Week 7 Discussion (10)

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Week 7 Discussion: Privacy and Security Considerations for Information Governance






Week 7 Discussion: Privacy and Security Considerations for Information Governance

An Example of a Security Breach in the Healthcare Industry

Summary of the Breach

In 2015, the greatest health insurance company in the United States, Anthem Inc.,

went through a huge data breach phase that endangered the information of 78 million clients.

The breach was found by the internal auditors while examining the organization as a feature

of their standard work and seeing a few irregularities. The attackers had obtained Anthem’s

employee login credentials through a sophisticated phishing attack and successfully

penetrated the system in a malicious way (Keshta & Odeh, 2021). In particular, social

engineers exploited the company’s weak security measures and gained access to significant

amounts of private information about employees and organization members.

Data Compromised

The data compromised in the Anthem breach included

1. Names

2. Birthdates

3. Social Security numbers

4. Addresses

5. Phone numbers

6. Email addresses

7. Employment information

8. Income data

Recommended Security Controls

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

A detailed MFA for all employees, and especially the ones holding some pretty

sensitive data, can go a long way toward minimizing the threat of credential stuffing. MFA

involves verifying the user’s identity through two or more conditions, and therefore it is not

easy for the wrong person to get access to a particular material (Keshta & Odeh, 2021). For

example, a user name and password with an additional factor that relates to unique biometric

features like a fingerprint or facial recognition would act as a strong barrier that would ensure

credential theft is prevented.

Regular security awareness training

Security awareness training is an effective measure that may be conducted for a firm’s

employees, offering them an understanding of the factors of phishing and how to avoid them.

Employees should be educated on how to read emails with a pinch of suspicion and not click

on unknown links or download attachments from strangers (Keshta & Odeh, 2021).

Introducing new information about the current trends in phishing attack methodology can

help make employees more aware of such tactics and thus more effective in protecting

against them.

Network Segmentation

This may include network segmentation, which limits an attacker's access to other

network parts in the event of a breach. Isolate critical systems and sensitive data from the rest

of the network and restrict access on a least-privileged basis. This means that all employees'

access to information or resources is based on the requirements of their job description.

Subsequently, if a specific account gets compromised, it won't directly influence the entire


Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)

EDR arrangements distinguish and answer dangers progressively. EDR tools monitor

endpoints for suspicious activity and react automatically to a potential breach before it does

significant damage. Such solutions can, therefore, recognize behavior patterns that might

indicate a breach and take immediate containment measures.


Regular security audits and penetration testing

This can be affected through ordinary security reviews and penetration testing, which

uncover the inborn weaknesses inside the framework. These proactive measures will ensure

efficacy in the controls and their being up-to-date. Independent security firms may conduct

external audits that provide an unbiased assessment of the security posture of any given


Data Encryption

The sensitive data can be protected from access in both the motion and rest positions.

Even if attackers have attacked the network, the encrypted data will not be readable without

the decryption keys (Keshta & Odeh, 2021). High encryption standards must be implemented

to preserve regional integrity and confidentiality.



Keshta, I., & Odeh, A. (2021). Security and privacy of electronic health records: Concerns

and challenges. Egyptian Informatics Journal, 22(2), 177–183.


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