Public Comm 2

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Public Communiqué; “BIC-Brannan Insurance Company”

From: Samuel Brannan

To: The EB


Ever since gold was discovered at Sutter’s Mill, individuals have flocked
to California to pan and mine gold. Due to this there has been immense
infrastructural development in California. Towns have been constructed
almost overnight and huge amounts of land and property has come under
private ownership. However with rising crime rates and an uncertain
future for California, it seems that there is a dearth of protection of
citizen’s property. As hostilities seem to be increasing daily and
complex legal frameworks are being constructed, people seem to have
no idea what the future of their property holds. Due to this vacuum in the
market, I Samuel Brannan have decided to expand my business into
another industry, Insurance. Through “BIC” or “Brannan Insurance
Company” I intend to provide property owners with safeguards for their
property in the unfortunate case, their land is compromised in any way,
shape or form.

What exactly is BIC?

Brannan Insurance Company is a subsidiary company of Brannan

Enterprise, specializing in insurance for real estate. It provides policies
that involve contractual and legally binding agreements through which it
(BIC) provides the purchaser of the policy compensation for losses or
damages to their property in exchange for a nominal monthly premium.
BIC assess risks, determines premiums, and manages investments to
ensure that it can meet its obligations to policyholders. Our primary goal
is to protect the real estate of policyholders in the case of financial loss
due to unforeseen events such as but not limited to accidents, natural
disasters, illness, or death.
Terms and Conditions of Agreement


Welcome to Brannan Insurance Company! We are glad to see you join

us as a policyholder to insure your real estate and land holdings, in the
unfortunate event of any mishap. We pride ourselves on providing
unparalleled protection and peace of mind for our valued clients. Our
commitment to excellence is matched only by our dedication to
customer satisfaction, ensuring that your assets are safeguarded with the
utmost care and professionalism. By choosing our esteemed services,
you are embarking on a journey of trust, reliability, and unparalleled
security. Listed below are the terms and conditions pertaining to this
policy. Keep in mind the term second contracting party here refers to
BIC and contracting party to the buyer of this policy. We urge you to
carefully read all terms and conditions.
Article 1:

Only immovable property, residential homes, agricultural land,

excavation and mining sites, and similar real estate/land based assets
may be insured through this policy. Only property belonging to a private
individual may be insured, not land belonging to a firm, entrepreneurial
entity, company, business, government authority etc. Unless specified
otherwise for certain clients or cases where an exception is made. The
definitions for such terms are as follows:

Firm: A firm is a for profit business organization, such as a corporation,

partnership, or any other for-profit venture that provides some
professional service.

Company: A company, abbreviated as co., is a legal entity representing

an association of legal people, whether natural, juridical or a mixture of
both, with a specific objective. Company members share a common
purpose and unite to achieve specific, declared goals. It is an
association whose goal may be to earn profit through the sale of
professional services or goods.

Business: The term business refers to an organization or enterprising

entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities. The
purpose of a business is to organize some sort of economic production of
goods or services. Businesses can be for-profit entities or non-profit
organizations fulfilling a charitable mission or furthering a social cause.

Government Authority: A government authority refers to the elected

representing majority party in any country, state, or territory. It also
extends to any body or organ or subsidiary organ established by a rule
of law relating to the government or any established statutory body.

Entrepreneurial entity: An entrepreneurial entity refers to any such

individual, group of individuals or association of legal people that bear
the risk of business in hopes of generating profit through whatever so
actions they may dispatch as related to their overarching goal.

Private individual: This term refers to any private entity (any reasonable
entity) that is bound by laws and statues established in the land they
belong to. They do not belong to any government authority and are not
part of business venture. A policy may not be provided to any such
individual that does satisfy these conditions. However this extends to the
discretion of the managing entity of BIC and the sale of a policy will be
determined by such authority.

Article 2:

Before purchasing a policy an individual must show proof of ownership

through a title deed, land grant document or any other legally
enforceable tangible document that explicitly shows and guarantees the
legal ownership of that property to said individual. This document must
be acknowledged and notarized by a governmental authority, a court of
law or representative of the government, court of law or an individual
with the power vested in them to notarize such a document. This
document must contain relevant details such as extent of land,
measurements of land, geographical coordinates, address, age of
property, previous ownership, possible legal implications of the property
and any other relevant information which a reasonable person may
consider necessary to disclose before purchase of deed. In the event that
this information is not disclosed, this policy will be void and BIC will in
no way shape or form be liable for compensating the individual and
cannot be held accountable in any district, state, federal or criminal
court of law .

Article 3:

This policy shall be enforceable from the date of officially recognized

purchase of this policy from BIC. Each policy may be purchased for a
period of 5years or1 826 days. During the duration of this period both
parties to this contract will be held accountable and liable for any and
all provisions listed within this contract. Once the contract is elapsed
the individual must manually resign and repurchase this policy for it to
be legally enforceable and to avail of the benefits guaranteed by this
policy. BIC cannot be held accountable to reimburse or compensate any
individual for any loss they may face to their property as a result of any
event post the elapsing of this contract. BIC will be held liable to
compensate for the same once again after the policy is re-purchased
after the elapsing of the previous contract. During the tenure of this
policy being in force, the buyer must pay the monthly fee or other
related charges so imposed by means of this contract or any other policy
put in place by BIC before or after the signing of this contract. Failure
to comply with this rule leaves the buyer open to cancellation of policy
without a refund at anytime by BIC. The monthly payment must be made
every month on the date that the policy was originally signed until the
contract elapses. Within this time period BIC will be held legally
accountable to reimburse and compensate the buyer for any loss
suffered by them to their property in line with further rules and
regulations. BIC will only compensate losses for losses suffered by the
buyer of this contract for the aforementioned property types and not any
other good tangible or intangible. BIC will similarly not compensate
beneficiaries of the purchaser of this contract unless otherwise specified.

Article 4:

In the unlikely event of a claim, the individual submitting the claim must
be of sound mind at the time of submitting said claim, must own a policy
of BIC and must not be in default of any rules or regulations established
by the rules provided by BIC. In the process of submitting a claim, an
individual must share the details of the event that occurred that caused
them to suffer a loss. The details are (a) Exact time and date of the event
(b) proof of the event that caused loss (c) name, address, and other
relevant details of the individual who caused this loss (d) any other
details that may be requested by BIC agents to facilitate the claims
process. BIC will only be liable for man-made damage to property and
not events that may be categorized by “Act of God” referring to any sort
of unforeseen event that could not have been defended against even if all
reasonable protections were taken such as meteor showers, tsunamis, or
any such natural calamity that cannot be foreseen or predicted in that
deviate from day to day activities. BIC will first investigate this claim
and will conduct a thorough review of all relevant information that may
influence the extent of compensation provided. After the investigation is
concluded, BIC agents will remain in close contact with the claimer to
facilitate the process of transferring the compensation, determining the
amount to be transferred. BIC will maintain complete transparency
throughout this process and will attempt to compensate the claimer to its
fullest capability. Larger settlements cannot feasibly be expected to be
paid at once; larger settlements will be provided in increments over a
specified period of time.

Article 5:

To assess the amount that will be paid to the claimer after the filing of a
claim, BIC will estimate through its investigation the monetary value of
the loss suffered by the claimer. On the basis of this BIC will
compensate the claimer with the amount to cover the loss and in certain
cases up to 25% extra to aid the claimer in future endeavors. The
payment process of the claim will be initiated upon the completion of the
investigation and once the claims have been validated by the BIC.
However the entire cost will not be borne by BIC. The individual against
whom the claim is filed will be taken to a court of law in America and a
suit filed against him. The BIC legal team will attempt to gain a cash
settlement from this court proceeding from which the claimer will be
compensated. The outstanding remaining amount will be compensated
by BIC itself. BIC is committed to ensuring the maximum amount of
benefit for its policyholders. For the claim to be paid the claimant must
be of sound mind, must be in compliance with all relevant statutes, laws
and regulations in the United States of America, must not be embroiled
in any incriminating legal battle, must possess an ongoing policy. In the
event that a claim is filed and before the payment can be made the policy
of the claimant elapses, BIC holds discretionary powers to decide
whether the claimant will still be eligible to receive the compensation.
Compensation will not exceed more than 70% of the monetary value of
the loss suffered and the claimant after receiving the payment may use
the compensation however they so wish. The settlement if received in a
US court of law will be given to the claimant after deducting a 4% cut
for BIC for legal fees as representation will be provided by BIC itself.

Article 6:

A policyholder may insure their own private property but only

pertaining to items mentioned in Article 1 of this contract. This contract
only provides insurance for immovable property, land, real estate,
residential housing etc. This contract ensures that a maximum of
497,683 acres of land may be insured. All land insured must be within a
territory, state or landmass under the jurisdiction of the United States of
America. Land so insured by this policy will be compensated on
differing terms on the basis of the use of land. This means the
compensation that can be claimed on (a) Agricultural land (b) Industrial
land (c) Residential land (d) Private land (e) Commercial land (f) Land
relating to mining and other similar endeavors will be compensated on
differing basis. Each category of land can have claims filed on it only on
specific case-by-case basis. Commercial land, Residential land and
Industrial land cannot be compensated for more than 30% of the loss
suffered by it for any reason. Each claim will be investigated and
compensated on a basis to be determined by the investigation bureau in
consultation with the claimant. No claim can be claimed twice. This
means that after a claim has been filed and paid, the claimant cannot
file a claim on the same land for a period of 6 months until after the
claim period has elapsed. This is to make sure that there is no
exploitation of the systems put in place by BIC.
Article 7:

BIC believes in strict client-firm confidentiality. However this

confidentiality is two-ways. Any interactions between a policyholder
and BIC are under complete confidentiality. We will never disclose any
information related to the details of the policy held by a policyholder,
investigation of a registered claim, status of a claim, legal implications,
payment status or payment amount. BIC’s confidentiality policy is set on
the baseline however we may adjust or add rules to our policy on special
requests from clients. However we will never share the information of a
client to any third-party unless absolutely impossible. In the event of the
failure by the contracting party herein designated as the client to
expeditiously institute an assertion of entitlement subsequent to the
consummation of the contractual agreement, the parcel of land subject
to the purview of this agreement shall henceforth be susceptible to a
transference of proprietary interest to the second contracting party. It is
hereby declared and attested that this document serves as an instrument
of affirmation and solemnizes the terms and conditions A client is not
sanctioned to apportion the specifics of the policy or interactions
between BIC consultants and them to any third party unless they have
received sanction to do so beforehand from BIC. In the case any
information is leaked the, client who caused the leak will be held liable
to provide compensation for their action on a decided amount and their
policy will be held to be null and void. However in the case of a leak the
client is free to inform BIC and discuss further proceedings, if found
possible BIC may choose to not hold them liable and not pursue a harsh
course of action. Details about the policy may not be shared to any
third-party without the consent of BIC even after the contract reaches its
maturity period. This is done to safeguard the interests of the clients and
to make sure that any information of the client during their stay with
BIC may not be compromised. We believe in absolute confidentiality and
will take all necessary steps to make sure that nothing harmful to the
client may occur as a result of a breach of information or any other way.

Article 8:

This policy requires either a monthly fee to be paid throughout the

duration of the policy being in effect or a total payment for the 5 year
time period when the policy is first purchased. A nominal monthly fee of
$100 is charged month after month to cover all the services included
within this policy. This can be either be made month after month for the
total duration of the policy or the total amount that being $6000 can be
paid when first purchasing the policy. This fee includes insurance for all
property, real estate and land insured under this policy, all legal
services guaranteed in certain cases, all compensation guaranteed, all
consultations with BIC staff and all investigations into claims filed.
Separate charges may be levied for special cases, at the discretion of
BIC. The fee is non-negotiable however unless specified before the
signing of a renewal or new policy, no matter economic changes during
the policy being in effect the fee will remain the same. BIC will not be
liable for any damages caused to property insured even during the time
the policy is in effect if the monthly fee for that month is defaulted. If the
fee is not submitted to a BIC office within 3 business days of the
intended payment date this contract will stand null and void.

Article 9:
As stated before the monthly payment if not paid on the intended date
that being at an interval of 1 month, every month for 5 years from the
date the policy is signed and bought, will be considered null and void if
not paid at a maximum default time of 3 business days after the intended
payment date. If a client wishes to cancel their policy they must submit a
written application to the nearest BIC branch, which will then be
reviewed and will be responded to within 9-12 business days. If the
payments are stopped while the contract is still in force and not prior
application has been submitted, the contract will be considered null and
void the defaulter will be have to pay a defaulters fee of $45,000. If the
defaulter’s fee is not paid then the defaulter may be liable in an
American court of law under the relevant law and regulations. However
before extreme action is taken a client may still approach BIC to provide
an explanation as to why the fee was defaulted on. If the reason is
deemed genuine then BIC may forgive the action of defaulting and find
an amicable resolution with the client themselves. This however is upon
the discretion of BIC and cannot be guaranteed as a promise to a
defaulter and cannot be considered as such.
Article 10:

This policy will only compensate damage to real estate or property or

other immovable objects as expanded upon earlier in the contract. This
policy will not compensate any material losses outside of the parameters
of the umbrella term “land” as expanded upon earlier in the contract.
This policy will not compensate any losses related to loss of life,
movable property, livestock, personal belongings and any other goods
that have not been enumerated upon previously in this document. BIC
will not be liable to compensate any policyholder that files a claim
relating to loss of private goods and goods so not insured within the
parameters of this contract. Neither will BIC be liable to compensate for
any loss that takes place after a policy has reached its maturity age
without being renewed. BIC will not be liable to compensate any loss
that takes place while a contract is suspended, void or in the process of
being declared void. Some examples to illustrate what claims can be
considered valid are;
(A) In the case where agricultural land is damaged by a third-party,
which can be considered major (which can be considered as a
deviation from usual affairs and causes material loss to the
claimant) After an investigation is conducted and concluded if
the damage is found to be substantial which justifiably causes
material loss which cannot be recovered by the damager or the
claimant themselves then BIC will compensate the loss caused.

BIC will not be liable to compensate any losses caused due to direct
action caused by owner of the policy. BIC will only compensate in
case of damage of property caused due to a third-party. This policy
will not compensate for any loss of life and limb or grievous hurt
caused to a beneficiary or dependant of the owner of the policy.



Ygnacio del Valle: y.delvalle (signature)

Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo: M. Guadalupe Vallejo (signature)

William Edward Petty Hartnell: W. Edward Petty Hartnell (signature)

Juan Bandini- J.Bandini (signature)

Jean Baptiste Charbonneau: J. Baptiste Charbonneau (signature)

Peter Hardeman Burnett: P. Hardman Burnett (signature)

Miguel Telesforo Pedrorena: M. Telesforo Pedrorena (signature)


4TH OF JULY 1849.


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