Section 3 Notes S-h-m

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A Level Physics Notes

Oscillatory motion is a periodic motion with a

4.The angular frequency of oscillation,  is given
regular to-and-fro motion. by  = 2/T=2f
Examples of such motion include 5.Vibrating particles are said to be in phase if
TOPICS simple pendulum, they are at the same position and in the same
 Oscillations vibrating guitar spring, direction of motion at the same time.
 Waves e/m waves etc. Graphical representation of s.h.m
 Superposition mass- spring system Graphs can be used to represent the motion
Simple Harmonic Motion Oscillations in mechanical systems such as simple
pendulum, mass spring pendulum are examples of
oscillations in shm.
The graph of displacement against time is a sine
Free and forced Oscillations Simple Harmonic Motion. wave.Velocity is found at any instant by taking
Oscillations and vibrations are everywhere. A Definition: the gradient of the displacement-time graph.
bird in flight flaps its wings up and down. An A body is said to be in simple harmonic motion Graph of velocity against time is a cosine wave
aircraft’s wings also vibrate up and down, but this (shm) if its acceleration is directed towards a with the maximum as
is not how it flies.The wings are long and thin, fixed point in its path and is directly Acceleration is found at any instant by taking the
and they vibrate slightly because they are not proportional to its displacement from that gradient of the velocity-time graph.
perfectly rigid. Many other structures vibrate – point. The motion of a body vibrating with shm can be
bridges when traffic flows across, buildings in The fixed point is called the equilibrium position described by this equation.
high winds. A more specific term than vibration is i.e. the position at which the body would come to Where is the displacement about a fixed point O Page 1
oscillation. An object oscillates when it moves rest if it were to lose all of its energy. (in m, and is positive to the right, negative to the
back and forth repeatedly, on either side of
left), and ω2 is a positive constant (in s-2) and is
some equilibrium position. If we stop the object
the acceleration of the body (in ms-2).
from oscillating, it returns to the equilibrium
To obtain an expression for the velocity, v at any
position. We make use of oscillations in many
displacement x from the equilibrium position:
different ways – for pleasure (a child on a swing),
From And
for music (the vibrations of a guitar string), for Hence, when the displacement is positive the
timing (the movement of a pendulum or the acceleration is negative (and vice versa).
vibrations of a quartz crystal). Whenever we Definitions and equations Now using the identity
make a sound, the molecules of the air oscillate, 1.The period, T of the motion is the time Thus
passing the sound energy along. The atoms of a interval for a complete oscillation.
solid vibrate more and more as the temperature Giving √
2.The frequency, f of oscillation is the number
rises.These examples of oscillations and This equation requires that x = x0 when t = 0.
of complete oscillations per second. SI unit is
vibrations may seem very different from one An alternative for x is; this requires x = 0 when t
Hertz (Hz). f = 1/T
another. In this chapter,we will look at the = 0.
3.The amplitude of the motion, x0 is the
characteristics that are shared by all A graph of acceleration against displacement
maximum displacement from the equilibrium
oscillations. position.


A Level Physics Notes

projection, as the particle moves around the damping.These types of oscillations are known as
circle, is the SHM displacement about O. damped oscillations. There are three degrees of
Energy in SHM damping: light, heavy and critical.In light damping
Total energy in a free oscillation is conserved. the amplitude of oscillation is gradually reduced.
The total energy, E consists of kinetic energy, The oscillating system stops after a large
and potential energy, U number of oscillations, eg a simple pendulum.
E= +U In heavy damping resistance is so great that the
At any displacement x from the equilibrium system takes a very long time to return to the
position, velocity is given by: equilibrium position.When a system is critically
damped the damping is sufficient to prevent
Example oscillation but not too great to delay return to
When, the kinetic energy is maximum this is the
A particle displaying SHM moves in a straight equilibrium position.
total energy in the system and occurs when x=0
line between extreme positions A & B and passes
through a mid-position O.If the distance AB = 10
m and the maximum speed of the particle is 15 The potential energy is given as U=
ms-1 find the period of the motion to 1 decimal The variation of U, Ek and E with displacement is
place. shown:
SHM and Circular Motion
Page 2

A car’s suspension system needs to be slightly

under critical damping.

The SHM-circle connection is used to solve

problems concerning the time interval between
Forced Oscillations and Resonance
particle positions.
Damped Oscillations In free oscillations the oscillating systems do so
To prove how SHM is derived from circular
at their natural frequencies.
motion we must first draw a circle of radius 'x0' In free oscillations total energy is constant
An external periodic force can be used to get
or a (max. displacement). meaning amplitude is also constant.
the oscillating system at any frequency.
Then, the projection(x-coord.) of a particle A is In practice this is not usually the case.
The system is performing forced oscillations and
made on the diameter along the x-axis. This The amplitude of oscillation gets progressively
has the same frequency as the external periodic
smaller.The frequency is also reduced because of


A Level Physics Notes

force (driver frequency).The amplitude of the 3) the amplitude of Q

forced oscillations depends on the driver 4) the phase difference between P and Q
frequency and the natural frequency of the Initial graphs(blue) are draw for the amplitude
system. When the driver frequency equals the of Q and the phase difference of Q against
natural frequency of the oscillating system the driver frequency.
amplitude is large. Resonance is said to occur. Various levels of damping are then applied to Q.
Families of curves are produced.
More damping is produced by decreasing the bob
mass of Q and/or adding cardboard fins to
increase air resistance.

On the graph it should be noted:

1. All the pendulums have the same frequency.
2. Pendulum Y has the same length as P but is not
in phase with it. It is approx. 1/4 period behind.
Forced vibrations However, Y does oscillate with greater amplitude
Forced vibration can be illustrated by a simple than the other small pendulums. Y is said to be
experimental setup called Barton's pendulums. resonating with P. Page 3
3. The shorter pendulums, W & X are approx. in
phase with P.
4. Pendulum Z is approx. 1/2 period behind P.
It can be seen that the amplitude of pendulum Q
Using Barton's pendulums to investigate
is maximum (maximum resonance) just before the
forced vibrations
natural frequency of the driver pendulum P.
If Q is heavily damped the amplitude is much
Essentially a large pendulum is used to provide a
less at its maximum and occurs at a much lower
driver frequency which will make the other,
frequency than the natural driver frequency.
smaller pendulums oscillate at the same rate.
This driver frequency is in fact the natural
frequency of the pendulum. The frequency at
which it would oscillate at without the smaller The method is to keep the length of the
pendulums. The masses of the smaller pendulums dependent pendulum Q the same, while varying
are insignificant compared to the mass of the the length of the driver pendulum P.
larger. So their effect is not of any consequence. Measurements are then made of:
1) the frequency of P
Whether pendulum Q has light or heavy damping,
2) the frequency of Q
it always has a phase difference of π/2 radians


A Level Physics Notes

(90o) with P, at the natural frequency with which back is known as an oscillation/vibration.Waves 7.Velocity ( v ) the velocity of a particle of a
P oscillates. can be formed by moving a rope up and down, wave in the direction the wave is travelling.
For higher driver frequencies and light damping using a ripple tank or using a slinky spring. 8.Phase: Any 2 points are in phase when they
the phase difference rises to a maximum of π The source of any wave is a vibration or move in the same direction, have the speed and
(pi) radians (180o). oscillation. displacement from rest position. (e.g. 2 crests
Higher driver frequencies and heavy damping Properties of Wave Motion and 2 troughs)
produce a phase difference only slightly above There are 2 types of wave motion: Transverse
π/2 radians. and Longitudinal.
implications & uses of resonance Transverse waves
1. Soldiers must 'break step' when crossing
wooden bridges.
2. Cars/aircraft/rockets are carefully designed
so that parts do not resonate producing Terms used to describe wave motion:
unwanted noises/dangerous vibrations.
3. Electrical audio circuits are subject to 1.Crests and troughs: The highest and lowest
'feedback' . This is the loud howling sound points of a transverse wave respectively. In
produced when a microphone is too close to a longitudinal waves we have compressions and Transverse waves are waves in which the
direction of vibration of the particles is Page 4
loudspeaker and the amplifier gain is too high. rarefactions.
uses: 2.Wavelength ( λ ) is the horizontal distance perpendicular to the direction of propagation of
1. clocks & watches - quartz crystals resonate along a wave between 2 successive particles of the wave.
producing accurate timing frequencies the wave, moving in the same direction. Examples of such waves include rope waves and
2. standing waves in pipes 3.Displacement is the distance of a particle of water waves.
3. ultra-sonic cleaning - dirt particles resonate the wave from its equilibrium position at any The crest is the highest points of the wave
with the applied frequency and are dislodged particular time whereas the trough is the lowest points of the
4. crystal radios - circuits resonate at the same wave.
4.Amplitude ( a ) is the maximum displacement
frequency as a radio station of a particle of the wave from its equilibrium Longitudinal waves
5. radio antennas (aerials) - resonate when they position.
interact with radio waves The height of the crest/ depth of a trough from
WAVE MOTION the rest position.
5.Period ( T ) is the time for one complete
A wave is made up of periodic motion, which is
oscillation of the wave.
motion repeated at regular intervals.
6.Frequency ( f ) is the number of complete
A wave is a phenomenon where energy is
oscillations per second.
transferred through vibrations.One complete
motion from one extreme position to another and


A Level Physics Notes

Longitudinal Waves are waves in which the A distance λ corresponds to a phase difference The angle of reflection equals the angle of
vibration of the particles is travel parallel to the of 2π. incidence
direction of propagation of the wave. Thus phase difference, φ at any point P will be Refraction of light
Examples are sound wave and pressure waves. given by The bending effect of light as it passes from one
They form compressions and rarefactions. Hence displacement of any particle at a distance transparent material to another of a different
Compressions are region where the air particles x from the origin will be given by density is known as refraction.
are close together, creating high pressure. Let Refraction is caused by the change in speed of
Rarefactions are areas where the air particles light.
, motion to the right
are far apart, creating low pressure At the boundary of 2 optical media, if there is a
2 types of graphs used to plot waves: Velocity of a wave
sudden change in the speed of light, it will cause
Displacement-distance graph: Plotting the It is the distance moved per unit time.
the path of light to bend.
displacement of the wave at a certain instant of Time taken for wave to move a distance equal to
Light travels fastest in air/vacuum.
time. one wavelength is one period.
The normal is a line drawn at right angles to the
Reflection of light material's surface at the ray's point of entry.
The angle of incidence is the angle the light ray
makes with the normal.
The angle of refraction is the angle the
Displacement-time graph: Used to observe the refracted light ray makes with the normal inside
displacement of a specific point on a graph over a
Page 5
the material.
n interval of time.

The incident ray, the reflected ray and the

normal, at the point of incidence, all lie in the
same plane.
Both the transverse and longitudinal waves are
progressive waves.
The wave profile moves along with the speed of
the wave.
A particle at the origin vibrates according to the
equation where t is time, and
ω = 2πf The incident ray, the refracted ray and the
Suppose wave is moving from left to right. normal at the point of entry are all in the same
A particle at some point a distance from the plane.
origin will have a different phase of vibration. The ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to
the sine of the angle of refraction is a constant


A Level Physics Notes

for a particular wavelength (Snell's Law). that is,

The ratio constant is called the relative
refractive index 'n'.
The relative refractive index between two media
where a light ray travels through one medium
(#1) and is refracted through the other medium
(#2) is given by:
Snell's Law equation can now be rewritten as:

The greater the value of refractive index of a The image is the same size as the object.
medium, the greater the bending of light, and the or A line joining a point on the image to a
denser the material is. note: when a light ray travels from a less dense corresponding point on the object is
Refractive Index medium to a denser medium, it bends towards the perpendicular to the mirror.
The refractive index of a single medium can be normal(and vice versa). The image is laterally inverted (sideways upside
defined as the ratio of the speed of light in a Common refractive indices down).
vacuum to the speed of light in the medium. Material n (λ = 589.29nm)
Here nm is defined as the absolute refractive Water 1.33 Page 6
index Diamond 2.40
Glass 1.48-1.96
Plane mirror images
All images are virtual: that is, they cannot be
where, projected on to a screen.
co is the velocity of light in a vacuum The image produced in a mirror is as far behind Critical Angle
cm is the velocity of light in the medium the mirror as the object is in front. The Critical Angle (co)is the angle of incidence in
let us consider our two materials(#1 & #2 from object distance = image distance a dense medium, such that the angle of
above). Their absolute refractive indices are
refraction in the less dense medium is 90o .
given by:
As the angle of incidence in the dense medium is
increased, the angle of refraction increases
towards 90o.
During this time a weak reflected ray is also
dividing the second equation by the first,


A Level Physics Notes

3. can carry more information

4. immune to electrical interference
5. safer - no fire risk as with electric currents
When θ1= 90o and θ2= co ,
6. wire-tapping more difficult
but sin(90o) = 1, therefore:
Transverse waves can oscillate in any plane.
Polarisation is the process by which the
from work on relative refractive index, oscillations are made to occur in one plane only.
This is done by passing the waves through a
'grid' so that only the waves that can fit through
Only when the angle of incidence in the medium the slits can continue through:
exceeds the Critical Angle does all the light Applications of total internal reflection:
become reflected internally. Glass prisms
Optical fibres: Made up of plastic fibres that
transmit light over long distances through total
This is used in Polaroid glasses to reduce the
internal reflection.An optical fibre has a core of
amount of light reaching the eye.
high refractive index, coated with another
Polarisation also has to be taken into account
material of lower refractive index.Light rays Page 7
when transmitting and receiving waves. An aerial
entering the fibre will be internally reflected at
has to be aligned to the plane of the polarised
the boundary between these 2 refractive
waves for it to receive the maximum signal.
Polarisation can also be achieved by creating
waves in one plane (for example, a laser).
Longitudinal waves cannot be polarised because
the direction of vibration and direction of
propagation are the same.
Differences between progressive and
stationary waves
Stationary Progressive
Waves Waves
Amplitude Varies from Same for all
maximum at particles in
We can formulate an equation for the critical Optical fibre has a number of advantages over
the anti-nodes the wave
angle using Snell's Law for two media of copper wire:
to zero at the (provided no
refractive index n1 & n2. 1. less attenuation
nodes. energy is lost).
2. cheaper metre for metre


A Level Physics Notes

Wavelength Twice the The distance

distance between two
between a pair consecutive
of adjacent points on a
nodes or anti- wave, that are
nodes. in phase.
Phase Particles in Particles in
X-rays are produced by bombarding metal
the same adjacent
targets with high speed electrons produced
segment/ segments are
thermo-ionically. X-rays have wavelengths
between 2 in anti-phase. Properties of electromagnetic waves:
varying from 5×10-8m to 5×10-15m and are
adjacent All particles Electromagnetic waves are transverse
produced when very fast moving electrons are
nodes, are in within one waves.
stopped by a heavy metal target.
phase wavelength They are electric and magnetic fields that
A tungsten filament is heated by the passage of
have different oscillate at 90° to each other.
current through it so that electrons are
phases. They transfer energy from one place to
produced thermo-ionically.A high voltage in the
Wave Profile The wave The wave another.
range of 20kv – 125kv is applied across the anode
profile does profile They can travel through vacuum (do not
and cathode. This high voltage accelerates the
not advance. advances. require any medium to travel)
electrons to a very high speed.On colliding with Page 8
They travel at 3.0 x 108 m/s in vacuum.
the metal target the electrons decelerates
Energy No energy is energy is They will slow down when travelling through
rapidly, the kinetic energy of the electrons is
transported transported water or glass.
converted to heat and disturbance of the
by the wave. by the wave. They obey the laws of reflection and
electronic configuration in the atoms of the
metal targets. Electrons are knocked off from
They carry no electric charge.
their energy level and other electrons fill up the
Their frequencies do not change when
energy levels producing electro-magnetic waves
travelling from one medium to another.
called X-rays. Only 1% of the Ek of the electrons
Only their speeds and wavelength will
Electromagnetic Waves is converted to x-rays, the other 99% is heat
X-rays Most of the x-ray tubes use tungsten as the
Production of x-rays by electron bombardment metal target because it has the highest
on a metal target efficiency of the production of x-rays.


A Level Physics Notes

Muscle and connective tissues blocking a patient’s trachea (windpipe) or

(ligaments, tendons, and cartilage) oesophagus.
appear grey.Bones will appear white.
X-rays may be taken of any part of the
body to detect tumour (or cancer) cells.
The use of X-rays as a treatment is
known as radiation therapy and is largely
used for the management (including
palliation) of cancer; it requires higher
radiation energies than for imaging
Uses of X-rays alone.
Laser stands for light amplification by
stimulated emission of radiation.
Laser light can be used to remove cancer
or precancerous growths or to relieve
symptoms of cancer.
It is used most often to treat cancers Page 9
on the surface of the body or the lining
of internal organs.
Lasers can focus very accurately on tiny
areas, they can also be used for very
precise surgical work or for cutting
through tissue (in place of a scalpel)

In X-ray imaging, a beam of high-energy

photons is produced and passed through Laser therapy causes less bleeding and
the body structure being examined. damage to normal tissue than standard
The beam passes very quickly through surgical tools do, and there is a lower
less dense types of tissue such as risk of infection.
watery secretions, blood, and fat, Lasers also may be used as coagulators
leaving a darkened area on the x-ray to relieve certain symptoms of cancer,
film. such as bleeding or obstruction.
For example, lasers can be used to
shrink or destroy a tumour that is


A Level Physics Notes


Wave Generation Properties Uses Dangers

Radio Waves Electrons oscillating Radio transmitters None
Red-shifted lower wavelengths from Can be modulated for Radar,Television
stars. communication Mobile phones
Microwaves Can be modulated for Microwave ovens Internal heating of body tissue Page
Red-shifted light from stars and communication Communication system 10
galaxies Resonance with molecules
Electron energy changes in atoms producing heat.
Infra-red Molecular vibration Transfer of heat energy to Thermal imaging Burns skin
Electron energy level changes materials Remote controls
Modulation for short
distance control(e.g. TV
Visible Electron energy level changes in Starts chemical reactions Optic fibres Strong light causes damage to vision.
atoms (egg photosynthesis) Seeing!
Affects photo film
Ultra-violet Electron energy level changes in Produces ionization, Washing powder Skin cancer and blindness
atoms fluorescence (whiter than white)
Produces photoelectric Security marking
Affects photofilm


A Level Physics Notes

X rays Electron deceleration Ionizing Taking images of the Mutations in cells and severe burns to
Electron energy level changes in Affect photofilm skeleton the skin.
atoms Penetrating
Produces fluorescence
produce photoelectric effect
Gamma Rays Nuclear fission Very penetrating Cancer treatment Cancers and cell mutation
Nuclear fusion Produce weak ionisation Sterilisation of
Radioactive decay Produce weak fluorescence equipment
Affects photo film



A Level Physics Notes

Principle of superposition
The resultant displacement at any point of two Two waves having the same amplitudes approach
There are points where the displacement is
waves travelling through the same medium is each other from opposite directions. permanently zero, these points are called nodes.
given by the algebraic sum of the separate The two waves are 180o out of phase with each
Points along the wave each have different
displacements due to the two waves. other and therefore cancel out (black horizontal amplitudes; those points with the greatest
amplitude are called antinodes.
The phase difference between the two waves At points between successive nodes the
narrows. The resultant grows but is not in phase
vibrations are in phase. The diagram shows how
with either of the two waves. a standing wave moves up and down over time.
The phase difference between the two waves is
narrower still. The resultant is larger but is still
out of phase with the two waves. Page
The phase difference between the two waves is 12
now zero. The resultant has its maximum value
and is in phase with the two waves.
Formation of stationary waves
The conditions for formation of standing waves  separation of adjacent nodes or adjacent
are: antinodes is half a wavelength (λ/2)
Depending on the phase difference between the  two waves travelling in opposite  hence separation of adjacent nodes and
waves, this resultant wave appears to move slowly directions along the same line of travel antinodes is λ/4 the maximum amplitude
to the right or to the left or disappear and in the same plane is 2a (twice that of a single wave) a
completely.  the waves have the same speed standing wave does not transfer energy
It is only when the phase difference is exactly  the waves have the same frequency (its two components however, do
zero, that is when the two waves are exactly in  the waves have the same approximate transfer energy in their respective
phase, that 'standing/stationary waves' occur. amplitude directions)
Properties of stationary waves Stationary or Standing waves have become very
important in physics in the last hundred years or
so. Understanding them has not only given
insights into sound but many other important


A Level Physics Notes

topics e.g. AC circuit theory, quantum mechanics, The diagram above represents the 5th harmonic,
nanotechnology. sometimes called the Second Overtone.
Closed Pipes Looking at the different wavelengths in terms of
In the diagrams, P is the site of a node, while Q the length of the pipe L ,
is at an antinode.
Nodes are always formed at the closed end of a
pipe, where the air cannot move. we can then make wavelength the subject of each
Antinodes are always formed at the open end of equation.
pipes. Typically distance (D) between the double slits
As with stretched strings, the distance between and the screen is ~ 2 m (200 cm).
node and antinode is 1/4 of a wavelength. Interference of waves The slit separation is ~ 10-3m (1mm).
In accordance with the principle of superposition The preferred monochromatic light source is a
two waves in the same place at the same time, sodium lamp.
they produce an effect which is equal to the Young's Double Slit Experiment - Display
combined effects of the 2 waves. This
phenomenon is known as interference.
Certain conditions have to be met however for
the effects of interference to be capable of Page
The diagram above represents the fundamental being observed. The fringes become dimmer from the centre 13
frequency, where n=1. This is the 1st harmonic.  The waves from light sources must be travelling outwards.
coherent with each other. Coherence Young's Double Slit Experiment - theory
means that they must be of the same The separation (y) of bright/dark fringes can be
frequency, with a constant phase calculated using simple trigonometry and algebra.
difference between them. Consider two bright fringes at C and D.
 The amplitude (maximum displacement) For the fringe at C, the method is to find the
of interfering waves must have the same path difference between the two rays S1C and
magnitude. Slight variations produce lack S2C . This is then equated to an exact number of
of contrast in the interference pattern. wavelengths n.
The diagram above represents the 3rd harmonic,
sometimes called the First Overtone. A similar expression is found for the fringe at D,
Young's Double Slit Experiment - Apparatus but for the number of wavelengths n+1 .
The two expressions are then combined to
exclude n .


A Level Physics Notes

 NOTE;For a dark fringe on the

screen,the path difference should be
given as λ where
Diffraction grating
Rearranging to make xC the subject, The clear spaces on a diffraction grating act as
equally spaced slits. So light rays diffracted at
With reference to triangle CAS2 , using Similarly for the next bright fringe at D, when
the same angle (θ) and in phase with each other
Pythagoras' Theorem: the path difference is one wavelength longer
will interfere constructively. Whenever this
happens, a bright fringe called the principal
substituting for AC and S2A in terms of xC , a
maxima is produced.
and D
(i hence the fringe separation xD - xC is given by,
also, with reference to triangle CBS1

assigning the fringe separation the letter y ,

Subtracting equation (ii from equation (i ,
y hence
The path difference between successive light Page
( Diffraction rays must therefore be a whole number (n) of
is the spreading of waves through a
wavelengths (λ).Using simple trigonometry, if d is
narrow slit or around the edge of an
Using 'the difference of two squares' to expand the distance between slits, then the path
obstacle as a result of the superposition
the LHS, difference is dsin(θ).
of wavelets from a plane wavefront.
refers to the spreading {or bending} of
The path difference S2C - S1C is therefore given So discrete bright fringes (principal maxima) are
waves when they pass through an opening
by: produced at specific angles for particular
{gap}, or round an obstacle (into the
wavelengths of light.
“shadow” region). {as shown below}
In reality, a ~ 10-3m and D ~ 2 m . The length a is For significant diffraction to occur, the
much smaller than D. The two rays S2C and S1C size of the gap of the wave
are roughly horizontal and each equal to D,
 For a bright fringe at point C the path
difference S2C - S1C must be a whole
number (n) of wavelengths (λ)i.e
λ where n=0;1;2;3;…


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