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Match 1–10 to a–j to form expressions used at the end of letters.
1. Yours a soon.

2. Best b sincerely,

3. Looking forward to c regards,

4. Yours d wishes,

5. I hope e faithfully,

6. Keep f best,

7. Kind g hearing from you.

8. I look forward h to your reply.

9. All the i in touch!

10. Write j to hear from you soon.

Which of the endings are more formal, semi-formal or informal?

Read the two exam questions asking you to write a letter giving advice and answer
the questions.

1. Which one asks for the more formal letter?

2. Which of the questions asks you to do more than just give advice on things to do?
3. What language could you use to provide this other information?

Question 1
You work for an international company. A colleague from the New Zealand office of your company is
coming to work in your office for four months. Write a letter to this colleague, giving details of your
branch and the people who work there. You should also give some advice about the things he/she could
do in their free time while he/she is in your country.

Question 2
You have received a letter from an English-speaking friend:

My new job is great, and next month, my company is sending me to do a three-week language
course – guess where – in your town!
I’ll be free four evenings and one weekend, so I’d like your advice please on where to go, what to
do and the best way to practise my language while I’m there.

Write a letter to your friend giving your opinion and advice.

70 ADVANCED WRITING | PART 2 | 3 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018

Read the questions again and complete the table to say what language you would use for
each question.

Question 1, 2
or both?
a Dear Rodrigo,
b Dear Ms Baker,
I am writing to give you information and my advice . . .
starting the letter
Thanks for your letter. Great news that . . .
a yes (I’m, You’d, You’ll . . . )
b no (I am, You would, You will . . . )
What about . . . ? Try . . . Take it from me . . . I’d say
that . . . You can take your pick . . .
for making
I would highly recommend . . . You could try . . . Might I
suggest . . . Another alternative might be . . .
would be ideal for you might (not) appeal would suit
phrases to talk you best
about suitability b 
your sort of thing You might fancy might
tempt you

Exam task

Read the task. Write your answer in 220–260 words in an appropriate style.
You are a university student and you see an advert for
teaching assistants with good sports or craft skills at an
international summer camp. You decide to apply for one of
the roles and write to the Human Resources Manager at the
company, explaining what your skills are and why you would
be suitable, what kind of work you would like to do and why
the company should consider your application.
Write your letter.

Get it right!
Look at the sentence below. Then try and correct the mistake.
Me and my cousins used to collect all sorts of things.

© Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2018 ADVANCED WRITING | PART 2 | 3 71

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