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for the faith they profess are ac- * I will hear what God heard the word of truth,

heard the word of truth, the

counted Christians, the grace to proclaims; the Lord – for he gospel of your salvation, and
reject whatever is contrary to the proclaims peace. Near indeed have believed in him, were
name of Christ and to strive after is his salvation to those who sealed with the promised Holy
all that does it honor. fear him, glory dwelling in our Spirit, which is the first install-
Through our Lord Jesus land. R. ment of our inheritance toward
Christ, your Son, who lives and * Kindness and truth shall redemption as God’s posses-
reigns with you in the unity of meet; justice and peace shall sion, to the praise of his glory.
the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and kiss. Truth shall spring out of The Word of the Lord!
ever. the earth, and justice shall look All – Thanks be to God!
All – Amen! down from heaven. R.
* The Lord himself will give Gospel Acclamation
his benefits; our land shall All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
yield its increase. Justice shall “May the Father of our
walk before him, and prepare Lord Jesus Christ enlight-
1st Reading Am 7:12-15 the way of his steps. R. en the eyes of our hearts,
Amos, a former shepherd from that we may know what
Tekoa in Judah, proved to be a 2nd Reading Eph 1:3-14 is the hope that belongs to
disturbing prophet in the North- In a few powerful strokes, and in our call.”
ern Kingdom where the Lord prayer form, St. Paul states that Alleluia! Alleluia!
had sent him. His faithfulness to all blessings have their origin in
his God-given mission cost him God the Father, their center in Gospel Mk 6:7-13
the unceremonious expulsion we Jesus Christ, and their pledge of The activity of the apostles has to
hear about in today’s reading. fulfillment in the Holy Spirit. be characterized by total detach-
R –A reading from the Book of ment from material things and
R –A reading from the Letter of readiness to suffer rejection like
the Prophet Amos Paul to the Ephesians their Master.
Amaziah, priest of Bethel, Blessed be the God and Fa- P –The Lord be with you!
said to Amos, “Off with you, ther of our Lord Jesus Christ, All –And with your spirit!
visionary, flee to the land of Ju- who has blessed us in Christ P – A reading from the holy
dah! There earn your bread by with every spiritual blessing in Gospel according to Mark
prophesying, but never again the heavens, as he chose us in All – Glory to you, O Lord!
prophesy in Bethel; for it is the him, before the foundation of
king’s sanctuary and a royal the world, to be holy and with- Jesus summoned the
temple.” out blemish before him. In love Twelve and began to send them
Amos answered Amaziah, he destined us for adoption to out two by two and gave them
“I was no prophet, nor have himself through Jesus Christ, authority over unclean spirits.
I belonged to a company of in accord with the favor of his He instructed them to take
prophets. I was a shepherd and will, for the praise of the glory nothing for the journey but
a dresser of sycamores. The of his grace that he granted us a walking stick – no food, no
Lord took me from following in the beloved. sack, no money in their belts.
the flock, and said to me, ‘Go, In him we have redemption They were, however, to wear
prophesy to my people Israel.’ ” by his blood, the forgiveness of sandals but not a second tunic.
transgressions, in accord with He said to them, “Wherever
The Word of the Lord! you enter a house, stay there
All – Thanks be to God! the riches of his grace that he
lavished upon us. In all wisdom until you leave. Whatever
and insight, he has made known place does not welcome you or
Responsorial Psalm Ps 85 listen to you, leave there and
to us the mystery of his will in
R –Lord, let us see your kind- accord with his favor that he shake the dust off your feet in
ness, and grant us your sal- set forth in him as a plan for testimony against them.”
vation! the fullness of time, to sum up So they went off and
all things in Christ, in heaven preached repentance. The
and on earth. In him we were Twelve drove out many de-
also chosen, destined in accord mons, and they anointed with
with the purpose of the One oil many who were sick and
who accomplishes all things ac- cured them.
cording to the intention of his The Gospel of the Lord!
will, so that we might exist for All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
the praise of his glory, we who Christ!
first hoped in Christ.
In him you also, who have Homily

GLOSSARY: • Fullness of time: The culmination of God’s plan for the salvation of mankind.

14 July 2024

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