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Edward School - Faith Campus


Business Plan

In partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the subject


Cezar, Danielle Patrice N.

Conejos, Keziah Mae R.

Ferrer, Johann Lyle Matthew S.

Ishitani, Mitsuru

Lasam, Nikka Andrea M.

Nieva, Mark Clarence R.

Reyes, Michael Jason A.

Group 4

I. Executive Summary

The company, Snowfall is a small business enterprise that specializes in the

frozen dessert industry where the entrepreneurs innovated an existing product namely
Bingsu, with local Filipino ingredients that are known to the masses. It is located at St.
Edward School - Faith Campus, Kensington 1 Subdivision, Lancaster New City,
General Trias, Cavite, with the contact number 09474457808 for easy tracking of the
business. In making a business, the key people play an important role in order to
complete and make a business successful as they will be the strong foundation in
making it possible, thus, the following contains the information of the key people
involved in this business:

Lasam, Nikka Andrea M. lives at Kensington 15. She can be contacted through
email and phone number with the following information: /
Conejos, Keziah Mae R. lives at Lancaster Village 2 East. She can be contacted
through email and phone number with the following information: / 09773955620.
Ferrer, Johann Lyle Matthew S. lives at Manchester 6. He can be contacted
through email and phone number with the following information: / 09761523575.
Nieva, Mark Clarence R. lives at Somerset 16. He can be contacted through
email and phone number with the following information: /
Co, John Christian B. lives at Somerset 3. He can be contacted through email
and phone number with the following information: / 09955218894.
Ishitani, Mitsuru J. lives at Kensington 17. He can be contacted through email
and phone number with the following information: /
Reyes, Michael Jason A. lives at Manchester 3. He can be contacted through
email and phone number with the following information: /
The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services
Administration (PAGASA) has officially declared the commencement of the dry season.
Snowfall is a food business that serves frozen desserts to cater to the public who
experience the summer season.

The group's frozen dessert, Bingsu, is the main highlight of their business.
Bingsu is a unique product that is not entirely familiar to Filipinos, but since this is a
product similar to other Filipino desserts, it could bring the attention of Filipino

Based on a strategic point of view, during a dry climate, most customers tend to
crave something that is cold. PAGASA reminds us that we should take precautions to
avoid accidents or injuries related to high temperatures.

Inspired by Korean culture, the group has considered their frozen dessert,
Bingsu, as the main highlight of the business. This type of frozen dessert is well-liked by
the people of Korea and it has been evident in some Korean Dramas being watched.

In order for this to become feasible, the group has evaluated the skills
possessed. Being a student that focuses on the technical aspects gave the group an
advantage in regards to analyzing the market research, as well as computing the costs
and expenditures. In a group, decision-making skills are also essential in order to make
the right decisions that would benefit the company as well as the consumers.
II. Vision and Mission Statement

The crew is passionate about creating a new twist to the existing Bingsu dessert
of Korea that would taste great and make the eating experience cooler and exemplary
while adding the beloved flavors of the Filipino people.

The business in which the crew will engage is in the cold desert industry wherein
the group will serve their chosen cold desert product to customers, for the enjoyment
and soothing feeling while digesting cold desert in a tropical environment.

The business's unique selling point is the Filipino-Korean food fusion concept
itself; this is a unique concept within Filipino businesses The product Bingsu itself is
also a unique product within the community. These concepts are what the group
believes are the competitive advantages of the business.
III. Market Analysis

Marketing research is one of the critical tasks of an entrepreneur as this helps

them understand the preferences of the consumers. Thus the result of the survey will
serve as a guide for the entrepreneurs to review the products or services they are going
to offer. After gathering the responses of 30 people, the group now will undergo an
in-depth analysis of the preferences, insights, and recommendations given to our

Age Group

Based on the chart listed above, ages between 11 and 40s have
participated in answering the market research survey. The majority of the
respondents came from ages 17 to 18. The group has concluded that the product
sold will cater to the preferences of people in this age group. However, the group
has also interjected that the product will not only be enjoyed by a particular age
group but rather this product is suitable for all ages and people who are willing to
try something new, especially in the season of summer.

When asked for this particular question, the female gender is seen as
dominant in answering the survey in contrast to the male gender. However, the
group would also like to remind that the product that will be sold can be enjoyed
by men, women, and anything in between.

Village Location

Based on the information given by the respondents, most of them reside in

Lancaster New City, with villages such as Glenbrook, Kensington, Manchester,
Somerset, as well as Lancaster Residences/Villages. Since the Entrep Hub is
open to all, people outside LNC can also avail the products that will be sold at
that event.

Familiarity with the Korean Culture

Since the product that will be sold by the group has integrated the Korean
food culture, it is tasked to know if the respondents are familiar with it or not. In
that way, the group is able to assess what are the advantages and
disadvantages of the product that will be sold.

On the pie chart displayed above, 71% of the respondents are familiar
with the food culture in Korea. On the other hand, 19.4% of the respondents may
or may have not been familiar with the Korean food culture while 9.7% of the
respondents are not familiar at all.

The chart above represents that the respondents are already familiar with
Korean food culture. This is due to the reason that Korean culture has begun to
be prominent within the entertainment industry; caused by a craze of Korean pop
music, greater exposure through social media, and drama streaming/television
series that performed greatly and became extremely popular amongst Koreans
and the international community.
How often do you eat frozen desserts in a week?

Based on the results of the survey, their habit of eating frozen desserts
varies. Most of the respondents answered that they eat frozen dessert 2 times a
week. Some answered 3, and the other 4 times a week. Seeing the survey, made
the group assume that this is caused by the weather during the months of March,
April, and May when temperatures are mostly high.

Since the climate of our country is tropical around this time of the year.
How willing are you to eat frozen/cold desserts?
As temperatures get higher, people tend to find something cold to ease
their uneasiness. With our country being tropical at this time, 61.3% of the
respondents answered that they would like to eat frozen desserts. By this, it can
be also concluded that eating cold desserts eases heat exhaustion caused by the
hot and tropical environment.

Are you familiar with the Korean dessert, Bingsu?

In this particular question, the respondents are asked if they are familiar
with the Korean dessert, Bingsu. Remembering the previous question, most of
the respondents are already familiar with the Korean food culture, however, in
these results, some of them have not yet heard of this food. It is also a good note
that 32.3% of the respondents are already familiar with the dessert and the
people who are not yet familiar with this food can give the entrepreneurs an
advantage in introducing to them a new and unique product.

Have you tried Bingsu?

Based on the pie chart shown above, taken from a conducted market
survey. Most people haven’t tried the desert ‘Bingsu’ with a total of 67.7% out of
100% survey takers and only 29% tried the ‘Bingsu’ dessert. The rest answered
‘maybe’ (3.3%), leaving undefined answers whether they tried ‘Bingsu’ or not.

Bingsu Flavor Preferences

The group has given four (4) different flavors to start with, namely:
Chocolate, Strawberry, Milk, and Mango. In the chocolate flavor, the respondents
gave a 3 to 5 rating which means they prefer to have this kind of flavor, also
similar to the three (3) starter flavors given. This made the group assume that the
customers would like to see those four flavors in our product.
Insights on the toppings

Since the group has made the concept of Korean and Filipino food fusion,
it has considered why not to put local sweet snacks as the toppings for the
BIngsu. In this particular question, it is asked about the willingness of the
customers to buy the products with local snacks as their toppings. 54.8% showed
a willingness to try the Korean-Filipino fusion and 41.9% are either sure or
unsure about trying the experiment.

What topping/s would you like to see in our product?

As what has been said in the previous statements, the group has
considered local sweet snacks as the topping for the Korean dessert. In the chart
above, the group has given possible toppings that will be included in the product
such as familiar snacks and candies in the food industry. Since the respondents
have selected most of the given choices, the group assumes that these will be
included in the product going to be sold, and this will also be up for review on
what to include depending on the budget of the entrepreneurs.

How likely are you willing to spend on add-on toppings to the product?

In this particular question, it is asked about the respondents' willingness to

add more toppings to the product, which will require spending more money. The
graph above, explains that most of the respondents are willing enough to spend
a penny to add more toppings to the products. Their willingness to spend on the
product will also help them to enhance their experience in purchasing the
How likely are you willing to spend on upgrading the size of the product?

The entrepreneurs have decided that there would be a size preference for
the customers to choose from namely, small, medium, and large. In the graph
shown above, the respondents are willing enough to spend additional money on
the product in order to achieve the experience they want.

How much are you willing to spend on our product based on our estimated
price range?

Since the entrepreneurs have included the size preference of the product,
the group has also considered the pricing of the frozen dessert. Its proposed
starting price would be at 99 to 130 pesos in consideration of the cost of the
expenses to create the improved product.
Amongst all of the questions, the survey also consists of two (2) open-ended
questions wherein it inquires about certain information that is answerable by free will.
The first question is:

What other unique flavors would you recommend in a Bingsu?


Cheese and mango II

mango chocolate I

Mango II

Bingsu ala smores I

Macha I

Powder MikMik I

Chopped fruits I

Lychee I

Mochi I

Oreo I

Cheese II

Avocado II

Pandan I

Banana I

Coffee II

Melon I

The group decided to list down all the flavors they would like to suggest
and will be taken into consideration by group members until finalization. It has
come to attention that the frequently mentioned flavor is the following; Cheese,
Mango, Avocado, Coffee. Through this, these mentioned flavors will be taken into
consideration and will possibly think of an alternative to satisfy the consumers’
call regarding this matter.
Do you have any suggestions/recommendations on our product?
In the last part of the survey, the group asked for the consumers’ opinions
regarding what they think could be a nice idea to suggest to the group. Listed
below are the given suggestions in the group which will be the base on how the
business will be improved and will be taken into consideration some matters and
changes that might happen during the process of the business.

Have more flavor
Unique flavor w/ Filo toppings/snacks
Good packaging and appearance
More variation of cup size
free taste
Different varieties
IV. Company Products and Services

The product logo below symbolizes the consideration of the crew from the
customer during the summer season, it will do anything just to create a perfect dessert
for everyone. For the enterprise logo, it gives a more lively feeling when looking at it for
a long time since it was wholesome and pleasing to the eye, as well as its theme
matches to the concept of the business which serves frozen desserts such as Bingsu.

Enterprise and Product Logo

Product or services feature

The Snowfall product is the Korean dessert called Bingsu, a cold ice dessert
similar to shaved ice but with the ingredient of condensed milk. Not only that but Bingsu
can consist of different types of flavors. Snowfall will provide flavors such as Chocolate,
Strawberry, Milk, and Mango and more future suggestions by the customers and the
survey respondents. The product, Bingsu, will be prepared in a specified area by the
stand owners, and only there can the customers buy Bingsu and choose from the
different flavors provided.

Customer Benefits

The Snowfall product has benefits to the customer's mental and physical health
during the summer seasons. It gives a more satisfying feeling by decreasing the
temperature of the body and delicious flavor that can lead to cravings from the
customer. The price of the product is more affordable and worth buying.
V. Production Plan

Production Process

In order to create the frozen base, the group would like to mix condensed and
fresh milk since following the traditional way of creating Bingsu, it utilizes milk as its
base. After this, we are going to put the mixture in the freezer to harden. In the next
step, if the condensed milk and fresh milk mixture are set and hardened, it is to be
shaved using a tool or a utensil such as a fork in order to get that shaved texture, hence
the meaning of Bingsu.

The next step is the creative part of the process where the group would now put
flavorings onto the milk base. Chocolate, Strawberry, Mango, and local sweet snacks
are the flavors that the group has considered to start with, but with the insights and
preferences of the respondents of the survey, considerations are being made in order to
achieve their preference.
Tool and Equipment to be used

An ice scraper is one of the needed tools to create Bingsu since the base
consists of scraped frozen milk or cream. Bingsu will then be served in three different
sizes of plastic cups. And to keep the frozen products from melting, Snowfall will be
using an icebox to preserve the temperature of the products.

Store or production area layout.

Since the business will be held on the day of the Entrepreneurship Hub, the store
would be located at St. Edward School, Faith Campus. The store will be a temporary
stall that will be held at a specified location and time.

Suppliers of inputs.

The tools and equipment that will be used to prepare the product will be provided
by the business owners. Containers that will hold the product Bingsu will be bought
online. Ingredients, such as the flavor of the product; milk, chocolate, strawberry,
mango, etc, will be purchased from the local supermarket.

Marketing Strategy

Target Market
Customer’s motivation to buy
Market size and trends
How large is the market?
Is it growing or shrinking? How fast?
Give the promotional tool to be used in promoting the product.
(Leaflets, Tarpaulin, Social Media, Mass Media, etc.)
Show the Total Cost of Production, Unit Cost, Mark-up Percentage and Selling
Distribution Strategy
Channel of Distribution to be used.

Business – Consumer

Business – Middleman – Consumer

Business – Middleman – Wholesaler – Consumer

Business – Brokers – Middleman – Wholesaler – Retailer – Consumers

Organization Plan
Show the proponents role in the proposed business using an organization chart.

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