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Praise be to God Almighty who has bestowed instruction, health, fortitude,
and patience on us so that the writing of this book is completed.
This book was compiled with the aim of providing teaching materials for
English subjects for junior high schools. Learning materials and tasks are
developed with material principles and learning tasks integratively develop life
skills in a broad sense and increase awareness of diversity.
The learning materials and tasks in this book are organized into two learning
cycles, namely the oral cycle and the written cycle. While the oral cycle
emphasizes the development of listening and speaking skills, the writing cycle
develops reading and writing skills. In accordance with the principle of integration
in language learning, both cycles develop all four language skills in an integrated
manner. Both the oral cycle and the written cycle are composed of four kinds of
learning activities, namely opening, exposure to the target language, explanation
of linguistic elements, and practice communicating in the target language in a
guided and free manner. In addition, for enrichment and evaluation purposes, each
unit is equipped with a structured task in the form of an evaluation. To give
learners the opportunity to evaluate themselves independently, a self-evaluation
format is provided.
The learning materials and activities in this book are more developed to
encourage learning in students. Learning activities are developed to make students
individually, in pairs, and small groups actively learn English through activities to
understand and use English to express ideas and feelings naturally. Teachers act
more as facilitators, feedback givers, and encourage students to dare to express
themselves by not neglecting the importance of language accuracy. With such
learning activities and the role of the teacher, students are guided and gain
facilitation in practicing expressing themselves so that they are gradually finally
able to communicate well.
In connection with the completion of the writing of this book, we would like
to thank the various parties who have provided their support during the drafting
process. Apologies for the holidays and weekends that we can't miss together and
thank you for understanding. We realize that this book still has flaws. Input from
various parties, especially teachers and students who use this teaching material,
for improvement is highly expected. Hopefully, this teaching material will provide
benefits for English learning in the country.



CHAPTER 1.....................................................................................................................1
HISTORICAL MONUMENT.........................................................................................1
A. Historical Monument in Pontianak, West Kalimantan.....................................1
MONUMENT SEBELAS DIGULIS.......................................................................1
TUGU KHATULISTIWA.......................................................................................2
SUPADIO AIRPLANE MONUMENT...................................................................4
B. Qur'an hadist and quotes.....................................................................................5
CHAPTER 2.....................................................................................................................8
LEGENDA LOK SI NAGA.........................................................................................8
LEGENDA BATU MENANGIS.................................................................................9
KURANG SATU EMPAT PULUH..........................................................................10
CHAPTER 3...................................................................................................................18
TRADITIONAL FOOD.................................................................................................18
Traditional Food from West Kalimantan.................................................................18
KERUPUK BASAH...............................................................................................18
BINGKE CAKE.....................................................................................................19
BUBBOR PADDAS................................................................................................20
Qur’an hadits and quotes..........................................................................................21
CHAPTER 4...................................................................................................................23
A. Festival in west kalimantan..................................................................................23
PONTIANAK CULTURAL FESTIVAL..............................................................23
PONTIANAK FOOD FESTIVAL........................................................................24
B. Hadits and quotes...............................................................................................25


Monuments are a type of building made to commemorate a person or

event that is considered important by a social group as part of a commemoration
of past events. Often monuments function as an attempt to beautify the appearance
of a particular city or location. Some of the central government capitals such as
Washington D.C., New Delhi, and Brasília have indeed been designed in such a
way that they are built to cover many state monuments. The location of the
Washington Monument is designed to form a neat and orderly public space.
Functional buildings that have become increasingly important because of their
age, size, or historical significance, may also be considered monuments. In this
case it could be due to its large size or old age, for example the Great Wall. Some
countries use the term "ancient monument" to refer to important archaeological
sites, such as Borobudur. Or even ancient sites that were once settlement
complexes, such as the Pompeii site. Below are some texts of the historical
monument in Pontianak, West Kalimantan.

A. Historical Monument in Pontianak, West Kalimantan

Text 1


The monument, which was inaugurated by the Governor of West
Kalimantan H. Soedjiman on November 10, 1987, was originally in the form of
eleven pillars resembling a plain yellow pointed bamboo. In 1995, the monument
was repainted in red and white. The
use of red and white colors makes
some residents think this monument is
more like a lipstick than pointed
bamboo. Then, in 2006 renovations
were carried out on this monument so
that it was shaped more like pointed
bamboo as it looks today. The Eleven
Digulis Monument in West
Kalimantan, also known as Tugu Digulis or Tugu Bambu Runcing or Tugu
Bundaran Untan by residents, is a monument located at the Tanjungpura
University Roundabout, Jalan Jend. Ahmad Yani, Bansir Laut Village, Southeast
Pontianak District, Pontianak City.

The monument, which was inaugurated by the Governor of West
Kalimantan H. Soedjiman on November 10, 1987, was originally in the form of
eleven pillars resembling a plain yellow pointed bamboo. In 1995, the monument
was repainted in red and white. The use of red and white colors makes some
residents think this monument is more like a lipstick than pointed bamboo. Then,
in 2006 renovations were carried out on this monument so that it was shaped more
like pointed bamboo as it looks today.
This monument was erected as
a memorial to the struggle of eleven
Sarekat Islam leaders in West
Kalimantan, who were exiled to
Boven Digoel, West Irian for fear that
their movement would trigger a
rebellion against the Dutch East Indies
government in Kalimantan. Three of
the eleven figures died during the
exile in Boven Digoel and five of
them died in the Foreman Incident.
The eleven warrior figures were
Achmad Marzuki, Achmad Su'ud bin
Bilal Achmad, Gusti Djohan Idrus, Gusti Hamzah, Gusti Moehammad Situt
Machmud, Gusti Soeloeng Lelanang, Jeranding Sari Sawang Amasundin, Hj Rais
bin H Abdurahman, Moehammad Hambal alias Bung Tambal, Moehammad
SohordanYa' Moehammad Sabran, and Gusti Djohan Idrus. The names of these
warrior figures are also immortalized as the names of the streets in Pontianak.

Text 2

The Equator Monument or Tugu
Khatulistiwa is located on Jalan
Khatulistiwa, North Pontianak, West
Kalimantan Province. The location is
about 3 km from the center of Pontianak
Cities, towards the City of Mempawah
and Singkawang. This monument has
become one of the tourism icons of
Pontianak City and is always visited by
the public, especially tourists who come
to Pontianak City.

The monument building consists of 4 wooden pillars of belian (ironwood),
every 0.30 meters in diameter, with a height of two pillars at the front as high as
3.05 meters and a pillar at the back containing a circle and arrow pointing as high
as 4, 40 meters. The diameter of the circle in
the middle of which is written EVENAAR
(Dutch which means The Equator) is 2.11
meters long. The length of the signpost is
2.15 meters. An important and amazing
event around the Equator Monument is when
the sun's culmination point occurs, which is
a natural phenomenon when the Sun is right
on the equator. At that time the position of
the sun will be directly overhead so that it
eliminates all shadows of objects on the
earth's surface. At the culmination event, the
shadow of the monument will "disappear" for a few seconds when exposed to
sunlight. Likewise with the shadows of other objects around the monument.
The history of the construction
of this monument can be read in the
notes contained in the building. The
note states that: Based on records
obtained in 1941 from V. en. W by
Opzichter Wiese quoted from
Bijdragen tot de geographic from
Chef Van den topographischen dienst
in Nederlandsch-Indië: Den 31 sten
Maart 1928 has arrived in Pontianak an international expedition led by a
Geography expert from the Netherlands to determine the point/milestone of the
equator in the City Pontianak with the following construction:
a) The first monument was built in 1928 in the form of a pillar with arrows.
b) 1930 perfected, in the form of a pillar with a circle and arrows.
c) In 1938 it was rebuilt with refinements by Opzicter/architech Silaban. The
original monument can be seen on the inside.
d) In 1990, the Equator Monument was renovated again by making a dome to
protect the original monument and making a duplicate of the monument
with a size five times larger than the original monument. The inauguration
was on September 21, 1991.

Text 3


The monument of
the A-E4 Skyhawk aircraft
or also known as the
Dirgantara Monument
which is located at the
intersection of the Supadio
Pontianak airport has
become a favorite location
for residents of Kubu Raya
and its surroundings for recreation. usually use it to be a location ngabuburit.
Usually,they take pictures or photos with family. From then on this aircraft was
placed in the 11th Air Squadron as a newcomer to replace its predecessor fighter
aircraft such as the De Haviland Jet - 115 (DH-115) Vampire, MIG-15 UTI, MIG-
17 Fresco, MIG-19 Farmer, IL-Bomber. 28 and T-33 A Thunder Bird.
At the start of its operations, the 11th Air
Squadron had a force of 33 A-E4
Skyhawk aircraft. In the course of his
career in the Indonesian Air Force, the
strength of this aircraft is divided into 2
Air Squadrons, namely the 11th Air
Squadron and the 12th Air Squadron
Pekanbaru. However, in 1995 it returned
to being one in the 11th Air Squadron. In
1999 the 11th Air Squadron received an
additional 2 units of the same aircraft

from the US Navy (United States Navy).

The A-4E Skyhawk aircraft ended its
combat service in the Indonesian Air Force
in 2007. There have been many memories
and achievements achieved by the aircraft
during its service in the Indonesian Air
Force. Of course, this is a very proud
historical record for the Indonesian Air
Force and for the 11th Air Squadron. Now, along with the times, the role of the A-
4E Skyhawk aircraft has been replaced by the Sukhoi SU-27 MK2 jet made by
KNAPO (Komsomolsk-na Amure Aircraft Production Association) Russia.


1. What do you think of the topic of the text above?


B. Qur'an hadist and quotes

QS. Al-Muzzammil ayat 4

‫َأْو ِزْد َع َلْيِه َو َر ِّتِل اْلُقْر آَن َتْر ِتياًل‬

It means:
“Or more than half of it. And read the Qur’an slowly.”
An order from Allah SWT for Muslims to read the Al-Quran slowly. So that every
long or short verse read can be heard clearly. The Prophet also taught to read the
Qur’an in a beautiful and good voice. In this verse, Allah commands the Prophet
Muhammad to read the Qur'an carefully (tartil). The point is to read the Qur'an
slowly, reading fluently, and feeling the meaning and intent of the verses read, so
that it impresses on the heart. This order was carried out by the Prophet. 'Aisyah
narrated that the Messenger of Allah read the Qur'an with tartil, so that the surahs
he read became longer than he normally read.
We should also follow it when reading materials or texts to better understand what
we read. if we are careful then we can get a lot of information from the text we
read and if there are questions, we can easily answer them.

ATTENTION! read the text above with focus and answer the prepared
Theme : Historical Monument
Number of texts :3
Follow the instructions below to do the questions in practice!
1. Choose one of the answers A, B, C, or D that you think is the best
2. Read each question carefully before choosing an answer!
3. Do it right and with the intention of achieving the best results!

1. What is the first paragraph in text 1 tell us about?

A. The history and location of the Monument
B. The renovation of the monument
C. The people who built the monument
D. The reason behind the construction of the monument

2. How many figures died during the exile in Boven Digoel?

A. Five
B. Two
C. Four
D. Three

3. Where is the located of the monument in text 1?

A. Jalan Jend. Ahmad Yani
B. Jalan Sutomo
C. Jalan KH Ahmad Dahlan
D. Jalan WR Supratman

4. Why The names of warrior figures are immortalized as the names of the
streets in Pontianak?
A. For display only
B. Fill in the blank street name
C. In memory of the fallen figures
D. Just a suggestion from the government

5. What is the last paragraph from text 1 tell us about?

A. History of figures
B. Plan for the monument
C. Location of monument
D. Structure of the monument

6. Where is the located of The Equator Monument?
A. Jalan Khatulistiwa
B. Jalan Kesehatan
C. Jalan Alianyang
D. Jalan Karya baru

7. How much wooden pillars contained in The Equator Monument?

A. One
B. Five
C. Four
D. Nine

8. What is an important and amazing event around the Equator Monument?

A. There is a lunar eclipse
B. Earth's proximity to other planets
C. Scorching heat at one time
D. The culmination point of the sun occurs

9. What is the diameter of 4 wooden pillars of belian (ironwood) from

Monument Sebelas Digulis?
A. 0.40 meters
B. 0.30 meters
C. 0.20 meters
D. 0.10 meters

10. What will disappear during the culmination event?

A. The people around the monument
B. The sun above the monument
C. The shadow of the monument
D. The Clound in the monument

11. The monument of the A-E4 Skyhawk aircraft or also known as…
A. Monument Sebelas Digulis
B. Tugu Khatulistiwa
C. Monas
D. Dirgantara Monument



A fishing family has a son. When they go to work, their children stay at
home to look after the house.
One day the fisherman's husband and wife were waiting for the fish to enter
their fishing gear in the form of a large tangguk. Damn, not even one wants to
come in. However, they are not easily discouraged. The bow is still inserted and
raised repeatedly without getting tired.
Finally, kete kunan they succeeded too.
When they raised their nod for the
umpteenth time, it turned out that there was
a very large egg inside. Horrified to get the
magic item, they immediately put the egg
back into the water. The strange thing is,
every time they lift their nod, every time
there is also the egg and every time, they
immediately put it back into the water. This
situation repeats itself, even though they
have moved their tangguk to another place.
Apparently, the egg was determined to stay
with them.
Finally, out of desperation, the egg was brought home. Arriving at home, he
saw their beloved child was sleeping. Because he did not get any fish, he boiled
the egg. Once cooked, they eat the eggs as a side dish with rice.Once full, a
miracle occurs. The two husband and wife slowly transformed into two big
dragon tail. This miracle did not happen to their son because he had not had time
to eat the egg.
After waking up from his sleep, the child became very frightened when he
saw the condition of his parents. He wept bitterly. Seeing that, the two dragons
immediately licked the cheeks of their beloved son. After his son calmed down,
his father advised him not to eat eggs on a tray. The egg was the egg of a white
dragon that lived in the river where they often fished and anyone who ate the egg
would become a dragon like them. After leaving the message, the two dragons
plunged into the river to battle the white dragon, which had changed their form.
The other two messages they gave were also to his son. If red blood appears in
the river water, it means that they lost. However, if white blood appears, it means
that the white dragon is the loser. The sign of the result of the struggle will be

seen when it rains lightly on a hot day and a rainbow appears between the heavens
and the earth.
After the death of his parents, the child is often seen sitting pensively on the
edge of the river while looking at the river water. Sure enough, as his parents
said, on a hot day, it rained lightly, and there was a rainbow, the river water turned
white like milk. That was a sign that his parents had won in a deadly fight with
the white dragon. However, the child cannot live alone without his parents.
Therefore, he remained sitting pensive until the end of his life.
This story can be classified as a legend because until now the locals still
believe that the story really happened. To prove
the truth, they point to a place called Lok Si
Naga or Lok Lua, which roughly means 'River
of the Dragon'. The location of the place is on
the river bank across the street from Pasar
Kandangan in South Kalimantan. This legend is
interesting because it describes how close
family ties were in a remote place in the past.
If the unity of life is broken, the family is
destroyed. Therefore, we must always try to
maintain the cohesiveness of our family.


Below is a story about a poor man and his daughter. They live on a hill far
from the village.
It is said that his daughter is very lazy. He does not like helping his mother
earn a living. Her job every day is just make-up,
make-up, and make-up. However, every time he
asked for something his mother had to grant him.
One day they went down to the village to go
shopping. The village market is very far away, so
they must walk. Her mother walked behind
carrying a basket, while her daughter sat in front.
His mother dressed very simply. On the other
hand, her daughter is luxurious in her clothes.
Because they live in isolation, no one knows that
they are mother and son. When they almost
entered the village, they began to meet other
residents. Among the people they met there was someone who asked the girl, he
said, "Sweetie, is that behind you your mother?"

"No," answered the haughty girl. "She's an assistant me"
"Sweetie, what's walking behind you is your mother?" asked the second
person who met him.
"No, no," answered the haughty girl. "She’s an assistant me."
That is how every time the girl meets the villagers along the road, that is
always the answer. He treated his mother as his slave. At first hearing her
daughter's rude answer, the mother was still able to hold back. But after
repeatedly hearing the same answer that hurt her heart, the mother finally could
not help herself.
The mother prayed to God, "Yes, God, punish this cursed child. Yes, punish
him ...."
Thanks to the power of God Almighty, slowly the disobedient girl's body
turned into stone. When only half of the body was turned into stone starting from
the feet, the girl cried asking her mother for forgiveness. "Mother, Mother, forgive
me, forgive my disobedience all this time." The girl continued to cry. However,
it was too late. His entire body eventually turned to stone. Even though it had
turned to stone, people could see that her eyes were still dripping with tears, as if
she were crying. Therefore, the stone that came from the girl was given the name
"Crying Stone".
This story can be classified as a legend because the people of West
Kalimantan believe that the story really happened.This legend is also interesting
because it teaches us that a child cannot disobey his mother. Especially his
biological mother, who gave birth and raised him. The cursed act will surely be
punished by the Most Merciful God. This legend is interesting, because it is like
the legend of Malin Kundang from Minangkabau. This also proves to us that the
various ethnic groups in Indonesia have the same cultural background.


The story goes that long ago, in the upper reaches of the Pawa River, West
Kalimantan, there was a Malay kingdom called the Laye Kingdom which was
ruled by a king. The people in the kingdom lived prosperous and well-off.
However, the King always felt uneasy because he did not have children as the
successor to the throne. So, in order to continue his throne, the King decided to
remarry for the third time.
The wedding party was held for seven days and seven nights. Performances
of drums and tambourines enlivened the party which was attended by invited
guests and all corners of the country. One day, the long-awaited news finally
arrives. The third empress is pregnant. Whole kingdom rejoices. In order to

welcome the successor to his throne, the King decided to sail for three months to
meet the needs of his son in the future. At that time the kingdom did not know
money so that buying and selling transactions were carried out by exchanging
goods or bartering.
Many items were prepared by the King, until the royal ship was filled with
produce which would be exchanged for goods needed by the crown prince. While
sailing, the King brought along some of his trusted bodyguards. While the third
empress who was pregnant was entrusted to the royal shaman and two other
If the King was sailing, every afternoon the third empress was always
waiting under the palm tree by the beach while leaning back. Every now and then
the Empress mumbled softly.
"O people who are sailing, have you seen my husband's ship in the middle
of the ocean? Me and the child in my womb are always waiting for him, it has
been months without news, the Empress asked while humming with hopeful of
those who pass in front of him. Unfortunately, every time the third empress
asked, every time people shook their heads not knowing the whereabouts of her
The day of delivery came. At that time the third empress was accompanied
by the palace shaman and the two empresses. Unbeknownst to the third empress,
it turned out that the first and second empresses had conspired with the tana
shaman to harm her.
"O third consort, indeed according to the kingdom, the eyes and ears of
every consort who about to give birth should be closed to avoid calamity during
childbirth," said the palace shaman. see Listening to the words of the palace
shaman, the third queen obeyed until her eyes and ears were covered with the sap
of the keruing tree so that she could not hear anything.
After giving birth, the third queen wanted to see her baby. How surprised
he was when he saw the cradle next to him turned out to be filled with pieces of
wood used to burn stove charcoal and not a screaming baby Queen. It's a pity his
screams were not heard by anyone because at that exact moment the royal cannon
boomed four times, a sign that the royal ship had docked at the dock.
The king has returned. A storm in the ocean apparently caused the King's
voyage to be delayed for up to half a year. After getting off the ship, the King
heard that the maiden had given birth. So, he hurried to the palace. to see the
child, he had longed for. How surprised the King was when he saw that the third
queen's birth was a jet-black piece of burnt wood. The king was disappointed. His
heart was filled with anger. Without thinking long, he punished the third queen.
His body was tied to a tree and soaked in Sung Pawan up to his chin.

Elsewhere, downstream of the Pawan River, a giant grandmother named
Nek Antu Raye was washing clothes. She was curious when she saw a wooden
box floating. The giant grandmother approached, it turned out that the box
contained forty babies, thirty-nine of whom were boys., and another woman.
How happy Nek Antu Raye saw it.
"Wow, this is what is called a windfall. There are forty babies, that means
there are forty human hearts that I can eat," muttered Nek Antu Raye.
Indeed, Nek Antu Raye loves to eat human hearts. So, I was beyond happy
when I saw the babies in the box. "But, with a body this small, it must have a
heart too small. Where can I fill up later? I better Just keep them until they are
big, then just take care of them I ate the liver," Nék Antu Raye muttered later.
Nek Antu Raye came home with a box containing forty babies. They all
live at the grandmother's house. Thirty-nine boys oversaw cultivating the fields,
gardening, and carpentry. Meanwhile, one daughter oversees accompanying Nek
Antu Raye to cook and take care of the house. In addition, the grandmother also
gave one additional gas to the girl, which was to find the knots in her hair.
Because Nek Antu Raye is a giant, the lice in her hair are a kind of
centipedes, centipedes, snakes, and other venomous animals. Therefore, the
grandson uses an axe and a machete when looking for fleas.
"Ooh my granddaughter, how big is my liver? Grandma can't wait to eat it,"
asked Grandma Antu Raye every time she finished looking for fleas. "Be patient,
Grandma, it's still as big as an orange leaf. Grandma will not be satisfied later to
eat it," replied the grandson. Despite being stricken with fear, the little girl tried to
think of a way to fight the giant granny. He knew that to escape from Nek Antu
Raye, he could not only rely on physical strength, but also with ingenuity. So,
one night gathered his thirty-nine brothers.
"O my brothers, every day grandmother always asks how big my heart is.
Maybe when it is a bit big, we will eat it one by one," said the youngest worriedly.
"Calm down, little brother, wait until all our preparation is done, then we go from
here," said brother eldest.
Since then, they started to prepare equipment to escape from Nek Antu
Raye's house. They secretly collect wood and various kinds of supplies so that the
grandmother does not know. However, there is one thing that the youngest really
wants to know, namely the secret of Grandma Antu Raye's kitchen. In fact, the
giant grandmother never worked but strangely she was always able to fulfill all
her daily needs. "There must be a secret, murmured the youngest. "Ooh Grandma,
I really admire you. Even though you never worked, you are very rich. You can
meet all needs. Is there a secret of knowledge in it, Grandma?" asked the
youngest one day. Grandma Antu Raye laughed happily. He was beyond proud to
be praised like that throughout the forest. "Secret? Of course, there is my

grandson. But, let me keep the secret to myself because if you know it, then you
will know my weakness," replied the grandmother.
"Despite knowing Grandma's weakness, what's the use of this uneducated
me. After all, soon I will give my heart to you, Grandma. May Grandma share that
secret with me one last time," said the Youngest in a seductive tone. The
grandmother thought.
"By the way, how big is your heart?" asked Grandma then. "I think it's as
big as a taro leaf, Grandma ..." replied the youngest. No wonder Nek Antu Raye is
happy to hear it. Soon he will be feasting, harvesting the fruits of caring for the
youngest and his siblings.
"Well, my grandson, because I will eat you soon, I will tell you my secret all
along. Think of it as a memento," said Nek Antu Raye. With wide hands. ja took
the youngest to his secret warehouse. Well, look up. There was a yellow cloth
containing Yong Grandma's ketutung hanging there. There are five in total
namely ketutung padi, ketutung vegetables, ketutung ema Arturing fruits, and one
secret ketutung. J I hit the ketutung vegetables, then vegetables will appear in
front of me. If I hit the ketutung pad then a mound of rice will be available soon.
That is how it goes," explained Nek Antu Raye.
The youngest listens and remembers all the words of the grandmother
carefully, while thinking of ways to take the five ketutung. "Oh, it's fitting that
grandma is very affluent the magic ketutung is the secret," said the dude. "Well,
my grandson, I've already told you, my secret. Then, I will immediately eat your
heart said the giant grandmother.
"With pleasure, Grandma. However, our hearts will it is better if it's cooked
on a full moon, of course with spices from the spices that we have planted all this
time in the fields for Grandma," said the youngest
"Then let me harvest the spices, my grandson, so I don't feel bored waiting
for you for a week. Tell the brothers to stay at home for a week. Kallan just eats
and sleep, so that your hearts will grow fat," said Grandma chuckled.
So, the grandmother went to eat the spices that had been planted by the
youngest thirtynine brothers. It turned out that the field was far away. Even
though Nek Antu Raye's footsteps were ten times that of a human's, it still took
him several days to reach the field. While the grandmother searches for spices, the
forty brothers prepare to escape. They cut down trees and build ships. Finally,
the youngest s went to the secret warehouse to take all the ketutung belonging to
Nek Antu Raye.
After all the preparations were done, they immediately went sailing. Four
days later, the grandmother returned from the field with two baskets full of spices.
ital When he got home, he found no one. The house is empty and uninhabited.
"Ooh my granddaughter, where are you? Grandma already back!" shouted the

grandmother. "I'm here, Grandma!" said someone from the direction of the ah
barn. Bang the grandmother immediately ran to the barn, it turned out that the
answer was a centipede.
"My grandson, where are you?" asked the grandmother again. "I'm here,
Grandma!" said a voice from the stairs leading to the river. Nek Antu Raye
rushed to the origin of the sound. It turned out that the voice came from a black
scorpion. And so on. Every time he called, every time it was the nutmeg of
various kinds of animals around the grandmother's house who answered. Nek
Antu Raye was annoyed. He began to suspect, no. The forty brothers had fled.
Immediately he headed towards the river. From a distance, the grandmother saw a
ship the size of a serving hood sailing away. He quickly caught up with the ship.
With his wide footsteps, Nek Antu Raye could easily catch up with the ship.
Seeing the grandmother getting closer, the youngest immediately hit the golden
ketutung. Instantly came out a lot of gold pieces. Nek Antu Raye quickly
collected the gold coins and put them in his shirt pocket. After all the coins had
been collected, the grandmother recalled her pursuit. Immediately he chased back
the ship.
When the grandmother almost reached the stern of the boat, the youngest
immediately hit the ketutung padi. Immediately the rice came out. So, the
grandmother was busy harvesting her rice and forgot about her pursuit. After he
finished harvesting, he also remembered the forty brothers who tried to escape.
And so on until there is only one ketutung left. The youngest who did not
know the contents of the ketutung immediately hit him. It turned out that the last
ketutung contained the grandmother's heart. The youngest also hit him, so Nek
Antu Raye died instantly.
After escaping from the pursuit of Nek Antu Raye, forty brothers decided to
rest by the river and moored the boat under the tengkawang tree. When all the
siblings were fast asleep, the youngest was still looking at the stars. That is when
he heard two acres of monkeys conversing. "Let's rest, my son, it's getting
late….” said a mother monkey to her child. "I want to hear a story before bed,"
said his son.
"My son, we monkeys are not allowed to tell stories... Pamali," said the
mother. "Then I don't want to sleep," the child snarled. "Okay then, Mother will
tell you a story. But promise not to tell anyone. If anyone else hears, both animals
and humans, then you must be ready to separate from me and live independently,"
the mother ordered. "Okay, Mom. I promise," said the child agreed.
"Seventeen years ago, an odd event occurred. The third Empress of the
Pawan Kingdom gave birth to a child in the form of pieces of firewood.
Surprisingly, in the middle of the night while getting ready for bed, the mother
heard the sound of a baby crying very loudly. It turned out that the third Empress'
baby was carried away by the palace shaman and the two previous empresses to

the river, so that they are eaten by a giant crocodile. However, God saved the
babies. They reached the downstream of the river and were found by Nek Antu
Raye, the giant ruler of the downstream of the river. The fate of the third empress
was really unlucky. She was punished by the King, ducat on a log and soaked to
the limit of his chin. Luckily, he was still alive even though everyday only drank
water, moss, small fish, and shrimp og passing around his mouth. While the fate
of the four babies he gave birth to was unknown until the story of the mother
The youngest continued to hear the story of the two monkeys. He tried to
hold back the cold air, until he finally sneezed. The sound of the youngest
sneezing was heard by the two monkeys. "My son, it turns out that there are
humans who heard Mother's story earlier, we must separate so as not to be
harmed, said the mother monkey.
Finally, the mother monkey ran to the north and the baby monkey to the
south. This is the origin of why monkeys must separate from their mothers. The
next morning, the youngest told everything he heard from the mother monkey.
So, they decided to sail to Laye Country. In order to get to that land, they had to
pass through forty kingdoms. Every time they landed in one kingdom, they would
face arm wrestlers, poetry masters, equestrians, and so on. However, the forty
brothers were able to defeat him because they apparently had supernatural powers
that they were born with. Over time, news of the forty brothers' supernatural
powers reached King Laye's ears.
When the forty brothers arrived in the Laye Kingdom, three gunshots could
be heard coming from their ship, a sign that they had come in peace and
friendship. The king immediately met them, and was unexpectedly attracted by
the youngest's very handsome face. Finally, Julak, as the eldest brother was
challenged to play chess with a bet that if the King won, the King would marry
the youngest. And Julak also put forward conditions. If Julak succeeds in
defeating Raja, then they, the forty brothers, are entitled to a woman tied under the
river steps. Hearing Julak's request as a reward in the bet, the King laughed
"You guys are really strange. Not gold and gems you asked for, but an ugly
old woman who is even mossy. Well, I'll gladly give it," said the King arrogantly.
The chess match lasted for three days and three nights. Both Raja and Julak have
extraordinary intelligence and strategy. Although on. In the end, Julak won the
The king fulfilled his promise. He gave the opportunity for forty brothers to
release the woman who was bound in the river. With great joy and affection, the
forty brothers raised the woman. The woman's entire body was cleaned, and
given proper clothing. The face of the third empress, which was originally mossy
from being submerged in river water for a long time, now shone again. She still
looks beautiful, and looks a lot like her youngest child.

Seeing this, the King became very angry because he thought Julak and his
brothers had conspired with the third empress Sengan. Finally, the King again
invited Julak to make a bet. He challenged Julak to an arm wrestle with a stake of
gold and cattle. If Julak loses, he must hand back the empress the third and the
youngest. Unexpectedly, Julak again won the bet.
The king was getting angry. He again challenged Julak and all his brothers
to a pencak silat fight. If successful, then the kingdom and all its contents
belonged to Julak. If you lose, Julak and all his brothers will be captives of the
kingdom. The battle was fierce, but Julak and all his brothers managed to defeat
the King and his soldiers. The king finally gave in.
"I have never met an opponent like you before. You are really great. I admit
defeat. The kingdom and all its contents are now yours," said the King. Julak
wisely approached the King who was kneeling before him. He asked the king to
sit back on his throne and brought all his brothers to their knees.
"Forgive our impudence to play with Your Majesty the King. Please know
that we are Your Majesty's children with the third empress who have been thrown
into the river by the royal shaman and the first and second empresses. We ask for
forgiveness. May Your Majesty forgive. We will not take this kingdom because
we already have a very large kingdom area and do not need a new kingdom
anymore. Please Your Majesty hand over the third consort for us to take to our
kingdom downstream of the river. That is our only request, Your Majesty, "said
Julak at length Hearing Julak's words, the King was shaken. He sat limply on his
throne. Apparently, all this time he had been deceived by the royal shaman and
the first and second empresses. He even punished an innocent third consort.
With unsteady steps, the King approached the third consort and knelt at her
feet. He begged his wife for forgiveness, and asked her to stay in the palace.
"Please forgive me for my impudence, but I want to live with my forty children,
Your Majesty," replied the third empress has been treated in such a way, he still
pretends to be the King. The royal shaman and the two empresses were finally
sentenced to the same punishment that was inflicted on the third empress. They
were punished by being immersed in the river up to their chin.
Finally, the forty brothers returned to the Nek Antu Raye kingdom they had
defeated. The forty kingdoms that they had previously passed stated that they had
joined Julak's kingdom. The territory of the forty brothers became very wide.
They ruled justly and wisely. All people live peacefully and prosperously. The
third empress lives Mahagia with his forty children.



Indonesia is a country consisting of various ethnic groups which have a

variety of processed dishes that are characteristic of the region or often called
regional specialties. Regional specialties are foods that are commonly consumed
in an area. The character of the cuisine in an area usually reflects the character of
the people. In mountainous areas, because the mountain climate is cold and
produces food in the form of vegetables, generally processed dishes made from
vegetables are served hot with a spicy taste, with the aim of warming up the body.
In coastal areas, many processed foods use seafood. However, along with the
times, contact with people from outside the area has increased, giving rise to many
mixed dishes that also enrich regional food products.

Traditional Food from West Kalimantan

Text 1


Kerupuk basah (Wet crackers) are fish-based snacks typical of the city of
Putussibau, the capital city of Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan. Although
the name is crackers, at first glance this snack looks like Palembang's typical
pempek. The difference is that the wet crackers or in the local language called
'temet' are shaped elongated ovals with a length ranging from 15 to 25 centimeters
with a diameter of about 2-3 centimeters. There are two superior flavor variants of
this wet cracker, namely toman fish and belida fish. To enjoy it, usually the stall
that provides these wet crackers will serve two types of chili sauce according to
their individual tastes. Confectionary processed with a mixture of a little flour is
steamed first and is best enjoyed while still hot. Chewy taste, sweet spicy and fish
aroma combine when the mouth starts to chew.
The price offered is quite affordable. For one stick or a portion of wet crackers, it
ranges from IDR 10,000 to IDR 15,000 depending on the taste and size. Although
originating from the Kapuas Hulu area, this snack can also be found in a number
of other districts such as Sintang, Sekadau, Sanggau, including Pontianak City,
which is located right along the Kapuas River.

Text 2


Bingke cake (some people call it bingka) is a typical Pontianak snack

made from a mixture of eggs, coconut milk, a little flour and sugar. There are
bingke cakes that are baked, there are also steamed ones called bingke
Berandam. Generally, bingke is printed in the shape of a cloverleaf with six
petals, but some are in a round shape. The color also varies, ranging from yellow,
brownish yellow or green. Now, there are various variants, not only
original. There are bingke tapai, potatoes, pumpkin, pandan, jackfruit, young
coconut, chocolate and cheese. So, you can also choose according to your taste to
be used as souvenirs. Of the many types of bingke cakes, the one that has quite a
name is the soaking bingke, but it's a shame that the shelf life isn't too long due to
the confectionary being easily crushed and "wet", but in terms of taste, this is the

Text 3


When we visit West Kalimantan, with the capital city Pontianak, we find
spicy porridge. The Sambas Malay tribe in West Kalimantan, has a superior spicy
culinary that tourists must taste. This is Sambas Spicy Porridge, formerly this
spicy porridge was served in the kingdom, and is a strong reflection of culture in
the Malay Deli kingdom.

This spicy porridge is not only found in Sambas, Singkawang, Bengkayang,

Mempawah and Pontianak. It turns out that this spicy porridge also exists in
neighboring countries, namely Sarawak, Malaysia. According to information from
TKI (Indonesian Workers) or TKW (Women's Workers) originating from West
Kalimantan (Sambas, Singkawang, Bengkayang, Mempawah, and Pontianak and
(Sintang) reported that Malaysia (Sarawak) had claimed that "spicy porridge" it is
theirs, theirs, originating from Malaysia.

Spicy porridge is made from finely pounded rice and is rich in spices and
vegetables, no wonder if this porridge is considered full of nutrients. Vegetables
such as kale, ferns, kesum leaves become a healthy mixture. Not to mention the
combination of fried peanuts plus dry-fried anchovies adds flavor. As well as
being one of the mainstays on the menu at stalls owned by Malays, spicy porridge
is also easy to find where people sell ta’jil during the month of Ramadan. This
Spicy Porridge is indeed unique, without adding chili sauce, we won’t feel spicy
at all, instead it tends to have a savory and fresh texture.This porridge is very rich
in nutrition. Made from mashed and roasted rice, and grated coconut that has been
roasted, meat stock, various kinds of vegetables and spices produce an
extraordinarily unique taste. Very savory and delicious, of course it’s better eaten
when it’s still warm.

No. Difficult of Vocabulary

1. What do you think of the topic of the text above?


Qur’an hadits and quotes

QS. An Nahl:14

‫َو ُهَو ٱَّلِذ ى َس َّخ َر ٱْلَبْح َر ِلَتْأُك ُلو۟ا ِم ْنُه َلْح ًم ا َطِرًّيا َو َتْس َتْخ ِرُج و۟ا ِم ْنُه ِح ْلَيًة َتْلَبُس وَنَها َو َتَر ى ٱْلُفْلَك‬
‫َم َو اِخ َر ِفيِه َو ِلَتْبَتُغو۟ا ِم ن َفْض ِلِهۦ َو َلَعَّلُك ْم َتْش ُك ُروَن‬
It means: And it is God, who subdues the sea (for you), so that you can eat from it
fresh meat (fish), and you take out of the sea the ornaments that you wear; and
you see the ark sailing on it, and that you may seek (benefit) from GOD bounty,
and that you may be grateful.
Ibnu Katsir in his interpretation also explains Allah’s command to consume
what is lawful and good in An Nahl verse 14. This command applies to all
servants of Allah SWT.Muslims also should always be grateful to Allah SWT.
According to Ibn Kathir’s commentary, it is actually Allah SWT who bestows
these blessings on humans. Referring to the word good in the interpretation of QS
An Nahl verse 14, Muslims are reminded to choose quality food. The food
consumed must be healthy, nutritious, and beneficial to the body.

Theme : Traditional Food
Number of texts :1
Follow the instructions below to do the questions in practice!
1. 1.Choose one of the answers A, B, C, or D that you think is the best
2. 2.Read each question carefully before choosing an answer!
3. 3.Do it right and with the intention of achieving the best results!

1. What city does this food come from?

A. Samarinda
B. Putusibau
C. Sukadana
D. Sanggau

2. what is the main ingredient of this food?

A. Fish
B. Chicken
C. Cheese
D. Fruits

3. What is the texture of this food?

A. Hard
B. Mushy
C. Chewy
D. Jagged

4. What foods look like Kerupuk basah?

A. Pempek
B. Batagor
C. Siomay
D. Pukis

5. Can we buy kerupuk basah other than in Putusibau?

A. Of course yes
B. Absolutely
C. No
D. A & B right


A festival is an event ordinarily celebrated by a community and centering on

some characteristic aspect or aspects of that community and its religion or
cultures. It is often marked as a local or national holiday, mela, or eid. A festival
constitutes typical cases of glocalization, as well as the high culture-low culture
interrelationship. Next to religion and folklore, a significant origin is agricultural.
Food is such a vital resource that many festivals are associated with harvest time.
Religious commemoration and thanksgiving for good harvests are blended in
events that take place in autumn, such as Halloween in the northern hemisphere
and Easter in the southern.

A. Festival in west kalimantan

Text 1


Various works and cultures as well as processed products were exhibited.

the 2022 West Kalimantan cultural festival which presents a traditional dress
parade, a unique traditional and modern cultural festival was officially opened by
the Governor of West Kalimantan Sutarmidji at the Governor's Hall, Saturday 12
November 2022. The 2022 West Kalimantan Cultural Festival will also be
enlivened by cultural exhibitions, cultural expressions, education on cultural
history and a weaving exhibition at the West Kalimantan Museum on Jalan Ayani
Pontianak in front of the Governor's Hall until 13 November 2022.

There were 25 booths

participating in the exhibition,
consisting of associations or their
customary councils in West
Kalimantan. But combined, there are
also SMK school children. Existing
booths exhibit culture, regional
specialties, or their respective tribes.
Several series of competitions were also held, such as a West Kalimantan motif
design competition, a beam running competition, a jumping competition, a West
Kalimantan videography competition, and a typical West Kalimantan culinary

There are many cultures displayed, our hope is that in the context of
promoting culture, there must be efforts to preserve culture. Then with this
diversity we hope to increase unity and oneness. We also want to reintroduce the
existing cultures of the 20 or so participating ethnicities.

Text 2


The 251st Anniversary of Pontianak City is even more lively with the
holding of the Pontianak Food Fest 2022 along Jalan Diponegoro from 23 to 29
October 2022. More than 60 MSME booths are taking part in enlivening the
culinary festival which opens at 15.00-22.00 WIB. The Mayor of Pontianak, Edi
Rusdi Kamtono supports the event which is held routinely every year in order to
celebrate the Anniversary of Pontianak City. He hopes that this year's Pontianak
City's birthday celebration will be even busier with the presence of the Pontianak
Food Fest.

Pontianak residents who do

not take the time to visit this
culinary festival can be said to be
at a loss because on this day, there
are foods that are hard to find
during normal days, especially the
typical food of Pontianak City.
Culinary in this city has been
recognized as delicious by
residents outside of West
Kalimantan who visit Pontianak.
Not a few culinary delights in Pontianak, which are famous for their
deliciousness, are hunted by residents of other regions. It is hoped that this Food
Fest event can provide enthusiasm for Pontianak City residents, especially those
engaged in the culinary sector. That way, Pontianak will often be used as the host
for various activities, not only on a local scale but nationally and even

As is known, soon Pontianak will host the BIMP-EAGA in November. The

presence of foreign guests is certainly an opportunity for Pontianak City as the
host to introduce the city's culinary wealth. The Pontianak City Government
always supports the activities of residents who are creative and innovative. Not
only culinary but also other events.


B. Hadits and quotes

QS. Ibrahim [14]: 5

‫َو َذِّك ْر ُهْم ِبَاّٰي ىِم ِهّٰللا‬

(And remind them of the days of Allah (QS. Ibrahim [14]: 5).

The Egyptian Fatwa Council agrees with Imam Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani and
considers that birthdays are one of Allah's days. Conclusioncelebrating birthdays
is a custom that develops in the midst of society. Scholars have different opinions
regarding the law of this celebration

Theme : Festival
Number of texts :2
Follow the instructions below to do the questions in practice!

1.Choose one of the answers A, B, C, or D that you think is the best answer!
2.Read each question carefully before choosing an answer!
3.Do it right and with the intention of achieving the best results!

1. what the name of the festival?
a. Pontianak culture festival
b. Pontianak art festival
c. Pontianak walk festival
d. Pontianak hallowen festival

2. when the festival beheld?

a. 30 january 2021
b. 12 august 2022
c 12 november 2022
d. 30 september 2022

3. what the main idea of the text?

a. culture festival in West Kalimantan
b. West Kalimantan cultural festival which
c. reintroduces the existing cultures of the 20 or so participating ethnicities
d. Various works and cultures as well as processed products were exhibited

4. what the competition will be held in festival culture

a. running competition
b. speech competition
c. scout competition
d. jumping competiton

5. what our hope when festival have been done

a. enlivened by cultural exhibitions
b. booths participating in the exhibition
c. promoting culture, there must be efforts to preserve culture

d. to increase unity and oneness

6. how long the food festival be held?

a. 4 day
b. 6 day
c 1 week
d. 5 day

7. why the food festival be held

a. to celebrate Pontianak anniversary
b. to celebrate mayor of Pontianak anniversary
c. to celebrate west Kalimantan anniversary
d. to celebrate borneo anniversary

8. what you can do to give positive support with this festival

a. just know and don’t do anything
b. support and join in food festival
c. don’t care with this festival
d. support but just let know

9. what the different between food festival and culture festival

a. food festival show the culinary of west borneo but culture festival show the
culture of west borneo
b. food festival every people can buy food but culture festival everyone can see
the culture
c. food festival and culture festival are same
d. a,band c right

10. what the main idea of text 2

a. food fest 2022

b. introduce the city's culinary wealth
c. give the support to culinary of west Kalimantan
d. recognized as delicious by residents outside of West Kalimantan


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