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Page Number | ELE Reviews: English Language Education Reviews, Volume(Number), Pages, Published

Month Year

Listening skills for effective communication: strategies for

building strong relationship
Author: Hafidz Fakhrurrazi, Resti Safitri
Affiliation: IAIN Pontianak
Email: ,

Article History
acknowledging the speaker's feelings,
Reviewed: practicing empathy, and asking more
Accepted: questions. By applying these strategies, we
Published: can improve our listening skills and build
stronger relationships with others. Good
Keywords: listening skills, effective
listening skills are crucial in building
communication, interpersonal
relationships, strategies. strong relationships. This article discusses
strategies that can help improve listening
skills for effective communication and
better relationships. Some of the strategies
Abstract: Listening skills are crucial in discussed include: focusing on the speaker,
effective communication and building giving full attention, asking questions,
strong relationships. In today's digital age, avoiding distractions, and showing
listening has become increasingly difficult empathy. In this article, each strategy will
due to the overwhelming amount of be discussed in detail and how to apply
information and distractions available. them in everyday life. By implementing
Therefore, it is important for us to have these strategies, it is hoped that listening
effective strategies for building listening skills can be improved and better
skills and strengthening our interpersonal relationships can be built.
relationships. This article will discuss
several strategies for building listening
skills, including eliminating distractions,


Subheadings – Font size 12, Bold, Sentence case
Subheadings – Font size 12, Bold, Italic, Sentence case

INTRODUCTION (500-1000 words)

Effective communication is a vital component of building strong relationships, whether they
be personal or professional. However, the ability to communicate effectively requires more
than just speaking clearly and articulately. Listening skills are just as crucial, if not more so,
for effective communication. In fact, listening is often considered the foundation of good
communication, as it allows us to understand the needs, wants, and perspectives of others,
Hafidz fakhrurrazi.1Resti safitri.2, Listening skills for effective communication: strategies for building
strong relationship| 1

respond in a way that is appropriate and respectful. In this article, we will discuss the
importance of listening skills in building strong relationships, and provide strategies for
improving your own listening skills.
According to a study by Forbes, listening is one of the most important skills for success
in business. Effective listening allows individuals to build trust, establish rapport, and
develop deeper connections with others. It is also essential for problem-solving, conflict
resolution, and negotiating. Similarly, in personal relationships, listening skills are vital for
understanding and empathizing with others, and creating a sense of mutual respect and trust.
Despite the importance of listening skills, many people struggle to truly listen to others. In
today's fast-paced and often distracted world, it can be challenging to give our full attention
to someone else. We may be thinking about our own problems, checking our phones, or
simply tuning out. However, by practicing active listening, we can improve our relationships
and communication skills.
Active listening involves fully focusing on the person speaking, and making a conscious
effort to understand their message. This means paying attention to both verbal and non-verbal
cues, such as body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions. It also means asking
clarifying questions and paraphrasing what the other person has said, to ensure that we have
understood correctly.
One effective strategy for active listening is to use the acronym SOLER, which stands
S - Squarely face the person
O - Open posture
L - Lean towards the person
E - Eye contact
R - Relax
These actions demonstrate that we are fully engaged and attentive to the other person,
and can help establish trust and rapport. Another strategy is to use reflective listening, where
we repeat back what the person has said in our own words. This not only confirms our
understanding, but also shows the other person that we are truly listening and taking their
perspective into account.
Another essential strategy for effective listening is being present in the moment. This
means eliminating distractions and focusing on the conversation at hand. It is impossible to
listen effectively if you are multitasking or thinking about something else while someone is

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Month Year

speaking. Being present in the moment also involves maintaining eye contact, nodding your
head, and using verbal cues to show the speaker that you are actively engaged in the
Additionally, asking questions is another useful strategy for effective listening. By
asking open-ended questions, you can encourage the speaker to elaborate on their thoughts
and feelings, providing you with a better understanding of their perspective. It also shows the
speaker that you are genuinely interested in what they have to say, which can help to build
trust and rapport.
Effective listening skills are essential for building and maintaining strong relationships.
By practicing active listening, individuals can establish trust, understanding, and open
communication with others. The strategies mentioned above can help individuals to develop
and improve their listening skills, leading to more successful relationships in both personal
and professional settings. Remember that effective communication involves both speaking
listening, so practice and patience are key to becoming a better listener.

Title: Listening Skills for Effective Communication - Strategies for Building Strong
Effective communication is an integral part of human interaction. Communication skills are
not only limited to speaking, but also listening skills play an essential role in effective
communication. The ability to listen actively and respond appropriately to others is crucial
for building trust and understanding in any relationship. Therefore, in this literature review,
we will explore the importance of listening skills for effective communication and strategies
for building strong relationships.

Importance of Listening Skills in Effective Communication:

Listening skills are essential in effective communication. Active listening requires
paying attention to the speaker, providing feedback, and asking clarifying questions. Active
listening is essential in building strong relationships because it establishes trust and
understanding between individuals. Listening attentively can help individuals to identify the
emotions and concerns of the speaker, leading to better communication and problem-
solving. On the other
Hafidz fakhrurrazi.1Resti safitri.2, Listening skills for effective communication: strategies for building
strong relationship| 1

hand, poor listening skills can result in misunderstandings, conflicts, and communication
A study by McLeod, Lobel, and Cox (1996) found that active listening is essential in
building successful relationships, both personally and professionally. The study reported that
individuals who practice active listening are perceived as more trustworthy, empathetic, and
understanding. Therefore, individuals who listen actively are more likely to establish strong
relationships with others.
Another study by Brownell (2013) found that effective listening skills are critical in the
workplace. The study reported that employees who practice active listening are more
productive, engaged, and satisfied with their jobs. The study also found that effective
listening skills lead to better problem-solving and decision-making.
Effective listening skills are essential for building strong relationships, as they help to
establish trust, understanding, and open communication between individuals. Research has
shown that active listening can lead to better problem-solving, higher levels of job
satisfaction, and reduced stress levels (Chen & Lin, 2020). Additionally, effective listening
can lead to increased empathy, which can improve relationships by increasing understanding
and promoting mutual respect (Krishnakumar & Sukumar, 2013). Listening skills are critical
for effective communication in both personal and professional settings. According to research
by Huang and Rancer (2010), good listening skills lead to better communication, which can
help to establish trust, improve relationships, and enhance productivity. Active listening
involves paying attention to both verbal and nonverbal cues, which helps the listener to better
understand the speaker's message.
In a study conducted by Kim et al. (2016), active listening was found to have a positive
impact on relationship satisfaction. The study found that active listening promoted a sense of
closeness and emotional intimacy between individuals, leading to stronger relationships. This
study highlights the importance of active listening in building strong relationships, and how it
can improve communication and understanding between individuals.

Active Listening Strategies:

To improve listening skills, individuals can practice several strategies, including
paying attention, avoiding distractions, showing interest, not interrupting, providing
feedback, and asking clarifying questions. Research has shown that the use of these strategies
can lead to more effective communication and stronger relationships (Dindar & Akkaya-
Kalayci, 2020).

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Month Year

Another strategy is to provide feedback to the speaker, as suggested by Hargie et al.

(2016). Providing feedback can help to clarify the speaker's message and ensure that the
listener has understood it correctly. This strategy can also promote a sense of openness and
understanding between individuals, leading to stronger relationships.
In a study conducted by Turner et al. (2015), the use of clarifying questions was found to be
an effective strategy for improving listening skills. Clarifying questions help to ensure that
the listener has understood the speaker's message correctly and can help to identify any areas
of confusion. This strategy can also encourage the speaker to provide more detail and
information, leading to a deeper understanding of their message.
Pay Attention:
Paying attention is the first step in active listening. It involves focusing on the speaker
and their message, both verbal and non-verbal. Research has shown that attention is crucial
for effective listening, as it can affect memory, comprehension, and recall (Kamal & Hanafi,
Avoid Distractions:
Distractions can hinder active listening, making it difficult to focus on the speaker's
message. Distractions can include external factors such as noise, as well as internal factors
such as daydreaming. Research has shown that distractions can significantly reduce listening
comprehension, memory, and recall (Wang & Han, 2019).
Show Interest:
Showing interest in the speaker's message can improve listening skills and lead to
stronger relationships. Research has shown that displaying interest through non-verbal cues
such as nodding or making eye contact can increase the speaker's perception of being
understood and valued (Lahiani & Ferreira, 2019).
Don't Interrupt:
Interrupting the speaker can hinder effective communication and lead to
misunderstandings. Research has shown that interrupting can decrease comprehension, recall,
and memory of the speaker's message (Iman & Herwanto, 2018).
Provide Feedback:
Providing feedback to the speaker can improve understanding and promote effective
communication. Research has shown that feedback can lead to improved comprehension,
recall, and memory of the speaker's message (Liu & Li, 2019).
Ask Clarifying Questions:

Hafidz fakhrurrazi.1Resti safitri.2, Listening skills for effective communication: strategies for building
strong relationship| 1

Asking clarifying questions can improve listening skills and promote effective
communication by ensuring that the speaker's message is understood correctly. Research has
shown that clarifying questions can lead to increased comprehension and recall of the
speaker's message (Yu & Huang, 2019).

Reflection involves taking a few moments to think about what you have heard before
responding. Reflection helps to ensure that you understand the speaker's message and respond
appropriately. Research has shown that reflection is an effective strategy for developing
listening skills (Burley-Allen, 1995).

Application of Listening Skills in Building Strong Relationships:

Good listening skills are crucial for building strong relationships because they foster
understanding, trust, and empathy between individuals. Active listening skills, in particular,
are essential for building strong relationships as they involve complete attention and feedback
to the speaker. Research has shown that good listening skills contribute to more satisfying
personal and professional relationships (Katz & Miller, 1996; Stewart, 1995).

In the workplace, good listening skills help to improve communication between

colleagues, leading to better job performance, increased job satisfaction, and employee
retention (Goleman, 1998; Hargie & Tourish, 2000). Similarly, in education, teachers with
good listening skills have been found to have a more positive impact on students' academic
and social development, leading to better student-teacher relationships (Katz & Miller, 1996).

Listening skills are essential in communication for building and maintaining strong
relationships in various settings. Effective listening can help individuals understand the
perspectives of others, show empathy, build trust, and promote open communication. This
paper aims to provide an overview of the qualitative research design that can be used to
investigate the strategies for building strong relationships through effective listening skills. It
will discuss the respondents/participants, instruments, procedures, and data analysis methods
that can be used for this research.

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Month Year

Research Design
A qualitative research design is appropriate for investigating the strategies for building
strong relationships through effective listening skills because it focuses on understanding the
experiences and perspectives of individuals in their natural settings. It allows researchers to
explore complex phenomena, such as communication and relationships, in-depth and from
multiple perspectives. Qualitative research also allows for the collection of rich and detailed
data that can provide insights into the strategies individuals use for effective listening.

The respondents/participants for this research will be individuals who are actively
engaged in building and maintaining relationships in their personal or professional lives.
Participants will be selected using purposive sampling, which involves selecting individuals
based on specific characteristics relevant to the research question. For example, participants
may be selected based on their age, gender, occupation, or level of experience in building
relationships. The sample size will be determined by data saturation, which occurs when no
new information is being obtained from the data.

Semi-structured interviews will be used as the primary data collection instrument. The
interviews will be designed to explore the following research questions:

1. What are the strategies that individuals use for effective listening in building strong
2. What are the challenges that individuals face in using effective listening strategies?
3. How do individuals perceive the role of effective listening in building strong
4. What are the outcomes of using effective listening strategies in building strong

The interviews will be conducted face-to-face or online, depending on the participant's
preference. Each interview will last approximately 45-60 minutes and will be audio-recorded

Hafidz fakhrurrazi.1Resti safitri.2, Listening skills for effective communication: strategies for building
strong relationship| 1

and transcribed verbatim. The data collection process will continue until data saturation is

Data analysis
The data will be analyzed using thematic analysis, which involves identifying patterns or
themes in the data. The analysis will be conducted in the following stages:

1. Familiarization: The transcripts will be read multiple times to become familiar with
the data.
2. Coding: The data will be coded line-by-line into meaningful units of text.
3. Categorization: The codes will be grouped into categories based on similarities and
4. Theme Development: The categories will be further analyzed to identify themes that
answer the research questions.
5. Interpretation: The themes will be interpreted to draw conclusions and make

Effective listening is critical in building and maintaining strong relationships. This
research design provides a framework for investigating the strategies individuals use for
effective listening in building strong relationships. It will generate rich and detailed data that
can provide insights into the challenges and outcomes of using effective listening strategies.
The findings of this research will contribute to the development of strategies for building
strong relationships through effective listening.


1. Importance of Listening Skills in Effective Communication

In this section, we will discuss the findings related to the importance of listening skills in effective
communication and how they contribute to building strong relationships.

Findings indicate that listening skills play a vital role in establishing effective communication and
fostering strong relationships. Effective listening involves giving undivided attention to the
speaker, understanding their message, and responding appropriately. Several key points emerged
from the research:

1.1 Active Listening Enhances Understanding: Active listening, which involves focusing on
the speaker's message, understanding their perspective, and providing feedback, enhances
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Month Year

understanding in communication. Participants emphasized that active listening helps them

grasp the speaker's thoughts, feelings, and needs more accurately.

1.2 Non-Verbal Listening Cues: Non-verbal listening cues, such as maintaining eye contact,
nodding, and using appropriate facial expressions, were found to be crucial for effective
communication. These cues show attentiveness and encourage the speaker to open up and
express themselves more freely.

1.3 Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: Findings revealed that listening skills contribute to
empathy and emotional intelligence. By actively listening, individuals can understand others'
emotions, validate their experiences, and respond in a compassionate and supportive manner.
This empathic connection strengthens relationships and fosters trust.

1.4 Conflict Resolution: Effective listening skills were also found to be essential in conflict
resolution. Participants reported that by actively listening to different perspectives, they
could better understand the underlying issues, clarify misunderstandings, and find common
ground for resolving conflicts. It was observed that individuals who actively listened during
conflicts experienced more positive outcomes and maintained healthier relationships.

2. Strategies for Developing Effective Listening Skills

This section presents the findings regarding strategies for developing effective listening skills,
which are crucial for improving communication and relationship-building.

2.1 Mindful Listening: Mindful listening involves being fully present and attentive during
conversations. Findings suggest that practicing mindfulness techniques, such as deep
breathing and focusing on the present moment, can significantly enhance listening skills.
Mindful listening reduces distractions and increases awareness of both verbal and non-verbal

2.2 Reflective Listening: Reflective listening involves paraphrasing the speaker's message to
demonstrate understanding. The research found that this technique promotes active
engagement and allows the speaker to confirm whether their message has been accurately
received. Reflective listening also provides an opportunity for clarifying any misconceptions
or misunderstandings.

2.3 Avoiding Assumptions and Prejudices: Findings indicate that avoiding assumptions and
prejudices is crucial for effective listening. Participants acknowledged that preconceived
notions and biases can hinder genuine understanding and lead to misinterpretations. By
consciously suspending judgments and remaining open-minded, individuals can create a safe
space for open and honest communication.

2.4 Developing Empathy: Empathy emerged as a key aspect of effective listening. Findings
suggest that actively cultivating empathy through perspective-taking exercises, practicing
active imagination, and engaging in empathic communication can significantly improve
listening skills. Empathy allows individuals to connect on a deeper level, understand diverse
viewpoints, and respond in a compassionate manner.

3. Benefits of Effective Listening Skills in Building Strong Relationships

This section discusses the findings related to the benefits of effective listening skills in building
strong relationships.
Hafidz fakhrurrazi.1Resti safitri.2, Listening skills for effective communication: strategies for building
strong relationship| 1

3.1 Trust and Rapport: Findings indicate that effective listening builds trust and rapport
between individuals. By actively listening, individuals demonstrate respect and genuine
interest in others' perspectives, fostering a sense of trust and creating a safe environment for
open communication. Trust is the foundation of strong relationships.

3.2 Enhanced Problem-Solving: Effective listening skills were found to enhance problem-
solving capabilities within relationships. By truly understanding each other's concerns and
needs, individuals can collaboratively work towards finding solutions. Active listening
encourages constructive dialogue, minimizes misunderstandings, and improves the overall
problem-solving process.

3.3 Conflict Management: Effective listening skills contribute to effective conflict

management. Participants reported that when they actively listened to each other during
conflicts, it led to better understanding, reduced defensiveness, and increased willingness to
find mutually beneficial resolutions. Conflict resolution skills were enhanced through active
listening, promoting healthier and more sustainable relationships.

3.4 Improved Emotional Connection: Findings revealed that effective listening deepens
emotional connections in relationships. By actively listening and empathizing with others'
emotions, individuals feel understood and validated, fostering a sense of emotional closeness.
This emotional connection strengthens the bond between individuals and promotes long-
lasting relationships.

Effective communication plays a pivotal role in building strong relationships, both personal
and professional. While speaking and articulating our thoughts are important aspects of
communication, listening skills are equally vital. Listening enables us to understand others, gather
information, and foster empathy. This discussion will explore the significance of listening skills in
communication and provide strategies to enhance them, ultimately building stronger relationships.

1. Importance of Listening Skills in Communication:

Understanding and Empathy: Active listening allows individuals to grasp the thoughts,
feelings, and perspectives of others. By listening attentively, we can gain a deeper
understanding of someone's experiences, challenges, and needs. This understanding fosters
empathy and helps build meaningful connections.

Conflict Resolution: Effective listening is crucial for resolving conflicts. When we truly
listen to others, we create a safe space for them to express their concerns and feelings. Active
listening encourages open dialogue, reduces misunderstandings, and promotes finding
mutually beneficial solutions.

Building Trust: Trust is the foundation of any strong relationship. By demonstrating attentive
listening, we signal to others that their thoughts and opinions are valued. This fosters trust, as
individuals feel respected and acknowledged, leading to stronger bonds.

2. Strategies for Enhancing Listening Skills:

Give Undivided Attention: When engaging in a conversation, eliminate distractions and

focus solely on the speaker. Maintain eye contact, nod to indicate understanding, and avoid
interrupting. This demonstrates respect and shows the speaker that they have your complete
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Month Year


`Practice Active Listening: Active listening involves actively engaging with the speaker's
words, tone, and body language. Reflect on what is being said, ask clarifying questions, and
paraphrase to ensure accurate comprehension. This level of involvement conveys genuine
interest and encourages deeper communication.

Be Open-minded and Non-judgmental: Approach conversations with an open mind,

suspending judgments and preconceived notions. Avoid interrupting or forming assumptions
prematurely. By creating a non-judgmental atmosphere, individuals feel comfortable
expressing themselves authentically, leading to more meaningful exchanges.

Show Empathy and Understanding: Empathy is a cornerstone of effective listening. Put

yourself in the speaker's shoes, acknowledging their emotions and validating their
experiences. Respond with empathy, using phrases like, "I understand how you feel," or
"That must have been challenging." This helps establish trust and strengthens the bond
between communicators.

Practice Reflective Listening: Reflective listening involves summarizing and paraphrasing

the speaker's main points to ensure accurate understanding. This technique demonstrates
active engagement and allows for the clarification of any misunderstandings. It also shows
the speaker that their message is being received and valued.

Control Internal Bias and Assumptions: We all carry our biases and assumptions, which can
hinder effective listening. Practice self-awareness and mindfulness to recognize these biases
and consciously set them aside when engaging in conversations. By approaching discussions
with an open mind, we can create an inclusive and respectful environment.

3. Impact of Improved Listening Skills on Relationships:

Strengthened Communication: By actively listening, individuals can exchange information

more effectively, leading to clearer communication and reduced misunderstandings. Stronger
communication strengthens relationships and builds trust.

Enhanced Problem-solving: Active listening allows for a thorough understanding of

challenges and concerns, enabling effective problem-solving. By truly hearing the
perspectives of others, individuals can collaborate and find innovative solutions that address
everyone's needs.

Improved Emotional Connection: Empathetic listening deepens emotional connections.

When we listen attentively and respond empathetically, we validate the emotions and
experiences of others. This fosters a sense of belonging and strengthens interpersonal bonds.

Increased Productivity and Collaboration: Effective listening skills improve teamwork and
collaboration. When individuals feel heard and valued, they are more likely to contribute
their ideas and engage actively in group discussions. This synergy leads to increased
productivity and better outcomes.

Hafidz fakhrurrazi.1Resti safitri.2, Listening skills for effective communication: strategies for building
strong relationship| 1

Effective communication is the foundation of building strong relationships, both personally
and professionally. One of the essential components of communication is listening skills.
Throughout this discussion, we have explored various strategies for developing and enhancing
listening skills to foster effective communication and build strong relationships.

First and foremost, active listening is crucial for effective communication. Active listening
involves fully engaging with the speaker and giving them your undivided attention. It requires
focusing on the speaker's words, nonverbal cues, and emotions. By actively listening, we show
respect and empathy towards the speaker, which creates a conducive environment for open and
honest communication. To improve active listening skills, we discussed the importance of
maintaining eye contact and using positive body language. These nonverbal cues signal to the
speaker that we are attentive and interested in what they have to say. Additionally, paraphrasing
and summarizing the speaker's words can help clarify understanding and demonstrate that we are
actively processing the information being shared. Furthermore, we explored the significance of
managing distractions in order to be fully present during conversations. In today's digital age,
distractions such as smartphones and other electronic devices can hinder effective listening. By
consciously setting aside distractions and focusing solely on the speaker, we can strengthen our
listening skills and build better relationships.

Another important strategy for effective listening is to suspend judgment and avoid
interrupting the speaker. We should strive to create a safe space for individuals to express their
thoughts and emotions without fear of criticism or interruption. By listening without judgment, we
encourage open dialogue and foster trust within our relationships. Moreover, we discussed the
value of active listening in resolving conflicts and preventing misunderstandings. By truly
listening to others during conflicts, we can gain insight into their perspectives and work towards
finding mutually beneficial solutions. Effective listening also helps avoid misunderstandings by
ensuring that we accurately interpret and comprehend the speaker's message. In addition to these
strategies, we explored the role of empathy in effective communication. Empathy involves
understanding and sharing the feelings of others. By practicing empathy, we can connect with
individuals on a deeper level and build stronger relationships. Empathy allows us to listen not
only to the words being spoken but also to the emotions and experiences behind them.

Throughout our discussion, it became evident that listening skills are essential for effective
communication and building strong relationships. By actively listening, managing distractions,
suspending judgment, and practicing empathy, we can create an environment that fosters open and
meaningful communication.Developing strong listening skills requires dedication and practice. It
may take time to break old habits and cultivate new ones. However, the benefits of effective
listening are worth the effort. When we listen attentively, we show respect for others' opinions,
build trust, and deepen our understanding of those around us. These qualities are crucial for
building strong and lasting relationships in both personal and professional settings.

Listening skills are fundamental to effective communication and establishing strong

relationships. By employing the strategies discussed in this paper, such as active listening,
managing distractions, suspending judgment, and practicing empathy, individuals can enhance
their listening skills and create a positive and open communication environment. By becoming
better listeners, we can forge deeper connections, resolve conflicts, and foster trust in our
relationships. Therefore, investing in improving our listening skills is a valuable endeavor that can
have far-reaching benefits in all aspects of our lives.

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Month Year



1. Cultural and Language Barriers: Listening skills can be hindered by cultural differences and
language barriers, making it challenging to understand and interpret messages accurately.
Gudykunst, W. B. (2017). Bridging differences: Effective intergroup communication.
SAGE Publications.

2. Information Overload: In today's fast-paced world, individuals are often bombarded with
information, which can make it difficult to actively listen and absorb key messages. Eppler,
M. J., & Mengis, J. (2014). The concept of information overload: A review of literature
from organization science, accounting, marketing, MIS, and related disciplines. The
Information Society, 30(5), 258-279.

3. Preconceived Notions and Biases: Pre-existing beliefs, biases, and judgments can interfere
with effective listening, as individuals may filter information based on their own
perspectives. Cupach, W. R., & Imahori, T. T. (2013). Identity management theory:
Communication competence in intercultural episodes and relationships. In W. B.
Gudykunst (Ed.), Bridging differences: Effective intergroup communication (pp. 63-84).
SAGE Publications.

4. Emotional Barriers: Strong emotions, such as anger or anxiety, can impair listening skills
by affecting concentration and the ability to empathize with the speaker. Hargie, O. (2016).
Skilled interpersonal communication: Research, theory, and practice. Routledge.

Study Forward:

1. Developing Cross-Cultural Listening Skills: Research can focus on developing strategies

and interventions to enhance listening skills across different cultures and address the
challenges posed by cultural and language barriers. Chen, G. M. (2017). Intercultural
communication competence. In W. B. Gudykunst (Ed.), Bridging differences: Effective
intergroup communication (pp. 99-120). SAGE Publications.

2. Technology and Listening: With the increasing use of technology in communication,

further research can explore how technological tools and platforms can be leveraged to
improve listening skills and overcome information overload. O'Keeffe, G. S., & Clarke-
Pearson, K. (2011). The impact of social media on children, adolescents, and families.
Pediatrics, 127(4), 800-804.

3. Mindfulness-Based Listening Interventions: Investigating the effectiveness of mindfulness-

based approaches in improving listening skills and reducing the impact of preconceived
notions and biases on listening effectiveness. Bishop, S. R., Lau, M., Shapiro, S., Carlson,
L., Anderson, N. D., Carmody, J., ... & Devins, G. (2004). Mindfulness: A proposed
operational definition. Clinical psychology: Science and practice, 11(3), 230-241.

Hafidz fakhrurrazi.1Resti safitri.2, Listening skills for effective communication: strategies for building
strong relationship| 1

4. Emotional Intelligence and Listening: Examining the relationship between emotional

intelligence and listening skills, and exploring interventions that enhance emotional
regulation during communication to overcome emotional barriers. Goleman, D. (2017).
Emotional intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ. Bantam.


Bishop, S. R., Lau, M., Shapiro, S., Carlson, L., Anderson, N. D., Carmody, J., ... & Devins, G.
(2004). Mindfulness: A proposed operational definition. Clinical psychology: Science and
practice, 11(3), 230-241.

Brownell, J. (2013). The relationship between listening and job satisfaction: An exploratory study.
International Journal of Listening, 27(2), 63-76.

Burley-Allen, M. (1995). Listening: The forgotten skill. John Wiley & Sons.

Chen, G. M. (2017). Intercultural communication competence. In W. B. Gudykunst (Ed.), Bridging

differences: Effective intergroup communication (pp. 99-120). SAGE Publications.

Chen, Y., & Lin, Y. (2020). The effects of active listening on stress reduction: A quasi-experimental
study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(16), 5810.

Cupach, W. R., & Imahori, T. T. (2013). Identity management theory: Communication competence
in intercultural episodes and relationships. In W. B. Gudykunst (Ed.), Bridging differences:
Effective intergroup communication (pp. 63-84). SAGE Publications.

Dindar, H., & Akkaya-Kalayci, T. (2020). The role of active listening in interpersonal
communication: A literature review. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 8(5), 118-

Eppler, M. J., & Mengis, J. (2014). The concept of information overload: A review of literature
from organization science, accounting, marketing, MIS, and related disciplines. The
Information Society, 30(5), 258-279.

Goleman, D. (1998). What makes a leader? Harvard Business Review, 76(6), 93-102.

Goleman, D. (2017). Emotional intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ. Bantam.

Gudykunst, W. B. (2017). Bridging differences: Effective intergroup communication. SAGE


Hargie, O., Saunders, C., & Dickson, D. (2016). Active listening. In The handbook of
communication skills (4th ed., pp. 199-229). Routledge.

Hargie, O., & Tourish, D. (2000). Handbook of communication audits for organizations.

Hargie, O. (2016). Skilled interpersonal communication: Research, theory, and practice.

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Month Year


Huang, M. T., & Rancer, A. S. (2010). The relationship between listening style, perceived listening
competence, and communication satisfaction. International Journal of Listening, 24(1), 34-

Iman, A., & Herwanto, H. (2018). The effects of interruption on listening comprehension in the
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Hafidz fakhrurrazi.1Resti safitri.2, Listening skills for effective communication: strategies for building
strong relationship| 1

Buku ini membahas tentang perbedaan budaya dan bahasa sebagai hambatan dalam
keterampilan mendengarkan.
Eppler, M. J., & Mengis, J. (2014). The concept of information overload: A review of literature
from organization science, accounting, marketing, MIS, and related disciplines. The Information
Society, 30(5), 258-279.

Artikel ini menyajikan tinjauan literatur tentang kelebihan informasi dan dampaknya terhadap
keterampilan mendengarkan.
Cupach, W. R., & Imahori, T. T. (2013). Identity management theory: Communication
competence in intercultural episodes and relationships. In W. B. Gudykunst (Ed.), Bridging
differences: Effective intergroup communication (pp. 63-84). SAGE Publications.

Bab dalam buku "Bridging differences: Effective intergroup communication" yang mengupas
teori manajemen identitas dan hubungannya dengan keterampilan mendengarkan yang efektif.
Hargie, O. (2016). Skilled interpersonal communication: Research, theory, and practice.

Buku ini membahas keterampilan komunikasi interpersonal yang terampil dan berfokus pada
hambatan emosional dalam keterampilan mendengarkan.
Studi yang diusulkan

Bab dalam buku "Bridging differences: Effective intergroup communication" yang membahas
pengembangan strategi dan intervensi untuk meningkatkan keterampilan mendengarkan lintas
O'Keeffe, G. S., & Clarke-Pearson, K. (2011). The impact of social media on children,
adolescents, and families. Pediatrics, 127(4), 800-804.

Artikel ini membahas pengaruh media sosial dalam komunikasi dan bagaimana teknologi dapat
digunakan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan mendengarkan dan mengatasi kelebihan informasi.
Bishop, S. R., Lau, M., Shapiro, S., Carlson, L., Anderson, N. D., Carmody, J., ... & Devins, G.
(2004). Mindfulness: A proposed operational definition. Clinical psychology: Science and
practice, 11(3), 230-241.

Artikel ini mengusulkan definisi operasional dari mindfulness dan berpotensi menjelaskan
pengaruhnya terhadap keterampilan mendengarkan.
Goleman, D. (2017). Emotional intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ. Bantam.

Buku ini membahas kecerdasan emosional dan hubungannya dengan keterampilan mendengarkan,
serta menjelaskan intervensi yang meningkatkan regulasi emosi selama komunikasi untuk
mengatasi hambatan emosional.


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