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Write the name of the organisation, the same as you wrote in Part 1,

Organisation name
row 1

Write the date on which you have done the risk assessment.
Put any date you like.
Date of risk assessment
Please do not put a date, that is later than your IG2 RA submission

In here, mention the department / areas, upon which you have done
this risk assessment.
(Remember it must co-relate with Part 1, row 5)
Scope of risk assessment
This shows to the examiner, as to which are the department/areas
within your organisation/site, upon which have based this risk
assessment on and found the below listed hazards.

(i). Hazard Category:

Write the "exact" Hazard Category as is clearly mentioned on
page 7 of the NEBOSH IG2 Guidance document.
I have also sent you a neat little tabulated list of all the 20
NEBOSH Hazard Categories.

Blank Line: Leave a blank line between the 'Hazard Category'

and the 'Hazard'.
(You can clearly see this in the NEBOSH sample IG2 risk
assessment too)

(ii). Hazard:
- Remember: A 'hazard' must clearly describe something that
has the "potential" to cause harm, injury or ill-health.
- NEBOSH wants clear description of the hazard that you are
writing upon.
For hazard categories such as noise, vibration, radiation,
manual handling, load-handling equipment, hazardous
substances, work-equipment and machinery, especially, you
Hazard Category and Hazard must choose some tool, equipment or substance to describe
your hazard upon. Hazard sentence must include either an
unsafe activity, a negativity, an involvement of machinery/
equipment/tool/material and 'specific location where the hazard

"Clarity and quality"

- This is what NEBOSH is looking for.
- For example, don't just write "Generation of loud noise" or "
Generation and exposure to heavy vibration" as a hazard. That
does not show clarity and quality.
- I have clearly shown you how to describe a hazard.

Most important:
Never combine two hazards in one row section.
Say for example for noise, don't write in this column a hazard
regarding loud noise emanating from a jackhammer and then
also mention there is loud noise generated from the excavator
which is doing rock breaking. (Rule: One row contains one
hazard only!!)

(1). Who might be harmed:

Write a line on who can be harmed from the hazard, whether it
is some worker, supervisor or manager.

Leave a blank line between between your description of "Who

might be harmed' and 'How'.

(2). How:
In this section,
(i). First there should be a brief description of the activity and
Who might be harmed and how
whether it is routine or non-routine in nature.
(ii). Go on to describe as to how the worker can be harmed and
injured from the interacting with the hazard, or coming into
contact with the hazard.
(iii). Finally you have to give information as to the outcome of
the hazardous event, wherein you state about the nature of the
harm, injury or ill-health that the worker may experience.
For certain hazards, remember to show a differentiation
whether the harm is acute or chronic in nature and/or has any
harmful psychological effects too.

In this section, you have to write the "existing control

measures" that are in place, to control the hazard.

It could be 'Engineering control measures' or 'Adminstrative

control measures' or from "PPE" too.

It does not matter in this column No. 3, whether your existing

control measures are as per "Hierarchy of Control" as per ISO
IG2 Part 2: Risk Assessment If you like, even in this column 3, you can arrange the existing
control measures as per "Hierarchy of Controls"
What are you already doing?
Try to balance your control measures between Column 3 and
column 4.
Keep some in column 3 and the remaining additional control
measures in column 4 (It shows to the NEBOSH examiner that
you have determined additional control measures)

Whether you choose to use numbering or bulleting or nothing,

it does not matter.

Please do leave a blank line between writing each existing

control measure. (It gives a neat and professional look).

In this section, you have to write the "additional control

measures" that you have determined, for controlling the

All additional control measures, in this column 4, must be as

per the "Hierarchy of Controls", as per ISO 45001:2018.

- Elimination
- Substitution
- Engineering control measures
- Administrative control measures
- Personal Protective Equipment

Your 'additional control measures' in this column 4, must and I

repeat must be, as per the "Hierarchy of controls".
Please don't make a mistake in this section.
What further contols/actions are
Make sure it is perfect and thorough.
There is no excuse or forgiveness in making a mistake here.

As I explained, if you write on PPE and you want to say write on

administrative control measures within the PPE section, such as
providing infromation, instruction and training in the use of the
certain PPE, then subpart it as (a), (b), etc..

Remember also that when you write about SSOW, you must
show corresponding supporting control measure of providing
information, instruction and training for the successful
implementation of the SSOW. (Subpart it as (a), (b), if needed)

Use numbering in this section, as I have explained you.

Please do leave a blank line between writing each existing

control measure. (It gives a neat and professional look)

Please ensure the timescales look realistic enough.

Make sure you have timescales for each action that you have
written about in column 4.

Even if you have mentioned subpart (a), (b) must have
a separate timescale mentioned for each point.
Timescales for further actions to
be completed (within...) Be warned: Don't miss out a single timescale at all. (There is no
excuse or forgiveness... for your lapse, mistake or oversight)

I warn you also that do not write the "Immediate" in the

timescale column. You will fail and I speak from experience. DO

It has to be either in days, weeks or months.

Write the responsible person's job title in this section.

Even if you have mentioned subpart (a) (b) must

mention the responsible person's job title for the subparts too.

Please ensure there is only one responsible person's job title

Responsible person's job title mentioned against each additional control measure/timeline. (I
warn you, do not write two responsible person's job title, for a
single additional control measure)

Be warned: Don't miss out a single responsible person's job tile

at all. (There is no excuse or forgiveness... for your lapse,
mistake or oversight)

"Every single" additional control measure, timescale and responsible

I have explained and shown you.

This ensures sure that you have a corresponding timescale and a

corresponding responsible person's job title, mentioned against every
single additional control measure that you have written about.

It must be perfect, thorough and look very professional.

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