have much to w rk with. Just my not-from-the-mal ho die (with lint
bal s on it), a lit le imagination, and a lot of desperation….
Not only was it bril iantly simple, but comf rtable and FREE!

Luckily, my disguise w rked just as I’d plan ed ☺!

When Principal Winston saw me a er French clas , he couldn’t tel I was actual y ME! And he nev r
mentioned my dad r ne ding an exterminat r, THANK GOODNESS ☺!

He just lo ked a lit le freaked out. Probably because I was staring at him to test my disguise.
Then Principal Winston did the strangest thing.

He cleared his throat real y loudly and told me to skip my next clas and go STRAIGHT to the
of ice to get a four-hour pas to visit the guidance counsel r!

At first I thought he was making a lit le joke r something.

But then I realized he ACTUALLY believ d I was a seriously mental y il WEIRDO!!

Now, how CRAZY is THAT?!

Howev r, the go d news was that I was get ing out of four hours of clas ! SQUEEEEEEE ☺!!

Of course, I fixed my ho die BEFORE I went to the guidance counsel r’s of ice. I didn’t want HER
to mistake me f r a seriously mental y il weirdo to .

We talked about how my clas es wer coming along and review d my new clas schedule f r next
sem ster.

Then a er lunch she made me watch this superb ring video series about care r plan ing.
The four hours went by pret y quickly, and bef re I knew it, she handed me a pas to go back to
clas .

I real y wanted to find Chloe and Zoey to tel them the exciting news about Principal Winston
sending me to the guidance counsel r.

But the scho l day was pret y much over, and it was time to go home. SQUEEEEEEE ☺!!

The very best part was that Principal Winston NEVER mentioned my dad! And my dad NEVER
showed up f r that ap ointment!

My flawles strategic plan ing, along with my very clev r disguise, saved the day!

Am I NOT bril iant?!!


Today my mom came up with the stupid idea that we ne d to have “Family Sharing Time.”

She patiently explained to us that “spending preplan ed quality time together as a family would
encourage love, mutual respect, and bonding.”

I patiently explained to HER that she should STOP watching Dr. Phil.

Since we wer stuck doing Family Sharing Time, I sug ested we try one of those co l EXTREME
SPORTS they show on MTV.

You know, the kind wher you get to wear a helmet with cute designs on it, like hearts r rainbows.

So you’l lo k real y cute when you break a leg r fracture your skul .

I think it would be fun, exciting, and educational if our family went BUNGEE JUMPING together


Okay, so maybe a family bunge -jumping trip is NOT such a go d idea!

As expected, my parents complained that extrem sp rts wer way to dangerous.

But that was a lame excuse, because Family Sharing Time can be ten times m re DEADLY than al
the extrem sp rts combined!

Like the activity they’d plan ed f r today.

My parents excitedly an ounced at breakfast that we wer going canoeing.

I almost choked on my waf le!

(It didn’t have anything to do with the fact that we wer going canoeing. I just eat real y fast and
tend to almost choke on my fo d on a regular basis.)

Anyway, my dad had purchased an old, beat-up canoe at a gar ge sale f r $3.00.

He had his heart set on trying it out bef re winter sets in and al the lakes fre ze over.

I was like, “Thre dol ars?! Dad, are you KA-RAY-ZEE?!! You spend m re than that on your Eg
McMuf in meal!”

But I just said that inside my head, so no one else heard it but me.

What IDIOT would risk taking his/her family out in de p water in a gar ge sale canoe that ONLY
cost $3.00?!!

Okay, let me rephrase the question….

What idiot … OTHER than my DAD?! I love him and al , but sometimes I REALLY w rry about
that guy!

Even a tiny, cheap, plastic pink canoe f r Brian a’s dol costs MORE than $3.00!

I’m just saying …!

The real y scary part was that Dad knew nothing whatsoev r about canoes.

And since his was from a gar ge sale, it didn’t come with a manual, instruction bo k, warranty, r

When I mentioned my concerns, Dad just rol ed his ey s at me and said, “Hey! I don’t ne d to be a
rocket doct r to locate the ON/OFF switch.”

Anyway, Mom made PB and J sandwiches, Dad packed the car, and we headed out to this huge bay
area that’s real y popular with boaters.

As I expected, the ev nt quickly turned into a maj r DISASTER.

Mainly because Dad didn’t figure out that a canoe required pad les until AFTER we got out on the

And then he got an at itude about the whole thing because HIS canoe didn’t come with any pad les
OR an ON/OFF switch (DUH!).
Which was probably WHY it only cost $3.00.

But I didn’t bother to remind Dad of al that stuf , because he was kind of in a real y bad mo d.

So ther we wer , just floating around out on the bay f r what se med like FOREVER!

Thank go dnes it was an unseasonably warm day r we could have got en hypothermia r something.

Sud enly Dad’s face lit up, and I knew he was get ing another of his WACKY ideas.

He grabbed this large stick that was floating in the water. Then he to k of his shirt, tied it to
the stick, and let it flut er in the wind.

I gues ed that he was trying to convert our pad le-les canoe into a sailboat r something.

But like most of his ideas, it didn’t quite w rk the way he expected.

When ver the wind blew, the canoe would just spin around in circles real y fast like some kind of
demonic amusem nt park ride.

Of course we wer al a bit grumpy about our situation.

But thanks to Dad, now we wer GRUMPY, DIZZY, and SEASICK ☹!

And Mom was starting to get on my LAST nerve!

Being the et rnal optimist, she tried to che r us up by making us sing “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”!

That’s when I sud enly lost it and screamed, “Mom, has your reality check bounced?! Can’t you se
we don’t have any PADDLES? How are we sup osed to ROW, ROW, ROW the boat?!”

But I just said that inside my head, so no one else heard it but me.
And Brian a would NOT shut up! I had to restrain myself from trying to strangle her.

She was whining NONSTOP about the STUPIDEST things….

Okay, I love my family and ev rything. But sometimes I think they’re, um …


Lucky f r us, someone spot ed Dad’s homemade sail and as umed he was signaling f r help.
Even though our Family Sharing Time activity got of to a real y bad start, I have to admit it
ended up being as exciting as any extrem sp rt.

WHY? Get ing rescued by that Coast Guard helicopter was thril ing.

And being transp rted back to our car in that sle k, superfast police spe dboat was a total RUSH!

When we final y got home, I was surprised to hear a phone mes age from Chloe and Zoey.

“Hey, Nikki, what’s up? It’s Chloe and Zoey her ! We’re cal ing to se if you’re going to be av ilable
today r tom rrow to w rk on our act f r the talent show. If so, give us a cal . We can’t wait to
get started!”

I was like, Just great ☹! I real y wanted to be in the talent show with them, but MacKenzie was
going to make my life total y miserable if I did.

So ner r later I was going to have to tel my BFFs I wouldn’t be perf rming with them.

But I was so exhausted from our canoe trip, I just wanted to take a hot shower and crawl into my
comfy bed.

I decided to tel them … LATER!

I wonder if Dad has figured out yet that canoes DON’T have ON/OFF switches …?

Mom and I are get ing ready to go shop ing to buy me some new clothes. I can hardly believ it!

I gues I owe Brian a a big thank-you since she’s pret y much the person responsible f r it.

It al started when Mom gave Brian a a new paint set and easel. She said it would help Brian a
dev lop her artistic abilities.

So Brian a started painting, and Mom’s be n plastering her artw rk al over the house.

The thing that real y freaked me out, though, was this large p rtrait she drew of ME.

I couldn’t believ Mom actual y taped it up on our refrigerat r like that.

What if a total stranger just randomly wander d into our house and saw Brian a’s drawing up
ther ?!

Hey, it could hap en!!

But mostly that p rtrait was very dam ging to my self-este m.

I realize I’m not supercute like the girls in the CCP clique at my scho l. But PUH-LEEZE! Does my
face real y lo k like it got run over by a bus?!

And as if al that wasn’t bad enough, Brian a is a very mes y artist. She splat ers paint

I almost died when she actual y got paint on my fav rite shirt.

OMG! I had a his y fit right ther on the spot.

Okay, I’l admit it. That spot of paint on my shirt WAS kind of smal .

But the last time I watched Judge Judy on tel vision, she specifical y stated, “Parents are responsible
f r the dam ge their child does to the property of other people. And that’s the LAW, you @#$%&
IDIOT!!” Or something like that.

Everyone knows Judge Judy is a very fair and impartial judge. She’s also supergrumpy and pos ibly a
lit le senile!

Of course, my mom to k Brian a’s side like she always does. She said, “Nikki, I’m sure it was an
accident. I’l replace anything she gets paint on. Okay?”

I just lo ked at my mom and rol ed my ey s.

“Yeah, right! And what if Brian a gets paint on ALL my clothes? Then you’re going to buy me a
whole new wardrobe?!” But I just said that inside my head, so no one else heard it but me.
Sud enly I had the most bril iant idea. That’s when I decided to inspire Brian a’s creativen s by
finding stuf f r her to paint.

I gave her my shirt to get started on. Then I ran upstairs to my ro m and tos ed most of my
clothes into a big laundry basket.

It felt real y go d helping my lit le sister dev lop her artistic skil s.

Mom was real y shocked when she discover d that Brian a had painted almost al my clothes.

Of course, I didn’t tel her the part about it al being MY idea ☺!

Mom tried her best to weasel out of her promise to replace the clothes that Brian a got paint on.
But I reminded her that as an impres ionable young child, I was learning the imp rtance of honesty,
integrity, and ke ping one’s w rd from the example being set by my parents.

Which is the drivel I’ve picked up from al those TV talk shows.

Anyway, Mom felt SO guilty, she final y agre d to hon r her promise.

Now I get to …


BTW, I final y returned the cal to both Chloe and Zoey.

I let them know that ev n though we wer n’t able to get together to practice over the we kend, we
could me t to discus our plans tom rrow in the library.

Which means I have to make a final decision tom rrow!!

What am I going to do???!!!

I’m so CONFUSED! I fe l like my brain is going to EXPLODE!!


Every day during study hal , Chloe, Zoey, and I are excused to go w rk as library shelving as istants,
r LSAs. We LOVE our job!



A er we final y got al the bo ks reshelved, Zoey sug ested that we decide what we wer going to
do f r our talent show act.

That’s when Chloe sud enly started doing what lo ked like the funky chicken.
Which meant she had just got en a REALLY GREAT idea f r the talent show.

“OMG! OMG! I just got the most FABULOUS idea! We can do a wicked co l dance routine about
bo ks. We’l cal ourselves the BREAK-DANCING BOOKWORMS!” Chloe gushed.

“I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT!” Zoey squealed. “We can make fuzzy lime gre n costumes that lo k like
caterpil ars. And we can rap, to ! What do you think, Nikki?”

I was like, “Actual y, Chloe and Zoey, it sounds like a real y fun idea. But is this sup osed to be a
TALENT show r a FREAK show?!”

But I just said that inside my head, so no one else heard it but me.

Chloe and Zoey are the BEST friends EVER! But they’re also the second- and third-big est
d rks in the entire scho l.

So sometimes their ideas are a lit le … how should I say it … DORKY to .


But their occasional y weird antics are the reason they are so much fun to hang out with.

I to k a de p breath and tried my best to break it to them gently.

“Actual y, I think it’s a real y cute idea. But I have a bit of bad news. As much as I was lo king
f rward to it, I’ve decided not to participate in the talent show this year. I’m trying to … um,
spend m re time on, um … scho lw rk and stuf .”

“Nikki! It’s not going to be fun unles al thre of us do this together!” Chloe groaned as her smile
quickly faded.

Zoey lo ked disap ointed to . “Wel , if YOU’RE not going to be in the talent show, then I don’t
want to be in it!”

“Me neither!” Chloe said grimly.

“Come on, guys! You can be break-dancing bo kw rms TOGETHER. It’l STILL be fun!” I said, trying
to sound upbeat.

But I couldn’t get them to change their minds.

The thre of us just sat ther not saying anything f r what se med like FOREVER.

To make mat ers w rse, I was starting to fe l guilty about let ing them down.

Final y Zoey broke the silence. “Nikki, are you mad at us r something?”

“WHAT are you talking about? Of course not!” I answer d. “If anything, you two should be mad at

“You’ve be n kind of quiet lately. Is anything wrong?” Chloe asked, staring at me intently.

F r a split second I thought about just pouring my heart out to them both.

About MacKenzie, Queasy Che sy, the talent show, my dad, my scholarship …

But instead, I sho k my head vig rously and tried to muster a big smile.

“NO! Nothing’s wrong! I just fe l terrible that you guys have decided not to be in the talent show. I
know you wer real y lo king f rward to it.”

Chloe shrug ed and lo ked out the window.

Zoey bit her lip and stared at the flo r.

I reminded myself I was doing al this f r their own go d. The last thing I wanted was f r THEM
to be a casualty in MacKenzie’s war ag inst ME.
Final y the bel rang, ending fi h hour.

Chloe and Zoey lo ked sad and fluster d. I think they knew I was hiding something.

And I felt just … AWFUL!

I sighed and tried to apol gize. “Listen, I’m REALLY, REALLY s rry, okay?”

As Chloe and Zoey got up to leave, they both sadly mut er d the exact same thing at the exact
same time.

Then they turned and walked aw y ☹.


I think I’ve final y figured out the source of the bug problem at our scho l!

I’m no expert (unlike my dad!), but it was kind of strange to se so many dif er nt bugs just
randomly crawling around like that.

But her ’s the crazy part!

I accidental y le my French homew rk in my locker, and my teacher let me leave clas to go get it.
While I was at my locker, the hal s wer empty and total y quiet.

I could have sw rn I heard CRICKETS CHIRPING!

And the sound was coming from

I was like, What the …!!

I sto d on my tip y toes and tried to pe k through the slot thingy at the top of MacKenzie’s

I thought I saw the silver lid of a jar r something, but her big leather purse was in the way.

That’s when I got the bril iant idea to stick my ruler through the slot thingy to move stuf around
and get a bet er lo k inside.
A er a few tries I was able to push MacKenzie’s purse out of the way.

And sure enough, right behind it was a glas jar. But I couldn’t quite se if anything was inside it.

Using the ruler, I tried to sco t the jar toward the front so I could get a closer lo k.

But I somehow accidental y knocked it over, and it hit the locker do r with a KLUNK and rol ed on
top of the purse.

That’s when I noticed that the lid must not have be n on very tight r something because it flip ed
right of .

I was like, OOPSIE! Time to get back to clas !

But the longer I sto d ther thinking about it, the ANGRIER I got.

Mainly because it lo ked to me like MacKenzie had be n secretly planting bugs al over the scho l.
She KNEW that so ner r later the scho l was going to cal my dad to exterminate the place. And
when it did, I was going to have a complet MELTDOWN.

Ther was NO WAY I was let ing my dad come to my scho l.

I mean, what if he saw ME in the hal way betwe n clas es?!!

He might say something SUPERembarras ing to me like, “Hi ther , Nikki …!”

Then, OMG!! I’d just ke l over and … DIE!!!

And from that day f rward, I’d be known as the daughter of that crazy disco-dancing
exterminat r.

Kids would whisper stuf about me behind my back and cal me a FREAK!

And not just a regular FREAK, but a half-BUG, half-DORK FREAK! Which is, like, ten times

My life would be TOTALLY RUINED!! And it would al be MACKENZIE’S

Unlike that talent show fiasco that involved my BFFs, this problem was just betwe n ME and
MACKENZIE. Which meant I could deal with HER on my OWN terms.

I marched straight down to Principal Winston’s of ice to have a nice lit le chat with him about this
bug is ue.

Only, I didn’t RAT out MacKenzie! YES, I know! I probably SHOULD have.

But I already knew from experience she was just going to bat her ey lashes al in ocentlike and LIE
And Winston would total y believ her (and not me) because al adults think MacKenzie is a perfect
lit le angel and INCAPABLE of lying.

Besides, I was going to talk to Winston about something WAY m re imp rtant than MacKenzie’s
juvenile lit le pranks.

Our me ting went just as I had plan ed.

He told me he was hap y I’d stop ed by his of ice and asked how things wer going as a new student.

I to k a de p breath and got right to the point.

“Actual y, Principal Winston, I’m doing fine considering the fact that I’m stuck with a locker right
next to MacKenzie Hol ister, and I’m total y lost in geometry. But I stop ed by to let you know
that since my dad is superbusy right now, you should just cal in another exterminat r. I’m real y sure
he ap reciates your busines and al , but ther ’s only so much w rk he can handle.”

Principal Winston blinked. Then he to k of his glas es, folded his arms acros his chest, and slowly
nod ed.

“Is that so? I was wondering why your dad mis ed our ap ointment on Friday. I thought maybe he
didn’t get the mes age I le on your answering machine. Wel , it’s quite a coincidence that you
drop ed by, Mis Maxwel , because I was plan ing to give him another cal this a erno n.”

“Wel , if you want some advice, don’t bother! He’s so busy he hasn’t ev n … slept in like, um … thre
r five days. Plus, it would be healthier f r his … you know … sick gal blad er and stuf , if you just
got someone else.”

Principal Winston sat ther staring at me with this real y perplex d lo k on his face. Then I saw him
glance at the tel phone on his desk.

That’s when I sto d up, plaster d a fake smile on my face, and sho k his hand real friendlylike.
“Wel , Principal Winston, I don’t want to take up any m re of your time. I know you’re a busy man.
Plus, I just heard the bel f r lunch and I LOVE al the creative things your co ks do with mystery
meat. I’m real y, real y glad we had this lit le chat.”

“Thank you, Mis Maxwel . I’m glad we did to ,” he said, and cleared his throat.

Then I got the heck out a ther !

As I headed down the hal toward the cafet ria, I felt like a huge burden had be n li ed of my

Winston was going to use another exterminat r, and my secret would be safe ag in.

Problem solved!

As I got to the do r of the cafet ria, a dozen CCP girls rushed past me screaming.

Inside, it was total

I i mediately spot ed MacKenzie standing on top of a lunch table shrieking hysterical y and pointing
at something lying on the flo r in front of the sal d bar.
My gut reaction was: Mouse?! Snake?!

But se ing as it was MacKenzie, it also could have be n something as mundanely h rrifying as a pair
of red polyester pants. I have to admit, I wasn’t al that surprised to se …

That’s when I final y came to the conclusion that my earlier hunch was c rrect.

I gues ther real y WERE crickets in that jar! ☺!!


The only thing ev ryone is talking about thes days is that stupid talent show.

And it’s real y starting to get on my nerves!

People are practicing bef re scho l, a er scho l, and ev n during lunch.

I’l be SO hap y when al this is over!

I’d be n waiting f r MacKenzie to ask Chloe and Zoey to join her dance squad, so I wasn’t surprised
when she ap roached them about it a er gym clas today.

Howev r, I was shocked when Chloe and Zoey turned her down!

They actual y told her they didn’t want to be in the talent show unles I was in it to . I couldn’t
believ my BFFs had basical y told MacKenzie to take her lit le dance group and flush it ☺!!

MacKenzie just stared at them with her mouth hanging open because she sud enly realized her plan
to ke p me out of the talent show had backfired.

She must have se n the smirk on my face because she gave me this real y dirty lo k, and I was like,
“WHAT?!” and bat ed my ey s al in ocentlike.

I could NOT believ the disgusting, low-down, dirty thing MacKenzie did next.

“Okay, Chloe and Zoey. I’l be honest with you. Jason and Ryan have be n BEGGING me to ask you
to join. They’re DYING to be your dance partners. I promised I wouldn’t tel , but those guys have
real y big crushes on you two!” she gushed, and then winked.
Ther was no doubt in my mind that MacKenzie was lying like a rug. She was only pret nding to be
Mis Matchmaker to trick Chloe and Zoey into joining.

But they believ d ev ry w rd she said and total y lost it. They started jumping up and down and

I didn’t have the heart to tel them MacKenzie was a pathol gical liar and Jason and Ryan wer
probably in on her lit le schem .

I shot MacKenzie a dirty lo k, and this time SHE bat ed her ey s at ME al in ocentlike and said,

I was so mad I could SPIT! I wanted to slap that girl into tom rrow f r playing with my friends’
emotions like that.

Those two guys had taken che rleaders to the Hal owe n dance two we ks ago and practical y broken
Chloe’s and Zoey’s hearts.

And NOW they wer al going to be dance partners?!! I couldn’t believ MacKenzie was such a lit le
MANIPULATIVE … beady-ey d … SNAKE!!

What REALLY w rried me, though, was the fact that neither Chloe n r Zoey had ful y recover d
from their total y debilitating case of …

“Wel , girls! From your test results, it ap ears your sev re case of crush-
itis can be cured with medication.”


“Unf rtunately, you won’t be able to sit down f r a we k. Now rol over,
close your ey s, and count to ten.”

MacKenzie was reckles ly exposing Chloe and Zoey to yet another dangerous case of CRUSH-ITIS,
mer ly f r selfish gain. That girl is HEARTLESS!

So now they start dance practice tom rrow.

I probably won’t be se ing much of my BFFs over the next two we ks because they’l be hanging out
with MacKenzie and the CCPs.

But it’s not like I’m jealous r anything.

I mean, how juvenile would THAT be?!



I can’t believ the

mes I’ve made!

I had no idea things wer going to turn out like this.

WHAT am I going to do now?!

I think I’m going to be

Which is the reason I asked my geometry teacher, Mrs. Sprague, if I could be excused to go to the
bathro m.

Okay, this is what hap en d….

When I got home from scho l yesterday, I stop ed to get the mail.

I saw an envelope from WCD that was ad res ed to both me and my parents and figured it was my
rep rt card r something.

Howev r, when I open d it, I had a heart at ack right ther on the spot because it was a TUITION
BILL ☹!!

How did I know?

Mainly because it said in real y big let ers:


And below that was a dol ar amount so big, I almost thought my ey bal s wer going to rupture just
lo king at it.

I could try to pay it of with my te ny al owance. But that would take 1,829.7 years ☹!



At first I thought it was some kind of mistake!!

But the only logical explan tion is that I had mes ed up big time by NOT giving my dad that phone
mes age from Principal Winston.

Then I had very STUPIDLY gone to Winston’s of ice and told him my dad was to busy to come in.
And now my scholarship has be n revoked!!

WHAT was I thinking?!!! Ther ’s just no way my parents can af rd to pay that tuition bil !
Sud enly it became very clear that MacKenzie had complet ly set me up!

Her master plan WASN’T to embarras me by having my dad come to the scho l to exterminate al
the bugs she was let ing lo se.

NUH-UH!! Her lit le brain was way m re DEVIOUS than that!

Her plan was f r my dad NOT to come to the scho l to exterminate al the bugs she was let ing
lo se.


She knew I’d be FRANTIC and do ev rything within my power to ke p him aw y.

Basical y, she TRICKED me into RUINING MY OWN LIFE ☹!!

MacKenzie Hol ister is an

I had no scholarship and I had no money to pay the tuition.

My situation was HOPELESS!

As I sat ther on that cold bathro m flo r a thick cloud of anguish se med to descend upon my stal
like some kind of putrid smog, making it nearly impos ible f r me to breathe r think clearly.

Overcome by gut-wrenching emotion (and overwhelmed by that awful scho l bathro m smel ), I began
to ponder the unthinkable.

I wanted al my problems to go aw y.
So I decided to just end it al right ther , by …


But unf rtunately, I was WAY to big to fit down that lit le drain-hole thingy.

That’s when I noticed a bright yel ow talent show poster taped on the stal do r.

I’d se n them plaster d around the scho l f r days. But a er al the dram with MacKenzie, I had
nev r bother d to actual y read one….
I had to read that poster, like, thre times bef re it final y sank in.

WCD was actual y giving aw y

I know I sw re of the talent show earlier, but now things have changed.

I’m desperate.

How desperate am I?!



Just when I thought my life COULDN’T get any WORSE, IT DID!!

I skip ed lunch today because I wanted to talk to Brandon.

I real y felt the ne d to vent to someone about al the stuf that was going wrong in my life right
now, like f r example …

Confiding in Chloe and Zoey was not an option since they wer busy rehearsing with Jason and Ryan
during lunch.

I stil consider d Brandon a go d friend ev n though he’s be n so busy that we’ve barely spoken to
each other since the dance two we ks ago.

It always se med like talking to him helped me think things through m re logical y.

But most imp rtant, I wanted to tel him about my dad, my revoked scholarship, and that I might be
leaving WCD very so n.

I’m just real y tired of pret nding ev rything is fine when it isn’t!

And I know at some point MacKenzie is going to blab al my busines to the entire scho l anyway.

Hey, w rld! My dad is a bug exterminat r, and I at end WCD on a scholarship!

Big deal! It’s WHO I real y am!

WHY should I be ashamed of it?!

Even if MacKenzie has a problem with it, I don’t have to.

Anyway, I rushed down to the newspaper of ice, since that’s wher Brandon has be n hanging out
lately training some new phot grapher.

Wel , it lo ks like he’s be n pret y busy, al right….

I’ve always wonder d if Brandon real y likes me r not. Wel , now I know.

I think he’s just be n using me al along to make MacKenzie jealous r something.

I couldn’t stand to watch her gushing al over him like a lovesick pup y.

“Oh, Bra a ndon!” this and “Oh, Bra a andon!” that.

OMG! She sounded so DITZY, I thought her brains wer going to o ze out of her ears like syrup
and make a pud le right on the flo r.

She’s m re CRAZY about him than EVER!

And since WHEN has MacKenzie be n into phot graphy?!!

Probably since landing BRANDON as her NEW TUTOR!

And get this! She doesn’t ev n READ our scho l newspaper, because she says it doesn’t have a
Fashion & Style section. And the Fashion & Style section is the ONLY thing she says is w rth
reading in ANY newspaper.

The girl is DESPERATE!!

Anyway, I just turned around and walked right out of the ro m bef re they ev n saw me.

If Brandon wants MacKenzie, he can have her!!!


My life is so MESSED UP!

Al day I’ve be n fe ling SUPERdepres ed and guilty.

I final y made the decision to come clean to my parents and tel them EVERYTHING!!

So what if I get grounded until my twenty-first birthday?

I was like, “Um, Mom and Dad, can I talk to you guys? It’s real y imp rtant!”

Mom was like, “Sure, honey. But can it wait a lit le bit? It’s such a beautiful, clear night outside
that your dad and I decided we’d al have a lit le Family Sharing Time.”

I was like, OH, CRUD!! It was real y BAD timing f r Family Sharing Time ☹!!

Then Dad just about knocked me over rushing out the back do r with a big can of lighter fluid and
a box of matches.

Is it me, r do most fathers se m to have latent pyromaniac tendencies?

They get real y hap y and excited when ver they gril fo d, light the fireplace, make a campfire,
burn leaves, r do anything that involves fire….



What’s up with THAT?!

Wel , tonight Dad decided to build a campfire in the backyard so we could roast marshmal ows. And
Mom brought out a big plate of Hershey bars and a box of graham crackers so we could make yu my

I have to admit, I was actual y lo king f rward to snarfing down that hot, go ey, choc laty treat.

Sounds like a fun, family-friendly activity. Right?! It was.

Until Dad got a lit le carried aw y and burned his marshmal ows to a crisp.

When they caught on fire, he total y panicked.

It lo ked like he was holding one of those flaming shish kebab thingies you se in fancy restaurants.

He was frantical y whip ing the stick around in circles trying to put out the fire.

The next thing we knew, those marshmal ows wer flying right of the end of his stick and
practical y going into rbit.

OMG! Dad’s marshmal ows lit up the night sky like a met r shower r something. Actual y, it lo ked
kind of co l!


But somehow, in al the co motion, one of the flaming marshmal ows landed on the front of his pant
leg and stuck ther . Of course Brian a total y lost it and started screaming her head of !

Thinking fast, Mom grabbed the bucket of water Dad had placed nearby and quickly doused the
front of his pants just as it caught on fire. Thank go dnes he wasn’t hurt r anything.

But then our very nosy neighb r lady, Mrs. Wal ab nger, came run ing outside to se what was going

Dad tried his best to explain to her that while he was out in the backyard roasting marshmal ows,
he’d had an unf rtunate lit le accident.

Mrs. Wal ab nger just stared at him with this real y disgusted lo k on her face.

She gave Dad a lecture about how he should be ashamed of himself and actual y threaten d to cal
the police.

Then she st rmed back into her house and sla med her do r. But we could se her pe king out at us
through her curtains.

We wer al superconfused about why Mrs. Wal ab nger was behaving so strangely.

Until I to k a closer lo k at Dad and realized it actual y lo ked like he had, um … wet his pants.

Which also pret y much explained why Mrs. Wal ab nger had TOTALLY FREAKED when Dad told
her he’d had an “unf rtunate lit le accident” in the backyard.

We final y decided to cal it a night, and Dad put out our campfire by shoveling dirt on it.

Since Dad’s pants wer wet, dirty, marshmal ow-cover d, and slightly charred from the night’s
activities, Mom insisted that he take them of in the gar ge and throw them in the trash so he
wouldn’t make a mes in the house.
Then she rushed upstairs to get him a clean pair to put on.

Wel , Mrs. Wal ab nger must have STILL be n pret y upset, because when Mom got back to the
gar ge to give Dad his pants, we heard this loud co motion out in our driveway.

From what I could tel , Dad was having a real y heated argument with someone.

It sounded like a lady was trying to convince him she was ther to help him. But Dad kept insisting
in a real y loud voice that he didn’t WANT r NEED any of her HELP.

That’s when the lady said, “Actual y, sir, I think you ne d to let me HELP you FIND YOUR

OMG! I was shocked to se that police of icer! But I had to admit, she had a real y go d point
about the pants is ue.

Then Dad got an at itude about the whole thing and told the police lady that he didn’t ap reciate
her making a joke at his expense.
But the police lady told Dad that he ne ded to calm down and have a seat in the back of her squad
car so they could go f r a lit le ride down to the station.

I thought f r sure Dad was going to get arrested r something.

Thank go dnes Mom rushed outside and explained ev rything about that flaming marshmal ow, the
bucket of water, and Dad’s no-pants situation.

And a er the nice of icer lady was convinced Dad WASN’T wandering around the neighb rho d
pe ping in neighb rs’ windows, she apol gized to him and le .

In spite of the fact that the ev ning was a total disaster, Mom stil insisted that we take a picture
to put in her Family Sharing Time scrapbo k.

So we al posed in the kitchen holding a graham cracker with fake smiles plaster d on our faces, just
to make her hap y.


This was the WORST Family Sharing Time ev r!

Since we wer al pret y traumatized from the marshmal ow roast and Dad was stil FURIOUS at
that cop, I decided it was a VERY bad time to bring up the whole tuition bil is ue.

Maybe I’l tel them tom rrow. Or I could always run aw y and join the circus…. ☹!!

I was aw ke most of the night, tos ing and turning and trying to figure out what to do about al my

When I first started at WCD, I nev r thought in a mil ion years I’d ev r actual y want to stay at
this scho l.

But over the last couple months I gues the place has just s rt of grown on me r something.

Chloe, Zoey, and I have become real y go d friends. I actual y WON the av nt-garde art
competition. And then Brandon asked me to the Hal owe n dance. Although, thanks to MacKenzie,
things aren’t as go d as they once wer ☹.

Al I real y ne d to do is figure out how to fix it al .

At this point I basical y have TWO choices:

1. Just give up and transfer to a new scho l…. Which means I’l ALSO have to go through the
TORTURE of being the NEW KID al over ag in ☹!
2. Rob a bank and pay my tuition with the cash. Which, unf rtunately, could be the first step in my
new life as a ruthles felon.


Instead of spending four years in high scho l and four years at a maj r university, I’l spend eight
years in prison f r robbery.

And when I get married and have a baby, my po r daughter wil take a er ME and become a
juvenile delinquent while she’s stil in diapers.


And then while I’m rot ing in prison (and having superfun mani/pedi cel -block parties with those
cel bs), I’l realize what a h rrible mes I’ve made of my life and total y regret that I DIDN’T give
my dad that tel phone mes age from Principal Winston!

Anyway, the ONLY choice I real y have is to try to get a scholarship by win ing that talent show.

Unf rtunately, I’m just an okay singer. But if I was in a band with supertalented musicians, I might
have a chance.

So on Monday I’m going to put up posters around the scho l and then hold auditions f r a band. If
I’m lucky, maybe ther are a few real y talented kids who HAVEN’T signed up f r the show yet. Um
… actual y, BOTH of us wan a be in your band!

I arrived at scho l an hour early today to put up audition posters f r my band.

I also got permis ion from the of ice to use the band ro m a er scho l tom rrow.

I know this is last-minute. But al I real y ne d is f r thre r four people to show up.

Although it was stil fairly early in the m rning, at least a half dozen groups wer already practicing
in various locations throughout the scho l.

The CCPs in the cafet ria wer blasting their music so loudly I could barely hear myself think.

I pe ked in and saw Chloe and Zoey dancing and flirting with Jason and Ryan. My BFFs lo ked SO
hap y.

Ther was no doubt in my mind that they’d enjoy dancing with Jason and Ryan m re than being in
my ragtag band.

I plan ed to tel them in the library today that I’d changed my mind about being in the talent show.
I was sure they’d understand.


As so n as I got done with my posters, I rushed to clas early to try to finish up some homew rk
that I hadn’t be n able to complet over the we kend.

I can’t believ how much homew rk they give you in mid le scho l. Ther ’s just NO WAY you can get
al of it done.

The last thing I ne ded was an incomplet , so I decided to come up with a real y go d excuse so my
teacher would give me extra time to finish my as ignment.

F r some reason, teachers tend to believ st ries that are real y supercreative, no mat er how crazy
r far-fetched.

That’s when I came up with the bril iant idea f r a handy-dandy manual cal ed:
I don’t think ther ’s anything like this on the market.

So I decided to write down al the best excuses I’ve used over the years and place them in a simple
f rm.

And once I’ve col ected enough of them, I plan to publish them as a bo k that could pos ibly become
an overnight bestsel er f r students around the w rld:
Hey! Maybe I can use the money from this bo k to pay my tuition ☺!

So, today in biol gy, Brandon was staring at me.

It wasn’t like I was staring at HIM the entire hour r anything. I’m just very observant and hap en d
to notice it.

I almost fel out of my chair when he leaned over and whisper d, “Are you okay, Nikki? You lo k kind
of down today.”
But since talking to him would make me fe l ev n MORE heartbroken than I already was, I just
nod ed and kept right on w rking on our human brain as ignment.

Unlike MacKenzie! That girl would NOT shut up the entire hour!

She babbled nonstop to Brandon about her new lip glos flav rs and Mac’s Maniacs, al while making
go -go ey s at him.

While observing MacKenzie’s behavi r, I prepared a lab rep rt sup rting my new hypothesis on
intel igence and nutrition:

It IS actual y humanly pos ible to have the IQ of a toaster pastry and stil function in society!

Anyway, a er clas was over, Brandon didn’t try to talk to me ag in r anything.

He just lo ked at me, shrug ed, and walked aw y with this perplex d lo k on his face.

It’s almost like he has no idea WHATSOEVER why I’m acting the way I am.
Which is ironic because HE is the reason I’m a total PSYCHO.

How can he NOT know how I fe l?!

But … what if he DOESN’T?!

What if he thinks I’m just being mean f r no reason?

When I actual y like him! A LOT!!

I think!


Today was the BIG DAY! AUDITIONS!!

Although I felt super xcited, de p down I was real y w rried.

If I don’t win the talent competition and snag a scholarship, I won’t have any choice but to transfer
to a new scho l.

Just thinking about it makes me break out in a cold sweat ☹!

And as if I wasn’t already STRESSED OUT enough, MacKenzie kept staring at me and giving me
the evil ey the entire time I was at my locker.

I was like, “Hey, girlfriend. You’re cre ping me out. Just take a picture, why don’t cha?”

But I just said that inside my head, so no one else heard it but me.

Al my clas es b red me out of my skul , and the day se med to drag on and on and on.

When scho l was FINALLY over, I hurried toward the band ro m to get ready f r the auditions.

As I pas ed the cafet ria, I couldn’t help but notice MacKenzie and a few of her CCP dancers
crowded around one of my audition flyers.

Of course when she saw me, she started whispering about me and gig ling like an evil lit le witch.
She had a lot of nerve to be talking about me right to my face like that.

Howev r, since I had somewher to be, I just ign red her and rushed right past.

I got to the band ro m about ten minutes early and was reliev d to se a dozen r so kids warming
up on their instruments.

I started to fe l a lot bet er. But mostly I was hopeful that maybe my crazy plan was actual y
going to w rk.

I could tel they wer pret y go d musicians just by listening to them.

At 3:45 sharp I decided to get the show on the road.

“Okay, I’m ready to get started now, if you guys are!” I said che rful y. “Her ’s the sign-up she t.”

This kinda cute guy who was dru ming on the seat of a chair lo ked up at me and smiled. “So, you’re
the one who’s using the band ro m today? We’l be out of your hair in a minute. As so n as our tuba
player shows up, we’l be moving to the choir ro m to practice with the gle club.”

Out of my hair?! Now I was total y confused. I was pret y sure I must have heard him wrong.
“Excuse me? Aren’t you guys her f r the talent show?”

“Yeah! We’re the jazz band, and we’re doing a few numbers with the gle club.”

I just stared at him with my mouth dangling open. “U m, okay. I just thought that … um … you al
wer her f r …” My voice trailed of .

A guy rushed in and grabbed the tuba. Then ev ryone filed out of the ro m.

My heart sank. I groaned and col apsed into a chair.

Other than me, the ro m was now total y empty.

I glanced at the clock. It was 3:55.

Don’t panic! I thought. Maybe ev ryone is just late r something.

I lo ked back at the clock and wonder d if it had stop ed w rking. It was moving so slo o o o wly.

3:58. 4:00. 4:03.

And stil no one arrived.

4:05. 4:08. 4:11.

By 4:15 I sighed de ply and final y admit ed the obvious.

My bril iant plan was a complet and humongous

NOT a single person had bother d to show up f r my auditions ☹!

I couldn’t rem mber the last time I’d felt so alone.

I got a huge lump in my throat and tried to fight back my tears.

I was such a LOSER!

Maybe transferring to another scho l wasn’t such a bad idea a er al .

It se med VERY obvious that no one her actual y liked me. I’d just be n kid ing myself to think so.
My thoughts wer interrupted by Violet, who st rmed into the ro m and sla med the do r.

“Oh, ther you are! What the HECK is going on? I told ev ryone they should have checked in her
first! Some people are such IDIOTS!”

You ALWAYS know exactly how Violet fe ls about something.

Mainly because she’l tel you rather loudly whether you want to hear it r not. But I kind of like
that about her.

“Wel , thanks a lot f r canceling your auditions at the last minute. I’ve be n practicing that stupid
song on the piano f r hours! I gues fame eludes me yet ag in,” she huf ed, scowling at me.

I just shrug ed and tried to wipe aw y my tears bef re she noticed them. “I’m real y s rry….”

Sud enly her face so en d, and she lo ked concerned. “Hey! Are you okay?”

“Sure. Just, um … sev re … al ergies. Actual y, I’m fine. But did you just say ‘canceling’?!”

“Yeah! You did it on such sh rt notice. What hap en d?”

“What do you mean, what hap en d?!”

“What do YOU mean, what do I mean?!” Violet lo ked at me like I was crazy. “You cancel d it!
Right? Okay, come lo k at this.”

I fol owed Violet down the hal , and we stop ed at the exact spot I’d se n MacKenzie and her
friends almost an hour earlier.

Violet pointed at my flyer. “SEE? It says ‘CANCELED’!”

Sure enough, scrawled acros my audition flyer in black marker was the w rd “CANCELED!!”
I could NOT believ my ey s!

I rushed farther down the hal , to the flyer I’d posted over the drinking fountain.

It said “CANCELED!!”

I checked the flyer on the wal near my locker.


I went around the entire scho l rip ing my “CANCELED!!” flyers of the wal s.

Then I threw them al in the trash.

No wonder no one had bother d to show up f r my auditions.

And I knew just who was behind it al .

I could fe l the tears coming ag in. Only this time they wer tears of anger.

Since it was almost time f r my mom to pick me up, I decided to take a sh rtcut through the
cafet ria to get to my locker.

My mind was racing. I stil had that tuition bil and no way of paying it.

What was I going to do now? Tel my parents? It lo ked like that was the ONLY answer.

As I enter d the cafet ria, I sud enly heard music and familiar laughter.

I froze and gasped.


I had stumbled into MacKenzie’s dance rehearsal. A er what that girl had done to me, she was the
LAST person I wanted to se .

I quickly slip ed betwe n two vending machines and prayed no one had spot ed me. And from ther I
watched them practice.

I had to admit, MacKenzie and her group wer real y go d. Especial y Chloe and Zoey. As I had
predicted, they wer the best dancers by far.

That’s when I realized my situation was hopel s . Ther was NO WAY I could win ag inst her group.

As the song ended MacKenzie smiled at her dancers like a proud mother hen.

“Okay, ev ryone! That was FABULOUS! Let’s take a ten-minute break.”

Bef re I knew what was hap ening, the entire ro m came rushing in my direction.

Talk about CRAPPY luck!

Ther I was, trap ed in a ro m with a bunch of hot, thirsty dancers.

And WHERE was I hiding? With the ice-cold sodas, juices, and bot led water, of course.

I was like, Way to go, Nikki!! My stupidity nev r ceases to am ze me!

I turned and tried to make a dash f r the do r. Only I f rgot about TWO lit le things.

Wel , actual y … TWO very BIG things….


I accidental y BUMPED into the first one and then TRIPPED and FELL over the second one.

And YES! Unf rtunately f r me, the garbage cans wer stil fil ed to the brim with very nasty,
slimy stuf that students had either refused to eat f r lunch r tos ed.

And it smel ed real y, real y … BAD!

Like slightly ROTTING … I don’t ev n KNOW!

I hit the flo r with a THUD and lay ther stun ed, cover d from head to fo t with disgusting

I felt like such a KLUTZ.

I didn’t know which was m re painful y bruised, my BUTT r my EGO.

But the w rst part was that I had an audience.

Namely, EVERY CCP in the entire scho l! And of course, MacKenzie was in rare f rm.

“OMG, Nikki! WHAT are you doing in that garbage?! Scavenging f r DINNER?”
Everyone was laughing so hard, they could barely breathe.

Wel , ev ryone EXCEPT Chloe and Zoey.

“NIKKI! What hap en d?” Chloe gasped.

“OMG! Are you okay?!” Zoey asked frantical y.

My two best friends each grabbed an arm and helped me to my fe t. They wer being SO swe t and
kind to me, it almost made me cry!
MacKenzie reached into her pocket, unfolded a piec of paper, and waved it in front of my face
tauntingly. It was one of my audition flyers.

“So o, how did your lit le auditions f r the talent show go?! I se you chicken d out and
CANCELED it at the last minute,” she said.

I couldn’t believ she actual y said that to me. I just sto d ther glaring at her as I ponder d which
was the fouler piec of garbage, MacKenzie r the re king ban na pe l that was sliding down my
f rehead.

I was about to answer when both Chloe and Zoey turned and stared at me with surprised lo ks on
their faces.

“Wait a minute. YOU’RE going to be in the talent show?!” Chloe asked, obviously shocked.

“I thought you said you didn’t have time because of your clas es and homew rk load?!” Zoey ad ed.
“Or is it that you just didn’t want to be in the talent show with US?”

“OBVIOUSLY!” MacKenzie his ed, and handed them my audition flyer. “Lo ks to me like she’d
rather hang out with whoev r wander d into her auditions than you two.”

Chloe and Zoey lo ked very hurt.

I tried desperately to think up something to say to my BFFs.

“Actual y, I, um … decided at the last minute and …”

MacKenzie quickly sized up the situation and went in f r the KILL.

“Wel , Chloe and Zoey, now you know what kind of BFF you have. As in, Best Fake Friend. Nikki
OBVIOUSLY wanted nothing to do with you two. She doesn’t des rve your friendship.”
If ther was an Academy Award f r Best Actres in a BFF Breakup Scen , MacKenzie would have

“OMG! I fe l so SORRY f r you two …!” She snif ed and blinked aw y phony tears. Then she hug ed
them both like their pup y had just died.

“Chloe! Zoey! Please, please don’t believ MacKenzie. I real y wanted to be in the talent show with
you guys. But a lot of stuf hap en d.”

I couldn’t believ how upset they wer . They lo ked like they wer going to cry.

“… I was going to tel you about the band to . I just hadn’t got en the chance … yet!” I mut er d.

“I’ve heard enough! Nikki is treating you like dirt. Come on, girls. We have a talent show to win!”
MacKenzie grabbed Chloe and Zoey by their shoulders and led them aw y.

But bef re MacKenzie disap eared into the girls’ bathro m, she flashed me an evil grin over her
shoulder and mouthed …

And right now I’m fe ling like one. Because thanks to MacKenzie, my life has be n total y

No pun intended ☹!!

I’ve pret y much given up al hope of being in the talent show.

And I stil don’t have the slightest idea how I’m going to continue at ending WCD.

When I saw Chloe and Zoey in gym today, I real y wanted to apol gize and try to explain ev rything
bef re MacKenzie complet ly brainwashes them into believing al her lies.

But I nev r got a chance to talk to them because our gym teacher an ounced that we wer going to
be playing basketbal .

Then she sel cted four captains to pick teams.

Unf rtunately, I’m a very cru my basketbal player and have NEVER made a basket in my entire

So I wasn’t the least bit surprised when I was the very last person to be picked out of the entire
clas .

OMG! Talk about HUMILIATING ☹!!

And as if being the last person wasn’t BAD enough, the four team captains got into a heated
argument over who was going to get “stuck” with me on their team.

It’s no wonder I strug le with low self-este m!

I was hoping that Chloe, Zoey, and I would end up on the same team, but no such luck.

Anyway, the win ing teams wer going to earn an A while the losing teams had to take showers. This
made me supernervous because I HATE showering at scho l.
I nev r knew that playing basketbal could be so …


And when I asked my gym teacher if I could wear a helmet, shoulder pads, and shin guards, she got
an at itude about the whole thing and told me I just ne ded to hustle m re and be a team player.

But what I real y wanted to know was, HOW was I sup osed to spend quality time writing in my diary
when I was get ing clobber d by that basketbal ev ry thre seconds?!
By the end of the game I was sick of that bal . So when someone pas ed it to me, I just whip ed it
right over my shoulder without lo king. I wanted to get rid of it so I could write in my diary.
But get this! I made the win ing basket with only two seconds le in the game.

Then ev ryone came run ing up to congratulate me! And my tea mates hoisted me up on their
shoulders like I was a hero and we had just won the state championship r something.
I had NEVER in my entire life se n people SO hap y about NOT having to take a SHOWER!

While we wer in the locker ro m, I was hoping to try to talk to Chloe and Zoey ag in.

But since their team had lost, they wer stuck taking showers.

I quickly decided it would be m re prudent to have a heart-to-heart with them at another time.

Besides, I just don’t know what to say right now.

Other than the truth.

Which at this point is NOT an option.


OMG! I could NOT believ what hap en d in social studies today!!

The crud y thing about being so depres ed is that I hadn’t real y paid a lot of at ention to my
homew rk as ignment.

I mean, HOW can you study when your entire w rld as you know it is crumbling around you?

To make mat ers w rse, clas participation is an entire third of our grade.

So you CAN’T just sit in the back of the ro m texting al your friends about how the clas is SO
b ring you’re sit ing in the back of the ro m texting al your friends.

Since I wanted to improve my grade, when ver ther was a question I knew the answer to, I tried
FRANTICALLY to get the teacher’s at ention.

TEACHER: “Is it real y warm and stuf y in the clas ro m today, r is it just me?!”
Hey! It was a QUESTION and I actual y knew the ANSWER!

Of course, my teacher total y IGNORED me.

Like he always does when I know the answer.

Then we started discus ing that social studies reading as ignment that I’d barely read quickly
ski med.

TEACHER: “So, who can tel me how a democracy, a republic, a fed ral republic, and a parliament
are dif er nt from one another, AND name a specific country as an example of each. Okay! Let’s
se …”

I tried to avoid ey contact and hide behind my bo k while chanting over and over in my head …
But did it w rk?! NUH-UH!

TEACHER: “How about … Mis Maxwel ?”

Of course I lo ked like a total IDIOT because I didn’t know the answers to his sev nte n-part
question ☹!!

That’s when I total y lost it and screamed, “Um, excuuuuus e ME, Mr. Teacher Guy! But can I ask
YOU a lit le question?! Why do you ONLY cal on me when I DON’T know the answer? It se ms a
lit le DYSFUNCTIONAL r something, if you ask me!”

But I just said that inside my head, so no one else heard it but me.

When clas was final y over, I was put ing my bo ks in my backpack when the strangest thing
hap en d.

Violet came up and wanted to know if I was stil going to put together a band f r the talent show.

I just stared at her with my mouth wide open.

I could NOT believ she wanted to be in my band.

“Um, sure! I’d LOVE to have you on keyboard!” I said hap ily.

Violet smiled and gushed, “Thanks, Nikki. This is a dream come true!”

That’s when Theod re turned around and gave me this real y weird lo k.

Although, to be honest, Theod re ALWAYS lo ks a lit le weird. By some fluke of nature, he could
easily pas as SpongeBob’s human twin brother.

“DUDE! You’re put ing together a band?!” he asked excitedly.

“Actual y, YEAH! I am. But isn’t your band already signed up f r the talent show?” I asked.

Theod re’s band, SuperFreaks, had total y ROCKED our Hal owe n dance. And acc rding to the
latest gos ip, they wer an inside fav rite to win the talent show.

“Haven’t you heard? MacKenzie convinced most of my bandmates to quit and join her stupid dance
group. She told them the che rleaders had crushes on them and wer dying to be their dance
partners. Now ther are only two SuperFreaks le —me and Marcus,” Theod re said sadly as his
ey s fil ed with tears. “The rest of our guys have gone … to the, the … D-D-DARK SIDE!”

He was so upset, I actual y felt s rry f r him. I gave him a tis ue and he blew his nose.

“I’m real y s rry to hear that,” I said, trying to lo k very sympathetic that he’d lost the maj rity
of his bandmates to the Dark Side.

Boy, did THAT sound familiar!

“So … um, do you guys ne d a bas and lead guitar player?” Theod re asked hopeful y.

“The jobs are YOURS!” I said hap ily.

I explained to them both that I’d already made arrangem nts to use the band ro m f r practices
and that maybe we could have our first practice tom rrow m rning.

And since the deadline f r entering the talent show was ALSO tom rrow, I’d sign us up first thing
in the m rning.

“Co l!” said Violet.

“Yes! VERY co l!” Theod re ad ed.

That’s when it final y occurred to me that we stil had a maj r problem.

“Um … the only remaining is ue, guys, is that we ne d a dru mer. We can’t do this unles we have a
dru mer.” I felt like a bal o n that had just had al the air let out of it.

Violet lo ked crushed. “You’re right! We won’t stand a chance! CRUD! My music care r is over ev n
bef re it got started!”

Theod re squinted his ey s and tap ed his chin like he was doing a real y hard geometry problem in
his head r something. “Wel , like I said earlier, the SuperFreaks’ dru mer has gone to the Dark Side.

But I know another guy I could ask. He said he was to busy to be in our band, but I’m thinking he
might be wil ing to hang out with us just f r a we k r two f r the talent show. He’s real y go d,
to .”

“Real y?!” I said, hopeful ag in. “Definitely ask him!”

I started thinking this crazy plan might actual y w rk.

“Hey, we’re IN IT to WIN IT!” I said, giving Violet and Theod re a high five.
“So, I’l se you both tom rrow m rning, then!” I said as I grabbed my backpack and calmly walked
out of the ro m.

But inside my head I was SO hap y, I was doing my Sno py “hap y dance.”

OMG! I could have bo gied al the way to my next clas !

MacKenzie has convinced my best friends and Theod re’s bandmates to join her dance group by
clev rly brainwashing them.

And she has stolen my crush by flirting with him and pret nding to be inter sted in phot graphy.

But now I am about to make a comeback.

Starting today, I am going to put my time and en rgy into my new band.

And we are going to be FIERCE!


I was so excited about my first band rehearsal, I barely slept last night. I got up extra early,
grabbed a granola bar f r breakfast, and rushed right out the do r.

Even though scho l didn’t start f r another hour and fi e n minutes, the hal s wer already noisy
with ongoing practice ses ions.

I was hap y to se the main of ice was open, and I stop ed in to fil out the paperw rk to enter our
band in the show.

Just as I was about to finish up, the LAST person I wanted to se walked in. Okay, make that the
SECOND to LAST person.

With so much other stuf going on, I just didn’t have the en rgy to deal with him right then. I tried
my best to hide behind my backpack so he wouldn’t se me.
But it didn’t w rk.

“Hey, you!” Brandon said with a big smile. He se med pleas ntly surprised to se me.

“What’s up?” I answer d, co l y nonchal nt. Like I HADN’T just be n trying to figure out how to
crawl into my backpack and zip myself up.

“Nothing much. I just stop ed in to say hi to a friend,” he answer d.

I quickly glanced around the of ice. No students wer in ther except us.

“Wel , no one has come in since I’ve be n her …,” I said, trying to sound like I didn’t care.

“Hey! Aren’t YOU my friend?!” Brandon teased.

“Oh! You meant ME?! S rry! I just thought …”

I bit my lip and blushed profusely as he stared at me with that lo k on his face. The one that can
send me into a sev re and debilitating case of RCS (Rol er-Coaster Syndrome) in mer seconds.

I was like, “WHEEEEEEEEE!!” But I just said that inside my head, so no one else heard it but me.

I tried to regain my composure. “So, what are YOU doing her so early? Other than saying hi to a

“Actual y, I’m her f r a talent show practice. I kind of got talked into it at the last minute.”

I felt like someone had just dumped a gal on of ice water down my back.

Brandon?! In the talent show …?!

Sud enly it occurred to me that if MacKenzie ne ded a dance partner, HE’D definitely be her
FIRST choice. I mean, why NOT?!

But HOW could Brandon just let MacKenzie wrap him around her lit le finger like that?!

“Oh, re eal y? How … quaint!” I said through my clenched te th. “So o, I take it you’re dancing with
your lit le … Picture Pal.”

Brandon blinked and lo ked slightly confused. “Picture Pal? I don’t have a … Oh! You mean


I gave my best fake smile. “Yeah, I just hope you survive your BIG MAC at ack!”

Then I very obviously rol ed my ey s at the ceiling.

Brandon laughed, leaned over, and playful y nudged me with his elbow. “Nikki, you KILL me! Big Mac
at ack?!”

Personal y, I didn’t se what was SO dang fun y. “Yeah, you two have be n insepar ble lately. Al that

Brandon laughed ev n harder. WHY?! I was NOT trying to be fun y!

Final y he glanced at his watch. “Wel , I bet er get going. Se you … later.”

I couldn’t control myself. It was like I had diarrhea of the mouth r something. “Go d luck with
your Camera Cutie. I hope you both … um … break a leg!”

Brandon sho k his head and gave me a weak smile. “Uh, thanks. I gues .”

Then he turned and walked out of the of ice. I stared at him until he disap eared down the hal .

I replayed our conversation in my head.

Picture Pal? Big Mac at ack? Phot bonding? Camera Cutie?

I cringed at my w rds. WHY did I always act so CRAZY and IRRATIONAL around that guy?!

No wonder he pref rred hanging out with MacKenzie. He probably thought I was a NUT CASE!

I tried to put the two of them out of my mind. I had m re imp rtant things to w rry about, like
band practice. Which, BTW, was sup osed to of icial y start in two minutes.

I ne ded to finish the entry f rm and hand it in r we wouldn’t be able to perf rm.

I had complet d al the questions but one: NAME OF ACT?

H m. We stil ne ded to come up with a slightly edgy, co l-sounding name.

Something like … Purple … Poison … Fuzzbal s … of … Do m? NOT!!

Or maybe Hungry … Plastic … Screaming … Toenails? NOT!!

So f r the name of my band, I wrote in “Actual y, I’m not real y sure yet.”

I handed the f rm to the secretary, grabbed my backpack, and rushed down the hal toward the
band ro m.

I had no idea what to expect.

We barely had eight days to sel ct a song and learn it wel enough NOT to make complet FOOLS of

Otherwise known as

Theod re plays cel o in the scho l rchestra, and his best friend, Marcus, plays violin. They are both
“first chair,” which means they are the best at their instruments.

I was real y impres ed how they had gone from playing clas ical music to Top 40 tunes. Although it
probably wasn’t that hard, considering the fact that the two of them have a combined IQ higher
than the rest of the entire scho l.

Thes guys make ME (a self-proclaimed d rk) se m like a social but erfly.

Their idea of a stimulating conversation is debating whether the Star Wars lightsaber r the Star
Trek phaser is the m re technol gical y advanced weapon.

Violet is pret y much a loner who spends hours and hours practicing clas ical piano piec s. I’ve heard
she has played in competitions al over the nation and won.
But playing pop music on the keyboard is a whole dif er nt thing, and I was a lit le w rried she’d
make Bieb r sound like Bach and Miley sound like Mozart.

Our big est problem, howev r, was that we didn’t have a dru mer, and that real y w rried me. How
could we have a go d chance at win ing without one?!

By the time I got to the band ro m, ev ryone was already ther and warming up.

I was total y surprised to se the back of a guy sto ped over, adjusting a drum set. Did we actual y
have a dru mer??!!

Then he turned around and smiled and waved at me, and I practical y FREAKED!

Theod re had recruited BRANDON?!

I didn’t ev n know Brandon played the drums!

I just sto d ther like an idiot staring at him and then the other band members, and then at him
and then the other band members, and then at him and then the other band members, and then at
him ag in.

This went on f r what se med like FOREVER!

And then Brandon kind of shrug ed and said, “Um, Nikki, are you okay?! You kinda lo k like you’re
having a seizure r something.”

I was like, “Who, ME? Nothing’s wrong! I mean, why would you think something’s WRONG? I’m total y

But mostly I was in SHOCK because I could NOT believ that I FINALLY had my very own band and
my CRUSH, Brandon, was actual y ther playing drums.

I was like, “SQUEEEEE!!” ☺!!

Then we started talking about music, and I learned a lot of new stuf .

Like, musicians can play “by ear” r from she t music.

The real y supertalented ones can just listen to a song and figure out how to play it in a few

Otherwise, you can use she t music and read the notes f r the songs, which is a lot easier to do.

Wel , gues what? My band is SO talented, they didn’t ev n ne d she t music!

I sug ested the old-scho l song “Don’t Stop Believin’,” because it’s one of my dad’s fav rites. I
thought it was fun y how ev ryone was into it ag in because it was on a TV show.

Each of them quickly figured out their own part, and within ten minutes they wer playing it

It was absolutely AMAZING to se and hear!!

Then Theod re told me they wer final y ready f r me to sing along and handed me a microphone.

I was shaking so badly, I thought I was going to drop it.

Of course I mut er d, “Testing, one, two, testing, one, two! Um, is this thing on?” like a total idiot.

It was on, and my voice was real y loud and clear.

Just like the but erflies in my stomach.

A er they played the intro to the song, I closed my ey s, to k a de p breath, and started singing

We actual y sounded real y, real y go d. Wel , real y go d f r a band that had only be n together
f r, like, thirty minutes.

When we final y finished the song, Theod re, Marcus, Brandon, and Violet raved about how wel I
sang, especial y without having practiced r anything.

Howev r, my lit le secret is that I’ve sung and danced to that song a mil ion times.

In front of my mirr r, using my hairbrush as a microphone.

The most surprising thing to me was that Brandon is SUCH an awesome dru mer!

But he made me supernervous because he was, like, STARING at me the entire time.

I blushed and smiled at him. And then he blushed and smiled at me.

And when he thought I wasn’t lo king, he stared at me AGAIN!

So I blushed and smiled AGAIN! And he blushed and smiled to !

Al of this staring, blushing, and smiling went on, like, FOREVER!!

Now I’m starting to wonder if Brandon actual y likes me as MORE than just a friend!!

And if he DOES, I’l seriously just DROP DEAD from sev re shock and extrem hap ines !

I ev n wrote a poem about him.

Bef re I knew it, the hour had pas ed and it was time to leave f r our first-hour clas .

Since the talent show is next Saturday, we decided to practice one hour bef re scho l and one hour
a er scho l ev ry day f r the entire we k.

Which means I’l be spending a lot of time with Brandon ☺!! SQUEEEEEE!!

Being in this talent show is one of the most exciting things I’ve ev r done in my entire life.
I was real y hap y and in a supergo d mo d the rest of the day.

Even when I saw MacKenzie and Jes ica whispering and giving me the evil ey during lunch.

I was like, WHATEVER!

My new band is beyond FABULOUS!!

And now I have a real y go d shot at win ing that scholarship.


I plan ed to spend the entire ev ning brainst rming ideas f r my band.

The show is les than one we k aw y, and we stil ne d to come up with a name, sel ct a song, and
figure out what we’re going to wear.

Unf rtunately, my parents an ounced that it was Family Movie Night and insisted that I come down
and watch a rented movie with them.

My in er child screamed, “NOOOOOOOOO!!”

OMG! Talk about pure TORTURE!!

It’s ALWAYS a SUPERold movie that’s already be n rerun a mil ion times on TV like Raiders of the
Lost Ark, Star Wars, r The L rd of the Rings.

My dad says he loves renting them to se al the scen s that wer cut out of the riginal movie
rel ase.

What he FAILS to realize is that the direct rs cut those scen s f r one of two reasons.

Reason number one: They wer BAD. And reason number two: They wer BORING.

I was like, “Dad, are you kid ing? Making us watch thes movies f r the sev nth time is AWFUL
enough. But we also have to se two ad itional hours of real y BAD and BORING scen s. Personal y,
I’d rather get a big bowl of popc rn and watch the kitchen faucet drip.”

But I just said that inside my head, so no one else heard it but me.
And my mom’s fav rites are oldies like Honey, I Shrunk the Kids; Freaky Friday; Legal y Blonde; and
13 Going on 30.

Which I HATE slightly les than Brian a’s fav rites: Princes Sugar Plum Saves Baby Unic rn Island!
parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Princes Sugar Plum’s voice sounds like a chipmunk on helium….

“Please don’t w rry, al you cute, lid le, ad rable baby unic rns. I, Princes Sugar Plum, am her to
save you al ! AGAIN! F r the fi h time! Al because I’m CUTE, LIDDLE, and ADORABLE, just like
al of YOOOU!!”

Family Movie Night movies are SO LAME, I’d love to b rrow Princes Sugar Plum’s pink candy-cane
magic wand and transp rt myself to the mo n.

That’s why!!

I’m just saying …!!


Tonight my parents went out to din er and asked me to babysit Brian a.

At first I was like, NO WAY ☹! But I final y agre d to do it a er they of er d to pay me.

I ne d the money to make some superco l T-shirts f r al my bandmates.

We’re going to lo k AWESOME wearing matching T-shirts with jeans when we perf rm in the talent

Am I NOT bril iant ☺?!

Anyway, the w rst thing about babysit ing Brian a is that she always takes TOTAL advantage of
the situation.

And since I’m get ing paid, she acts like I’m her lit le PLAYMATE-FOR-HIRE r something.

Which means f r the past two hours I’ve valiantly suf er d through a very of -key live perf rmance
of Brian a and Mis Pen lope singing the hit “Single Ladies”! …
“Nikki, I’m gon a be Mis Pen lope’s backup singer when she goes on her w rld tour!”

AND I’ve at ended a Princes Sugar Plum tea party dres ed like someone’s great-grandmother, with
a dol and a motley crew of stuf ed animals….
You would think that a er I suf er d through thes playtime indignities, Brian a would have
ap reciated it and NOT given me such a hard time at din er.


Mom le me specific instructions that Brian a could NOT leave the din er table until she’d eaten
ALL her broccoli.

So Brian a just sat ther pouting and slap ing her broccoli around on her plate with her f rk like
she was playing miniature golf r something.

I told Brian a she was going to have to either eat that stuf r sit ther another f rty-five
minutes until her bedtime. Of course she got an at itude about the whole thing.

I le the table to put my dishes in the dishwasher.

And when I got back, I was shocked to se that Brian a’s plate was complet ly clean and she had this
angelic smile on her face that went from ear to ear.
You could practical y se her halo.

I was m re than a lit le suspicious.

“Brian a, are you SURE you ate al your broccoli?!”

She nod ed and just kept smiling like an insane clown. But I was NOT about to be outsmarted by a

That’s when I demanded that she open her mouth. Wel , not HER mouth, exactly …Mis Pen lope’s
But surprisingly, Brian a had not stashed her broccoli in ther .

So I gave her a big hug and told her how proud Mom was going to be of her.

She didn’t say a w rd and just continued to smile like she was in a Mis America contest.

Unf rtunately, NOW I know why!

I had tucked Brian a into bed f r the night and was fe ding the fish in Dad’s aquarium when I
spot ed thes strange chunks of gre n gunk floating around in the water.

At first I thought it was some kind of deadly, flesh-eating algae r something.

But upon closer examination it lo ked exactly like … Wait f r it…. Wait f r it….


I almost lost my meat loaf right ther on the living ro m carpet.
I screamed at the top of my lungs:

“BRIANNA! You SPIT broccoli in the fish tank?!!

Get down her and clean up this mes ! RIGHT
I was so MAD, I could have STRANGLED her!

I knew she was just pret nding to be asle p.

Which meant I was the one STUCK cleaning HER slimy broccoli gunk out of the aquarium.

It was the GROSSEST thing EVER!

Babysit ing that evil lit le munchkin is such a humongous PAIN!

As a mat er of fact, the next time my parents ask me to watch her so they can go out to din er,
I’l pay THEM $30 to STAY HOME and ORDER a &!@#$% PIZZA!!

I’m just sayin’!

At least I have the money f r our T-shirts.

Al we ne d to do now is come up with a real y co l name f r the band and sel ct our song.


Today my

WORST NIGHTMARE came true ☹!

A er an insanely b ring m rning at scho l, it was final y time f r lunch.

I grabbed my lunch tray and was making my way over to table 9 when I noticed the strangest thing.

The ENTIRE cafet ria se med to be staring at me and whispering and snickering.

At first I thought maybe toilet paper got stuck to my shoe from my trip to the bathro m.

Or maybe a humongous bo ger was dangling from my nose.

But then I spot ed MacKenzie acros the ro m, glaring at me al evil-like with this huge smirk on
her face.

And right next to her wer a bunch of CCPs crowded around her super xpensive hot pink designer
notebo k computer laughing their … um … behinds of .

That’s when I got this real y, real y BAD fe ling.

My thoughts wer racing as I col apsed in my seat at the lunch table.

Could she have …?!

Would she have …?!

Did she DARE …?!

Wel , I final y got the answers to my burning questions when Mat lo ked at me and yel ed …

Of course the whole cafet ria cracked up laughing.

My stomach was churning, and I had total y lost my ap etite.

I kept thinking, OH. NO. SHE. DIDN’T!!

But MacKenzie HAD!!

I was SO humiliated! I blinked back my tears and tried to swal ow the huge lump in my throat.

I wanted to run aw y, but at that moment I was to upset to move.

So I just stared at my tuna no dle cas erole.

I was about to dump my tray and leave when MacKenzie sashayed over to my table.
“I heard you and some other DORKS from SuperFreaks started a new band. What are you cal ing
yourselves, DORKALICIOUS?!”

“MacKenzie, why did you tel ev ryone about the Queasy Che sy video?! I kept my part of the deal,”
I said, stil fighting back tears.

“So what if you did! Now that Chloe and Zoey are on my team, I just have to make sure I don’t
have any maj r competition. And since I heard your lit le band was half dec nt, I figured now was
the perfect time to let the w rld know what a talentles loser you are. SORRY about that!”

WHY in the w rld had I EVER trusted that girl?!

“Hey, Maxwel , I wan a se you do your Queasy Che sy dance!” Mat continued to taunt me from
the jock table.

“Mat , I wan a se YOU do some personal hygien ,” someone ret rted. I whip ed my head around and
was stun ed to se Chloe and Zoey standing on the other side of the table. When had they got en
ther ?

Chloe sla med Mat with yet another insult as she slid into the seat to my le . “Dude, ev n your
flies are starting to drop dead from the od r!”

“Yeah! You’re SO nasty I wouldn’t slap your face with somebody else’s hand,” Zoey huf ed as she
to k the seat to my right.

I almost fel over from shock. It se med like we hadn’t sat together at lunch f r ages.
“Are you okay?” Chloe asked, and gave my shoulder a sque ze. “We heard about that YouTube thing.”

“We actual y thought you and your sister wer ad rable!” Zoey said, smiling.

I didn’t believ that “ad rable” part f r one minute.

I lo ked like a total idiot in that video. And it was VERY obvious that Chloe and Zoey wer just
lying through their te th to try to make me fe l bet er.

Which was one of the NICEST things they have ev r done f r me!

They are the swe test BFFs EVER! I don’t des rve friends like them.

I was just about to apol gize to Chloe and Zoey and try to explain ev rything when MacKenzie
started shrieking like a lunatic.

“Chloe! Zoey! WHAT are you two doing? I specifical y instructed ALL my dancers to sit together at
table four!!”
“Um, you guys don’t have to sit with me. We can talk later, okay?” I mut er d.

MacKenzie rol ed her ey s at me. “Besides, Nikki is about as talented as a toilet plunger! OMG!
That video was painful to watch.”

“Wel , at least I’m not a shal ow, fashion-obses ed diva like you. If your brains wer dynamite, you
wouldn’t have enough to blow your nose!” I shot back.

“OH, PUH-LEEZE! You’re just jealous because you’re not in MY dance group. Everyone knows we’re
going to win!” MacKenzie spat. “Chloe! Zoey! It’s either Nikki r ME! You bet er decide right now.”

Slowly they both sto d up. I felt HORRIBLE that they wer cho sing MacKenzie. But I real y
didn’t blame them.

I was the big est DORK in the scho l, and she was the big est DIVA.

“Wel , I’m glad to se you girls have final y come to your senses. At least you know a phony friend
when you se one,” MacKenzie said smugly.

“It wasn’t a hard choice at al ,” Chloe said.

“I agre . Ther ’s so much phony baloney that if I had bread and mustard, I could make a sandwich!”
Zoey exclaimed.

I just stared at my two friends. I felt like I had be n kicked in the stomach.

Then Zoey placed her hands on her hips and to k a step toward MacKenzie.

“We heard ev ry w rd you said to Nikki. And you know what? You REALLY ne d to get over
yourself! It’s hard to breathe up in her with your stank at itude!”

I could NOT believ Zoey had just said that!

Chloe folded her arms and nod ed.

“Yeah, I’ve had quite enough, chica. You can’t treat our friend like that and get aw y with it. Oh,
and one other thing…. I QUIT!!”

“ME TOO!” Zoey said.

“What?! You CAN’T quit!” MacKenzie scre ched.

“WE JUST DID!” Zoey said.

“Yeah, what part of ‘I quit’ do you NOT understand?!” Choe asked.

MacKenzie trembled with rage, and the water from the bot le in her clenched fist sprayed
ev rywher !
“FINE! I don’t ne d you, anyway! Just stay out of my way, r you’l be s rry!” MacKenzie snarled.
Then she stomped back to the CCP table.

I was SO hap y my BFFs had chosen me over MacKenzie. And they had sto d up f r me to !

We did a group hug right ther at table 9.

“Oh, wel . I gues we won’t be in the talent show a er al ,” Zoey said.

“Yep! That’s showbiz!” Chloe quip ed, and gave us jazz hands.
“Hey, I have an idea!” I said. “Why don’t you guys join our band? We’re practicing a er scho l today.
We could use two m re singers!”

“I don’t know …,” Chloe said.

“Yeah,” Zoey agre d, “I’m kind of sick of al the dram .”

“Please!” I beg ed. “It would be just like our Bal et of the Zombies days! How FUN was that?!”

“Yeah! That WAS pret y awesome!” Chloe conced d.

“Even though we got a D,” Zoey ad ed wistful y.

“Wel , bef re you say NO, at least come to our practice a er scho l today,” I pleaded.

“I gues that sounds fair,” Chloe said.

“I can’t wait to hear you guys!” Zoey gushed.

I could se MacKenzie staring at us from acros the cafet ria and whispering to Jes ica.

But none of that mat er d.

I final y had my BFFs back!


We had a BLAST at band practice yesterday!

Chloe and Zoey wer superimpres ed. And since they already knew ev ryone, they fit right in.

So now they’re of icial members and wil be dancing and singing backup ☺!

I can hardly believ my BFFs and I are actual y going to perf rm onstage together.


MacKenzie’s master plan to ke p me out of the talent show had failed miserably. And now I was
about to become her w rst nightmare: stif competition!

So it was poetic justice when we agre d to cal our band

(courtesy of MacKenzie!).

We ev n wrote an riginal song that was inspired by MacKenzie’s lit le insult.

It al started when Violet cros ed her arms and smugly an ounced, “Hey! I’m a d rk and PROUD of
Then we started joking about which of us was the BIGGEST d rk. The guys wer like, “Can you
please stop go fing around?”

Then Zoey said, “Actual y, we’re not go fing around. We’re doing … um … vocal warm-ups.”

“Yeah, and vocal warm-ups are VERY imp rtant!” Chloe ad ed as she playful y gave the guys the
stink ey .

That’s when Zoey started singing, “Tryin’ to fit in at my scho l, but kids ke p tel ing me a d rk
ain’t co l.”

And Chloe sang, “When ver the teasing gets vicious …”

“I remind myself I’m super DORKALICIOUS!” I chimed in.

We burst into gig les and gave each other high fives!
The guys just smirked and rol ed their ey s at us. Then the thre of them started whispering to
one another.

I knew they wer up to something, and I figured they wer going to try to outdo us.

And I was right!

THEY started clowning around TOO!

The next thing we knew, they wer dancing, singing, and frontin’ like hard-c re rap ers:

“D rk, nerd, ge k, freak

Is al you se

But just back of

And let me be ME!”

We al laughed so hard, our sides hurt.

The WEIRD thing was that their song had a catchy melody and a real y great beat. It was the kind
of song that gets stuck in your head f r the entire day.

Even though it was sup osed to be a joke, us girls actual y LIKED it. Of course, the guys thought we
wer NUTZ!!!

But they final y agre d to let us try to turn it into a real song. While Violet, Theod re, Brandon,
and Marcus w rked on the music, Chloe, Zoey, and I quickly grabbed a piec of paper and finished
writing the w rds.
By the end of our practice ses ion, we had a very co l, riginal song about not fit ing in at scho l,
and being who you real y are.

I have to admit, it isn’t about superserious stuf like lost love r saving the w rld.

But it’s OUR song, and it expres es how we fe l. That’s the most imp rtant thing.

Now that we final y have a name f r our band, I was able to get started on our T-shirts.

Blasting my fave tunes, I threw a one-person paint-’n’- glit er party that lasted until midnight.

Ther is only one w rd to describe my designer creation: “DORKALICIOUS” ☺!


With ev rything that’s be n going on lately, I’ve be n SO distracted. I’d probably f rget my head if
it wasn’t at ached to my shoulders.

Everyone in the entire scho l se ms to know about DORKALICIOUS!

Students have ev n started congregating outside the band ro m do r to listen to us practice.

It’s almost like we’re a real band with real fans.

And NOT just a group of d rky friends who love music and have only be n playing together f r les
than a we k.

The latest gos ip is that MacKenzie’s dance group is no longer a slam dunk to win the talent show.

Which I gues is go d news f r us.

Especial y f r me, since win ing the talent show scholarship is the ONLY way I can stay at this
scho l.

I thought about tel ing Chloe and Zoey about my dad and ev rything else, but I think it’l just
complicate mat ers.

The last thing I ne d is them questioning my true motives AND our friendship AGAIN.

But at the same time, ke ping al thes secrets fe ls real y wrong.

ARRGGH ☹!! I have to ask myself:

Anyway, today is our last day of scho l bef re Thanksgiving break.

The dres rehearsal f r the talent show is on Friday, and then Saturday is the big day.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let me win so I can get that scholarship!!

The go d news is, ev n if I DON’T win, I probably WON’T have to w rry about transferring to a
new scho l.


Because when my parents find out ev rything, they’re going to KILL ME!
And it’s probably ILLEGAL to transfer a DEAD BODY to a new scho l….


I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this holiday.

Mainly because I get to eat enough fo d to fe d the entire cast of Big Time Rush.

Brian a and I helped Mom finish up the co king while my dad drove to the airp rt to pick up my

Having Grandma over f r the we kend is a real treat because we haven’t se n her since we moved
her last su mer.

She said ther was NO WAY she was going to mis se ing me sing in the talent show, and she was
coming ev n if she had to ride her Segway the entire thre hundred miles.

And she’s CRAZY enough to do it!

Grandma says al her friends have Segways to . And f r fun, they get together and ride around
town like an elderly mot rcycle gang swig ing bot les of Pepto-Bismol and squirting denture cream
on the do r handles of parked cars.

Grandma’s a lit le wacky! Actual y … A LOT wacky!

But Mom says that’s because she has an eccentric personality and a zest f r life. Personal y, I think
al that’s just a polite way of saying she’s SENILE.

But you GOTTA LOVE HER ☺!!

Her she is with her thre ad rable po dles named Larry, Moe, and Curly.
Anyway, our Thanksgiving din er was WONDERFUL!
A er ev ryone had stuf ed themselves, Dad lit the fireplace in our living ro m and we al sat
around and played a game of char des.

It was my bril iant idea to do famous singers, and we to k turns drawing names out of a hat.

When it was Grandma’s turn, we almost DIED laughing.

OMG! She did a KILLER impres ion of Lady Gag !

A er our game was over, Grandma gather d us around and hug ed each one of us. Her ey s started
to water as she an ounced that she had something real y imp rtant to say.

“I gues I should tel you the real reason I wanted to spend Thanksgiving her . I’m get ing up in age,
and one day so n I’m going to be leaving her and going on a VERY long trip. I know we’re going to
mis each other, but I want ev ryone to know how much I love you al . So I’m giving you your
Christmas pres nt today. Mainly because I’m NOT going to be her with you physical y f r the
upcoming holidays. But I WILL be her in spirit!”

That’s when Dad got real y emotional, and tears started streaming down his face. “Mom, we love
you, to . But please don’t talk about dying and leaving us!”

OMG! It was SO sad, ev n I snif ed a couple of times.

That’s when Grandma turned around in her chair and rol ed her ey s at my dad like he was a
“F r Pet ’s sake! When you wer a baby, your dad must have drop ed you on your head a few times
to many. Who’s talking about DYING?! Gladys, Beatrice, and I are flying out to Las Vegas f r two
we ks, and we’re leaving next Wednesday. From ther we’re doing a road trip to Hol ywo d to se a
taping of Bet y White’s show and The Price Is Right! We won’t be back until AFTER Christmas.”

We al breathed a HUGE sigh of relief.

Grandma continued, “Anyway, bef re I leave, I want to give you al an early Christmas pres nt! It’s a
pricel s family heirlo m that has be n pas ed down through gen rations of Maxwel s since 1894. Or
was it 1984? One of those years. I f rget which. Anyway, it’s my most prized pos es ion.”

She went to the closet and pul ed out a large Christmas pres nt top ed with a shiny red bow.

That’s when it occurred to me that if her heirlo m was a super xpensive antique, maybe my parents
could sel it on eBay, use MY p rtion to pay of my tuition, and STILL have thousands of dol ars
le over.

Maybe Grandma coming to visit and giving us our pres nt a month early was the answer to my

When we open d the box, inside was a SUPERold iron bucket with a large handle on the side.

My dad’s ey s lit up and then quickly fil ed with tears ag in.

“MOM, you shouldn’t have!!” he gasped. “It’s Grandma Gertrude’s ice cream maker. She used to make
me ice cream with it when I was a lit le boy!”

I was like, JUST GREAT! So much f r my idea of sel ing it to pay my tuition bil ☹!

Our so-cal ed pricel s heirlo m was basical y a piec of JUNK!

By next month we’d probably be using it as a makeshi recycling bin. Then during our an ual spring
cleaning Mom would pay the junk hauler to take it and a few other of Dad’s gar ge sale treasures
(like his pad le-les canoe) to the city dump.

Grandma handed my mom a piec of paper that had the Maxwel s’ secret ice cream recipe writ en
on it.

“I’d LOVE some creamy, delicious, Maxwel family ice cream f r des ert. Anyone else?” Grandma
beamed proudly.

Brian a got so excited, she started dancing around. “Ya ay! I scream! You scream! We al scream f r

“What a great idea!!” Mom said as she herded us al into the kitchen. “I think making ice cream
together would be a wonderful Family Sharing Time! Come on, ev ryone. FUN, FUN, FUN!”

I was like, oh crud! Family Sharing Time? Again? No o o ! ⋄!

Making homemade ice cream sounds like a harmles , family-friendly activity. Right?

But NOT with an antique, cast-iron, hand-cranked ice cream maker.

Things got REALLY complicated when Dad showed Brian a what he used to do f r fun when he was
her age.

When Mom wasn’t lo king, he and Brian a tried to SNEAK a few licks of ice cream that had spil ed
over the sides.

Who’d have thunk such an old-fashioned gadget like that could reach FUTURISTIC SUBZERO


Can you find the TWO things very WRONG with this picture?! I’m just sayin’ …!!

A er this lit le fiasco, I now know f r certain who Brian a inherited her LACK of intel igence

I thought f r sure their tongues wer going to fre ze solid, snap of , fal on the flo r, and shat er
into a mil ion lit le piec s.

Luckily, Dad and Brian a only ended up with a mild case of frostbite. And a sev re, but temp rary,

I was surprised Mom’s ice cream was so DELISH!

But ev ry time that image of Dad and Brian a pop ed into my head, I’d start laughing so hard that
ice cream would sho t right out of my nose and give me a real y painful BRAIN FREEZE.

Hey, I wonder if it’s true that if you take a hot shower right a er a brain fre ze, your brain wil
melt and you’l turn into a CCP. H m …

Anyway, we had a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING!


Today was the talent show rehearsal at the WCD High Scho l audit rium.

It’s a fairly new facility that seats two thousand people. Just the thought of perf rming in front
of such a large crowd gave me but erflies.

The guys set up al our equipment while Chloe, Zoey, and I did vocal warm-ups.

Violet hung out with us to and kept tel ing us how great we sounded.

The high scho l student producer of the talent show was Sasha Ambrose, a supertalented seni r who
won the competition two years straight when she was in mid le scho l.

The but erflies in my stomach wer quickly replaced by a cold, heavy lump of dread when I saw
MacKenzie backstage, whispering to Sasha and pointing at ME ☹!
Al the talent gather d in the audit rium and waited excitedly f r Sasha to as ign dres ing ro ms
and give us our rder of perf rmance.

Ther was a total of eighte n acts, and she cal ed them up one by one, EXCEPT D rkalicious.

A er al the others wer dismis ed to go backstage, she final y motioned f r us to have a seat in
the front row.

Of course we wer al concerned about why we hadn’t be n cal ed up along with the others.

Sasha pul ed out our entry f rm, read it over, and slowly sho k her head. “So, what’s the name of
your group?”

“D rkalicious!” we al answer d at once.

“Wel , unf rtunately, I have some bad news. It’s be n brought to my at ention that the deadline f r
al entry f rms was Friday, November twenty-second. And it specifical y states her in writing that
failure to submit a complet d f rm wil result in disqualification from the show.”

I didn’t have the slightest idea why she was tel ing us al of this.

I had personal y complet d our entry f rm right ther in the scho l of ice and handed it in
BEFORE the deadline.

We al started to panic and talk at once.

Sasha raised her hand, signaling us to quiet down. “Listen, people, I’m s rry, but the rules are the

“I don’t understand,” I said. “I fil ed out the f rm and turned it in myself. How can we be
disqualified?!” I was on the verge of tears.

“Yeah, it WAS turned in on time,” she answer d. “The problem is that it’s INCOMPLETE! It doesn’t
say on her that the name of your group is D rkalicious.”

She handed the entry f rm to me, and ev ryone crowded around to read it f r themselves.

In the blank wher it said “Name of act,” I had scrawled, “Actual y, I’m not real y sure yet.”

My heart sank! Everyone sho k their heads in shock and disbelief.

I crumpled the entry f rm and ja med it into my pocket as tears flo ded my ey s. “I am SO s rry,
guys!” I mut er d. “I gues she’s right. It’s al my fault. I don’t know what to say….”

“I CAN’T believ it!” Violet exclaimed. “Nikki, how could you f rget to do something so imp rtant?”

I just shrug ed my shoulders and stared at the flo r.

That’s when Brandon came to my def nse.

“Wel , we have to rem mber that this whole band thing was kind of thrown together at the last
minute. We hadn’t ev n picked a name yet.”

Sasha started talking into a headset, and sud enly the house lights di med.

The curtains open d to rev al the first act, which was a sev nth-grade rap group dres ed in fuzzy
dog costumes. They wer perf rming the song “Who Let the Dogs Out?”

I hoped it was sup osed to be a comedy act.

“This is SO unfair!” Chloe groaned.

“Ther has to be something we can do!” Zoey moaned.

“That’s showbiz!” Violet said sarcastical y.

Sasha shot us a dirty lo k and cover d the mic on her headset. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m
trying to put on a show her . Take it out in the hal . Please!”

We sighed and slowly shuf led out of the dark audit rium. Then the five of us threw a private pity
party f r D rkalicious.

Everyone lo ked SO disap ointed. It was heartbreaking.

I could NOT believ I had let them al down like that.

I was the most h rrible friend EVER!

I didn’t know what to say, so I just apol gized ag in.

“Guys, I’m REALLY, REALLY s rry. I can’t believ we won’t be perf rming a er al those long
hours of practice. I wish ther was a way to make this up to you….”

Everyone gave me a smal smile and shrug ed it of .

“Hey, so what! They only kicked us out of the talent show! It’s NOT the end of the w rld,” Chloe
said, smiling go fily and doing her jazz hands.

“And with the Dragon Lady run ing things, ther ’s no way we’re get ing backstage to take down
our equipment,” Theod re said. “I’m out a her ! Pizza, anyone?”

“Yeah, we can always get our stuf a er the show tom rrow,” Marcus ad ed. “Pizza sounds GREAT
to me!”

Everyone started to che r up a bit and agre d to hang out at the pizza place acros the stre t.
Which was a go d idea since our parents wer n’t scheduled to pick us up from practice f r another
two hours.

But I stil felt h rrible and my stomach was churning. Just the thought of pizza made me fe l il .

“S rry, guys, but I’m exhausted. I think I’m gon a head home.”

“Come on, Nikki, don’t beat yourself up!” Brandon pleaded.

“Yeah, we gave it our best shot!” Violet ad ed.

“But m re than anything, we had fun hanging out and practicing together, right?!” Chloe said, giving
me a hug.

“I gues so. Listen, you guys go ahead. I’m gon a cal it a night, ’kay? Eat a piec of pizza f r me,” I
said, smiling weakly.
Final y they gave up trying to talk me into going with them.

Even though ev ryone was disap ointed by our disqualification, they wer trying to be go d sp rts
about it.

I do NOT des rve friends like thes !

I could hear them laughing and joking as they headed out the front do r.

I found a pay phone and cal ed home f r a ride. As I sat at the front do r waiting f r my mom to
arrive, I started to fe l ev n w rse.

Win ing a talent show scholarship was my only hope f r staying at WCD.

And now ev n that is gone.

I buried my face in my kne s and cried.

Sud enly I heard fo tsteps ap roaching.

I quickly brushed aw y my tears and wiped my run y nose on my sle ve.

“Nikki, you lo k h rrible!” MacKenzie said, sne ring. “OMG! What kind of lip glos are you wearing?
Oh, that’s not lip glos … it’s SNOT!”

I was like, JUST GREAT! I rol ed my ey s at her.

“I heard D rkalicious got disqualified. To bad! Thank go dnes Jes ica has of ice duty during
fourth hour and was able to check your entry f rm to make sure you wer n’t cheating.”

“MacKenzie, I wasn’t trying to cheat. We just hadn’t sel cted a name yet….”

“Wel , lo k at the go d side! At least now you won’t have to get up onstage and publicly humiliate
yourself. AGAIN! And with both D rkalicious AND SuperFreaks out of the way, it wil be an easy
win f r me and my dancers!”

“MacKenzie, you are a dismal y vain, self-abs rbed blond abys of se thing wretchednes !” I blurted

She smiled at me wickedly. “You say that like it’s a BAD thing!”

Then she to k out her lip glos and slather d on a fresh layer.

“Anyway, I didn’t come out her to talk to YOU. Now that Brandon is no longer in the talent show,
Sasha ne ds him to handle the phot graphy.”

“Unf rtunately, he le a few minutes ago.”

MacKenzie ey d me careful y, trying to figure out if I was lying r not.

“Wel , if you se him, please give him the mes age that Sasha and I ne d to talk to him.”
“Since when am I your personal secretary? If you have a mes age f r Brandon, you can tel him

MacKenzie placed her hands on her hips and flashed another evil smile. “Crush much? Get a clue, hon.
You want Brandon? Dial 1-800-YOU-WISH!!” Then she spun around and sashayed down the hal .

I just HATE it when MacKenzie sashays.

Just then my mom pul ed up, and I drag ed myself out to the car.

“So, practice got out early?” she asked.

“Yeah, something like that,” I mumbled.

As so n as I got home, I rushed up to my ro m and col apsed on my bed.

I just lay ther in the darknes , pondering my mas ively crud y situation.


And a PATHETIC friend!

I want to believ that things are so bad, they can’t get any w rse.

But I already know it’s going to get w rse.

A LOT w rse!

Tom rrow m rning I am going to have to tel my parents the truth about EVERYTHING! ☹!!

When I final y woke up, it was almost no n.

Knowing that I was going to have to face my parents made me fe l a lit le nauseated.

On top of that, the sun was shining in my ey s and I had a split ing head che.

I was surprised to se that I stil had on my clothes from last night. I grabbed my pil ow, groaned,
and buried my head under it.

Sud enly ther was a knock on my do r. But I ign red it.

Most Saturday m rnings, Brian a and Mis Pen lope wake me up. But today was my lucky day.

Bef re I could yel “GO AWAY!” Brian a, Mis Pen lope, AND my grandma al barged in.

A TRIPLE dose of INSANITY could easily destroy the very weak grip I held on my pathetic reality.

It was enough to make me want to jump out of my bedro m window screaming.

“Wake up! Wake up!” Brian a screamed. “Me, Grandma, and Mis Pen lope ne d you to help us make
some homemade ice cream!”

My grandma sat next to me on the bed and tickled me. “Time to get up, Mis Lazy Bones!”

“Please, Grandma. Stop! I don’t fe l so go d! And I’m exhausted!”

“Wel , no wonder. How can you get a go d night’s sle p with al this junk on your bed? Backpack,
bo k, sneakers, and …?”

She picked up a crumpled piec of paper that had fal en out of my pocket.

“… as rted lit er. Is this any go d, r can I throw it aw y?” she said, opening it up and reading it.
She slid her glas es down her nose a bit and squinted.

“Oh, THAT thing. It’s nothing. Just tos it!” I mut er d.

I shoved my head back under the pil ow, hoping Grandma and Brian a would take the hint and get
“Are you sure, honey? This lo ks like it might be imp rtant. H m? WCD Talent Showcase Entry
F rm. So, the name of your band is Actual y, I’m Not Real y Sure Yet. Now, that’s a bit od , don’t
cha think?”

“Mis Pen lope says she’s lo king f r choc late cupcakes. Any cupcakes in her , Nikki?!” Brian a said
as she ru maged through my sock drawer.

That’s when I pe ked out from under my pil ow.

“NO, Brian a! Ther are no cupcakes inside my sock drawer. And Grandma, NO! That’s NOT the
name of my band! Like, how total y STUPID would that—”

I stop ed midsentence.

Inside my head, my brain was screaming, “OMG! OMG! THAT’S IT!!”

I’d just got en the most FANTASTIC idea!

Maybe ther was stil hope f r our band a er al .

I was so hap y, I hug ed Grandma.

“I LOVE YOU, GRANDMA!” I gig led as I jumped up and down on my bed.

She climbed up and joined me. “I love you, to , swe theart! I’m glad you’re fe ling bet er.”

“Hey! What about MEEEEEE?!” Brian a scre ched. “And Mis Pen lope. We wan a jump to !”

Al four of us held hands and jumped on my bed like it was a trampoline r something.
I promised to help make the ice cream as so n as I’d made a few phone cal s.

So Grandma and Brian a rushed downstairs singing “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” at the top of
their lungs and real y of -key.

I could hardly wait to cal Chloe and Zoey.

When I told them my idea f r get ing us back into the talent show, they thought it was bril iant.

Next we cal ed Violet, Brandon, Theod re, and Marcus and made plans to me t with Sasha to
update her about our new status.

My final task was to make some maj r design adjustments to our band T-shirts.

Later that ev ning ev rything went as plan ed and we c rner d Sasha backstage.

I smo thed out our crumpled entry f rm as best I could and handed it back to her.
Howev r, bef re Sasha could read it, MacKenzie came rushing over. “Nikki Maxwel , WHAT are you
doing her ? Sasha has already told you D rkalicious is disqualified!”

“MacKenzie, we’re not entering the talent show as D rkalicious,” I said hap ily. “Our entry f rm is
c rrect.”

MacKenzie lo ked total y confused. “WHAT?! If you’re not D rkalicious, then who are you?!”

She obviously didn’t have a clue.

Sasha read over our entry f rm and slowly nod ed. “Yeah, it makes sense. If that’s the name of
your band, I gues you guys are back in the show….”

“WHAT! How can they be back in the show? Nikki, you can’t get aw y with this!” MacKenzie
screamed, stomping her fo t like a tod ler having a temper tantrum r something. “It’s not FAIR!!”

“Later, MacKenzie!” I said. “Break a leg!”

Only I REALLY meant it.

Wel , okay. I meant it just a lit le.

The w rd got around quickly that we wer back in and that the competition was going to be brutal.

A er the show started, we sat in a dres ing ro m watching al the other acts on a tel vision
monit r.

Ther wer magic acts, dance groups, bands, singers, and musicians, and most of them wer real y
go d.

Win ing the talent show was NOT going to be easy.

A er about an hour and a half the as istant stage man ger final y to k us backstage and told us to
wait in the wings since we wer going next.

MacKenzie’s dance group was perf rming, and I had to admit they wer awesome.

They w re sequined jumpsuits and pret y much danced their but s of to a medley of the latest
pop tunes.

The crowd went wild.

Since our band was ad ed to the lineup at the last minute, we wer the last act to go.

Violet and the guys wer entering from stage le , and Chloe, Zoey, and I wer entering from stage

While we wer waiting to go on, sud enly my stomach started doing double somersaults.

I must have be n having a panic at ack r something because my brain was screaming stuf like,
“WHAT are YOU doing?! You CAN’T go out ther and sing in front of al those people! What if you
MESS UP?! Your life wil be RUINED!!”
But I wanted that scholarship so badly that I didn’t have a choice.

Chloe and Zoey must have sensed my fear because they each to k my hand and sque zed it and told
me I was going to do fine.

My kne s stil felt real y wobbly. But it was great to know that if they actual y gave out and I fel
over, Chloe and Zoey would be ther to drag me acros the stage and stick the microphone in my

They are, like, the BEST friends EVER!

I can ot begin to explain what it felt like to hear the crowd when the an ouncer introduced us….

“And our next act is a band made up of Nikki, Chloe, Zoey, Brandon, Violet, Theod re, and Marcus.
Please welcome to the stage …


I real y LOVED our new name! It sounded edgy and profes ional, just like those real bands on MTV!

We quickly walked onstage and to k our places.

I nervously glanced out at the audience and squinted, trying to spot faces I knew. But due to the
glare of the bright stage lights, the crowd was just a big mas ive blur of darknes , noise, and
excitem nt.

Which actual y was a go d thing, because not se ing a mil ion people staring back at me made me fe l
les nervous.

I lo ked over my shoulder, and Brandon gave me a huge smile and a thumbs-up.

He then did four taps with his drumsticks, launching Violet, Theod re, and Marcus into the intro of
the song.
OMG! They sounded SO go d! I had to remind myself it was my four friends playing that music live,
and NOT a song blasting on my iPod.

Chloe, Zoey, and I started our dance routine just the way we had practiced it.

Then I smiled at my BFFs, to k a de p breath, and sang the first note.

At first it felt a lit le shocking to hear my own voice so loud and clear. But I just tried to relax
and enjoy our perf rmance.

By the time we got to the ch rus …

“D rk, nerd, ge k, freak

Is al you se

But just back of

And let me be ME!”

… I could se the first two rows had got en up on their fe t and wer dancing along.

When we final y finished our song, the crowd che red like crazy and we got a standing ovation.

They actual y loved us!

Chloe, Zoey, and I hug ed one another as our musicians exchanged fist bumps and high fives.

I was SO hoping we wer going to win. We HAD to win!!

Al the acts quickly filed back onstage and lined up around us.

As MacKenzie and her dance group crowded in right next to us, she smiled swe tly at Brandon. “You
guys wer awesome! Go d luck!”

“Thanks! Go d luck to you, to !” he said politely.

Then MacKenzie turned and lo ked at me like I was something she had scraped of the bot om of
her shoe.

Which didn’t surprise me one bit.

As the judge, Mr. Trev r Chase, to k the stage, the tension was so thick you could cut it with a

“As you are aw re, ALL the talent her was very, very go d. I encourage each of you to continue to
hone your cra . But tonight ther can only be one win er. And the win er …”

I held my breath and chanted inside my head, Please let it be us. Please let it be us. Please let it be

“… of the tenth an ual WCD Talent Showcase is … Mac’s Maniacs!”

MacKenzie shrieked! Then she hug ed Jes ica as al her dancers crowded around hug ing one another.

I was SO disap ointed, I felt like crying.

It wasn’t the losing part that made me fe l so bad, but the fact that I was going to have to leave
WCD and my friends.

I think the rest of my band was a bit surprised we lost, but they wer being real y go d sp rts
about it.

A er we le the stage, we al hug ed one another to . And ev ryone told me I sang real y wel .

“Nikki, this was SO fun!” Violet gushed. “We didn’t win. But, hey, that’s …”

“SHOWBIZ!” al sev n of us shouted, and then erupted into peals of laughter at our lit le joke.

But de p down inside, I felt real y h rrible knowing I was going to have to say go d-bye to ev ryone
in a few days.

My ey s started to tear up, but I didn’t want my friends to se me crying.

“Um, my throat is a lit le dry. I’m gon a run out to the hal to get a drink. I’l be right back, ’kay?”
I an ounced, and to k of bef re anyone had a chance to join me.

I went straight to the girls’ bathro m and splashed water on my face. I cringed at the thought of
having to tel my parents al the crazy stuf I’d done.

Sud enly the bathro m do r open d and MacKenzie rudely brushed past me in a hurry.

“Excuse you!” she his ed as she whip ed out her makeup. “I have a phot sho t to do.”

I just rol ed my ey s at her.

“To bad you lost! I tried to warn you not to waste your time. At least Jes ica and I wil FINALLY
get to have lockers next to each other when YOU transfer to a public scho l! Ever since your dad
got hired as the exterminat r, our scho l has be n overrun with bugs.
“Besides, you’re way to po r to pay that tuition bil that you got in the mail last we k, so you—”
MacKenzie got this real y fun y lo k on her face and bit her lip. Then she to k out her lip glos and
nervously slather d on a thick layer.

I wanted to tel her to ke p her nose out of my busines and that she had no idea what she was
talking about. Although, to be honest, she knew EXACTLY what she was talking about because ther
was no WAY we could pay that tuition bil and—

Sud enly it hit me. MacKenzie did know EXACTLY what she was talking about, but HOW was that
pos ible? How did she know about my bil , and why was she now squirming and avoiding ey contact?

I put my hands on my hips and stared right into her beady lit le ey s. “So, MacKenzie … HOW did
you know I got a tuition bil ? Or did your BFF Jes ica also send YOU a copy of the PHONY BILL
that she sent ME?!”

“Wel , she’s just the fi h-hour of ice as istant. She would NEVER, like, mail out stuf to people,
actual y …” MacKenzie stumbled as her che ks flushed.

I could not believ my ears. F r the past two we ks my life had pret y much be n one gigantic,
continuous nightmare as I desperately tried to figure out how to pay that tuition bil .

Then I’d practical y had a meltdown dealing with the mental anguish of a pos ible transfer to a new
scho l.

ONLY to FINALLY find out it was just another of MacKenzie’s cruel pranks??!!

Right then I was SO angry I wanted to grab one of MacKenzie’s $495 sued Prad bal et flats and
shove it right down her throat. I to k a step toward her.

“YOU and Jes ica sent me a phony tuition bil ?! I’ve be n w rried sick about how my parents wer
going to pay it. How could you do that?!”
MacKenzie nervously bat ed her ey s at her perfect reflection in the mirr r and then snap ed the
cap back on her lip glos .

“I don’t have the slightest idea what you’re talking about.”

“MacKenzie, you are such a liar!”

“And besides, ev n if we DID send you a phony tuition bil , you don’t have any pro f! Do you? …

With that, she turned and sashayed out of the bathro m.

I just HATE it when MacKenzie shashays!

Although, to be honest, I was SUPERreliev d to find out that bil was from HER and NOT the
scho l.

I felt like I was final y waking up from a two-we k-long nightmare.

Wel , I learned my les on, that’s f r sure!

No m re secrets! I was going to tel Chloe and Zoey about my dad and my scholarship the first
chance I got.

And once the entire scho l knew about it, I would no longer have to lie aw ke nights wondering if
and when MacKenzie was going to drop the bomb.

It was like a heavy weight was li ing of my shoulders ev n as I thought about it.

Just then Chloe and Zoey rushed into the bathro m out of breath.

“Oh, ther you are! We’ve be n lo king ev rywher f r you!” Zoey panted. “MacKenzie told us you
wer in her .”
“OMG! You are NOT going to believ what just hap en d!” Chloe’s ey s wer huge!

“A er you le ,” Zoey continued, “Trev r Chase came over and congratulated us. He said he wanted
to let us know that 15 Minutes of Fame features unpolished am teurs going through bo t camp to
get bet er. He said we sounded real y profes ional and wer actual y to go d to be on his show. Can
you believ THAT?! He said he won’t start filming the new season until next fal , and that’s when
MacKenzie’s group wil get to audition. But he wants to w rk with us RIGHT NOW! Nikki, he
LOVED our song and wants us to rel ase it ASAP!”

“WHAT! Are you kid ing?! NO WAY!” I sput er d.

“Yep! He says he wants to me t with al of us and our parents a er the holidays and that he’l be
in touch!” Chloe continued.

The thre of us started screaming and did a group hug!

I could NOT believ that people al over the w rld might actual y be able to hear OUR song!

And if we made any money, I could use MY p rtion to FINALLY buy myself a CELL PHONE ☺!!

Back in the audit rium, I was talking to my parents when Principal Winston came up and
congratulated me.
I was praying that he wouldn’t mention that bug extermination fiasco.

But he did!

Ap arently, my parents had run into Principal Winston and his wife at that restaurant last Sunday.
He and Dad had chat ed and then arranged a me ting f r next Saturday to evaluate the WCD bug

Thank go dnes my dad had NOT got en fired a er al . I was SO reliev d!

I nev r thought in a mil ion years I’d actual y be hap y he was the WCD exterminat r.

But m re than anything, I’m SUPERgrateful that Dad arranged my scholarship. I gues I didn’t
real y ap reciate it until I thought I had lost it.

Anyway, I already know the ONLY bugs Dad and Principal Winston are going to find at WCD are in a
jar in MacKenzie’s locker.

But I’ve learned my les on the hard way, courtesy of MacKenzie.

I wil NEVER, EVER stick my nose in my dad’s busines ag in! And that’s a PROMISE!

So I just kept my big mouth shut about the WCD bugs.

A er we’d changed out of our band T-shirts, Chloe, Zoey, and Violet went back to the dres ing
ro ms to pack up the rest of our stuf .

Brandon and I sat in the second row of the audit rium, which was now pret y much empty.

He told me that renaming our band Actual y, I’m Not Real y Sure Yet at the last moment was pure

But I admit ed that it was my grandma who had given me the idea.
He also said he was real y proud of me and that I was such a go d singer, I could be a star.

I was like, yeah right, a not-so-talented pop star!

So, we wer just sit ing ther facing each other, and he kind of stared at me f r what se med like

I blushed and my stomach got al flut ery inside.

OMG! I just HATE it when he does that to me.

Then I smiled. And he smiled back at me with this s rt of shy lo k on his face.

I almost FREAKED when Brandon kind of leaned f rward a lit le until we wer , like, thre inches
ap rt.

My heart was pounding so hard I could hear it in my ears.

Because f r a second I thought that maybe he was going to … you know …!!!

But that’s when Brian a sud enly pop ed up from the row right behind us and leaned over our seats
and shoved her fist right in Brandon’s face and shouted:
I could NOT believ Brian a actual y did that.

OMG! I was SO embarras ed.

But mostly I felt SUPERGIGGLY and INSANELY HAPPY because ev rything had w rked out.

So I grabbed Mis Pen lope and gave her a big, fat, slop y kis .

Which total y gros ed her out.

“Her” being Brian a, not Mis Pen lope.

And of course Brandon and I both cracked up.

I gues he knows by now that I’m just weird like that.


I am SUCH a DORK!!

Rachel Renée Rus el is an at rney who pref rs writing twe n bo ks to legal briefs. (Mainly
because bo ks are a lot m re fun and pajam s and bun y slip ers aren’t al owed in court.)
She has raised two daughters and lived to tel about it. Her hobbies include growing purple flowers
and doing total y usel s cra s (like, f r example, making a microwave oven out of Popsicle sticks,
glue, and glit er). Rachel lives in n rthern Virginia with a spoiled pet Y rkie who terr rizes her daily
by climbing on top of a computer cabinet and pelting her with stuf ed animals while she writes. And,
yes, Rachel considers herself a total D rk.

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