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Natural causes

Human-induced causes

Soil erosion and salinization

Areas suffering from soil erosion

Impact of soil erosion on local and global levels

Sustainable development and management of soil erosion

Names of strategy, method and how it prevents

Case study

2. Desertification


Distribution of areas at risk

Describe rainfall pattern- graph to show how it varies over time

Physical/ natural causes

Induced by human activities

Local and global impact

Strategies to combat desertification/ sustainable methods

3. Enhanced global warming


Ways of representing:

1. The graph shows a change in global temperature over the years

2. Annotate a diagram of how it occurs

3. % of GHG- pie diagram or compound bar diagram

Sources of GHG

Ways to reduce

Summits and Protocols

Impact locally and globally

4. Pollution

Annotate pictures to show pollution

Eg. Industry noise, air, water, visual pollution

Causes and types

Global and local impact

Strategies for management

Case study: An area where economic development is taking place

causing the environment to be at risk.

This can be a farm/ factory/ tourism/ mining site

Sketch map of economic activity in the area

Description of the activity

Ways in which it affects the environment

Strategies for management

Soil conservation

Reducing desertification

Managing pollution

Population policies

Sustainable living

Sustainable cities

Sustainable tourism/ eco-tourism

Renewable energy

Sustainable management of tropical rainforest

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