GGtS - Sample Package

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a word from our team:

Hey there, and welcome! We’re thrilled to share this sample package of Guillman’s Guide to Speed
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New Paladin Subclass:
Oath of speed
(Track Marshall)
To speed is natural, to stop safely is divine.
Your oath taps into the element of quickness
and safety, of helping those who are pushing
the boundaries to do so safely and efficiently,
and do a little pushing of boundaries yourself.
The core principles of this are as follows.

Speed is a Privilege. Going fast is earned.

Safety First. Speed is safe, stopping too
abruptly is dangerous.
Competition. The only way to know what’s
fastest is to race.
Redline. To know your limits sometimes you
must exceed them.

Oath spells
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.

Paladin Level Spells

3rd Ensnaring Strike,
Expeditious Retreat
5th Hold Person, Spider Climb
9th Haste, Protection From
13th Dimension Door, Freedom
of Movement
17th Tree Stride, Telekinesis

Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level you gain
the following two Channel Divinity options.
Speed Limits. As an action you wave the
appropriate flag and channel holy energy
through it. You can increase or decrease the
speed of 4 creatures within a 20 foot radius of
you by 10 feet for 1 minute. Unwilling
creatures must succeed at a Wisdom saving
throw against your spell save DC. At the end
of each of its turns, an affected target
can make a Wisdom saving throw. If it
succeeds, this effect ends for that target.
Speed Boost. As a bonus action you can
touch one willing creature and imbue their
next attack with kinetically charged power.
For 1 minute, whenever the creature moves
at least half their speed in a straight line
and then hits with a weapon attack on the
same turn, they deal an additional 1d8 force

Aerodynamic Aura
7th-level paladin feature

Starting at 7th level, you and friendly

creatures within 10 feet of you can’t have your
movement speed reduced by spells or magical

When you reach 18th level in this class, the

range of the aura increases to 30 feet.

Slowing Strikes
15th-level paladin feature

Speed flows to and from you with such ease

that when you hit a creature with a melee
weapon attack their speed is reduced by 10
feet. This effect can stack. Creatures whose
speed has been reduced in this way regain 10
feet of movement at the end of their next turn.

Track Knowledge
20th-level paladin feature

As an action you transform a radius of 20 feet

into your favorite racetrack, a bubble of terrain
perfectly designed for you. For 1 minute this
perfectly designed course grants the following
• Everything within this radius is considered
difficult terrain for all enemies, even if
they’re flying or burrowing.
• Your speed is doubled.
• You have one additional action on each of
your turns.

This effect cannot be used again until you

finish a long rest.
Supernaturally Enchanting. You know the
New Playable Race: Friends cantrip. Starting at 3rd level, you can
cast the Comprehend Languages spell with
Traveler this trait. Starting at 5th level, you can also
cast the Detect Thoughts spell with this trait,
Travelers are from somewhere on the same without requiring a material component.
planet as Orameus, but they hail from far and Once you cast Comprehend Languages or
distant lands. The travelers refer to themselves Detect Thoughts with this trait, you can’t
as Bisbinans amongst their own societies, but cast that spell with it again until you finish
tell other cultures to call them the travelers. a long rest. You can also cast either of those
They, in general, are incredibly tall and spells using any spell slots you have of the
willowy, more so even than elves, and have appropriate level.
hollow bones. They hail from a place which
is rapidly running out of space to live, and so Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your
for generations now Bisbinans have left their spellcasting ability for these spells
own shores and sailed until finding habitable when you cast them with
continents, often traveling between them to this trait (choose when
inform any other Travelers they come across. you select this race).

Travelers have an immense sense of curiosity, Languages. Common,

constantly pushing boundaries and committing Elvish and one
actions simply to observe the outcomes. additional language
Travelers have always held long life in high of your choice (the
esteem and the most desirable mates are those language of the first
with the oldest living relatives. Clans with race you met on
many centenarians are often regarded with Orameus).
the most respect. They worship no one god,
often switching allegiances to the opinions of
the region to help blend in. They are taught
how to relate to other peoples from a young
age to avoid a general hatred of Travelers
and increase the ability to integrate into the
societies they find abroad.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma
score increases by 2, and your Intelligence
increases by 1.
Age. The average Traveler lives between 175
and 225 years. They reach adulthood around
Alignment. Travelers rely upon the
structures of their government to keep their
race alive, and therefore have an innate trust
of authority. Most Travelers are Lawful, good
or evil.
Size. Travelers stand between 6 and 7 feet
tall and weigh 125 to 200 pounds. Their size is
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Trained Sailor. You gain proficiency in
Water Vehicles and Navigator’s tools.
Fast Talkers. Masters of dealing with
different races, you know how to manipulate
the emotions of others. You are proficient in
Persuasion, Deception and Insight.
MAGIC ITEMS & Overland Travel
1st-Level Transmutation

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (the spoke of a wheel)
Ring of Lightning Transport Duration: 8 hours
Rare, Cost: 750 GP Choose up to six willing creatures within range.
The targets have the ability to travel at a Fast
As an action while wearing this ring you can pace without suffering any penalties, so long as
touch any conductive substance, such as metal there are no hostile creatures nearby. They can
or heavily salted water, and be transported to also ignore difficult terrain whilst traveling.
any other point on the substance. Any creature
touching the substance within 60 feet of your
destination takes 1d12 lightning damage. Quick Feet
Whip of Swinging 1st-Level Transmutation
Uncommon, Cost: 200 Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
This is a +1 whip. It is a light weapon and deals Components: V, S, M (boot leather)
1d6+Dexterity modifier slashing damage on Duration: 1 minute
hit. Other whip stats apply. In addition to the
damage it deals, you can use a bonus action When a creature within 10 feet of the
to attach the whip to a surface within reach target moves, the target can take up to half
and move ten feet in that direction. The whip its movement speed as a reaction. Any
detaches automatically. opportunity attacks made against the target
while quick feet is active are made with
Speed Demon
Though the title of “Speed Demon” has been
applied to many racers and monsters, they
are in fact a set of demons all of their own.
Hailing not from any of the various hells, but
instead directly from the Plane of Speed. These
particular demons are not inherently evil or
malicious, they simply possess a violent disdain
for creatures slower than themselves. In many
ways this makes them more dangerous.

Drawing their power from speed itself, they

delight in being one step ahead. Quick witted as
they are quick footed, what these demons lack
is proper judgement, often being the architects
of their own downfall. Their runs of terror tend
to be brutal but, like them, fast.

Animated Lightning Bolt

A very difficult task to pull off, animating
a moving lightning bolt quickly became
something of an initiation ritual for new
students in the University of Arcane Learning.
The issue of course is that lightning bolts move
very fast, even the recently animated ones,
and many escape before they can be properly
disposed of. Both the cause of and solution to
many cases of cardiac arrest in Orameus.
Speed Elemental
The dust devil behind a galloping horse, the
flurry of water droplets coming off the prow
of a ship, the moment of inertia that comes
at the very apex of a turn. These things draw
upon the tangible element of speed. That same
element can be harnessed into a being of its
own, and on rare occasions these creatures can
be found hurtling through the wilderness.

As careless and destructive as a wayward

hurricane, speed elementals move with the
ruthless efficiency of a being created to do just
that: move. Stepping into one’s path is foolish
and unwise, but how can you know if you’re
fast without outrunning a creature of pure
SPEEDRACING Building a Cart
Base Cart Stats: A stock vehicle, the lowest

Volsegrad City Street level of cart that is accepted to race, has the
following stats:

Circuit Base Cart

Volsegradians race using magic. What began Armor Class 12
Hit Points 100
as simple push-pedal style go karts were Speed 50ft.
soon enchanted to the limits of the physical
materials. Additionally, because so many As an inanimate object it doesn’t have skills,
powerful healers attend the events, the VCSC proficiencies or ability scores, but it has an
gets very violent. The rules surrounding the AC, health and speed. A Base Cart costs 2,550
construction of the vehicles and the race GP and is legally allowed to race without any
itself are minimal, leaving as much space additions. Further additions to a cart can be
for creativity as possible. But because of the made, elevating these three stats as well as
high degree of danger and competitiveness adding magic directly to the cart.
regarding the Street Circuit, competitors must
either be race winners in a different circuit or Improving the Cart: The vast majority
be sponsored by someone who has raced in the of teams make significant improvements
VCSC previously. to their cart before attempting to race it.
While there is no rule that necessitates
these improvements, any team that does
Rules not make improvements will be running at
Track: The race runs on a preset course a disadvantage. In fact, fans of the VCSC are
within Volsegrad City. The organizers change often more interested in the magical and
the course regularly, often increasing or technological improvements to the vehicles
decreasing the number of laps, turns and than they are the racing itself.
straights. However, in general it has 10 turns
of varying degrees. Part Cost Effect Time to
Cart: The vehicle must comprise mostly Ranges Build
(greater than 50%) of matter from the
Wheels 100 GP +10ft. of speed 1 week
material plane. The vehicle must have 1
mortal operator. 175 GP +15ft. of speed 1.5 weeks
Attacking and Spellcasting: Attacks are 250 GP +20ft. of speed 2 weeks
only permitted against opposing carts, not
their operators nor the surrounding city. Chassis 750 GP +10 HP, -5ft. of 2 weeks
Spellcasting is permitted. To win the race the speed
cart must pass over all sections of the circuit. 1225 GP +20 HP, -10ft. 4 weeks
For instance, casting a teleport spell would of speed
get the cart to the finish line first but the race
1500 GP +30 HP, -15ft. 6 weeks
would not be considered complete as the of speed
vehicle did not pass over all sections of the
track. Shielding 500 GP +1 AC, -10ft. of 1 week
650 GP +2 AC, -20ft. of 2 weeks
800 GP +3 AC, -30ft. of 3 weeks
Power 1200-1600 +20ft. of speed 4 weeks
1400 GP +30ft. of speed 6 weeks

1600 GP +40ft. of speed 8 weeks

Mechanical Upgrades: Beyond the upgrades Some example DCs are listed down below.
to the running of the vehicle, teams are also
free to add any mechanical upgrades they Turns Dex save DC
consider worthwhile. As with anything that
gets attached to the chassis it comes with 1 12
weight and speed consequences, running 5 2 15
feet slower for every 10 pounds of weight.
3 14
For instance, a portable ram may be affixed
to a cart in order to batter other vehicles, but 4 10
with a weight of 35 pounds it would cause the 5 12
vehicle to move 15 feet slower per round.
Enchantment: For each gem worth 1000 GP 6 16
or more embedded within the cart, a spell 7 10
can be applied to the vehicle as a whole.
8 18
Spells applied to a cart have to be known and
within the abilities of one of the creature’s 9 14
constructing it. For instance, a wizard that 10 20
does not have the Fly spell in their spellbook
cannot enchant the cart with that spell. Spells While the driver is piloting, any other team
still have the same casting time and duration, members on the cart can use their actions as
but the vehicle can only be enchanted with they see fit. They can cast spells, make attacks,
spells that are cast on self or within touch or provide help actions. For every additional
range. person on the cart its speed is reduced by 5ft.
As stated in the rules, operators may only
target carts with spells and attacks, targeting
Running the Race an operator (whether they’re on the same
On average a race lasts ten corners. One of team or opposing) is grounds for immediate
the vehicle operators must be designated disqualification.
as the pilot, and their stats will be used for
ability checks and saving throws, including the Since the street circuit race is run by powerful
Dexterity saving throws made for the corners. mages, there are ample healers and stewards
Additionally, the pilot and their stats are used on hand. If a cart crashes or an indirect
for initiative at the beginning of the race. spell knocks a competitor down to 0 HP they
Each other operator that rides on the vehicle are quickly resuscitated once the team has
during the race slows it by 5 feet per round. retired from the race or finished it. That being
No interference from the crowd is permitted. said, every participant must sign a waiver
When the racers arrive at a corner the pilot communicating the possibility of death or
makes a Dexterity saving throw. dismemberment during the course of the
race. If a participant takes double their max
Taking a corner well gives you a benefit to HP, their team must provide the gold or
speed while taking it poorly results in a loss, spellcasting components required, should they
and potentially damage.The penalties and wish for a revivify spell to be cast. The race
benefits are as follows: organizers also communicate to the teams
regularly via Sending or Message spells to
Success by 10 or more: Your speed is ensure clear race directives.
increased by 20 ft.
Success by 5 or more: Your speed is There is one lap and only one winning team.
increased by 10 ft. The winners receive 20,000 GP as a team, with
Success: Your speed remains the same. each operator receiving an additional 1,000 GP.
Failure: Your speed decreases by 10 ft. Losers get nothing.
Failure by 10 or more: Your speed decreases
by 20 ft. and your chassis takes 2d10
bludgeoning damage.
though sometimes the authorities do manage to
Lower Circuits interfere and make arrests.
Official race organizers state that racers are
only accepted into the Volsegrad City Street There is normally no tangible prize for winning
Circuit if they’re sponsored by a previous racer a lower circuit race, though sometimes
or have won a race in an outer city/town, but sponsors looking for new racers will entice
Volsegrad’s worst kept secret is that previous lower circuit winners with magical items or
racers seek their candidates in the illegal street sums of gold. The risk of racing in a lower
races that take place around the city. If PCs circuit is far higher, with lower rewards, but
want to be noticed by a past champion without everyone who follows the Street Circuit closely
leaving the city of Volsegrad, they must do so at agrees that most of the real racing is done in
the risk of arrest. Additionally, since the lower the lower circuits.
circuits are unsanctioned they do not come
with the safety precautions and assurances of
healing and revivification. The Air Race
With racing being one of the few unifying
The rules are the same, however the circuits
elements of Orameus, the nations of the
tend to vary more widely in length and
continent decided to work together to create
difficulty. The shortest tends to be 100ft. race
a race that they all had an equal part in
with a single, severe corner (DC 22 Dex save to
competing in. Youngest and least steeped
navigate safely). The longest is an 800ft. race
in tradition, the Air Race was created as an
with only 5 corners that normally devolves into
equal opportunity race for all the peoples of
more of a moving melee than an outright race,
Orameus, since anywhere on land would have
with the last one standing often taking the win.
given the advantage to the nation it was in, and
There are innumerable races in between, set
anywhere in the sea would have granted the
up whenever organizers believe they can get
advantage to the Western Isles. For years after
away with them (approximately weekly),
its conception competition for the Air
Race was infrequent and sparse as flying the contestants wish to use a vehicle instead
machines hadn’t been invented and safety of magic for the final portion of the race,
of competitors suspended so high above the they must provide said vehicle prior to the
world was a serious concern. However, nations beginning of the race so that the organizers can
soon realized they could claim supremacy over position it on the final platform. During this
others by winning the air race, and after a section racers may enter into combat with one
years-long run of Acrit competitors winning the another if they wish.
other nations took to the challenge with more
zeal. While citizens of the nations of Orameus
almost always respect and revere their own Notes for the DM
races the most, the Air Race holds a great Much of the air race can be up to the discretion
deal of esteem, as well as being a platform for of the DM. The first section of the race relies
diplomatic negotiations. almost entirely on Acrobatics and Athletics
checks. There’s an example of a low-level Air
Race below, but if you’re running the contest
Race Rules and Set Up for a higher level party you’ll need to adjust
The Air Race is a combination race. It begins as DCs and perhaps play around with what types
a simple foot race across platforms suspended of checks are required. Also, the DM can play
several kilometers above the ground. The race around with the stakes of the race. Where a
requires some feats of athletics and acrobatics, high level party more likely to succeed may fall
such as platforms set 5-10ft. apart with no off the course entirely should they fail a check,
connecting points, monkey bars, rope climbs you may not want such severe consequences
etc. During this section of the race no spells, for a low level party.
magic items or mechanical constructs can be
used to aid competitors. The race difficulty is also partially determined
by the other creatures involved. In the second
The second phase of the race is the combat/ portion of the race you’ll need to choose
evasion section. This section consists of a series some impartial creatures to create dangerous
of mechanical constructs and summoned situations for all the racers, and additionally
monsters acting as third party aggressors. The it’s highly recommended that you populate
constructs and monsters are armed primarily the race with racers other than the PCs. The
with ranged weapons and nets, and their main strength of these other racers will help decide
purpose is not to kill the racers but to slow how difficult the race will be, especially in the
them down as much as possible. Competitors final stage during the flight portion.
can choose to either eliminate the threats or
race past them and risk taking attacks or being Finally, since there are no regulations on the
slowed from behind. Actions in this section nature of magic or vehicles used to make the
of the race cannot be taken against other aeronautic descent during the final stage, the
competitors, but all magic and mechanics are difficulty of the race is partially determined by
legal from this point forward. what vehicles you give the PCs’ competitors.
See the Vehicles section to populate racer
The third and final phase of the race is the vehicles if you don’t want to build them
flying portion. Participants need not have some yourself.
method of flight in order to participate in this
section, or this race as a whole for that matter, The Air Race provides the most customizable
but it is extremely highly recommended. This race in Orameus. It gives the DM the most
is the simplest section, but requires the most discretion when it comes to difficulty, length,
speed and daring. It consists of one floating and shape of the track. And, since there are so
hoop which hovers out from the nearest few regulations around the magics and vehicles
platform. To win the race a competitor must of this race, it allows for a lot of creativity from
pass through the hoop and descend to the players as well.
ground to land within the determined circle.
To win the race the racer must survive the
landing. They may use any magic or vehicle
they wish in order to achieve this dive. If
On the first platform are two Thugs armed
Example Air Race with nets in addition to their normal
equipment. They’ve been instructed not to deal
Section 1: any lethal blows but are free to attempt to push
The first contestant that reaches an obstacle
racers off the platform or deal as much damage
makes the attempt first. Racers’ speed is what
as they want. On the second platform there is
determines who reaches the obstacle first. If
one Berserker and a mounted crossbow with a
a contestant takes the dash action in order to
+4 to hit and dealing 1d6 piercing damage. The
reach the obstacle first they make the check
Berserker is free to fire the crossbow at racers
with disadvantage.
as they cross the false bridges, and has received
the same instructions as the Thugs in all other
Every racer that reaches the obstacle at the
same time makes either a Strength (Athletics)
check or a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. The
order of results determines the order the racers Obstacle Check/Save DC
attempt the obstacle.
Spinning Log Dexterity saving throw 12
When a racer fails one of the following checks False Bridges Wisdom (Survival) 14
they slip up and allow a number of racers
Zipline Strength saving throw 10
equal to the difference between their attempt
and the DC pass them. So if the DC of a check is Balloon Trail Wisdom (Perception) 12
15 and the racer’s attempt is equal to 10, then
the 5 racers behind them are able to pass them.
If they fail a check by 10 or more they plummet Section 3:
from the floating course. The final section of the race takes place in turn
order, even if the DM chooses not to use a turn
order for the previous two sections. The order
Obstacle Check DC is determined by the order in which the racers
Balance Beam Dexterity (Acrobatics) 14 reach the final platform.

Pole Climb Strength (Athletics) 14 The ring that all the racers have to pass
Monkey Bars Dexterity (Acrobatics) 10 through before beginning the dive is 15ft. away
from the final platforms. The course is 150 ft.
Gap Leap Strength (Athletics) 15 above the ground.

Any racers who have opted to use vehicles

Section 2: will find them on the final floating platform,
Racers can approach this section in multiple
however, racers who reach the platform can
ways. Because of the active, impartial
choose from any of the available vehicles.
combatants attempting to slow down
Racers are also free to work together in this
racers, the contestants can either attempt
final stage, however only one creature may
to rush through the obstacles and avoid the
reach the winner’s circle first. If multiple
combatants or they can eliminate the enemies
creatures touch down within the same moment
and then proceed through the obstacles.
the last one left conscious is the winner. Any
racer that falls from the height rather than
The obstacles are split into two, with the
flying down will hit the ground in a single
spinning log and false bridges separating one
round. Finally, racers are welcome to attempt a
platform of enemies from the second platform
grapple in order to hold on to another racer or
with more enemies, and the zipline and balloon
vehicle as they make the flight.
trail separating the second platform of enemies
until Section 3.
The instant a creature lands within the
winner’s circle without falling unconscious
If a racer attempts a check or saving throw
and without being in contention from another
while under attack from a combatant they do
creature, the race is over.
so with disadvantage.
Plagoram Standard
Issue Firespitter
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 38
Speed fly 100ft. Troop Advancing
16 (+3)
20 (+5)
12 (+1)
Machine (TAM)
Armor Class 25
Hit Points 250
Speed 15 ft.
The firespitter is an easy aircraft to pilot, able STR DEX CON
to accelerate up to its movement speed in six
20 (+5) 10 (0) 20 (+5)
seconds, bank, wheel, dive and climb. The only
prerequisites to fly one are two legs (preferably
with working feet) and one hand with a
working thumb and forefinger. The Firespitter
uses the Pilot’s Dexterity modifier to make The controls of the TAM are very simple, the
attacks. difficulty in piloting it comes from being able to
see where you’re going through its tiny sighting
Abilities hole. Before using the TAM’s movement, the
pilot must first succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom
Burst Fire. Ranged Weapon Attack, Range (Perception) check to spot safe terrain to
60/120ft., 4d12+Dexterity piercing damage on maneuver across. On a failure all terrain
hit. The Firespitter has enough ammo for five counts as difficult terrain until the beginning of
Burst Fire attacks before it has to land to be the pilot’s next turn.
Missile Swarm. Ranged Weapon Attack, Abilities
Range 120/160ft., 8d12+Dexterity fire damage
on hit. The Firespitter only has one Missile Carrying Capacity. The TAM can hold up to
Swarm before it has to land to reload. 12 medium or smaller creatures.

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